Summary of the didactic game in the senior group “Wild Animals. Summary of the didactic game "First-grader" in special moments in the preparatory group Summary of the educational didactic game for the preparatory group

1.Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of the basics of primary literacy.

1.Teach children to distinguish sounds.

2.Develop phonemic hearing.

3. Teach children to divide words into syllables.

2. Type of game: didactic game

3. Progress of the game.

The teacher addresses the children:

Today we will play some very interesting games.

Did. game "Shop"

Goal: Continue to teach children to identify the first sound of a word.

Progress: The teacher is the seller, the children are the buyers. The seller releases the goods if the buyer correctly names the first sound in the word that denotes the desired item.

Did. Game "Sound Lotto"

Goal: To teach children to find a word with the desired sound from a given series of words.

Procedure: Children are given lotto cards with pictures and small blank cards. The presenter names the sound and asks the players: “Who has a word with the sound...? It is not necessary that this sound be at the beginning of the word; it can be at the end or in the middle.” Children answer and cover the picture with the correctly found sound with a card.

Did. game "Finish the word"

Progress: Children stand in a circle. Teacher with a ball in the center: “Children, now you will finish the word I started. I will throw the ball to any of you and say the beginning of the word, and you must throw the ball back to me and say its end (kosh - ka, gla - for).

Did. game "Guess the word"

Goal: To develop children’s ability to divide words into syllables.

Progress: The teacher invites the children to guess the words, while tapping 2 times. Children select words with a given number of syllables. For the correct answer, the child receives a chip.

Did. game "Journey to the Land of Sounds"

1 option

Goal: Develop phonemic awareness.

Progress: The presenter selects 3 tablets with letters, which he inserts into the slots of the cars, and 9 pictures with images of animals, explaining to the children: “The train for animals and birds has arrived. There are 3 carriages in it. Each animal can only travel in a certain carriage. In the first carriage there will be animals whose names contain the sound [t], etc. The tasks can be changed.

Option 2

Goal: Continue to teach children to conduct sound analysis of words and develop phonemic hearing.

Progress: The presenter inserts signs with circles (3, 4, 5) into the slots in the cars. Hands out pictures to children and offers to select passengers based on the number of sounds in a word. Children take turns clearly naming the animal, highlighting each sound, counting the sounds and placing the picture on the window of the corresponding carriage.

Option 3

Goal: Continue to teach children to divide words into syllables.

Progress: Plates with one, two, three rectangles are inserted into the slots of the cars. In the first carriage there should be animals whose names consist of one syllable, in the second carriage animals whose names consist of two syllables, etc.

Option 4

Goal: To develop children’s phonemic hearing, to teach them to determine the position of a given sound in words.

Progress: The presenter inserts signs with the letters “K” into the slots of the cars at the beginning, middle and end of the word and places one picture in each car, pronouncing the word while simultaneously moving his finger along the sign of the car, highlighting the desired sound at the beginning, middle or end words. Children place animals and birds in the carriages according to the model of the leader.

Did. game "Bus"

Procedure: Children sit on chairs, the teacher gives them toys (pictures). A big car is driving. Children should put in it toys whose names include the sound they are learning. If the toys are assembled incorrectly, the bus will not move.

Did. game "Gate"

Progress: The teacher names the sounds, if it is a consonant sound - hands on the table together (there is an obstacle). If there is a vowel sound, children place their hands on their elbows (there is no barrier).

Did. game “Pick up the right card”

Progress: The teacher pronounces the sound, and the children determine by ear whether it is a vowel sound or a consonant (hard, soft). Children pick up a card of the color that represents this sound.

Did. game “Words are friends”

Goal: To teach children to select words that sound similar.

Progress: The teacher gives an example of similar sounding words (cat - spoon). Then he pronounces one word and invites the children to choose other words for it that are similar in sound (gun - toy, drying, frog and others).

Did. Game "Sound Clock"

Goal: To teach children to measure the length of words.

Progress: The teacher, placing an arrow opposite the picture, suggests clapping to determine the number of syllables in a word.

Did. game "Find the common sound"

Goal: To develop children's phonemic hearing.

Progress: The teacher invites the children to look at the pictures and identify the same sound found in all these words.

Did. game "Name the sound"

Goal: To develop children's phonemic hearing.

