Purse-string wrinkles appear at 35 years of age. How to remove wrinkles above the upper lip: salon procedures and folk remedies

Purse-string wrinkles or vertical folds near the mouth, like wrinkles around the eyes, are the first signs of skin aging.

The skin around the lips is very thin and practically devoid of sebaceous glands and subcutaneous tissue. In addition, in speech, smiles and other facial expressions, the orbicularis oris muscle is involved, which, unlike other muscles, is not attached with its fibers to the bone, but is woven into the dermis, creating a large load on it. Over the years, content hyaluronic acid, and with it, the full amount of collagen and elastin in the skin decreases, they become unable to compensate for the stretching of the skin.

The problem of the appearance of purse-string wrinkles is noted already at 25-30 years of age. There are a number of factors that contribute to their formation:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • poor environment;
  • excessive exposure to the sun (ultraviolet radiation stimulates the formation of free radicals that destroy elastin and collagen);
  • poor nutrition (insufficient intake of fiber, microelements, protein, vitamins A and E);
  • weight fluctuations;
  • dental factor (in particular, malocclusion);
  • insufficient daily water intake or taking diuretics that cause dehydration;
  • endocrine and “female” diseases that cause hormonal imbalance (the area around the lips is considered an estrogen-dependent zone);
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • frequent stress, psycho-emotional stress;
  • excessive facial activity;
  • features of work activity (blowing glass products, playing wind instruments);
  • abuse of chewing gum, caffeine-containing drinks, smoking (smoking is especially dangerous, not only because of nicotine, which has a detrimental effect on skin cells, but also due to the inclusion of the orbicularis oris muscle in the process);
  • regular use of low-quality cosmetics.

Purse-string wrinkles are especially pronounced above upper lip. It is this area that women begin to actively care for at the first sign of a problem; they are concerned about the question of how to remove purse-string wrinkles above the upper lip. While it is necessary to provide complete care to the entire problem area, since wrinkles can appear under the lower lip and in the corners of the mouth, the importance of prevention cannot be underestimated.

With some effort, you can not only delay the appearance of purse-string wrinkles, but also make existing ones less noticeable.

You should start by eliminating predisposing factors. Next special attention It is necessary to pay attention to organizing proper daily skin care: cleansing, nutrition, moisturizing, toning. Cosmetic preparations must necessarily include exfoliating components, vitamins, collagen, etc., although the effectiveness of external use of the latter is questioned. At home they give a good effect. Systematic, as well as, will bring undoubted benefits.

For the most effective correction of purse-string wrinkles, it is necessary to use hardware and injection techniques. Carrying out such procedures is possible only in specialized cosmetology rooms.

The most popular are:

  • Injection of nutrients and moisturizing substances.

A course of administration into and under the skin of preparations containing microelements, vitamins, hyaluronic acid and various serums can improve microcirculation of blood and lymph in tissues, nourish and moisturize the skin, stimulate the production of elastin and collagen, increasing tone and elasticity. This group includes techniques such as,.

  • Introduction of fillers.

It is advisable to fill deep folds of the skin.

  • Injections of drugs based on botulinum toxin.

When injected under the skin, it relieves spasm of the orbicularis labii muscle and relaxes it, resulting in smoother skin around the mouth. The effect of such a procedure occurs instantly, has an increasing and then decreasing character, and disappears on average after six months. Widely known drugs of this type are Dysport, Botox, Xeomin and Relatox.

  • Fractional photothermolysis.

– this is a controlled defeat of microscopic areas of the skin using laser radiation, stimulating regeneration processes in cells and enhancing the production of elastin and collagen in all layers of the skin.

Also suitable for the area around the lips are elos-rejuvenation, iontophoresis, laser resurfacing, thermolifting and others.

From a certain age (25-30) years, small wrinkles begin to form not only in the outer corners of the eyes, but also so-called purse-string wrinkles. They are vertical wrinkles and small folds around the mouth, which are directed perpendicular to the red border of the lips.

How to get rid of purse string wrinkles

The reason for their formation is the general aging of tissues throughout the body. It manifests itself primarily in the most vulnerable areas, one of which is the area around the mouth, where the skin is thin and subcutaneous tissue and sebaceous glands are practically absent.

Processes age-related changes consist in reducing the content of water in the skin, which binds a significant amount of water molecules, in the degradation of collagen and elastin fibers and in slowing down the processes of neocollagenesis, in an even greater thinning of the subcutaneous tissue. All this leads to a decrease in firmness, tone and elasticity of the skin.

The aging processes of the tissues above the upper lip are especially noticeable, where they appear in the form of vertical (purse-string) wrinkles and small folds. This is due to the anatomical structure: the orbicularis oris muscle with its fibers is not attached to the bone, like other muscles, but is woven directly into the dermis, which creates a significant load on it.

Constantly contracting during conversation, facial expressions and expression of emotions, this muscle gradually stretches the skin, the recovery processes in which slow down over the years - blood circulation decreases, regeneration slows down, and the number of connective tissue fibers in the intercellular substance increases.

Spasm of the fibers of the orbicularis oris muscle, the content of hyaluronic acid and full-fledged collagen and elastin fibers in the skin tissues, which are increasingly decreasing over the years, are no longer able to compensate for their stretching, as a result of which small vertical folds and purse-string wrinkles form around the lips, the lips lose their bright color and expressiveness.

