The history of the Mother's Day holiday with a presentation. Report and presentation on the topic “History of Mother’s Day”

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“Dedicated to the dearest ones!”

From pure heart, In simple words Today, friends, We will talk about mom.

History of the holiday Mother's Day Mother's Day is one of those holidays that people are afraid to accidentally miss in the bustle of everyday worries. This holiday is dedicated to the most beloved and most main woman, which gave me the opportunity to live and enjoy life. The very first mentions of the holiday can be found in the history of the ancient world.

There is no friend like your own mother. The veneration of mothers many centuries ago existed in Ancient Greece. Residents of this fairyland On one spring day they worshiped Gaia, the mother of all gods. The ancient Celts honored the goddess Bridget on a holiday, and the Romans had a three-day March holiday on which they glorified the mother of their patrons, Cybele.

Mother's Day in Russia By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin dated January 30, 1998 N 120, an annual Russian holiday- Mother's Day. The holiday is celebrated on the last Sunday of November.

Russian mothers have always been distinguished by: generosity of soul, devotion, self-sacrifice, love and great patience. And today they carefully preserve the family hearth, teach children kindness, mutual understanding, and morality.

Dedicated to mom... Our very main man, You gave us life, You didn’t ask for payment in return for this wonderful gift. On Mother's Day we hasten to congratulate you with all our hearts, Be happy, and forever be dear to us.

Dedicated to everyone, all the mothers in the world! Being a mother means being resilient. Don't get exhausted when you work. Through “I can’t” get up and clean, cook, wash, wash, iron and put in order; dress, comb, amuse, edify, console, lull, without even thinking about rest. Being a mother means being strong. Being a mom means being creative. Figuring out how to make a new one from two old blouses, designing carnival costumes, compose pies, soups and compotes. Being a mother means having a remarkable imagination.

Being a mother means being strong. Being a mother means knowing the answers to all questions. This means, knowing for sure where the stars live and how many quills a porcupine has, still getting out an encyclopedia and at night reading, reading, reading... Being a mother means always learning. Being a mother means being an optimist. This means, seeing how your daughter spills tea on the tablecloth for the hundredth time and slams the door, to believe that this girl will someday turn into an elegant girl. Being a mother means not losing hope.

Being a mother means always learning. Being a mother means again and again opening your heart to someone who hurts you very much. This means - no matter what, hug and sing lullabies at night. Being a mother means being able to endure and forgive. Being a mother means understanding and accepting. This means feeling someone else's pain as if it were your own, sharing great grief over a broken flower or a flying bug; to be able to rejoice in small joys known only to children, and to laugh with them at what is really funny, and not usually considered as such. This means seeing the world through the eyes of your child, walking along with him life path, gently helping to overcome difficulties, and always be ready to help. Being a mother means loving.

History of the creation of the holiday In many countries around the world, Mother's Day is celebrated, however, in different times. Many countries around the world celebrate Mother's Day, although at different times. According to some sources, the tradition of celebrating Mother's Day dates back to ancient Rome. According to some sources, the tradition of celebrating Mother's Day dates back to ancient Rome. The Romans dedicated three days in March (from 22 to 25) to the mother of the gods - eastern Cybele. Ancient Greeks The ancient Greeks paid tribute to the mother of all gods - Gaia.

What could be more sacred in the world than the name “Mother” For any of us, a child, a teenager, a youth or a gray-haired adult, a mother is the dearest, dearest person in the world, who gave the most valuable thing - life. Mom, mommy... How much warmth is hidden in this magical word, which is used to call the closest, dearest, only one.

Mother! Undoubtedly, this is one of the most profound and harmonious creations of Russian poetry. Are you still alive, my old lady? I'm alive too. Hello hello! Let that evening unspeakable light flow over your hut. They write to me that you, full of anxiety, are very sad about me, that you often go on the road in an old-fashioned, shabby shushun.

The most tragic was the fate of the mother during the war. Women and war... What could be more unnatural? During the Great Patriotic War in 1944, the Order of the Mother Heroine was established. On November 1, it was presented to a resident of the Moscow region, Anna Aleksakhina.

We love our sister, and our wife, and our father, But in our torment we remember our mother,” said Nekrasov. In torment, in suffering, a person whispers “mother”, and in this word everything is concentrated for him, it becomes equivalent to the word “life”. A man calls his mother and believes that, wherever she is, she hears him, has compassion, and rushes to help.

