Where to meet a beautiful girl. How to find the girl of your dreams - a detailed plan

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How to find girls using dating, where to start, how to behave, what to write?

To get to know the one who will communicate with you, you should pay attention to her profile. Pay attention to the quality of the photo, if it’s good and beautiful, it means she loves herself and takes care of herself. But this means you also need to meet these requirements. It may not necessarily be in the photo, but when communicating, the girl will definitely pay attention to it. But this does not mean that you have to choose the ugliest ones! No. Just choose something in between. Your photo is what girls look at first. It’s better to use a real one; photographs of famous personalities and pictures from the Internet can be off-putting if she doesn’t use a similar picture.

There are many subtleties that you should pay attention to. If you do not take them into account, then you will never be able to reach your goal.

  • Be sure to give some kind of compliment, appreciate the beauty of her eyes, waist, legs, etc., but just don’t exaggerate, girls don’t like being flattered or resorting to vulgarity.
  • Be careful with questions, try not to bother with questions about your personal life until you reach a certain level of acquaintance.
  • Before asking questions, look at her profile, there you can see features that you can pay attention to. This way you can start your conversation or find a reason for a joke.
  • You should understand that when communicating with a beautiful girl you need to be original; try to feel the rhythm of communication and use your originality at the right moment.
  • Indicate in your profile that when searching for meetings, so that your seriousness can be seen, try to fill out the questionnaire as much as possible. After all, this is where your communication begins.
  • If you want to find her using similar dating in Internet, perhaps she will also be unsure of herself, so you should ask your chosen one a few questions if you need the quality of self-confidence. In your profile, in the about yourself field, indicate that I want to find a confident woman, and she will definitely be interested in you.

A sense of humor is a big plus if you use it skillfully. Try to look at your acquaintance and communication with humor, because most of the guys who say they are searching on a dating site are insecure and maybe even inadequate people. Apply your delicacy and good manners and your messages will not be ignored and people will want to get to know you.

If a beautiful girl wants to find a relationship on the site, then most likely she works a lot and has little time to spend time with friends or colleagues, then it is not difficult for her to share with you about her work and profession. If she is closed about her work, then most likely she is not her favorite and the girl is just bored, try to cheer her up or offer her a walk.

Do not bother the girl with your messages and do not wait for her while she is offline, try to show that you are busy and that you rarely manage to be on the site. Don't write to the girl a lot, take breaks so she can think.

There is no need to say that you are waiting for the one and only one, say that you want to find her everywhere and that’s why you are here and using even this acquaintance. Girls will perceive you as goal-oriented, and this is very important for them.

If a guy wants to find his companion for a long time, then you should think about yourself and start listening to advice, most likely there will be some truth in it.

If you use a simple resource, be prepared for the fact that you can only meet a simple girl there. If you use a paid one, then users will be eliminated and there you may feel differently in communication.

Pay attention to their status, some do not write that I want to find a guy for dating, but that I just want to find a guy for friendship. Perhaps the girls changed their status because they were disappointed, but you have a chance to stir her up and start dating with friendship.

Do not rush to ask for her phone number or arrange a meeting, only in exceptional cases. You need to ensure that the beautiful woman herself gives it to you. She may hint about it, but when she’s tired she’ll give it to her.

Try to call her by name, this generally always works in a good way when a person hears his name.

Pay attention to those that are not constantly online. Perhaps now is such a period, but it’s still worth thinking about what she does in her free time and if she constantly sits in Internet, then most likely "Princess and the Pea" It will be difficult to take her out for a walk or it will take a lot of time to hook up with her.

Nobody canceled the first impression. How you show yourself from the very beginning, this will be the result of your seduction. If you make mistakes at the very beginning, it will be difficult to catch up and the best option for further development is to switch to communication with another girl.

The goal of your profile is to create a positive impression on her; she should want to write first, so you can help with this by writing in the status that I am looking for, that I would like to meet and that I am ready to communicate. Don’t miss it, describe who you are ready to meet and you will see that girls you would not like to get in touch with will not write to you.

Be a romantic - indicate that you want to meet someone, that you want to find your soulmate, and you will see how messages will start coming to you from the site and everything will work out for you.

In this article we will talk to you about where to look for a good girl, the one with whom you will truly feel good, that very soulmate.