Progress: The teacher names various words with intonation highlighting one sound. The child who catches the ball calls the highlighted sound and throws the ball to the teacher.

Did. game “Remember the word starting with a vowel (consonant) sound”

Purpose: To train children in distinguishing vowels and consonants.

Procedure: Children are divided into 2 groups and name words with a given sound. The teacher puts aside the counting material. The group of children with the most chips wins.

Did. Game "Flowers - Petals"

Goal: To teach children to distinguish between vowels and consonants.

Progress: The teacher names the sound. Children pick up a flower of the desired color (blue, green or red).

Did. game "Third Wheel"

Goal: Continue to teach children to identify the first sound in a word, to distinguish between hard and soft consonant sounds.

Progress: The teacher lays out a card on which 3 objects are depicted. Children identify the first sound in each word. Find the differences (hay, lard, catfish).



Group: average.

Subject: We're going to visit.

View didactic game:

2. Printed board games.

3.Word games .

Teacher (student) :Lysova A.E.


Learning task:

Develop dialogical speech;

Introduce basic generally accepted norms and rules to relationships with peers and adults.

Game task : consolidate the ability to distribute roles and play them to the end, to correctly conduct dialogue with adults and peers.

Game rules:

establish the rules of cultural communication over the phone.

Game actions :

Ability to communicate culturally on the phone with the administrator of a beauty salon, flower shop, gift ordering manager and taxi fleet manager.

Leadership Methods and Techniques play activities:

Verbal: nconstruct sentences correctly, develop dialogical speech, expand vocabulary, develop cultural communication skills.

Visual: signs with the name of the organization.

Practical: game exercises, independent activity.

Game materials and equipment:


For each child


Manual for educators.

tables and chairs, signs with the names of organizations.

Telephone sets

Preliminary work:

Individual work.

Progress of the game (tactics of game interaction with children):

Start of the game (introduction to the game situation)

Introduction to game rules and game actions

Game problem situations for game development.

Completing the game (reflection)

The teacher tellsrules of cultural communication on the phone.

The teacher offers the children the game “We’re going to visit” and asks the children to remember the rules of the game.

The teacher offers the children situation No. 1 “Call to the Enchantress salon”

The teacher suggests situation No. 2

"Order a gift - birthday cake»

The teacher offers situation No. 3

"Order flowers for a birthday."

The teacher offers game situation No. 4 “Ordering a taxi.”

The teacher fails

the result of the game.

Children listen carefully to the teacher

Children recite the rules of the game.

The child makes a call and conducts a dialogue with the administrator.

2. The child makes a call and has a dialogue with the manager about ordering a birthday cake.

3. The child accepts the game situation and conducts a dialogue with the administrator of the flower shop.

4. Children follow the rules according to the proposed game situation.

Children express their opinions about the game

Remember the rules

The rules of the game are fixed.

Development of dialogical speech and cultural communication in children.

2. The skills to conduct dialogue and communicate culturally have been strengthened phone.

Manifestation of speech activity and cultural communication

4. The skills of proper dialogue and speech activity have been strengthened.

Motivation has been created for further continuation of gaming activities.

Scheme for analyzing a didactic game.

1.Type and type of didactic game:

1. Games with objects (toys ).

2. Printed board games.

3.Word games .

2. Educational value of the selected game

What knowledge did the children use during the game? Knowledge of the topic was how the teacher explained the game at the beginning.

What mental operations were used, their assessment is a generalizing operation.

3. What new has the game brought to children’s knowledge and skills? strengthening children’s ability to assign roles, construct sentences correctly, develop dialogic speech, expand vocabulary, and develop cultural communication skills.

4. Children’s mistakes and difficulties, their causes (lack of knowledge, lack of knowledge, attention, necessary mental skills).

5. Management techniques, their effectiveness:

Ways to attract children; get children interested in playing

Ways to explain the rules of the game and game actions; show an example of the game, tell about the game.

Techniques for managing the course of the game. Systematicity, repetition, clarity.

