Hiro and Tadashi slash fanfiction. City of Heroes - “How to make the world a better place? By creating a robot - a personal health care assistant! Photos of characters and quotes are attached

Should I bring some water? A muffled groan came from under his brother's blanket and Hiro chuckled. - I don’t speak blanket language; did it mean 'yes'? The pile of blankets stirred, and Tadashi's tousled hair and swollen eyes emerged from the cocoon. “No, I’m fine,” the voice was quiet and hoarse. - Get ready, I don’t want you to skip class. You should go to university. Tadashi's foot slipped out from under the blankets and weakly kicked Hiro in the stomach, in an attempt to drive the little one away. Hiro chuckled and grabbed his ankle as Tadashi disappeared back under the blankets. It really disrupted Hiro's morning routine. Every day Tadashi got up with him, they got ready and either walked to the university or rode a scooter. Sometimes Aunt Cass would give them a ride if she wasn't too busy, but they always went together anyway. It would be boring if Hiro went to study alone, and even though he was always happy to see his friends, Tadashi was the only one who understood all of Hiro's ideas. Who else would he have discussed his new microbot designs with? With Fred? Tadashi rarely got sick. Hiro was usually the one who would bury himself in a cocoon of blankets and suffer from a cold or a virus that had overwhelmed his immune system. Tadashi always took care of him. He brought Hiro medicine, cold towels and anything to make the younger feel better. But now their roles were reversed, and Hiro felt obligated to do the same. However, Tadashi continued to persuade him to go study, to leave him, not to come close. He protected him as if from a contagious disease spread by terrorists. It's just a cold, Tadashi. Calm down! Hiro went down to the kitchen to get some water before returning to his brother and leaving the glass on the nightstand. “I brought you some water,” Hiro said. Tadashi groaned painfully, as if Hiro's very presence was making his symptoms worse. “Damn Tadashi,” Hiro said with a smile. Unintelligible muttering came from under the blankets, and Hiro tilted his head. - What? Tadashi's face appeared again. “Go study, you idiot,” the elder wheezed. Hiro rolled his eyes. - Great! Hah. Just one more time I'll try to be a good brother. He grabbed his backpack from the bed and sat on the stairs to put on his sneakers. He noticed Baymax's red suitcase sitting near the bathroom door and grinned. But before I go... He carried the inactive robot to Tadashi's bed. “Ouch,” Hiro said calmly. At the same moment, a white circle lit up and Baymax began to inflate. When the robot returned to its normal form, it blinked and turned around, then looked forward again, first at Hiro, then at the cocoon of blankets on Tadashi's bed. - Hello, Hiro. I heard a painful cry. What will...? “Yes, yes, yes,” Hiro interrupted him, waving his hands. “Tadashi is sick, so look after him while I’m at class, okay?” Hiro patted the robot's chubby belly and gestured to the blankets curled up in the shape of his brother. Baymax looked at Tadashi and then began to move awkwardly around the sick man's bed, his arms outstretched and careful not to hit the books. He approached the sleeping area, intending to remove the blankets and begin scanning, but Hiro was already heading down the stairs. - I'll be back in the evening, Baymax! Don't touch sharp objects this time! ;; The classes were boring. Hiro had done all his homework in advance, so he didn't have much to do after lectures other than go to Tadashi's empty lab. He had his own, but he spent most of his time in his brother's workroom, where he was given an entire corner of the room, so their inventions would not get confused. Only now did he realize that Tadashi's laboratory was not so cozy without its owner. To make matters worse, Wasabi had closed himself off to study for his exams, Gogo was sleeping in the common room after working all night, and Honey Lemon had taken Fred to the hospital because he had tampered with one of her experiments and burned his left arm. . Apart from Hiro, there was no one in the laboratory with whom he could talk, and this discouraged him from any desire to engage in his ideas and developments. He walked home with a sullen expression, kicking the leaves that lay on the road and balancing with his hands while stepping on the railing of the wooden bridge. Boredom, boredom, boredom. Aunt Cass greeted him as soon as he entered the café, and he waved in response before walking up the stairs and into the room he shared with his brother. “Hey, Fred set his hand on fire today,” Hiro chuckled, throwing his shoes and backpack onto the floor. He looked towards his brother's side of the room, expecting to see Tadashi with broth, medicine, or a cold towel on his forehead, drowning in Baymax's overprotectiveness. However, Hiro was surprised to see both his brother and the robot in the same position they were in in the morning: Baymax was looking down at Tadashi's cocoon, frozen like a statue. He tilted his head to the side and frowned. - Baymax... How's Tadashi? The robot looked up and blinked. - I can't make a diagnosis. What? Hiro's eyes narrowed in confusion. Baymax's scanner was perfect. The only reason why a robot could leave someone without a diagnosis was... He smiled widely and laughed, and ran to his brother's bed. - You are a liar! – Hiro grabbed the blanket and pulled it to the floor. “You made me go to university specifically so you could...” He fell silent when he saw Tadashi’s face. The eldest was pale and his eyes were closed, as if he was ill. He shrank all over on the mattress, immediately hiding his face and trembling finely, as if he was shivering. Hiro touched his brother's hand and felt heat and sticky sweat. Tadashi hummed at the touch and buried his face in the pillow. “Baymax, scan him,” Hiro ordered. The robot obeyed and Hiro watched as the health care assistant's head slowly lowered. - Scanning is