Best wishes for grandfather's anniversary in poetry and prose. Happy Anniversary Congratulations to Grandfather from Grandchildren Happy Anniversary Grandpa

You have traveled many roads.
Filled with wisdom and light,
You are moderately affectionate, moderately strict -
He deserves to be called the best grandfather.

On your anniversary I want to say,
Although this may not be new:
You can't find it all over the world
A second grandfather like that.

Our dear grandfather,
Today is your anniversary.
Allow me to present
Congratulations poems.
So that your health doesn’t go wrong,
May my grandchildren always love me
To prevent children from being rude
And to be obedient.
An anniversary is not just a holiday,
He's a bully, he's a prankster
You are somewhat similar to him -
Cheerful and full of energy.
Dear, beloved grandfather,
May you live 100 years without troubles!
Be happy and successful
And rich, of course.
Congratulations on your anniversary
All big family yours.

Happy anniversary, grandpa! I wish you simple mathematics in life with a constant increase in strength and optimism, with the subtraction of all doubts and worries, with an increase in wealth and success, with the sharing of joy and every holiday with loved ones. Be healthy and strong, grandfather, we all respect and love you!

Express everything in words
I can hardly
After all, today we are celebrating
Grandpa's anniversary.

Take it from the heart
These congratulations
You will always be the best
Grandfather in the world.

May you have good health
Remains forever.
Let everything come true
Which I never dreamed of.

The whole family has long known
And even the cat knows.
My grandfather is a great person!
He won't let us down.

Never walks around gloomy
Doesn't blame old age.
My grandfather is a cheerful man!
And everyone knows it.

My grandfather never argues
Only with my grandmother alone.
My grandfather is the wisest man!
Doesn't quarrel with his wife.

My grandfather, I wish you
Less gloomy days
May you celebrate some more
Centennial anniversary.

Beloved grandfather, dear grandfather,
Today we celebrate your anniversary.
The whole family gathered at one table,
Jokes and fun fill the house.

We sincerely wish you many long years,
Good health and not a bit of trouble.
Pass on your life experience to your grandchildren,
Keep your nose to the wind and don’t be discouraged!

Once such a case arose,
I'll tell you a secret:
My grandpa is the best -
The best grandfather in the world!

It's okay that he's gray
And wrinkles appeared on my forehead.
May your soul be young!
Happy birthday, dear!

Congratulations on your anniversary
And to you, my grandfather, I wish:
A bright life, victories in work,
And health for up to a hundred years.

To make grandma grumble less
And I went to the dacha less often.
Today I will repeat a hundred times:
“Grandfather, you are the best! I love you!

Congratulations, grandfather!
A lot of long years
Worked great
Yes, and you achieved fame.
Allow me on your anniversary,
And he is the best of all days,
Show us admiration
Charm, patience,
The beauty of your soul.
... come on, grandpa, dance!
Are you old with us?
You have plenty of strength!

Congratulations, grandpa, on your anniversary!
We will not regret your pleasant words!
Thank you for your warm, strong hands,
Thank you for being a friend.
Thank you for your heart, there is so much goodness in it,
Thank you for your honesty, it helped.
We wish you, grandpa, on your birthday,
Health, strength and more patience.
And we will be there, saving you from boredom,
All your great-grandchildren, children and grandchildren!

Years and worries fall on the shoulders,
And sometimes waking up in the morning,
We suddenly notice that something new
This day brings with it.

He brought you congratulations, Grandfather,
And our simple words,
Let your heart be warmed with a smile,
And your head won't hurt.

Let time run by us as if
Leafing through scraps of newspapers,
But let experience be a companion to wisdom,
And your long winters and years.

And if fatigue touches you,
On this difficult path,
May love remain in your heart forever.
And helps you go.

And I don’t care about the storm, because today is the same as before,
You're at the helm again
You are the hope of our family team,
And our ship captain.

Today is grandpa's anniversary!
Happiness, health and long life
We wish him well!

Today we will raise a glass to the experience,
For wisdom, his kindness and love.
And together we admit - such a grandfather
We will never meet again!

Beloved, dear, dear, happy anniversary!
You lived a wonderful, vibrant life...
And you will have so much more time in this life,
What - life, HOLD ON!

Anniversary is always a little sad
Because gray hair is at the temples.
And a little feeling arises
That life has passed... But everything is not like that!

