Mental development of a child at 1 year and 2 months. What can you teach a child per year? Basics of speech development

Every mother monitors the growth, development and health of her baby, especially during “reporting” periods. The development of a child at 1 year is an important stage, which the baby has to cross under close attention all relatives. What can he do? How is he behaving? How much have you grown and recovered? Comparison with peers cannot be avoided. In order for a mother to know for sure that everything is fine with her baby, she needs to know the basic norms of child development at a given age.

What the baby has learned in 12 months of life

It’s hard to imagine, but in a year the child has turned from a caterpillar wrapped in diapers into an almost independent person. Psychological and physical development The baby includes the following skills and abilities:

  • stand up and walk independently;
  • try to dance to music;
  • run with support (some children are simply afraid to fall, others do not have time to quickly move their legs);
  • eat from a spoon (not the whole portion and not too carefully, but the attempts are already very persistent);
  • drink from a mug;
  • pronounce 8-10 words;
  • call family members by name (even if not very correctly);
  • know the names of almost all surrounding things in the house, show them if asked;
  • understand the requests of adults;
  • imitate adults;
  • show interest in everything around;
  • listen to music;
  • treat people differently, especially your own and strangers.

When reading the list of what a child should be able to do at age 1, you should remember that all children are individual. Some children develop some abilities earlier, others later. However, if the baby has not yet reached the age of one year, it is worth having a massage session in consultation with a pediatrician.

Features of a one-year-old child

The characteristics of a child who is one year old include:

  • an insatiable thirst for discovery;
  • changes in behavior, often not for the better.

The ability to move independently on your feet is the main thing a child can do at the age of 1 year. The baby has a wide overview of the subjects available for study. The baby climbs into the drawers and takes out everything that comes to hand. He takes his own pencils and draws on the walls. Of course, this does not delight my mother. How should she behave in this situation?

It is useless to shout and swear at a child, so it will be much more productive to direct his energy in a “peaceful direction.” Organize activities with your 1-year-old child in such a way that he finds it interesting. Select a closet in which you can climb and find not just anything, but useful educational toys and interesting things. Cover the bottom area of ​​the wallpaper with paper that can be easily removed and replaced. Let the baby try to draw - it is very useful for development.

The baby’s development calendar at the “1 year” mark has not only holidays, but also difficult periods. This time is a crisis for the baby. He recognizes himself as an independent being, separate from his mother. Also, the baby begins to be quite critical of his own skills.

You can often notice that when a child of about 1 year old does not succeed in what he does, he screams and cries. The role of the mother is to help the baby and calm him down, since at this age he does not yet know how to do this on his own. A small test of “strength” awaits the mother as well. The baby, distinguishing between friends and strangers, behaves calmly and modestly with strangers, but at home with his mother he can deliberately become mischievous. It is useless to scold a child - it will take very little time and he will calm down on his own.

Basics of speech development

Every mother wants her baby to speak faster. Developmental norms for 1 year require the presence of 8-10 words in the dictionary, while passive lexicon already huge. The child knows the names of almost all the objects that surround him, but he cannot speak yet. But he understands what we are talking about and can show or bring this or that object.

In order for speech development to be in full swing, you need to work with your child articulatory gymnastics and play more often finger games. Frequent communication between parents and child also plays a positive role in the development of speech. Read books to him, talk to him about everything around him, both at home and on walks. And soon the child will begin to speak his first words.

The desire to learn and comprehend new things is the main feature of a child’s development at 1 year old. Help your child with this, support his endeavors and don’t get angry for damaged things. To eliminate reasons for damaging things, monitor your child and predict his intentions. May his childhood be fun and interesting!

The day the baby was born, discharge from the hospital, the first cry... I remember all this very vaguely now. Of course, after all, behind us is a whole year of new discoveries, daily events and the confident formation of an independent person. The development of a child at 1 year old makes him a real personality, with character, habits, favorite and unloved objects. What exactly should a baby be able to do?