completed. Tadashi's body temperature was higher than average and his heart rate had skyrocketed. The scan also showed high hormonal activity. Diagnosis: unknown. - Unknown? – Hiro repeated in confusion. Baymax's program contained all sorts of knowledge about human anatomy, as well as all sorts of diseases and injuries. How can the diagnosis be unknown in this case? Hiro shook his head and walked over to his desk. He picked up a few tools, thinking there was something wrong with Baymax's scanner, but stopped when he heard the robot continue talking. - Heart rate has decreased. He turned to Baymax, not taking his eyes off Tadashi's limp body. Hiro's eyes narrowed and he slowly began to move towards his brother's sleeping area. - Heart rate increased. Hiro looked at Baymax with concern. Tadashi didn't even move. Why might his pulse change? Deciding to check something, Hiro took a few steps back, approaching his desk again. - Heart rate has decreased. Hiro froze and stared at Tadashi, waiting for even the slightest movement, but the elder continued to lie motionless. Maybe he had nightmares caused by the fever? Slowly, Hiro walked over to the bed and bent down, hovering over his brother's back, almost touching. - Heart rate increased sharply. Hiro frowned in worry again. He took his brother by the shoulder and began to push the heavy body, intending to turn him onto his back for a more thorough scan. When he finally managed to turn Tadashi over, Hiro fell forward, burying his face in his brother's chest. Suddenly, Tadashi exhaled and Hiro jumped back, looking at him in surprise. The elder's eyes opened, and he immediately covered his nose and mouth with his hand. -Are you feeling sick? – Hiro asked. Tadashi shook his head and pushed him away with a shaking hand. He rolled out of bed and rushed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. Hiro expected to hear the sounds of vomiting and toilet flushing, but all he managed to hear was silence. Tadashi was deathly quiet. He crept to the bathroom door and rapped his knuckles on the surface. -Are you okay? – he asked, pressing his ear to the door, listening warily. -...Yes. “I’m fine,” Tadashi answered in a hoarse, strangled voice. He didn't sound like he was fine. Hiro heard Baymax's creaking footsteps and looked up, meeting the robot's response. - Well, come on, Baymax, we need to check your scanner. He pulled the robot down the stairs and further into the garage. He spent hours checking Baymax's scanner, as well as his battery and every inch of his skeleton. Everything functioned perfectly. Afterwards, Hiro pulled out Baymax's healthcare chip and stuck it into the computer. He used the program, trying to find errors in the source code, but there were none. Baymax was working perfectly... Which meant Tadashi was the problem. It was already dark when Hiro finally returned to their room with Baymax. He walked in and noticed the bathroom door was open and Tadashi was back in his cocoon of blankets. He carefully walked to Tadashi's side of the room and sat down on the edge of the bed. He hesitated before taking the corner of the blanket. - Tadashi, Baymax can't figure out what's wrong with you. Hiro waited, but the answer was silence. Maybe he was sleeping? - What should I do? Maybe call the hospital? - but if even a medical robot as advanced as Baymax couldn't figure out what was wrong, he doubted that anyone from the hospital would be able to help. Maybe it really was a very rare, alien disease... Tadashi was silent and Hiro looked for his brother’s shoulder under the blanket to shake him and wake him up. - Tadashi, wake up! I don’t know... Suddenly, his brother’s hand appeared from under the blanket and grabbed his waist. Hiro cried out in surprise as Tadashi pulled him to his chest, pulling him under the blankets. He buried himself in Hiro's neck and pulled him under with trembling hands, successfully pressing the younger one into the mattress. “Tadashi, let go,” Hiro struggled from Tadashi’s grip, but he was stronger, heavier and held him too desperately. Hiro went quiet and felt Tadashi's nose running along the length of his neck and collarbone. He took deep but quick breaths... As if he was sniffing Hiro. The younger swallowed hard and leaned into his brother’s shoulders. - Tadashi? – Hiro asked cautiously. He could feel his brother’s broad chest heaving against him, Tadashi’s mouth opening slightly, and a light, barely perceptible warm breath warming his shoulder. One of the hands that had been holding him moved up and pulled the T-shirt down, exposing the skin below his neck. - Bro, y-you're scaring me. Finally, his words were heard, because Tadashi seemed to be petrified. The elder pulled away and covered the lower part of his face with his palm, looking at Hiro in shock. Hiro couldn't look away, not because of Tadashi's actions, but because of his eyes. His brother's eyes, usually brown, now glowed bright red. OK! OK! This is scary! Hiro crawled out from under his brother and fell off the bed. He got up and ran to the other half of the room, immediately crashing face first into Baymax's stomach and falling onto his back. He lay motionless on the floor, his heart pounding in his chest. He saw—upside down, but he saw—Tadashi wrapping himself in the blankets again. Hiro took a deep breath when a sudden thought came to him... I've seen these eyes before. ;; Hiro swore after he entered SFIT that he would never go to the rough part of town at night again, but this time was an exception. Surprisingly, it didn't take him long to find the one he needed. As soon as he approached a crowd of people waiting for the start of bot battles and asked about the girl with red eyes, they quickly pointed him in the right direction and tried to send him away. From the looks on their faces, Hiro realized that the person he was looking for did not have the best reputation. Eventually, he reached a secluded alley, the entrance to which was blocked by curtains of beads and several layers of silk. The exquisite decor stood out from the