How to introduce kids to the color red. Introducing preschoolers to color

Lesson 1


Goals: learn to distinguish colors (primary), learn to hold a pencil correctly; correction of tactile-motor perception based on exercises.

Eq uipment: ball, apple templates; strips of colored cardboard; stripe with primary colors.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Is everyone sitting correctly?

Is everyone watching carefully?

II. Introduction to primary colors.

2) Working with colored stripes.

– Arrange the strips according to the teacher’s dictation: put a blue stripe, next to a white one, then a red one, put a green one on top.

– Fold as follows:

III. Finger gymnastics.

1) Bending the hand into a fist and straightening it alternately and simultaneously.

2) Opposing fingers.

3) Exercises for holding a pencil.

IV. Stroke using ball and apple patterns.

1) On a landscape sheet: tracing according to the ball template. Coloring.

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– Determine the shape, color. Where does it grow?

2) Trace according to the apple pattern.

Coloring (do not go beyond the boundaries.)

V. Summary of the lesson.

– What did you learn to distinguish?

– What objects were outlined and painted? What color?

Lesson 2
Topic: Stroke using a template:
cucumber, tomato

Goals: train children in distinguishing primary colors; learn to hold a pencil correctly; prepare for execution various types works: a) accurate reproduction of the sample;
b) performing exercises according to verbal instructions.

Eq uipment: colored stripes, geometric shapes of different colors; cucumber and tomato patterns.

Progress of the lesson

I. Working with colored stripes.

1) Distinguishing stripes by color.

2) Reproduction of various combinations of stripes according to the sample:

3) Reproduction of various combinations of strips according to verbal instructions:

4) Select all red geometric shapes.

II. Preparing your hand for drawing.

2) Supination and pronation of the hand (up and down movement), change fast and slow.

3) Circular movements of the hands with freely bent fingers.

III. Finger gymnastics." width="73" height="40 id=">" width="457 height=167" height="167">

2) According to the teacher's instructions:

IV. Outlining the plum template.

V. Physical education minute.


One, two, three, four, five.

(Unclench your fingers from your fist one at a time, starting with the thumb.)

The fingers went out for a walk.

(Rhythmically unclench all fingers together.)

One, two, three, four, five.

(Alternately clench your widely spaced fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger.)

They hid in the house again.

(We return to the starting position.)

VI. Tracing using a pear pattern.

(Use a dummy pear.)

VII. Summary of the lesson.

– What did you learn in class?

– What grows in the garden?

- How to call it in one word?

Lesson 4
Topic: Square. Hatching
in a given direction

Goals: learn to hold a pencil correctly; learn to use a stencil; develop fine motor skills hands

Eq uipment: ruler with stencils of various geometric shapes; colored paper strips.

Progress of the lesson

1) Pressing the fingertips of one hand onto the fingers of the other.

2) “Clicks”.

3) "Hooks".

II. fixing the names of colors.

Game "Don't confuse the colors."

Content. The players sit around a table on which 5–6 pieces of paper are laid out at some distance from each other different colors. The presenter names the color of a piece of paper and quickly places his hand on it; At the same time, all players must place their hand on the same piece of paper. Intentionally and unexpectedly for others, the presenter puts his hand on the wrong piece of paper, the color of which he named, but the players should not succumb to suggestion, but put their hand on the piece of paper of the color that the presenter named. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

III. Distinguishing between two combinations of color stripes by location.

find similarities and differences in the images of letters.

IV. Exercise for developing fine motor skills of the hands.

Drawing with a stencil. Square. Hatching in various directions.

1) Repetition of landing rules.

2) Exercises for holding a pencil.

3) Find a square stencil on the ruler. Draw a square.

V. Physical education minute.

Rotational movements (physics)" href="/text/category/vrashatelmznie_dvizheniya__fizika_/" rel="bookmark">rotational movement to reach the nail phalanx.)

I'll say hello to him

And I'll start pulling out.

I'll wash my hands later

(Rub your palm against your palm.)

I'll put my finger in your finger,

I'll lock them up.

(Fingers in the “lock.”)

And I'll keep it warm.

I'll let my fingers go

(Unlock your fingers and move them.)

Let them run like bunnies.

VI. Hatching in different directions with colored pencils.

1) The teacher shows how shading is done.

2) Hatching with chalk on a blackboard (done by children).

3) Hatching by air.

4) Hatching in albums.

VII. Summary of the lesson.

– What did you study?

-What figure did you meet?

Lesson 5
Topic: Rectangle. Hatching
in a given direction

Goals: correction of motor (motor) memory; training in shading in different directions.

EQUIPMENT: colored paper strips; stencils.

Progress of the lesson

I. Exercises for hands and fingers.

1) Game “Horns and Legs”.

"Horns": average and ring fingers both hands are pressed to the palm, held with the thumb; index and little fingers extended.

"Legs": The middle and ring fingers are extended, the index and little fingers are pressed to the palm and held with the thumb.

One hand shows “horns”, the other – “legs”. Then the hands simultaneously change roles. (At first at a slow pace, then the pace accelerates.)

2) Finger gymnastics.

There is a lock on the door.

Who could open it?

(Quick connection of fingers into a lock.)


(Fingers are clasped together, children pull their hands in different directions.)


(Wave-like movements are performed with the hands.)

They knocked...

(The fingers are clasped together. The children knock their palms against each other.)

