Excursion to the flower garden with children of the junior group “Flower Day. Summary of a summer excursion along an ecological trail (younger age) Summer excursions in junior kindergarten groups

State budgetary preschool educational institution

child development center - kindergarten No. 49 (branch)

Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg


directly educational activities

in the second younger group No. 2 “sun”.

Tour of the kindergarten: “It’s good in our kindergarten.”

Compiled by: Ivanova V.A.

Levina E.V.

Saint Petersburg


Types of children's activities:gaming, communicative, educational - research, reading.

Goals of the teacher:develop knowledge about your kindergarten, the ability to navigate in some rooms preschool; cultivate a friendly attitude, respect for preschool employees, neatness, careful attitude to objects.

Planned results for the development of integrative qualities of preschool children:answers the teacher’s questions, participates in conversations during a tour of the kindergarten, gets acquainted with some professions (nurse, laundress, cook), has basic skills of organized behavior in kindergarten.

Materials and equipment:letter inviting you to a tour of the kindergarten.

  1. Organizing time.

The teacher reads a letter from the staff to the children kindergarten who invite them on a tour of the kindergarten, reminds children how to behave when visiting (modestly, do not shout, greet the hosts politely, thank them for the invitation, etc.). Offers to go on a journey through the kindergarten.

  1. Journey through the kindergarten:
  • First stop.

Educator. It smells so delicious! Can you guess what this place is?(Kitchen)

Answer quickly, children,

Who is the best in the world?

He will be able to treat you -

Give me something to drink and feed?

Educator. Who is this riddle about?(About the cook.) What do cooks do?(The cook prepares food, cooks, fries, bakes, washes, cuts.)What are the names of our chefs?(They say the names of the cooks.)Where is the kitchen?(On the first floor.)How can I find a kitchen?(By the smell, by the sign on the door...)The cooks are very diligent, skillful, and prepare delicious food, so you should eat everything they have prepared for you, and always thank them.

  • Second stop.

Educator. Who works in this office?(Nurse.) What is our nurse's name?(They say the nurse's names.)What is the name of this office?(This is a medical office.)What does the nurse do?(He treats, gives medicine, lubricates wounds with brilliant green, injections...) (The nurse can invite the children to come to the office, show how to treat a scratch: rinses, lubricates with brilliant green, seals with a plaster.)What kind of nurse do we have?(Caring, attentive, skillful, kind.)

  • Third stop.

Educator. What is this noise? What is this miracle - cars? Can you guess what stop this is?(Laundry.) Do you know who works in the laundry?(Children's answers.) What does a laundress do?(the name and patronymic of the washerwoman are called. The children answer, the teacher adds.)The laundress washes and irons bed linen, aprons, bathrobes, and tablecloths. Where is the laundry?(On the first floor.)How can I find a laundromat?(Children's answers.) The laundresses are very diligent, skillful, hardworking, and caring. How can you help laundresses?(Wash your hands after a walk so as not to stain the towels; eat carefully so as not to stain napkins, tablecloths, etc.)

Junior group excursion

"Safe walk down the street"

from kindergarten to bus stop"

Prepared and carried out

teacher of the first qualification category

Khusainova D.T.


Target: formation of primary ideas of preschoolers about safe behavior on the roads.


    Establish rules of conduct for pedestrians.

    Introduce children to the “Bus Stop” road sign.

    Continue to develop a sense of responsibility for your life and the ability to behave on the street.

Methodological support: 2 red flags for going on a tour.

Vocabulary work: street, stop, pedestrian, passenger, sidewalk, roadway (road), road sign"bus stop".

Motivation: personal interest of children.

Preliminary work: reading fiction safety regulations traffic, conversation with a policeman, looking at illustrations on the topic, watching educational cartoons on following traffic rules “Lessons from Aunt Owl”, presentation “Road Rules for Kids”, productive activity(application “And there are cars on the street, their tires are rustling menacingly”, modeling “Traffic Light”, designing “Bus for Animals”, drawing “Zebra”), observing the roadway while walking, puppet theater “Respect the Traffic Light”.

Excursion progress:

Conversation with children in the kindergarten yard.

Educator: children, we live in the beautiful city of Malmyzh. There are a lot of streets in our city. What street do you live on? ( children's answers). Our kindergarten is located on Lesnaya Street.

Educator: what is located on the street?

