Hair mask for the night for growth and strengthening. Recipes for homemade masks for hair growth at night: comfortable care at home Oil masks for hair at night

Not everyone will want to sleep with their head wrapped in a turban, but if you decide to make such a mask before bed, you will get the most powerful therapeutic effect. Exposure of hair to beneficial substances for many hours works real miracles.

But do not forget about basic safety: never make such masks for the first time if you are planning an important public appearance the next morning. Who knows how the composition will “play” on your hair, and whether you will be able to rinse it out completely. It would be wiser to test the mask beforehand. Apply it for the first time for an hour, rinse, style your hair, evaluate the result - if you like it, you can make a mask even before your own wedding.

Hair masks for the night: how to use

All products of this type are usually applied 30 minutes before bedtime. During this time, you will be able to assess whether the mask is burning or leaking (otherwise, if you wake up on a wet pillow, you may even catch a cold).

There are particularly extreme compositions - aromatic (garlic, onion) and “hot” (“stimulating” blood circulation in the skin). Try to refrain from the most scalding foods - mustard, pepper, alcohol; but even if you decide to add them, don’t overdo it - it’s better to take less of them than more. And no rubbing the mask into the skin!

Having chosen a “hard” composition, do not forget to take care of the ends of your hair - apply oil to them.

Have you applied the product? Don't forget about a scarf, not the thickest one, which will prevent you from getting the whole bed dirty. You can throw a thick towel over the pillow. But there is no need to hide your hair in plastic - create a “greenhouse” inside which your strands will simply suffocate. A fabric shower cap or a highlighting cap (made of film) with holes is allowed.

After washing off the mask in the morning, soothe your hair with a rinse.

The best overnight hair masks

1. Honey. Strengthens, nourishes. Recipe: 2 tablespoons of honey (light), beaten yolk. The mask is rubbed into the roots (without fanaticism), applied to the very ends. Suitable for any hair.

2. Linen. For over-dyed, over-dried/dry, weak hair. Recipe: a tablespoon of linseed oil, the same amount of almond oil, 2 tablespoons of burdock oil, 2 drops of rose oil.

3. Coconut hair mask for the night. Makes hair silky, creates salon effect, saves from dandruff, suitable for wounded scalp (heals wounds). Recipe: a piece of coconut oil (melt in a water bath), 3 drops of ylang-ylang ether. Spray your hair with water. The mask is rubbed into the roots, then applied to the entire length.

4. Herbal. The main ingredient is selected based on the type and even color of the mane. For a blonde, chamomile is suitable, for a brunette and brown-haired woman - nettle, sage, St. John's wort. Recipe: pour 1 tablespoon of herb into 0.5 cups of hot water, let it sit for half an hour, strain. Mix 3 tablespoons of this tincture with beaten yolk.

5. Aloe overnight hair mask. This is a real first aid for damaged hair, but such masks must be used in a course. Recipe: mix honey (liquid or melted in a water bath), aloe juice, burdock oil in equal quantities. The mask must be applied frequently - every night for whole week, or even better – 10 days.

6. Yeast. Only for oily strands. Recipe: dissolve 1 tablespoon of yeast in a few tablespoons of boiled but warm water. You need to take enough water to get a moderately thick paste. Beat the egg white and add to the yeast. The mask is not only applied to the hair, but also rubbed into the roots. Wash off with shampoo.

7. Kefir. For owners of brittle, split ends, damaged hair. Recipe: 0.5 cups of kefir, yolk, 1 teaspoon of oil (you can use any vegetable oil). The mask is applied to all hair.

8. Ginger hair mask for the night. For hair regrowth, especially after active hair loss, seasonal or due to hair weakening (the mask restores hair follicles). Recipe: grate a small piece of ginger on a fine grater, mix it with 2 teaspoons of sesame oil. The mask is washed off with shampoo.

9. Mayonnaise. Nourishing, moisturizing (and this applies not only to hair, but also to the scalp). Recipe: 2 yolks, a couple of teaspoons of honey, the same amount of mayonnaise. Important! Mayonnaise must be homemade! And one more thing: this mask is the most capricious in terms of washing out, so you will have to rinse your hair for a long time in the morning.