And they opened it!

(The fingers unclasped.)

II. Exercises with paper strips.

– What do the figures depicted look like? (Chair, gate.)

2) Game “Don’t mix up the colors.” (See lesson 4.)

III. Exercises to develop the ability to hold a pencil correctly.

Drawing rectangles. Hatching in a given direction:" width="54" height="57 id="> Complexes of general developmental exercises performed in combination with eye movements.

1) I. p. – basic stance, hands locked in front. Raise your arms up, bend over - inhale, lower your arms - exhale. Look at your hands. Repeat 4-6 times.

2) I. p. - standing, arms forward. Circular movements of the arms in one direction and the other – 10–15 s. Follow your hand movements with your gaze. Perform circular movements for 5 seconds to the left, then 5 seconds to the right.

3) I. p. - the same. Raise one hand, lower the other, then vice versa - 20-15 s. Follow the movement of your hands with your gaze.

V. Hatching the third rectangle.

Colors – yellow, brown.

VI. Drawing outlines of familiar objects.

-What does it look like?

VII. Summary of the lesson.

– What did you learn in class?

Lesson 6

TSubject: Triangle. Hatching
in a given direction

Goals: correction of motor memory; development of fine motor skills of the hands; training in shading in various directions.

Equipment: stencils, colored strips.

Progress of the lesson

I. Exercises for hands and fingers.

The teacher tells a story that happened in the forest, and the children show what is happening in it with the help of hand movements.

Forest history

– The bunnies ran out into the clearing. Jump-jump, jump-jump.

(With jerky movements, the children drum their fingertips on the desk, pretending to be bunnies.)

- The fox came. She walked very quietly and carefully.

(Children gently press their fingertips while touching the desk.)

– The fox walked not only quietly, but also unnoticed. She covered her tracks with her tail.

(Children imitate the movements of a fox’s tail, swinging their hands in one direction or the other.)

“The hares saw her and scattered.

(By hitting all fingers of both hands at once, children imitate hare jumping.)

II. Working with colored paper strips.

1) Distinguishing between two combinations of colored stripes by location: find similarities and differences.

2) Location of stripes. (You should get the outlines of familiar objects. Children draw them in stripes.)

Items: Christmas tree, fence, steps, bench, etc.

III. Hatching triangles.

Draw two triangles using a stencil and shade them according to the pattern" width="388" height="121 id=">

VI. Summary of the lesson.

– What did you learn in class?

– What did you like?

Lesson 7
Topic: Geometric shapes

Goals: learn to distinguish geometric shapes by color and different positions and sizes; develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Eq uipment: templates, geometric shapes (handouts).

Progress of the lesson

I. Exercises for hands and fingers.

1) Where are our hands?

Where, where are our hands,

Where are our hands?

(Hid their hands behind their backs.)

Where, where are our hands?

Our hands are gone!

(Turns the body left and right.)

Here, here are our hands,

(Show hands.)

Here are our hands.

Our hands dance, dance,

Our hands are dancing.

(Children extend their hands, showing them, perform various movements with their hands.)

2) “Clicks”.

3) "Hooks".

4) Rotation of the hands with fingers clenched into fists.

II. Working with geometric shapes.

1) Demonstration and naming.

2) Finding the depicted geometric figures according to the teacher’s instructions. Distinction by color, size.

3) Naming the figures presented by the teacher and finding them on the desk.

4) Image of geometric shapes by connecting these points.

III. Physical education minute.

The fingers are clasped together. By alternately opening and closing their palm, children imitate the movement of a wave.

Eye exercises:

1) “Sunshine”.

1–8. “There is sunshine at sea”: draw a “sun” (circle to the right), the eyes repeat the movement, the head is straight.

Then you can repeat the exercise on the other side.

2) “The swimmer swims to the shore.”

1–4 – place your right hand forward, look at the tip of your finger.

5–8 – slowly bring the tip of the finger of your right hand to your nose, and left hand put forward. Repeat the exercise with your left hand.

3) “Bright sun”.

1–8 – close your eyes – “the sun has blinded”; close your eyes with your palms, then blink your eyes.

IV. Image of familiar objects by tracing according to a pattern, shading.

1) Boat: 2) Traffic light:" width="211" height="187 id=">

– What do traffic lights mean?

V. Summary of the lesson.

– What did we repeat today?

– What new did you learn?

Lesson 8
Topic: Straight and curved lines

Goals: correction of motor memory; introduce you to lined notebooks.

Equipment: notebooks, pens.

Progress of the lesson

I. Exercises for hands and fingers.

1) Hands in front of the chest on the table, elbows bent.

Our fingers woke up

(Hands up, elbows on the table, fingers spread to the sides.)

Good morning!


We stretched, we stretched,

We stretched ourselves.

(Without unclenching your fingers, arms up, stretch.)

They began to wash themselves together,


Dry with a towel.

We wipe every finger,

Let's not forget a single one.

We do exercises together.

(We interlace the fingers, rotate the hands forward, backward, swing the hands.)

II. Highlighting images of straight lines in various positions in drawings and letters.


2) Drawings: house, car.

III. Travels to Literalland.

1) Getting to know how to line a notebook.

– Would you like to learn to write? Why?

Beautiful writing is like lace.

