What is the fine for transporting children without a seat? What is the fine for not having a child seat? Penalty for not having a child seatA

According to traffic rules, the driver and passengers are required to wear seat belts. This requirement must also be observed by children. But due to the child’s build, it will not be possible to use regular belts. The car must have a special car seat for him, corresponding to the size and GOST. There are several types of devices. A fine for a child seat is imposed if it is not available. It is important for motorists to know and follow the rules for transporting children.

Fine amount

According to clause 22.9 of the traffic rules, children under 12 years of age must travel in a car with child restraints. Armchairs are installed in the rear and front seats, the main thing is that the child is comfortable. It is safer to place this product at the rear. But if there are no more passengers in the car, then the driver can seat the child next to him.

What is the penalty for driving without child seat been there before? Drivers paid only 500 rubles. But over time the rules change. What is the fine for a child seat now? Today you will have to pay 3,000 rubles. This is stated in Part 3 of Art. 12.23 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

When is the fine applied?

According to the law, a fine for transporting a child without a child seat is imposed in the following situations:

  • The child sits in the arms of an adult.
  • The chair does not fit, for example, the baby has outgrown it.
  • Children are in seats, but not secured with belts.
  • There is more than 1 child in one seat.
  • The car does not have standard seat belts. If they are only in the front seats, then children should be transported there.

When is a fine not imposed?

There are situations when a fine cannot be imposed for a child seat:

  • If the car doesn't move.
  • Children do not travel in a classic car seat, but are fastened with a FEST booster seat and sit in frameless car seats in the back seat, if the safety of the trip is ensured.

What if there are 2 children in the car?

Financial punishment is provided if 1 child is without a child seat. One fine will be issued, even if there are several children in the car. This is one violation, so no one has the right to write out a larger amount. The rule is spelled out in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Checking for a violation

A fine for a child seat is imposed only after an inspector has verified the absence of this product. Many people know the situation when an inspector opens the doors of a car to check whether there are seat belts and whether children are in special seats.

The administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs prescribe each procedure for detecting an offense. They have their own procedure. Before opening the doors and inspecting, the inspector draws up an inspection protocol. The document must indicate the grounds. It is important to have a video recording and invite 2 witnesses. Only such a procedure is considered legal.

Is there an alternative to the chair?

It must be taken into account that the law does not regulate the use of a seat as the only means for transporting children. To move the child comfortably, you can use pillows or other devices that can lift the child and secure them with belts.

But it is better to choose a special chair, since it can be selected based on the baby’s height and build. Therefore, he will not be able to fall or get damaged in it. This especially applies to children under 5 years of age who cannot yet identify danger. If a suitable product is used, then no one will impose a fine for a child seat.

Types of chairs

Today there is a large selection of chairs. To make it safe, it is chosen based on the baby’s height and weight. The child should not feel constrained in the product, at the same time it should not be loose. Please note that the maximum height for using a car seat is 150 cm and weight is 36 kg. There are 5 groups of car seats intended for children under 12 years of age:

  • 0. Products are needed for infants up to 1 year, up to 10 kg. They can be adjusted to adjust the backrest angle, making it very comfortable for your baby to sit. The designs are presented in the form of a cradle, which can be used as a hand carry or an extension for a stroller.
  • 0+ and 1. The products are intended for children 1-4 years old. They can withstand up to 18 kg. They have seat belts. Some models have an adjustable backrest and headrest, making the design ideal for long trips.
  • 2 and 3. Designs are needed for children under 12 years old. They have orthopedic pillows that support the spine in a comfortable position, which is very important in the formation of bone tissue and posture. The products are comfortable and practical, they are secured with belts.

Universal car seats suitable for children from 1 year to 12 years are also sold. You can find them from almost all manufacturers. The designs are produced in different colors. The downside is the high price. But since this concerns the safety of children, you need to think about purchasing a suitable chair first.


A fine without a child seat in 2017 is imposed if there is a violation. If it is not possible to purchase this product, then it can be replaced with other holding devices. Great fit:

  • Universal adapters. They are attached to a regular belt with a button and securely hold the kids.
  • Fixing pads on the seat. They are secured with belts and keep children in a sitting position. The product is suitable for children from 6 months to 4 years.
  • Bus booster seats. The designs are presented in the form of an additional seat that lifts the baby.

Although it is better to have a special chair, alternative devices will ensure safety. And then there will be no questions from the inspectors.