First, about the sad stuff (I love shit at the beginning...and add something))) - There are guys who naively believe that one day a miracle will happen and at a friends birthday or at another party they accidentally (or rather, they will be introduced to), which will be just perfect and will love her to the grave, and they will love her. There are those who believe in such miracles. I must say that this is the type of guy who generally believes in miracles in life, they believe that one fine day in their life everything will coincide, the dots will converge and they will find themselves at the right time in the right place and Bang Bang! They will become millionaires and favorites of women.

I’ll tell you right away - this article is for realists, not for dreamers. Naturally, if you spend all your free time sitting and killing at the computer, surfing VKontakte or YouTube, then nothing will help you, because life is not behind the computer, it is quite real, it is there outside the window. Therefore, first of all, in any case, you will have to get out into the street and, preferably, dress well and go to the rocking chair three times before (to tone up). You can read here. I also have several excellent training videos on this topic on my YouTube channel, which you can watch right now by clicking right here. In these videos I cover this topic in more detail. I don’t really like to write on a blog, I’m still a lazy person, it’s easier for me to talk on camera ;). So, it’s better not to read me.

So, let's look at some good options:

I know guys who specially attend all sorts of fashion shows, for example, “Moscow Fashion Week”, they wear good suits and go there to meet the models.

Of course, there are a lot of beauties there (mostly without boobs at all), but I personally think that if a girl is a model, then there is not always something to talk about with her. Sometimes they are just amorphous flying chickens with a clearly defined consumer attitude towards men. Although, try it and you will definitely get lucky. – probably just at these shows, although they walk the streets and shopping centers. It’s true that there’s less of it, not the same amount at once, but it’s there.

About clubs– this is a difficult question. There is an opinion that you can’t find a normal girl there, maybe there is some truth in this, but for example, I met there completely ordinary good girls who just got together with their friends once a month and came to dance and have fun. For many, meeting people in clubs is the only way out, and even under alcohol, everyone there seems to be tipsy, you can get closer to the girl, you can’t hear anything, loud music is playing, everyone is in a positive mood.

But for me personally, clubs are not the most ideal place to find a girl, because everyone there is wearing some kind of mask, as soon as a girl crosses the threshold of the club, she becomes an unapproachable bitch with a pretentious face (Well, to some extent, not all , but many).

It’s more difficult for me to communicate with them there, because on the street, for example, the girls are real, they are who they are. You can meet your destiny in a fitness club. I generally respect girls who go in for sports or fitness. There are a lot of fit, beautiful girls there. (It is natural that a fitness club must be of a certain level). It is also quite easy to get acquainted with them, starting with social contextual openers.

Let's continue the topic - - You can go to the theater and during intermission meet an interesting girl, and not even just one. Girls who go to theaters are definitely good and interesting, because in our age of the Internet and stupid films in cinemas, theater is truly an indicator of a person’s intelligence. She will definitely be a delicate person. Moreover, a great topic for this could be “Hello! How do you like the performance? And so you can get hooked and chat for quite a long time. Yes, I agree that many girls come to the theater with boyfriends, but there are also those who go with friends or relatives, for example.

Do you want me to tell you how you can meet in front of your mother? You approach them, greet both of them: the girl - “Hello!”, the mother - “Hello,” then you give both a compliment. If the mother is quite young, then you can say, “I thought at first that you were sisters,” if the mother is not very young, then you can tell her, “your daughter is very similar to you and very beautiful.” Here it is important to please the mother, then she will nudge her daughter all the time - “Well? Did that guy call?”))))).

Then you introduce yourself to them and say, looking at your mother (This is very important) - “Do you mind if I steal your daughter aside for a minute”? And at this time you are already pulling your daughter by the elbow. You take her about three meters away so that you can’t hear her already there (Although, she will already be interested, because you dared to steal her from her mother) and then return her to her mother.

And also? Well, of course, on the street, just walking in any park, on the square, just going to lunch at a cafe across the street. They also walk in the same place as you. The easiest and most common way is, of course, on the street. Street acquaintances are usually the strongest and most durable.

Here's an example of street dating

Watch even more videos in the “Video” section

In general, the answer to your question can be formulated in one word - “Everywhere”, it can come across you at the most unexpected moment of your life, in the most unexpected place, for example, at the exit of their public toilet or in line at the dentist, in a fitness club or just at on the street or in the subway. Therefore, you should always be prepared for the fact that you will meet her and approach her at any moment and start communicating.

And in your head there is such an unpleasant thing called internal dialogue, it prevents you from acting quickly. As soon as you see a beautiful girl, your mind begins to ask: “What if she has a boyfriend? She's probably in a hurry. Oh, and she’s wearing headphones, she’s talking on the phone, I can’t distract her, I’m in a hurry, I’m going in the other direction...”