An anniversary is always the beginning!
Life is for joy, for happiness and love!
Anniversary - not more and not less,
This is what you have achieved!

Happy anniversary, beloved grandfather.
We are always with you shoulder to shoulder.
And we will raise our glasses together
For your “I can”, “I love”, “I want”!

Today is a great holiday for your beloved grandfather.
All the relatives gathered for my grandfather's birthday.
After all, today is my grandfather’s anniversary -
And his neighbors and friends celebrate.

Grandpa, dear! Happy birthday!
We love you all very much for your optimism,
And now I’m eating… cookies for you!
And I’m very glad, because you’re the only one we have!

My good grandfather, thank you for your patience,
For taking you fishing and skating.
Thank you for always having a treat!
You are a cool grandfather, God sent you to us!

Grandfather has a wonderful holiday today -
Grandpa is celebrating his anniversary!
We all sit happily, bursting cookies -
Congratulations to grandpa soon!

He is good, kind and fair.
He's our granddaddy!
We all love him, we respect him very much -
He is the conscience and leader of all his relatives!

Happy anniversary, grandfather! We gathered together
So that you are pleased with us today.
Because the gifts were brought cordially
Along with cake and flowers!

We all came joyfully to grandfather's anniversary.
They brought him cognac, let's drink it together!
And congratulations to our beloved grandfather
And let's tell you how much we love him!

Our grandfather is glorious, like an admiral:
He sits, pleased that he invited guests.
All the neighbors came, all the friends came
The family is in a hurry to congratulate grandfather.

Live long, grandfather, without pain at all.
And celebrate your glorious anniversary often!
We promise to visit you more often,
May happiness live in your eyes all the time.

The family celebrates the holiday, the neighbors celebrate the holiday,
Also guests and friends - everyone who knows - will come to us!
After all, it’s my grandfather’s anniversary! cool holiday, very important -
Grandfather will be 60 years old, and congratulating him is important.

All the gifts and flowers are joyfully brought to him,
The young hero of the day is bustling around right there -
Now he jokes, now he laughs, now he starts dancing!
We have the best, most lively grandfather.

And that's why everyone is happy. And that's why it's fun.
In 10 years we will come to celebrate again
Our best anniversary, we are our grandfather!

Happy anniversary, beloved grandfather!
We are very glad that today we
Everyone has come and you are so beautiful
Celebrate your holiday with all your heart.

We will happily give gifts,
We wish you happiness and health.
So that your grandmother loves you more deeply,
To make it interesting to live with you!

Grandpa, we love you very much,
You are the best among us.
And they wrote poems at midnight,
We sat with my mother until the morning.

We congratulate grandfather on his anniversary from the bottom of our hearts
Don't rush to grow old, grandpa!
You are both lively and cheerful.
That's why grandma is happy:

You are always her assistant everywhere:
Eat borscht and lie in bed!
Be healthy, our very best grandfather!
After all, you are only 75.

These are not years for a horseman.
This is just the beginning of life.
Don't lose any optimism
Not your zest for life!

Who likes to walk for a very long time in the garden?
Who fixes a shop in front of everyone?
Who helps me always and everywhere?
Who spends their time working?
Well, look, my grandfather!
Beloved, kind and dearest!
Live very long, loving us all,
From pure heart Congratulations!

Comic happy birthday greetings to grandfather

Sometimes you can be strict
I would say even harsh
But I know it's nonsense
Grandfather is kindness itself!
Taught me everything
I just don’t get it,
As you yourself know,
Grandfather, how to hold a saw,
How to drive a car
And how to fix furniture?
Dear grandfather can do everything,
Go around the whole world,
You won't find something like this
Cheerful and lively
and young at heart!
Congratulations, grandfather,
Live another hundred years!

Comic congratulations on the anniversary to grandfather

I have one such grandfather,
He is a real gentleman!
He keeps everything in his mind
And willpower is in your fist!
Grandpa is cunning and smart,
And experience gives out later,
So as not to miss home,
And we got used to things!
Grandpa, I love you!
And for the anniversary I say,
Live two hundred years, my grandfather,
I wish you victories!

Beautiful congratulations to grandfather

Grandfather, congratulations on your holiday! I just don’t know what to wish for you... You are wise, your years speak about it. You are patient - we, your grandchildren, confirm this. You are kind and reasonable, as your actions simply scream. I wish you health, because only it will help you live longer, and therefore become wiser, more patient, kind and reasonable.