– We will also learn to weave lace. But our lace will be extraordinary - lace made from letters. Such magical lace, with which you can bring joy to your parents and friends, you can weave with the help of a pen and notebook sheet. Let's fill all the notebooks with lace - letters. This is a whole magical land of letters.

Let's call this country Literalland.

- And this one fairyland we'll go. Let's get acquainted with its beautiful inhabitants - letters, find out how they are written, and we ourselves will learn to write them beautifully, so as not to offend the beautiful inhabitants of Letterland.

So, let's go. I want to say that we will encounter difficulties along the way - do not be afraid of them. We will overcome them together. Help each other.

But before we set off on our journey, let’s consider the path we will follow when learning to write.

(Getting to know appearance, select the cover, pages, lines, lines.)

– We must understand what a working line is, where it is located in our notebooks.

This will be like our path, our path along which we will go on a journey.

(Explanation of the purpose of horizontal lines: upper additional line, lower additional line.)

Children show, call it a choir, one by one.

2) Landing when writing, position of the notebook.

An angle of 60 is drawn on the table° , on the sides of which a notebook is placed.

3) Exercises to develop the ability to hold a pen.

IV. Physical education minute.

Two huts

The two huts are tightly closed.

Open the windows and let the light in.

(Keep your fists in front of you. Unclench your fingers.)

V. Writing in notebooks according to the model.

___________ . ___________ .

___________ . ___________ .

____ ____ ____ ____ ____

VI. Summary of the lesson.

– What new did you learn?

– Did you like the lesson?

Lesson 9
Theme: Straight stick

Goals: learn to write with a straight stick; develop fine motor skills of the hands.

EQUIPMENT: sand sheet, apple template, stencil card.

Progress of the lesson

I. Sand therapy.

For the lesson, you must prepare a box of sand in advance (box dimensions: 70´ 50 cm, height approximately 10 cm).

Sensitive palms

Children make prints of their palms: with the inside and outside, pressing them slightly and listening to their sensations.

"I'm pleased. I feel the coolness of the sand (warmth). When I move my hands, I feel small grains of sand.

How do you feel?

– Slide your palms along the surface of the sand; the same movements, placing your palm on the rib.

– Print your palm, fists, knuckles – fancy patterns.

– Walk along the surface of the sand separately with each finger, alternately with your right and left hands.

II. Drawing straight, curved and broken lines.

1) Travel to Literalland by boat.

– Today we will go with you to the country of Literallandia on a boat.

(Hatching of the boat.)

- Are you ready? Swung the oars!

Let's swim. (Show your hands swinging the oars.)

– Repeat how to hold a pen or notebook correctly when writing.

Notebook layout: main line, additional lines.

2) Working with the card.

III. Physical education minute.

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V. Summary of the lesson.

– What have we learned to write?

– What did you like? (Sand therapy).

Lesson 10
Theme: Straight stick
with a curve at the bottom

Goals: learn to write letter elements; correction of motor memory based on exercises in memorization and reproduction.

EQUIPMENT: Picture of a large outdoor ship.

Progress of the lesson

I. Exercise for hands and fingers.

1) Flexion and extension of the hand into a fist alternately and simultaneously.

2) Circular movements of the hands with freely bent fingers.

3) Pressing the fingertips of one hand onto the fingers of the other.

4) “Clicks”.

5) "Hooks".

II. Writing with straight sticks.

- Today we will transfer from the boat to the big one. sailing ship and let's sail further through the country of Literalland.

Big waves will meet us on the way. Let's show the waves with our hand.

But they won't scare us.

III. Physical education minute.

A set of special exercises for the eyes:

1) Blink quickly, close your eyes and sit quietly, slowly counting to five. Repeat 4-5 times.

2) At an average pace, make 3-4 circular movements with your eyes to the right side, and the same amount to the left side. Relax your eye muscles and look into the distance while counting 1–6. Repeat 1-2 times.

3) Close your eyes, strongly straining your eye muscles, on a count of 1–4, open your eyes, relaxing your eye muscles, look into the distance on a count of 1–6. Repeat 4-5 times.

Sunny bunnies

We wrote, we wrote,

Our fingers are tired.

You jump, fingers,

Like sunbeams.

Jump-jump, jump-jump.

We galloped onto the meadow.

The wind shakes the grass,

Tilts left, right.

Don't be afraid of the wind, bunny,

Have fun on the lawn.

Children come up with gestures for each line that depict the movements of bunnies.

IV. Chopstick writing with a curve at the bottom." width="104 height=66" height="66">

2) Writing sticks with a curve at the bottom.

III. Physical education minute." width="315" height="126">

V. Summary of the lesson.

– What did you learn in class?

– What did you like?

Lesson 12
Subject: Straight stick,
stick with a curve at the bottom,
stick with a curve at the top

Goals: consolidate the writing of the studied letter elements; correction of motor memory.

EQUIPMENT: table with writing elements of letters.

Progress of the lesson

I. Exercises for hands and fingers.

1) Game “Horns and Legs”. (See lesson 5.)

2) Hello, finger!

(While pronouncing each line, children massage the finger of the hand with which they write, bending it into a fist.)

Little finger, where have you been?

I went to the forest with this brother,

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother.

I ate porridge with this brother,

I sang songs with this brother.

This finger went into the forest

This finger found a mushroom

I began to clean this finger.

I fried this finger myself.

This little finger ate everything himself,

That's why I got fat.