Committee on Education of the City of Murmansk Municipal budget preschool educational institution Murmansk No. 50

history of the holiday

Prepared by:

Pshonko Tatyana Ivanovna


Mom is the first word

The main word in every destiny.

Mom gave life

She gave the world to you and me...

composer Bourgeois Gerard

Mother's Day is one of the most touching holidays because we all from childhood to our own last days We carry in our soul the one and only image - the image of our mother, who will understand everything, forgive, always regret and will selflessly love no matter what.

Mom is a faithful guardian angel who vigilantly cares about our happiness and well-being.

For the first time, the Mother's Day holiday (under this name) was held on October 30, 1988 at school No. 228 in Baku, its author was Elmira Javadovna Huseynova, a teacher of Russian language and literature.

On Mother's Day, an appeal was made to all schoolchildren with a call to make the holiday an annual one. The text of this appeal was published by many newspapers and magazines. Since 1988, Elmira Huseynova annually celebrated Mother's Day in Baku and then in Stavropol.

The good tradition was picked up by many schools in the country, and gradually the holiday became nationwide.

Mother's Day is a traditional holiday for many countries around the world. This is a day of remembrance of mothers, when tribute is paid to their work and selfless sacrifice for the benefit of their children. On this day, it is customary to congratulate not only mothers and grandmothers, but also pregnant women.

Honoring a woman-mother has a long history, dating back to the times of ancient Greece. The ancient Greeks paid tribute to the mother of all gods - Gaia.

It is known that in 15th-century England, the so-called “Mothering Sunday” was celebrated, the fourth Sunday of Lent, dedicated to honoring mothers throughout the country.

First to recognize Mother's Day official holiday Virginia in 1910.

In Europe, this day began to sound after World War I.

Scene of Gaia and centaurs at sea

The first word every baby says is “mom”. In all languages ​​of the world it sounds affectionate, warm and gentle. Mom is our first teacher, a wise mentor. From the mother’s lips, the child hears the first words and songs in his life. Mother teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us.

Mother's love warms us until old age. Years later, having already become adults, we remember our mother’s voice and smile, mother’s eyes and hands.

Great feeling! at every door,

Whichever direction we go,

We hear children calling their mothers

Distant, but eager to reach children.

Great feeling! It's all the way

We keep it alive in our souls,

We love sister, and wife, and father,

But in our torment we remember our mother!

N. A. Nekrasov. 1877

And although this holiday has been celebrated recently, at all times mother has been and remains the most important and closest person for each of us.

In torment, in suffering, a person whispers “mother”, and in this word everything is concentrated for him, it becomes equivalent to the word “life”. A man calls his mother and believes that, wherever she is, she hears him, has compassion, and rushes to help.

The most tragic was the fate of the mother during the war. Women and war... What could be more unnatural?.. During the Great Patriotic War in 1944, when the country already knew that Victory was coming soon, that it was necessary to heal the most terrible wound - the loss of fallen soldiers and citizens killed by the Nazis, the Order "Mother Heroine" (awarded to mothers who gave birth and raised ten or more children) and "Maternal Glory" (awarded to mothers who gave birth and raised seven, eight and nine children), as well as the medal "Motherhood Medal" (awarded to mothers who gave birth to and raised five and six children).

Order "Mother Heroine"

Medal "Motherhood Medal"

Order of Mother's Glory

It is impossible to argue with the fact that Mother's Day is a holiday of eternity. From generation to generation, for every person, mother is the most important person in life.

Mother! Undoubtedly, this is one of the most profound and harmonious creations of Russian poetry. From the pen of the great master of lyric poetry Sergei Yesenin came lines inspired and imbued with love for his mother:

Are you still alive, my old lady?

I'm alive too. Hello hello!

Let it flow over your hut

That evening unspeakable light.

They write to me that you, harboring anxiety,

She was very sad about me,

That you often go on the road

In an old-fashioned dilapidated shushun...

The woman, the mother, became the embodiment of the brush of the great masters of art:

A.G. Venetsianova, V.A. Tropinina, V.A. Serov, Rembrandt, Picasso and many others.

Lacemaker. 1823 V.A. Tropinin

First steps (peasant woman with child).

1830s A.G. Venetsianov

"Portrait of the artist's mother." Picasso. 1896

Portrait of N.Ya. Derviz with a child.

Serov V.A. 1888-1889

The theme of motherhood can be seen in folk art: proverbs, sayings, riddles.