In general, what he wants is looking for opportunities, and whoever doesn’t want to is looking for excuses. In this case, your brain doesn’t want to go beyond its comfort zone, because approaching a girl is always stressful for any man. The question is not where to look for a girl, but not to miss her when you meet her.

There are not so few beautiful and good girls, but how will you know that this is the right girl until you approach her, until you have several meetings with her and have sex. To do this, you have to try, and sometimes you have to try many before you stumble upon yours. To do this, you should not have problems meeting a girl anywhere and in any physical and psychological state.

That is why I offer you a solution to all your problems - training on seduction and effective communication with girls. This is what will divide your life into Before and After, fill it with the most beautiful women, from whom you just need to choose one. Training that will give you unlimited choice. You will simply reflexively approach and meet any girls, without thinking at the same time - “What will I tell her and how can I stop her.” Read more about our trainings on the blog in the “Trainings” section.

You know, I myself, when I first heard about such trainings, first of all thought that this was definitely for complete suckers, but I’m not like that. And I thought so until I saw how my new friends approached unfamiliar girls on the street, and those whom I was even afraid to look at, stopped them with their hands, and told them things that I would definitely have been embarrassed about, but the most The interesting thing was that these girls fell for them! They weren’t just carried away, they were simply delighted. That's when I realized that I had a lot to learn.

Hint that you want to date by suggesting something you can do together. This will show her your interest without having to directly state it. Mention the activity and ask if she would like to participate. If she says yes, suggest spending time together. If she's not attracted to it, suggest something she might like. If she still refuses, it's best to move on.

  • For example, say, “The championship match is coming up and I'm thinking about going. Would you like to join?
  • Or another example: “I haven’t bowled in ages. And you?"

Warning: Keep in mind that hints may lead to misunderstandings. She may think that you just want to have a friendly time.

  • Be straightforward and ask her out . Directness is the best way to ask someone out on a date, despite the fact that you may be rejected. Tell the girl that you would like to date her, and then ask her to go on a date.

    • Say, “I think we have a lot in common and I would like to ask you out on a date. Will you have time for dinner this Friday?”
  • Make her feel special on your date by giving her attention. A date is your chance to make a good impression. Be nice and give your date your undivided attention throughout the evening. Here are some ways to show her you care:

    • put your phone aside;
    • ask a lot of questions;
    • look into her eyes while she speaks;
    • ask how she is doing;
    • compliment her.
  • Ask her out on a second date at the end of the evening. Let her know that you had a good time and want to see her again. After the date, text or call her to let her know you enjoyed it.

    • Say, “I would love to go on another date with you.”
    • If you want, you can ask her out for a second date later. For example, text her after the meeting to say you had a good time and invite her on a second date.
    • If you are an adult, it may be better to wait a few days.
  • Spend time with her to help your relationship grow. The amount of time together will depend on your age and personal schedule. Send her daily messages to keep in touch, and interact on social media if you both use it. Do your best to schedule regular dates or get-togethers, even if you just see each other at school. Also, try to sit next to her during classes or events.

    • You'll likely need to go on a few dates or chat for a while before asking her out. Try to be patient because rushing can turn her off.
    • Talking, texting, and meeting will help you strengthen your bond, which will bring you one step closer to having her as your girlfriend.
  • Ask her to be your girlfriend in person if you are brave enough. Take her somewhere where you can be alone and let her know that you really like her. Say that you hope to be her one and then ask if she would like to date you.

    • Say, “I feel so good with you and I think it’s time to make our relationship official. Will you be my girlfriend?
    • Say, “I understand. Thank you for your honesty."
    • If you don't want to talk to anyone about your feelings, do something active (like going for a run) to help you deal with your emotions.
  • Trying to appear to be someone you're not in order to impress a pretty girl is not a good idea. You can't always act like this, so you might lose a beautiful girl by lying to her. In addition, it will negatively affect your well-being. But don't worry: it is quite possible to win the heart of a beautiful girl by being yourself.


    How to get close to a beautiful girl

      Introduce yourself confidently. First impressions matter a lot, so try to make a good impression. The tone in which you start a conversation can set the rhythm of the entire conversation. Approach a beautiful girl with confidence and remember that you have what it takes to get her attention.