II. Hatching objects outlined according to templates in different directions.

Today we set off on foot. First there will be a forest on our way. To pass it, you need to shade the Christmas trees.

III. Writing with straight sticks.

Repetition of the rules for landing and holding a pen.

Letter on a blackboard with chalk; tracing the sample yourself.

IV. Physical education minute.


(Children clench their fingers tightly into a fist. Count to ten. Easily lift and drop the relaxed hand.)

Hands on your knees

Fists clenched

Firmly, with tension,

Fingers are pressed.

Fists dropped.

The fingers unclenched.

Eye exercises:

1) Look at the bridge of your nose and hold your gaze for the count of 1–4. Do not let your eyes get tired. Open your eyes, look into the distance at the score 1–6. Repeat 4-5 times.

2) Without turning your head, look to the right, fix your gaze on the count 1–4, then look straight into the distance at the count 1–6. The exercises are carried out in a similar way, but with the gaze fixed to the left, up, down. Repeat 3-4 times.

3) Turn your gaze quickly diagonally: right - up - left - down, then straight into the distance on a count of 1–6. Then go left - up - right - down and look into the distance at the score 1–6. Repeat 4-5 times.

V. Writing with sticks with a curve at the bottom and top.

Letter on account.

VI. Summary of the lesson.

– What elements of letters did we repeat and learn to write beautifully?

Lesson 13
Topic: Semi-oval

Goals: teach how to write a new element; correction of fine motor skills of the hand.

Eq uipment: tape recording for relaxation.

Progress of the lesson

I. Finger gymnastics.

1) Repetition. (See exercises for lesson 10.)

2) "Binoculars".

Making ovals from fingers.

The teacher tells the children that there are different types of binoculars. alternately, each finger on the hand touches the pad with the thumb - an oval is obtained. Children look through the resulting “binoculars”.

II. Preparatory exercises for writing a semi-oval.

1) Traveling to Literalland by car.

– The country of Literalland awaits us again. Today we will go by car.

Prepare the car! (Shade.)

Are you ready? We start the engines.

2) Work using stencil cards." width="125 height=57" height="57">

III. Half-oval letter in notebooks." width="69" height="59"> We wrote, we wrote,

And now everyone stood up together,

They stomped their feet,

Hands patted.

Then we squeeze our fingers,

Let's sit down and start writing.

We wrote, we wrote,

Our fingers are tired.

And now we will rest -

And let's start writing again.

Exercise for the eyes. (See exercise for lesson 10.)

V. Repetition of completed elements.

VI. Summary of the lesson.

– What elements did you write today?

– What have you learned?

Lesson 14
Theme: Oval

Goals: learn to write a new element; develop fine motor skills of the hands.

EQUIPMENT: sand sheet; cloud patterns.

Progress of the lesson

I. Sand therapy.

1) Game “What is hidden in the sand?”

First, children look at toys (such as “Kinder Surprise”), then they hide them in the sand. Children find them and identify them by touch.

2) Writing different lines and elements with your finger in the sand.

II. Writing exercises.

1) Travel to the country of Literalland on clouds.

– Today we are going to travel to the country of Literalland on clouds.

We will draw different lines on them: we will prepare the hand for writing the elements of letters.

2) Letter of semi-ovals.

III. Physical education minute." width="193" height="64">

– Try connecting the ovals.

– What did you do? (glasses.)

V. Summary of the lesson.

– What did you study?

– What did you like?

Lesson 15
Subject: Straight stick with a curve
below and above


EQUIPMENT: templates, picture boat.

Progress of the lesson

I. Finger gymnastics.

One day the mice came out

One day the mice came out

See what time it is.

(Children use their fingers to depict mice entering.)

One, two, three, four,

The mice pulled the weights.

(The fingers are clenched into a fist. The thumb is always pressed against the palm. The remaining fingers are extended in turn for each word. Then they return to their original position again. The “pulled” movement is imitated.)

Then a terrible ringing sound was heard.

(Children touch their head with their hands, shaking it slightly.)

Run away, mice, get out!

(By moving their fingers along the desk, children imitate the running of mice.)

II. Preparing to write new elements.

III. Letter from dictation.

Write: a straight stick, a straight line with a curve at the bottom, a semi-oval, a straight line with a curve at the top, an elongated straight line.

IV. Physical education minute.

Exercises for the eyes.

Set of exercises “At sea”:

(To slow, calm music.)

1) "Horizon".

1–4 – with the tip of the finger of the right hand (like a pencil) we draw the horizon line (“at the sea”) from left to right, the eyes accompany the movement, the head is straight.

5–8 – repeat the horizon line from right to left.

2) “Boat”.

1–4 – draw a “boat” (arc downwards), the eyes repeat the movement, the head is straight.

3) "Rainbow".

1–4 – draw a “rainbow” (upward arc), the eyes accompany the movement, the head is straight.

5–8 – repeat the movements of count 1–4 in the other direction.

V. Letter of a new element." width="250" height="87 id=">

VI. Summary of the lesson.

– Did you like our trip?

– What have you learned?

Lesson 16

Goals: consolidate the writing of the studied elements; correction of motor memory based on exercises in recognition and reproduction.

Equipment: cards with a rocket for shading.

Progress of the lesson

I. Finger gymnastics.

Self-massage of fingers.

Rub your palms.

