Which wheeled suitcase to choose for an airplane? Buying a suitcase

In this article we will answer your question how to choose a suitcase What is better, a plastic or fabric suitcase, with 2 or four wheels, what size is optimal.

Plastic or fabric?

Our customers are often faced with the question, which suitcase is better, plastic or fabric?

Previously, this question did not arise; in our country only fabric suitcases were presented, and their choice was quite meager. With the advent of plastic ones, the choice has increased significantly and these suitcases quickly gained popularity in Russia.

However, the reputation of plastic suitcases was spoiled by cheap Chinese copies, which were and are still sold even in reputable-looking stores. Such suitcases are beautiful, bright and inexpensive. These are all their advantages.

Behind the beautiful design there is a fake, it is quite possible that such a suitcase will be enough for one flight. They crack, their zippers and wheels break. Before you buy a no-name suitcase, no matter how beautiful it may be, compare it with inexpensive models from well-known manufacturers.

The differences are primarily in higher quality fittings (zippers, wheels).

Airport workers handle luggage, to put it mildly, without thinking about its safety.

If you have a suitcase filled with heavy things (20-25 kg) and a wheel breaks, you will have to carry it in your hands.

Therefore, to avoid discomfort on your trip, we recommend only branded suitcases. And only in this case can you consider buying a plastic suitcase.

Let's look at the benefits of plastic.

The first advantage relative to fabric is its stronger water resistance. This is understandable, fabric allows water to pass through, plastic does not.

Often suitcases wait to be loaded into the luggage compartment of the plane, on a trolley, right on the street. At this time there may be heavy rain, and in Russia there may be a snowstorm.

Plastic will to some extent protect your things from getting wet.

The second advantage is its shock-absorbing properties, because... the case is more rigid compared to fabric, and if it hits, for example, against another suitcase, it will absorb the force of the impact. Of course, this works up to a point.

And the main advantage is the design. Due to the fact that anything can be depicted on plastic, designers do not skimp on ideas, presenting more and more new options.

For example, one of the most fashionable suitcases,

It can be uniform in calm or bright colors, or maybe with an image of your favorite city, an art image, in general, at the will of the designer and among the plastic suitcases, there will definitely be one that you will fall in love with.

Such suitcases, unlike fabric ones, become full-fledged participants in the trip, they attract attention, everyone asks where you bought such a suitcase. You don’t want to put it away in a closet or on the balcony; it pleases the eye with its presence in your apartment. And you will see it on the luggage belt from afar.

Now let's talk about the disadvantages of plastic.

Plastic is a material that, unlike fabric, is scratched. If you don't wrap it in film at the airport, it will quickly lose its appeal. However, even fabric, if not protected, will quickly become worn out.

Manufacturers are aware of this feature, and all suitcases are supplied in a transparent film, which many do not remove. Her presence can only be noticed more matte surface, if you remove the film, the suitcase will be glossy. But if you don’t take it off and wrap it with stretch at the airport, it will be like new.

The next disadvantage is its possible damage; if a sharp and very heavy object falls on it, it may crack. But from my own experience, let’s say this happens too rarely to refuse an original and stylish suitcase.

Now let's look at fabric suitcases.

The situation is the same as with plastic: the cheapest models often turn out to be disposable fakes. Our store offers only high-quality brands that have proven themselves to be excellent. Therefore, we can definitely advise you how to choose a suitcase.

The advantage of a fabric suitcase is its durability. Because The fabric is more pliable than plastic, such a suitcase will withstand much greater physical tests.

Scratches on it are less visible.

The next advantage that we note is its advantage in the additional possible volume. It happens that there are small things left that you need to take with you, but there is no more room.

You can, in the literal sense of the word, push these things into a fabric one; under the pressure of other things, it will stretch a little.

Disadvantages of a fabric suitcase:

The fabric may fray if the suitcase catches on a sharp corner. And the plastic will only be scratched.

But under normal conditions, when other suitcases are thrown on top of suitcases, a fabric one will be more reliable. This is if we return to the positives.

