What games can be played with children 2-3 years old. What games to play with a two-year-old child

2448 (308 per week) / 21.04.17 10:00

Children at 2 years old are active explorers of the world - they still need to try, touch, break or tear! Of course, such a child’s craving for knowledge should under no circumstances be suppressed, but simply strive to make the process safe and less destructive. That's what parents have to look for different options what to do with your two year olds.

Important behavioral features of 2-year-old children

A two-year-old toddler already knows quite a lot and can navigate his surroundings. He is eager to try everything, although adults constantly control him, keeping him away from dangerous objects. Then the little person tries to determine the boundaries of what is permitted and begins to fight for his rights. To do this, she strives to do something obviously forbidden (break a cup, break a toy) in order to simply determine how her parents will react to this. The task of adults at this age is to outline the boundaries of what is permitted for the baby. These boundaries must be very clear and must not be changed under any circumstances. The child probably won’t like it at first, but after a while he will get used to these requirements, but will gain a feeling of security. All outdoor games, developmental and educational programs for two-year-old toddlers must comply with this policy.

Training sessions

Even at home, a two-year-old baby needs to be occupied so that he continues to develop. Modern pedagogy claims that intensive development of 2-3 year old children through special programs is incredibly beneficial for them. Such activities should be carried out in the form of games, individually selected for each child, since he must like the game. During this game, the baby must use all senses: vision, hearing, smell, touch, tactile perception. The lesson should last until the baby gets bored, after which it should be completed.
Invented for two-year-olds different types educational games:

  • Cubes by N. Zaitsev. Children at this age find it more difficult to pronounce individual sounds than syllables or loose vowel sounds. Zaitsev's cubes are a collection of sounds that are understandable to a child and easy to pronounce. With the help of these cubes, the baby is able to create words. The game contains cubes of different sizes and colors that make different sounds, helping kids to catch the difference between individual sounds.
  • With the help of multi-colored pyramids, including 10 rings, kids can be taught to count. With a little practice, the baby becomes able to quickly look at and remember all the numbers, after which it will be easier for him to navigate the counting.
  • If you offer your baby colorful balls or cubes, then he will be able to learn to sort them by color, simultaneously remembering the names of the colors.
  • Selecting the missing part of the picture. To play, you will need two identical sets of pictures with fruits, berries, animals, etc. One of these sets must be cut in half. First, adults show the child how to assemble a picture, and then he acts on his own. This game is a prelude to putting together puzzles.

Outdoor games

The actual question is what to do with a child who needs to run and jump if the weather outside is bad. But you can also find items suitable for outdoor games at home: tables, chairs, benches, suitcases, big boxes, ropes, wall bars, jump ropes, toys, balls, small pillows. It remains to create safe conditions for outdoor games. Kids are very happy with the opportunity to jump, run, overcome obstacles, and also play the following games:

  • Tunnel. Let dad build a tunnel for the baby through which trains or cars “run.” The most convenient way to do this is to use chairs placed in a row. The baby crawls under them on all fours, pretending to be a vehicle and making appropriate sounds. In the middle of the route you can arrange a gas station, campsite or cafe.
  • When a baby has had enough of playing in a static position with toys, he often wants to stretch his legs and run around. A game of birds that jump, fly, flapping their “wings”, and peck grains from the floor is well suited for this. Before starting the game, it is useful to show the child pictures. different birds, let him choose which bird to depict today.
  • Jumping over bumps. Draw “bumps” on the floor with chalk - circles approximately 20 cm in size. Let the baby jump from bump to bump to get to the intended goal - candy, a toy or any other object of interest to him.
  • You can come up with a huge number of games with the ball. Of course, at home, surrounded by fragile objects, it is better to replace a real ball with a balloon or a very light ball that you and your baby can roll, hide, find, and throw to each other.
  • Playing with music can be very beneficial for a child’s development., with the help of which he can be taught to move rhythmically and repeat simple physical exercises after an adult (squats, bends, swings of limbs, jumping).

Educational games

For educational games, any objects that can be moved, opened, inserted, or built from will do. As the baby develops, his logic, intelligence, and motor skills are trained. All kids love sorting cubes, collecting construction sets, nesting dolls and pyramids. Nowadays, many similar sorter toys have been invented. While playing, you can latently introduce the baby to the shapes and colors of objects and their other properties. The child will study letters and animals on cubes, count the elements of nesting dolls or pyramids. Also, two-year-old children should be offered materials with different textures, which they would explore by touch. Thanks to this, the baby will be able to distinguish between silk, velvet, fur, foil, paper, plasticine, pencils and other materials. Let the child touch the material, and the adult will pronounce its property out loud so that the child remembers this concept.



