How to teach a child to say letters correctly. How to teach a child to say letters? Articulation gymnastics

Humans have a unique ability: they can share their thoughts and feelings with other individuals through the speech apparatus. This is also facilitated by a specific symbolic-sign system, that is, the alphabet. Every person learns correct pronunciation from early childhood. At the same time, many parents are thinking about how to teach their child to pronounce letters. The point of all learning is that letters and sounds form words from which sentences, texts, and statements are built that have semantic significance. Children often have trouble articulating all letters correctly. Most often, problems arise with the correct pronunciation of the letters “sh”, “r” and “l”.

This is due to the imperfection of the children's speech apparatus, which lacks training.

The first thing parents can do to help their baby quickly learn the correct pronunciation is to stop “lisping” with him. Adults, moved when communicating with a child, often distort their words. The child perceives this and later begins to reproduce these “incorrect” expressions. Watch your speech, try to pronounce words loudly, clearly and distinctly. Turn your face when talking to your baby so that he can see your articulation.

If there is a severe problem with pronunciation, a speech therapist will come to the rescue. These specialists know everything about speech defects and will help eliminate them. It often happens that all you need is a consultation with a speech therapist. At the meeting, the specialist will assess the level of the child’s speech defect, recommend special exercises to perform at home, or schedule the next meeting with the child if the defect is very large and there is no way to solve the problem on your own.

The reason for an incorrect reprimand may be individual characteristics physiological structure of the children's speech apparatus, for example, the baby may have insufficient tongue length or a too short frenulum. In case of physiological reasons, the baby will have to undergo a series of medical procedures or undergo surgery.

For other reasons, you often just need to work hard with your baby. But don't correct him every time he mispronounces a word. Repeating one word three or four times, but very legibly and clearly, will be sufficient for memorization. You can speak at a slower pace at first, but gradually return to your normal speaking rate.

Articulation gymnastics provides invaluable assistance in teaching the correct pronunciation of letters. Speech therapists have created many different methods and manuals that will help in the fight against incorrect pronunciation.

Start training in the second to fourth years of your baby’s life. By the age of five or six, the speech apparatus is already fully formed and it may be too late.

Classes should be carried out in a light game form, which does not burden the baby. Do exercises to properly position the tongue and improve its mobility with your child.

It is best to perform the exercises in front of a mirror so that the baby can see how his tongue moves and can compare it with his mother’s tongue.

First, demonstrate the correct execution of the exercise, and then ask the child to repeat it.

  1. Place your tongue at the edge of the upper row of teeth and ask your baby to repeat.
  2. The baby must perform the exercise by holding the tongue for fifteen to twenty seconds.

Take a break and repeat the task two or three more times. This exercise will help make the hyoid ligament more flexible, which will help in pronouncing problematic letters.

The letter "r" is very difficult for many children. There are also special exercises to correct pronunciation. One of them is the “Woodpecker” task, when the child must forcefully hit the upper teeth with the tips of his tongue and simultaneously pronounce the letter “d.” The baby trains the tip of the tongue and correct articulation.

Words with “t” and “d” can help you pronounce the letter “r”. All these letters require the tip of the tongue to rest on the upper palate at the very edge of the upper dental arch. The letters "d" and "t" rarely cause problems in their pronunciation. Speech therapists use this to teach the correct articulation of the letter "r". Try to repeat with your child more words in which “r” follows “t” or “d”, for example, tractor or firewood.

You also need to be patient, because screaming and swearing can only discourage your child from learning anything at all. The parent's calm, balanced tone and clear diction will help to correctly perceive letters by ear. The baby will create a sound picture of the correct pronunciation and will then adjust his pronunciation to the correct sounds he hears.

You can use toys that depict the alphabet in teaching, or hang a beautiful, bright alphabet chart in the children's room. Favorites cartoon characters, which are “hiding” behind the letters on the wall, will arouse the child’s interest and help in learning.