Disputes often arise when communicating with inspectors. For example, due to an unreasonable fine. It is important to know that the traffic rules do not indicate that children should be transported in a car seat. Clause 22.9 states that children are transported using restraints.

If the child is secured with a belt and is comfortable, then the inspector’s claims are unfounded. Therefore, imposing a fine would be illegal. Drivers are not required to bring their child's birth certificate with them to confirm their age. There are other reasons why a child should not be in a car seat, such as physiological factors.

What if a fine was issued?

Issuing a fine disciplines drivers so that they are attentive to the safety of their children. If, however, a penalty is imposed, it must be paid no later than 60 days after the decision comes into effect. Entry will take place 10 days from the date of issue. If you disagree with the decision, you can go to court.

Rules for transporting children

Children traveling in a car is subject to certain rules. Car rides allowed passenger transport and in the truck cab. Children should not be placed in the bed or trailer. The driver is obliged to protect passengers, taking into account the design of the car.

Children under 12 years of age must only ride with a restraint device. This could be a car seat, a car seat, a booster pillow, or a triangle adapter. It is not prohibited to carry children under 12 years of age in front. But there must be a special chair. Only the use of a booster or triangular adapter is prohibited. Compliance with such rules ensures the safety of children.

With the increase in the number of vehicles and accidents in 2007, drivers were required to use special car seats for children under 12 years of age.

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For failure to comply with clause 22.9 of the traffic rules, fines may be imposed on the driver.

Why is it necessary?

When driving a car, dangerous situations constantly arise, which may be associated with:

  • with the possibility of getting into a traffic accident;
  • with the need for emergency braking;
  • with a sharp turn.

Each situation can result in harm to the health of the driver and passengers. Therefore, when operating a car, much attention is paid to safety.

Safety features in the car are:

  • Airbags, which can be installed both for passengers sitting in the front seats, including the driver, and for passengers in the rear seats. Airbags come to the rescue quite often, especially in the event of an emergency;
  • seat belts. According to the rules, belts must be provided for all passengers.

The design features of the safety equipment in the car are such that they are intended for people with a height of more than 150 cm.

For small passengers, standard seat belts and cushions are not sufficient. Therefore, special car seats were invented for children.

Child car seats can be attached to any seat and in any position (forward-facing or rear-facing).

All car seats are equipped with their own seat belts, which prevent the little passenger from moving in an emergency and keep him in a safe position.

When choosing children's product security needs to be taken into account:

  • child's age. For the youngest passengers, seats have been developed that hold the child in a horizontal position on the floor, which is considered the most comfortable. For children aged 1 – 6 years, seats with cross seat belts have been developed. For older passengers, you can use cushion-shaped seats that are not equipped with individual seat belts;

The feasibility of using such a device is determined by raising the child to a level at which it is possible to use a standard belt that is included in the car.

  • child's growth. For smaller children, the chairs are equipped with reclining backrests so that they can be transported in both a sitting and lying position. Depending on the age of the child, all restraint devices are divided into groups:
  • security level. All seats are divided according to the maximum level of passenger safety and can be equipped with additional functions;
  • cost and manufacturer company. The more reliable the manufacturer, the longer the service life of the supporting device and the higher its cost.

Based on the above factors, you can choose the optimal device for your baby and make transporting your child in a car as safe as possible.

Up to what age should children be transported in a special seat?

According to Russian legislation, small passengers are required to be transported in specialized restraint devices under the age of 12 years.

Recently, there have been many proposals to choose another limitation, for example, the height of the child (which, according to motorists, would be the most convenient option), but all of them have not yet been accepted.


The cost of a car security device varies depending on:

  • car seat groups;
  • manufacturer company;
  • additional functions.

The table shows the price range for children's car seats:

Car seat group Price range, rub.
0 2 900 – 36 000
The most expensive models are equipped with lateral support that holds the baby in a certain position
0+ 3 000 – 39 000
Car seats can be equipped with:
— sun protection;
— lateral support;
— length-adjustable straps;
- water-repellent impregnation
I 2 500 – 27 000
Additionally, the chairs are equipped with height adjustment, which helps to increase the service life of the device.
II 2 000 – 20 000
Car seats can be adjusted in height in two ways:
- extending the headrest;
- increasing the backrest of the chair.
In addition, the chairs can be adjusted in width
III 500 – 15 000
The cheapest car seats are based on the idea of ​​a support (pillow), in which the child is fastened with car seat belts.
More expensive models are made in the form of a standard chair with adjustment in three directions: width, length, height.