Using circular movements of your right hand, massage the back of your left hand, placing it on the solar plexus. Using twisting movements from the base of the finger to the nail phalanx, massage each finger on your left hand.

While stroking, massage your left forearm with effort; up back side, down the palmar side.

Holding the wrist joint of your left hand, rub it with your right hand (2-3 twisting movements - “nettle”).

While stroking, forcefully massage the left shoulder, as well as the forearm (6-8 times).

Perform circular movements in the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints of the left hand.

Using shaking movements, relax your left hand.

Lower it down, feel the warmth and lightness in it.

Perform the same self-massage with your left hand, massaging your right hand.

– Today we are going on a trip to the country of Literallandia on a rocket.

Before we take off, we need to shade the rocket on the card.

(Children have cards.)

Shade the drawn rocket.

- Are you ready? Start!

III. Writing learned elements." width="52" height="58"> Hands raised and shook

Hands raised and shook -

These are trees in the forest.

(Hands up, tilts left and right.)

They bent their arms, shook their hands -

It's the wind that blows away the dew.

(Segment-by-segment relaxation of arms down and up.)

Hands to the sides

Let's wave smoothly -

These are the birds flying towards us.

(Repeat relaxing your arms.)

We will also show you how they sit down,

(Arms to the sides, swings, waves with body turns left - right.)

Fold the wings back.

(Relax your arms down and back behind your back, hands “locked”, shoulder blades together, hold for 3-4 seconds, sit at desks or tables.)

1) Writing the studied elements under dictation.

2) According to the example:

VI. Summary of the lesson.

– What did we repeat today?

– What did you like?

Lesson 17
Topic: Long stick with a loop at the bottom

Goals: teach how to write a new element; correction of motor memory based on exercises in recognition and reproduction.

Eq uipment: cards for shading (airplane).

Progress of the lesson

I. Exercises for hands and fingers.

1) “Hello.”

Children alternately touch the thumb of the same hand with the pads of the fingers of each hand.

With the fingertips of one hand, children alternately touch the fingertips of the other hand.

2) “Clicks”.

3) "Hooks".

II. Hatching in different directions (on cards).

– Today we will go on a trip to the country of Literallandia by plane.

III. Letter of a new element.

IV. Physical education minute.

Finger went out for a walk.

One, two, three, four, five,

(Clap for the count.)

Finger went out for a walk.

(The index finger of the right hand moves in a circle, in the center of the left palm.)

Just left the gate -

Lo and behold, another one is coming towards him.

(The index finger is joined by the middle finger.)

It's fun to go together

Come on, third, come out!

(Then the nameless one joins.)

Let's dance together -


(Then the children change hands.)

V. Writing the studied elements.

1) Writing from dictation of the studied elements.

2) Letter according to the sample.

VI. Summary of the lesson.

– What new element did you learn to write?

– What did you like?

Lesson 18
Topic: Writing learned elements

Goals: h strengthen the writing of the studied letter elements; development of fine motor skills of the hand.

Progress of the lesson

I. Exercises for the hand and fingers.

Who has arrived?

Who has arrived?

(Quickly clap with the tips of your thumbs.)

We, we, we!

(The tips of the thumbs are pressed together, and the tips of the other fingers clap quickly at the same time.)

Mom, mom,

Yes, yes, yes!

(Clap with the tips of your index fingers.)

Dad, dad

(Clap with the tips of your thumbs.)

Yes, yes, yes!

(Clap with the tips of your middle fingers.)

Brother, brother,

(Clap with the tips of your thumbs.)

Yes, yes, yes!

(Clap with the tips of your ring fingers.)

Ah, little sister,

(Clap with the tips of your thumbs.)

Yes, yes, yes!

(Clap our little fingers.)

We are all together

Yes, yes, yes!

(Clap with all fingers.)

II. Hatching in different directions.

III. First stop.

Drawing borders, drawing curves and broken lines.

1) Drawing curves and broken lines using stencil cards." width="119 height=26" height="26">

2) Drawing borders and coloring them.

IV. Physical education minute.

How are you living?

(Show thumb.)

How are you going?

(Walk two fingers across your palm.)

Are you running?

(Bend your elbows and make movements as if running.)

Do you sleep at night?

(Hands under your cheeks, bend your head.)

How do you take it?

(Palm into fist.)

(Open palm.)

How are you silent?

(Cover your mouth with your palms.)

Are you threatening?

(Shak your finger at your neighbor.)

V. Exercises for the eyes.

1) Using our eyes we move the fly from one house to another: up, right, left, left, down... Where, in which house is the fly?

2) Close your eyes and mentally follow the fly.

3) We control the fly silently. (The teacher sets the direction with hand movements.)

VI. Writing learned elements from dictation.

One child writes on the board, the rest - in notebooks.

VII. A long stick letter with a loop at the bottom.

Combination of an oval with a straight line with a rounded bottom:

VIII. Summary of the lesson.

– What did you learn in class?

– What did you like?

Lesson 19
Topic: Writing learned letter elements

Goals: consolidate the writing of the studied elements; correction of motor memory based on exercises in memorization and reproduction.

Eq uipment: table with writing elements of letters: stencils, cards for shading.

Progress of the lesson

I. Exercises for hands and fingers.

1) Sand therapy.

Game "What's Hidden in the Sand?"

2) Game “Cinderella”.