The main role in a child’s communication with loved ones is given to words, the number of which in the vocabulary reaches 10-15. Mom may notice manifestations of stubbornness and perseverance, explosions of emotions, which often result in hysterics with stomping feet and rolling on the floor.

Psychologists call this period the crisis of the first year, which both the baby and the parents need to go through with dignity. You shouldn’t indulge your whims, but you won’t achieve anything with strict prohibitions. Already now you need to learn to negotiate with your child, doing it calmly and quietly, without putting pressure on the stubborn little one.

Features of the physiology of a one-year-old baby

The physical development of a child at 12 months is sufficient to begin walking. The baby can easily stand on its feet from any position on all fours and take its first steps. His legs are spread wide apart, and falls occur frequently. It is important to warn against fear so that the baby does not “postpone” the start of walking until a later date.

If a child does not walk at the age of 1, parents should weigh the peculiarities of his development. There is no reason to worry if the baby is vigorous, actively crawls, and calmly moves on its legs along sofas or walls, while covering impressive distances. An alarming signal is the baby’s low activity, lack of “crawling” skills and tendencies to start walking. This indicates severe neurological disorders. However, until now they could not go unnoticed, since a pediatrician and other specialists work with the baby every month. Therefore, there is no need to expect the sudden discovery of serious diseases.

According to, by this period the baby should already have 8 teeth. Caring for them is mandatory, for which you need to use a soft brush with a small head on a long handle and a baby brush. toothpaste. The choice of the latter determines the child’s desire or, conversely, reluctance to brush his teeth, since often the reason for refusing oral hygiene is the too strong taste of toothpaste or the unpleasant tingling of the tongue.

Also, the development of a one-year-old child is characterized by a transition to one daytime nap lasting up to 2.5 hours. There is no need to transfer to it artificially, just watch how much time the baby can calmly spend without daytime rest. If in the evening he becomes capricious, and in the morning he still wants to take a nap at 11 o’clock, keep the double nap for a few more months.

The growth of a child at 1 year of age is determined by his genetic characteristics. The largest babies can grow up to 80 cm. The weight of a child at 1 year is also individual. You can find the accepted standards for this age below.

Basic skills in 1 year

The development of a 12 month old child is characterized by the following features.

  • For play, he often chooses small objects and grabs them with his thumb and forefinger. This tweezer grip stimulates fine motor skills, and, accordingly, the speech of the baby.
  • Walks around furniture a lot; if there is no support, he starts crawling. Always crawls over obstacles, climbs stairs, and can climb onto low objects and steps. There is still a danger of falls if the baby has not mastered the technique of safely descending with his feet down.
  • A 1-year-old child’s speech includes words of two syllables, the meaning of which is known to him. The words “mother”, “woman” and others relate to people. Cannot speak, but already understands the signal words “play”, “sleep”, “let’s go”. Knows the meaning of the words “impossible” and “no”. If a baby does not speak at the age of 1, attention should be paid to the development of his fine motor skills. Do finger gymnastics, play “magpie-magpie” on your palms, sort out buckwheat and beans in a basin, touch buttons of different sizes sewn onto a piece of cloth. Such activities with a 1-year-old child will help him pronounce his first words faster.
  • Games demonstrate awareness of actions. The development of a 1-year-old baby allows him to stack cubes on top of each other, sort toys, build small pyramids, and turn the pages of a book. If the toy is removed from sight, it will look for it, because it understands that objects exist, even if they are not visible.

An important baby skill is choosing a dominant hand.. He prefers left or right in games when picking up a spoon. There is no need to retrain the child, since the tendency to use one or another hand more is determined individual characteristics person.

Gymnastics and games

Gymnastics for a 1 year old child is fun game. You can turn on the music and jump with the baby. Or use a fitball to roll your baby on his back or tummy. Let him try to roll a large ball in front of him, especially since children love to push large objects.

Useful games for 1-year-old children can be arranged using a box or pan. Give the baby items different forms and ask them to fold them in and then pull them back out. Then change the container, choosing one with a smaller neck. Gradually move on to normal plastic bottle, where only small objects will fit. This game stimulates motor skills and develops the eye.