No matter how you scold the computer, these days the existence of people has become unthinkable without it. You can do many useful things with it, and it is also suitable for keeping a child occupied. On the computer you can watch cartoons, listen to songs and dance with your mother, look at photographs made at holidays or during walks, educational slides with animals, etc. Often this is the only opportunity to convey to the baby how, for example, a lion roars or a turkey cries, which is simply impossible for a mother to reproduce.


All little children love to help their mother in the kitchen or around the house: holding a blender, stirring porridge, sweeping, washing dishes, vacuuming, folding clothes. washing machine. And they are especially happy when their mother praises them for this. Very young children can, of course, be assigned only the simplest tasks, investing them in game uniform. For example, water the flowers or wipe the dust on the shelf, accompanying the activity with funny comments. A child cannot be denied the desire to help, even if he is not very good at it. At this age, it is not the result that is important, but the desire to take on a part of the common family affairs. Cleaning up toys can also turn into a game: you can give your baby a basket and offer to collect a crop of toys in the room, which you can then take to their place.

Natural history

Various natural phenomena you can study even while sitting at home. For example, during rain, a baby can look at drops of water flowing down the glass and people walking under umbrellas. At other times, watch the birds, how they fly, where they can land, how they differ from each other. Boys especially love to watch vehicles, at the same time studying their different models.
You can look not at the street, but at flower pots, look at and feel the leaves, smell them while mom tells you what is needed for them to grow.
Having pets has the most beneficial effect on the development of children, makes them kinder, they even start talking earlier.


By drawing, the baby develops his imaginative thinking, color perception, and develops fine motor skills. It is advisable to give him a large sheet of paper, paints with brushes, felt-tip pens or pencils - and let him show his imagination. He needs to be given the freedom to draw whatever comes to mind. You shouldn’t swear at him and prove that, in fact, the grass is not red, but green; it’s better to explain which colors are best used in which place. Better yet, draw with him.

Physical training

In order for a child to grow up healthy and physically developed, he must do exercises. An excellent activity is, for example, fitball. With the help of such a ball, a child can develop the vestibular apparatus, muscles of the back and abdomen. Also useful are swings, ropes, horizontal bars, wall bars - kids love to use all of these.


Scientists have discovered that babies already have an ear for music, which parents should try to develop as early as possible with the help of toy musical instruments. You can have fun dancing to music and singing songs with them.


Once you add bath foam to the water, ordinary bathing turns into fun entertainment. Your little one's favorite toys floating in foamy clouds will bring even more joy.


A great activity is a home puppet theater, where you can stage real performances for your child based on famous fairy tales. The baby himself can play small roles in them.
As can be seen from the above, a two-year-old child has something to do at home. You just need to listen more sensitively to his mood and desires, allow him to express himself, let him choose the game for himself. There is no need to spend too much time on each hobby, as it quickly tires the child; it is better to alternate them.

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With these simple games you and your two year old baby you can have fun from the heart. They also stimulate child development.

24-30 months

One for me, one for you
For this game you can use anything - buttons, colored pencils, raisins. Give your child a few pieces or a handful of small objects and ask them to divide them between you - “one for me, one for you.” Have him place them in small containers or plates. Invite dad, another baby, or a teddy bear into the game so that the child learns to arrange objects for three. The kid will surely love being in charge. In addition, this game will help him become familiar with numbers.

Home basketball
Make small balls from newsprint - to do this you need to take the sheets and crumple them well. Be sure to remove all breakable items before playing. First, practice throwing balls to see who's next. And then teach your child to play basketball. Place an empty trash can a meter or more away. And start throwing balls at it. Besides the obvious fun, this game is beneficial by developing the child's coordination.

Third wheel
In this game you need to take fruit or a plate of cookies. Place a couple of apples and a banana in front of your baby - or two regular cookies and one chocolate one - and ask him to find the extra item. Over time, the game can be complicated. Various figures or pictures are suitable for this. For example, two squares and one triangle or two flowers and one tree. See if the baby can figure out what is superfluous here. This is a great way to explain the concepts of “same” and “different” to your child.

You can make an ordinary day more fun by turning lunch into a picnic. And you don’t have to go outside to do this. Just spread a blanket on the floor of the room and take out disposable utensils. Together with your baby, prepare food that is convenient to eat with your hands - for example, small sandwiches, vegetables cut into slices, boiled eggs. Pretend that you are in some unusual place - on the top of a mountain or on the bank of a river. Your baby will surely enjoy imagining things, and you will have plenty of topics to talk about.