For the little ones, you can find soft puzzle mats in the store. There are options with the alphabet, that is, the rug consists of squares with letters inside. In the future, you can use such a puzzle mat to teach reading, and if you choose the option that also contains numbers, you can use it to teach counting.

You can make an educational game yourself. To do this, cut out cards from cardboard and glue or draw letters on them. Invite your child to draw an object whose name begins with this letter. Then simply take out the cards and say the letter out loud, supporting your pronunciation with examples of object names, such as “l” as in “lamp” or “i” as in “needle”. Try to use simple and one-syllable words. Don't overload your child's brain with terms and long words.

Teaching a child to pronounce letters correctly is not so difficult; all you have to do is be patient. The main thing is to conduct classes regularly to train your speech skills and improve pronunciation.

Most children speak correctly by the age of 5-7 years. However, there are times when children come to school with not yet clear speech. Usually children distort hissing sounds and the sound “r”. Pronunciation deficiencies sometimes become persistent and difficult to correct. Therefore, monitor your children’s speech from early childhood; do not allow your child to go to school with incorrect pronunciation. This is especially important, since pronunciation deficiencies are sometimes the reason for children’s academic failure.

Often, pronunciation deficiencies appear as a result of improper upbringing. In some families, adults babble and lisp when talking to the baby. By doing this, they reinforce the child’s incorrect pronunciation.

Always speak to your child calmly, in clear, competent language. Monitor your children’s speech and promptly stop any noticeable pronunciation deficiencies, since correcting them later, when they take root, will be much more difficult. Particular attention should be paid to speech development in preschool age, when the process is most intense and speech is very flexible and pliable.

Some parents think that colloquial speech develops independently, without the help of adults. This is not true at all. Non-interference in the process of child speech formation sometimes leads to delays general development. Use all kinds of nursery rhymes, songs, and jokes to teach your child how to pronounce sounds correctly. The example of older children has a great influence on the development of speech in children. But simple imitation of correct speech is not enough for all children, and children still often pronounce individual sounds incorrectly. Pay special attention to such guys.

Children with pronunciation deficiencies are embarrassed to speak, avoid words with sounds that are difficult for them, become irritable and are reluctant to go to school. The children develop a feeling of inferiority, fear of “corrections” and ridicule. Therefore, create in the family the right attitude towards a child who has speech impediments, do not allow them to laugh at him or imitate him. Help calmly, without hesitation, overcome shortcomings, let the child feel and realize the importance of correct pronunciation and the need to eliminate burr or lisp, get him interested in this work.

If a child pronounces some sounds incorrectly by the age of 5-6, contact a speech therapist who will help correct the pronunciation. If this is not possible, work with the child yourself.

There are a lot of techniques for establishing correct pronunciation. Let's list some of them.

In all cases of correcting pronunciation, first try to obtain the sound directly by imitation. Invite your child to say the sound, showing it to himself first. Then get your child to repeat everything after you. Conduct sound production classes in front of a mirror: the child will not only see his articulation, but also compare it with yours.

Please keep in mind that it is not always possible to obtain correct sound at the very first lessons. This work requires patience and great perseverance. When pronouncing the sound “sh,” the lips are rounded and slightly pushed forward, the teeth are slightly open, the tip of the tongue is raised up and forms a gap with the palate in the front part. The sound is pronounced without a voice. The exhaled air stream is warm.

If the child does not burr, then you can easily teach him to pronounce the sound “sh”. Invite your child to pronounce “r” first loudly, then in a whisper, while slightly moving the tongue with a spatula (or the handle of a spoon) from the alveoli to the front of the palate - you will get the sound “sh”.

The sound “zh” is placed in the same way. Only it is pronounced with the participation of the voice, which is easy to feel by placing your hand on the larynx.

