How to get a discounted ticket to a children's health camp. Is it possible to get a free trip to camp for a child? These include

They are guaranteed Federal Law No. 124-FZ “On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation.”

According to this law, any Russian child can go on vacation. But parents must line up in advance and collect necessary documents. The number of tickets is limited.

It should be taken into account that the law is uniform, but each region of the Russian Federation implements it in its own way. Of course, there are also general requirements. We will talk about them.

Who gets free passes?

First of all, those children who have health problems and have fewer opportunities to relax for money. That is:
  • disabled people;
  • orphans;
  • sick children and children after surgery;
  • children from large, low-income and single-parent families.

A preschooler or a child who needs to be looked after can be accompanied by an accompanying person under the Mother and Child program. As the name suggests, Mom can always go. Regarding fathers, grandmothers, aunts and other adults, you need to check with a specific sanatorium or camp.

What can you get for free?

For the child, free stay, accommodation, meals with or without a diet, cultural events, supervision by a teacher and health workers.

The accompanying person will be accommodated and fed free of charge. But for him, health procedures are already paid.

But both the parent and the child will have to travel to the vacation spot at their own expense. Exceptions for disabled people, low-income citizens and residents of the Far North.

Are there huge queues for free tickets?

Not really. Enrolling a child in a camp or sanatorium is a bureaucratic procedure. Some parents don’t know about it, others don’t want to understand it.

Therefore, you may well get a free trip that others were too lazy to apply for. But, of course, in the summer the competition is much higher. It is better to agree to a spring, autumn or even winter vacation if you like the institution, its location and other conditions.

Even if they tell you “There is nothing,” still stand in line. Several tours may become available in your region. People change their plans or complete paperwork incorrectly. Then the place is passed on to the next.

Where should I go to get a ticket?

Each region is allocated a certain number of vouchers, which are then distributed among clinics, schools, and foundations. social insurance and other social agencies. That is, one child can get to the same sanatorium or camp with a voucher from the clinic, another - from the school.

The most common option is to apply for a trip through a clinic. If your child is sick with something, consult a specialized doctor. He knows what documents are needed from him to register for a sanatorium or children's camp. He will give directions for tests and tell you which institutions you can go to.

But there are also health and preventive programs in which a healthy child can participate. Ask your pediatrician about them.

If for some reason you do not take a medical course, you can try to take a school voucher. Such vouchers are given to children who study well, show success in sports, or participate in competitions (so keep different diplomas and certificates). You can ask the head teacher or director about vouchers.

You can also ask around:

  • Department of Social Protection;
  • trade union;
  • Department of Family Affairs.

When to submit documents?

Preferably now. Then there is a chance to get into the camp in the summer or early autumn.

What documents are needed?

To queue for a ticket, you will need:

  • statement;
  • a copy of the parent's passport;
  • information about the child’s registration at the place of residence;
  • a certificate from a medical institution confirming the absence of contraindications for relaxation in a sanatorium-resort center (if accompanied by an adult, the same for him);
  • referral for treatment for certain indications.

To register for a sanatorium or health camp when the voucher is already in hand:

  • sanatorium-resort card (taken from the pediatrician at the clinic after the child’s test results arrive);
  • certificate of no contact with infectious patients at the place of residence and in a child care facility (from a pediatrician);
  • extract from the medical history;
  • certificate of the epidemiological environment and vaccination calendar (from school);
  • copies of birth certificate and medical policy.

Some institutions may require some additional information. Check this on the website or by phone.

It is better to take tests when they have already called you and said that they are giving you a ticket. Results have a limited shelf life. Therefore, a situation may arise when a urine test, for example, is no longer valid, and you have not even been invited anywhere yet. Then you will have to take everything again.

There are cases when the child has already arrived at the holiday destination, and the parents send some certificate or updated analysis result that was lost in a hurry by email or fax. But it is better to have a complete set of documents on hand.

Does going to a sanatorium or children's camp mean skipping school?

Not necessarily. In some institutions, children are taught according to the school curriculum. The list of items can be clarified in a specific camp or sanatorium.

If there are no lessons, the child will in any case be given a certificate for school. But he won’t be allowed to get bored or stand on his own: the teachers monitor the regime and conduct various activities.

How to get a ticket faster?

You can buy a ticket and then receive partial or full compensation for it. This way you will have more chances to choose your holiday destination and check-in time. The same documents will be needed for registration.

Compensation is guaranteed to everyone. But its size depends on the place of work of the parents, type, category of benefits. For example, low-income and large families and families where parents do not work for health reasons can receive a full refund.

They receive compensation after check-in from the Social Insurance Fund. You can check this in advance with the authorities where the voucher was issued. To receive you need to provide:

  • statement;
  • original and copy of the parent’s passport;
  • birth certificate or passport of the child;
  • documents confirming the benefit (if you have one);
  • return ticket from the camp;
  • bank account number.

One parent can receive compensation once a year.