Your baby, so mature and independent, will come up with new games and entertainment every day. Help him with this, and communicate even more with his peers. Very soon the company of other kids will be extremely important for the baby.


The baby's first birthday has arrived. By this point, he is at least firmly on his feet and trying to speak an incomprehensible language. Everything portends the beginning of the most interesting stage in a little life.

General development

At the turn of the first year of life, the child’s active-cognitive activity gains maximum momentum. The baby is interested in everything that lies badly, hangs, or makes strange sounds. Research starts in the hands and ends in the mouth.

Play comes to the fore in life. It is more reminiscent of ordinary manipulations with objects, but for a 1-year-old child these are very exciting actions. When it comes to toys, the baby is interested in pyramids and cubes. True, not for long. His attention is very distracted and after 1-2 minutes he switches to a new object.
So, the child is 1 year old. He is cheerful and curious. Laughs loudly and cries less often, is active, mobile, reacts violently to the appearance of relatives and tries to utter the first words.

Physical development

Let's take a closer look at the baby. His head is still disproportionate to his body. The most prominent part of the body is the protruding tummy. By the way, pay attention to your posture: curved back, businesslike shoulders thrown back, straight head position. Real military bearing!

Some children of this age quickly explore space, moving on all fours. Others are already confidently walking and even running. It all depends on the individuality of the child. Soon the difference in their achievements will disappear. A one-year-old baby may have a slight clubfoot. Parents should not worry: clubfoot is normal at this age. By the age of 2, his gait will become smooth and beautiful.

At 1 year old, a toddler usually has up to 10 baby teeth. The figure varies depending on heredity and the sufficiency of calcium in the body. If the child is 1 year old and the number of teeth has not yet exceeded 4? Don't panic. Ask your parents how many teeth you and your husband had at the age of 1 year. If in doubt, give your baby dairy products more often, especially cottage cheese, vitamin D, which is involved in the formation of the first teeth. During cloudy seasons, it is taken as a vitamin supplement.

Behavior of a one-year-old baby

A child at 1 year old begins to become an independent person. By the age of 2, the process will reach its climax. But now parents can watch how their cute little one turns into a headstrong stubborn person. He doesn't care that these matches are terribly dangerous - they need to be studied urgently!

Having crossed the 1 year mark, the child becomes like a brave discoverer. He boldly rushes to any barricade and without a shadow of fear plunges into studying the next object. Protecting the baby from dangerous things and objects is an important responsibility of the parents of a one-year-old child.

Another feature is a strong attachment to the mother. Of course, if she comes from care, understanding and proper care. 1 year is the period when the baby begins to distinguish “friends” from “strangers.” Mom comes first, then dad and other relatives. All the rest are still strangers.

What can a 1 year old baby do?

By the first year of life, the child has already made the main discovery for himself - he can control his body and, lo and behold, even hold it in a horizontal position. Some lucky ones, even more so, are able to maneuver in space on two legs.

  • The baby freely manipulates available objects and carefully studies them. At the same time, not forgetting to practice the skills of walking, running, and overcoming barriers.
  • grown up physical activity allows the child to participate in outdoor games. The most traditional one is catch-up.
  • Toys are of interest only as objects that help to explore the world of cause and effect relationships. His efforts produce a result in the form of a completed pyramid and a tower of cubes, which falls if pushed properly. The child is characterized by the roles of both creator and destroyer at the same time (such contradictory activity ends only by the age of 3).
  • Can perform simple actions with his beloved soft toy(comb, feed).
  • Actively manipulates push-button devices (remote control, telephone).

A particularly important achievement for a child is his primary speech skills.


You need to talk to your child from birth. But 1 year is the age when communication with the baby becomes a mandatory requirement. He begins to understand adult speech, happily repeats lip movements, making identical sounds and fulfilling simple requests (“here,” “give,” “no,” “show mom, dad”). When naming objects, it is important for an adult to imitate a child and point at them with a finger. This is how the child forms the first associative connections between objects and their names.