The next disadvantage, and probably the main one, is the classic design. It's completely ordinary, just a suitcase. Not a stylish accessory, but just a suitcase, you won’t remember what it looks like, it’s the same as thousands of others. In general, it does not produce any emotions and does not add brightness to your journey.

However, you may just need a suitcase, because... travel is already a bright event! And the question of design is very subjective, here who likes what more.

The next point we will look at is the number of wheels.

Suitcases come on 2 wheels and 4.

Suitcase on 2 wheels.


Suitcases of this type are most convenient if you have to carry it on bad roads.

Firstly, because such suitcases have larger wheels by default than four-wheeled ones.

And the larger the wheels, the easier it is to overcome imperfections in the road surface. It's like on a car, the smaller the wheel size, the harder each hole appears (this does not mean a low profile, but simply a diameter).

The wheels stay in the same plane all the time, without rotating or interfering with movement. Once in the hole, they will not dangle or rotate; the suitcase will move strictly along the directed path.

Another advantage of such suitcases is that if you have to go down stairs (metro, airport, train station), with a suitcase on 2 wheels this climb will be much easier. You won't need to lift total weight suitcase, all you have to do is lift it and push it behind you.

Suitcases with 2 wheels often use silicone wheels, which are familiar to us from roller skates. Roller skates come with plastic wheels and silicone ones, and you've probably noticed how much more enjoyable it is to roller skate with silicone wheels. The same situation applies to suitcases. On them, the suitcase moves smoothly and quietly.

And the main advantage of such suitcases is that the wheels are recessed inside the body. After all, as you know, at the airport suitcases are thrown from great heights and all protruding parts are at risk. For a suitcase with 4 wheels, the most protruding parts are the wheels themselves; the design is such that it is impossible to place them in any other way. But with a two-wheeler there is no such problem.

Now a few words about the four-wheeled suitcase.

Its advantage is its amazing maneuverability.

Even if the suitcase is very heavy, you will not feel its weight. 4 wheels rotate around its axis 360 degrees, thanks to this you will be comfortable with it in transport.

Let's say you are traveling in a crowded subway car to the airport or train station. In order to move the 2-wheeled suitcase a little towards you, you will need to lift it if it is standing sideways towards you (in 2-wheeled suitcases the wheels are in the same direction), which is not very convenient. And the 4-wheeler can be rotated around as convenient for you.

You can carry it sideways, backwards, you can even push it forward and it will roll on its own.

Compared to 2 wheels, your luggage on four wheels will seem much lighter than it actually is.

Optimal suitcase size.

Small, medium or large? Which suitcase should you choose?

The answer to this question is not as simple as it seems. In any case, it is always a compromise.

In Russia, suitcases are usually measured in centimeters in the format length x width x depth (height), for example 50x40x20.

The photo shows the Edmins 12s30 suitcase,

The average dimensions of a small suitcase are 50x40x20, medium 65x40x30, large 80x50x33. The differences between these standards are plus or minus 5-10 cm depending on the model.

You can see the difference in the sizes of standard suitcases in this photo:

The photo shows a suitcase made of polycarbonate,

Small suitcase suitable for those travelers who appreciate every moment of their journey.

You won't have to wait agonizingly while checking in your luggage, but will be able to board the plane straight away. The same is true upon arrival, with hand luggage there is no need to wait for your luggage on the belt, you can immediately go outside and enjoy your journey without depressing queues.

It's also worth noting that each airline has its own requirements for cabin baggage. Most companies support a format of no more than 50*40*20, and you will not have any difficulties with them. But for low-cost companies this format may be smaller, because... they save space occupied by the passenger.

Carry-on suitcases weigh less, which means they are much easier to wheel.

Average suitcase size Suitable for travelers who don’t have enough things to fit in their carry-on luggage, but the larger size is too big for them.

This is probably the most optimal suitcase size. It is almost as maneuverable as the small one, but will hold 1.5 times more things.

From experience, we will say that the medium one usually fits everything you need; it is not without reason that it is the most popular size.

Large suitcase size- this is for those who are not used to compromises. Everything will fit!

