Benefits for kindergarten. Preferential queue for kindergarten Extraordinary benefit for kindergarten

Getting a place in kindergarten has become a new problem of the 21st century. Every year, thousands of children cannot get into kindergarten due to the lack of places in preschool institutions.

The state tries to resolve this issue every year, but so far it is only at the consideration stage. But there are certain people who are enrolled without a waiting list, which delays citizens for several months. Such citizens are considered beneficiaries.

Beneficiaries are subject to enrollment under certain conditions, which are prescribed in the current legislation. This category of citizens refers to children who, due to various circumstances of their parents, have a priority right to receive benefits when entering a preschool institution.

Legislative regulation of the issue

Benefits for enrolling children in an institution are regulated by Articles 55, 65 of the Law of December 29, 2012 No. - Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

This is where all the categories of children who can count are listed. for priority enrollment.

In addition to this legislation, there is several provisions, also regulating the enrollment of beneficiaries.

These are:

Also several legal acts regulating benefits:

  • Article 23 of the Federal Law “On the status of military personnel”;
  • clause 6, article 19 of the Federal Law “On the status of military personnel”;
  • clause 6, article 46 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Police”;
  • Federal Law of December 21, 1994, children of employees and military personnel of the Federal Border Guard Service;
  • Decree of May 5, 1992 No. 431 “On social measures.” support for large families."

Extraordinary benefit upon admission

Extraordinary enrollment in a preschool child care institution is subject to: the following categories of citizens:

First priority

Priority benefits for children are provided at the time of enrollment.

To those include children:

  1. From .
  2. Having a disabled parent.
  3. Police officers or police officers.
  4. Military personnel. If the father or mother is doing military service under a contract, discharged upon reaching a specific age.
  5. Raised by one parent.

Rules for registration and list of documents

To determine Chernobyl child need to provide:

For device child of a deceased parent on the territory of the represented countries:

  • a certificate from the place of work describing the fact of participation;
  • a document confirming the status of a disabled person or a death certificate.

Prosecutor's child- only a certificate from the place of work, as well as children of parents from the investigative body and the courts.

For large families You must provide identification or birth certificates for all children.

Disabled child. For this purpose, a certificate with a medical examination is provided.

Police officer's child– certificate from the place of work.

Child of a serviceman– certificate from the military registration and enlistment office or unit.

Child, single parent:

  • children's birth certificate;
  • certificate from the civil registry office;
  • certificate from the labor exchange.

Regional features

Children of police officers also have no defined status. It is different in all regions. The following categories are often equated:

  • children of a deceased parent due to injury while performing duties;
  • died due to an illness acquired during the period of service or was dismissed due to the performance of official duties and the impossibility of serving;
  • who died after leaving work due to an injury received while performing work within a year;
  • children who are dependent on an employee of the authority.

At the moment, not all families can pay for a child in kindergarten. Therefore, the state allows many citizens, including beneficiaries, to apply for benefits and others. It will be used to pay off maintenance obligations. To register a child in a kindergarten under a preferential program, citizens must study in detail all the necessary documents and protect their interests as much as possible.

The rules for forming a queue for kindergarten are described in the following video:

Benefits in a general sense are rights or advantages provided to established categories of individuals or legal entities. IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW that any benefits come at four levels (federal, regional, municipal and others), since they can be established by relevant government entities or legal entities within the framework of their powers. At the same time, federal benefits for kindergarten are valid throughout Russia.

Benefits for kindergarten(preschool educational institution or preschool educational institution) can be divided into two categories:

- benefits for kindergarten when accepting a child (pupil) - benefits when recruiting a preschool educational institution;

- benefits for kindergarten when a child (pupil) is in it - benefits provided during the educational process at the preschool educational institution.

BENEFITS FOR A KINDERGARTEN WHEN ADOPTING A CHILD are provided at the stage of paperwork.

Admission to kindergarten (preschool educational institution) is a clearly regulated process, complicated by the Russian realities of a catastrophic shortage of places in kindergarten. According to clauses 25 and clause 26 of the Model Regulations on Preschool Educational Institutions (approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 27, 2011 N 2562), the procedure for staffing preschool educational institutions is determined by the founder in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and is enshrined in the charter. At the same time, children aged from 2 months to 7 years can be admitted to preschool educational institutions. Admission of children is carried out on the basis of a medical report, application and identification documents of one of the parents (legal representatives).