What helps you most to get a ticket?

Just in case, once again: the parent’s persistence helps.

Ask, clarify, call. And everything will work out.

Summer is the time not only for vacations, but also for children’s first independent trips. What to do if the trip was purchased a long time ago, but the child does not want to go, how to understand that you have a good counselor, how often to call and in what cases you need to take your child home - The Village learned how child psychologists answer these questions.

Alexander Wenger- Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Child and Family Psychotherapy

Alex Desatnik- psychotherapist, doctor of clinical psychology, expert at international centers London Gates Education Group

At what age should you send your child to camp?

Wenger: I think it all depends on what kind of camp it is. Children can quite easily be sent on an independent trip from the age of ten, to camps adapted for younger children from the age of eight, but before that I would not have done so. Most optimal age for such trips - from 11–12 years old until the end of school, when communication with peers becomes especially important for children.

How to choose the right camp?

Wenger: At the age of eight to ten years, you should first of all pay attention to friendly counselors and a homely atmosphere. The camp should have everything you need for children to play: a playground where you can climb and crawl, a sufficient number of toys. It is believed that only preschoolers play with toys, but younger schoolchildren this is also important. Availability different games and toys - an indicator that the camp organizers understand what small child. Creative activities are also important: drawing, master classes, dance and theater clubs.

At the age of 10–12 years, sports activities become of great importance. If there is any in the camp artistic direction- this is very good, but at this age it is not as necessary as for younger children. It is important for teenagers to participate in organizing events, and not just to be entertained - this way they will feel like they are the owners of the camp. Long-term programs are definitely needed - sports tournaments or even the Olympics. Children should take an active part in the development of such activities along with adults.

Paratrooper: It is important to understand that at every age a child has certain psychological needs, and the camp program should take this into account. At 8-9 years old, children need a homely atmosphere, at 10-12 years old they should pay more attention to structured activities, and at 12+ years old, the camp should first of all be socially oriented: it must necessarily have a space in which children can discuss their social dynamics and analyze their desirable and unwanted behavior. Such “debriefings” with the opportunity to talk through everything, discuss, and agree on something are a necessary part of communication that will allow the child to properly adapt to social life. In addition, such conversations develop children's ability to analyze and make decisions.

How do you know if a counselor or instructor is good?

Paratrooper: People who work with certain age groups should have experience working with even younger children. Often in a stressful situation (and a long separation from parents is always a stressful situation), children begin to behave more childishly than in ordinary life: They may have trouble doing basic things like washing their face or eating on time. A good counselor monitors this and helps children adapt to independent life in the camp.

At 10–12 years of age, children who find themselves out of control may exhibit group aggression. It is necessary to carefully monitor any signals in this direction and adhere to clear and understandable rules in communicating with them.

Wenger: Teen instructors must be creative! They should be as ready as possible to participate in cooperative action as if on equal terms. “As if” means that while everything is going well, the instructor is just as much a teenager. But if something goes wrong, he immediately takes on the role of a strong leader.

What to do if the child does not want to go?

Paratrooper: It’s worth trying to persuade a child, but not forcibly sending him away. Children usually don't want what they fear. Talk to him about the situations he fears and give him examples of positive ways out of them. If the child begins to doubt, invite him to try - to go for a few days. And then explain again: “If you feel bad, we are always there.”

How to prepare a child for an independent trip?

Wenger: Let us immediately stipulate that a camp is contraindicated for a child who has difficulties in communicating with peers (they are usually identified at school) - these difficulties need to be overcome in milder forms. If a child communicates well with his peers, then there is no need to prepare him. It is important that he gets used to being alone - without parents, outside of school: he can walk in the yard on his own or go to classes without much supervision.

Paratrooper: It is important to discuss the rules of the game with your child. The parent needs to go over basic self-care skills again: brush your teeth in the morning, take a bath, call your mom every day. At home, the child follows this routine because his mother watches, but at camp no one knows the house rules. You also just need to talk to your child about the camp - children have very interesting fantasies. For example, ask your child the question: “You live with four boys or girls in a room. How do you think it will be?” If a child produces socially inappropriate scenarios (“I will be the most important!”), his expectations can be adjusted. Tell your child what to do if he becomes sad or when and how to call home.

Do I need to call my child at camp? How often?

Wenger: You definitely need to communicate with your child, with your little one, every day. At the age of 10–12, daily contact with parents is no longer necessary - contact every other day is enough. You can contact teenagers even less often, based on the fact that the child trusts his parents: if he gets really bad, he will call himself. At any age, a child should know: if he gets seriously ill, they will take him away or help him cope with the problem. This simple rule must be followed strictly.

Paratrooper: A child, on the one hand, can get carried away and forget about his parents. This forgetting is not the absence of a need - it is precisely forgetting. On the other hand, he internally needs family support. Therefore, it is advisable to contact him once every three days: even a short five-minute conversation about how he is doing will provide the child with the necessary support.