Putting it in its place
Cut out images of interior items from old magazines - chairs, TV, stove, beds, and other household items like a kettle, towels or books. Then find pictures of the kitchen, bedroom, nursery, garage and garden. Place them on the floor and ask your baby to help you arrange the items correctly in the rooms. Don't worry if he doesn't succeed right away - take this game as a good opportunity to communicate with your child and develop his speaking skills.

Don't fall into the sea!
In this game, the carpet becomes the sea and the baby must reach the opposite end of the room without getting his feet wet. Place pillows, magazines or paper plates on the floor - they will act as stones sticking out of the water. This fun game develops a child's sense of balance and spatial orientation.

30-36 months

red day
Declare a day of the week red. Wear red clothes and eat toast with strawberry jam for breakfast. Draw a red picture, collect a bouquet of red flowers, make pizza for lunch. When going to the store, count the red cars along the way. On the way back, stop somewhere for a strawberry cocktail. This exciting game introduces your child to color.

Sold in any store and will certainly appeal to a 1-2 year old child. The main idea is to fill all the cells of the field with cards with corresponding pictures. Choose a game with big ones bright pictures that are familiar to the baby. Among other things, such games help teach a child to count.

Buy a box of large pencils and lay them out on the floor. large sheets paper - and start drawing with your baby. Don't try to depict any specific objects. Just draw lines on paper different colors, draw geometric shapes. This game will not only bring joy to your baby, but will also help develop hand motor skills.

This game is usually played in a group, but can also be played one on one. Let's say you start giving simple commands: “One-two, put your hands on your head.” Show with your example how this is done. The baby must repeat it too. Continue in the same vein, voicing other commands, for example, “One-two-three, hands on knees,” “One-two-three, hands on waist.” Come up with funny commands, such as “One-two-three, show me your tongue!” For two-year-olds, the game can be complicated. Try telling your child “Touch your toes!” without saying “One-two-three.” Without these magic words, the baby should not follow the command. A great game for remembering the names of body parts and training your powers of observation.

Hot and cold
Hide a small object in the room and ask your child to find it. When he comes close to the hidden thing, say “warm”; when very close, say “hot”. If he moves too far away, it’s “cold.” If the baby gets confused, take him by the hand and help him find the “treasure”. At the same time, continue to say “hot and cold” until the item is found. This game helps your child understand the idea of ​​object permanence - in other words, just because something can't be seen doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Make skittles from plastic bottles or cardboard kitchen paper towel tubes. They can be decorated with drawings or stickers. Place three or four pins in a row at a distance of a meter. Take a large soft ball or a pair of rolled up socks. Show your baby how to roll the ball or throw it if it makes it easier for him. The more experienced a player he becomes, the greater the distance should be. Help your child count. If he drops, for example, one pin, tell him how many are left.

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It's no secret that modern children start watching TV and sitting at the computer early. It’s convenient for the parents; the baby seems to be busy. Watches cartoons, TV shows, plays computer games. Children go for walks and read books a little. And as a result, speech is poorly developed, small vocabulary words, in the future incorrect pronunciation of sounds.

Children aged 2-3 years get tired quickly, they are distractible, they cannot concentrate on one subject for a long time, so classes should be short with a change in activity.

There are many interesting activities which you can do at home for the benefit of your child. So let's get started!

Developing imagination.

What can you do with cotton balls?

Make one big ball from several small balls.

Count them.

Hold them on different parts body - head, shoulder or nose.

Walk holding the balls between your toes.

Put them on the table and try to blow them away.

Let's study colors.

Choose any color, for example red, and put several things of that color in a container. Name the color of the toy when you ask for this or that item to be handed to you. For example: “Please give me a red ball.”

If a child hands you a red car, say: “Thank you very much for the red car, let’s look for the red ball. And here he is."

When the child learns to recognize one color, then put objects of two colors in the container. And keep playing.

This game allows your baby to learn to recognize colors.

We learn to recognize sounds.

Help your baby learn to recognize the sounds that surround him. Listen to the clock ticking, try to imitate it. Walk around the apartment and listen to different sounds. You yourself can become their source - open and close doors, knock wooden spoons against each other, pour water into a glass. Play the game with your child: “What sound do you hear now?”

You can also play this game before bed. Various sounds can disturb you during sleep. Help your baby get used to them. Birds, sirens, noise of airplanes, cars, etc. Perhaps this game will make the process of going to bed easier for you.

Help me please.

There are many household chores in which the baby can be directly involved.

Help you in the kitchen, assemble spoons, while developing dexterity and finger dexterity.