The sound “r” is placed as follows: invite the child to pronounce the sound “d” first slowly, and then faster and faster. At the moment of saying “dddddddd...”, place the child’s index finger under the tongue and quickly move it to the right and left. This produces vibration at the tip of the tongue and the correct sound of “r”.

When pronouncing the sound “s”, the lips are slightly stretched, as with a slight smile, the teeth are slightly open (1-1-1.5 mm) and slightly exposed, the tip of the tongue touches the lower teeth; A groove is formed in the middle of the tongue through which exhaled air flows. When pronouncing the sound “s”, the exhaled stream of air is cold. This can be easily checked by substituting back side hands to mouth.

The sound “z” is pronounced in the same way as “s”, only with the participation of the voice. (Compare “sh” and “zh.”) The vibration of the larynx can be easily felt by placing your hand on it.

Before you start making the “l” sound, teach your child to pronounce the “s” sound clearly and abruptly. First, get him to quickly stick his wide tongue out between his lips and move it back. Do this exercise many times. This produces the sounds “bl-bl-bl-bl-bl...”. Then move on to the next technique - stick your wide tongue between your teeth, lightly biting the tip of your tongue and “llllllll...y”, “llllllll...s”. This is how the correct pronunciation of “l” is gradually developed.

After you have achieved the correct pronunciation of a sound, consolidate this sound in your speech. For example, when reinforcing the sound “sh”, invite the child to pronounce “sh-sh-sh-sh” for a long time and clearly, imitating a steam locomotive; the sound “zh” is fixed when imitating the buzzing of a bee “zh-zh-zh-zh”, the sound “r” when imitating the roar of a motor “r-r-r”. Then proceed to pronouncing direct (“sha”, “sho”, “shu”, “shy”, “ra”, “ro”, “ru”, “ry”) and reverse ones; (“ash”, “osh”, “ush”, “ysh”, “ar”, “or”, “ur”, “yr”) syllables. Select a number of words, sentences, poems for exercises in which the sound being reinforced is often found and, on the contrary, there is no one that the child does not yet have.

For example, to reinforce the sound “sh”, learn the following poem:

“Dear bear,
Nice bear,
Clumsy and funny -
The bear is made entirely of plush,
Stuffed with lush cotton wool.”

To reinforce the sound “r”:

Early, early we get up
We call the watchman loudly:
"Watchman, watchman, hurry up
Go out and feed the animals."

To reinforce the sound “s”:

“It’s dark in the forest, everyone has been sleeping for a long time.
One owl doesn’t sleep, it sits on a branch.”

Very often, children experience difficulties not only in pronouncing sounds, but also in distinguishing and recognizing them. This will subsequently make it more difficult for children to learn to read and write. Therefore, with the older guys preschool age(6-7 years old) do various exercises. When the child learns to correctly pronounce, for example, the sound “s,” ask him to select pictures depicting objects whose names contain this sound (sleigh, dog, beads, mustache, nose, etc.), and pronounce the names of the pictures. Then instruct him to come up with words with this sound himself. Such exercises will help consolidate the sound in speech.

It largely depends on the parents to ensure that a 7-year-old child comes to school with completely clear pronunciation. Endurance and patience, long, painstaking work will bear fruit - children with clear, correct speech will develop correctly and successfully master knowledge.

- N. Cheveleva, speech therapist

When a child begins to speak, parents have to make a lot of effort to ensure that the baby pronounces sounds correctly. The sound R is rightfully considered one of the most difficult. Sometimes it is difficult for the crumbs. The task of parents at this time is not to laugh at their burry child, but to help him. How to teach a child to say the letter R? Now we'll tell you.

General rules

Usually parents do not pay attention for the time being special attention to the “French” pronunciation of the child. The alarm begins to sound closer to the school. Meanwhile, the sooner they take care of the child, the easier and faster the insidious letter will enter the lexicon.

Some sources require that the first step is to explain to the baby the difference between sounds and letters. They say that in first grade it will be easier for the child later.