A child wants to go home in the middle of a shift - should I take him?

Wenger: You need to try to find out how bad his emotional state is. If he just misses mom and dad and this is not an acute experience, but “I would like you to take me home” - this is not a reason to interrupt independent rest.

Paratrooper: Parents very often react to the phrase “I want to go home” with a desire to go and pick up their child from camp. It is important to understand that in fact this phrase can be a reaction to completely different situations. For example, “I just lost a game. I was upset. And I want to see my mother right now!” or “I wasn’t having a very good day.” It is important not to be afraid of the child’s words “I want to go home” and not to start the conversation immediately with a discussion of his going home until you have figured out what is behind this desire.

What does a child who has never been to camp lose?

Wenger: The camp is useful for socialization, in order to learn to communicate in not particularly strictly organized conditions. A child who has not been to camp loses such a very useful experience for life. Many camps also organize all sorts of hikes, which are of great importance for the formation of independence, responsibility and, as a result, self-confidence.

Paratrooper: In addition to socialization skills, a child may lose something else important. Very often, it is in the camp that a teenager encounters the image of a significant adult - the very image that he will be guided by and which, as a rule, is not formed in the school environment.

The word "benefits" is related to the word "easy". And in Article 12 of the Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” it is written that executive authorities and local governments are obliged to make recreation and health improvement for children as accessible as possible.

This means that every family should have the opportunity to buy a ticket to a camp or sanatorium. And some children have the right to vacation once a year for free or at a discount. Kidpassage talks about how to do this without unnecessary complications.

Discount vouchers for children's camps

Despite what the law says about the availability of recreation, the facts indicate something else: organizing a full-fledged vacation for a child, especially in the summer, is not a cheap pleasure.

It is especially difficult if there are many children in the family, or incomes do not keep up with rising prices, or the child needs special treatment due to an illness. The state provides such families with the right to receive assistance for rest and recovery.

This assistance takes two forms: preferential camp vouchers or compensation for self-paid vacations.

Russian legislation establishes several categories of children entitled to benefits. The list of beneficiaries includes:

  • orphans and children left without parental care;
  • disabled children and children with disabilities;
  • children from low-income families;
  • children of military personnel and persons equivalent to them who died or were injured in the line of duty;
  • children affected by natural disasters, man-made disasters, armed conflicts, terrorist acts;
  • children are victims of violence;
  • children of refugees and internally displaced persons;
  • children from families where one or both parents are disabled and receive monthly allowance per child;
  • children with behavioral problems.

The first paragraph applies to children aged 7 to 17 years, the rest - to children from 7 to 15 years.

The following may qualify for preferential holidays in family camps:

  • orphans and children left without parental care, aged 3 to 17 years;
  • disabled children and children with disabilities aged 4 to 17 years;
  • children from low-income families aged 3 to 7 years.

Both lists can be expanded by regulations of different regions of Russia. For example, in some regions, children's camp vouchers are given free or at a discount to children from large families.

At the same time, regions set quotas for the distribution of places in preferential camps. Information about this can be found on the websites of local administrations, but you should not pay too much attention to quotas: if you are entitled to a benefit, it makes sense to apply in any case.

How to get a ticket to the camp

The first thing you need to do to organize a free children's recreation- stand in line to receive a discounted voucher. An application for this is submitted electronically or by directly submitting documents.

Several institutions are involved in the distribution of vouchers to state camps. Accordingly, there is several ways to organize a children's holiday for free or with a significant discount.

  1. Submit an application through the State Services portal (the procedure for submitting an application and documents is described in the next section).
  2. Contact the district social protection department (RUSZN) or the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services (MFC). Almost all categories of beneficiaries can apply for a trip to the camp through social security.
  3. Apply for a child’s voucher to a sanatorium through a medical institution. This method is suitable for families who have suffered from terrorist attacks, as well as for disabled children.
  4. Request a referral to social camps through the Federal Migration Service. The FMS organizes holidays for refugees, internally displaced persons, and victims of armed conflicts.
  5. Submit documents to the Internal Affairs Directorate, FSB, Ministry of Emergency Situations. The categories of beneficiaries who receive vouchers to free summer camps through these institutions are those who have suffered from armed conflicts, terrorist attacks, natural disasters, and man-made disasters.
  6. Write an application to the military registration and enlistment office. There you can get vouchers from the state for children of military personnel and persons equivalent to them who died or were injured in the line of duty.
  7. Fill out your profile and submit an application on the Artek MDC website. The profile must indicate the child’s achievements in school, sports, creative or social activities.

Voucher to the camp through government services

A convenient innovation for those who like to do everything without leaving their computer or without letting go of their smartphone is submitting an application through the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services.

Acceptance of applications on the State Services website begins on April 1. Until April 15, you can submit documents for a voucher to a children's health camp, from April 25 to May 15 - for a voucher to a sanatorium. Applications for holidays in city day camps are accepted until June 10.