Children: houses, shops, schools.

Educator: and there is also a road and sidewalk. Who is allowed to move on the road and sidewalk? And why?

Children: Cars drive on the road, and people walk on the sidewalk.

Educator: cars drive along the road, that's why it's called the roadway,

Only people walk on the sidewalk; they are called pedestrians.

Educator: guys, do you know how to behave on the street? How should you walk down the street?

Children: at a calm pace.

Educator: Which side of the sidewalk should I walk on?

Children: on the right side.

Educator: How should you cross the road?

Children: hand in hand with mom.

Educator: First you need to look to the left and then to the right to see if there are any cars coming. If there are cars coming, you need to let them pass. Do you think it is possible to play on the roadway?

Children: can't play.

Educator: you need to be attentive and listen to adults.

Educator: I suggest you go on a little trip today and be a pedestrian. Do you agree?

Around the city, down the street

They don't just walk around

When you don't know the rules

It's easy to get into trouble!

Children leave the kindergarten gates (walk along the sidewalk, carefully watching the teacher).

The teacher and the children approach the bus stop.

Educator: guys, where did we come to?

Children: bus stop.

Educator: there is some kind of sign here, look at it. This sign indicates where the bus stops. It's called "Bus Stop". Why do people need this sign?

Children: we don't know.

Educator: This sign is needed so that people know where the bus stops. What is the bus for?

Children: transport children and adults, etc.

Educator: people who ride the bus are called passengers.

Educator: How many passengers can a bus carry? Who came by bus this morning?

Children: Artyom, Danil and others.

Educator: you were passengers.

The bus arrived at the stop.

Educator: look closely at how passengers get off and on the bus. To avoid trouble with passengers, what rules of behavior must be observed on the bus and when getting off it?

Children: do not jump, do not run, do not push.

Educator: You need to leave through the front door and enter through the back door.

You must be attentive, polite and allow mothers with small children and grandparents onto the bus.

Educator: guys, look how the passengers walk around the standing bus and cross the road. Are they doing the right thing?

Children observe and give possible answers.

Educator: there is no need to rush to cross the road, it is best to wait until the bus leaves the stop and you will have a clear view of the road ( We are waiting for the bus to leave). Then we will cross the road to the other side of the street. We look left, right and cross the street.

We walk along the sidewalk to the kindergarten.

A conversation is held on the veranda of the kindergarten site (the final stage of the excursion).

Educator: You and I went on a little trip. What did you like? What new did you learn? What rules of conduct for pedestrians do you know? What sign did you meet? What new words did you meet? Who are passengers, pedestrians? What is a roadway? How to behave correctly on the bus and on the street?

Children: answer.

Educator: guys, now you know the rules of conduct for passengers and pedestrians, try to follow these rules. Tell your moms and dads about our little trip - an excursion. And when you go home, look at what other signs there are in our city and ask your parents about them, and then tell me.


    FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. Sample general education program preschool education(pilot version) / Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: MOSAIC SYNTHESIS, 2014. - 368 p.

    Traffic rules in kindergarten: developmental environment and methods for introducing children to traffic rules, forward planning, lesson notes / N.V. Elzhova. – Ed. 2nd. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2013. – 173 p. – (I give my heart to the children).

    Formation of a culture of safe behavior in children 3-7 years old: “The ABC of Safety”, lesson notes, games / author’s compilation. N.V. Kolomets. – Ed. 2nd. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2014.- 168 p.

    Lesson on traffic rules / Comp, N.A. Izvekova, A.F. Medvedeva, L.B. Polyakova, A.N. Fedotova.; Ed. E.A. Romanova, A.B. Malyushkina. – M.: TC Sfera, 2008. – 64 p.


1. Clarify and expand children’s ideas about the street, road, sidewalk; about trucks and cars; give basic knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street.

2. Develop observation skills.

Vocabulary work: street, road, sidewalk, pedestrian, truck and car.

Excursion progress:

Educator: Children, today we will go on an unusual excursion. Having guessed the riddle, you will find out where we will go.

“You walk, he runs ahead,

If you look back, he’s running home.” (Street.)

Educator: Today you and I will travel along the streets of our city and learn a lot of interesting and new things. You and I will walk in pairs, one after another, without disturbing passers-by.

Around the city, down the street

They don't just walk around

When you don't know the rules

It's easy to get into trouble.