6. Compliance with the requirements for organizing and conducting the game:

    selection of games in accordance with the objectives of education and training: deepening and generalization of knowledge, development of sensory abilities, activation of mental processes (memory, attention, thinking, speech), etc.;

    establishing compliance of the selected game with the program requirements for the education and training of children of a certain age group;

    Determining the most convenient time for conducting a project. games (in the process of organized learning in the classroom or in free time from classes and other routine processes); time free from classes and other routine processes.

    choosing a place to play where children can play quietly without disturbing others; at the table.

    determination of the number of players (the whole group, small subgroups, individually); the whole group.

    preparing the necessary educational material for the selected game (toys, various objects, pictures...); toys, pictures.

    preparing the teacher himself for the game: he must study and comprehend the entire course of the game, his place in the game, methods of managing the game;

    preparing children for play: enriching them with knowledge, ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding life necessary to solve a game problem.


Summary (plan) of conducting a didactic game


(Name of student-intern)


(Name of teacher)

Practice Manager_______________________________________________________________

(Name of practice manager)

Name of the didactic game_________________________________________________

Age group______________________________________________________________


Place in the daily routine__________________________________________________________________________

Type of didactic game________________________________________________________________

Educational area_______________________________________________________________

Game proficiency _______ _______________________________________________

(new, familiar)

Preliminary work_______________________________________________________________

Game task_______________________________________________________________

(called children)

Didactic task_______________________________________________________________

(for teacher)

Game rules______________________________________________________________

Game actions______________________________________________________________


Progress of the game:

Organizational moment __________________________________________________

2. Motivational-target stage________________________________________________

3. Planning the game______________________________________________________________

4. Implementation of the game plan_______________________________________________

(describes methodological techniques for implementing the game plan, indicates

number of players and number of repetitions, method of recording intermediate results)

5. Summing up the game_ ___________________________________________________

Making the game more difficult__________________________________________________________


- for the outline (plan):______________________________________________________________


Summary of the didactic game

Trainee_____Sergeeva Marina Ivanovna_________________________________

(Name of student-intern)

Educator_____Kotova_Irina Gennadievna_____________________________________________

(Name of teacher)

Head of Practice__ Kopotyuk Olga Leonidovna___________________________

(Name of practice manager)

Name of the didactic game__ Day , line up!_________________________________________

Age group_eldest____________________________________________________

Date__April 26, 2016_______________________________________________

Place during the day___ on day walk_______________________________________________

(in regime moments, in individual work, in class, in independent activity children, on a walk)

Type of didactic game____ verbal __________________________________________

(verbal, desktop-printed, with objects and toys)

Educational area__ educational , speech and physical development___________

(indicated educational areas: social and communicative development; educational

development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development)

Game proficiency _______new __________________________________________

(new, familiar)

Preliminary work___parts of the day were studied in classes on FEMP, in everyday life Conversations were held about the parts of the day (what people do at different times of the day, what are the signs of different times of the day), a model of the day was compiled, pictures depicting different times of the day were examined, game exercises were performed to determine the sequence of the parts of the day “What first, what then.”__________________________

(types of work that helped children acquire the necessary experience and knowledge are included)

Game task__ Solve the secret of building a day________________________________

(called children)

Didactic task__ Pin an idea of ​​the sequence of parts of the day and an understanding that a day can begin with any part of it. Compose a collective verbal report on the sequence of parts of the day, using the prepositions “after”, “before”.________________________________________________________________

(for teacher)

Game rules_1. Unite in teams of four people._________________

2.At the command of the presenter: “Day to day!” running scattered throughout the walking area._______________________________________________________________________

3. At the command of the leader: “For a day, line up!” find your team.______________________

4.At the command of the presenter: “Morning is ahead! (evening, day, night)” line up (from right to left) in the order of the parts of the day, starting with the part of the day that the leader named._______________________________________________________________

5.When constructing, you need to look at the colored square on the chest in order to correctly construct the day.________________________________________________________________

6. Find your place in the line according to the order of the parts of the day.________________

7. Make a verbal report using the words “after”, “before”, for example: “I am the evening, I stand after the day, before the night.”__________________________________________________________

8. Pass the baton to each other during the verbal report.______________

8. If the formation was incorrect or there were errors in the report, then for each error the team receives a penalty point (red chip)._________________________________

8. The team that builds the day correctly and earns fewer penalty points wins._______________________________________________________________

9. Run without bumping into each other.__________________________________________

10. Listen to your comrades while drawing up a collective verbal report._______________________________________________________________________