The earlier and faster formation of “purse-string” wrinkles is mainly promoted by:

  • characteristics of the tissues of each individual, that is, hereditary predisposition;
  • unfavorable environment, especially in large cities;
  • excessive ultraviolet irradiation, which promotes faster formation of free radicals in tissues and destruction of collagen and elastin proteins;
  • unbalanced and/or malnutrition - insufficient amounts of proteins and microelements, fiber and vitamins, especially vitamins “A” and “E”;
  • sudden changes in body weight;
  • dental problems;
  • taking diuretics (often for the purpose of weight loss) that contribute to dehydration, insufficient water intake (less than 1.5 liters per day);
  • hormonal imbalance due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland and, mainly, diseases of the female genital area, especially the ovaries: the lip area is considered an estrogen-dependent zone;
  • work on night shifts, systematic lack of sleep and sleep disturbances, prolonged psycho-emotional stress;
  • excessive facial expressions, specific work activity(playing wind musical instruments, glass blowing);
  • smoking and frequent use of chewing gum, abuse of strong drinks (tea, coffee);
  • use of low-quality cosmetics, misuse or abuse.

How to remove purse string wrinkles? Despite the fact that it is not possible for anyone to completely get rid of the signs of aging, it is quite possible for everyone to slow down the processes of their formation and reduce their severity if the above factors that contribute to the aging process are eliminated as much as possible. In addition, existing wrinkles and folds in the lip area can be corrected and made less noticeable.

Correction of purse-string wrinkles

For this you need proper care skin care, moisturizing, nourishing and improving its tone with the help of various ready-made cosmetic masks that contain components such as vitamins, hyaluronic acid, exfoliants.

You can also use readily available home remedies of plant and animal origin, and regularly apply a special set of exercises for the lips. These measures improve the condition of the skin and slow down the aging process, help reduce spasm and relax the orbicularis oris muscle.

But the main ways to eliminate existing wrinkles in the lip area are such cosmetic techniques as:

  1. , And . They are course and maintenance procedures of injections into the skin or under the skin of preparations containing vitamins, microelements, serums and, most importantly, hyaluronic acid or products that are. These techniques allow you to fill small folds, improve blood circulation in tissues, their nutrition and hydration, and increase skin tone and elasticity. In addition, they stimulate fibroblast function and the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  2. Injections of drugs based on botulinum neurotoxin “A” - “ ”, “ ” or “ “. The use of the Botox procedure for purse-string wrinkles is based on interrupting the flow of nerve impulses to the orbicularis labii muscle, due to which its spasm is relieved and it relaxes, which leads to smoothing of the skin. The effect lasts for six months, and sometimes longer.
  3. , which is a dosed destruction of many microscopic areas by a beam of laser radiation. Thanks to this, the processes of cell regeneration, collagen and elastin synthesis in the deep and superficial layers of the skin are stimulated.
  4. “ELOS” rejuvenation procedures based on the impact on target tissues using a combination of two types of energy - optical (electro-optical or laser) with the energy of radio frequency waves of bipolar electric current.

As additional means to slow down the aging process in the perioral zone and increase the duration of the positive effect of the above methods, various hardware techniques are used in cosmetology. These include different types hardware peeling and, with vitamins and microelements, various. These procedures help improve blood circulation and remove free radicals, stimulate regenerative processes, synthesize collagen and elastin, increase tissue tone and tighten them.

The most effective way to correct purse-string wrinkles is not the use of one of the methods, but their gradual and combined effects. Such a program should be compiled by an experienced cosmetologist for each patient individually. It also includes recommendations for eliminating the influence of possible negative factors. , study at the link.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Moving facial expressions and age-related skin changes are the main reasons for the appearance of a network of wrinkles on a woman’s face. Nasolabial folds age the fair sex. Striving for eternal youth, women carefully care for their delicate facial skin, go under the surgeon’s knife, and use numerous cosmetics. Salon procedures - mesotherapy, biorevitalization, peeling - help to radically solve the problem. Facial exercises and homemade recipes for masks and scrubs should also not be written off.

How to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth at home

The collagen fibers that support the skin framework gradually become thinner. Thin, delicate facial skin is susceptible to lack of fluid, tobacco smoke, ecology, and age-related changes. Cosmetologists pay special attention to clients who have crossed the thirty-five year mark to facial care in the area around the mouth. Dry, weakened skin above the upper lip requires careful treatment. Masks and scrubs, cosmetic fillers, lifting creams are the minimum arsenal of products that help remove wrinkles.


Moving facial expressions, reflecting emotions and experiences, often cause the appearance of deep and not so deep folds above the upper lip. It will help to avoid their occurrence cosmetic cream at home for wrinkles:

    Moisturizing. Thinking about how to remove facial wrinkles, women forget about the need to restore the water balance of the skin not only from the inside, drinking up to two liters of liquid, but also from the outside. Choose a moisturizer that is appropriate for your age and contains vitamins B, E, and antioxidants.

  1. Pull-up. These products contain hyaluronic acid, which after 40 the body uses up at an accelerated rate. Daily use will help reduce the depth of nasolabial folds, but you should not expect an instant and lasting effect that can remove wrinkles from the use of lifting creams.
  2. Filler. Produced pharmaceutical companies, who specialize in skin beauty, these special “volumizers” are applied with a thin instrument (a needle without a pointed tip) directly to the wrinkle area. Filling the fold, elastin and collagen, which are part of the fillers, penetrate into the upper layers of the epidermis. By “pushing out” the skin from the inside, they help remove facial wrinkles around the mouth.