      Think about what you have in common. Beautiful girls are not just beautiful, they probably have their own interests, hobbies and views. Find something in common that will help you start a conversation. There's no need to pursue her, just think about common interests and opinions that can start a conversation.

      Take your time. You should not ask a girl out on a date immediately after you meet. Otherwise, she will start to get nervous and feel pressure from you. In this case, most likely, she will refuse you. In addition, you will worry if you decide to ask a girl out on a date on the very first day of meeting you. Take your time. Focus on simply introducing yourself and talking to her a little to get to know her a little better and help her feel comfortable around you.

      Don't forget to take contact information. Don't ask for her phone number; many girls will usually agree to give their contact information if you ask them: "Do you mind if I contact you sometime?" Then she will think it would be better to leave you with her phone number or email address. Remember that your main goal is to get to know her, not to get her phone number. Of course, it will be great if the girl wants to contact you again.

      End the conversation first. When you first meet a beautiful girl, this advice is often helpful. The first meeting and the first conversation are always exciting, perhaps both of you will be worried, so you may accidentally say something unnecessary, because of which she may refuse you. But if you end the conversation first, the risk of saying the wrong thing will be greatly reduced, and it will also help the girl feel more comfortable. Another benefit is that you won't seem desperate, and this will give you a mysterious air.

      • Once she gives you her contact information, you can say, “Well, it was nice meeting you, but I need to run. I'll contact you soon."
      • Or you could say, “I hope I didn’t take up too much of your time. I won't distract you anymore. I’ll write/call you.”

      Think right

      1. Believe in yourself . Most likely, you will not meet a girl if you think in advance that she will refuse you. And even if you approach her to meet her, your self-doubt will be noticeable. Self-confidence will give you the strength and courage to meet a beautiful girl, and besides, girls find this quality attractive.

        • Think about all your good qualities. Take a moment to list at least 10 reasons why a girl would want to go on a date with you.
        • For example, think about how you can make her laugh, your charming smile, your reliability and sense of adventure.
      2. Try to always look good. You never know when you will meet a beautiful girl, so try to always look attractive. You don't need to change your style, constantly update your wardrobe, or always dress up. Just watch your personal hygiene and know how to present yourself.

        • Comb your hair, freshen your breath and be sure to wash your face.
        • There may be days when you don't look your best (like when you're coming home from a football game), but your behavior can still make you look good.
      3. Practice. Rehearse how you will approach a beautiful girl - this will make it much easier to collect your thoughts when you actually get ready to meet someone. Think about what and how you will say. Rehearse the conversation first mentally and then out loud until you feel completely comfortable.

        • Practice in the mirror or with your best friend.
        • Record yourself on video to listen to your tone of voice and evaluate your posture.
        • Practice using different phrases.
        • For example, you can practice phrases like: “Can I contact you sometime?”, “Do you mind if I contact you sometime?”, “How can I contact you?”, “Do you mind?” if I contact you?” Think about which of these phrases you feel most comfortable saying.

      Think about where you can meet a beautiful girl

      1. Gym. Many beautiful girls take care of their figure and regularly go to the gym. Therefore, go to the nearest gym - this is a great way to meet a girl and also take care of your figure. You shouldn't intensively lose extra pounds if you don't need it, you can just walk on the treadmill.

        Become a volunteer . Beautiful girls often have a beautiful and kind soul, which is why they participate in social events. Participating in charity and community events is a great way to meet beautiful girls, as well as expand your social circle and improve your communication skills.

        • Participate in an event about breast cancer prevention or an event about raising young children who are at risk.
        • Participate in organizing charity dinners or other events.
      2. Go shopping. You are sure to meet beautiful girls in shopping centers, boutiques and even grocery stores. If you need something, don't order it online - it's better to look for it in a store. You can not only buy the right thing, but also meet the girl of your dreams.

        • If you notice a beautiful girl in line and she is going to buy some inexpensive item that you can afford, you can offer her to pay for her purchase.
        • Of course, it is not at all necessary to buy something, because even just a walk through the shopping center will be an opportunity to meet a beautiful girl.
      3. Spend time with family and friends. You never know where you'll meet a beautiful girl, so take advantage of every opportunity to go out and meet new people. If any of your friends or family members are participating in an event, go support them! If they invite you to an event, agree. Plus, your bonus is that your buddy will be with you at this event.

        Chat online. You can find a lot of beautiful girls on social networks, applications, forums and chats. In addition, when meeting a girl in this way, you will not feel “pressure” due to the fact that you will have to communicate in person.