Thus, the founder of a preschool educational institution (federal department, municipality, commercial organization) has the right to make decisions on the procedure for admitting children to the preschool educational institution, and therefore on benefits to kindergarten when admitting a child (pupil), taking into account the law.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW that such decisions must be reflected in the charter of the preschool educational institution.

The admission procedure is reflected in the section of the Charter “Educational process”. The contingent of pupils is formed in accordance with their age and type of kindergarten. The number of groups in a preschool educational institution is determined depending on sanitary standards and conditions of the educational process, the maximum occupancy rate adopted when calculating the budget funding standard.

Taking into account the impact on children’s rights, the procedure for admission to a federal or municipal kindergarten must be approved in advance, published in the media and posted on the founder’s website (usually on the website of the management, department or education committee).

For example, the Regulations on the staffing of municipal preschool educational institutions of the Mytishchi municipal district (approved by the head of the Mytishchi municipal district dated June 30, 2011 No. 1983) are posted on the website of the relevant education department (URL: and defines as 4 categories of beneficiaries upon admission to a preschool educational institution:

  • out-of-turn (children of Chernobyl victims; judges; persons killed in action, as well as employees of the Investigative Committee of Russia);
  • priority (children from large families, from families of disabled people, military personnel, drug control officers, police officers, etc.);
  • persons with preferential right of admission (orphans, wards, children from single-parent families, children in difficult life situations);
  • persons with priority right of admission - children of preschool educational institutions employees.

According to Art. 1 of the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 N 124-FZ “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” children in difficult life situations are:

  • children left without parental care;
  • disabled children;
  • children with disabilities, that is, having deficiencies in physical and (or) mental development;
  • children are victims of armed and interethnic conflicts, environmental and man-made disasters, and natural disasters;
  • children from families of refugees and internally displaced persons;
  • children in extreme conditions;
  • children are victims of violence;
  • children living in low-income families;
  • children with behavioral problems;
  • children whose life activity is objectively disrupted as a result of current circumstances and who cannot overcome these circumstances on their own or with the help of their family.

The order of priority for the admission of beneficiaries themselves provides for admission,

firstly, out-of-turn and first-priority,

secondly, beneficiaries with preferential rights are accepted.

In this case, the procedure for admitting categories of beneficiaries is established by the founder, but it is worth noting that, as a rule, children of the preferential queue are admitted through one of the children of the main queue, otherwise the rights of non-preferential children will be violated.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW that the above first two categories of beneficiaries are established by federal legislation, that is, in federal and municipal preschool educational institutions the presence of these categories is mandatory.

It is also worth paying attention to violations that occur in practice, when, for example, children from single-parent families, children of preschool educational institutions employees, and others are admitted first, rather than children whose parents are designated by federal law. Such violations are easy to challenge, since federal beneficiaries have priority in any case.

BENEFITS PROVIDED DURING THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS IN A PRESENTER EDUCATIONAL IOU mainly relate to the reduction of fees (providing compensation) for services provided in a kindergarten (for maintenance in a preschool educational institution, meals in a kindergarten, etc.).

Such benefits are also divided into federal and other (established in the region and municipality).

Federal benefits (MANDATORY throughout Russia) include:

1. according to the rules of paragraph 2 of Art. 52.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” - reduction of fees for child maintenance (child care and supervision) in state and municipal educational institutions that implement the basic general education program of preschool education (federal or municipal kindergartens);

2. in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Art. 52.2 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” compensation for the maintenance of a child (child care and supervision) in educational organizations implementing the basic general education program of preschool education (federal or municipal kindergartens);

3. in accordance with Art. 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant” monthly monetary compensation for meals for children in preschool institutions (specialized children's institutions of medical and sanatorium type).

1) The following can take advantage of the reduction in child support fees:

  • half are parents (legal representatives) with three or more minor children. That is, in this case, all children in the family under 18 years of age must be taken into account;
  • completely - parents (legal representatives) of children with disabilities, as well as children with tuberculosis intoxication.

Children with disabilities include:

  • taking into account the rules of the letter of Rosobrandzor dated March 5, 2010 No. 02-52-3/10-in - children who are blind, visually impaired, with severe hearing impairments, with severe speech impairments; with musculoskeletal disorders; others (diabetes, asthma, heart disease, enuresis, ulcers, complex forms of osteochondrosis, scoliosis, etc.);
  • in accordance with the norms of the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 11, 2011 N 06-1277 - children with poor vision or hearing, with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, with leukemia, neurological diseases, etc.