general state of the streets. Hiro moved the beads away from his face before stepping onto the old, threadbare oriental rug. He looked around, noticing several girls dressed in lace kimonos. They stood leaning against the brick walls, some smoking cigarettes and cigars, some drinking bottles of wine. Each girl was covered in tattoos and piercings. The one closest to Hiro looked at him mockingly, she was clearly not surprised by the appearance of a boy dressed in sneakers and a sweatshirt. - Do you need anything, baby? – she asked in a soft, quiet voice. Hiro twitched nervously as soon as he noticed that all the girls were looking at him with interest. - Um... I'm looking for the red-eyed lady. The girl grinned. - Do you mean our friend Yanshi? Hiro frowned. - Yanshi? – asked, not sure if he was pronouncing the word correctly. The woman pointed to the middle of the wall, where a tall girl stood wearing a white kimono with a golden dragon running up the sleeves. She had long, black hair down to her waist and bright red lips. Hiro immediately recognized her, but something was wrong... This girl's eyes were dark brown. He approached, looking at her with curiosity. She smiled and blew out a ring of smoke, allowing the boy to look at her before the conversation began. “I remember you,” she said, looking slyly at Hiro. She had a low and slightly hoarse voice. “You beat me in a bot fight once.” Have you come to compete again? Hiro shook his head. - No, I came to ask about the color of your eyes. The girl tilted her head, causing a strand of hair to flow from her shoulder like silk. - About the color of these eyes? – she pointed at the dark iris with her finger. “Or, do you mean...” She leaned closer to Hiro, so that her face was only a couple of centimeters away. -...These? She blinked and the brown color turned into a glowing red that matched her lipstick and was exactly the same as Tadashi's eyes in their bedroom. Hiro exhaled sharply and took a step back. The girl straightened up and laughed loudly, her laughter accompanied by chuckles from the other girls surrounding them. - Exactly! “I thought you were wearing contacts during our fight,” Hiro stated, pointing a disapproving finger at her. The girl shook her head and took a drag from her cigarette. - Not really, my dear. I am a Yanshi, my eyes turn red when I am thirsty. Confused, Hiro narrowed his eyes. - Yanshi? What does 'yanshi' mean? The girl blew a ring of smoke right into the boy's face, and he turned away, coughing. She giggled and tossed her hair behind her back. “Yanshi is the one who drinks blood,” she said the last word in a threatening whisper, and Hiro looked at her with wide eyes. - You're kidding, right? – shocked, he shook his head not believing the words... But, to be honest, he had no other explanation for Tadashi’s red eyes. Even if it was a joke, you had to start somewhere... The girl shrugged. - You don't have to believe me. You can just run away and forget about our conversation,” she smiled at him knowingly as she spoke. But there was something in her look... Something that told Hiro that she knew why he was there and that she wasn't playing a prank on him. - Okay... Okay... - Hiro raised his hands in a calming gesture and thoughtfully stared at the ground. - Why does Yanshi need to drink blood? – asked, looking at her with caution. “It’s an addiction, like a nicotine addiction,” she pointed to her cigarette and flicked it with her finger, throwing off the ash. Hiro watched as he fell onto the asphalt between the carpet and the wall. - What happens if you don't drink blood? – he asked quietly. The girl exhaled another ring of smoke and licked her lips. - I'll die. Hiro's eyes widened and his stomach clenched in fear. No! If Tadashi is like this girl, then... Hiro shook his head again. - Hypothetically speaking... The girl grinned and the others echoed with quiet grins. He ignored them and continued. - Hypothetically speaking... If I have a brother who... Who has eyes like yours, then... How much blood will he need to drink in order not to die? The girl snorted. - I drink less than half a liter... But it can’t be anyone’s blood. She leaned forward and placed a soft hand on Hiro's shoulder. She turned him around and pointed at another girl leaning against the brick wall. She looked similar, but her dark hair was shorter and her kimono was green. When their eyes met, she smiled and winked at Hiro. “Her blood is the only one whose blood I drink,” the red-eyed lady whispered in his ear. - Delicious, delicious. I crave it every day and every night, and I feel it right now. Hiro winced as he caught a ghostly breath on his earlobe. - W-why is there her blood? “She’s my sister,” was the answer. Hiro turned around and looked at her in shock. She grinned. - The irony of the existence of Yansha is that we can only desire the blood of our loved ones. Your brother is lucky to have you, otherwise he would have died. Hiro swallowed hard. His heart was beating wildly, and suddenly he rocked on his heels, trying to catch his balance with his hands. - W-what should I do? Well, that is, what should I do if my brother found himself in a similar position? The lady laughed again before leaning into him and pressing her lips to his ear. “Let him taste you,” she whispered, sending shivers down her spine. Hiro took a step back, feeling confused by the words the girl had chosen. She snorted again. “Just let him drink some of your blood and everything will be fine.” Hiro's shoulders slumped and he folded his arms across his chest, eyeing the toes of the sneakers that stood out against the oriental rug. He couldn't believe that he was really looking at... He looked at the red-eyed girl's sister and caught a return glance, with barely a hint of anticipation. - Does it... Does it hurt? – he asked quietly. She smiled and shook her head. - It doesn't hurt. Quite the contrary. Her voice was melodious and kind, but Hiro looked at her with bewilderment. What could this mean? His gaze returned to the red-eyed girl, and he