Let's face it: not every adult knows the difference these days. Therefore, do not bother your child. By the way, in first grade the teacher will explain to your child everything about letters and sounds without you. This means leave your child a little childhood; he will still have time to get bored with school. In general, do the letter R, and nothing else.

What to do if your child can’t seem to get the letter R? Contact a speech therapist. No, it is not at all necessary to attend classes regularly. You can save a considerable part of the family budget if you are ready to take care of your baby yourself. But it’s worth visiting a specialist at least once. He will identify the problem and tell you in which direction to move.

Advice. You definitely need to see a speech therapist. Often, parents, in pursuit of the letter P, do not notice that their offspring distorts other letters.

Immediately turn around and leave if the specialist begins to intimidate you. Allegedly, dysplasia, pathologies and terrible brain diseases develop from burring. This “speech therapist” just wants to get more money out of you. Remember, no one has ever died from rhotacism (the official name for burr). Look, the residents of France and Germany are all burping. And what? Do they all just fall in stacks and die from pathologies? How many people speak English? After all, there is no clear letter R. So, a pathetic semblance. Would you say that absolutely everyone suffers from brain diseases? Nonsense.

Search good specialist, who will give you valuable recommendations on how to teach your child to say the letter P, and not tell fairy tales.

By the way, burring may be due to underdevelopment of the frenulum. And, if previously you had to cut it surgically, now you can avoid such drastic measures. There are many exercises that allow you to stretch and develop the frenulum painlessly.

Did you know? It turns out that the most severe form of rhotacism is the laryngeal variant (or glottal). In this case, it can be very difficult for parents to teach their child to say the letter P correctly. This definitely cannot be done without the help of a speech therapist. Because this is no longer speech correction, but retraining.

Do not force your offspring to perform speech therapy exercises. Choose a time when your baby:

  • got enough sleep
  • fed
  • healthy
  • rested
  • in a good mood

Be sure to use game elements to interest your child. Leave the dry official language for yourself. You can fool around with your child, but only on the basis of recommended activities. And don't overexert your child. A couple of times a day for 20-25 minutes is more than enough to prevent your baby from developing an aversion to learning.

And one more thing. In addition to special exercises for the letter P, do not discount other lessons on training the entire speech apparatus. After all, only an integrated approach will help you overcome a difficult letter.

Exercises for the letter P

Most are designed to develop the tip of a child's tongue. It is he who is responsible for the correct pronunciation of the letter R. At the same time, other participants in speech should be trained: lips, surface of the tongue, cheeks.

Here are the most common and effective exercises:

  1. Drummer. We open our mouth wide, the tip of the tongue leans against the base of the upper incisors. We pronounce the letter D quickly and often. At the same time, the tip of the tongue vibrates and almost the letter R is formed.
  2. Cab. Open your mouth wide, raise the tip of your tongue to the upper palate. We exhale the air sharply through the tip of the tongue. It should sound like a dull TRRR.
  3. Artist. We open our mouth wide, raising the tip of the tongue again to the upper palate. With force we begin to draw various doodles on the sky with our tongue. It is best to drive back and forth and left and right.
  4. Horse. The most ordinary clicking sound. Or clicking your tongue. Remember how you did this as a child and show your child.

Be sure to ensure that your child does not move his lower jaw during training. This is the most common mistake. At first, your baby may not be able to do the exercise. Don't despair, after a while everything will work out perfectly. And the ill-fated letter R is not far off.

Advice. Be sure to show your child by example how to position your tongue and lips, and how to blow air. In words, sometimes it is not very clear what needs to be done. And don’t forget about the gaming component of the classes.

Exhalation exercises

Such activities are an indispensable attribute of articulatory gymnastics. Because without a strong exhalation the sound R cannot be pronounced (you need vibration of the tip of the tongue). By the way, instead of training, you can inflate soap bubbles. Or roll a light ping pong ball across the table. Or even try to hold a balloon in the air with one breath without hands. Have a competition to see who can blow the piece of paper across the table the furthest. In a word, develop your child’s imagination and exhalation power.