The procedure is simple:
1) register on the government services website;
2) select the “Education” tab;
3) open the “Services in your region” menu and find in it the item on providing vouchers;
4) choose the type of camp (day, country, sanatorium) and rest time;
5) decide on the type of payment;
6) indicate passport data and information about the child - information about benefits is indicated in the same paragraph.

The sent electronic application receives the status “Accepted by the department.” After making a decision to provide you with a voucher, you must submit the original documents to the MFC or district administration within 5 working days. Full list documents are available on the portal.

When you follow paragraph 5 of these instructions, information will appear on the portal that if there are no opportunities for a free vacation, you will be offered to purchase a trip with subsequent partial compensation for its cost. The choice whether to agree to such an offer or not is yours.

There are few reasons for refusal:

  • receiving a similar vacation voucher in another camp or sanatorium in the current year;
  • inaccurate information in the application;
  • late submission of documents, payment and receipt of vouchers.

In addition, on the day the voucher is issued, the child must be no older than 18 years old.

Documents for obtaining a voucher

Along with the application for a trip to the free camp, you must submit a package of documents, always in the original.

Most of it is the same for all beneficiaries, but there are also some specific papers that need to be collected in advance.

Anyone wishing to relax is served:
1. Identity card of the applicant (parent, other legal representative, authorized representative). As a rule, you need to submit passports of both parents.
2. Notarized power of attorney, if the application is not submitted by the parent or legal representative of the child.
3. SNILS of the applicant.
4. Identity card: birth certificate for children under 14 years old, passport for children over 14 years old.
5. Document about the child’s place of residence.
6. A document confirming the right to a discounted voucher to the camp from social security or other institutions.

Additional documents for some categories of beneficiaries

Children from low-income families:

  • parents' marriage certificate;
  • certificate of income of each family member for the last 6 months;
  • certificate from the employment center for unemployed family members;
  • copies of work books and military IDs.


  • certificate of orphan status;
  • order on full state support for the child.

Children left without parental care:

  • certificate of status of a child left without care;
  • death certificate of parents (or one of them);
  • application for recognition as a guardian.

Children from families of military personnel who died in the line of duty:

  • death certificate of a serviceman or document declaring him missing or dead.

Disabled children:

  • ITU certificate of disability;
  • medical report.

Children are victims of terrorist attacks:

  • conclusion of the medical examiner's office on the severity of the injury.

Children affected by environmental and man-made disasters:

  • a certificate from the relevant institutions confirming the damage.

Children from families where one or both parents are disabled:

  • ITU certificate of disability;
  • pension certificate and SNILS of disabled parents.

To receive a referral to a sanatorium:

  • certificate of form No. 076/u or No. 070/u-04.

Camp vouchers for large families

If several children grow up in a family, vacation costs increase several times. The state helps such families, but, unfortunately, not in all situations. Can they qualify for a free trip or discounted vacation?

A large family in Russia is considered to be a family with three or more children under the age of 18, and if children study in institutions of secondary and higher vocational education, then under the age of 23. Regions have the right to determine which families are considered large.

Russian federal legislation does not provide for preferential camp vouchers for large families. But regional regulations may provide for such a possibility; it is worth checking with the social security authorities about it.

In addition, trade unions or directly employers can pay in whole or in part for the holidays of children from large families.

If your region has such benefits, you will need to obtain a certificate of large families before submitting documents. To do this, submit the following documents in original to the local social security department or the MFC:

  • parents' passports;
  • birth certificates or passports of children;
  • photographs of parents in 30 by 40 mm format;
  • marriage certificate;
  • documents on adoption or establishment of guardianship (if any).

To get a ticket to the camp low-income families, in which there are three or more children, it is not necessary to issue a certificate of large families - the standard procedure applies for them.

Usually, large families are not given free trips, but local budgets provide subsidies for partial payment for children's holidays. The amount that a family must pay themselves depends on the region and the age of the child.

Programs to support gifted children

Sometimes the answer to the question of how to send a child to camp for free can be... taken off the wall. Or pull it out of the closet - depending on where the child’s awards for victories in Olympiads, sports competitions, creative competitions, or for active social activities are kept.

One of the most famous and desirable camps - the international children's center "Artek" - distributes most of the vouchers for free. On a competitive basis, you can get a free ticket to the Orlyonok All-Russian Children's Center.

In addition, regions may have programs to help gifted students, including awarding free or discounted vouchers. Ask your local administration or school if there is such a program in your region and where to get a ticket to the camp.

Compensation for the camp

Sometimes parents themselves get a ticket to a children's camp and pay for it in order to later receive partial compensation for the cost. The benefit here is that you can choose your camp and shift: with discounted vouchers this is not always possible.

The same beneficiaries who may qualify for a free vacation have the right to reimbursement of the cost of the trip.

The amount of compensation for children's camp depends on the region. For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg you can return up to 50% of the cost of a trip for low-income families, but not more than 5,000 rubles.