Place the pans one inside the other and cover them with appropriately sized lids. Wash the table. Peel a banana, or place napkins near the appliances. Unwrap a pack of margarine, etc. Whatever the child helps with, be sure to ask him “Help me, please.”

While you are preparing lunch, give your child a variety of jars and lids. Let him select the ones that suit him and screw them onto jars.

Massage. Fun entertainment.

Rails, rails

(run your finger along the back as if you were drawing rails)

Sleepers, sleepers

(swipe as if drawing horizontal sleepers)

The train was late

(run your fist along the baby’s back, or rock the baby if he is sitting on your lap)

Then peas suddenly fell out of the back window.

(lightly tap your fingers on your back)

The ducks came - they pecked, they pecked

(knock on the back with three fingers)

The geese came and nibbled, nibbled

(pinch baby's back)

An elephant came and trampled, trampled

(tap your fists gently on the back)

The janitor came and swept everything, swept everything.

(pat the baby's back).

We learn to distinguish shapes.

Walk around the apartment and look for only one form. You can also open a magazine and look there, for example, for circles. This game can be played anywhere. Children get indescribable delight from such a game.

Development of coordination. Finger gymnastics.

The benefits of such gymnastics are undeniable. By massaging the hand and fingers, we stimulate the functioning of internal organs and nervous system baby. Mother's touch, affectionate stroking, smile, soft, friendly voice bring great joy to babies, and emotional attachment arises. The child’s mood rises, he understands his mother (father) loves him. Neither TV nor listening to audio recordings will allow you to establish a close emotional connection between the child and mom and dad. Besides this, finger gymnastics develops coordination of movements.

Using the index finger of one hand, touch the fingers of the other in turn. Start with your little finger.

This little kitten lost his sweater.

This little warm kitten lost his sock.

This little kitten freezes in the cold and cold.

This little kitten froze his nose.

This little kitten is sick: "apkhchi", "apchhi".

“I’d rather sit at home and knit my own socks.”

(Hide your thumb in your fist.)

Encourage your baby to repeat the same actions after you.

Let's remember the Russians folk nursery rhymes, jokes:

One, two, three, four, five!

Let your fingers go for a walk!

This finger found a mushroom,

This finger was cleaning the table,

This one cut

Well, this one just looked!

The magpie-crow was cooking porridge...

Okay, okay, where were you? At grandma's...

Another exciting activity that develops coordination of movements.

Take the rope and place it on the floor. Take the child by the hand and walk along it, while singing this rhyme:

Let's follow the thread, follow the thread

Let's follow the thread with you

Let's do it one more time.

We are jumping on a thread...

Let's follow the thread...

Tiptoeing on a thread...

You can also jump over the rope over the cotton, imagine that there is a stream there, etc.

By choosing time to play with your child, you are not only giving a gift to him, you are giving a gift to yourself. Let LOVE, WARMTH and HAPPINESS live in your home

Educational games for the street

At two or three years old, a child is drawn to communication, no matter where - in the sandbox, on a walk or in a store. Give it your time special attention- talk to your child, tell him on the street everything you see, everything that happens around him. Turn your child's development process into a fun game.

Going down the stairs when leaving the house, or going back up, tell us:

these are steps to go up high or go down low;

and this is a railing that you hold on to with your hands so as not to fall.

And count the steps!!! This can be done in the usual way or in reverse order (when the baby masters counting), or you can do it with an entertaining counting rhyme, for example, well known to everyone for a long time: “One, two, three, four, five, a bunny went out for a walk, suddenly a hunter runs out and shoots right at the bunny.” , bang-bang, oh-oh-oh, my little bunny is running away!” I think, if you wish, you can remember a bunch of different fascinating little rhymes from your childhood. And the process of going outside will not only be fun, but also useful for your baby.

There are tons of fun things to do outside in the summer, for example, start with the sandbox. This is where the full scope of your imagination can manifest itself! Be sure to take with you a shovel (or better yet, two small ones, because other children will certainly come running to the sandbox and it will be more fun for them to play together), a bucket, various molds for sand, be it fish and bunnies or stars and shells. And start with a simple educational game: show your child how to dig sand, how to hold it in a scoop, how to pour it into a bucket. I want to tell the readers of MirSovetov that this is not an easy game - it is a useful skill that will be useful to the child when he eats on his own. Then show how you can make sand figures using molds. Well, the best sand art that I have mastered is making sand figures one on top of the other, for example, a multi-tiered cake with a teddy bear instead of a candle or a sand bunny sailing on a sand boat. And believe me, the result will not take long to arrive - soon your child will delight you with his sand masterpieces.