It often happens that when you are in some exotic country, you want to bring souvenirs to your loved ones, and more for everyone! In such cases, you cannot do without a large suitcase.

Our catalog contains some models with expanding volume
, this solution will help those who are a little short, say, a small one, but the average one is too big. Or the average is missing, but large size too big Or a big one is missing. It is precisely for such situations that these models provide these additional centimeters.

Excellent fabric suitcase with expanding capacity

It's time to draw a conclusion and answer the question of how to choose a suitcase.

If you need a suitcase of a classic design that will be larger than a small one (i.e. you will have to check it in the luggage compartment), then our advice is a fabric suitcase, and it is best suited with an expanding volume. These models have 2 silicone wheels, i.e. as mentioned earlier, the move is soft and silent, and the wheels themselves are recessed into the body, which makes this suitcase the most reliable.

If you need a small suitcase that you will not check into the luggage compartment, and will take it with you on board the plane, then here you can also choose either a fabric suitcase or plastic suitcase, also on 4 wheels. Both can be selected with an expanding volume. The plastic one will be bright, and the fabric one will be a more classic option.

And if you are looking for a large suitcase, then best choice there will be a fabric suitcase on 2 wheels, because... if it is large, then its operation means putting it in the luggage compartment; here it would be better to have 2 wheels (the reason is described above).

This article is based on our experience with suitcases, and we hope that after reading it you have learned how to choose a suitcase.

We sell a large number of suitcases every day, and thanks to our recommendations, our store's customers do not have problems when traveling.

Take a look at our entire range of suitcases, maybe you will find what you are looking for, and we will tell you whether it is suitable for your purposes or not.

Too much choice is a real problem. We need to choose work, large TVs, cars, sofas and other household items.

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And after we decide to change something, we painfully choose the direction, airline, dates, tickets... We also need to choose a suitcase.

Taking care of you, we have written what seems to be the most detailed guide on suitcases, describing all the characteristics, taking as a basis the line of one of the most popular brands - Samsonite.

Why travel with a suitcase at all?

Suitcases versus backpacks is a hot and always current debate among travelers. In this article we are discussing the suitcase topic, so we will argue some other time.

Here are some reasons to love suitcases:

  1. No back pain.
  2. Organized storage. There's nothing worse than being covered head to toe in pistachio ice cream and realizing that the wet wipes are at the bottom of your backpack. Under clean things that are best not touched with pistachio hands.
  3. There is a greater chance of getting your Chilean wine safely thanks to a more durable case.
  4. Wheels. When there are several bottles of Chilean wine or several kilograms of Dutch cheese inside, it is very pleasant to roll a suitcase through the airport, sarcastically watching how “shoulder pads” and “backpack holders” shoulder all this stuff, risking falling on their backs under the weight of the load. And be left lying helplessly on the floor like a little bulldog puppy.
  5. Representative look. When you need to be on business or look like a rock star in a luxury hotel, a backpack is not the answer.

What to consider when choosing luggage

It all depends on your goals and the type of travel you usually do. This will help you determine the important functions of your suitcase and then make right choice, without returning to the issue of luggage for many years.

Which of the main types of travelers do you consider yourself to be?

  • Business tourist. All your travel is primarily work related. You are carrying a laptop and a suit, which it is advisable not to wrinkle too much.
  • Shopping tourist. You can easily fly to Milan in just a T-shirt and jeans, knowing that you will take at least half the city back.
  • A tourist traveling with a minimum of belongings. You don’t like to pack a bunch of clothes with you and rarely buy anything while traveling. You just don't want to carry around with a backpack.
  • Extreme. In your luggage there is always a lot of technology, some amazing devices and fragile things. During the trip, you happily destroy yourself on rocks and motorcycles, and take more care of your equipment than your mortal property.
  • Family with a child. Your main task is to somehow fit all your favorite toys, T-shirts, Panama hats, medicines for all diseases and try to leave room for your own things.
  • Occasional traveler. You go on a trip only for special events: honeymoon, grandma's birthday, football match, etc.

Now that we have sorted out the goals, let’s look at the characteristics of suitcases that generally exist in nature. And then we’ll try to somehow compare all this.