Before applying creams, it is not superfluous to cleanse the facial skin of dead particles of the epidermis using scrubs. For the delicate area above the upper lip, a coffee scrub with honey, brewer's yeast and vitamin B is suitable. A correction method such as a mask will also help get rid of wrinkles on the face. Ready-made fabrics with lifting impregnation, homemade, based on natural ingredients, they help restore water balance, improve skin elasticity, and even out complexion.


Special gymnastics for the face – great option strengthen the muscles of the nasolabial area, smooth out wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin. In addition, face building will help tighten your chin and reduce “protruding” cheeks. You can remove purse string wrinkles with a set of exercises. Strengthening the muscles of the circumlabial part of the face will take at least 3-5 months. To achieve lasting results, repeat lifting exercises twice a day with an interval of 3-4 days:

    Pull your lips out as if you are going to make the sound “u”. Press your fingers tightly to your lips. Try to overcome the pressure of the hand while continuing to engage the nasolabial muscles. Remove your hand and exhale through your mouth without changing the position of your lips. Repeat the movements at least 15 times.

  1. Stretch the corners of your mouth without opening your teeth. Lower your lower lip to reveal a row of teeth and gums. At correct execution The muscles of the chin are well tensed, which allows you to remove wrinkles above the upper lip and tighten the oval of the face, getting rid of the double chin.
  2. Push the upper jaw forward, leaving the lower jaw motionless. Try to tense your upper jaw muscles. Do the exercise up to 10 times with a short break.

Effective folk remedies

Homemade masks and scrubs will come to the aid of women who prefer natural facial care ingredients. White and blue clay, aloe, honey, cucumber, strawberries have firming properties, perfectly moisturize the skin, preventing the formation of wrinkles above the upper lip. Masks using:

    Peas, oatmeal, honey and milk. Mix two parts crushed oatmeal, one part of finely ground peas, half a portion of powdered milk and honey. Distribute the mixture evenly over the upper lip and diagonally from the mouth to the wings of the nose. Leave until completely dry. Remove carefully with a damp sponge.

  1. Honey and aloe. Combine the ground leaves of the plant (2 pieces) with a tablespoon of honey heated to room temperature. Apply the moisturizing mask with light finger movements in the direction from the corners of the upper lip to the nose. After 10 minutes, rinse with cool water.
  2. Cosmetic clay, eggs, essential oil . Mix the beaten egg with 2 tbsp. spoons of blue or white clay, add 5-6 drops of grapefruit oil to the mixture. Apply a thin layer to the nasolabial part of your face. This mask has an excellent lifting effect and helps make wrinkles less noticeable.

What procedures does cosmetology offer?

Salon/medical procedures - beauty injections, facial grinding/peeling, biorevitalization, surgical interventions by plastic surgeons - are more effective compared to home remedies. The advantages include the duration of the effect (from several months to a couple of years), rejuvenation of the skin, and a stable result.

However, we should not forget about unpredictable individual reactions and contraindications. When deciding to go to a beauty clinic or salon, undergo a preliminary examination by qualified specialists - a dermatologist, a surgeon. What methods does modern cosmetology offer to remove wrinkles above the upper lip:

    Botox (injections). The introduction of this substance by injection into the subcutaneous layers causes partial atrophy of the muscles around the nose and mouth. Facial expressions become less mobile, the skin smoothes out. The “unpleasant” consequences include the “mask” effect, so you should resort to this method if you have deep purse-string wrinkles after 45 years.

  1. Mesotherapy. A rich vitamin-stabilizing cocktail is injected into the surface layers of the epidermis. Contains collagen, B-group “youth” vitamins, and microelements. A sustainable result of reducing wrinkles is achieved after three to five procedures.
  2. Paraffin therapy. Restores the water-electrolyte balance of facial skin. By warming up the epidermis, paraffin improves metabolic functions, removes toxins, and saturates it with useful microelements. Effectively helps remove shallow wrinkles around the lips and nose: by stimulating skin turgor, paraffin therapy makes the face smooth and toned.
  3. Biorevitalization. Microscopic doses of hyaluronic acid, injected with thin needles under the skin, stimulate the body’s own “production” of this substance. The introduction of hydrocolloid triggers the synthesis of collagen fibers and elastin, which are responsible for elastic skin and the absence of folds above the upper lip, helps remove nasolabial wrinkles after a single use, however, the supporting effect does not last long (from 3 to 10 months).
  4. Laser and chemical peeling. Deep skin resurfacing using drugs or laser radiation is aimed at “removing” the upper layer of the epidermis around the lips and wings of the nose. By smoothing out unevenness and roughness, peeling reduces the appearance of wrinkles on the face.
  5. Plastic surgery. This radical method of getting rid of folds above the upper lip is based on the introduction of special gels into the deep layers of the skin. In this case, contour plastic surgery is used to fill wrinkles: as a result, the skin on the face “straightens out,” helping a woman visually look 10-15 years younger.

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From a certain age (25-30) years, small wrinkles begin to form not only in the outer corners of the eyes, but also so-called purse-string wrinkles. They are vertical wrinkles and small folds around the mouth, which are directed perpendicular to the red border of the lips.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Injections are a thing of the past! The anti-wrinkle remedy is 37 times stronger than Botox...

The reason for their formation is the general aging of tissues throughout the body. It manifests itself primarily in the most vulnerable areas, one of which is the area around the mouth, where the skin is thin and subcutaneous tissue and sebaceous glands are practically absent.

The processes of age-related changes include a decrease in the content of hyaluronic acid in the skin, which binds a significant amount of water molecules, the degradation of collagen and elastin fibers and a slowdown in the processes of neocollagenesis, in an even greater thinning of the subcutaneous tissue. All this leads to a decrease in firmness, tone and elasticity of the skin.