  • Nourishing masks with mayonnaise for strength and shine of curls

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Home cosmetology is a real lifesaver for everyone who is used to taking care of their hair, but does not have free time to visit a beauty salon. Moreover, even at home, in the cycle of business and family troubles, it is difficult to find 30-40 minutes for a regular nourishing mask, thanks to which you can restore health and shine to your hair. However, there is one clever remedy that replaces daytime care - an overnight hair mask that is effective and easy to use.

Are overnight hair masks safe?

One of the properties of night procedures that the most cautious representatives of the fair sex fear is their duration. Really, normal sleep a person’s treatment should last 6-8 hours, therefore, the same amount of time the nutritional composition will remain on the hair. Isn't this dangerous? Not at all, if you more carefully select the components for the care product.

All ingredients that increase blood circulation should be excluded. Thus, red pepper, onion, mustard, some hot essential oils Under no circumstances should it be used when preparing hair masks for the night. But the following components are absolutely safe:

The listed products nourish and moisturize the hair and scalp rather than promote blood circulation without causing burning or other signs of discomfort. There is only one contraindication that prevents a long session - an allergy to certain ingredients, for example, honey. If you are still wary of leaving an unfamiliar composition on your head all night, conduct a preliminary test. Find 2-3 hours in the daytime and use the same remedy, listening to your own feelings.

A little training will tell you whether you should trust this composition or whether it is better to abandon it. In fact, overnight hair masks provide a great opportunity to experiment with different products and ultimately choose combinations that truly benefit your hair type.

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Rules for the procedure

Hair should not be specially prepared: pre-washing with shampoo can cause over-drying. A pre-prepared composition is carefully applied to carefully combed dry strands in a thin layer. It’s not bad if this happens about half an hour before bedtime.

Special attention It is worth paying attention to factors that cause anxiety: split ends, increased oiliness of hair, flaky scalp. Depending on this, the product is distributed - closer to the roots or only to the ends.

Don't forget that some components can change the shade of your hair. This is especially true for products of plant origin - extracts and infusions from herbs. Taking into account the nuance of pigmentation, blondes are recommended to use chamomile-based products, brunettes - St. John's wort. The right product will work wonders: a night hair mask at home will eliminate dullness and brittleness, emphasize the shade, make hair elastic and shiny.

To prevent the solution from drying out on your hair, it is better to use regular plastic bag. It will fix the hair and block air access. Expensive bedding can be replaced with simpler ones for one night, or at least put an old towel on the pillow. In the morning, simply remove the non-greasy mask with warm water, and rinse oil-coated hair with a small amount of shampoo. A light rinse aid won't hurt either.

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5 folk recipes for night masks

The choice of components largely depends on the type of hair and its condition. We offer 5 options for masks that are easy to make at home with your own hands.

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Honey nutrition for all hair types

The main ingredients, egg yolks and honey, are suitable for all hair types, but are usually used if hair is weakened, colored or brittle. Beat 2-3 egg yolks thoroughly and mix with one and a half to two tablespoons of slightly warmed honey. If the resulting mass is not enough, the quantity of products is increased without disturbing the proportions. The main part is rubbed into the roots, the remainder is distributed along the length of the hair with a comb.

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Oil-based product for dry hair

If dry hair has been damaged by the use of dye and has become brittle and unruly, oils must be included in the product. Almond, rose and jojoba perform remarkably well, and don’t forget about the most useful one – burdock, which we take as a basis. For two tablespoons of burdock oil, a teaspoon of the remaining ingredients is enough. The mass nourishes the hair well and improves its structure, so we focus on the ends. To wash off in the morning, be sure to use shampoo, otherwise you won’t be able to rinse your hair and it will remain too greasy.

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The Power of Fruits to Strengthen Roots

The main active ingredient is apple juice, which is useful not only as a vitamin drink, but also for external use. In a small amount of freshly squeezed juice, we dilute carrot juice and aloe juice in equal proportions, which can be found in a pharmacy or made independently from the leaves of the plant. Rub the resulting product into the roots. Vitamins and minerals will strengthen your hair and give it a healthy look. An apple mask for dry hair at night will make it more elastic and vibrant.