It should be added that the fee for maintaining a child in a preschool educational institution includes only the fee for the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW that this benefit, like the general fee for keeping a child in a kindergarten, does not apply to additional paid services that can be provided in a preschool educational institution.

That is, benefits do not apply to additional paid services at preschool educational institutions. Such services may include any that are not included in the general education program. Composition of the general education program

2) Based on paragraph 1 of Art. 52.2 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, compensation for maintenance for the first child is 20% of the fee paid by the parents, for the second child - 50% and for the third and subsequent children - 70%, respectively.

It is necessary to point out the regulated (specified in the law) features of receiving such compensation:

  • The procedure for applying for compensation and the procedure for its payment are established by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. That is, it is IMPORTANT TO KNOW that if difficulties arise in obtaining compensation, you should contact the regional administration.
  • ONLY one of the parents (legal representatives) who paid the parental fee for maintaining the child in kindergarten has the right to receive compensation. That is, it is IMPORTANT TO KNOW that the law does not allow it to be divided if, for example, parents pay the fee in turn.
  • Compensation for kindergarten is paid regardless of the affiliation of the preschool educational institution. That is, it is IMPORTANT TO KNOW that for fees in a commercial kindergarten such compensation is required by law.
  • The specified compensations in accordance with clause 42 of Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are not subject to personal income tax (regardless of the owner of the preschool educational institution and the source of financing). IMPORTANT TO KNOW that this is indicated in letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 20, 2007 N 03-04-05-01/417 and dated November 30, 2007 N 03-04-06-01/426.

In practice, there are cases when such compensation was paid in organizations and parents wanted to receive them from both the administration and the employer. There are no specific explanations in the legislation on this matter, but by analogy with the payment of pensions, it is advisable to choose one.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW that, given the presence of many short-stay groups, compensation for maintenance in such groups must also be paid, but in proportion to the time of stay.

In this regard, we should point to the example of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where compensation for kindergarten is set in proportion to the time a child spends in a short-term stay group. That is, a full day is provided for according to the Model Regulations on Preschool Educational Institutions (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 27, 2011 N 2562) 12 hours, in the short-term stay group - 3 hours, therefore in the Krasnoyarsk region such payment is 1/4 of the full one.

3) Payment of monthly monetary compensation is not carried out to one of the parents or grandparents, guardian (trustee) of the child, who have the status of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster.

The procedure for paying this compensation is determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2004 N 907.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW that benefits for kindergarten, as mentioned above, can be assigned by regional, municipal authorities and legal entities. The article outlines only federal benefits that are mandatory throughout Russia.

Therefore, in order to know all the benefits provided to families with children, it is advisable to apply in person, in writing or in the form of an electronic document to the regional administration and district administration, where, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of 02.05.2006 N 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering citizens’ appeals” Russian Federation" are OBLIGATED to register such an appeal and send the initiator a comprehensive response about all the benefits provided.

Such requests can be sent regarding any questions for which answers have not been received from the head of the kindergarten.

LIST OF FEDERAL REGULATIVE LEGAL ACTS, the rules of which relate to the benefits discussed in the article.

Model regulations on preschool educational institutions (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 27, 2011 N 2562).

For special category kindergartens, other Model Provisions may also apply:

1. Standard regulations on an educational institution for children of preschool and primary school age (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 19, 1997 No. 1204 (as amended on March 10, 2009);

2. Model regulations on a special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities (as amended on March 10, 2009) (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 12, 1997 No. 228);

3. Standard regulations on an educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance (as amended on March 10, 2009) (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 1998 N 867).

Publication of the Charter of a municipal preschool educational institution in the media and on the website of the founder must be carried out in accordance with Art. 47 of the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 N 131-FZ (as amended on July 10, 2012) “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation.”


Extraordinary right to receive vouchers to a preschool educational institution (6 categories):

1. Children of judges - clause 3 of Art. 19 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the status of judges in the Russian Federation” dated June 26, 1992 No. 3132-1.

2. Children of Chernobyl victims - clause 12 of Art. 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant of May 15, 1991 N 1244-1.

3. Children of citizens exposed to radiation - Art. 1 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated November 26, 1998 N 175-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2010) “On the social protection of citizens of the Russian Federation exposed to radiation as a result of the accident in 1957 at the Mayak production association and the discharge of radioactive waste into the Techa River” .

4. Children of the dead (missing) and other persons participating in counter-terrorism operations in the North Caucasus region - clause 14 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 02/09/2004 No. 65 “On additional guarantees and compensation for military personnel and employees of federal executive bodies participating in counter-terrorism operations and ensuring law and order and public safety in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation.”