The aging processes of the tissues above the upper lip are especially noticeable, where they appear in the form of vertical (purse-string) wrinkles and small folds. This is due to the anatomical structure: the orbicularis oris muscle with its fibers is not attached to the bone, like other muscles, but is woven directly into the dermis, which creates a significant load on it.

Constantly contracting during conversation, facial expressions and expression of emotions, this muscle gradually stretches the skin, the recovery processes in which slow down over the years - blood circulation decreases, regeneration slows down, and the number of connective tissue fibers in the intercellular substance increases.

Spasm of the fibers of the orbicularis oris muscle, the content of hyaluronic acid and full-fledged collagen and elastin fibers in the skin tissues, which are increasingly decreasing over the years, are no longer able to compensate for their stretching, as a result of which small vertical folds and purse-string wrinkles form around the lips, the lips lose their bright color and expressiveness.

The earlier and faster formation of “purse-string” wrinkles is mainly promoted by:

  • characteristics of the tissues of each individual, that is, hereditary predisposition;
  • unfavorable environment, especially in large cities;
  • excessive ultraviolet irradiation, which promotes faster formation of free radicals in tissues and destruction of collagen and elastin proteins;
  • unbalanced and/or malnutrition - insufficient amounts of proteins and microelements, fiber and vitamins, especially vitamins “A” and “E”;
  • sudden changes in body weight;
  • dental problems;
  • taking diuretics (often for the purpose of weight loss) that contribute to dehydration, insufficient water intake (less than 1.5 liters per day);
  • hormonal imbalance due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland and, mainly, diseases of the female genital area, especially the ovaries: the lip area is considered an estrogen-dependent zone;
  • work on night shifts, systematic lack of sleep and sleep disturbances, prolonged psycho-emotional stress;
  • excessive facial expressions, specific work activities (playing wind musical instruments, blowing glass products);
  • smoking and frequent use of chewing gum, abuse of strong drinks (tea, coffee);
  • use of low-quality cosmetics, misuse or abuse.

How to remove purse string wrinkles? Despite the fact that it is not possible for anyone to completely get rid of the signs of aging, it is quite possible for everyone to slow down the processes of their formation and reduce their severity if the above factors that contribute to the aging process are eliminated as much as possible. In addition, existing wrinkles and folds in the lip area can be corrected and made less noticeable.

Correction of purse-string wrinkles

This requires proper skin care, moisturizing, nourishing and increasing its tone with the help of various ready-made cosmetic masks that contain components such as vitamins, collagen, hyaluronic acid, and exfoliants.

You can also use readily available home remedies of plant and animal origin, and regularly apply a special set of exercises for the lips. These measures improve the condition of the skin and slow down the aging process, help reduce spasm and relax the orbicularis oris muscle.

But the main ways to eliminate existing wrinkles in the lip area are such cosmetic techniques as:

  1. Mesotherapy, biorevitalization and lip contouring. They are course and maintenance procedures of injections into the skin or under the skin of preparations containing vitamins, microelements, serums and, most importantly, hyaluronic acid or products that are fillers based on it. These techniques allow you to fill small folds, improve blood circulation in tissues, their nutrition and hydration, and increase skin tone and elasticity. In addition, they stimulate fibroblast function and the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  2. Injections of drugs based on botulinum neurotoxin “A” - “Botox”, “Dysport” or “Xeomin”. The use of the Botox procedure for purse-string wrinkles is based on interrupting the flow of nerve impulses to the orbicularis labii muscle, due to which its spasm is relieved and it relaxes, which leads to smoothing of the skin. The effect lasts for six months, and sometimes longer.
  3. Fractional photothermolysis, which is the dosed destruction of many microscopic areas by a laser beam. Thanks to this, the processes of cell regeneration, collagen and elastin synthesis in the deep and superficial layers of the skin are stimulated.
  4. “ELOS” rejuvenation procedures based on the impact on target tissues using a combination of two types of energy - optical (electro-optical or laser) with the energy of radio frequency waves of bipolar electric current.

As additional means to slow down the aging process in the perioral zone and increase the duration of the positive effect of the above methods, various hardware techniques are used in cosmetology. These include different types of hardware peeling and laser resurfacing, iontophoresis with vitamins and microelements, various types thermolifting. These procedures help improve blood circulation and remove free radicals, stimulate regenerative processes, synthesize collagen and elastin, increase tissue tone and tighten them.

Botox injections

Introduction of fillers based on hyaluronic acid

Contour plastic

The most effective way to correct purse-string wrinkles is not the use of one of the methods, but their gradual and combined effects. Such a program should be compiled by an experienced cosmetologist for each patient individually. It also includes recommendations for eliminating the influence of possible negative factors.

Wrinkles around the lips, whenever they appear, are an insidious thing. Firstly, they always add years to us. Secondly, they irreversibly change their facial expression, giving it a grumpy and dissatisfied expression.

In the lip area, cosmetologists and surgeons distinguish:

    purse-string wrinkles – small vertical wrinkles around the lips,

    puppet wrinkles that go almost vertically down from the corners of the lips to the chin,

    deep nasolabial folds from the nose to the lips.

Today we will only talk about the causes of purse-string wrinkles.

Where do purse-string wrinkles around the mouth come from?

The first purse-string wrinkles near the lips can appear quite early, and, alas, every year they become deeper and more noticeable.

There are several reasons for their appearance. Some of them can be eliminated and thereby prevent early wrinkles.