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Gentle stimulation of the scalp

Caution is required when preparing this mask, because one of its components is mustard powder, which is not advisable to use for night procedures. It is better if the rest time is reduced to a minimum, and after 6 hours the mass is washed off. We dilute 1 teaspoon of powder in a glass of full-fat kefir, but for fatty hair will do low fat product. Night sessions are recommended to be carried out no more than once every 2-3 weeks. The result is stronger, healthier, more attractive-looking hair.

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Herbal masks for nutrition and strengthening

Typically, herbal infusions are used to rinse hair after washing. But some of them are also good for night procedures. Traditionally, leaves of St. John's wort, nettle, coltsfoot, mint or dandelion, flowers of calendula, chamomile or cornflower are used. Place 1 tablespoon of dried herbs in a glass of hot water, leave for about 20 minutes in a water bath, and leave for another half hour. To improve the consistency, you can add an egg yolk.

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Option for a night mask on video

It is not difficult to help your hair be well-groomed, healthy and shiny; it is enough to occasionally carry out such affordable procedures as night or day masks. And remember: one of the main secrets of beauty is regularity.

Well-groomed hair gives a woman a state of confidence. Unfortunately, there is often not enough time to do your hair or go to a beauty salon. After work, go to the store to cook dinner; my husband and child require attention. How can you find time for yourself under these conditions? Try making overnight hair masks - you'll quickly get your hair in order.

What are the benefits of overnight hair masks against hair loss?

For a hairstyle that is daily exposed to aggressive environmental influences and deteriorates from use. cosmetics, regular care is important. In addition to washing your hair with shampoo, you need to take vitamins, use anti-hair loss products, and improve your nutrition. By using hair masks at night, you:

  • save your time - you can apply it and sleep;
  • you get a greater effect - the composition lasts for several hours;
  • you won’t be able to harm, you get a mild effect, because natural ingredients are used;
  • do not experience skin irritation.

How to properly make a hair mask at night

To obtain the desired effect of restoring or nourishing the strands, it is recommended to make masks 3 times a month. If the composition contains oil components, they are washed off with shampoo. In other cases, warm water is used. It is advisable to follow the rules:

  • strands must be dry and clean;
  • start the procedure thirty minutes before bedtime;
  • for oily or dry skin, rub the mixture into the roots;
  • for split ends - apply exclusively to them;
  • for thickness, shine, silkiness - rub along the length of the strands;
  • put on a shower cap;
  • wrap in a towel;
  • wash off in the morning.

Recipes for masks against hair loss

Compositions made at home are distinguished by the fact that natural ingredients are used. Very affordable recipe– kefir mask. You just need to slightly warm the product and apply it. It is worth noting that kefir can slightly lighten curls. There are many options for honey masks. They nourish the bulbs well, preventing hair loss. In one recipe, a mixture of two tablespoons of honey and egg yolk is rubbed into the scalp. Alternative honey mask: mix a bee product with burdock oil. You need a large spoonful of both, then add a spoonful of cognac.

The onion mask, in addition to helping with hair loss, removes dandruff and oiliness. You need to grate the vegetable and squeeze it. To prepare the composition, you need to take a spoonful of castor oil, onion juice, and add the yolk. To remove any odor, rinse your hair with a special composition. Add lemon juice to two liters of water. Good for hair loss egg mask, it is applied to the roots. The basic recipe is:

  • beat 2 yolks;
  • add a spoonful of cognac;
  • add a spoonful of honey.

Oil hair masks

If you want to have healthy, shiny curls, you need to treat with oils. They saturate with nutrients and vitamins. It is not recommended to use oil formulations only with increased fat content, so as not to worsen the situation. An overnight hair mask will help your hair become shiny and improve growth if it is dry or weak. It is advisable to apply the composition warm. The following oils are especially popular in recipes:

  • peach;
  • coconut;
  • burdock;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • castor;
  • olive

If your hair begins to fall out a lot or you want to improve its growth, use it for treatment. olive oil. It can be used in in kind, you can add different ingredients. To improve growth, try a product with five tablespoons of oil and two yolks. To achieve thickness, rub a mixture of two tablespoons of the product with a spoonful of lemon juice into the roots. An excellent remedy for baldness is two tablespoons of oil, to which the same amount of cognac is added. The following composition gives a good therapeutic effect:

  • beaten egg;
  • chopped avocado;
  • two tablespoons of butter.