Please note that compensation for the camp does not mean reimbursement for travel expenses to and from the vacation spot. Only occasionally is it possible to get a refund for tickets.

How to get compensation for camp

Reimbursement for a trip to a children's camp is also impossible without collecting documents. In addition to the papers listed in the “Documents for obtaining a voucher” section, you must provide:

  • a return voucher confirming that the child was vacationing in a camp or sanatorium;
  • document confirming payment for the trip;
  • a service agreement or a copy of a tourist voucher;
  • information about the bank account where compensation for the summer camp will be transferred.

As a rule, you need to submit documents within 60 calendar days from the end of your child's vacation. In some regions, an application for compensation for a trip to a children's camp is submitted before the vacation: if you want to send your child to a camp in the summer, then you need to ask for compensation 6-9 months before the trip.

Obtaining discounted vouchers is a long process, but the result is worth it. To get a free trip or get compensation, follow a few tips.

Keep track of the start dates for your health campaign. If the State Services portal begins accepting applications on April 1, then in the regions it can start as early as March 1.

Do not refuse trips for autumn, winter or spring holidays. Holidays in the cold season are just as fulfilling as summer vacations.

Apply even if you are told quotas have already been reached. Sometimes people refuse vouchers or submit an incomplete package of documents, so they lose the right to a preferential vacation, and the necessary voucher may go to you.

Don’t throw all your energy into the struggle to send your child to sea. A holiday in any country camp, be it in the forest, in the mountains or in a small village, will have a healing effect.

A sharp change in climate and short rest, during which the body does not have time to acclimatize, will not bring benefits to anyone.

Study information about children's camps so that by the time you submit your application, you can decide where to send your child. available on the Kidpassage website: find out in advance where the best places for children to relax.

1 April 2019, 14:52

Camp is like summer, a small life. It is useful for everyone to go through it to prepare for a big life. How to send a child to a children's camp, how to choose one and what to pay attention to? Let's talk.

Social and educational institutions any city provides detailed lists of documents required to obtain vouchers for children’s camps, so we will not duplicate them here. We will tell you how to understand that a child can be sent somewhere without parents, how to prepare him for this, what to consider when choosing a camp and what to do if the child has difficulties.

How to determine if a child is ready for camp?

Before sending your child to camp, it is important to understand whether the child is even ready for such a vacation. And there are many components here.

At what age should a child be sent to camp?

Modern camps are different: for every taste, theme, budget - and for age too. There are some who have been working with children for four or five years. Few parents dare to take such adventures, so let’s talk about more “standard” options. Depending on the policy of such institutions, children from 7-10 years old (and up to 18) are accepted into the camps. Psychologists consider this age to be optimal, and here’s why:

  • the child has already started school and is used to being without parents;
  • the child has adapted to the class group;
  • the child learned to turn to elders for help;
  • The child is able to take care of himself independently - dress and observe the rules of personal hygiene.

How do you know if your child is ready to go to camp?

We'll talk about the psychological side of the issue below. For now, we’ll just list some banal but objective points. In addition to the ability to dress and put on shoes independently, your son or daughter should:

  • be able to make and make a bed, and quickly - in the camp they won’t rush you and won’t wait;
  • be able to assemble independently school backpack;
  • be able to wash;
  • not be too picky about food;
  • know basic safety rules - for example, that you cannot go with strangers and take something from them.

Ask yourself a question: how does your child generally feel about following rules and regulations (this is a key concept in camp), will he listen to his elders? If not, then you still have time to prepare it.

Medical contraindications

Children with epilepsy in drug remission for less than one year, with cachesia (extreme exhaustion of the body), with mental disorders and behavioral disorders in a state of exacerbation, or those that pose a danger to the child himself and others are not accepted to the camp. This also includes drug and alcohol use disorders.

How to choose a summer camp

Types of summer camps

Let's look at those that exist in our country.

Children's health camp

As a rule, it is located in picturesque natural areas; it has no other task than the general strengthening of the body.

School based day camp

Such camps operate during the autumn, spring, winter and summer holidays. Primarily intended for schoolchildren who have no one to stay at home with during the day. The teachers provide leisure activities here: hikes, theaters, museums and exhibitions; in the evening, children return home. This type of camp is paid, the cost of the shift is approved by the local administration.

labor camp

These still exist today! And these are not correctional institutions at all - here they literally teach children to work and treat their work correctly. The child will try himself as a real worker and will be able to earn his first money. After such a camp, teenagers, as a rule, begin to look at their parents differently and value more the money they are given for pocket expenses. Of course, people not only work here, but also relax: discos are organized in the evenings, and hikes and sports competitions are held on weekends. Some of these camps are day stay.

Sanatorium-type camp

In essence, these are children's sanatoriums at clinics, schools and medical centers. A referral from a doctor is required here, since the camp is dedicated to improving health and preventing various diseases.