Here are some exercises for this:

  1. Naughty. We stick out our tongue and quickly grab it with our lips several times. At the same time, we exhale deeply.
  2. Pendulum. We smile and open our mouth a little. We stick out the tip of our tongue and move it from one corner of the lips to the other. At the same time we exhale.
  3. Mosquito. Open your mouth slightly and stick out the tip of your tongue. We pronounce the letter Z, exhaling forcefully. Now we hide the tongue inside. We say the long letter Z again and exhale again.

Speech therapists recommend that parents purchase a special spatula for practicing. It's very easy to use. During classes, you need to carefully slip the instrument under the child’s tongue and move it left and right. This way creates additional vibration at the tip of the tongue. And sometimes the letter R becomes clearly audible.

Advice. Buy speech therapy spatulas designed for children, not teenagers or adults. They have a neater shape. They also smell delicious of fruit, candy or chocolate.

Sometimes this happens: parents come to their senses and begin to pester the child without any preparation or gymnastics of the speech apparatus. They require you to pronounce entire poems or even tongue twisters. The child gets scared and withdraws into himself.

What can be achieved with such exercises, besides offending the baby? Nothing. First, warm up your speech muscles before training. extra classes. And only then try to master a difficult letter.

By the way, speech therapists advise first learning how to correctly pronounce the sound R separately. Then you need to learn to growl for a long time. And only after that you can move on to whole words and sentences. Well, if your child begins to confidently say the letter P in everyday speech ahead of time, then you shouldn’t stop him. After all, your baby turned out to be smarter than you thought. Let him growl to his heart's content.

Some grandparents remember very well how they bullied their peers with speech impediments. They may begin to intimidate their grandson, promising all heavenly punishments and boycott from other children. Stop such conversations in the bud so that they forget to even think about talking nonsense. Don't understand well? Explain in more crude terms. Nowadays there are so many children with incorrect pronunciation that most peers simply do not pay attention to speech defects. And no one has laughed at a classmate with a burr or a lisp for a long time.

Pay close attention to your child's pronunciation. Sometimes it happens that the baby successfully overcomes soft letter R, but the hard one just doesn’t come easy. Use your own example to show your offspring the correct sound. Let him look into your mouth, let him see how to hold the tip of his tongue and lips. After all, everyone knows that children love to repeat after adults. Use it for good.

It is very convenient to do this in front of a mirror. For example, tell your child that today you are monkeys. Therefore, they must make faces. But for a reason. The speech therapist will tell you exactly how. You can also find many exercises on the Internet.

Don't bore your child with activities. Tired or fed up? Stop and return to training a little later. Alternate exercises so that your baby doesn't get bored. Come up with stories and stories, invite him to create his own fairy tale.

Engage with your child every day. At any convenient time. You can even cook food in the kitchen, but don’t stare at the TV, but play with words with your baby. Use words with the letter R in your speech more often. And not only during exercises. You can even imagine yourself and your child as a family of lions, roaring at an imaginary enemy, or at each other. How many opportunities do loving and caring parents have?

Don’t forget to praise your child for any, even the smallest, victory over the insidious letter R. Never compare your child with other children. He is your only and most beloved.

How to teach a child to say the letter R? Remember - this is not a matter of one day. Be persistent and patient. Engage with your child regularly, but not intrusively. Follow the recommendations of speech therapists. And everything will work out for you. Soon the offspring will begin to growl no worse than a tiger cub.

Video: how to learn to pronounce the sound R

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Does your child have problems pronouncing different sounds? In this article you will find effective tips and exercises that will help your child speak correctly.