Happy Birthday to Grandfather

Dear grandfather, dear puff
Happy Birthday,
And we want to replace cigarettes with jam.
To run and laugh and kiss grandma,
So that he wouldn’t notice for a year, he played tag with his grandson.

Happy 60th birthday greetings to grandfather

Comic congratulations on the 70th birthday to grandfather

Don’t you dare grow old with your soul,
And don’t feel sorry for yourself!
You are the best grandfather in the world,
And you are no more cheerful!
Who played football with me?
Did you dig the beds in the field?
Who read the book to their grandchildren?
And did you give commands?
So grandpa, hold on now
Don't be proud of your anniversary!
How old are you now?
Something's missing from the calendar!
You've been seventy for a long time,
You look like in the movies!
So you are a grandfather, no matter where you are,
There will be happiness - for years!

Congratulations to grandfather on his anniversary

Dear grandfather! Congratulations on your anniversary! I wish you to live many, many more years, good health and good mood! Let joy be your constant guest, and with it good luck and fortune! Happy anniversary to you, grandfather!

Happy birthday greetings to grandfather

It's my beloved grandfather's birthday -
From a dear, kind, warm-hearted person.
Indestructible love of life to you
And health, like a mountaineer - eternal.
Your grandchildren value your judgment so much,
The light of worldly wisdom is close.
Grandfather, may it be on your birthday
All difficulties will be left behind.
Let the devils run around in your eyes,
Let the force remain mighty.
Live to be a hundred years old without knowing any troubles.
Enjoying the world's euphony.

Congratulations to grandfather on his 60th birthday from his grandchildren

Today grandpa is only 60!
And he is so rich in grandchildren.
Health, strength and work with us,
And you don’t have to give in to age.
Our grandfather can always understand us,
If necessary kind word say.
We deserve it, sometimes he scolds us,
He knows a lot, he is our erudite.

Happy Birthday greetings for grandfather from granddaughter

Happy Birthday, dear grandfather. Receive congratulations from your granddaughter. I wish you to live up to a hundred years as vigorous and healthy, may your life be interesting and eventful with different events. You are the best grandfather in the world and I love you.

Congratulations to grandfather on February 23

Dear grandfather! I am always proud of you: your wisdom, strength, courage! I sincerely congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day!
I wish you peaceful skies above your head, good health, joy, longevity and good mood!

Congratulations and wishes on the Anniversary to grandfather in verse

Health, happiness,
for many years
And have a wonderful mood!
I wish you on your anniversary,
Beloved grandfather!
And congratulations on your enjoyment!
Live at least a hundred years
Without knowing grief!

Congratulations to grandfather on his 70th birthday

I am proud of the brave grandfather!
Seven tens is not a trifle.
This is a victory over fate.
I believe this is true.
Well, for those who say: “How much?
Seven tens? Scrap!"
I'm ready to hurt
They have a flashlight under their eye. Il
Under two, so that they illuminate
They make your holiday brighter.
Grandfather, I congratulate you!
Happy Birthday, dear!

Congratulations to grandfather on February 23

Our best grandfather!
Today is your holiday!
Your family, friends,
We're rushing to see you in droves!
You are still a warrior today!
You won the year!
Congratulations with love
Happy February 23rd!

Birthday greetings to grandfather from grandchildren

Our dear grandfather! We congratulate you on your birthday and wish you great happiness, good health, success, tenderness, affection, joy and laughter! May your grandmother love you! The roads of life are longer and there is a lot of joy on it!

Happy birthday greetings to grandfather from granddaughter

Our grandpa is the strongest
The wisest and most beautiful!
For you on your birthday
I baked a pie with jam!

Birthday greetings to grandfather

Dear grandfather! I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you to remain as vigorous, cheerful and cheerful. I also wish you good health for many years to come, so that you have enough health to tell stories and fairy tales to your great-grandchildren! I still remember them. They taught me kindness and wisdom. Happy birthday, grandpa!

Happy Birthday greetings to grandson from grandparents

Be happy, our beloved grandson, healthy in body and soul! May life teach you good things, may joy always accompany you. Take everything you can from life, be happy, satisfied with your fate. The main thing is that you don’t forget us old people in your successes.