  • The suitcase should be of a size that you can handle on your own. Not everyone and not everywhere is ready to help you.
  • Don't forget about airline requirements. The size of the luggage must correspond to them.
  • Check your suitcase for an additional zipper, which can increase the usable space of the suitcase.

What sizes of suitcases are there?

Using the example of Samsonite lines

  • 40x55x20 cm is the size of hand luggage on most airlines.
  • 47x68x30 cm is one of the most popular suitcase sizes, you can travel anywhere with this one.
  • 52x75x31 cm - the optimal size for two for a short vacation in a warm country.
  • 53x81x36 cm - a giant suitcase that will fit all your purchases.

Other features of your luggage

Modern suitcases have a lot of different gadgets and features that affect the ease of transportation, packaging, and also the protection of its insides.

The main thing to remember is that the more you put on a suitcase, the heavier it is.

  1. Color.A bright suitcase is easier to recognize on the baggage belt. It is also less likely to be confused or stolen. You will also make things easier for the hotel concierge. And don't buy a black suitcase, please.
  2. Wheels.Suitcases with four wheels are generally more stable and perform better in airports and hotels. Remember that the wheels must be large and soft. Large wheels make it easy to handle obstacles without impacting the underside of your suitcase. Soft wheels absorb shock, cracks and vibration.
  3. Handles.When purchasing, it is important to check the functionality of the handle: it should extend properly and be long enough for you.
  4. Compartments. You must be well versed in what you put/threw in your suitcase. A large number of compartments will help you get organized even for those who don’t like to spend a lot of time packing and carefully storing their belongings.
  5. Extensibility.Particularly important for shopaholics.
  6. Materials.It is a mistake to believe that “soft” suitcases are lighter. Rigid enclosures are typically made from various types plastic, and nai the best option, financially and structurally, is polycarbonate. Yes, such luggage costs more, but it is a profitable “investment” in the long term.
  7. Safety. We advise you to protect yourself from burglary (and theft of delicious chocolate, carefully purchased in Belgium) with the most reliable lock. Samsonite has a lock with TSA function - this means that if inspection is necessary, customs services will open your luggage with a universal key, without knocking down the code or damaging the suitcase itself. And for criminals, your luggage will still remain a mystery.

We think you can decide on the color yourself. Everything is clear with the handle, and safety is important for everyone.

Below is a breakdown of the remaining features.

Traveler type





Business tourist

Please note that there is a special compartment for a laptop

not important


Shopping tourist



A tourist traveling with a minimum of belongings.

Two compartments are enough

not important



Pay attention to the special compartments for equipment



Family with a child

Straps and mesh compartments are important

Your travel experience largely depends on how comfortable your suitcase is. Nowadays there are many types of suitcases. What models you won’t see today! But how to choose a suitcase on wheels that will last a long time and be convenient and functional?

To choose a good suitcase, you need to pay attention to several important factors.

Volume and size

To determine the size, you need to know:
-how many people will use the suitcase,
-where are you going (do you take warm clothes that take up a lot of space?)
-for how long.
But first things first, let’s first determine what types of suitcases there are, and, accordingly, how to choose the size of the suitcase.

Most often (for most manufacturers) suitcases in collections come in three or four sizes:

1) , suitable fits hand luggage sizes: The sum of all dimensions of such a suitcase should not exceed 115 cm for most airlines. Most often these dimensions are 40 x 55 x 20 cm. The volume of such suitcases usually does not exceed 40 liters. But there is also such an important parameter as the permissible weight for hand luggage, which each airline sets independently. Therefore, if you plan to take your suitcase on board, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with your airline's rules for carrying hand luggage in advance.

A small suitcase is suitable for a very short trip for one person. Most often, websites indicate the external dimensions of suitcases, which means the internal space is much smaller. Therefore, only the most necessary things will fit in such a suitcase.

!Small nuance: in a small 2-wheeled suitcase there will be more space than in its 4-wheeled counterpart due to the rationally used space between the wheels. But rolling a 4-wheel model is much more enjoyable. What is more convenient is up to you to decide.