On the table in front of each child there is a pile of seeds (peas, wheat, etc. - three types). Children close their eyes. In a limited time, they must sort the seeds into three piles.

II. Hatching in different directions.

– Today we are going on a trip by car." width="62" height="61 id="> Magic fingers

Here are my helpers:

Turn them however you want.

One, two, three, four, five,

They can't sit again.

Knocked, turned

And they wanted to work!

(Children separately massage each finger of the hand with which they write, while pronouncing words.)

This finger wants to sleep.

This finger is a jump into bed.

This one took a nap nearby,

This little finger is already asleep.

And the other one has been sleeping for a long time.

Hush, hush, don't make noise,

Don't wake up your fingers.

V. Writing combinations of elements.

VI. Summary of the lesson.

– So our journey to the country of Letterland, where the elements of letters live, has ended.

Ahead of us is a country where letters live. We have learned to write elements, now we will learn to write the letters themselves.

State budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 1141 Nevsky district

Methodological materials for speaking at parent meeting on the topic:

“Introducing children to color through play”

Saint Petersburg

2012 Program content:

  1. Strengthen the ability to distinguish colors.
  2. Form the idea that color is a sign of objects and can be used to designate them.
  3. Form an idea of ​​different shades of color by intensity;
  4. Give children an idea of ​​natural colors;
  5. Introduce children to elements of experimental activities.
  6. Develop fine motor skills of the hands


Introduce into children's active vocabulary: names of primary colors and their shades

Introductory part

To tell and show your child the diverse world of color, you can start with early age. You can start recognizing and learning colors with your child at 1.5 years old. Start learning in a playful way.

Butterflies are flowers.

Cut out four flowers of different colors from paper and glue them onto a regular sheet. Cut out four butterflies of the same colors from colored cardboard. Teach your child to plant a butterfly on his flower. Tell that each butterfly has its own house where they eat or play.

Mouse's house.

Cut out colored houses, each of them should have a round hole - an entrance for the mouse. In addition to the houses, prepare colored circles. Cover the holes in the houses with circles (match the circles to the color of the house). Close the hole and the mouse hides


From colored cubes you can build towers of the same color. "Let's build a red tower. Here is one cube, a red cube. Here's another cube, it's also red. They are the same! Let's build a tower from these cubes. Look, we have a red tower" Likewise introducing children to a different color


Invite your child to assemble a pyramid, but on the condition that you will collect it, and he will bring you the necessary rings. You say: "Give me a yellow ring, now give me a red ring" Gradually, the child will unerringly bring you rings of the desired color.

Extra color.

Place different toys of the same color in front of your child. These could be cars, cubes, balls, rings, rattles. Name this color. Then add an object of a different color to these toys. The child will immediately react to this. Tell them that these items are different in color.

Colorful days.

You can devote the whole day to studying a certain color. Hang balloons of the chosen color, select toys only of this color, draw with a felt-tip pen or paints of the color of your choice. During the day, focus your child’s attention on this color not only in the apartment, but also on the street.

Traffic light .

You've probably played this game in the yard with your friends. You can play traffic light at home. Mom will act as a traffic light, and the baby will act as a pedestrian. Name any color, the child must find it on his clothes and show it with his finger. In this case, he can safely cross the road. If he does not have the specified color on his clothes, then he will have to cross the road, and his mother must catch the “intruder.” Should be a fun game!


Simulate a small town in the room: place sheets of colored paper in different places, these will be houses. Place different figures and toys on the sheets. For example, a dog lives in a yellow house, and a doll lives in a blue house. Give your child a stack of colored cards that act as letters. The child needs to deliver the letters correctly - a red letter - to the red house for the horse, a yellow letter - to the yellow house for the dog.

Multi-colored flags

To play you need to take several multi-colored flags

The presenter raises:

Red flag - children should, for example, jump;

green – clap your hands;

Blue - walk in place,

yellow – hold hands, etc.

Put it in boxes

Place several small boxes and a larger box in front of the child, in which objects of different colors are mixed. Invite your child to put objects into boxes according to color. Begin the task by placing one item in each of the small boxes. First, offer children objects of 2-4 colors (4-8 pieces of the same color). Over time, the number of items and colors will increase.

Colored rubber bands.

Buy a set of different colored rubber bands. Select yellow and red. Take a wooden stick (pencil) and ask them to put red rubber bands on the stick. Help your child, don’t scold him; if he makes a mistake, ask: “Is this a red rubber band? No! Here it is - red! and put on the red elastic band yourself.

Instead of rubber bands, you can use different objects, cubes, mugs cut out of colored cardboard. But the simple exercise with elastic bands described above will also involve motor skills.

Rainbow album.

Prepare your album. It should have seven sheets according to the number of colors in the rainbow. On each sheet at the top, draw a colored stripe in the form of an arc (in order, like in a rainbow).

Now you and your child have more than one day’s work to do: cut out single-color pictures from magazines and old catalogs and paste them into an album on a page with the corresponding color. You can cut out different figures from colored paper.

If you wish, you can do something like thisDIY toys- we draw colored balls and ask the child to add strings of the required colors to the balls, cut out flowers of different colors and ask the child to place these flowers in the required clearings (clearings are sheets of colored cardboard or paper). We sew a didactic toy (turtle or hedgehog) that has colored sectors. You can attach various colored shapes to these sectors using Velcro. We introduce children to color, allowing our imagination to work to its fullest.