Tired of sitting in the sandbox, you can play a ball (both throwing with your hands and playing football), you can ride a slide, a swing, climb on a horizontal bar (of course, protecting the child) or just play catch.

Then you can find a fairly flat and paved surface for some fun drawing! These wonderful crayons will help your child not only draw various animals, flowers and houses, but also learn letters (start with vowels, they are easier for a child to master) and numbers. And don't despair if you don't know how to draw! A child aged two or three does not necessarily need to draw masterpieces; it is enough for him to draw the body, head, paws and the distinctive feature of a particular animal. For example, a cat has a mustache, a dog has a tail with a ring and large teeth, a bird has wings and a beak, etc.

Take a walk in the park, look at the flowers and leaves. It is very useful to teach a child to blow on dandelions when they are already white and fluffy. Tell him that the dandelion was yellow, but now it has matured and become white and fluffy, and these fluffs are so light that if you blow well on them, they will easily fly, just like balloons. This educational game is not only interesting for the child, but also useful in everyday life - when the food is hot and the baby watches his mother blow on it to cool it, he himself will join in this process with pleasure!

When returning home from a walk, do not forget to tell your child everything that is interesting to him: he is interested in cars, this will only benefit you - study the colors and numbers on car license plates, he likes passers-by - study his aunt and uncle, grandparents, boy and girl, what they do, where do they go, etc.

And, of course, don't forget to prepare for winter. Tell your child what summer is, what leaves are on the trees, what grass is on the ground and what birds are flying. And then, in winter, you can tell where all this beauty went and where the snow came from. During the story, collect with your baby the most beautiful leaves, flowers, berries, pine cones, grass and twigs. I think he will never refuse to help you in this exciting activity, because all children love to tear something. And in winter at home you can make from these natural materials a bunch of different applications and crafts.

Educational games for home

Yes, it’s good to be outside in the summer, but autumn has come and we began to spend much more time at home. But we don’t sit idle at home either! After all, there are a lot of entertaining and exciting educational games at home! So what to do with a two or three year old child at home?

The simplest thing is, of course, to play with your child what he loves - be it racing cars or daughters and mothers. Role-playing games useful for the development of a child’s imagination and social adaptation.

If possible, you can make a mini puppet theater at home, and not just tell your child fairy tales, but visually show them.

You can build a tower from cubes, and if you can’t buy them, then making them yourself is as easy as shelling pears. It would be nice to involve the child himself in creating educational toys. You can paste over any colored paper cardboard boxes from small to large, which can only be found in your home. I think your little one will really like these homemade and colorful cubes!

Draw with pencils (and not only draw - you can scatter pencils around the room, and then ask your baby to help you collect them - this is very good for your little one's fingers), felt-tip pens (the baby will learn to take off and put on a cap, which, believe me, is not easy at first given to a little artist) and paints, preferably finger paints - it’s much more interesting for a child to draw with them.

Dance, sing, read poems and sayings with your child. I draw the attention of readers of MirSovetov that you need to read clearly and expressively, so that the child finds it interesting. And it’s even better to show with emotions and gestures what is said in the poem. This way, your child will understand much faster how the bull swings and where the bear’s forehead is where the bump hit.

If you have a lot of children's socks at home (preferably multi-colored), you can, for example, take those from which the baby has outgrown, then invite the child to look at them and find a pair for each sock. And even if he doesn’t succeed right away, you will captivate him for a long time.

To help your child learn how to unscrew caps, you can make a mini simulator like this. Assemble at home plastic bottles of various sizes (I think no one will have problems with such bubbles, because every mother probably has tubes with creams, shampoos, as well as ketchup and juice bottles that just need to be washed thoroughly). You don't need a lot, five is enough. Cut off the tops (the ones with the caps) and insert them into the slots on the cardstock paper, securing the bottle pieces in place. And the educational toy for the child’s fingers is ready!

To teach your child how to use Velcro, you can sew such a toy. Sew several small balls from multi-colored fabric. You can stuff them with anything, any shreds or cotton wool - it doesn’t matter, as long as it’s soft. On one ball you draw eyes, a nose and a mouth with felt-tip pens, and sew Velcro onto all the balls (you can buy it at any fabric store). You will get a charming caterpillar that can be attached with Velcro, or you can play balls separately.

Cut out letters (not all 33, of course) and numbers from colored cardboard and glue small magnets to them. While you are preparing your baby's afternoon snack, he will be happy to attach them to the refrigerator. And then instead you will write down the child’s name and how old he is. Instead of letters, you can cut out various animals or cars from old books or magazines.