        • When meeting an online friend, be very careful. Be sure to tell your loved ones where you are going and with whom you are going, and also tell them what time you plan to return.
        • Write honestly about yourself on your social network page. Post only real photos and truthful information online.

      How to behave on a date

      1. Communicate with her as a person. You shouldn't treat a girl like a trophy or prize. Beautiful girls don't like it when guys treat them like dummies. Remember that she is a unique person, not a prize or an object. Show her that you think she's more than just beautiful in appearance. Get to know her personality traits as you would any other person.

        • Find out about her hobbies and talents.
        • Remember that she has her own opinion and her own views. Talk to her about what she thinks about life - you may learn something new.
      2. Don't be jealous. Other people see beauty in her too, and some of them will compliment her. Don't let it drive you crazy or make you angry (only if the person is clearly going overboard with the compliment).

    The most obvious option. Modern life suggests that the easiest way to find a girl is on a dating site or in an application for them. However, not everything is so simple: people who meet there rarely create strong alliances.

    However, you shouldn’t discount the Internet as an option. Think about what you're interested in and go to relevant forums and various websites to discuss certain hobbies, be it paragliding or knitting (what if you're that weird guy who likes to knit?). This way, at least the likelihood of meeting a soul mate will increase and you will already have something to talk about on.

    The principle of “thematic” search extends to reality. If you are the lucky person who has time to pursue your hobbies and go to meetings of equally enthusiastic people, take a good look around there. Suddenly a lonely young lady is sitting next to you, but she is interested in the same thing as you!

    Old school option: if you like good books and Turgenev's young ladies, go to the readings. They take place in libraries and bookstores, and the percentage of women present there is much higher than men. Then discuss the book - why not a reason for a date?

    Actually, it is also possible and necessary to get acquainted with people in a bookstore without reading. It will be easier to understand what kind of person is in front of you by the books that he (in our case, she) is considering.

    In the gyms

    There is a whole army of girls who go to the gym just to meet each other. Seriously. They can be recognized by the presence of makeup and a neat hairstyle instead of a banal ponytail.

    You can also get acquainted while jogging (although a puffing interlocutor is not very sexy), cycling, swimming - there are a lot of options.

    By the way, winter is the time for dating at the skating rink. Girls are very inclined to this, because skating makes them feel touching and beautiful.

    At a game of Mafia or something else

    You can sign up for such games and come at a pre-agreed time to a cozy cafe, not knowing anyone, and leave with your voice broken from laughter and screams, a whole group of new friends... and a girl! Suitable for both those who have no experience in this game and seasoned “Cattani commissioners”.

    At training master classes and courses

    This is a whole unplowed field for searches. Cooking classes? Great. Call and ask who visits them more often: couples or singles. And if they are singles, are they divided into pairs and what is the contingent?

    Dance master class? Wonderful. Doubles? Yes, they will tear you off arms and legs: there are always not enough partners. Yoga workshops? You will also become calmer.

    Attention, life hack: if registration for master classes, open lessons and games is carried out on social networks, you will be able to study the lists of participants and their pages. This way you will come prepared and know who is married, who is heartbroken, and who is ready for a new relationship!

    The advantage is that at a live performance of your favorite band, under the influence of the moment and emotions, acquaintances simply happen with a bang.

    The downside is loud music. Yes, we remember that you came for her sake. If you can’t handle the guitar riffs to ask the name of a beautiful stranger, then, at worst, show your sympathy for the young lady by dancing. Although no, you might suddenly scare me. :)

    It is possible to find the girl of your dreams at classical music concerts, but it is difficult. Firstly, the contingent there is specific, mostly highly spiritual. Secondly, you need to be silent there. As an option: for the entire three hours of the concert you turn your head, studying your surroundings, and at the end you run to get acquainted.

    In stores

    Oh, you are a cunning person if you chose “female territory” for dating, like a cosmetics or kitchenware store. Approach a pretty young lady and ask for advice, making an unhappy face: “It’s very difficult for a lonely man like me to make a choice, can you smell me? What do you think of this perfume? Let’s also choose some pots together, you do it so well.”

    Every girl hides the need to help, save, feel sorry, and so on. It would be stupid not to play on this, and in such an innocent and sweet way.


    In fact, it is not so important where exactly to look for a girl. The life hacker gave you tips that don’t stop there. If you look at young ladies in the subway or in a cafe and one of them smiles at you or holds a meaningful gaze, do not be timid, be a man and step towards your destiny. What if it's her?