The most basic way is to cut out a large square and small circles of the same color from colored paper. Mix the small circles together and ask them to find the red circles and place them on the red square. We will still have yellow circles, well, they also need to be placed on the desired square.

To make the game more interesting, you can cut out a large flower and small butterflies of the same color and ask the child to help the butterfly fly to the desired flower (red butterfly to red flower; yellow butterfly to yellow). The boy can cut out a truck and ask him to help load the cubes into it.

Next time, try giving your child the circles in a separate order: first give the red circle (where will he put it?), then the yellow one. Repeat this task with different objects, unobtrusively, until your baby can handle it with ease.

The next step is you sorting! Tell your child that you are sorting the item by color and you need his help, ask for a yellow circle, then a red one. Those. Now the child doesn’t just visually sort the colors himself, but first receives verbal information from you, processes it in his head, remembering what color is called “yellow”, “red”, remembering, finds and submits.

Print or make your own cards depicting the most basic colors. For starters, these could be: red, green, yellow and blue. Gradually you can add other colors: purple, brown, black, white and so on.
I present to your attention beautiful pictures depicting the most basic colors. Just print and cut into individual pictures with scissors. You can make your own color learning cards this way. You can label the cards with the name of each color

Children's books and various educational kits that you can buy in stores will be a good help in learning colors. In them you can find riddles about color and rainbows:

“Colors of the rainbow”

(A. Wenger).

The colors are terribly tired today:

They painted a rainbow in the sky.

We worked for a long time on the rainbow of colors,

The rainbow came out beautiful, like in a fairy tale.

All colorful - what a beauty!

Just admire the colors:


Red radish grew in the garden

There are red tomatoes nearby.

There are red tulips on the window,

Red banners are burning outside the window.


Orange fox

I dream about carrots all night -

Looks like a fox tail:

Orange too.


The yellow sun looks at the earth,

A yellow sunflower watches the sun.

Yellow pears hang on the branches.

Yellow leaves are flying from the trees.


We have green onions growing

And green cucumbers

And outside the window there is a green meadow

And the houses are whitewashed.

Every house has a green roof,

And a cheerful gnome lives in it

In new green trousers

From maple leaves


My doll has blue eyes,

And the sky above us is still blue.

It is blue, like a thousand eyes.

We look at the sky, and the sky looks at us.


There is an island in the blue sea,

The path to the island is long.

And a flower grows on it -

Blue-blue cornflower.


The purple violet is tired of living in the forest.

I'll pick it and bring it to my mom on her birthday.

She will live with purple lilacs

On the table in a beautiful vase near the window.


(O. Emelyanova)

It is in the egg and in the chicken,
In the oil that lies in the oil can,
In every ripe spikelet,
In the sun, in the cheese and in the sand.

He and the frog can croak,
Cry with the crocodile
Grow from the ground with grass,
But it cannot bloom

A third of the flag is occupied by them,
It's in the name of the whale,
And in a cornflower blue bouquet,
And on the mailbox.

  1. Don’t be angry if your child doesn’t hear well what color you want, the main thing is that the child can visually distinguish and sort colors.
  2. Until 2 years of age, color confusion is normal. Sometimes it will seem to you that the child has learned the color perfectly, and then he again confuses it with another, remember, until the age of 2 this is physically normal. If in the future, it means that the material was poorly fixed, and it was too early to start a new color.
  3. As your child's color recognition grows, he will have a “love” for some color, welcome it, buy him things of his favorite color.
  4. As you know, if a person does not use certain skills for a long time, does not repeat the information received, then sooner or later this knowledge is pushed into the far corner of our memory, or even leaves it altogether. That's why you probably noticed that everything methodological manuals repeat the same activities, only making them more difficult.
  5. This activity is suitable for children aged 3 years and older. Its meaning is to combine the colors red-red, yellow-yellow, etc. in the correct order. the result is a drawing.
  6. Do not rush your child, all children are very different. Some people pick it up the first time, while some children need more time to memorize. Play every day and soon you will hear your child pointing at the desired color.

Introducing children to color - how and when should you start? Experts believe that there is no specific age at which a child should be taught to distinguish and identify colors.

This process can begin at two months of age. It is enough to hang colored squares or circles on the wall and periodically show them to the child, naming their colors. Soon the baby will begin to show interest in rattles. Most often they have a specific color, so take advantage of this and tell your child the colors of these rattles. Don't expect your child to quickly learn to distinguish colors. However, the process of studying the world, the properties of objects and the accumulation of a passive vocabulary has already begun, so be patient. With our stories we introduce children to color, shape, smells.

When playing with colored cubes or balls, you can focus on color. Please note how to correctly say: “ This is a cube. It is blue - a blue cube. And this cube is red - a red cube. This is also a cube, it's yellow" It is not advisable to simply list - red cube, blue cube, green cube. It is difficult for a child to separate these words; he perceives them as one whole - “blue cube”, “yellow cube”. The main thing is to convey to the child the idea that similar objects have a difference - color.

Portal Burmama encourages you to explore colors with your children through games. This allows the child to remember the names of colors in a relaxed manner.

Introducing children to colors through games

Bean-flowers . Cut out four flowers of different colors from paper and glue them onto a regular sheet. Cut out four butterflies of the same colors from colored cardboard. Teach your child to plant a butterfly on his flower. Tell them that each butterfly has its own house where they eat or play.