Sew your child small multi-colored, but monochromatic cuffs on the arms with Velcro. And study colors. And at the same time both the right and left handles.

Count your fingers whenever possible.

You probably have plastic jars of various sizes at home (for example, cottage cheese, cheese or cookies). Show your child that one box is small and the other is large, that the small one can be placed in the large one. Be sure to say this and invite your child to do the same.

Wrap your favorite toy (small, of course) in several layers of multi-colored paper (take wrapping paper - it is very attractive to the child) and give it to the child - let him unwrap it and develop fine motor skills! And at this time you will be happy to drink a cup of invigorating tea and gain strength to accomplish feats and discoveries with your baby!

The child is two years old. Of course, he is no longer small, but you can’t call him big either. On the one hand, parents think that the baby needs to be taught something, on the other hand, it seems to them that it is worth waiting, because he is just a baby. How to play with a 2 year old child? To find the answer to this question, you need to understand how a two-year-old baby develops and what he needs first.

Experts say that the ability to think in children aged 2 years is limited to perception, i.e. The baby can think about what he directly sees, and even better, touches with his hands.

A two-year-old child comprehends the world not speculatively, but with the help of various senses: sight and touch, first of all, as well as hearing and smell. But this does not mean that the baby peers closely and listens attentively to the world around us, not daring to be distracted for a minute. On the contrary, the baby cannot concentrate for long; he is constantly distracted, switching from one object to another. A 2-year-old child is still unable to set any goal for himself and achieve it, and the analysis necessary for the successful implementation of this or that activity is also inaccessible to him. The child does not care about the result; he is passionate about the process of what he is doing.

Researchers believe that a two-year-old child's tendency to constantly be distracted provides him with the opportunity to see many objects around him at once, become interested in them, and begin to immediately study them.

How a two-year-old child learns about the world? First of all, through movement. Without movement, the baby loses interest in his surroundings, becomes lethargic and apathetic. That is why in the routine of children of this age, a significant place must be allocated to outdoor games and entertainment.

Consider options for games with a 2-year-old child

Active outdoor games:

Running (along straight, wavy, zigzag lines drawn with chalk on the asphalt);

Various games with peers where you need to run or walk quickly (for example, competitions organized by parents “Who can run faster?”, “Who can get there faster?”);

Games with the ball (rolling the ball, the child catches it with his hands, later, when this movement is mastered, with his feet, first attempts to catch the ball and throw it himself, dribbling the ball with his hand (later with his foot) in a given direction, running with the ball in his hands, then jumping with the ball in his hands);

Games with pins (knocking out pins with a ball (initially the ball is rolled, then thrown), running between the pins so as not to drop them);

Games that require the ability to jump (it is still difficult for a child of this age to raise his body above the ground, so it is worth teaching the baby to jump while holding his hands, for this you can offer to jump to a funny counting rhyme or counting. When the jumps are a little successful, you can try to draw various simple drawings on the asphalt not far from each other: a mushroom, a house, a matryoshka doll, a Christmas tree - and ask the child to jump on the image that you name. Subsequently, instead of images, you can use geometric shapes, numbers and letters).

Games with your child to music:

Start playing a musical instrument or turn on music. If you can’t do either one or the other, you can sing a song. Take a toy that is unfamiliar to the child, it is better if it is a doll that you can insert your fingers into and “revive” it. For the time being, she will calmly lie in a special box, but when the music starts, the doll will appear from her house, wanting to sing for the baby. All you have to do is call the child, informing him that Petrushka (Cheburashka, Doll) is going to show him something.

The doll can “whisper” something in your ear. You invite the child to listen to what the fairy-tale character is talking about. The doll can invite a two-year-old child to look at pictures in a book or listen to a fairy tale with her.

You can try to make simple movements (hands on shoulders, hands on waist, hands on knees), saying a familiar counting rhyme in time with the movements. If your child is interested, invite him to participate in such exercises with you.

It remains to warn mothers and fathers against one danger: try to smoothly guide the baby to the beginning of the lesson, otherwise he will be disappointed and the negative attitude towards acquiring knowledge will persist for a long time. Let the toy engage with the baby, and the music, after playing a little, stop to rest a little.

Games for developing the speech of a two-year-old child

Children at the age of 2 years are already beginning to speak; for some, many words still resemble baby babble - they are incomprehensible to others, while others pronounce everything clearly and correctly. To work with your child on speech development, you will need a toy or its image in the picture.