Training camp

Some of the most popular both in our country and abroad. There are many types of such institutions, for example, language institutions, where children are taught a language or several.

Family camp

Such camps are often formed by some kind of public organizations. Children relax with adults.

Sports camp

Everything is clear here: sport is life!

Active camp

Such institutions operate on the basis of a children's organization, which determines its purpose.

Profile, also thematic

Any camp where there is a defining activity. A special term is needed in order to separate it from sports and linguistic, for example, archaeological or tourist.

Before sending your child to camp, you need to understand the details. Let's say you have decided on the type of camp. Then get to the details - find out:

  • where and under what conditions the selected program will be conducted;
  • how many hours are allocated for specialized classes;
  • will there be a doctor with the children and what is his qualification;
  • is the territory protected?
  • what are the living conditions (how many people are in the room);
  • features of the daily routine and children's leisure time;
  • what kind of food will be provided (feel free to ask about a sample menu);
  • what experience do the teachers, counselors and instructors have, do they have medical certificates and do they work in the institution on a permanent basis;
  • what are the responsibilities of employees and how many wards are there for each of them.

How to prepare for camp

Depends on which camp you choose. If, for example, he is athletic, then it is important that the child has basic physical training. If you are teaching, it is advisable to have some knowledge of the profile. For ordinary wellness, no special preparations are required - it is only recommended to check the child in advance for the above contraindications. If a child is often sick, it would be good to pay attention to hardening a few months before the trip so that he does not get sick at the most inopportune moment.

Let's prepare mentally

First of all, it is important to understand whether the child himself wants to go to camp. To do this, he just needs to tell about this place - just not promise that everything will be great, because “great” is different for everyone. The child must get a real idea of ​​his future vacation, otherwise there is a high risk that he will immediately ask to go home and will hardly ever want to go to camp again. (By the way, on the second day, many children begin to ask to go home, but you shouldn’t give in to their persuasion right away: most get used to the new conditions within a week.)

It is important to tell the child that a lot of new and interesting things await him, that there will be both difficulties and joys, and the most important of them is to feel like an adult. Ask him a question - does he want to go to the camp. Was he happy or worried?

Ask yourself the second question - how does your child tolerate separation, have you been separated from him for a long time? If not, it is useful to send him, for example, to his grandmother for a week or to let him spend the night with a friend. This experience will be useful for you too. How do you feel when you are apart? If you worry too much, then this anxiety can be passed on to him.

When is camp not a good idea?

A very important factor is the ability to communicate with peers. The child is too withdrawn, he has no friends, he is too conflicted, or maybe he is teased at school? Sending him to a camp to get rid of such problems will only make the situation worse. Of course, communicating with peers in nature, hiking, and competitions help you loosen up and find friends. But all this will happen only if the child has already mastered the basics of communication. If not, you will have to work with him more, in especially difficult cases, even go to a psychologist, and only then think about the camp.

In general, in order to prepare a child for communication difficulties, it is enough to talk through these difficulties with him in advance, play complex options. Remind simple rules communication: don’t snitch (this will help you gain the respect of your peers), don’t take other people’s things without asking, don’t laugh at others.

Remind him often that you love him and will miss him, tell him that you are proud that he is going to camp alone, without mom and dad. Be sure to visit him on dating days and during these meetings do not show your excitement.

How long should I send my child to camp?

If a child is going to camp for the first time, you should not send him there for the entire shift. For a trial time, 10-12 days will be enough. And if your child really appreciates the trip, feel free to send him for 3-4 weeks next year. It’s great if a friend or acquaintance goes with him for the first time - it’s more fun together, and it will be easier for the child to adapt.

It is advisable that the camp is not very far from your home, so that you can come there, and also go in advance and talk with the teachers.

What to take to summer camp?

The question is not trivial, especially if the child is traveling far, and the parents will not be able to “bring” anything if necessary.

Clothes you will need:

  • T-shirts, T-shirts (several pieces),
  • shorts and skirts,
  • turtleneck or shirt with long sleeve,
  • jeans,
  • sports suit,
  • raincoat or waterproof jacket,
  • warm sweater,
  • socks and panties,
  • pajamas,
  • elegant clothes for disco,
  • baseball cap or hat,
  • swimming trunks/swimsuit.

From shoes:

  • sneakers,
  • flip-flops,
  • sandals,
  • rubber boots.

Hygiene supplies are taken depending on what conditions will be in the camp: what will be provided and what will not. In addition to documents and personal items like a phone (a simple one - you shouldn’t give your child expensive gadgets to camp) and chargers, put mosquito repellent, ointment for insect bites, a bag for dirty laundry, a book, etc. in your suitcase. board game, notebook and pen. To prevent children from accidentally mixing up their suitcases, label yours. And be sure to involve the child himself in collecting it so that he knows what he is taking with him. It is also useful to make a detailed list of things so that your son or daughter does not forget anything at camp on the way back.

How can I send my child to camp for free?