Be careful all the time

And remember in advance,

Has its own rules

Driver and pedestrian.

(Children go in pairs, the teacher stops the children and has a conversation with them.)

Educator: Look how wide and beautiful our street is! What do you see on the street? (Answers.)

Yes, there are a lot of trees, cars, houses.

What trees do you see on the street? name them. (Birch, rowan, spruce.)

Look, the houses are all different. They come in high and low.

Where is the tall yellow house located, far or close? (Answers.)

Where is the low blue house, close or far? (Answers.)

Every day you and I come to kindergarten and return home, we walk down the street, which means who are we? - ..... (answers) pedestrians. There are rules for pedestrians on the street that each of you must follow. The pedestrian must walk on the sidewalk (the child must hold the adult's hand). You and I will also walk along the sidewalk now.

Who remembers the name of the place where people go? (Answers.)

Who are you and I? (Answers.)

That's right, you and I are pedestrians, and we walk along the sidewalk.

Educator: Children, look at the road. What do you see? (Answers.)

Yes, there are a lot of cars driving on the road.

Are the cars the same or different? What cars do you see? (Answers.)

Yes, there are trucks and cars. What do trucks carry? What about cars? (Answers.)

(The teacher invites the children to look at a passenger car, what parts it consists of and what they are needed for. Next, the children watch a garbage truck that removes garbage.) After observing, the children continue on their way.

(The teacher and the children approach the road in order to cross to the other side of the street.)

Educator: Look, there is an obstacle ahead of us. we need to cross the road.

How can we cross the road correctly? (Answers.)

When crossing the road, it is important to be attentive and not be distracted. You need to cross the road calmly, at a pace. Under no circumstances should you run across it. You may trip and fall. When crossing the road, you need to look carefully at the roadway; if there is no nearby traffic, then you can cross the road.

Educator: Now let's try to cross the road. (Children cross the “street” in pairs.)

What can happen if you are inattentive and careless? (Answers.)

(The teacher invites the children to look at the roadway and cross the road.)

We're walking down the street

And we don't count crows.

When the road was crossed,

You can jump one, two, three

(At the end of the walk, the teacher summarizes.)

Educator: Today you and I made our first trip down the streets of our city and learned some rules of behavior on the street.

Where did we go? (Answers.)

What did you see on the street? (Answers.)

What have we learned? (Answers.)

Yes, today we talked about how the street is structured, how to cross the road correctly. Now you know that cars drive on the road, people walk on the sidewalk.

It's time for us to return to kindergarten, and at home you will tell your moms and dads where we went, what you saw and learned.

Tasks: introduce the profession of a cook, involve them in asking adults questions; consolidate knowledge about dishes (pot, frying pan, kettle), their size - large and small.

The teacher conducts a preliminary conversation with the children about who cooks food at home and who in kindergarten, what can be said about people who cook porridge, bake pies, etc. (they care about us, love us).

Educator. Children, do you want to see where they cook your porridge, soup, and bake delicious pies? What is the name of the place where mom cooks food?

The children answer.

That's right, the kitchen. We also have a kitchen in our kindergarten. Do you want to go there?

The children answer.

A cook prepares food in the kitchen in a kindergarten. There are many cooks in the kitchen, why?

The children answer.

Yes, there are also a lot of children in kindergarten and everyone needs to be fed. Let's meet the chefs.

And now cook Maria Alekseevna will show us in which pans the porridge is cooked. (Shows the children a large saucepan.) What is this?

Children. This is a saucepan.

Educator. What is she like?

Children. She's big.

Educator. And in the kitchen there is also a very large saucepan that stands on the floor. (Shows an electric boiler.) You can also cook porridge or soup in this boiler. It will cook faster in it. Children, what else do you want to ask Maria Alekseevna?

Children. What other utensils are there in the kitchen?

The cook shows the frying pan, and a conversation similar to the previous one is held. The teacher encourages children to ask questions. He offers to watch how they peel potatoes in a potato peeler and tell how mom peels potatoes at home. Why do they use a “smart” car in kindergarten?

After the conversation, the cook treats the children to cookies. The children thank them and leave.

Long-term planning of targeted walks and excursions in the first junior group.


  1. Target walk “Let’s show the doll our group”

Goal: Getting to know new group, with new toys, play areas. Instill group behavior skills. Develop skills in a group.