reflexively took a step back when he realized that she was approaching him, looming like a shadow. Her eyes widened and she licked her lips. “Now, you have to run away, baby,” her voice sounded lower than before, and her face changed, as if losing human features. She smiled widely, showing long, white fangs. Hiro immediately turned around and ran through the alley, followed by the echo of laughter behind him. ;; - Welcome back, Hiro. Hiro waved to the robot, quietly entering the room. He glanced at Tadashi's bed and saw that his brother was still hiding in the cocoon of blankets he had made for his comfort. -Did he even move? Hiro whispered to Baymax. - Tadashi did not leave his bed. I am still not able to diagnose his condition. I'm sorry, Hiro. Hiro smiled at Baymax and patted his pouty hands. - It's nothing, buddy. I found out what it is... I hope. Baymax tilted his head to the side warily, but remained silent when Hiro walked up to the table and took a utility knife. He used the torch to sanitize the sharp end and then stood still, the tip between his fingers, turning towards his brother's bed. - Well Baymax, I'm going to do a little experiment. Um... You'll protect me if Tadashi does something crazy, okay? He looked at Baymax hopefully. “It goes against my health program to harm someone of the human species,” the robot replied. - Oh, yes, I know! Just... Uh, then just provide moral support! Baymax nodded and Hiro pressed the tip to his finger. He doubted, his hands were shaking with nerves. This would either confirm that what the girls told him was true, or refute it... But he didn’t know exactly how his brother would react if he really was a Yanshi. He was in a feverish state, but still remained himself... Tadashi wouldn't harm his own brother, right? Hiro bit his lip and ran the tip of the knife across the tip of his finger, applying enough pressure to draw blood. Tiny droplets of red began to seep through the skin. There were so few of them, as if they didn’t exist at all. However, as soon as the blood began to appear, the pile of blankets on Tadashi's bed began to move. Hiro's heart skipped a beat and he froze when he saw his brother's head emerge from the cocoon and turn in his direction. His glowing red eyes met Hiro's. Suspicions were confirmed. Hiro clenched his fingers into a fist and didn't make a sound. Tension hung in the room. And even Baymax remained silent and did not move. Tadashi moved and Hiro flinched, but his brother shook his head and covered his nose and mouth with his hand again. This time Hiro understood why he did it. Tadashi covered his nose so as not to smell his blood. - T-Tadashi? – Hiro asked carefully. The blankets were thrown off the bed and Tadashi stood up, straightening his wrinkled pajama pants and plain white t-shirt. His legs shook as he tried to keep his balance and get to the bathroom. He turned away from Hiro as he walked past, still not removing the hand pressed to his face. “Tadashi, I know what’s wrong with you,” Hiro said, walking around Baymax and following the older man into the bathroom. He stood in the doorway, watching as Tadashi slumped against the sink and looked at himself in the mirror. Hiro knew he was looking at his red eyes, but then the older man opened his mouth and touched his teeth, and... OK. Yes, these are fangs. Large white fangs. Wow, take a deep breath, Hiro. Breathe deeply. Tadashi immediately closed his mouth and grabbed the sink tighter. His breathing was heavy, he was shaking all over, and his face looked as scared as Hiro felt. “Tadashi...” Hiro began softly, coming closer. His brother turned his head in his direction and stared at Hiro with wide eyes. He looked mortally tired, and with difficulty extended his hand in a stopping gesture. “H-hiro, don’t come closer,” the elder squeezed out. Hiro closed the bathroom door behind him so that Baymax couldn't disturb them. He slowly approached his brother, and Tadashi retreated step by step until his back rested against the wall of the shower stall. - Everything is fine. “I know what’s wrong with you, and I can help,” Hiro tried to speak kindly, because it seemed that his brother was on the verge of a panic attack. Tadashi pressed one palm against the glass door and covered his face with the other. He squeezed his eyes tightly and his knees shook. “Everything will be fine... Trust me,” Hiro said, taking off his T-shirt and throwing it on the bathroom floor. Tadashi made a strange sound, muffled by his palm, and his knees buckled. He slid to the floor, throwing his head back against the shower wall. Hiro knelt down and settled on his brother's hips, touching the stranger's chest with his own, pressing himself as close as possible. - Everything is fine. Just do it, Tadashi,” Hiro insisted. He tilted his head to the side, revealing his bare neck. He waited and was completely ready, but Tadashi continued to refuse. The elder shook his head and gasped for air. “N-no,” my brother breathed. His trembling hands rose and rested on Hiro's forearms. It seemed as if he was torn between the desire to push his brother away and to keep him in place. Tadashi rested his forehead on Hiro's shoulder and groaned. He opened his mouth, breathing heavily, and Hiro could see the tips of his white fangs peeking out from under his upper lip. His brother then ran his nose along Hiro's shoulder and collarbone. He led it up the boy’s neck and back down; inhaling desperately what only he could smell. - God, Hiro. You smell too amazing. I-I can't...” Tadashi's voice was low and hoarse, and turned into a quiet moan before he could finish speaking. - Just do it. “I told you it’s okay,” Hiro persuaded. Tadashi ran his nose down Hiro's bare chest and stopped, right in front of where his heart was beating. Large palms ran over the younger's ribs, causing Hiro to arch his back as Tadashi pressed his face. The elder breathed deeply, pressing himself against the bare skin, his eyes rolled back, but soon looked straight again; Tadashi's pupils dilated, becoming so wide that the red