This depends on the region where you live. The local administration itself determines the categories of persons to be sent to the children's camp for free - parents and the children themselves may belong to it. The age of benefit children is limited, usually they are children from 6 to 15 or from 7 to 16 years. The procedure for applying for free vouchers also depends on the specific area - in Nizhny Novgorod, for example, you need to go to the social security department or the clinic at your place of residence to get them, and in Moscow - to the MFC or the mayor's office (you can also book a trip through the government services portal, which we will discuss below). The list of preferential categories for capital residents and lists of documents can be viewed.

And yes, the vouchers are not actually free - it’s just that for one category the amount will be a symbolic 5% (we will talk about conditionally free vouchers), and for others it will reach 90%. Cash compensation you can receive it after your vacation (however, you still need to submit an application in advance, and you shouldn’t count on full compensation - only a small part of it). To do this, you need to provide a receipt for payment for the trip and collect documents to confirm your right to the benefit.

Generally speaking, the categories of guys who can qualify for a free trip include:

  • orphans and disabled children left without parents;
  • children from families in which the income of one person is below the subsistence level;
  • victims of disasters, violence or natural disasters;
  • children from refugee families;
  • children of combat veterans or disabled parents;
  • children of civil servants and other public sector workers;
  • children from large families and those who are registered with the Department of Internal Affairs or have behavioral problems.

The number of free trips is always limited, so it is better to apply several months in advance. You can use the benefit only once a year.

How to send a child to camp through State Services

This feature is not available in all regions. In addition, to submit an application and documents via the Internet, you must first register on the State Services portal, and then confirm your identity through the MFC by sending a registered letter via Russian Post or using an electronic signature. Everything about registration can be found on the website.

After you have successfully completed registration, feel free to enroll your child in the camp. Detailed instructions.

What to do if... the camp they take away the phone

This nuance must be clarified at the stage of choosing a camp. In some institutions, internal regulations prohibit the use of mobile communications. Of course, according to the law, no one has the right to take personal belongings from a child, and a parent can complain about this behavior of camp staff. But think carefully - it all depends on the situation. Imagine a crowd of teenagers who, instead of listening to the instructor, are stuck on the phone. A ban on the use of gadgets is most likely the best measure to ensure that children can acquire the skills, knowledge and abilities that they want to convey to them at the camp. It's another matter if the child has a real problem and he needs to contact you - in this case, you can call the head of the camp and ask that your son or daughter have his mobile phone returned for a while. As a last resort, you can contact the director of the institution (preferably in writing) and state that you are against the child’s phone being taken away. And it’s best, as mentioned above, to give him a cheap push-button model with him. It won't be stolen, and you'll hardly be able to play it, but it's an excellent option as a means of communication.

...a child is being bullied at the camp

But there is nothing to think about here: if a child is systematically called names, beaten, pushed or otherwise humiliated, immediately contact the camp management. Be sure to talk to the child himself. If, despite the measures taken, bullying continues, take the child away from the camp, and then write a letter of complaint against the management of the institution (if there are grounds for this) to the local education department.

Obtaining vouchers to children's camps for children from low-income, large and single-parent families. Special conditions for disabled children. List of directions to health resort institutions. Rules for issuing a voucher and necessary documentation. Reasons for refusal and compensation.

Vouchers to the camp from the Social Security authorities

Large and low-income families with minor children are entitled to preferential vouchers from the state to children's camps.

Adopted offspring and children from single-parent families have the same right. They are entitled to discounts, compensation payments and other preferences by law. Let's consider the requirements of government agencies, lists of documentation and step by step instructions receiving.

Reasons for providing

The grounds are:

  1. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 138n states that children of certain categories should have the opportunity to visit health resort institutions every year.
  2. Law No. 178-FZ on the provision of social assistance to people in need.
  3. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 328 dated December 29, 2004 regulates the procedure for allocating preferential areas for health improvement.

The regulations apply to children under 17 years of age in the following categories:

  • orphans;
  • without parental care;
  • children from families with more than three offspring;
  • from low-income families;
  • disabled people;
  • from single-parent families and where incomes are below the subsistence level;
  • gifted children;
  • participants in regional events;
  • students in additional institutions;
  • children athletes.

The basis for receiving benefits must be supported by documents. Before submitting documents for a trip, you need to complete documentation that confirms the status of one of the above categories.

What documents does a child need for camp: list

In order for your child to get into the camp, consider the list of necessary certificates and documents:

  1. Voucher and payment receipt.
  2. Birth certificate.
  3. Documentation from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.
  4. Copies of parents' passports.
  5. Health insurance policy and its copy.
  6. Medical certificate in form No. 079/у from a pediatrician from the clinic, according to the district. No. 076/у for camps that have the status of sanatorium-resort institutions.
  7. Information about the epidemiological environment.
  8. Certificate from a dermatologist.
  9. Completed vaccination card.
  10. Photo 3x4.