5. Children of the dead (missing), etc. on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan - clause 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 1999 No. 936 On additional measures for social protection of family members of military personnel and employees of internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, criminal justice executive system, directly involved in the fight against terrorism on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan and those killed (missing), deceased, disabled in connection with the performance of official duties.

6. Children of citizens discharged from military service and members of their families (within 1 month from the date of application) - Art. 23 of the Federal Law “On the status of military personnel” dated May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ.

Priority right to receive vouchers to a preschool educational institution (5 categories):

1. Children of military personnel at the place of residence of their families - clause 6 of Art. 19 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” dated May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ.

2. Children of police officers, deceased officers, etc. - clause 6 of Art. 46 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Police” dated 02/07/2011 No. 3-FZ.

3. Children of employees and military personnel of the federal fire service - Federal Law of December 21, 1994 N 69-FZ (as amended on November 30, 2011) “On Fire Safety.”

4. Children from large families - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 5, 1992 No. 431 “On measures for social support of large families.”

5. Disabled children and children whose one of their parents is disabled - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On additional measures of state support for disabled people” dated October 2, 1992 No. 1157.

The article was prepared by lawyer Vladimir Korzhov.

NOTE. Educational toys at low prices in the specialized store "Kindergarten"—

The social life of a citizen begins soon after his birth. From the very first days, the child is introduced to the world around him in the form of games and fairy tales, and one day the day comes when he will have to join society. But more often than not, kindergartens and nurseries are overcrowded. You have to stand in line, but when you do the calculations, it turns out that it will be suitable only when the child goes to school. But maybe it’s possible to get into kindergarten faster? Preferential queue for kindergarten

The possibility of legally bypassing the general queue when enrolling a son or daughter in kindergarten is regulated by norms devoted to everything related to education in Russia ( Art. 55, 65 of the Law). The list of special categories of citizens who have the right to bypass the queue is fixed by him and is valid throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation. Article 55. General requirements for admission to training in an organization carrying out educational activities

Regional authorities do not have the right to reduce this list, but they may well increase it, based on the peculiarities of the population structure of the administrative unit.

Education in any preschool institution in 2020 is paid, even in the state. Fees vary depending on the region's policies and the type of institution. There are also some concessions for certain categories of citizens.

Benefits for paying for kindergarten

There are several special categories within the general cluster of beneficiaries:

  • without waiting list for admission;
  • for priority enrollment;
  • for preferential admission.

Free visit

Sometimes a citizen is completely exempt from having to pay for his son or daughter to attend a preschool institution. The state assumes the burden of payment if children:

  • officially has the status of a disabled person or an orphan;
  • diagnosed with tuberculosis;
  • low-income family (confirmation from social protection available).
Preemptive right to enroll children in kindergarten

50% discount

In some cases, the state provides a 50% discount. The following have the right to it:

  • large families;
  • having the first or second group of disability;
  • participants in the operation to eliminate the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • contract employees.

So, the list of citizens for whom the state could at least partially alleviate the financial issue in relation to kindergartens is quite large.

Admission to preschool institutions without a queue

Money is only half the problem. As already mentioned, kindergartens in most Russian cities are overcrowded. To enter, you must wait your turn. The following have the right to priority admission:

  • orphans;
  • raised by one guardian;
  • children of citizens affected by environmental disasters;
  • adopted children;
  • children of judges and prosecutors.
How to enroll a child in kindergarten

The priority right to place children in kindergarten is given to

  • police officers (including former ones who left the service due to wounds and injuries, children of those killed in the line of duty);
  • serving in the Armed Forces under a contract;
  • disabled people;
  • parents of disabled children;
  • large households.

Only when children belonging to the privileged category are settled, the queue of other beneficiaries is resumed. But in addition to the first priority, there is also a priority right to admission. That is, we can say that in the second place the following will be arranged:

  • children raised without fathers (there is a dash in the paternity column on the birth certificate);
  • sons and daughters of teachers working in state kindergartens (confirmed by a certificate from their place of employment);
  • siblings of children who are already attending the designated preschool institution.

In some Russian regions there may be additional benefits for certain categories of citizens. This issue can be clarified in the territorial division of social protection.