iris turned into a thread. Hiro swallowed hard, starting to get nervous as soon as he noticed the change in his brother's expression. Tadashi relaxed and his eyes were slightly closed. He nuzzled Hiro's chest and ran his tongue over the boy's skin, hoping to get a taste of what was underneath. Hiro's heart threatened to jump out of his chest and he kept reminding himself that he was still his brother. This is Tadashi. Tadashi. He won't harm me. His brother raised his head and continued to move his tongue, but this time along Hiro's neck. The tips of the fangs touched the skin, and Hiro trembled, feeling it. Finally, Tadashi opened his mouth wide, brushing his teeth on both sides of Hiro's neck. Hiro tensed and closed his eyes tightly. He prepared himself for pain, but when the fangs finally entered the skin, he felt something completely different. Hiro gasped in surprise as pleasure spread from his neck down his spine. He arched his back as hard as he could while his brother's fangs held him in place, and dug his nails into Tadashi's shoulders. He got a painful erection, and his boner rubbed unpleasantly against the fabric of his underpants. So that's what that girl's sister was talking about. Tadashi desperately bit into Hiro's neck. He drank his brother's blood in large gulps, and Hiro instinctively jerked his hips, wanting to rub against his brother's stomach. Soon Hiro lost track of what was happening, lost in a hazy pleasure. All he knew was that his brother made him feel good and that he wanted more. He moaned and sighed as Tadashi bit harder. Hiro wrapped his arms around his brother's neck, pulling him closer, completely surrendering and practically dissolving in feelings. Tadashi moaned in response, but for a completely different reason. He was intoxicated by the taste of Hiro's blood. His large, warm palms rose higher, moving Hiro, slightly changing the position of his brother's body, so that he could sink his fangs even deeper into the young neck. “Ah-ah,” Hiro screamed and his legs began to tremble. He could feel the lube smearing into his boxers. His body was pounding, and he squeezed his brother's shoulder, his other hand grabbing Tadashi's short, black hair. His brother snorted, moaned and made various strange sounds, and with each new one, Hiro only became more excited. He wanted to arch more and tilt his head, but the fangs on his neck did not allow him to move, leaving him in the position in which it was convenient for Tadashi to drink his blood. Hiro spread his legs, but his thrusting hips still didn't touch anything. He was close. God, it was so good! Just a little more and... Suddenly, the feeling of fangs digging into the neck disappeared, and the waves of pleasure evaporated. Tadashi leaned back and took a deep breath, trying to breathe as if he had spent a long time underwater. No, no, no! What a bad time! Hiro groaned with disappointment, impulsively leaning forward and still touching his brother's stomach with his erection. Tadashi didn't seem to notice, he was too busy licking the droplets of blood appearing on Hiro's neck, not missing a single one. His brother's eyes returned to their natural brown color, but he seemed to be in a daze, lostly touching his face to the boy's chest. “T-Tadashi, bite me again,” Hiro asked, shifting his hips on his brother’s lap. He tugged at his brother's shoulders, trying to use the opportunity of Tadashi's semi-conscious state to get his way. “Bite me,” he begged. He stretched his neck invitingly, and Tadashi’s misty gaze fell on the skin between the collarbone and throat. A moment later, the fangs sank into Hiro's shoulder and he screamed. The whole body trembled, the toes curled, and the eyes closed on their own. He came, and at that moment, Tadashi bit harder, and a new wave of orgasm pleasantly rolled down his spine. Tadashi took another sip before pulling away from the younger man and licking the last drops of blood. Hiro went limp in his brother's arms and tried to even out his breathing, but the phantom feeling of pleasure was still tingling in his throat and shoulder. He rested his head in the crook of Tadashi's neck as his brother rubbed against him like a cat and buried his face in Hiro's thick hair. Well... Now they are both satisfied. Tadashi suddenly tensed, and Hiro assumed that he had finally regained his understanding of the situation. - H-hiro? The eldest carefully continued to hold him on his lap, but now released the embrace, so that he could examine his younger brother. - Oh God, are you okay? I'm sorry, Hiro. I-I... Hiro covered Tadashi's mouth with his hand and rolled his eyes. - Oh, Tadashi, shut up. I'm fine. Tadashi removed the boy's hand and continued to inspect him, looking for any damage. “But you... I... “It’s okay,” Hiro insisted. “Honestly, it doesn’t hurt.” I didn’t even feel it when you... Hiro stopped his sentence when he touched his neck and felt only smooth skin under his fingers. He placed his hand on Tadashi's shoulder, standing up on shaky legs and struggling towards the mirror. He ignored the wetness in his pants and prayed that Tadashi didn't notice. He stared at his reflection in shock, not finding a single bite mark on his skin. His neck was completely clean: not a drop of blood or any other evidence of what had happened. Okay... Another scary crap that you should remember to add to the list for discussion. - I actually... Bitten you, right? I haven't gone crazy, have I? – Tadashi asked, holding his breath and looking lost at the younger’s neck. Hiro nodded, but decided that he could think about it later. He swallowed and turned to his brother. - Tadashi, how are you feeling? Tadashi blinked his bleary eyes and shook his head in disbelief. - I'm fine. I feel great. I don’t know... How are you... He looked up at Hiro, thoughtfully searching for something on the boy’s face. - I have millions of questions swarming in my head right now. Hiro chuckled and sat down opposite his brother, crossing his legs. - You're not the only one, bro. They had a lot to discuss.