Congratulations to grandfather on his 80th birthday

Let life be rich

Don't let your feelings fade away

Let grandfathers have grandchildren

They are not upset about anything.

Happy birthday greetings to grandfather 80 years old

There is no one wiser than you in the area,
Your hands are tired, tired,
And you have seen a lot in life.
It’s still not appropriate to be sad about this!
You are eighty, an incomparable age,
But you look great now!
It's a pleasure to congratulate you today,
We want to say beautiful words now:
You are richer than the oligarchs in the world,
Even monarchs would be jealous:
Your children, your grandchildren are wonderful,
Even moments of boredom are unknown!
We wish you the best health,
And we congratulate you on your anniversary!

Happy Birthday to Grandpa

Happy Birthday, dear grandfather, you are our beloved, glorious, but also, of course, the most important in the family. Let your life be wonderful, long and healthy, we really need you, grandfather. Live for our joy for a long time, not a year, not two, but another hundred years!

Happy Birthday to Grandfather

Our beloved grandfather! Happy Birthday to you! You are wise, kind and calm! We wish you to live many years without being sad or frowning! Let the smile be reflected in your eyes, and let the sadness go away! Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

Congratulations to grandfather on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Grandpa, dear! Our whole family came to congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! After all, if you don’t congratulate heroes like you, then why was this holiday even invented? We are proud of you, we love you! You are an example for us in everything, and today, on this holiday, we want to give you a day filled with our communication, spending time together, jokes, fun and memorable stories from our past. And we are ready to start celebrating this holiday with you!

Congratulations for grandfather

Grandfather! Congratulations on your holiday! We wish you joy, happiness, good health in for many years! Don't be sad and don't be sad! May your grandmother always love you! We also wish you prosperity in everything and always!

Beautiful birthday greetings to grandfather

Dear, beloved grandfather! Let the bright light not go out in your gases, let the smile not leave your lips! We wish you smiles, joyful chores, health, happiness and fun!

Happy Birthday greetings to grandfather from granddaughter

Happy birthday to our grandpa! You are an example for us in life, and we always look up to you. On this day, we want to wish you good health and great optimism in life, because the whole world rests on optimists. Live long, grandfather, for the joy of your grandchildren.

Congratulations to grandfather with all my heart

For us, there is no one in the world more precious than you. There were many adversities in your endless, difficult fate, but you persevered and did not bend under their yoke. I want to wish you that all adversity will pass you by. May your grandchildren and great-grandchildren make you happy. Good health to you!

Happy Birthday to Dear Grandfather

Happy Birthday, grandfather, I congratulate you and want to wish that your life is filled with meaning. We will leave conversations about the number of years aside, as if on watch, hold on tightly to the handrails. Walk boldly from year to year, and be healthy, that’s the order!

Happy Anniversary Greetings for Grandfather

Grandfather, you are all busy with business and worries, but now a bright day has come to you, your birthday. We would like to wish you good luck, success in life, bright things. And we also wish you to greet every new day with a happy smile. Happy Anniversary to you!

Original congratulations to grandfather

Let New Year grandpa
It won't add wrinkles.
And he will smooth out and erase the old ones.
Health will improve
It will save you from failures
And it will bring you a lot of happiness!

SMS Happy Birthday greetings in verses for grandparents

I wish you good spirits
Good luck in life
Good health
And prosperity forever!

Congratulations to grandfather

Happy Birthday, grandpa, I congratulate you and with all my heart I want to say that your life flows calmly and measuredly, that your gray hair colors you, Be healthy and wise as always and may the nightingales continue to sing for you.

Happy Birthday to Grandfather

Our beloved grandfather, on this holiday, accept congratulations on your round birthday. We would like to wish you great success, strong health and immeasurable happiness. You are our reliable family stronghold in life. We are proud of you!

Congratulations to grandfather on his 45th birthday

Grandfather! Today is your birthday, you are 45 years old! Accept from all of us the most sincere congratulations! We wish you good health, eternal vigor, kindness of heart and cherished happiness! Always remain so energetic and cheerful!

Original Merry Christmas greetings to parents, grandparents

What a wonderful winter evening,
And the snow sparkles in the light!
Let's light some beautiful candles
And invite guests to the table!
We will treat you to cakes, pies,
And we will smile sweetly at our friends!
And let's celebrate a magical Christmas,
We will be happy to give you warmth!