You will need:

Reasons for incorrect pronunciation

  • One of the most common is incorrect parental approach to communicating with the child. If dad and mom, grandparents, repeat their child’s words after their child and cooze with him, then communication remains at the child’s level. He then does not see an example of correct speech. He is not known the right words. Communicate clearly, correct incorrect pronunciation and do not use distorted words in your speech.
  • The next reason is disorders in the structure of the child’s speech apparatus:
    a) a short ligament under the tongue, which makes it difficult to move;
    b) the size of the tongue is too large or small, which interferes with good diction;
    c) disturbances in the structure of the jaw and defects in the structure of teeth;
    d) too thick or thin lips, which makes it difficult to articulate labial sounds.
  • Also one of the reasons turns out to be disturbance in the baby's perception of sounds. Such violations lead to the fact that the child does not recognize individual sounds and therefore cannot reproduce them correctly.

Doing a relaxing facial massage

To relax your facial muscles and relieve tension, do a light facial massage. Do not forget that the child will be more interested when everything looks like an exciting game.

We practice articulatory gymnastics

Gymnastics must be done with your firstborn in front of a mirror so that he can see all his and your movements. With its help, a preschooler will be able to learn to control the movements of the tongue, lips, and jaw. Here are some examples of exercises:

  • We inflate our cheeks like a balloon;
  • Let's imagine that the tongue is a paint brush. And the mouth is an apartment where it is necessary to make repairs, opening the doors and windows wide (mouth and teeth). We paint all parts of the apartment with a brush (palate, teeth, cheeks, lips;
  • We stretch the tongue, trying to reach the nose and beard;
  • We stretch our mouth into a smile and hold it for several seconds;
  • We make our lips like a fish, silently hitting them at each other.

Learning to pronounce the letter "r"

The most problems arise with the pronunciation of r. We provide examples of exercises to improve the pronunciation of this sound.

  • We make lips into a smile. We place the tongue behind the upper teeth and knock on the tubercles (alveoli), doing the drum exercise. After a few seconds of this exercise, ask the child to blow strongly on the tip of the tongue, without stopping knocking the tongue behind the teeth, to make a “drrrr” sound.
  • Next we learn to pronounce the sound “r” using cotton swab or a child's finger. While performing the “drum” exercise, lift the child’s tongue with a cotton swab or a special speech therapy stick to the upper palate, making vibrating movements up and down. Thus, call out the sound “r” individually.
  • Ask your child to beat his tongue like a horse. To do this, you need to smile widely, stick the tongue to the upper palate, and then sharply tear it off.

Pronouncing the sound "l" correctly

Very often children replace “r” with “l”, pronouncing “liba” instead of “fish”. But there are also oddities with the incorrect placement of the “l” sound, when the baby pronounces “vodka” instead of “boat”. How to teach how to say “l” correctly.

  • Ask to lightly bite the tip of your tongue between your front teeth and blow on it. Make sure that the air passes along the side edges of the tongue and is not directed towards its center. This can be done with a feather. Next, with the tip of the tongue we knock between the front teeth, trying to pronounce the sound “l”.
  • Very often, children find it difficult to pronounce the sound “l” separately. To do this, ask the child to bite his tongue and first pronounce “la - la - la - la”, ending with a long “l-l-l”.

Learning to pronounce “s” and “z”

Less common, but still common, is when a child does not pronounce the sounds “s”, “z”, “ts”. The position of the tongue on whistling sounds is similar to hissing sounds. The side edges are pressed against the upper molars, but the tip of the tongue should be narrower and touch the base of the front teeth.

  • To pronounce the sound “s” well, do the “rails” exercise with your child. You need to move the tip of your tongue along the base of the teeth from left to right, making the sound “s”. The mouth is in a smile. Also play sleeping beauty while saying “shh” all the time. Make sure your tongue is positioned correctly in your mouth.
  • To learn how to pronounce the letter “z”, you just need to raise your voice by doing exercises on the sound “s”. Bring your child’s hand to his throat and let him feel how the position of the muscles changes when pronouncing the sounds “s” and “z”.