Hiro is already fifteen - Lord God, the little guy has already grown up. Hiro doesn't like sugary tea, watches all sorts of boring scientific programs and inserts rare caustic comments about the nonsense of the words pouring out of the speakers. He never wears a hat, content with some old cap, walks with quick steps along the dark gray, broken asphalt and barely audibly whistles something under his breath, sometimes burning his throat with the cold evening air. Hiro, however, has grown up. The robots, covered with unpleasant dust, stand on the same dusty, forgotten shelf, on which even the owner himself often forgets to cast at least a fleeting glance, which means that nothing has been forgotten. In fact, everything is forgotten, crushed into metal pieces that cut better than any knife, and I don’t want to remember anything, it’s too painful in my chest somewhere on the left. Hiro is already fifteen - the boy, of course, has grown up, so there is no faith in fairy tales. Tales just throw knives at Hiro. Hiro noisily walks with friends after hard, but such interesting classes, jokes very cleverly on various topics and smiles widely, widely, his facial muscles tighten. It does not belong to the silent category “I’d rather show the pain to the mirror”, there is simply no cutting pain, it was burned by him personally about six months ago, of course, there are no vile bitter memories left about it, quick time heals and heals skillfully seams. Therefore, there is no reason to cruelly stir up the past and tear open almost healed wounds with trembling hands; the truth is, there is no reason at all. Therefore, Hiro laughs loudly again, feeling slightly guilty in front of passers-by, but he is really having fun - happiness seems to be tearing his chest, and his lungs sometimes seem to be on fire. Hiro is already fifteen - the boy, alas, already knows what pain is. Hiro does not belong to that desperate category, but for some reason he cannot smile at his reflection. Hiro is the only student who has not yet started his project. Of course, this is not necessary, but all future geniuses love to create something new, useful for humanity, so his friends are simply surprised by this strange illogicality in Hiro. Honey even once brought him strong tea with one spoon of honey, thinking that the boy just had a cold, but Gogo then simply hit him lightly on the shoulder with her fist and said her usual “don’t drift.” Fred joked again about adolescence, confidently saying that all this bullshit would pass, and Wasabi only patted Hiro on the dark, shaggy top of his head. They all say that this damn blues will pass, disappear forever in an impenetrable black abyss, leaving absolutely nothing behind. Hiro is already fifteen - the boy trusts his friends because they are a loyal team of heroes. But Hiro didn't want to be a hero. He's not a hero at all. Heroes believe that everything will be fine, right? Hiro hardly sleeps at night now, cursing the damn tired insomnia. But the word “insomnia” does not quite fit the current situation - there are dreams, but it would be better not to have them at all. A hot burning flame, whose deafening roar rings in his ears, he dreams of so shamelessly every time, not wanting to leave his quick-witted consciousness, and Hiro always sees such a familiar broad-shouldered figure running straight into the fiery mouth-death to save someone such a precious life . Honestly, this very motive could brighten up the gray cruel reality, but Hiro, however, does not believe in fairy tales - Tadashi died just like that. In solitude, which was not at all cold, as it is described in books and articles; it burns to the bone and melts the skin like butter. Hiro knows that Tadashi would not look for those to blame, would not curse the professor to whom he was faithful like a dog, but would simply live on, because bright sunny good nature was in his blood. Hiro is already fifteen - the boy knows what the rest do not know. Hiro is not Tadashi. Hiro is a boy with eyes the color of dark caramel, who does not like sugary tea only because life, of course, is not sugar. Hiro is not Tadashi. For some reason it sticks in my memory like a rusty paperclip that you can’t pull off. Hiro is not Tadashi. Hiro is a lost boy of fifteen years old. Hiro is not Tadashi. I want to write on my forehead with a bright red marker for those close to me who believe that Tadashi is here. Hiro is not Tadashi. Hiro doesn’t know what to believe, but he still doesn’t believe in the fairy tales “relatives will remain in the heart forever.” Hiro makes arrangements with his sociable friends to go to the movies tomorrow, and then turns off his phone, watching as the bright screen goes dark thirty seconds later. The broken boy is tired; the broken boy wants not to think that this cannot continue, six months have already passed, it’s time to get used to it. But it’s just that habit, like a wild wolf, doesn’t want to sit on a chain and always deftly escapes, leaving Hiro with toxic pain inside, corroding better than any acid. He needs to learn to live without cheerful morning wishes for a happy day, without a heavy, unpleasant palm on his head, without inspired words of support, which always gave a huge amount of necessary strength. It's time to start... Hiro is already fifteen - the boy broke and grew up. Hiro will not believe in fairy tales until his last breath, because they really are lies. Hiro is already fifteen - life loved to throw him at sharp stones-daggers. Hiro knows that these same fairy tales throw knives at his back. Hiro is already fifteen - his broken heart clenches in his chest, trapped by his ribs. Hiro doesn’t want, as in the novels, to pull him out and throw him out of harm’s way. And Hiro is not Tadashi. So Hiro starts his first project. Hiro is not Tadashi. And, of course, he doesn’t have that same warm, warming good nature. Hiro is just a boy of fifteen with eyes that are dark. Hiro knows that his first project will be the most amazing of his life. Hiro knows how to handle steel. Therefore, Hiro will have a heart of steel.