  1. Target walk “Show the bear our bedroom.”

Goal: Getting to know the bedroom, the name of the furniture and its purpose, instilling a culture of behavior.

  1. Target walk “Let's show the bunny our site.”

Purpose: To introduce children to the layout of the site: playground, vegetable garden, flower garden. Teach children to navigate in space.

  1. Excursion to the music hall.

Goal: introducing children to music hall with its decoration, musicaltools. Develop communication skills with adults.


  1. Targeted walk “To the washroom”».

Goal: To introduce children to the work of an assistant teacher, her tools and actions. Develop communication skills with adults.

2. Targeted walk “To the garden with older children”

Purpose: To give an idea about vegetable crops that grow in the garden and the rules for caring for them. Supervising older children during harvesting. Develop communication skills with adults and older children.

3. Target walk “To the birch tree”

Goal: To clarify children’s understanding of the main parts of a tree (trunk, branches, leaves). Exercise in differentiating leaves by color and size. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

4. Excursion “To the medical office”

Goal: To introduce children to the medical office, to the work of a nurse and her tools. Develop communication skills with adults.


1. Target walk “We care about birds”

Goal: To learn to distinguish a sparrow and a crow by characteristic features(color, size, etc.). Cultivate a love for birds and a desire to help them.

2. Targeted walk “Around the kindergarten site”

Goal: Acquaintance with natural changes in autumn. The sun is shining, but it is not warming. The sky is gloomy, the trees have become colorful. To develop the ability to admire the beauty of the autumn landscape.

3. Excursion along the corridors of the kindergarten.

Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to greet employees. Develop communication skills with adults, the ability to navigate in space.


  1. Targeted walk “To the territory of the kindergarten.”

Goal: To become familiar with the work of a janitor, his tools and actions. Create a desire to help adults. Develop communication skills with adults.

2. Targeted walk “To the park of the preschool educational institution”

Purpose: To give children a basic idea of ​​winter. Develop children's cognitive interests. To develop the ability to admire the beauty of the winter landscape.

3. Target walk “To the tree”

Goal: Secure the main parts of the tree: trunk, branches. Pay attention that there are no leaves on the trees, they have fallen. Activate children's vocabulary.

4. Excursion to the kitchen.

Goal: To introduce children to the work of a cook, kitchen equipment and the actions of a cook. Fix the general concept of “dishes”. Develop communication skills with adults.


  1. Targeted walk “to the kindergarten site.”

Goal: To clarify children’s ideas about winter (there is snow on the ground, on roofs, on trees, you can play with snow, ski, sled). Arouse aesthetic admiration for the beauty of the winter landscape. Enriching children's vocabulary with adjectives.

2. Target walk “To the wintering birds.”

Goal: Consolidate distinctive features sparrows and crows according to characteristic features (color, size, habits). Note that the birds are cold now. Make the children feel sympathy for the birds and feed them. Cultivate a caring attitude and love for birds.

3. Targeted walk “To the site with older children”

Goal: Meet new children and their toys, what they play with. Consider winter buildings. To develop communication skills with older children and adults.

4. Excursion to the preschool laundry

Goal: To introduce children to the work of a laundress (typist for washing clothes) and to make them want to help adults wash clothes with adults.


  1. Targeted walk “To the neighboring group”

Goal: Meet new children, group room with new toys. Develop communication skills with peers and adults.

2. Targeted walk “To the kindergarten site.”

Goal: To reinforce with children the phenomena that occur in nature: a cold wind is blowing, snow is everywhere. Teach children to draw simple conclusions and answer questions.

3. Target walk “To the pool”

Purpose: Introducing children to the pool and sauna. Tell us about the work of a swimming instructor. Develop communication skills with adults.

4. Excursion “To the ironing room”

Goal: To introduce children to the work of a wardrobe maid and an ironer. Create a desire to help adults. Develop communication skills with adults.


  1. Targeted walk “To the site with older children.”

Goal: Introducing new children to their toys, what they play with. Develop communication skills with older children.

2. Targeted walk “Around the kindergarten”

Purpose: To reinforce with children what is in the garden. (slides, swings, benches, etc.).

3. Target walk “To the kindergarten park.”

Goal: To consolidate the names of trees (poplar, birch) and their parts: trunk, branches. Practice distinguishing between two trees. Teach to be careful, treat trees, do not break branches, do not knock on the trunk. Instill a love for nature.