Pronouncing the letter "ch"

It’s funny to listen when a kid asks you for tsai instead of tea, as if he comes from China. But you don’t have to laugh for long, because it’s very easy to correct the pronunciation of this sound.

How to get rid of porridge in the mouth is a pressing question for many parents.
As our kids grow up, we parents are often touched by their funny words, and to be honest, they amuse us and we often become motivators for incorrect pronunciation of words and letters. On the contrary, when we meet an adult whose pronunciation of many letters is incorrect, we become irritated and dislike him. So it is better to correct speech defects in childhood, although the situation can be corrected at almost any age.

Causes of speech defects

In nature, there are a huge number of speech defects associated with various developmental disorders:
  • alalia - when a person does not speak at all;
  • dysarthria - when the palate and lips are motionless due to brain damage;
  • aphasia - when the loss of speech is associated with illness.
But most often, speech therapists encounter dyslalia in which a person cannot pronounce individual letters, skips them or replaces them with other letters. It is this deficiency that manifests itself in early childhood from about 2 years of age. summer age. Many parents do not pay attention to this and think that it will all go away with time. In most cases, this is what happens, the formation of the speech apparatus ends by the age of 7 and 70% of children eventually speak correctly, but there are no special illusions to be had, and it is better to show the child to a speech therapist and correct speech defects before school, because Children with dyslalia learn written language worse.

Speech defects can also be a consequence of malocclusion in children, adenoids, gaps between teeth, a short frenulum of the tongue and a high palate.
But there are often cases when a child does not have any of the above problems, but he simply imitates one of the adults, or the adults themselves motivate him to speak incorrectly - they “lisp” and distort words. No matter how funny and amusing it may be early age Children need to be corrected and taught to speak correctly.
Diction problems often occur in bilingual children when children adopt the pronunciation and phonetics of another language.
Or the child does not perceive by ear the differences between hissing and whistling letters, hard and soft sounds.

Problems pronouncing letters

More often than others, difficulties arise with the pronunciation of the letter “R”. People simply call this defect “burr” and say that the child “burrs.”
Further, the second most common speech defect is when a person distorts whistling letters (s-3), hissing letters (sh-zh) and (h-shch).
Impaired pronunciation of the letter “L” is also common.
In order to correct speech defects, there are a lot of exercises, but it is very difficult to give any advice that would be suitable for your child in absentia, and here you need the consultation of specialists - a speech therapist, an ENT doctor, an orthodontist, who will accurately identify the cause. You can correct poor diction at any age, but it is certainly better to do it at an early age.

Articulation gymnastics

Before starting any exercises, we find out what causes incorrect pronunciation.
At the very beginning of classes, the child should be taught to breathe correctly. Often it is precisely because the speaker does not have enough air that he swallows and chews words and sentences.
In order to start practicing, you need to sit next to your baby and it is advisable to do this in front of a mirror so that he can see his movements.
Everything should be done in a playful way, so that your child is interested and interested. Don't push him if he's not ready. Everything has its time.

How to teach a child to pronounce “r”

Sit your child in front of a mirror and first show how to do the exercise, asking the child to repeat after you.

Extend your tongue and place it on your front teeth and hold for 15 seconds. Then ask your child to repeat the exercise. Let the child repeat this exercise 3-5 times.

The second exercise helps to put correct letter“R” is this: the child should open his mouth wide and hit the cusps behind his front teeth with his tongue and pronounce the letter “D.” Repeat this exercise for 20 seconds.

It also happens that a child pronounces the letter “P” in certain syllables, for example “re” and “ryo,” but cannot in others. Repeat these syllables with him, and then after the exercise ask him to speak words with other vowels, and so gradually the child himself will understand the difference in pronunciation and will speak better and better each time.

By finding out the reasons for incorrect pronunciation of words and letters, and following the recommendations of experts, you will teach your child the correct speech.