Myshkin house. Cut out colored houses, each of them should have a round hole - an entrance for the mouse. In addition to the houses, prepare colored circles. Cover the holes in the houses with circles (match the circles to the color of the house). They closed the hole and the mouse hid.

Cubes. From colored cubes you can build towers of the same color. " Let's build a red tower. Here is one cube, a red cube. Here's another cube, it's also red. They are the same! Let's build a tower from these cubes. Look, we have a red tower" Likewise introducing children to a different color.

Pyramid. Invite your child to assemble a pyramid, but on the condition that you will collect it, and he will bring you the necessary rings. You say: " Give me a yellow ring, now give me a red ring" Gradually, the child will unerringly bring you rings of the desired color.

Extra color. Place different toys of the same color in front of your child. These could be cars, cubes, balls, rings, rattles. Name this color. Then add an object of a different color to these toys. The child will immediately react to this. Tell them that these items are different in color.

Colorful days. You can devote the whole day to studying a certain color. Hang balloons of the chosen color, select toys only of this color, draw with a felt-tip pen or paints of the color of your choice. During the day, focus your child’s attention on this color not only in the apartment, but also on the street.

Traffic light. You've probably played this game in the yard with your friends. You can play traffic light at home. Mom will act as a traffic light, and the baby will act as a pedestrian. Name any color, the child must find it on his clothes and show it with his finger. In this case, he can safely cross the road. If he does not have the specified color on his clothes, then he will have to cross the road, and his mother must catch the “intruder.” Should be a fun game!

Postman. Simulate a small town in the room: place sheets of colored paper in different places, these will be houses. Place different figures and toys on the sheets. For example, a dog lives in a yellow house, and a doll lives in a blue house. Give your child a stack of colored cards that act as letters. The child needs to deliver the letters correctly - a red letter - to the red house for the horse, a yellow letter - to the yellow house for the dog.

Children's books and various educational sets that you can buy in stores in Birobidzhan will be a good help in learning colors.

If you wish, you can make these - we draw colored balls and ask the child to add strings of the desired colors to the balls, cut out flowers of different colors and ask the child to place these flowers in the required clearings (clearings are sheets of colored cardboard or paper). We sew a didactic toy (turtle or hedgehog) that has colored sectors. You can attach various colored shapes to these sectors using Velcro. , allowing our imagination to work to its fullest.

Copyright © by Burmama
Copying materials is prohibited

Natasha Sotnikova
Notes on early childhood “Getting to know the colors red” (blue, yellow, green)

Lesson summary on early childhood"Introducing children to the color red". Software content: 1. Getting to know the color red and the purpose of the item. 2. Activation dictionary: ball, cube, pencil, pyramid ring, ribbon. Progress of the lesson. Children sit in a semicircle on chairs near the teacher. There is a knock on the door, Katya the doll comes in, pushing a stroller with a “wonderful bag.” Greets children. Children greet the doll Katya. Educator: “Guys, Katya the doll brought us a “Wonderful Bag”. Let’s see what’s in it?” I take it out of the bag red ball. I tell the children "This is red ball". I'm asking: "What can you do with the ball?" Children: "Ride." I'm clarifying answer: “That’s right, you can roll the ball.” I show how the ball rolls. Then I take out the pencil. I'm asking: “Kostya, what color pencil?". Answer Bones: "Red". I ask children: “What do you do with a pencil?” Children: "Drawing." I'm clarifying answer: “Yes, they draw and write with a pencil.” This is how I name all items (what are they colors what can you do with them). For example: cube red, from a cube you can build a house, a tower; ring red, it can be put on a pyramid, on a stick; ribbon red, you can tie a bow from it (I tie the doll Katya). When all the items are sorted, I put them back into the bag. I call children: “Go Vika, take an object from the bag.” I ask Vika: "What did you take?" Answer Vicki: "Ball". I'm asking Vika: "What is he like? colors?". Answer Vicki: "Red"If a child finds it difficult to answer, I ask another child. So, gradually the children take out all the objects from the bag. I ask children: “What kind of flower did it bloom, What can you do with it, etc.” When the children have taken all the objects out of the “wonderful bag,” I lay them out on the table and I say: “Guys, look, there’s a red ball, red cube, red ring, red ribbon etc. d. - all these items red". In conclusion, I invite the children to sing the song “Ladushki - palms” for the doll Katya and dance with the doll Katya. Classes on meeting blue, yellow, green.

Publications on the topic:

"The Tale of Why the Tomato Turned Red." Theatrical activities of preschool children in MBDU (from work experience) Dustnazarova Zura. Theatrical.

Photo report on the implementation of the integrated educational activity “When a red eye looks, everyone will stop at once.” MKDOU Buturlinovsky kindergarten No. 5II junior.

I made games for learning about the colors of objects for young children. While playing, children do not even suspect that they are learning to distinguish colors.

Introducing young children to color From the experience of teachers we know how important it is throughout preschool age children’s assimilation of the following tasks: to provide knowledge about the basic.

Familiarization with natural phenomena and color, and application of this knowledge in creative activities (applications) Introductory activities enable the teacher to systematically and purposefully develop associative-figurative perception.

Project “Playing with Colors” Project description: creative design - project Project title: “Playing with color” Summary project: During the project, children are in the playroom.