Of course, the main helpers are books. But it is at the age of 1 year that the child begins to meaningfully examine pictures, naming the objects depicted there. And the example of reading parents will be a good basis for future teaching of reading.

It is known that the baby’s palms are directly connected to the brain’s speech centers. Therefore, do not forget to stimulate your child’s hands in every possible way by massaging and doing finger exercises.

Household skills

As a rule, a one-year-old baby is already able to:

  • hold a spoon;
  • hold a mug or sippy cup;
  • pour water;
  • close doors, cabinets and lids;
  • pull out drawers;
  • stretch out arms and legs when dressing and washing;
  • recognize items of clothing by name.

Caring for a one-year-old baby

At the turn of the first year, the child’s daily routine remains almost unchanged. The morning should begin with washing, combing and simple gymnastics. In the evening - wash your face, rinse your hands and feet.

You need to walk with your baby every day, at least 30 minutes. If the weather permits, the time spent in the fresh air increases to 2 hours. If possible, the number of walks can be doubled. It is useful for a child to take air baths in the morning and evening, after a nap.

The baby should bathe every other day. The duration of stay in water is no more than 15 minutes; it is permissible to douse with water 1 degree below room temperature. After a bath and drying, a light massage is necessary.

A one-year-old toddler rests twice a day (by the age of 2 years you can switch to a single daytime nap). During periods of wakefulness, he plays, explores the world and actively communicates with his parents.


At this age, the child sleeps 11-12 hours at night. If the baby is still breastfeeding, then you may wake up 1-3 times a night, and this is normal. During the day he needs 2 naps of 1.5-2.5 hours each. The baby should be put down at the same time. So that by the age of 3 he is already accustomed to a normal daily routine. Breaks between naps may vary depending on your current schedule; the recommended intervals are 3-3.5 hours.

So that the baby always wakes up in good mood, at the moment of awakening, be as close as possible. Smile, hug and say good morning. After all, the time is not far off when, smiling back, he will joyfully exclaim: “ Good morning, mommy!"


Many mothers stop breastfeeding by the time their child turns 1 year old. And the little family member eats food prepared for all household members, excluding fatty and fried foods. An older baby can eat food cut into pieces or grated on a coarse grater. It should be cooked in vegetable oil without adding seasonings. Salt and sugar are required to a minimum.

A one-year-old child should not be given smoked meats, salty foods, raw vegetables and sweets (vegetables can be introduced by the age of two). It is better to wash down your food with water, compote or herbal tea.

From 1 year old you can safely switch to 4 meals a day. It is good for your baby to eat in his high chair with his family. Firstly, it’s easier to organize his own meal schedule. Secondly, by looking at adults, it will be easier for a child to learn how to handle a spoon.

You should not force a child to eat if he does not want to, or resort to various tricks and tricks. The baby knows his portion and will never eat more than his body requires. Even if it seems that this is catastrophically not enough.


Speaking about the safety of a one-year-old child, let us remember the main feature of his age - research interest. And it ends far from the children's rug. The field of activity that is interesting to the baby is the whole apartment with its secrets and secret drawers. Therefore, the first responsibility of parents is to provide the young scientist with a free, safe space.

  • It is necessary to remove all piercing and cutting objects, potentially dangerous things.
  • Unscrew the handles of cabinets and drawers.
  • Sharp corners, exposed wires, sockets at the height of the child must be insulated first.

During this period, parents should be three times more vigilant than before. What makes the situation worse is that often a one-year-old baby already knows how to walk and, if necessary, quickly run away from the “pursuer.”

Remember: it is useless for a 1-year-old child to talk about danger using logical arguments!

He will be able to comprehend this information only by the age of three. The maximum that can be achieved is obedience through fear. But this is fraught with consequences in the future. The most effective thing is to switch the tomboy’s attention to a safe object.

What can you teach a one-year-old child?