4. Excursion “To the psychologist’s office.”

Goal: Introduction to the relaxation room. Psycho-gymnastics with children on emotional states.


  1. Targeted walk “In a group with older children”

Goal: Meet new children and play areas in the group. Develop communication skills with adults and older children.

2. Target walk “To the territory of the kindergarten.”

Goal: To introduce children to the first signs of spring: there are a lot of icicles, the snow is turning black and settling. Learn to notice and name changes in nature.

3. Targeted walk “To a thawed patch.”

Goal: To teach children to answer questions in simple sentences, to develop colloquial speech. To consolidate children's knowledge about the properties of snow: snow melts, turns into water, puddles and streams appear.

4. Excursion “To the winter garden”.

Goal: To strengthen children’s understanding of the needs of plants for light, heat, and moisture. To form ideas about the work of a gardener, his tools and actions. Foster a positive attitude towards adult work. Develop communication skills with adults.


  1. Target walk “To the tree”.

Goal: To teach children to notice changes in their surroundings. Consider the swelling buds of poplar and birch. Learn to distinguish by characteristic features (size, shape, smell of the bud). Develop aesthetic perception.

2. Target walk “Funny Birds”.

Goal: To learn to distinguish a sparrow and a dove by characteristic features (color, size, habits). Specify. Who sings what song? Enrichment of the dictionary.

3. Targeted walk “To the kindergarten site.”

Goal: To clarify the signs of spring: it has become much warmer, the sun is shining and warming, the birds are singing cheerfully, the first leaves are appearing on the trees, grass has grown in some places.

4. Excursion “To the neighboring group.”

Goal: Acquaintance with new children, with the profession of a teacher, to consolidate knowledge about the work of adults. Develop communication skills with adults and peers.


Goal: To teach children to recognize, name and compare poplar and willow by certain characteristics (by trunk size, size, shape). Develop children's cognitive interests. Inspire the joy of connecting with nature.

2. Target walk “Show the bunny your area.”

Goal: to introduce children to the signs of summer: green grass grows everywhere on the street. There are leaves on the trees, the sun is shining and warming. Learn to notice and name the signs of summer. Cultivate a love for nature.

3. Target walk “To the site of a neighboring group.”

Goal: getting to know new children and their toys, what they play with. Foster a culture of behavior when playing and communicating with each other. Develop communication skills with adults and children.

4. Excursion “To the gym.”

Goal: To introduce children to the profession of a physical teacher and his work. Introduces sports equipment and supplies. Develop communication skills with adults.


  1. Targeted walk “To the garden”.

Goal: To teach children to observe and talk about what they saw (adults and older children: loosen the ground, water the beds). Strengthen children's knowledge about the garden. Develop the ability to recognize and name some garden crops - what grows where.

2. Target walk “To the trees”

Purpose: To consolidate the names of trees and their main parts: trunk, branches, leaves. Develop children's coherent speech. Develop aesthetic perception.

3. Target walk “Visiting the birds”.

Goal: To expand children's knowledge about birds. Fix the structure and habits of birds. Bring up

Aesthetic perception.

4. Excursion “To the methodological room.”

Goal: Learn to call preschool employees by their first and patronymic names. Getting to know the office. Viewing children's exhibitions and cartoons.


  1. Target walk “To the clearing”.

Goal: Introduce children to beetles and butterflies. Learn to distinguish them by their characteristic features (butterfly – white, yellow, thin wings. Beetle – smaller, wings hard. Butterfly – flutters, beetle – crawls, flies). Cultivate a caring attitude towards insects.

  1. Targeted walk “To the kindergarten park.”

Goal: To learn to distinguish 1-2 plants by their characteristic features and name them (chamomile, dandelion). Distinguish by size and color. Secure plant parts. Activate children's vocabulary. Foster a caring attitude towards the plant world.

  1. Target walk “To the flowerbed”.

Purpose: Introducing children to the flowerbed. Learn to distinguish and name the two flowering plants by flower color, height (peony, marigold). Cultivate a caring attitude towards plants and a desire to admire them.

  1. Excursion “To the office of the manager and caretaker.”

Purpose: To talk about the work of the director of a kindergarten. Develop communication skills with adults.