The main method that improves sound pronunciation is that an adult, pointing to a toy or its image, names it and imitates the sounds that animals or objects make. The child must repeat what he heard. When this method is mastered, you can change the tempo of pronunciation (ask the child to speak quickly and slowly), the pitch of the voice (speak quietly and loudly). For example, a large hammer knocks loudly (show the big hammer in the picture), and a small hammer knocks quietly. The big one hits often (say quickly), and the little one hits slowly.

At the same time, you should always monitor the correct pronunciation, and if the child makes a mistake, correct him.

Here are onomatopoeias you can use:

A person who has something in pain - 0-0-0;

Crying man - A-A-A;

Steamboat whistle - U-U-U;

Horse - I-I-I, I-GO-GO (more complex version);

Steam locomotive - UH-UH-UH;

Cow - MU-MU;

Dog - AF-AF;

Goat - ME-E-E;

Sheep - BE-E-E;

Donkey - I-A, I-A;

Geese - GA-GA;

Duck - quack-quack;

Piglet - ONG-OOG;




If you have the opportunity, hang the alphabet on the wall. When naming a sound, show the corresponding letter to the child. So gradually he will remember them all.

Naturally, when showing your child toys or pictures in books, you should pay attention to the color of animals and objects and their size. For example: “Show me where the cow’s horns are. The horns are white. What kind of horns does the cow have? And what other ones?” (If the baby cannot answer, the adult answers for him - “big”; then you should ask the child about this.)

You can draw your baby’s attention to various objects and their properties everywhere: while walking, on the way to the store, and in the kitchen. It’s good to gradually move on from the description appearance objects to invent short stories about them. Let the adults’ imagination work more at first, and the baby will only be an assistant, over time the situation will change.

Games to develop basic math concepts

At the age of two years, the child should pay attention to the size of objects, highlighting concepts such as “big” and “small”. If the child copes with this, you can introduce the concept of “average”. To train your baby in the ability to find large and small objects, ask him to choose the largest toy from those placed on the sofa, or find the smallest spoon (cup, plate, fork) from those lying in front of him, find the most big book from those on the shelf. If you feel that your child has understood these concepts, then invite him to arrange the toys from largest to smallest, starting initially with three items.

You can also offer to select appropriate lids for several pans, while saying: “A large pan should have a large lid, and a small one should have a small one.”

It is necessary to constantly draw children's attention to the size of objects. For example, on the street, notice large and small cars, houses, trees, people. You can also compare clothes: the mother’s dress is large, and the daughter’s is small, or the dishes: the socket is small, and the plate is large, etc.

Be sure to introduce your child to the shape of objects, such as circles or squares. To do this, cut out several shapes from cardboard, inviting the child to create a path for the doll, alternating a circle and a square. Remind your child every time: “Now it’s a circle, now it’s a square.” If it is difficult for a child to remember the names of the figures, then you can take his finger and circle the cardboard figure, saying: “See, the circle is round.”

You can also offer a game of dividing the figures into two groups. For example, we load only circles on one car, and squares on another.

If your two-year-old baby is extremely active, then draw circles and squares on the asphalt, ask the baby to jump on the figures you named or run up to each of them. At the same time, you can make them in different sizes, and if the child knows several colors, then in different colors.

So gradually, as you memorize, you can introduce other shapes: triangles and rectangles, ovals and trapezoids, rhombuses and hexagons.

Help your 2-3 year old child master the concept of quantity and basic counting. For example, you place a plate of apples in front of your child and ask him to put a lot of fruits on the plate, one fruit, two fruits. You vary the number called, and the baby does what you ask (the count should go up to three).

Next, you can offer the following game: you ask the baby to say how many apples (toys, buttons, beads, matches, coins, pebbles) he put in (for example, two). Then he closes his eyes, and you remove several (in our case, one). Next, the child must answer how many objects are on the saucer now.

Of course, you can come up with many more games and interesting tasks for the baby, but when working with him, remember that every separate game or the exercise should be short-term and not tire the child.

In the article you can find game scenarios for children 2-3 years old, as well as learn about the influence of the game on the development of the child.

Play is not just entertainment for children, but is also the key to understanding the world around them, developing imagination, logical thinking, developing perseverance and other important qualities.

Children remember and assimilate any information transmitted through play better. It is important that the game is appropriate for the child's age.

Didactic games for children 2-3 years old

Didactic games can be roughly divided into three types:

  1. Games with objects, toys
  2. Word games
  3. Desktop-printed

Games with toys and various objects contribute to the development of tactile sensations, imagination, and thinking. Children learn to recognize objects by their appearance.

Game “What grows in the garden and in the garden?”