The amount of the fine for transporting a child without a child seat

The fine for transporting a child without a seat since 2020 or in violation of the requirements established by the traffic rules is provided in the amount 3,000 rubles.

The fine in question has been put into effect Federal Law No. 196 dated March 27, 2013.

Previously, the amount of penalties was 500 rubles. The increase in the amount of the fine is caused by a large number of drivers neglecting the requirements of traffic rules, which leads to an increase in accidents where children are among the victims.

A fine can be imposed on the driver in two situations:

  • in the complete absence of a car seat when transporting a child;
  • if the chair does not meet accepted standards.

The requirements for the design of child support devices are clearly stated in the following documents:

  • UNECE Regulation No. 44. Currently, the 3rd and 4th editions of the original agreement are in effect. These rules apply to all European countries, including the Russian Federation;
  • , which is a national Russian standard developed on the basis of the document presented above.

How and where to pay the fine

You can pay a fine for the absence or non-compliance of a child car seat with accepted standards:

  • in any bank, located in the region of residence of the car owner who became the offender. Banks may charge a fee for transferring funds;
  • at an ATM using cash or funds available on a bank card. When making a payment, an additional commission may also be charged;
  • in the quick payment terminal, for example, Qiwi or Elexnet systems. To pay, you will need to enter the number and date of drawing up the protocol on the administrative offense, as well as the full name of the culprit. Payment, just like at an ATM, can be made in cash or using a bank card;
  • via online bank servicing an existing bank card. Payment can be made without leaving your home or office. To use Internet banking services, preliminary registration in the system is required. Payment is made exclusively from funds available on the card account;
  • through the government services portal. On this Internet resource, you can not only pay a fine, but also check the presence of imposed penalties for administrative offenses. Payment is made through various payment systems using funds available on the bank card account. When transferring money, a commission is charged;
  • funds from electronic wallets directly in the relevant payment systems, for example, Qiwi, WebMoney, Yandex. Money. The size of the commission depends on the chosen payment system.

To pay by any method, you will need to know the number of the administrative violation resolution, the date the document was drawn up and the full name of the offending driver.

If the fine is issued by traffic police officers directly at the scene of the violation of the rules, the driver receives a copy of the decision and a receipt with the amount of the fine. In these documents you can find all the data necessary for payment.

Proof of payment of the fine is a check issued by ATMs, terminals or bank tellers or a receipt that arrives by email (when paying fines online). The receipt or receipt must be retained for 3 years.

The adoption of a new edition of the Road Traffic Rules (SDR) has given rise to a new wave of controversy: at what age can you ride in the front seat of a car in 2019, which safety equipment is allowed under the new SDR and which are banned, and is it possible to put a child seat in the front seat? car in 2019 according to traffic rules, etc.

The first thing that needs to be said: transportation of children of any age in cars is allowed both in the back and front seats. There is no distinction made between a truck or a passenger car. But for of different ages Children have their own rules for transporting children. They did not change in 2019.

At what age can you ride in the front seat?

In 2019, it is allowed to carry a child in a car from the moment of birth; the traffic rules do not contain any restrictions regarding age. In accordance with clause 22.9 of the Rules, in order to transport children, the design of the car must provide for the presence of seat belts, which can be used either separately or in conjunction with the ISOFIX restraint system.

In this case, seat belts are used not only to secure small passengers (in most cases, belts alone are not enough), but also to secure child seats and child restraints, which change depending on the height and weight of the child. Various types DUU are described in detail in GOST R 41.44-2005 (UNECE Rules No. 44).

The rules for transporting children in cars change not only depending on the “dimensions” and age of the child, but also on his place in the vehicle. For the rear seats, the rules are not so strict.

Let's look at it in detail in the table.

Thus, children over 12 years old can ride without a seat in the front seat. They must wear seat belts. If the child short, it is better to use a so-called booster, which will “lift” the child, then the belts will not put pressure on his neck.

What restraints are allowed to be used?

Previously, paragraph 22.9 of the Road Traffic Regulations contained a clause that other means and devices could be used to fasten a child with seat belts. Now it has been excluded, and this paragraph is set out in a new edition. The main requirement for such products is formulated as follows: they must correspond to the weight and age of the child. IN in this case the rules refer motorists to manufacturers' instructions and regulations.

When choosing a device, you must make sure that it has a special certificate of conformity. The regulatory framework in this matter is as follows: the mandatory criteria that child restraints must meet are contained in the TR of the Customs Union 018/2011. In clause 35 of the CU TR, in turn, there is a reference to UNECE rules No. 44-04 (GOST R 41.44-2005). This GOST allocates 5 weight categories and four types of child restraints.