(rules organizing children’s actions and rules organizing children’s behavior are indicated)

Game actions_ external actions: tying colored chest squares, laying out pictures on the table, overlaying pictures on colored squares, running in all directions, lining up in a line, passing the baton; internal actions: analysis, synthesis, inference.________________________________________________________________

(external (visible) actions and internal (invisible) actions are indicated)

Material_two sets of chest colored squares with ties, 4 in each (blue, red, gray, black), which indicate morning, day, evening, night____ (square side size 20 cm), red chips for penalty points (25 pieces), _4 pictures , depicting the same landscape at different times of the day (the size of the pictures is 15 cm x 10 cm), a toy Nolik - the cartoon character Fixies, a relay baton. ________________________________________________________________________________

Progress of the game:

1. Organizational moment_ Guys , I have one for you interesting task, to me____

I need 8 people, come to me. If there are more people willing, then I will invite these guys to help the presenter, become referees and monitor compliance with the rules of the game.________________________________________________________________________________

(indicate the method of attracting attention)

2. Motivational-target stage_ Guys , we have a guest (showing a toy). Who is this? (Nolik) He asks you to help him._Nolik does not understand what these objects could mean? _ I show chest colored squares with ties and pictures depicting the same landscape at different times of the day (I put it on the table). What do you think they could mean? (I listen to the children’s answers). Name the parts of the day shown in the pictures? Make a day (children lay out pictures on the table) How can colored squares and pictures depicting a landscape at different times of the day be connected? (we put pictures on the colored squares). I praise the children on behalf of Nolik for their help. I invite the children to play the game “Day, line up!” I say that in the game you need to unravel the secret of constructing a day._Nolik remains so that, with the help of the guys, you can unravel the secret of constructing a day and tell your friends about this game._________________________________________________________________________

(the method of arousing interest is indicated and the game task is called)

3. Game planning_ I suggest The players will split into two teams, counting on the first and second. I hand out colored squares on the chest with ties (I ask the children to help each other). I say that you have to play by the rules. I ask you to listen carefully and remember them. I name the rules of the game, specify what actions need to be performed. I ask the children to repeat the rules. I invite you to ask me questions if anything is unclear. I ask questions for understanding: What will you do on the command “Day to day!”? What will you do on the command “Day, line up!”? What will you do on the command “Morning is ahead! (day, evening, night)” How should you form a line? (from right to left in the order of the parts of the day, starting with the part of the day that the presenter named) What should you look at when constructing? (on the color of the square, which represents this or that part of the day) What does the blue (red, gray, black) color of the square mean? What words should you use when writing a report? What is a relay baton for? (pass the move to each other during a verbal report) Which team will win? What is needed for this? ________

(the method of explaining the rules of the game is indicated, the necessary game actions are specified)

4. Implementation of the game concept__ I announce the beginning of the game, I give the commands: “Day, get ready!”, “Day, line up!”, “Morning is ahead!” etc. I appoint a team that will be the first to draw up a collective verbal report. In the second game, the right is transferred to the other team, etc. If a player finds it difficult to formulate a verbal report, then the baton is passed to the next player, and the team receives a penalty point. I control the passing of the baton. The game is repeated 6 times. I control the correctness of the task, assign penalties in case of errors, record the results and announce them after each game.________________________________________________________________________________

(describes methodological techniques for implementing the game plan, indicates the number of players and the number of repetitions, and the method of recording intermediate results)

5. Summing up the game_I ask the guys to count their penalty points. We determine the winner. I thank the children on behalf of Nolik and ask them to tell him what secret of constructing a day they revealed? (a day can begin with any of its parts; a day consists of 4 parts). Nolik says goodbye to the children, thanks them for revealing the secret of building a day and promises to play the game “Day, line up!” with your friends.._________________________________________________________________

(the method of summing up the game results is indicated)

6. Making the game more difficult _ - increase the number of teams from 2 to 5;_____________________

-change the direction to form a line (from left to right);_________________

-start construction from different parts of the day (one team - from the day, the other - from the evening);__________________________________________________________________________

-instead of penalty points, enter forfeits (player items), which the team pays in case of an error, and at the end of the game wins them back by completing the tasks of the opposing team.