If the camp is specialized and sports events will be held there, then the authorities Social protection will require permission from a pediatrician to practice certain sports.

Discount camp vouchers for children

Children whose families have a stable financial situation and no more than three offspring, where there are no disabled children, and there are both parents, cannot claim benefits. Let's consider other categories and nuances of obtaining vouchers.

Large families

In order to receive a permit, you need to provide the following package of documents to the institution:

  1. Passport of one of the parents (legal representatives).
  2. Statement.
  3. Original and copy of the child's birth certificate.
  4. A document that confirms that the family has many children.
  5. Parents' marriage certificate or divorce document.

A certificate in form 070/u-04 is required to be taken from the district clinic at the place of residence. She has a sample established on the basis of Order of the Ministry of Health No. 834n.
If a family does not have the status of a large family, but there are reasons for this, then you first need to obtain a certificate of a large family.


Low-income families will need the same list of documents to apply for a voucher, but there is a privilege: mothers also have the right to accompany their child under the “Mother and Child” program. You can get a referral at the clinic and then visit the Social Security authorities with a full package of documents.
Single-parent families

Single-parent families

This category of families submits a standard list of documentation. In this case, one parent is responsible for the registration, and he is obliged to provide a document stating that the second parent is not present for one reason or another:

  • divorce certificate;
  • death certificate.

Single mothers can get financial assistance at the regional level in the amount of up to 1,00,000 rubles, depending on the region. If a child is disabled, then he or she is provided with vouchers to specialized sanatorium and resort camps.


Parents whose children are adopted provide certificates from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, in addition to the main package. If this family has received compensation for a resort vacation, then the provision of a discounted voucher will be denied.

What documents are needed for a trip to the camp from social security: list

Vouchers are not issued to everyone. You must first queue to receive it. The institution where parents want to send their child and the price play a big role. Some directions are issued free of charge, while others are provided only with a discount. Let's look at the list of documentation:

  1. Statement.
  2. Copies of parents' passports.
  3. Certificate of income.
  4. Referral from a pediatrician at the clinic.
  5. Documents for the child.
  6. Certificate from the passport office.
  7. A document stating that the child is included in the preferential category of citizens.
  8. Certificate of disability if the child is partially incapacitated.
  9. Certificate from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, if adopted.

If parents are experiencing financial difficulties or do not have a permanent job, then they are required to submit a document from the Employment Center about registration to the Social Security authorities.


One of the parents can submit the application personally or send the documentation by Russian Post. You can also enroll your child in the camp and submit all documentation through the State Services portal. The application has a specific sample. It can be downloaded on the Internet or obtained from any government agency where documents for a voucher are submitted. Let's consider the correct filling algorithm:

  1. All fields are required to be filled out.
  2. There should be no strikethroughs or unreadable lines.
  3. All document numbers are written down in full and their copies are attached to the application.
  4. The body of the letter indicates the exact name of the health resort institution.
  5. Parents sign.

Employees of the receiving authority check the accuracy of the data and stamp the application. If false information is provided, there will be a refusal.

Where to contact

Three bodies are responsible for reviewing applications:

  • social protection;
  • public services center;
  • city ​​administration.

Each of these government bodies is obliged to accept documentation and, in case of difficulties, explain the procedure

How to book a trip

A place in the camp can be booked through the State Services portal. To do this, one of the parents must be registered on it.

The site will require the provision of all documentation and after booking, the process of issuing a tour proceeds in a simplified form.

Where are social vouchers to camp for children provided?

  1. Black Sea and Azov coasts of Crimea and Krasnodar Territory.
  2. Central Russia.
  3. Moscow and Moscow region.
  4. Caucasus and Stavropol region.
  5. Republic of Belarus.

In most cases, the direction depends on the region of residence, but the parent has the right to set priorities.

How often can discounted vouchers for children be provided?

Vouchers are awarded annually, but parents have the right to participate in two stages of the application program. The first takes place from November to December, and the second from February to March. If a family is raising a disabled child, then you can receive a referral twice a year if there is a doctor’s recommendation.

Compensation for trips

Compensation is paid if the parents purchased the ticket on their own. You can apply for compensation to the Social Security authorities and provide the following documents:

  1. Certificate of family income.
  2. Contract for the purchase of a voucher.
  3. Documentation from the camp showing that the child was actually there.
  4. Receipt or expense receipt.

The amount of compensation directly depends on the financial situation of the family. The payment amount will not exceed the average cost of a trip for a given region. A family with beneficiary status receives 100% equivalent commissions. Other categories can expect a return of no more than 90%. Refusal of compensation may be received if the camp conditions do not comply with state standards.

To be able to send your child to camp on preferential terms, you need to worry about collecting documentation in advance. It takes a lot of time to go through doctors at the clinic and get a certificate. It’s also worth booking trips on the State Services portal to send your child wherever he wants. As practice shows, without reservation, the most undemanded destinations remain.

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