Congratulations and birthday wishes to grandfather from grandchildren

Always means a lot to
My grandfather's attention
And his great wisdom
Helps in work and work
Always be on top of me!
Well then, what are the worries?
When does a grandfather have time everywhere!?
And today with love I wish
I wish you great success
Happy birthday to you
Many years to you - from the bottom of my heart!

Happy Birthday to Grandfather

Grandpa, you are the most important at the holiday today, put on your order jacket, I am proud of your loud glory, you won’t find such a grandfather. Grandpa, don’t count the years, may God help you in everything. With all my heart I congratulate you on your birthday.

You are a real man
I'm always proud of you.
I know that you will always support
With a kind heart and hand.

Dear grandfather, congratulations!
Be happy, joyful always.
I wish you many years,
May luck be with you.

May your health be strong,
All adversities will quickly go away,
Let your life be very bright,
Diseases will never come.

Congratulations, grandfather. I wish you to always remain the smartest and cheerful, the most cheerful and kind, the best and active grandpa. May your arsenal of health, strength and inspiration be replenished every day, may there always be order, prosperity and good luck in life.

Grandfather, our dear,
Dear, kind and dear!
We congratulate you now
Take our words:
Long life, health, happiness,
Let the bad weather run away,
Let nothing upset you
Life is pleasantly impressive
Charges with optimism
And healthy selfishness,
And grannies, seeing nearby,
They follow you with a languid gaze,
In general, only positive things,
Let everything be beautiful!

My dear grandfather,
The kindest and dearest,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Fulfillment of desires.

Be happy always
And always live in abundance,
Good health for years to come
And so that everything is in order!

Dear grandpa,
We congratulate you,
We wish you not to get sick,
We forbid growing old.

So as not to go to hospitals
And I didn’t know the doctors
I was jogging,
Grandma was surprised.

Let everyone envy yours
Strength and health,
And we will share with you,
Grandfather, with your love.

My grandpa, congratulations,
I wish you strength not to get sick.
With optimism and enthusiasm
Just look forward.

Find moments of happiness
In every difficult weekday.
A whole heap of knowledge
Pass it on to me, of course.

Dear grandfather, beloved,
I congratulate you
You will live 100 years in health
And I wish you joy.

Your advice, grandfather,
So in my life I need
They are life experiences
And full of wisdom.

I wish you to be cheerful
And don’t lose courage,
For happiness, doors in the house
Keep open.

My grandfather is simply unique,
An unusual person.
Knows a lot, seen a lot
He is in his difficult life.

I just believe your words
They contain all the wisdom of life.
Only with your help
You can see the light in the tunnel.

The best grandfather in the world,
Be healthy for another hundred years!
Never get sick
And accept gifts.

Always be as kind
Never get sick.
And always you, year after year,
Be cheerful and cheerful!

I want to congratulate you with all my heart,
You are a great authority for me,
The door of your soul is always open,
You surround me with warmth and kindness.

May you have no sorrow in your life,
Health will never fail you
Let you in the space of life
Always, grandpa, may you be lucky.

For a grandfather, grandchildren are not just close relatives. Grandchildren are his happiness and hope, his pride and joy, his blood and the fruits of his upbringing.

When a grandfather turns 75 or has another anniversary, and every year on his birthday, the birthday boy really wants to hear from his beloved grandchildren kind words, receive a lot of care, affection and attention, and he will be very upset if he is forgotten about.

And in fact, it doesn’t even matter how old he gets – sixty, eighty or ninety years old. On any holiday, the hero of the day really wants to be remembered, to come to congratulate his grandfather on his anniversary, to show how dear, necessary, and valuable he is.

Believe me, this is more expensive than gifts, nicer than bouquets and sweeter than treats! So get ready best congratulations Happy 75th birthday to grandfather or another, no less honorable date, and let the hero of the occasion see how much you love and appreciate him!

What congratulations on the anniversary of your dear grandfather should you prepare from your grandchildren so that the birthday boy will be happy on his honorable day? Funny or serious, poem or prose, wish or something else?