This oil was popular with grandmothers. It nourishes the bulbs, improving growth. After it, the hair on the head becomes shiny and silky. To improve growth, mix calendula tincture and castor oil in equal proportions. To regulate nutrition, grate parsley or celery root. Add 5 parts of oil to one part of the resulting slurry and leave in a water bath for an hour. An effective mask for dry and brittle hair. To make it, you need to mix:

  • alcohol – 1 part;
  • lemon juice – 2 parts;
  • castor oil – 1 part.


A distinctive property of burdock oil is that it is difficult to wash off. Procedures should be performed on a weekend or allow additional time for this. Burdock oil helps with hair loss, fights dandruff and brittleness. A very simple recipe - take an oil base in equal proportions with honey. A good effect is achieved by a composition where equal parts of the following components are mixed:

  • onion juice;
  • burdock oil;
  • liquid honey

Strengthening hair mask at home

If you happen to damage your hair due to exposure external environment, low-quality cosmetics, use medicines, restorative masks will help you. They treat and strengthen dry, brittle and colored strands. A mixture of a tablespoon of sesame oil and a spoon of grated ginger works great. A very popular recipe is to mix oils: add two tablespoons to a teaspoon of rose:

  • burdock;
  • almond;
  • jojoba.

For dry hair

When tidying up the hair on your head after a vacation, when the skin is dry from exposure to the sun and sea water, use a gelatin mask. The product is very affordable. To prepare, add a spoonful of gelatin to half a glass of water. After swelling, add balm so that the composition turns out like sour cream. Apply to strands, avoiding roots. To strengthen dry hair, do a procedure of 3 tablespoons of grated potatoes with a spoon of honey. A good effect is obtained by applying equal parts of juices to the roots.

Homemade hair products are especially popular today. The components included in such products can be purchased at any store, and their effectiveness is much better than when using advertised beauty products.

Despite so many advantages to a home salon, not every representative of the fair sex can afford to spend half a day for the planned procedure. An alternative option is an overnight hair mask. Today we’ll look at what the benefits are, and also look at important points when using this type of product and will share several interesting recipes.

The benefits of overnight hair masks

During the daytime, a woman can spend literally a couple of hours in order to bring her appearance in order. But unfortunately, this time is not enough to restore the hair structure and replenish the balance of nutrients and vitamins. This will require at least 6 hours. In this case, it is recommended to use hair masks at night at home.

The whole benefit of the product lies in the fact that over a long period of time, the curls are completely saturated with the necessary elements. Another advantage is that it will not take a lot of time and money to purchase components.

The effectiveness of using a night hair mask will not be noticeable immediately, since it is only allowed to be done 2 times every 7 days. In any case, after use, the improvement in the condition of the curls will be noticeable. As a rule, their use is recommended for those who have the following problems:

  • brittle and dry;
  • noticeably excessive hair loss;
  • increased sebum secretion (oily skin and hair).

Is it possible to keep masks on all night?

Many girls and women ask this question: “Is it possible to keep the product on your head for such a long time?” But it’s true that a person’s sleep lasts approximately 6 to 8 hours, therefore, all this time the prepared mixture will be on the hair. So, let's figure out whether this action will be dangerous or not?

Cooked home remedy will not be considered dangerous if the ingredients are chosen correctly.

For night masks, you should exclude products that improve and stimulate blood circulation: pepper, onion, mustard, some types of essential oils. Using them for such a long time can easily cause burns.

The following are considered safe components: burdock ether, natural honey, homemade egg, freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables, decoction of medicinal herbs - chamomile and St. John's wort, aloe extract.

The above ingredients will not harm the scalp or the hair itself. On the contrary, they have a moisturizing and nourishing effect, improve blood circulation without causing discomfort. It is important to choose the right composition for your hair in order to saturate it as much as possible. useful substances and vitamins.

Rules for using masks at night

To get the maximum effect from home remedies, it is important to know a few rules and strictly follow them.

  1. To avoid an allergic reaction, it is necessary to conduct a test. On small area Apply a little product to the skin and leave it on for 30-40 minutes. If no changes have occurred, you can use it.
  2. It is also recommended to check the composition on your hair to see if it has the ability to change color. Lubricate one strand generously and leave overnight. We check in the morning.
  3. It is best to apply the product 30 minutes before bedtime. Curls should be clean, dry and well combed.
  4. If you have a dry type, you need to thoroughly lubricate the ends, and if you have an oily type, you need to lubricate the roots thoroughly.
  5. After application, you need to wrap your head with a disposable bag and then with a towel.
  6. You need to remove the composition with warm water, and then rinse with a decoction of medicinal herbs. In some cases, it is recommended to use a natural-based shampoo.