The vehicle owner must follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding the age group of children for whom their product is suitable. It is impossible to make an unambiguous conclusion about the prohibition of certain types of restraint systems or devices; in accordance with the traffic rules, they must comply with the requirements; the Rules do not contain direct prohibitions.

What are the regulations regarding airbags?

Lawyers are often asked whether it is possible to place a car seat in the front seat according to traffic regulations in 2019 with active airbags. We answer - the rules do not regulate this issue, so you must follow the recommendations of the manufacturer. And most operating instructions for child car seats prohibit the use of the product in the front seat with an active airbag. However, there may be exceptions; in some cases, the manufacturer allows you to move the seat away from the front panel of the car.

The rationale is as follows: the deployment of airbags can cause serious harm to the health of the child, and additional precautions have already been taken. Therefore, the airbags must be turned off.

Answers to popular questions

At what age can you ride in the front seat without a child seat? Does the law allow it or not?

In short, the traffic rules allow children over 12 years of age to be transported in the front seat of any car without taking any additional precautions other than seat belts.

Is it possible to carry a small passenger on a booster seat?

A booster seat is a type of child restraint system. It is intended for older minor passengers, and the design does not provide for the presence of a backrest or internal seat belts. The product is a small seat with armrests that allows you to raise the child so that you can use a standard seat belt.

When deciding whether to use a booster, you should follow the manufacturer's instructions. For example, all boosters are divided into two groups, 2/3 - intended for children weighing from 15 to 36 kilograms and 3 - for children weighing from 22 to 36 kilograms. Taking these indicators into account, the product should be used: for example, a group 3 booster cannot be used to transport children weighing less than 22 kilograms.

At what age can you drive without a child seat in the back seat?

In 2018, the rules for transporting children in a car allow passengers aged 7 to 11 years to be transported without a car seat in the back row of a car using an approved child restraint system or seat belts.

Not all parents are aware of the need for a child seat in a car. Fortunately, the law thinks for them and insists on special rules transportation of young passengers. And for violating the established procedure, irresponsible parents will face a fine provided for by the Administrative Code.

Even a very careful driver can get into an accident when there is a baby in the car. A seat that holds the child firmly in the car seat will give a chance to avoid severe consequences this. The devices have been proven to reduce child mortality in road accidents by 54% and the risk of serious injury by 70%. Without a special seat, the dangers associated with an accident increase several times:

  • If a car traveling at a speed of up to 50 km/h collides with a standing obstacle, an unbelted baby will be seriously injured. The injuries will be similar to what would happen if you fell from the 4th floor of a house.
  • It will not help that the child is in the arms of an adult using the seat belt. In the event of a collision, for a short time the child’s body acquires such acceleration and increased weight that it cannot be supported.
  • Crash tests have shown that in the event of an accident, the head of an unbelted child will hit the windshield so that fragments can penetrate to a depth of 1 cm. And there is a high probability of breaking the spine in the neck area.

Features of traveling with kids

How to transport a child in a car so that his life and health are not endangered is stated in paragraph 22.9:

Transportation of children under the age of 7 years in a passenger car and truck cab, the design of which includes seat belts... must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) appropriate to the weight and height of the child.

Transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years (inclusive) in a passenger car and truck cabin, the design of which provides for seat belts ... must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or using seat belts, and in the front seat of a passenger car - only with the use of child restraint systems (devices) corresponding to the weight and height of the child.

This means that seat belts designed for adults will not fit young passengers. They simply will not hold the child in place, even with gentle braking.

A device for securing a baby in the car can be located on the front or back row of seats. But in the first case, it should only be a design for children, in the form of a seat with locks, or a car seat. It must be a complete device.

If the child will be placed in the back, it is allowed to use a booster, adapter, or special pillows. But for non-solid restraint devices, the baby’s weight should be from 15 kg.

There are other rules that should be followed when transporting it in a car:

  • For a baby, you need a structure that will allow you to be in a lying position and be clearly fixed in place, that is, a cradle. Until the age of 7, only a one-piece car seat is suitable for children.