The cartoon left behind only bright feelings. ^_________^ Of course, a lot of things were predictable, such as the main antagonist in a mask - from his very appearance it was clear who he was, no matter how much the creators of the film tried to confuse us. On an emotional level, you can feel who this lousy slug is... grrrr

Spoilers aside, let's take a look at the location and characters.

The city of the future in which the events unfold is San Fransokyo. As you already understand, this is a rather strange mix of San Francisco and Tokyo.

Now the characters:

Tadashi's classmates:

Go Go - creator of the "not fast enough" bicycle

Motto: Don't be a man!

Motto: Everything has its place and everything is in its place.

Charming, isn't it?

Fred is not a student, but, oddly enough, he spends all his time at the institute, with his brilliant friends.

A medical robot created by Tadashi. And he will scan, and diagnose, and cure, and give a lollipop for good behavior!

I want one of these! I want, I want, I want.

Look at the problem from a different angle. In a new perspective.

With. Tadashi Hamada

Tadashi Hamada method.

One of the main themes of the cartoon may seem rather hackneyed to you - how to cope with the loss of someone important to you. The main character himself, a fourteen-year-old boy Hiro, doesn’t think that he needs anyone’s help, because no matter how much you say that those we love are nearby, the fact that we have lost them will not change.

To be honest, I was waiting for something like this

A kind of "Jeeves" by the notorious Pelham Woodhouse.

"Well, just brutally combative!" - Hello to the fans of Olga Gromyko.

Do you really need more proof that this is the best brother in the world? He was too good...

My brother dreamed of helping people, and that’s what we’ll do.

With. Hiro Hamada

Another equally important idea (which is by no means news) is that revenge never brings satisfaction. The pain will never go away, even if you destroy the one who took away everything you held dear.

We didn't think about becoming super heroes. But sometimes life decides everything for us.

With. Hiro Hamada

Add to all this the wonderful song "Immortals" by the group "Fall Out Boy" and the epic music of Henry Jackman and you get a wonderful cartoon that you will remember and smile warmly.

Well, there’s a slightly “silly” but funny bonus at the end of the film that explains Fred’s oddities.

P.S. By the way, the cartoon is based on the comic book "Big Hero 6" by Marvel.

Mayguvi, Friday, 9:26. The morning on this planet was green, literally. Green fog from various acids and radiation. The fog cleared only by ten o'clock. The walls of the houses were specially equipped with a substance that did not allow toxic gases to enter the apartment. In general, everything was as if they lived not in 2014, but in 2080 or even further. What progress. But after the war there were very few people left; there were about seventy to a hundred people per city. And in total there are about two thousand people on the entire planet. Well, and one more, Tadashi Hamada. His story is very interesting, and the story of his “death” even more so. Remembering that day, he thought that it would be better not to go there than to go save this Callaghan, who almost killed his brother. Tadashi knew everything, it was not for nothing that there was a TV in the kitchen of that guy in black. There was more news about Earth, and even more about San Fransokyo. Hiro's brother was always happy, especially happy that Hiro recreated Baymax from scratch. While that guy went somewhere on business, Tadashi tried to get out, but it still didn’t work. Today, Tadashi woke up and saw this guy on the other side of the table. - How was the walk around San Fransokyo? Have you seen your brother? - he spoke. - No. You yourself won't let me go to Aunt Cass's cafe. - Well, yes. Well, yes... Didn't you accidentally leave your traces? - No. - Tadashi said and turned his head towards the window. After a short silence, his interlocutor continued: “Don’t you remember me?” - he asked. - Should I remember you? - Tadashi asked and looked at his hands in surprise. He only now noticed that they were stained with soot, something red and purple. Drops of blood were still appearing. After the guy noticed this, he put his hands under the table. - What are you doing in your basement? And how did you save me? “What I’m doing in the basement, you don’t need to know yet.” But I saved you by forming a shield around you in time. -Then why are you keeping me here? Do you need me for some experiments? - No. I already have a "mouse" for my experiments. And I need you so that I can take revenge on you. - But why? Have I done something bad to you? - Oh, even more. But if you don't remember, I will help you regain your memory. Looks like they erased it for you too. - With these words, the guy in the black robe made a click. They immediately found themselves in the laboratory. Only Tadashi was no longer sitting on a wooden chair, but an iron one. Looks like it was that person's laboratory. Directly in front of Tadashi was a figure covered with a white sheet. A leg stuck out from behind the sheet, not by itself, of course, it was stuck out like that. Noticing this, the guy quickly hid it: “But you don’t need to know that yet.” We still came to give you back your memory. Let's get started! - the guy pulled the lever, and everything in Tadashi’s eyes began to spin and spin. Tadashi remembered the moment when he won this competition, but one boy was watching behind the wall, very upset and angry. In an instant he disappeared, and all that was left of him was a faded silhouette, which also disappeared. Of course, no one saw this. - Mayful? I always wondered why you have such a strange name... - Yes, Mayful. So,” he clicked again, and that portal opened. - I'm letting you go. Notify all earthlings about their last day, let them prepare. They cannot defeat me, my magic, and my army. So, bye bye. - Tadashi was pulled into the portal, and it closed. Mayful walked over to the thing and pulled the fabric off. - We need to upgrade someone... San Fransokyo, 10:30. Red Bridge, road. A young man calmly looking for a ride. A white car drives up to him. Having said: “Take me to Aunt Cass’s cafe,” the guy got into the car and drove off. Skyscrapers, cafes, people, nothing has changed. Perhaps only the lives of Hiro and Tadashi’s friends have changed? Or she was the same... He will definitely find out everything when he crosses the threshold of the cafe. He's already arrived. Somehow collecting change from his pockets, the driver looked at him: “I’m free today.” - he said and drove forward. When he opened the door to the cafe, no one even heard him enter. Everyone was sitting, doing their usual things. Some took selfies with friends, others simply enjoyed their food. Tadashi wanted to call Aunt Cass, but she was very busy. - Tadashi, Tadashi... How we miss you. I made you your favorite wings... - Aunt Cass said sobbing as she cut vegetables for the salad. - And I came! - he said that the aunt was scared. She began to hug and kiss him. - We all thought you were dead. But you survived! How? - This is long and difficult to explain. Where are the rest of the guys, and where is Hiro? - Don't know. They said they went for a walk... - Looking for me? Let's look around his room, he has his own diary there... - Tadashi! - Well, we need to know where they are. Maybe he wrote where they went - with these words they went to his room. Aunt Cass quickly dispersed all the guests and closed the cafe. Finally, I looked out the window. Clouds were gathering over San Fransokyo. Tadashi was already in the room and began looking for the diary. It didn't take long, he was under the pillow. Tadashi began to read: “July 8, Tuesday. Today I dreamed about Tadashi again, I felt bad. Baymax and Aunt Cass were taken to the nearest hospital. Friends were already waiting there. They were arguing about who could help me with this. Of course, my brother. But he's not there. So no one can save me from these dreams, not even Baymax... July 9, Wednesday. Honey got scared by Fred's suit and everyone got scared. Aunt Cass got up before me and took care of it. As I walked down the stairs, Baymax scanned my fingerprint on the cafe window. Saying that these were Tadashi's fingerprints made me feel bad again. What is this, what kind of disease? Everything was fine before, but now everything is terrible! Is this punishment for being in that time portal? The guys were arguing again, GoGo and Fred left the cafe, only Honey and Wasabi remained. When they came to the police station, we filed a police report. Now all that remains is to find GoGo and Fred, and then Tadashi. Wednesday night. We found GoGo and Fred using Baymax's scanner, which I made myself. But we still can’t find Tadashi. Now there’s another problem: today the person who was eavesdropping on us ran away from us, and he disappeared into almost the same portal that we saw, only smaller in size. We managed to remove the glove from him. It shows a blue circle, and a red atom inside it. What is this? Another company? July 10, Thursday. We figured out this sign, this is the sign of the planet Meiguvi. We found out with the help of Fred's comics. We also came across a video from 1980. There was Robert Callaghan talking about the war between Earth and Mayguvi! In his youth he was completely different. There will probably be a new danger for San Fransokyo... We went to prison, to Callaghan. He told us that Allister Cray was an assistant to that planet. But then he came to us, and the head of Meiguvi took away his memory. He also gave us a pill, as he put it, “to restore our memory.” Let's see how it works. " - Oh no... We need to quickly run to Alistair Cray's office before the guys try the pill on themselves! Aunt Cass, we're leaving! - What do you mean... - Let's leave quickly! Aunt Cass and Tadashi quickly got into the car and drove to the center city, to the main office of Krei Tech. Six were not visible, which means they are already in the building.