Expert comment:

Third reason, along which they appear expression wrinkles around the mouth - this is facial expressions. Active articulation, for example in singers, wind instrument players or teachers, very often causes vertical and horizontal wrinkles to form above the upper lip.

If you have a habit of pursing or curling your lips, add this to the list of reasons for the appearance of wrinkles. Even frequent laughter can cause wrinkles near the lips. What to do? Naturally, no one is calling for giving up facial expressions – but it’s worth paying attention to.

Fourth reason, very close to the first - the activity of the orbicularis oris muscle. Do you often drink drinks through a straw and can’t imagine life without chewing gum? Wrinkles on your lips are practically guaranteed. To reduce the risk, do facial exercises, massage your lips - and again, make sure that lip tension does not become habitual and constant for you.

Fifth reason. Smoking. One of the most common causes of wrinkles around the lips. Why? Not only because of the same tension in the perioral muscles mentioned above.

Nicotine destroys elastin and collagen fibers, that is, it turns the already not very moisturized skin around the lips into thin and dry “tissue paper”, on which creases instantly appear. No wonder Another name for purse-string wrinkles is smoker’s wrinkles.

Sixth reason not associated with tension of the perioral muscles. These are disproportions of the facial skeleton, micrognathia, malocclusion, missing teeth or abrasion of the enamel.

Moreover, even if you have naturally beautiful teeth, with age they wear out, the bones of the skull become thinner - this is a natural process.

Therefore, before starting treatment with a cosmetologist, it makes sense to visit an aesthetic dentist - today there are methods for raising the bite.

Seventh reason- weather. Temperature changes, excessive dryness and ultraviolet radiation harm your lips. The latter penetrates deep into the skin and has great destructive power, triggering the aging process.

Eighth reason– nutritional imbalance. Sudden weight loss, poor diet, and insufficient fluid intake accelerate skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles on the upper lip .

Now we know the enemy by sight. It remains to be seen whether it is possible to get rid of purse-string wrinkles.

How to remove wrinkles above the lip at home

Let's be realistic: complete elimination of wrinkles around the lips is impossible because we chew, talk and use facial expressions every day. However, there are remedies to make wrinkles at the corners of the lips less noticeable.

Let's start with a few basic things, then look at free correction methods and finish the story with ultra effective means from the arsenal of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons.

    Quit smoking. Completely, forever. Not only your lips, but also your eyes and ovaries, and every cell of your body.

    Stop believing advertising stories about the benefits of chewing gum. It only benefits chewing gum manufacturers, but not you. Of course, there are times when you need to quickly brush your teeth after eating - but to do this, chewing gum for five minutes is enough. Anything more is harmful to both teeth and youthful lips.

    Learn to control your face.

    Do you look always dissatisfied, your lips are tense, there is a dissatisfied grimace on your face? Get rid of the habit of curling your lips or pursing them - this does not decorate anyone, but why do you need something that even now looks ugly and in the long run will form wrinkles of grief on your face near your lips?

    A slight half-smile is what should be his “background expression.”

    Be careful with the sun! Undoubtedly, the sun, air and water are our best friends. But only when using protective equipment with SPF filters of at least 30, or even 50. Otherwise best friend It is quite capable of doing outright nasty things to you - for example, drying out already dry skin.

    Don't forget about protective cosmetics. Creams and masks, that you use should contain vitamins A, E, C, retinoids, coenzymes, antioxidants, peptides, fatty oils, collagen, keratin, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, glycol and other ingredients beneficial to the skin.

    It would be good to start using them not at the age of 45 in order to treat already formed wrinkles near the mouth, but at least at the age of 25, that is, at the moment when the processes of age-related changes are just beginning.

    If you love Facebook building, be careful. On the one side, gymnastics for the face– a wonderful thing, a simulator that allows the facial muscles to remain toned, eliminates jowls, double chin and other unpleasant things. But excessive load on the perioral area is fraught with the formation of wrinkles: you remember that there is almost no fat and sebaceous glands there?

Well, now a few folk recipes, which are designed to help you get rid of those hated wrinkles without leaving your home. So, in order to keep the skin around the lips smooth longer, our grandmothers advised:

    Make “lip” masks from products containing a large amount of moisture and fat: cucumber, yogurt or sour cream.

    Don’t forget to include foods containing vitamin B2 in your diet: nuts, fermented milk products, grain bread, leafy green vegetables.

    When applying a cream or mask, massage along the lines around the lips and from the lips to the chin - this will make the care more effective.

Expert commentary

How to effectively remove purse-string wrinkles above the upper lip

There are many ways to smooth out purse-string wrinkles and make wrinkles in the corners of the lips invisible.

    Injections of fillers based on hyaluronic acid (Volbella, Equio) fill every wrinkle and thereby smooth them out. The undeniable advantage of gels is that they can solve all the problems of the mouth area - in particular, restore volume to the lips and smooth out the labio-mental folds under the lower lip.

    To naturally correct purse-string wrinkles, the doctor must have a special microtechnique for administering the drug. Otherwise, excess filler distorts the smile and makes facial expressions robotic.

    Biorevitalization unstabilized hyaluronic acid Ial-System provides hydration and effective correction small wrinkles near the mouth.

    Introduction collagen-based product within 2-3 weeks it tightens the skin, reduces sagging, smoothes out wrinkles and folds.

    Mesotherapy with vitamins, microelements, collagen, elastin, etc. The effect appears slowly, but is more sustainable and delays further skin aging.