Recipes for overnight hair masks

Now let’s look at what hair masks you can do at night to get the desired result, and not a negative effect.

  1. Moisturizing composition. A hair mask with burdock oil for the night helps to saturate with moisture and also restore the structure from the inside. Recommended for use on dry, brittle, dull and colored curls. Let's take the following essential components:
    burdock - 40 ml;
    almonds - 20 ml;
    jojoba - 20 ml;
    rose - 10 ml.

    Combine all the ingredients and heat a little. Rub into the root part first and apply to the hair shafts with a comb. It is recommended to moisten the ends of the curls generously in a mixture of oils. Then we wrap our head in a plastic bag, and in the morning, wash off the oil hair mask at night with regular shampoo.

  2. Colorless henna for hair growth. Can be used for all types. A natural, colorless component that helps replenish any lack of vitamins and nutrients. Stimulates blood flow to hair follicles, thereby activating growth. The main thing to remember is that when preparing a mask for hair growth at night, you should not use products that can burn the skin.

    Iranian natural colorless henna - 50 g;
    cold water - 40 ml.

    Pour the powder into a deep container, pour in water in a thin stream and stir. The consistency should be without lumps, uniform. Apply with massage movements to the roots, and then to the curls. For hair deprived of moisture, it is recommended to moisten the ends in sunflower oil. We insulate the head, and then remove it with warm water.

  3. Strengthening recipe. A mask for strengthening hair at night is based on the use of various medicinal herbs for any type. For fair-haired people, it is recommended to use chamomile, as it has a lightening effect; for dark-haired people, use St. John's wort. You can also use other herbs: calendula flower, cornflower, dandelion, nettle, mint, etc.

    Ingredients for cooking:
    medicinal herb - 20 g;
    boiling water - 100 ml;
    one yolk.

    Pour the dried component into a small container and pour in boiling water. Cover and leave for 30 minutes. Strain and add the yolk to the broth. Using massage movements, distribute throughout the hair and insulate. Remove with plain cool water.

  4. Kefir is an excellent moisturizer. Kefir hair mask for the night is suitable for any type. The active components of the fermented milk drink help moisturize and refresh the appearance of your hair. The product can be used daily, there are no restrictions. For the dry type, kefir must be taken with the highest degree of fat content, and for fatty types, low-fat.

    Ingredients for cooking:
    kefir - 250 ml.

    Lightly heat the drink in a microwave oven at minimum power. Using a hair coloring brush, generously lubricate the roots, and only then the curls. 5 minutes after the fermented milk drink stops flowing, wrap your head. The composition must be removed with warm water.

  5. Nourishing overnight hair mask. Suitable for use by every girl or woman who is not allergic to a beekeeping product. Relieves various inflammations of the scalp, strengthens hair follicles, and moisturizes.

    Ingredients for cooking:
    quail yolk - 4 pcs;
    honey - 50 g.

    Place the honey in a deep container and heat it up. It is important that the product becomes slightly liquid. Beat the yolks until foam forms and add to the beekeeping product. Mix, massage into the scalp, and distribute the remaining mass along the length. Wrap it in a plastic bag and bath towel. Delete night mask For hair with honey, cool water is recommended.

  6. Night hair mask with vegetables and fruits. Fresh fruit, vegetables and aloe extract are considered the most the best lineup for treating all hair types. Thanks to natural ingredients, the product has antioxidant properties, nourishes hair follicles, moisturizes and protects against negative environmental influences.

    Use with caution for blonde hair, as carrots can give them a slightly reddish tint.

    Ingredients for cooking:
    green apple - 1 piece;
    fresh carrots - 1 piece;
    aloe extract - 1.5 tbsp.

    Wash fruits and vegetables, remove peels and seeds. Cut into pieces and grind in a blender. Add aloe extract and stir. The composition is applied to clean, slightly damp curls. Then we wrap it in a plastic bag and wrap it in a towel. Remove with warm water without shampoo.