Disney invites you to get acquainted with the characters of his new animated adventure, which will appear in Russian cinemas from 25 October of this year.

Hiro Hamada
The young genius of robotics is essentially ordinary 14 -year-old teenager. In his free time, he designs combat robots and exhibits them in underground battles in San Fransokyo. The boy's older brother, Tadashi, persuades him to find a better use for his talents and enroll at the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology. When tragic events change Hiro's life, a robot named Baymax becomes his best friend. Together they are destined to assemble a team of heroes for a very dangerous mission.

A caring inflatable robot nurse that, using a built-in scanner, can measure body temperature or blood pressure, assess the level of pain and cure almost any ailment. Designed by Tadashi Hamada, Baymax was a real breakthrough in the field of applied medicine. But for Hiro, the robot also becomes his best friend. After some minor changes, as a result of which Baymax gains super strength and the ability to fly, he joins the five brave heroes.

Tadashi Hamada
He created, designed and programmed the innovative medical robotic assistant Baymax, capable of helping millions of people around the world. Tadashi is an incredibly caring and kind young man, and Hiro realizes how lucky he is to have an older brother, while other children can only dream of having such a brother.

Aunt Cass
A busy and energetic woman who runs a popular bakery and coffee shop in San Fransokyo. Despite all the worries and troubles, she always has time for her beloved nephews - Hiro and Tadashi, with whom she is ready to share joy or sorrow, lending her shoulder... or a plate of delicious home-cooked food.

At first glance, it may seem that this bungler and comic book fan is a lazy person without a goal in life. The guy works part-time as a barker and a “walking advertisement”, however, he is just biding his time. When Fred joins the team of heroes, his knowledge of comic books and superheroes is finally put to good use. His heroic alter ego is a monster with sharp claws and a super jump.

Go-Go Tomago
She loves speed, is well built, always collected and very devoted to the team. He does not like to chat about trifles, with much greater pleasure he blows bubbles from chewing gum and makes sarcastic comments about others. After joining the team of heroes, Go-Go gains the ability to reach supersonic speeds with the help of magnetic wheels, which also serve as throwing discs and shields.

Professor Robert Callaghan
Teacher and curator Tadashi heads the robotics department at the prestigious San Fransokyo Institute of Technology. Already at the very first meeting with Hiro, he was able to discern in the fourteen-year-old boy unique abilities for designing and constructing robots.

Alistair Kray
One of San Fransokyo Institute of Technology's most celebrated graduates, an entrepreneur and innovator, owns the largest technology company in the world, KreiTech. In search of new progressive ideas and discoveries, he goes to a technology exhibition in San Fransokyo, where he meets the inventive Hiro.

Wasabi No-Ginger
Striving for absolute precision and universal order, the big man cannot refuse Hiro's help and joins the team of self-proclaimed heroes. He hones his fighting skills and demonstrates amazing mastery of edged weapons.

Honey Lemon
This amateur chemist has everything going for him! Behind the appearance of a fashionista in stylish glasses there is a purposeful person whose motto is: “The impossible is possible.” It looks like she can handle anything. Whenever she gets into trouble, she demonstrates a deep knowledge of chemistry and helps a brave team of heroes get out of the most difficult situations.

Under the mask is the very villain who organized the insidious plot that threatens San Fransokyo. Hiro invites his friends to join forces to find Yokai and bring him to justice.