!Important: Keep in mind that there are small suitcases that do NOT fit as carry-on luggage on most airlines.

3) Large suitcase. Large suitcases usually include models with a height of more than 70cm. But the sum of all dimensions of the suitcase should not exceed 158 cm. If your baggage exceeds this mark, the airline may refuse to carry such a suitcase.

A large suitcase will fit everything necessary for two people for about a week with a moderate amount of items. On the other hand, might it be better to take a couple of medium suitcases? Then just the two of you will fit.

Which suitcase to choose for travel? Zipper or snaps

Wheels are one of the most important parts of a suitcase, which must be treated with maximum attention. As you know, there are 2 and 4 wheel suitcases.

With 2-wheeled models everything is clear; they need to be tilted to move them. 2-wheeled suitcases will travel over almost any terrain. The disadvantage of such models is that 1/3 of the weight of the suitcase will fall on your hand. This disadvantage will be especially noticeable for owners of large suitcases.

But with 4-wheelers everything is not so simple. They are incredibly easy and really nice to roll on 4 wheels on a flat surface, for example, at the airport. But on tiles or uneven surfaces it’s not at all so easy. Most 4-wheel suitcase models are not designed to be rolled on 2 wheels, as a fairly large number of travelers do.

!Important: If a 4-wheeled suitcase has single wheels, then it cannot be rolled on 2-wheelers.

But manufacturers got out of this predicament in two ways. Considering that in some situations it is more convenient for people to carry a suitcase on 2 wheels, suitcases with larger diameter rear wheels and double wheels were created.
Such 4-wheeled suitcases can be rolled on 2 wheels if necessary!

How to choose a suitcase for a trip? Internal organization

The internal organization of suitcases is of no small importance. The cost of the model depends on how functional and comfortable the interior space is. Many suitcases today have inside you can find a cover for clothes, bags for shoes, waterproof cosmetic bags, and a briefcase compartment.


It would seem, what difference does it make what color the suitcase is? It turns out there is! In fact, the brighter the suitcase, the easier it will be for you to recognize it at the airport baggage carousel. With colorful luggage, you won't have to look at who's suitcase is it?

Buying a suitcase is not a problem; there are many offers. But which one to choose? What should you pay attention to and avoid mistakes when choosing a suitcase with wheels? Where can I find good quality? Let's start preparing for a serious purchase together to make it enjoyable!

There's a trip ahead! Whether it's a business trip, a trip, not for long, just a couple of days. The main thing is to expect new things: meetings, impressions, sensations, acquaintances.

I want to feel the trip as joyful, so we get ready for the trip in advance. It's time to think about the main travel accessory - a suitcase.

Left behind were the clumsy, heavy suitcases, which required a lot of effort to carry. Today is the time for new things.

Tips on what suitcase to buy for traveling on wheels

Quite often, travelers mentally thank the person who thought of equipping an ordinary suitcase with wheels! The road immediately became easier, but only if your suitcase is comfortable and of high quality, otherwise there will be one problem after another! Therefore, it is important to consider the 9 tips that we have prepared after studying the experiences of many travel lovers. They will tell you how to choose a good quality rolling suitcase.

There are no small details when choosing a suitcase! Therefore, let's get acquainted with all its features. Let's consider what materials are used in the manufacture of travel cases and travel bags, their advantages, and pay attention to such important details: wheels, zippers, locks, handles, let’s clarify much more. Let's start with the sizes.


Firstly, what must be done before choosing is to clarify how many things you plan to take. At the same time we decide whether we will buy a large suitcase or a smaller one.

When determining the size, you need to know who the suitcase is intended for: one person, several, and, accordingly, how many things are supposed to fit. It is also important: what things will be taken on the trip: summer, winter, because the latter need more space? When choosing a suitcase, be sure to consider:

  1. Single person trip, 1-7 days - suitcase minimum sizes, height 59 cm;
  2. One person, 2 weeks, couple people, 1 week - medium suitcase (70 cm high);
  3. A family of two, 2+ (if the child is small) needs a spacious suitcase (80 cm high).