    Botox– one or two injections will relieve muscle spasms, thereby smoothing out purse-string wrinkles and raise the corners of the mouth. If Botox in its classic form is contraindicated for you, a more gentle procedure is performed mesobotox or peptide injection Argireline.

    Mesothreads , installed along the contour of the lips. After resorption, the thread leaves a framework of collagen fibers, which strengthens the skin and smoothes out wrinkles.

    Plasmafiller– Swiss plasma therapy Regen Lab– naturally launches the processes of rejuvenation and restoration of the skin, smoothes out wrinkles.

    Chemical peeling improves the condition of the skin around the mouth, enhances cellular metabolism and blood flow - small wrinkles are smoothed out, large ones become less noticeable.

  1. Laser peeling using fractional laser Asklepion triggers renewal of the top layer of skin. As a result, purse-string wrinkles disappear and the skin rejuvenates.

Review from Natalia, 46 years old:

In more complex cases, to solve the problem and elimination wrinkles require the use of surgical methods:

    Lipofilling – filling skin folds with your own purified fat. This technique perfectly rejuvenates the skin, gives volume to the lips and smoothes purse-string wrinkles.

    Thread lift Waylock, Happy elevator, Spring Fred. Lifting the skin and soft tissues with biodegradable threads solves the problem of nasolabial folds and wrinkle puppets.

    SMAS lifting in the comprehensive rejuvenation program, it also allows you to get rid of the deepest wrinkles in the mouth area - nasolabial and labiomental.

To solve the problem of wrinkles in the lip area, sign up for a consultation with a cosmetologist by calling:

in Moscow +7 495 723-48-38, +7 495 989-21-16,

in Kazan +7 843 236-66-66.

Our specialists:

Anna Smirnova

Elena Vlasova

Elmira Baltacheeva

Andrey Iskornev

Maxim Vasiliev

Make an appointment online and get a 30% discount on your consultation!

Wrinkles above the upper lip begin to appear after 25-30 summer age. These small folds and vertical wrinkles around the mouth are called purse string lines.

The reasons for their appearance are the most main reason– the process of skin withering has begun.

The first wrinkles above the upper lip appear due to the fact that with each contraction the muscles of the mouth stretch the skin. It is difficult for them to recover, since there are very few sebaceous glands and no fat layer.

Wrinkles above the upper lip occur as the body ages, when there is less collagen because little estrogen is produced. This leads to a decrease

skin elasticity

Other reasons why these changes occur around the mouth include:

  • energy and tension of the orbicularis muscle;
  • temperamental articulation;
  • smoking, which leads to the destruction of collagen and elastin fibers and dry skin;
  • incorrect bite, abrasion of enamel, disproportions of the facial skeleton, lack of teeth;
  • unbalanced diet - sudden weight loss, insufficient water intake;
  • weather conditions – excessive dryness, strong exposure to sunlight.

In a good beauty salon, correction is carried out, thanks to which you can significantly reduce wrinkles above the upper lip.

Purse-string wrinkles usually appear after 40 years, but with thin skin they can begin to bother women even earlier.

How to get rid of wrinkles above the upper lip

It is impossible to completely remove expression wrinkles. Such a defect can be made not too noticeable. To do this, active influence is applied from the outside, and you also need to use internal sources of the body.

There are three main ways to give your face a healthier and more youthful appearance. You can remove purse string wrinkles using the following methods:

  • injection – the use of fillers allows you to smooth out fine and medium-depth wrinkles;
  • hardware - in in this case the work is aimed at activating the production of elastin and collagen, improving skin quality - elasticity, tone;
  • plastic surgery - they are mainly performed on older people, when cosmetology alone cannot cope with very deep wrinkles around the mouth.

Correction carried out using special fillers:

  • gives the necessary volume;
  • restores elasticity.

Fillers are dermal fillers and include hyaluronic acid, which is implanted into the skin, lifting and smoothing it.

After this process, which is absolutely harmless:

  • the skin becomes smooth and elastic;
  • wrinkles are smoothed out.

You can achieve excellent results and remove wrinkles if you combine the injection of fillers into the area around the mouth with the procedure of reinforcement with mesothreads and botulinum toxin - Botox, Dysport.

Thanks to the injection method, this deficiency can be eliminated quite quickly and the result will be pronounced. However, it is necessary to repeat the procedures after 6 or 12 months.

For each client, the cosmetologist selects the best course, based on the characteristics and condition of the body. In most cases, it consists of several procedures of different types, which can strengthen and complement each other. However, fillers will almost always be an indispensable element.

Indications and contraindications for the correction procedure

Wrinkles above the upper lip give the face an senile appearance, a joyless, tired and irritated expression. It is these factors that indicate that they need to be removed. In exceptional cases, after such procedures, the appearance of side effects. It could be:

  • headache;
  • increased pain;
  • irritation.

Swelling may appear at the injection site with drugs. If the wrinkles are deep, bruises often occur. All this disappears within 7 days.

These methods for correcting wrinkles around the mouth have a number of contraindications, such as:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • tendency to allergies and acute diseases;
  • inflammation of the area where the drug will be administered and increased sensitivity to it;
  • tumors and blood diseases;
  • muscle weakness;
  • use of anticoagulants and antibiotics;
  • recent chemical or laser facial cleansing.

Skin care after the procedure

  • refrain from exposing your face to heat;
  • do not consume hot food or tea;
  • Do not massage this area.

Drinking alcoholic beverages can increase swelling. The doctor gives more detailed recommendations individually to each client. In order to prevent wrinkles from appearing above the upper lip for as long as possible, you need to give up cigarettes and chewing gum.