Video – Queue for kindergarten. How not to be left without a place

Required supporting documents

Preferential categoryHow to confirm
Children of large parentsLarge family certificate
Children in careOfficial document appointing a guardian
Lost breadwinnerDeath certificate
Disabled children, disabled childrenDocuments from MSEC confirming the fact of limited capabilities
Families of fallen soldiersCertificate from the military commissariat, death certificate
Children from low-income households, as well as sons and daughters of the unemployedDocuments from the employment center
Student family (at least one spouse is a full-time student)Certificates from institutes
Children conscripted into the armyCertificates from the military commissariat
Pensioner familyPension certificate

State assistance in paying for kindergarten and meals in it

So, the situation is such that those who claim that everything is pre-distributed and ordinary people cannot change anything turn out to be not so wrong. It turns out that ordinary citizens who have no special merits to the state, complete families who do not belong to separate categories, have to wait quite a long time. And in some cases, it really turns out that the child’s turn is suitable when he is already in school. That is why women stay at home as much as possible, taking care of their offspring and not being able to resume their careers and often missing out on the most profitable opportunities.

The current situation contradicts Article 43 of the Basic Law, which affirms the universal accessibility of education, including preschool. Article 43

Problems with placing a baby in a preschool institution force mothers to “stay too long” on maternity leave. According to Article 43 of the Basic Law, which states that education should be accessible to the public, this situation, in principle, has no right to exist.

At various times, the state made attempts to cope with the incident. Back in the early nineties of the last century, a bill was issued according to which all those whose offspring were unable to get into kindergarten on time could receive compensation in money. This idea then remained at the project level. Citizens are paid monetary compensation for not using their right to kindergarten, but such a decision is made by regional administrations, and not all of them.

Thus, residents of Perm can claim a maximum of six thousand rubles a month for not placing a child under three years old in kindergarten. If we are talking about a child who is already from three to six years old, then this amount is already 1.5 thousand rubles less. Residents of Samara are offered another option: if the first-born in the family could not get a job in a kindergarten, then they pay one thousand rubles. If the second one is five hundred rubles more. Obviously, such tiny compensation cannot cover the financial loss in which the majority of Russian households find themselves, where the mother is forced to sit on vacation for a long time and not work full time. Therefore, no matter how much the state strives to increase demographics, this problem seriously inhibits the birth rate. Benefits for payment at MDOU Nizhny Novgorod

How to get compensation for kindergarten?

In order to receive compensation for kindergarten, they contact the territorial division of the social protection authorities (or the Multifunctional Center), having first collected a number of documents:

  • statement;
  • general civil identity card;
  • birth or adoption certificate (or court decision);
  • bank account statement for transferring money;
  • certificate from the registry office about family composition;
  • a certificate from a preschool institution confirming that the little citizen does not go there and that he is actually on the waiting list for kindergarten;
  • order to go on parental leave from the parent’s place of service;
  • medical policies of the parent and son or daughter.
How to get compensation for kindergarten

Who receives subsidies?

Subsidies for kindergarten are provided:

  • non-working caregivers;
  • those on maternity leave;
  • correspondence students.

Attention! If the mother cannot confirm that she does not work without a good reason, she will be denied a subsidy.

The amount of the child subsidy depends on the region in which the family lives. Throughout Russia, you can receive compensation in the equivalent of the regional average earnings:

  • 20% – for the first-born;
  • half - for the second;
  • at least 70% for the third.

The parent also has the right to receive an income tax refund on the amount that they have to pay for kindergarten. This rule applies to both private and public institutions. Algorithm for the admission of children to a preschool educational institution

Execution control

State kindergartens are under the jurisdiction of municipal authorities. The work of the latter, including that part that concerns the enrollment of children in kindergartens, is regulated by federal legislation, as well as by the municipality. The enrollment procedure is generally the same everywhere, but some nuances may differ in different regions. This is due to a number of different factors, including different numbers of preschool institutions and demographic indicators. In general, the enrollment procedure should look like this:

  • the parent collects the necessary documentation for his son or daughter for enrollment in kindergarten;
  • making an appointment with the education department;
  • a specialist checks the completeness, the family is registered and assigned a number;
  • The parent is given a document with a queue number.

Based on the information received at the reception, you can already make a definite decision - is it worth fighting for a queue in a public kindergarten or does it make sense to get a job in a private one.