It’s up to you to make the decision, because you must admit that no one but you knows the birthday person so closely, his tastes and preferences. So decide in what form to congratulate your grandfather on his anniversary:

  • A beautiful speech to grandfather in prose.
  • Congratulations to grandfather in the form of toasts.
  • Solemn speech to grandfather in verse.
  • Cool SMS or signature on a postcard.
  • Speak in your own words.
  • Beautiful words from all the grandchildren or from the family.

There are many options for congratulating your beloved grandfather on his 60th, 80th or 90th birthday, all of them are good and beautiful, worthy of being said on a holiday at the table or sent to the hero of the day.

Choose yours best option, write it down or learn it, if you wish, add it in your own words or combine several texts into one - and you will get a wonderful congratulations on your grandfather’s anniversary from your granddaughter or dear grandson, and maybe from all of them together, as you decide! The main thing is that the words come from the heart and be sincere!

Words are the most precious thing

The best gift to an older person is sincere words, the birth of which seems to be happening here and now: they seem to form into phrases right in your soul and pour out into beautiful speech. It may sound pretentious, but it’s true - such words will be the best gift!

1. What words will make the birthday boy’s heart sing and become younger, what will he be most pleased to hear? Try a poem, it will surely have the desired effect. Your beloved grandfather will not only like beautiful and solemn poems for his anniversary - they will delight him! Just imagine for a moment how pleasant it will be for the hero of the day, his anniversary will be remembered for a long time, and his mood will be the best and most festive!

2. As a wonderful congratulation on the anniversary, and at any other age, you can prepare prose for the birthday person. This win-win, because when delivering a speech in prose, you won’t make a mistake, you won’t confuse the words and you won’t forget anything, and most importantly, you can always add something of your own. After all, you have something to say to a dear person, don’t you? Say it in prose!

3. How else can you congratulate your dear grandfather on his 60th anniversary or on his 85th anniversary, so that it is original and memorable for the hero of the day? Prepare some toast! Men are very fond of toasts that sound festive table to the clink of glasses. Cool, wise, original, unusual and beautiful - there are many toasts, choose yours and solemnly say it, raising your glass in honor of your beloved and irreplaceable grandfather. He will be grateful and touched to the core!

4. Maybe you want your 60th or 55th birthday greetings to your beloved grandfather to be absolutely original, unique and inimitable? Say them in your own words! This is the best thing you can cook as a pleasant surprise happy anniversary to grandpa from grandson, and all you need is a little imagination! There is no need to write poetry or agonize over florid speech patterns - just take a ready-made beautiful text and add something of your own to it, remove something, change something. And you're done!

5. You can’t do without wishes! After all, everything you wish for your grandfather’s anniversary, 70th or 80th, or even 90th birthday will certainly come true if you say it sincerely, filling the words with your heartfelt warmth.

Who is the greeting from?

Grandfather adores his grandchildren and will be infinitely glad to hear warm words from them and sincere wishes. Prepare an individual, original and targeted congratulation from your grandson or granddaughter, and for your grandfather on his honorary anniversary it will be the most pleasant and unforgettable surprise!

1. A granddaughter is a grandfather’s joy, a little beloved baby, despite his age. Of course, a speech on a holiday from a beloved and loving granddaughter should be tender, affectionate, filled with sincere feelings, adoration and warmth!

2. And a grandson is not just an heir. This is the successor of the family and a real “copy” of his grandfather, his hope and joy, his pride, pupil, guardian family traditions. Words on a holiday from a grandson should not only be beautiful, original and warm, they should contain gratitude and memories, admiration and respect, so do not regret kindness and warmth to please the birthday boy!

3. What a blessing it is to have several grandchildren, and especially to see them all at your anniversary at the festive table! This best gift, but it will be even more pleasant if they all prepare a big joint speech in poetry or prose and say heartfelt words from the heart to grandfather.

4. You can congratulate the hero of the day from the whole family, especially if the family is large, friendly, everyone is gathered at the table and everyone has something to say to the hero of the occasion. A big festive speech from the whole family will delight the hero of the day, leave memories of this wonderful day, strengthen the family and leave everyone in a great mood!

Let the anniversary be bright, truly family-friendly, warm and sincere! Fill the holiday in sincere words, do not skimp on sincere warmth and great love, which the birthday boy deserves like no one else. Wish everything that the hero of the occasion dreams of, express your love and gratitude for everything, do not regret the warmth of your heart and give the hero of the day the best surprise! Author: Vasilina Serova, sources:,,,,