A bucket or basket contains toy vegetables and fruits. The parent says: “A hedgehog came to us, he brought fruits and vegetables. Let's find out what grows in the garden and what in the garden." Then the parent asks the child to get him some vegetables from the basket. Vegetables are placed in one direction, and fruits in the other. In this case, you need to tell the child what this fruit or vegetable is called, what color it is, where it grows.

Set of vegetables and fruits for children

Game “What kind of object?”

Various items are placed in the bag. For example:

  • Pencil
  • Ball
  • Toy
  • Handkerchief

Items can be very diverse. The child or parent takes an object out of the bag. The child must name it.

Game "Build a Castle"

For this game you will need cubes of different shapes:

  • Square
  • Rectangular
  • Cylindrical
  • Cone-shaped

Help your child build a big castle.

Baby playing with cubes

Word games develop speech, replenish vocabulary, develop the ability to conduct dialogue and express their thoughts, and reinforce correct pronunciation.

Game "Singing Letters"

Game “What do animals say?”

Looking at cards with pictures of animals, the parent asks the child to say what a cow or cat says. If the child doesn’t know yet, you should tell him yourself: “Meow-meow” or “Moo-moo.” Children quickly remember animal sounds.

Board-printed games aimed at improving visual perception, visual memory, and attention.

Game "Find a Pair"

Cards with the image are laid out in front of the child geometric shapes. The kid must find a match for the card. For example, two cards with red squares, then two cards with yellow triangles.

Game "Puzzles"

Puzzles for children two to three years old should consist of 3-4 parts. Starting with simple parts, the baby will learn to assemble a common object from parts.

Simple puzzles for children 2-3 years old

Outdoor games

The benefits of outdoor games are obvious. Active physical fun develops coordination of movements, quick reaction, and attention. An outdoor game can last 10-15 minutes.

Game "Sunny bunnies"

Take a flashlight and show your baby the spot it made. This - sunny bunny, the baby will have to catch it. When the sunbeam is on the floor, you can catch it with your legs.

Game "Funny Bee"

First, ask your child how the bee buzzes. Then, with the sound “Z-z-z-z”, catch up with the baby as if you were a bee. After the bee has caught up with the baby, he becomes a bee. Children squeal with delight at such a fun game.

Game "Throw the toys"

Divide the room into two parts with a rope or a low screen. On one and the other side there should be soft toys. The task is to transfer as much as possible faster toys to the enemy's side.

Other outdoor games include:

  • Hide and seek game
  • Ball game
  • Game of catch-up

Outdoor games are the key to children’s physical health

Board games for young children

Board games develop perseverance in children, logical thinking. For children 2-3 years old, there is no need to buy complex board games. The game should be understandable and interesting to the baby.

What board games are suitable for this age? These could be:

  1. Cards with seasons, animals, flowers
  2. Magnetic board with animals, numbers, letters
  3. Elementary puzzles of 3-4 elements
  4. Wooden construction sets with various elements

At this age, children will be interested in sculpting from plasticine, drawing with pencils or paints.

Board game for children 2-3 years old

You can also build interesting game with your own hands. To do this you will need:

  1. Empty tray
  2. Cereals (buckwheat, peas, rice)
  3. Large pebbles or beads

Hide the beads in the cereal tray. Let the child try to find them all. This game is designed to improve fine motor skills fingers.

Important: If the game uses small elements or parts, parents must supervise the child.

Video: Board games for children 2-3 years old

Role-playing game for 2-3 year old children

WITH early age children try to imitate adults. They repeat everyday situations, intonation, and behavior of adults. The role of the parent in the role-playing game is great. At 2-3 years old, a child cannot yet independently simulate the situation. The parent should help, push, suggest.

Invite your child to play the following games:

  • Daughters and mothers
  • Doctor's appointment
  • In the store

Let the child play the role of a salesman, a patient or a doctor, a caring mommy or daddy. Ally in role-playing games may be parents or toys.

Playing doctor

Directing game for kids

Director's play very similar to the role-playing game. The difference is that the child does not take on a role, but assigns roles to other inanimate objects (toys).

  1. A child begins to understand directing by the age of three. The point is that the kid acts as a director; he comes up with the script on the fly and determines the actions of the game’s heroes.
  2. In order to introduce your child to the director's game, play it yourself first in front of him. The child will see your game, he will quickly understand what needs to be done.
  3. The child's first director's games will be very simple. They consist of 2-3 sentences.
  4. Children especially love to play director's games with small toys, such as toys from Kinder Surprises.

Play is the main way a child learns about the world. Pay more attention to playing with your children, but remember that at the age of 2-3 years, children cannot concentrate for long. With the help of games, you can help your child grow up as a happy, harmonious and developed personality.