The choice of seats is made taking into account age
  • Adaptations are also needed when the child is tall and looks older than his age. If a traffic police officer discovers that he is in fact not 13, but 11, he will be forced to compile.
  • Any device must be installed following the instructions. Otherwise, there is a risk of doing something wrong and not ensuring safety.
  • If the child seat is positioned in such a way that the child is positioned rearward facing the car, it should be disabled in the front seat. In an accident, they can harm him.
  • When installing car seats in the rear seat, they must be placed in the center or in a place behind the driver. These are the safest areas in the car if the securing belt is a three-point one.
  • It is important to position your child correctly in the car seat. There should not be a large empty gap between the device and the child’s body, a maximum of 2 fingers of free space. Belts should not be twisted; this can cause discomfort and become an additional traumatic factor in an accident.
  • If your child is wearing overalls, you will need to additionally use a car seat cover. Otherwise, the clothing material will shrink, and the baby risks flying out of the device.

For information on the rules for transporting children of different ages in a car, watch this video:

Penalty for driving without a child seat

Punishment for transporting a child under 12 years of age in a car without a special seat or other device securing him in the seat is regulated by Article 12.23 of the Administrative Code. These are fines, the size of which depends on the status of the offender:

  • an individual, most often a parent or relative of a child, will be forced to pay 3,000 rubles;
  • the official will give 25,000 rubles;
  • legal will pay 100,000 rubles.

Children are often carried in taxis. If the vehicle does not have a car seat, in this case its owner, to whom the license is issued, will be responsible for violating the rules. And as a fine, he will pay the maximum possible amount, that is, 100,000 rubles. This is regulated by the note to Article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses:

For administrative offenses provided for in this article, persons carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity bear administrative liability as legal entities.

Is it possible to avoid a fine for not having a child seat in the car?

If a driver is caught driving a child without taking care to install a safety seat, he can count on relief in the following cases:

  • When a teenager is over 12 years old, but looks younger. The inspector can draw up a protocol based on his impression of his appearance. But if you confirm your age with a document, you will be able to avoid a fine. This is provided that the child is wearing a seat belt.
  • When there is a special cushion or adapter in the back seat. They cannot be considered a full-fledged car seat, which the traffic police officer may find fault with. But in this case, the protocol needs to record exactly where the devices and the child were located, and also indicate the weight of the baby. If it is 15 kg or more, there will be no fine.
  • When the design of the machine does not provide for the presence of belts. There is no talk about safety here, but the law allows it. In this case, a fine should not be imposed if the child was in the back seat. And no boosters or adapters are required. And if the baby was sitting next to the driver without a car seat, this is an unconditional fine.

In other cases, you will have to pay for the lack of equipment, and in full. It will not be possible to reduce the fine amount, even if you deposit money within the next 20 days.

A good car seat is not cheap. Moreover, these devices have to be replaced with new ones during the child’s life, perhaps more than once. But his life and health are much more expensive, and for this reason it is worth taking care of installing a car seat.

Useful video

To learn about the cases in which the absence of a car seat is not a reason for a fine, watch this video:

Children's road safety is always in the zone close attention not only the traffic police, but also global manufacturers of increasingly advanced car seats, cradles and special holder devices. It would seem that in modern society, a priori, the rules of careful handling of a child’s life should be observed and the achievements of technical means for this should be actively used. And yet, about half of car owners do not take their responsibility to care for children seriously and do not fasten a seat belt for a child in the car. We will look into what punishment such irresponsible drivers face in this article.

Current legal provisions

Let's start with the fact that the driver is responsible for ensuring the safety of all passengers. It is he who bears full responsibility for the life and health of those he carries.

This axiom is complemented by a strict rule: all children of any age must always be buckled up before the car starts moving.

Conventional seat belts used by adults cannot fully ensure the safety of children. If you still use such belts without a special design adapted for childhood, let us remind you that this way you endanger the child even more. A tape placed incorrectly in relation to the body (in children it is at neck level), on the one hand, will not hold children, and on the other hand, can lead to serious consequences in the form of fractures, even if the victim is not thrown out of the car during an accident.

The traffic rules provide for:

  1. if the child is transported in the rear passenger seat, then fixation should occur either with the help of a special child car seat, or with regular seat belts with a corrective device. What such a device should be is not stated anywhere. Usually this is the so-called “corner” that regulates the belt tape, but theoretically it can be anything;
  2. if a child is riding in the front passenger seat, then its safety can only be ensured by using a car seat.

Additionally, there are requirements for the vehicle device itself for transporting children - it must be selected in strict accordance with the weight and age (height) of the child, and be in good working order.

At what age can a child be transported without a child seat? The answer follows from the Rules Road Traffic:

  • only upon reaching 12 years of age if the child is a passenger in front;
  • for children sitting in the back, the seat does not need to be used at all (but it must be fastened using special devices).