To combat this deficiency, various massage techniques that increase turgor help a lot. Proper, constant care of the area where purse-string wrinkles appear is also necessary. It is necessary to moisturize, nourish and improve tone. For this purpose, there are many different cosmetic masks that are ready for use. They contain important ingredients that can keep the skin around the mouth in excellent condition:

  • collagen;
  • vitamins;
  • exfoliants;
  • hyaluronic acid.

The action of these products is focused on improving the condition of the skin. Homemade aromatic oils have a great effect on the area around the mouth and give amazing results.

We must not forget to use special products that have properties of protection against ultraviolet rays if you plan to visit a solarium or sunbathe. The ability to control negative experiences will help reduce contractions of the muscles around the mouth.

The methods used for injections are distinguished by their safety and reliable aesthetic results. To implement them there is no need to change the usual rhythm of life.

The appearance of wrinkles above the upper lip is due to active articulation and age-related changes in the tissues around the mouth. If in youth the orbicularis oris muscle is in a certain tone, then in the process of age-related changes it often acquires hypertonicity, which entails drooping of the corners of the lips, the formation of purse-string wrinkles, and the appearance of nasolabial folds.

At particular risk are smokers and people with thin skin and a small amount of subcutaneous tissue.

Such changes strongly reveal age, which is why it is so important to pay attention to their correction in a timely manner. Various procedures are designed to remove wrinkles above the upper lip: from facial muscle gymnastics to Botox injections and contouring.

Methods for correcting purse-string wrinkles

Medical cosmetology offers various methods to get rid of this problem.

  • Fractional thermolysis (Fraxel laser) as a method of eliminating wrinkles above the lip has proven its effectiveness. It is safe and helps slow down skin aging.
  • Biorevitalization, like mesotherapy, is aimed at rejuvenating the skin. The procedures stimulate the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen, the skin becomes hydrated and more elastic, and wrinkles are slightly smoothed out.
  • Chemical peeling (usually superficial-medial, median or retinoic) smoothes the skin around the mouth by exfoliating and stimulating neocollagenogenesis.
  • The introduction of drugs based on botulinum toxin (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin) leads to partial relaxation of the orbicularis oris muscle, slowing down the aging process of the skin in this area.
    The option of mesobotox over the upper lip is always possible, if there are contraindications to the classic injection of botox.
  • One of the modern trends is working in the upper lip area with 3D mesothreads or Aptos Nano threads. This procedure, without creating additional volume in the area, helps to significantly smooth out purse-string wrinkles.
  • But still, it is most often recommended to use contour plastic surgery. This procedure involves the introduction directly under purse-string wrinkles of preparations based on hyaluronic acid, which is a natural component of the tissues of the human body. The injected drug stimulates collagen production, improves water balance, the skin becomes smoother and restored in volume. Most often, low or medium density preparations are used for contour correction of the upper lip area. For example, Belotero Soft, Juvederm Ultra 2, Juvederm Smile, Juvederm Ultra 3, Juvederm Volbella, Juvederm Volift, Belotero Basic, Surgiderm 24 XP, etc. Injection requires from 0.2 to 0.5 ml of filler depending on the area and depth occurrence of wrinkles. The procedure can be carried out in two stages (the second after 10-14 days).

Correction result

folds and wrinkles above the upper lip are smoothed out And cease to be the center of attention of your interlocutors. The result will be noticeable for at least six months, but not more than one and a half years. Its duration is determined by the density of the gel, the initial scale of the problem, the activity of facial expressions and the volume of the administered drug.

How much does it cost to remove wrinkles above the upper lip by injecting a filler (or “gel”)?

The answer to this question is presented in the table below. The price is determined during a face-to-face consultation and depends on the density and volume of the selected drug.

Contour correction of wrinkles above the upper lip (+anesthesia)

From year to year, less and less collagen remains in the human body, which is responsible for supporting muscle fibers. The appearance of wrinkles on the face is like a disaster for every woman. The nasolabial area and the skin around the mouth begin to undergo changes first. Every woman sooner or later faces the question of how to remove purse-string wrinkles above the upper lip.

To remove wrinkles in the mouth area, representatives of the fair sex turn to specialists for help. What kind of measures are not taken - plastic surgery, Botox injection, laser treatment and all kinds of chemical peels. But in order to get rid of these problems, it is not at all necessary to resort to all these tricks. It’s enough just to properly care for your skin, use homemade cosmetics and follow some simple rules.

Medical methods

There are several medical ways to get rid of purse-string wrinkles above the upper lip. Each technique affects the layers of the skin differently, but together they allow you to achieve amazing results.
When choosing a method for getting rid of purse-string wrinkles, you should take into account how deep the skin changes are, the person’s age and skin type.


A substance is injected under the skin that blocks the flow of nerve impulses to the facial muscles. This effectively smoothes out wrinkles. It is recommended to resort to the technique in case wrinkles appear due to persistent muscle spasm.

Laser resurfacing

The essence of the procedure is to remove the upper part of the skin, and with it purse-string wrinkles. The result is fresh skin.


Wrinkles above the upper lip are treated with a chemical. Blood flow improves and cellular metabolism is stimulated. After a course of the procedure, collagen production by the skin is resumed. There are several varieties of this procedure:

  • Chemical - acids with different concentrations are selected in a special way, then a burn is carried out. Due to it, the upper layers of tissue are removed, tissue is regenerated, and collagen and elastin begin to be produced more strongly.
  • Laser – this type peeling is similar to chemical peeling. The only difference is that the laser acts on the skin. This technique is characterized by a higher precision of impact, and, consequently, a low level of injury.