If the child is not accepted into kindergarten

The registration procedure, as you can see, is quite simple. The parent has the right to choose any kindergarten ( Art. 63 SK), guided by their own considerations about the benefits and disadvantages of various preschool institutions. Representatives of the education department have no right to dissuade, let alone aggressively impose. Article 63. Rights and obligations of parents regarding the upbringing and education of children

But this is not even half the battle, because all of the above does not mean that the child’s placement in a preschool institution is guaranteed, not only that his rights will not be violated. Meanwhile, the situation itself violates the rights of parents and children in this matter. According to the law of the Russian Federation, young citizens have the right to free attendance at a municipal preschool institution.

Order of the Ministry of Education No. 2562 of October 27, 2011 guarantees that the child will definitely be enrolled in kindergarten - all the parent needs to do is fill out all the documents correctly and submit them to the education department. Moreover, a minimum number of such documents has been approved - the general civil identity card of the guardian himself, the child’s birth certificate, an application and a medical report. A refusal will be considered legal only in two cases: either the baby no longer meets the age criteria - he may be younger (up to two months) or older than the established age limit, or his health condition does not allow him to attend the kindergarten. But the latter does not mean that the situation is hopeless - the municipality is obliged to provide a place in a specialized institution for children with special indications.

This is all. No other justification for the reluctance of the kindergarten management to accept a child can be considered legitimate.

But in practice, quite often it turns out the opposite and education representatives come up with a variety of reasons for refusal.

Video - How to enroll your child in kindergarten

Possible difficulties and pitfalls

One thing is bad: if you are serious about not taking your child to a certain kindergarten, they won’t take him. The first most popular reason for refusal is the child’s lack of vaccinations and, therefore, a medical card. Is such a refusal legal or not? It depends on how you look. On the one hand, the lack of vaccination of a small citizen is not included in the list of legal reasons for refusing to provide a place in the garden. But the absence of a medical certificate that the child is healthy is included in this list. So if a parent submits an application without bothering with any medical papers at all, citing the fact that vaccinations are their private matter, you should not be surprised at the guaranteed refusal.

On the other hand, no one can ever force a family to vaccinate a child (unless they did so for reasons of safety and common sense). Therefore, you should do this:

  • request a medical card. It is quite possible that it will be given back without trial;
  • if they still refuse, demand written confirmation from the doctor that the refusal was made due to the little citizen’s lack of vaccination.

This directly contradicts the norms of current legislation and most likely doctors will not agree to this. How to enroll a child in kindergarten through State Services

Possible reason for failure

There remains one problem that may already be waiting inside the kindergarten. The management of a preschool institution may quite rightly be indignant that an unvaccinated child is attending the group, citing sanitary standards. Such acts do exist, but they belong to the category of secondary legislation and in no way can abolish federal legislation, which established that vaccinations are the right of any citizen, and not an obligation. The reference to this should convince the director of the garden.

It should, because this is how the situation looks, as they say, “on paper.” But in practice, the following happens: the doctor simply writes that this child is not recommended to attend a preschool institution at all. The management of the kindergarten will refuse, citing quarantine or a clause in the contract that prohibits accepting an unexamined child. And this is already legal.

From a legal point of view, even this can be challenged - it is enough to first send a complaint to the chief physician, and then to the supervisory authority. To do this, you need to compose a letter and send it by mail with the declared value, notification and description of the attachment. A response should follow as soon as possible; written complaints are not ignored. Another thing is that the refusal of the director of a preschool institution is most often recognized as legal. Therefore, the parent can either reconsider his irreconcilable position regarding modern vaccination, or look for another institution (in which there is a high risk of repetition of the situation, since more and more representatives of education agree that unvaccinated children have no place in the general group).

In a word, quite a lot of difficulties await you when applying to kindergarten. In some cases, it is worth seeking qualified legal assistance and only then taking action or filing complaints.

The city authorities have advanced further than anyone else in automating the provision of public services. Thus, registration for kindergarten in Moscow is carried out by district information support services. In 2020, the data immediately goes into the electronic list, so the priority is the same for each preschool institution (preschool institution).

In addition, an official representative of a minor can register a queue for a kindergarten in Moscow via the Internet. To do this, you need to register on one of three portals.

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Preschool requirements

Children up to the age of seven are accepted into kindergartens in the capital. There is only one criterion - the presence of a vacancy in the institution. An official representative with permanent or temporary registration in Moscow can apply for registration:

  • parent;
  • adoptive parent;
  • guardian (trustee);
  • foster parent.
Hint: the applicant must have documents on hand to confirm the connection with the child and the preferential category (if any).