Theoretically, it turns out that even infants Those who ride in the back seat do not need to be placed in a car seat. Such cases are few, but they still occur: when a mother saves on buying a special infant carrier and simply fastens the baby wrapped in a blanket with regular belts. We will not dwell on how dire the consequences of such parental actions can be.

By the way, clause 22.9 of the Road Traffic Rules, which contains requirements to use a car seat for transporting minors under 12 years of age, has been repeatedly challenged in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. After considering such applications, decisions were always made on the compliance of the specified paragraph of the traffic rules with Russian laws, as well as the Convention on Road Traffic. The decisions drew attention to the fact that young passengers are among the most vulnerable road users, for whom safety requirements must be strictly observed.

Responsibility measures

For a long time, the fine for an unbelted child was the same as for an adult who does not use regular seat belts - 500 rubles. Since 2013, the legislator, taking into account the statistics of accidents involving children and, as it turned out, the lack of fear of drivers of such loyal punishment, increased the size of the punishment to 3,000 rubles. At the same time, for the first time since May 2016, the same article provides for the liability of an official for the absence of a child seat - a fine of 25,000 rubles; and a legal entity - in the amount of 100,000 rubles.

Let us remind you that a fine awaits not only those whose child travels in a car without a child seat, but also if any traffic violations related to the transportation of children are detected, the essence of which we already wrote at the beginning of the article.

Example No. 1. A mother of two was transporting her children preschool age in your car. At the same time, she transported one child, who was barely one year old, correctly, in an infant carrier, fastened in accordance with the instructions from the manufacturer. Another child, who was 6 years old, was seated by her mother on a so-called “booster” (a seat without reinforcements, armrests or backrest), without fastening her seat belts. The mother-driver was fined 3,000 rubles under Part 2 of Art. 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for violation of the requirements for the transportation of children established by the rules - namely, for an unfastened child booster seat. The offender tried to appeal the fine imposed on her, but the court dismissed her complaint, citing the rule on the mandatory restraint of a child under 12 years of age.

Example No. 2. The parent transporting the child was fined the same amount for using an age-inappropriate seat. So, two year old baby was fastened in a restraint device for children from 6 to 12 years old (the so-called group No. 3, from 22 kg to 36 kg). Even at first glance, it was clear that the chair was too large for a child, which did not meet safety requirements and excluded the possibility of use. The traffic police inspector drew up a protocol indicating a violation of clause 22.9 of the traffic rules. Proof of the unfoundedness of the driver's subsequent complaint was the instruction manual for the car seat, where the manufacturer indicated characteristics suitable only for older children.

Changes expected

What fine for driving without a child car seat is expected from January 1, 2017? The amount of the monetary penalty will remain the same, but some changes may still occur and they will affect the rules for transporting children.

Thus, for all children under 7 years of age, the use of child car seats may become mandatory.

Example No. 3. In January 2020, driver E.A. Nikonov was stopped while transporting his 6-year-old child in the back seat. The traffic police inspector made sure that the baby was fastened with regular seat belts, but with the use of a special corrector (adapter) that regulates the height of the belt in relation to the child’s body. Thus, Nikonov E.A. is not a violator of clause 22.9 of the Traffic Rules, he has complied with the law and his son’s safety is ensured.

If Nikonov E.A. in a similar situation will be stopped in 2020, he may be subject to a fine of 3,000 rubles for not having a car seat, the use of which for children under 7 years of age may become mandatory.

The initiators of the draft resolution (representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), which proposed to amend the traffic rules and exclude the alternative of using a corrective device for preschool children, indicated in the explanatory note to the document the reason for their proposed changes.

Thus, in support of the need to adopt a legislative act, numerous studies and experiments were cited related to transportation without a child seat in a car, but using a seat belt adjuster. The results showed a significant difference in child safety. On average, the prevention of child mortality with the use of seat belts reaches a level of 19-52% (increasing depending on the age category), and with the use of a special restraint device (that is, the same “car seat”) – up to 80%.

To date, contrary to information from some media outlets that claim that the amendments we have indicated have been adopted, the legislative proposal remains a draft. Its discussion was planned for the summer of 2016, but for some reason this did not happen, that is, there are no such changes in the traffic rules yet. Note that the same draft also provides for amendments prohibiting leaving children unattended in a closed car, for which the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation plans to introduce a fine of 500 rubles. This change has not yet been adopted at the highest level; changes have not been made to the administrative code and other laws.