After chemical and laser peeling, fine wrinkles disappear, and deep wrinkles become less noticeable.


The surface layers of the skin are polished. This procedure is quite painful. Most often it is used to remove scars and tattoos.


To improve the general condition of the dermis, restore its tone and stimulate metabolic processes in cells, cosmetic mixtures based on hyaluronic acid (HA) with the addition of vitamins and other substances beneficial to the skin are used. The effect after this procedure lasts for several months.


Also performed on the basis of hyaluronic acid. The skin is deeply hydrated, the production of collagen and elastin is resumed, and fine wrinkles disappear. The effect lasts 6-8 months.


A course of injections aimed at strengthening and tightening the skin. The result lasts for up to 10 months.

Contour plastic

Provides a more pronounced visual effect. The contour of the upper lip is strengthened, and HA-based fillers fill even the deepest wrinkles. This procedure, unlike the above, does not affect the general condition of the skin in any way. The result lasts about 12 months.


In essence, this is the same contour plastic surgery. However, in this case, the patient's fat deposits from the thighs or abdomen are used as filler. The result lasts quite a long time compared to other procedures - about 3 years. But there are also disadvantages - the complexity of the procedure, and as a result - its high cost.

The best method for eliminating wrinkles is fractional laser resurfacing, which is radical in nature. It is recommended to carry out this procedure only in the autumn or winter months. Most often, 3-5 procedures are required to achieve the effect.

A good effect can be achieved using contouring and chemical peeling.
At the age close to 50 years the most in an efficient way To get rid of wrinkles around the lips, which have already become deep, is a surgical lift. This is a fairly serious operation, so you need to think carefully before deciding to do it.

Hardware procedures

The salons also carry out hardware procedures.
ELOS – rejuvenation course using radio waves.
Lifting massage - all the muscles around the mouth are worked with the fingers.
Thermage – in order for additional collagen production to begin, moisturizing procedures for the skin above the lips are carried out under the influence of a certain temperature regime.

Anti-wrinkle cosmetics

To prevent surgery and avoid the appearance of wrinkles for a long time, it is recommended to use cosmetics. When choosing, carefully study the packaging, focusing on the composition cosmetic product. The following components must be present:

  • antioxidants, especially coenzyme Q10 - they slow down the aging process of the skin and prevent the appearance of new wrinkles;
  • retinoids (vitamin A and its derivatives) – help maintain skin firmness and elasticity;
  • moisturizing components - it is the lack of moisture that leads to rapid aging of the skin, and wrinkles become even more noticeable.

It is advisable that the creams do not contain alcohol, parabens or fragrances. Apply to the problem area at least twice a week. natural remedies with exfoliating effect. To make the skin firm and elastic, it is recommended to use a daily nourishing cream.

Folk recipes

In addition to the use of creams, it is also useful to use masks. There are many of them. The most effective masks are made from the following ingredients:

  • Mix canned green peas with kefir, then mash with a fork. Apply the resulting mass to your face, rinse off after 20 minutes.
  • Apply a mixture of a teaspoon of honey diluted with aloe juice to the skin above the lips. After half an hour, rinse with warm water.
  • Apply a leaf of sauerkraut for 25-30 minutes to the area above the lip or wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in brine.
  • Grate an unripe green apple. Spread the resulting apple pulp over your upper lip.
  • Dissolve 10g of starch in kefir. Apply the resulting creamy mass to the problem area.

To combat wrinkles, you can use other means:

  • Cubes of frozen herbal infusions, such as chamomile or calendula. It is recommended to wipe the skin in the morning and evening.
  • Cucumber masks - distilled water contained in large quantities in these vegetables has a positive effect on the condition of the dermis.
  • Celery – the phytohormones it contains act like antioxidants.
  • Vitamin B2. It also functions like an antioxidant and controls the activity of free radicals. Its deficiency negatively affects the condition of the skin, leading to peeling.

Used to get rid of wrinkles folk remedies, you should not expect instant results. In addition, you can resort to alternative methods.

Massage and face building

You can also get rid of purse-string wrinkles with the help of massage and face-building. Before you begin the exercises, you need to prepare the skin - carry out procedures to cleanse and moisturize it. Initially, do 3 repetitions of each exercise. Gradually, this number should reach 15. It is recommended to repeat the set of exercises several times a week, but if you increase the frequency, there will be no harm.

Exercises for wrinkles above the lip:

  1. Close your lips and teeth tightly. Lower lip lower down, exposing the lower teeth and gums. Tighten your lower face. This helps to tighten the oval of the face and improves the condition of the skin above the upper lip;
  2. Open your mouth slightly and smile. Stretch your smile. You can’t squint your eyes, only tense the lower part of your face. Thus, you will smooth out wrinkles in the nasolabial area;
  3. Pull your lips forward as much as possible. Gather them into a knot and fix in this position for 10 seconds;
  4. Slap your lips as if pronouncing the letter “P”;
  5. Draw your mouth into an oval. Fix the corners of your lips so that they do not diverge. Draw a fish - tighten and release your lips. Don't strain your nose.

What products rejuvenate the skin?

  • meat and nuts, but you should not abuse them;
  • fresh and properly prepared vegetables and fruits;
  • lean meat;
  • fermented milk products;
  • whole grain crops.

In addition, you need to drink enough water - at least a liter.
If you adhere to the above rules of care, you will not have to think about solving the question “How to remove wrinkles above the upper lip.”

Video: Elena Malysheva’s method for removing wrinkles around the lips.