Rules for forming a queue in preschool education in Moscow

The city authorities have identified certain categories of parents whose children are provided with preschool education without taking into account the general waiting list. The list for vacant positions is formed according to a three-stage system. This means that beneficiaries make up the first and second lines, and everyone else gets the opportunity to take a place when everyone else is hired.

Preferences are provided in 2020 according to the following rules:

  • Children of parents are the first to be enrolled in kindergartens:
    • or having official employment;
    • students and pupils;
    • judges;
    • orphans;
Hint: the first group also includes adopted and foster children.
  • The second children to get places are:
  • children:
    • prosecutors;
    • brought up in and;
    • whose parents:
      • recognized as disabled (one or both);
      • died during the fighting.
Hint: a preference is taken into account only if the applicant can document it.

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

Documents required for registration

The authorities are trying to reduce the list of papers to a minimum. And yet you will have to collect confirmation of your offspring’s right to receive preschool education services. The main package includes the following:

  1. certificate of registration of the newborn by the civil registry office (they will not be placed in a queue until it is received);
  2. applicant's passport with registration;
  3. certificate of temporary or permanent registration of the child in the capital;
  4. preferential certificate (if any);
  5. medical documents:
    • card;
    • list of vaccinations done;
    • insurance.
Hint: information from the listed papers must be entered into the application. You should carefully rewrite all information. The error leads to refusal to register for a place in the capital's kindergarten.

Where to go to get in line

The development of modern technologies allows parents to choose a convenient way to register in the queue for their children to receive preschool education services.

In 2020, you can choose one of the following:

Hint: applications go into one database. The order does not depend on the method of address. Taken into account:

  • date of registration of the application;
  • availability of the right to preference.

Algorithm for submitting an application via the Internet

Many parents in the country have already appreciated the convenience of contacting government agencies via the Internet. To get a queue at the capital's preschool educational institution, you should perform the following steps:

  1. Get an account on one of the above portals.
  2. Collect and place documents nearby (listed above).
  3. Log in to your personal account and select the service you are interested in.
  4. Carefully fill out the application form regarding the provision of personal data (parent and minor).
  5. Choose a suitable kindergarten using the following services:
    • an interactive map that allows you to select a child care facility based on your residential address;
    • a guide that tells you:
      • characteristics of the kindergarten;
      • the number of applicants for places in it is no more than three.
  6. Submit the form for review.
  7. Wait for response:
    • if errors are made in the application, it will be returned for revision;
    • if everything is correct, they will register and send the assigned number (you should write it down).
Hint: Form processing takes no more than ten days. If you haven’t received a response, you need to double-check the contact details on the website.

How to check the movement of the queue

You can see how many unsatisfied applicants there are in front of an applicant at any time on the portal To do this, you need to log into your personal account:

  1. Enter the application accounting data in the line that appears.
  2. Information about the queue number will appear on the screen.
Hint: electronic accounting eliminates the interference of civil servants in the progress of waiting lists. When merging DDUs, the number in the queue may roll back. This is a normal phenomenon for the capital.

How to make changes to the information provided in the form

If your personal data changes, you will have to go to OSIP. It is not yet possible to amend the form via the Internet. You should have supporting documents with you.

Hint: when moving from one district of the capital to another, the place in the queue does not change (it is taken into account by the date of application). Receiving a preferential category by the applicant will help in promotion.

When can you take your child to kindergarten?

The formation of groups is carried out by OSIP workers. The rules of their activity are as follows:

  1. duration - from May 1st to June 1st;
  2. Places are provided in the order formed by:
    • by application registration dates;
    • taking into account preferential categories;
  3. applicants are informed of allocated places using the contact details provided.
Hint: after receiving the information, you need to go to OSIP with all original documents. The specialist will issue a ticket to the kindergarten.

With a referral, you need to visit the clinic and get a certificate for the baby. With a complete package of papers, you should go to an appointment with the head of the kindergarten. Thirty days are allotted for this. Otherwise, the ticket will be expired, and another applicant will take the place.

For information: all services for registering minors in the queue for kindergarten are provided free of charge. Demanding money for registration on behalf of the Moscow authorities is a violation of current legislation.

Today, the majority of Russian parents experience significant difficulties in enrolling their children in preschool educational institutions. This is often due to a lack of places in kindergartens and, accordingly, a long queue for them. However, there are some advantages in this matter. Today the state provides a list of benefits for certain categories of the population. The benefits apply to both admission to preschool institutions and payment for them. They will be discussed in this article.