For a family trip, manufacturers offer a super-large suitcase, more than 80 cm high. Please note: such a suitcase is contraindicated for air travel, but is better suited for car travel. Well, what if we have to fly?

Which suitcase to buy for traveling by plane

When choosing a suitcase for traveling by plane, we will take into account the specifics of travel.

Tip No. 1. When packing your suitcase before air travel, remember the numbers:

  1. 23 kg of luggage can be carried free of charge;
  2. 32 kg of luggage is maximum allowed per person.

Now estimate the weight of your things, the total weight of the suitcase, then choosing a traveler’s suitcase by plane will save you from unnecessary problems.

Carry-on suitcase size on an airplane

When preparing for an air flight, you should take care of the suitcases checked in as luggage and the size of the carry-on suitcase on the plane. What are its acceptable dimensions?

When determining the size, we use the sum of adding the values ​​of the three sides of the luggage: length, width, height. Here are the data on the size of a hand luggage suitcase accepted by several airlines:

  • Aeroflot: 115 cm, it is possible to take hand luggage on board - a small suitcase 55 cm long, 25 cm wide, 35 cm high;
  • “UTEair” accepts luggage with the same data: 115 cm;
  • “S7 Airlines” set the dimensions: 55x40x20 cm.

Now let's study the material of the suitcases.

What material is better to buy a suitcase from?

There are three main materials: leather, fabric, plastic. Expensive leather items that require special care, most importantly a significant material investment, you can, of course, take a look at. However, there is no need to consider their possible purchase - it is impractical. Let's talk about other materials, what are suitcases made from, in order to determine whether it is better to buy a plastic or fabric suitcase?

Modern fabric suitcases are pleasant to hold in your hands: light, roomy, using a special wear-resistant fabric in a variety of colors.

Plastic suitcases are the most popular today. Lightweight, fairly durable high-quality plastic solves several problems at once and reliably protects things from dirt and moisture.

Tip No. 2. Regardless of what material you choose, experienced travelers advise you to stop your gaze by buying a suitcase with a bright, catchy color. This will save you from the difficult search for your suitcase running along the luggage belt.

We have considered the advantages of the source materials. What else should you definitely consider when choosing? In addition to the above advantages, fabric suitcases have some disadvantages:

  1. Fragility. The fabric base weakly protects its contents from accidental impact, which can damage the transportation of fragile items;
  2. Wetness. Some manufacturers use blotting fabrics. A suitcase made of wet material will not protect stored items from moisture in the rain.

Weighing the pros and cons of these suitcases, we come to the following conclusion. Fabric suitcases, being lightweight, are good for girls and women carrying small luggage on a short trip. They are convenient for car travelers: the luggage compartment of the car will protect fabric suitcases from impacts and rain.

When deciding whether it is better to buy a plastic or fabric suitcase, we take into account: a plastic suitcase can ensure the safety of even fragile things in the event of a fall or impact. Of course, such suitcases have drawbacks, for example, scratches that spoil its surface, showing that this is a thing with history.

Tip #3: Use a luggage cover to protect your suitcase from scratches.

After studying, do not rush to make your final choice right away. There are many more important elements of the suitcase to which we must give the same serious attention. Let's start with the wheels.


Perhaps the main detail of modern suitcases is wheels. They were the ones who allowed the traveler to feel freer, because rolling a suitcase is much easier.

However, anything can happen: there are many stories about broken wheels. How to avoid being called an unlucky tourist? That's right, choose suitcase wheels!

The possible number of wheels on a suitcase is 2 or 4. Suitcases of the “trolley” modification have 2 wheels. This suitcase is transported at a slight angle. Such models are characterized by high cross-country ability and the convenience of traveling long distances.

4 wheels are a sign of the “spinner” modification. The wheels of this model are attached to all four corners of the base of the suitcase and are capable of rotating around their axis. When moving such a suitcase, there is no need for an angle of inclination, and a minimum of physical effort is required when moving. But a flat surface is required: asphalt, flooring. If the road is bumpy, prolonged movement on it can cause the wheel to break. Traveling with a spinner will be comfortable for an elderly person. Even a child can easily operate this model.