  • It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence
  • There are many relatives, but mother is dearest of all
  • There is no friend like my dear mother
  • Mother feeds children like earth people
  • Living with your mother means neither grief nor boredom
  • For a mother, children are always small
  • The mother blooms in her children as if in bloom
  • Maternal care does not burn in fire and does not drown in water.
  • Mother’s anger is like spring snow: a lot of it falls, but it will soon melt
  • Who loves you children more?

Who loves you so tenderly

And takes care of you

Without closing your eyes at night?

New holiday- Mother's Day is gradually entering Russian homes. And this is wonderful: no matter how many good ones kind words We didn’t tell our mothers, no matter how many reasons we came up with for this, they wouldn’t be superfluous.

In more than 60 regions Russian Federation Diplomas, medals, badges of honor, titles and prizes have been established for mothers for the decent upbringing of children and special contribution to the implementation of regional family policy, the presentation of which is also timed to coincide with this wonderful holiday.

Let her punish severely -

Never lie to mothers.

They need a little from you -

Just take great care of them!

Take care of your mothers

Like flowers from a cold blizzard,

And with his filial care

Heal all their ailments.

Don't leave them without participation!

Always take care of them, children!

There is no such thing as complete happiness

If the mother is not in the world!

Take care of your mothers

Like flowers from a cold blizzard, -

Their love is a hundred times hotter,

Than friends and beloved girlfriend.

Mother's love cannot be grasped:

In the summer heat, and in the snowstorm, and in the cold

She's ready to give you everything

Every gram and even the soul!

Take care of your mothers -

No one can replace their caresses for you.

Among the cloudy days of life

Who will understand you and who will appreciate you?

Who will take all the pain All the torment of the soul and torment? Mother will not give salt instead of bread, Mother will always stretch out her hands to you .

Andrey Lukashin

Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day occupies a special place. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent.

On this day I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give their children love, kindness, tenderness and affection.

The first time Mother's Day was held back in 1988 in a regular school in Baku under the guidance of teacher Elmira Javadovna Huseynova. After this, many newspapers published a proposal to celebrate Mother's Day.

Today, mothers' day is celebrated in more than 50 countries in different ways. Each country has its own characteristics of celebration. But everywhere one thing is the same - on this day they congratulate and honor all mothers and give them gifts.

In Russia, on this day, some mothers are given awards.

The medal of the Order of Parental Glory is awarded to parents of 4-7 children.

Order of "Parental Glory" - parents of 7 or more children (attached to this order lump sum allowance– 50,000 rubles).

There are other awards and cash benefits in different regions.

Parents of 2 children receive a certificate for maternity capital. Parents with many children in our country have the right to receive a plot of land.

Mother Teresa (Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu) is a famous name. Since childhood, she has protected and helped the poor, sick and needy. In Ireland, she completed her novitiate in the Christian church, where she received this name. According to the stories of her disciples, she saw Jesus Christ in all poor and suffering people. Mother Teresa left the monastery to join the people to help the poor. She founded more than 60 houses for the poor, shelters, schools, and hospitals. She spent all the awards and money she earned on those in need.

Take care, people, of your mothers.

Only they are sometimes the most reliable.

You take a look, at least occasionally, at their faces,

Feeling the warmth and their gentle gaze.

Don’t put off visiting your mothers,

Find time to say a kind word.

Only she will tell you the truth, flattery is not enough.

Hurry up to her, hurry up so as not to be late...

Mother is the closest and dear person for everyone. Try to arrange this day for her pleasant surprise. Prepare a gift with your own hands.

You can make a unique wall newspaper with gifts. Glue various gifts (sweets, decorations, etc.) onto whatman paper. Each attached element can be accompanied by an inscription with compliments and declarations of love. For example: “the kindest from the loving son(s)”, “the most faithful and reliable from the daughter(s)”.

4 rules when choosing a gift for your mother:

Find out what she is interested in (knitting, reading, etc.). Based on these interests, choose a gift.

When choosing jewelry or clothes as a gift, always imagine whether the chosen model will suit her in size, style and color.

For any purchased gift, prepare something with your own hands, this will add warmth and sincerity. It could be simple postcard with an inscription and personal signature, a paper flower from childhood, a homemade cake, a song, a poem, and so on.

Always give a gift with your own hand, and not through someone else. When presenting, always look her in the eye.

Appreciate and respect Mothers

No one can replace their warmth for you.

Only with them are you stronger, you are rich,

Only with them your life is beautiful and bright!