- for the notes:______________________________________________________________

(marked and signed by the practice manager)

- for carrying out:______________________________________________________________

(mark and signature of the practice manager or teacher)

Plan - outline of the didactic game

Anna Zyryanova
Summary of the didactic game “First-grader” in special moments in the preparatory group

Summary of the didactic game "First-grader"

in critical moments

in the school preparatory group MBDOU No. 65

Educator: Zyryanova Anna Sergeevna

Type of activity: didactic game "First-grader".

Didactic task: consolidate children’s knowledge of what a first-grader needs to study at school; to cultivate composure, accuracy, and a desire to study at school.

Game task: help Dunno get acquainted with school supplies; collect into briefcases as quickly and accurately as possible school supplies.

Game rules: name objects after raising your hand, name school supplies without shouting or interrupting each other, collect supplies when given a signal, carefully.

Game actions: name school supplies and their purpose, analyze, classify items according to their purpose, collect supplies in a briefcase.

Principles of education and training:

1. Availability;

2. Consciousness and activity;

3. Problematization;

4. Creating a positive emotional background;

5. Dialogization.

Education methods:

1. Conversation;

2. Explanation;

3. Demonstration;

4. Creating a situation of success;

5. Competition.

Equipment: Dunno toy, two briefcases, school supplies: pencils, pens, rulers, erasers, pencil cases, ABC books, notebooks, albums, etc., in addition: toys, toothbrushes, combs, etc.


1. Org. moment;

2. Motivational-target;

3. Game planning;

4. Implementation of the game concept;

5. Summing up.

Progress of the game

Stage Teacher’s activities Children’s activities

1. Org. moment

Guys, what do I have for you?

there is a little surprise

come all of you to me. Suitable

2. Motivational -

Visit us today

Dunno came. Guys,

soon you will go to school,

and Dunno got ready for school.

But he doesn't know what he needs

take with you. Guys, look

Dunno has already tried to collect

school bag, let's see

did he do it right?

(I take out items from the briefcase)

Guys, let's help Dunno

figure out what

are subjects needed at school and why? Listening

3. Planning

Now I will show the item,

you will raise your hands, come out

to me and in full sentences

tell what kind of object it is,

Is it needed at school and what is it for? Listening

4. Implementation


concept Showing school supplies

and other items. In case

If necessary, I correct the children’s answers.

On behalf of Dunno, I praise the children.

And now we are together with Dunno

we will learn quickly, correctly and

carefully collect school

accessories in briefcases. For this

I need one boy and one girl.

(I choose two children).

Now the guys and I will count,

and you will start collecting items into briefcases.

(One, two, three, start collecting your briefcase)

(the game is played 3 times)

After each game we conduct

analysis of completed actions (Correct

whether the objects were chosen, whether they were carefully

put). If necessary

I correct the children’s actions. On behalf of

Dunno I praise the children. Raise your hands

go out and

talk about


Start collecting briefcases

5. Summary

Guys, Dunno is very happy,

that I came to visit you. Now

he knows what school is like

accessories and what they are needed for.

Knows what to take with you to school

and what is not needed.

He says thank you, goodbye,

See you at school! Say goodbye




    Doll, apple, lemon, plum, pear, tangerine orange, peach, basket, trees, orchard, “overseas garden,” train, plane, smooth, rough, sour lemon, sweet apple, I ate…., I have……. .


    1. Creating a game situation.
    1. Phonrhythmics.

    He - he - he

    Here's a lemon.

    Educator: What is shown in the pictures?



    Children: we see trees.

    Educator: Correct. The pictures show trees with fruit growing on them. This is an orchard. One garden is located not far from the Ukrainian village. Another garden is on the shore of a warm sea, in hot countries.


    1. Game - imitation “Here's the harvest”


    Children: We'll go by train.

    Children board the carriages, imitating the movement of a train. The teacher is a train driver.

    Educator: What are you doing?

    Children: I'm picking apples.


    Children: We picked a lot of apples.


    Children: Yes, we do.

    Educator: How will we go there?

    Children: By train.




    Educator: What will we collect?

    Children: Let's collect lemons.

    (Children imitate harvesting)


    Educator: What does fruit feel like?




    Educator: What did you eat?