Since 1 year is the age of sharply increasing motor activity, you need to use this period to teach your baby the first physical exercises. It's worth starting with yourself. Any development of new skills is, first of all, imitation. Do exercises regularly, you can perform a few dance moves. Before parents have time to look back, they will have new partner in dance and sports.

After two months, you can begin to accustom him to organization and order. Wash and comb your hair in the morning, collect toys before bed, put a mug in the sink - the baby will do all this with pleasure, looking at his mother and receiving praise and approval from her.

Activities with a one-year-old baby

The most useful activities for a 1 year old child:

Modeling. You need to give your baby a simple piece of dough that he can knead in his palms and roll into a ball. Manipulations with homemade “plasticine” develop fine motor skills, which will have a positive effect on the baby’s speech skills. And by the age of 2, he will give his first craft.

Sorting through cereals. Take a couple of jars and pour any cereal into it. The child will be happy to engage with this unusual material, which will again engage his fine motor skills. You just need to make sure that the cereal doesn’t end up in his mouth.

Applications. Start with simple ones - attach ears to the bear, attach a tail to the fish. Of course, such manipulations need to be done together, and this is double joy for the child.

Reading books. The baby still cannot hold attention for long. But he will readily look at the pictures while reading. During the process, it is necessary to discuss what is depicted on them.

Games with water. Water opens up endless scope for creativity. A set of squeaking, splashing toys, a children's ladle - and now a whole laboratory for conducting physical experiments has been opened in the bathroom.

First year crisis

Psychologists call it a “crisis of negativism,” which reaches full bloom by the age of 2. But even now you can observe its first signs:

  • the baby has become stubborn and uncontrollable;
  • there is more and more independence in his actions;
  • behavior often becomes contradictory.

The fact is that for the first time the child realizes himself as an individual existing separately from his mother. And it turns out that their desires may not coincide. He's confused. There is such an interesting unexplored world around, but mom is not happy about it. She takes away a beautiful sharp object and does not let her into a large room full of miracles. The baby does not know what danger is. He follows his instincts and truly resents being thwarted.

Important to remember: one year old child It is useless to explain anything or apply force to him!

In the first case, he will not understand anything, in the second, he will become embittered. You should start moralizing in a maximum of a year, but for now you should limit yourself to changing the focus of his attention. Anything: a toy, a book, or an uncle who came to visit. The main thing is to help the child forget about his whim by switching him to another object.
Walk and play more in the fresh air, fill the room with interesting, safe things. Let the little one's energy go in a positive direction.

It is necessary to follow a daily routine. Predictability is important to the baby. This will reduce his anxiety and make him calmer and happier.

You should learn to say a clear “no”, but not use it for any reason. Restrictions should be strict, but measured. Otherwise, they will cease to mean something to the young tomboy. If this succeeds, the baby will know that there is a strict but fair adult nearby, and his mother’s word will become law for him.

Trust based on deep affection will help you cope with, and maybe even avoid, crises and disagreements. Love and appreciate your baby. And in any conflict situation, before you start acting, look at it carefully and try to understand what is driving your child now: senseless anger or despair.

The long-awaited first birthday of your child has arrived - he is 1 year old! In 12 months, from a very tiny, little-understanding, fragile lump, the child grew into an incredibly active, inquisitive and quite independent person. Over the next year, the baby will mainly have to develop and improve 2 main skills: speech and the ability to walk. A one-year-old baby's vocabulary is small, but quickly expanding, and the newly acquired skill of walking without assistance allows the baby to look at the world from a new height - standing on his own legs!

What can a 1 year old child do?

  • The main achievement is the ability to walk without assistance. By 12 months, most children can stand up and walk around freely without support or adult support.
  • Actively travels around the house, crawls quickly, gets up from all fours to his feet and sits back down on his own.
  • Says a few simple words, correlates words with the objects and people they denote.
  • Shows different attitudes towards different people.
  • Bites and chews solid food.
  • When dressing and undressing, raises an arm or a leg at the request of adults.
  • The ability to use a spoon and a mug while eating has improved significantly.
  • When he is dissatisfied with something, he violently protests against what he does not like or is not interesting.