Tip No. 4. When choosing a suitcase with wheels, give preference to silicone wheels with metal bearings. It is this material that ensures long service life and improves quality.


Now all attention is on the pen. Selecting a suitcase is impossible without checking. Are its handles comfortable? Usually there are several of them:

  • Retractable - used to carry a suitcase.

Made of metal and plastic, designed to carry luggage. It is convenient when its top is trimmed with rubber or fabric. It is important how far you can extend the handle: the larger it is, the less effort you will have to put in when rolling the suitcase behind you.

The advantage of the retractable handle is the ability to adjust its height, allowing it to be used comfortably by people of different heights. Another plus is that when closing the handle, it goes flush with the body of the suitcase, it is possible to push it completely.

Tip No. 5. The way the retractable handle is attached determines the quality of the whole thing. The fastening should be rigid, the extension should be easy, without any unpleasant sounds.

  • A plastic handle that lifts the suitcase, preferably covered with fabric;
  • Two side transport handles make it more convenient to use the suitcase.


We open another essential element - the suitcase lock.

Tip #6: High-quality zipper. It is considered the best option - a wide (more than 8 mm) plastic zipper that can withstand temperature changes.

Have you zipped up your suitcase but are still worried about the safety of your belongings? So, let's think about the castle! You can protect your suitcase from unwanted entry using a combination padlock.

  • The combination lock opens with an individual code known only to the owner. Convenient for those who are able to remember and accurately reproduce the code, otherwise they will have to break into the suitcase;
  • A padlock is simpler and opens traditionally with a key. The main thing is to remember where the key is stored.

So, we examined the suitcase from all sides. A few more tips:

Tip #7: When choosing a suitcase for travel, be sure to look inside. Experience shows that the one with compartments inside is more practical, and the presence of fasteners is better.

Tip No. 8. External pockets are convenient for storing small items. However, it is better to keep valuables and documents with you.

Tip No. 9. After checking all the details, once again inspect the quality of the selected model. Give preference to a suitcase that has rubberized lining at the corners, high-quality seams, and fittings.

But, if there is no suitable model, in general, there is no desire to purchase a suitcase, then there is a reason to switch to bags.

How to choose a quality suitcase on wheels (full version) - video

Travel bag - wheels, retractable handle

During a short trip, when you want to feel light, but you can’t do without luggage completely, a travel bag on wheels turns out to be convenient. Distinguished by their special suitability for a comfortable trip, such bags attract attention with their shape, thought out to the smallest detail, practicality, and functionality.

Pockets and compartments allow you to organize your items as conveniently as possible. Retractable, regular handles and a fastened belt make it possible to roll the travel bag and carry it in different ways (using your hand, shoulder).

Manufacturers have created for adults the most different models luggage transportation of travel luggage. But what if children travel with adults? They were especially taken care of!

Children's suitcase with wheels

When preparing a child for a trip, caring parents provide the little traveler with their suitcase. Traditionally, the requirements for children's suitcases equipped with wheels correspond to those stated above. The main difference between children's suitcases is design and dimensions.

Children's suitcases are noticeably different from standard suitcases (even small ones) due to their small size. These suitcases are lighter, allowing the child to transport their luggage independently.

A variety of models of children's suitcases allow the young tourist to choose a stylish accessory in bright colors, showing the image of their favorite characters.

Kids really like children's suitcases, equipped with wheels of especially durable plastic, on which they can sit and ride; models of suitcases depicting animals (turtle, bee, ladybug).

Having decided to choose a suitcase for travel, we make a purchase for years. Making our life easier, it will serve for a long time if you treat it with care and properly maintain it. Basic rules for caring for a suitcase or bag with wheels:

  1. Use of wrapping film at the airport, railway station as protection against damage;
  2. Filling without overload;
  3. Cleaning wheels, using silicone grease.

Having studied the features travel bags, suitcases, you understand: any, even the most demanding requests will be satisfied. So, the wish “bon voyage!” will definitely come true!