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"Summary of the didactic game "Magic Baskets" in the senior group for deaf and hard of hearing children"


TOPIC: “Magic Baskets”


    Clarify and consolidate the concept of fruit.

    Introduce fruits from warm countries.

    Develop the ability to distinguish fruits visually, by touch, and by taste.

    Form correct orientation in the surrounding objective world.

    Develop the ability to see and highlight shape, size, color and other properties of objects.

    Continue to learn to distinguish between questions and answers, learn to distinguish vocabulary by auditory-visual perception.

    Continue to teach, understand the teacher’s speech.

    Cultivate attention, friendly relationships in the team, and the desire to learn the educational material.

    Cultivate a desire to understand the world around us more deeply.

    Provide knowledge about the benefits of fruits.


Doll, 2 baskets, pictures of fruits, 2 pictures of a garden attached to the baskets, printed canvas, tablets, 2 scarves, apples for treats, “magic bag”.


Looking at illustrations of fruits, where they grow, sculpting and drawing fruits.


Doll, apple, lemon, plum, pear, tangerine orange, peach, basket, trees, orchard, “overseas garden,” train, plane, smooth, rough, sour lemon, sweet apple, I ate…., I have……. .


    Creating a game situation.

The doll Masha came to visit. The children meet her and seat her at the table.


Doll Masha will listen to us pronounce the sound [n]

He - he - he

Here's a lemon.

    The doll tells the children that she brought 2 baskets with her.

Children look at baskets containing many object pictures.

Educator: What is shown in the pictures?

Children: The pictures show fruits.

Educator: What do you see in the pictures attached to the baskets?

Children: we see trees.

Educator: Correct. The pictures show trees with fruit growing on them. This is an orchard. One garden is located not far from the Ukrainian village. Another garden is on the shore of a warm sea, in hot countries.

Let's look into the first basket. Take one picture. What is this?

(Several children perform the action and pronounce the name of the fruit).

In the gardens of our Ukraine grow: apples, plums, pears, cherries, apricots.

Let's look into the second basket. The same is done with fruits from the second basket “Overseas Garden”. In warm countries, lemons, oranges, tangerines, and peaches are ripe in the garden.

Educator: Let's cover our baskets with a magic scarf. And let's see what miracle happens. In the meantime, you and I will play.

    Game – imitation “Here’s the harvest”

Educator: You and I are going to pick fruit from a garden near the village. What will we eat on?

Children: We'll go by train.

Children board the carriages, imitating the movement of a train. The teacher is a train driver.

Educator: Stop “Fruit Garden” " (Children go out and see trees, and apples grow on them (dummies)).

Here we are in the garden. Fruits grow high on the trees. To pick them, you need to reach them. (Children rise on their tiptoes and stretch out their arms)

Educator: What are you doing?

Children: I'm picking apples.

Educator: We picked up a whole basket of what?

Children: We picked a lot of apples.

(Conjugate pronunciation of phrases)

Educator: Do you want to go for fruit in warm countries?

Children: Yes, we do.

Educator: How will we go there?

Children: By train.

Educator: No, the Overseas Garden is very far away. We will fly by plane.

(Simulation of an airplane flight.)

Educator: So we arrived. We're in the garden. What grows on trees?

Children: Oranges and lemons grow on the trees.

Educator: What will we collect?

Children: Let's collect lemons.

(Children imitate harvesting)

Educator: We've collected the fruits, let's go home.

(During the game, the teacher quietly replaces the pictures and dummies in the baskets with real fruits, and a “Wonderful Bag” is hidden in one of the baskets)

Educator: Now let’s play and guess by touch the fruits we picked.

(Children play the game “Wonderful Bag”)

Educator: What does fruit feel like?

Children: They are different: some are smooth, others are rough.

(Children find fruit by touch and describe it)

Children: I have……. apple, lemon, orange, plum.

Educator: Now let's taste the fruit.

(The teacher gives the child a piece of fruit so that he does not see).

Educator: What did you eat?

Children: I ate a lemon. It's sour. I ate an apple, it was sweet. I ate an orange, it's sweet.

Educator: you ate different fruits. And they all taste different.

Educator: We ourselves traveled to different gardens, examined and tasted different fruits. Fruits are very healthy. They contain many vitamins needed for good health. Help yourself to your health!

(Doll Masha treats children with apples and oranges)