Masks have no contraindications as such, except for the following:

  • increased sensitivity to the composition of the finished product;
  • manifestation of an allergic reaction to the components of the product.

By the way, before going to bed, you can also make night face masks at home, which restore the epidermis and actively fight wrinkles, skin fatigue and other problems.

Its properly selected composition can not only heal and restore thin, brittle, split ends, but also accelerate its growth.

In addition, overnight hair masks for hair growth have many advantages: they are gentle, highly effective and save time.

The key to the greatest effectiveness of a hair mask is a state of complete rest after applying it. That is why the most effective are those that remain on the hair throughout the night.

During this period, all active components, penetrating into the bulbs, act to the maximum extent, as a result of which the desired result is achieved many times faster than with a procedure lasting from several minutes to two hours.

In addition, you don’t need to find time or think about what to do with yourself during the procedure: you just go to bed, and wake up in the morning and wash off the composition!

Meanwhile, it is very important to carefully select the components for such long-lasting masks.

Advice. You should be very careful with aggressive ingredients (for example, mustard or pepper) that increase blood flow to the bulb - they can only be added to masks used for a short time.

More information about using various oils to accelerate hair growth:,.

Rules of application

Today on store shelves you can find absolutely any hair care product. But the one prepared at home from natural ingredients that you need will be much healthier.

In order not to harm your hair, it is very important to choose the right composition and follow certain rules developed by trichologists and cosmetologists for the effective and successful use of night masks:

So, the underwear is protected, the test is passed, and we proceed to the procedure itself:

  • wash, dry and comb your hair well;
  • take the composition and rub it into the roots with gentle movements;
  • We do not fix the strands very tightly on the top of the head;
  • cover your head with a scarf or unnecessary cloth;
  • relaxed and calm we go to bed;
  • Waking up in the morning, wash off the mask with warm water or herbal decoction (if the oil mask is difficult to wash off, you can use shampoo).


The most popular night masks for hair growth due to their mild effect and excellent effect are oil and masks.

Oil mask at night for hair growth:

  • take one dessert spoon each of coconut, olive and castor oil and warm it up slightly;
  • mix and apply to the scalp, distributing the remainder throughout the hair.

This mixture strengthens and heals hair well, promoting its rapid growth.

Kefir mask at night for hair growth:

  • take kefir (preferably homemade) and heat it slightly;
  • Apply an even layer to the scalp and hair overnight.

This product has a gentle effect on hair along its entire length, and thanks to the retinol included in its composition, its growth accelerates.

Vitamin mask at night for hair growth:

  • take olive and pumpkin oil (two tablespoons each), rosehip oil and almond oil (one teaspoon each);
  • mix and add up to twenty drops of ylang-ylang essential oil and four capsules of any vitamin;
  • apply to the scalp.

IMPORTANT: Due to its long-lasting effect on the hair and scalp, overnight hair masks should be used no more than once every seven days.

On our website you can find a huge number of recipes for homemade masks for hair growth:,,, and.


We often try to take care of our hair before a special event - a birthday, an important event.

However, in in this case You should use only masks that you have tested to avoid an unpleasant “surprise”, for example, in the form of an indelible greasy film. It is best to test any new composition in advance..

Often, after applying the mask, it is recommended to put a cellophane cap on your head. But the opinion of experts on this issue is different: they recommend cover the head with a cloth to avoid unnecessary and harmful greenhouse effect for hair.

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to apply only a freshly prepared mask to your hair.

Effect: when to expect results?

Nighttime home remedies are a good alternative to hair care in expensive beauty salons.

When starting to use masks to enhance hair growth at home, any representative of the fair sex asks a reasonable question: when will the effect be visible?

It must be said that there is no definite answer, since each of us grows hair differently. But based on reviews from women who have been using these procedures regularly for more than three months, it can be argued that after a month of use, hair grows from two to four centimeters.

A homemade mask for hair growth at night is a godsend for women in our crazy age of constant lack of time.

But you just have to find a suitable mask recipe - and a night’s sleep will become not only a time of rest and recuperation, but also a skillful “master” from your personal beauty salon!

Useful materials

Read our other articles on the topic of growing hair:

  • Tips on how to grow curls or others, return natural color, accelerate growth.
  • The main reasons which are responsible for their growth and which influence good growth?
  • Like hair and even