Children usually start walking at 12 months, but don't be discouraged if your little one still can't get up and walk without your support. Children are all different and learn differently. You can't measure everyone with the same template. We have indicated the achievements and skills that are mastered most children for the first year of life. Some walk successfully without support as early as 11 months, others are afraid to walk on their own for some time or are simply not interested. There is nothing wrong if your child takes his first steps not at 12 months, but a little later.

Development at 1 year

Repeated attempts to get up and walk without support and adult help should be crowned with success by the beginning of the first year of life. If the baby previously showed interest in walking and did not receive serious injuries from falling, at 12 months he will delight his parents with his first independent steps. At first, his movements will be very clumsy, and the little one will often fall. There is no need to scream or even shout at the baby if he falls and bursts into tears. Calm him down, talk without raising your voice, divert his attention from the situation with the fall. If a child at the age of 1 begins to take his first independent steps, the main task of the parents is to support success and prevent the child from becoming afraid of standing and walking due to injuries.

Due to the fact that physical activity has greatly increased, children at 1 year old gain weight more slowly. This is not dangerous, there is no need to increase the “food allowance” and almost force feed your beloved child - this will cause hostility to eating. Moreover, children aged 1 year sometimes refuse food, preferring more interesting activities. Invite the baby to eat on his own, from a spoon - this will certainly arouse interest. And since he strives to copy adults in everything, the rule of seating the baby at a common table with all family members will also help solve the problem of refusing food.

A 1-year-old child has an impressive passive vocabulary. This means that he understands and knows a lot Furthermore, what can he say? Babbling speech still plays a large role in his communication. While going about its business, a one-year-old often babbles something unintelligible, although it already knows and can pronounce several simple words, which in most cases it uses to communicate with adults. Typically, his active vocabulary consists of repeated syllables “pa-pa”, “ma-ma”, “ba-ba” or imitative words that are the same in all languages ​​of the world: “ko-ko”, “woof-woof”, “bi” -bi", "alyo-alyo", "bah".

Baby's sleep at 1 year old lasts approximately 13 hours a day. At night, the baby sleeps 10 or 11 hours, and naps during the day for 2–3 hours.

Care at 1 year

Diet still includes breast milk. It is not recommended to “wean” the baby at such early age from the breast, he will need to be breastfed for the entire coming year and his milk supply should not change dramatically.

A 1-year-old baby is very active, so he needs a lot of nutrition, and the size of his ventricle is small, so he needs to eat often, but in small portions. It is advisable to adhere to one regimen: optimal at this age would be five meals a day with an interval of 3-4 hours. The children's menu includes: fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, cottage cheese, dairy products, drying, cookies, you can give some greens: dill, celery, parsley. You will be happy to eat not only mashed potatoes, but also products cut into small pieces. A 1-year-old child can boast 6-8 baby teeth, which can benefit from chewing. Offer him raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits.

Bathing It is best to carry out at the same time, in this relationship little changes with age. Usually, little children love this procedure very much, and many mothers have developed a kind of ritual: in the evening they bathe their child, breastfeed, after which, accustomed to this, the baby almost immediately falls asleep and sleeps peacefully for the allotted 10-11 hours.

Activities with a 1 year old child

A great way to develop coordination and self-confidence is to have your child push various objects on wheels in front of him. Give your baby a toy car, small stroller, or other rolling object. Count “one, two, three” and on the count of “three” push the chosen toy forward together with the little one. If he likes the game, during the day you will hear your baby repeating “tyi” (“three”) to himself more than once.

Place your one-year-old son or daughter on your lap face to face. Say out loud: “one, two, three - boom!” When saying “boom”, press the child’s forehead to yours. Repeat this action, every time you hear the word “boom”, touching any different parts of the child’s body: nose, cheeks, knees.

Deep cup, mug and spoon can be used to teach one year old child pour water. Fill a cup with water and show how to use a spoon to scoop water and pour it into a mug. You can play this game endlessly without fear that your one-year-old baby will get dirty.