Benefits for entering kindergarten

For admission to kindergarten, benefits are provided for three categories of the population:

1. children who have a priority right to enter kindergarten. This right is granted to the following persons:

  • orphans; children left without parents; children taken into care or into a foster family, as well as adopted children. In order to receive the right to the benefit, the child must have an extract from the decision of the guardianship and guardianship authority.
  • children whose parents are orphans or left without parental (or single parent) care under the age of 18, and at the moment their age is between 18-23 years. In order to receive the right to a benefit, a child must have an extract from the decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.
  • children whose parents were exposed to radiation after the Chernobyl accident. To receive benefits, the child’s parents must have a certificate confirming resettlement from the place of resettlement or a certificate of evacuation from places of alienation; certificate of a participant or disabled person in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant; death certificate of the breadwinner parent during the liquidation of the consequences of the accident, from radiation sickness or other diseases caused by the accident at the nuclear power plant, or a certificate confirming his disability due to exposure to radiation due to the Chernobyl disaster.
  • children from disadvantaged families who are registered with the commission for minors’ affairs and protection of their rights. To receive benefits, parents must have a referral from the Commission on Minors' Affairs and Protection of Their Rights.
  • children of judges, as well as prosecutors and investigators of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation.

2. children who have priority for admission to kindergarten. The right to admission in the first place is granted to:

  • children from large families. To qualify for the benefit, you must provide birth certificates of children (at least three) or a certificate proving that you are a large family.
  • children of police officers. In order for your child to receive the right to enter kindergarten in the first place, you must provide a certificate from your place of work.
  • children of disabled people (or a disabled person) or who are disabled themselves. To receive benefits, you must provide a certificate from the medical and social examination bureau confirming the disability of the child or parent(s).
  • children of military personnel or parents serving under contract/conscription. To obtain the right to benefits, you must provide a certificate from the military commissariat or a certificate from the military unit at your place of residence.
  • children of parents who are former police officers who died in the course of their work or died within a year after leaving service due to injuries received during their service. Also, children whose parents received injuries or bodily harm in the service that are incompatible with further service. Required documents: certificate from social security authorities.

3. children who have a priority right to admission to kindergarten (such children have an advantage, for example, if the issue of admission is being decided between two children, the second of whom does not have benefits). The following have this right:

  • children of single mothers. To receive this benefit, you must provide a birth certificate.
  • children of employees of preschool educational institutions (teaching and other employees) of the Moscow Department of Education system. To obtain a preferential right to enter a kindergarten, you must provide a certificate from your place of work.
  • children whose siblings are already attending this preschool institution - except for the discrepancy between the profile of the preschool educational institution and the child’s health status. To receive this benefit, you must provide birth certificates for children and a certificate stating that the elder (or elders) are already attending this preschool educational institution.

Regional authorities also have the right to establish additional benefits for the admission of children to preschool institutions for certain categories of the population. These may include the following:

  1. children of single working parents or legal representatives;
  2. children of unemployed parents;
  3. children of internally displaced persons;
  4. children of school mothers or students;
  5. children of combat veterans and deceased combat veterans.

Benefits for paying for kindergarten

As for benefits for kindergarten fees, there are 4 categories of citizens depending on the amount of the discount provided by the state.

  • children from large families in which three or more children are minors.
  • children of parents (or a parent) who are disabled in groups 1 or 2.
  • children of military personnel or police officers who died in the line of duty.
  • children raised by guardians.
  • disabled children or children of parents who also have a disabled child under 18 years of age.
  • children of pupils, university students and full-time primary and secondary vocational education institutions. This benefit applies only to those children whose both parents are studying full-time in educational institutions or who have a single parent studying full-time.
  • children kept in short-term “special child” groups in state kindergartens of “compensatory type” and “combined type” and having one of the listed diagnoses: deafness or poor hearing; blindness or low vision; intellectual disabilities; tuberculosis intoxication; severe speech disorders.

75% discount when paying for preschool institutions provided to children of non-officer conscripts.

The following are entitled to a 50% discount:

  • children of single parents.
  • children of widows
  • children of divorced parents.
  • children of parents (or a parent) exposed to radiation due to the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  • children of teaching staff of state educational institutions and non-state educational organizations that have state accreditation.
  • children of parents (or parent) - employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system and holding a teaching or other position.
  • children of parents living with a mother who is divorced from a father who, by parental consent or court decision, is included in the birth certificate, but does not live with the child.

Benefits of 25% are provided to children from families with two children attending preschool educational institutions. To receive benefits Copies of children's birth certificates must be provided.