Early childhood development programs. Children's developmental techniques

Human abilities are truly enormous, and most of them are formed in early childhood. From birth, every child is endowed with enormous intellectual potential. And the sooner he receives and assimilates new knowledge and develops certain abilities, the easier it will be for him to study in the future, and not only at school, university, but also in life. In the mid-20th century, leading neuropsychologists and cybernetics calculated that the potential inherent in a child’s genes is enough to receive a Nobel Prize in several fields at once.

Why doesn't the child use this potential? The answer to this question was given by the famous Russian teacher P.V. Tyulenev, who, as a result of research, came to the conclusion that outdated methods of raising children are to blame for everything. He concluded that most children are able to use the potential given to them by nature and achieve results that would previously have been considered phenomenal.

Most well-known teachers and psychologists are of the opinion that children aged 3-4 years are much easier to teach than 7-year-olds. As a result of research conducted at the Philadelphia Doman Institute, it was proven that the most effective learning is learning that occurs during the growth of the human brain - that is, in fact, in early childhood.

This is the meaning of all methods early development children. A child should actively learn in early childhood, when nature has created the most favorable conditions for this.

The goal is clear, and each parent chooses the path to achieve this goal himself. Many of the outstanding teachers have developed their own, sometimes completely unique, methods for the early development of children. Most methods of early child development have been scientifically confirmed and are actually used in practice in different countries. Although there are still discussions among teachers and parents about the effectiveness and appropriateness of certain methods. It’s hard to say who is right in this situation, but we are convinced that there is truth in each of the methods.

The correct choice of early development methods is a very important issue for parents. Children are not born gifted, they become gifted. The minimum that parents need to do is familiarize themselves with each of the methods and choose the most suitable option. Combine the best that is in each of the methods and apply it in practice. Only in this way can we reveal the potential inherent in our baby, only in this way can we comprehensively develop him and prepare him for adult life. We think that the materials presented on our website will help you with this.

Description of the methods of early development of children by outstanding Russian teachers Boris Pavlovich and Elena Andreevna Nikitin...

A method of early child development developed by Nikolai Alekseevich Zaitsev, the developer of the world-famous Zaitsev cubes...

One of the most popular methods of early child development is the method of the Italian teacher of the early 19th century, Maria Montessori. Many preschool institutions use this technique when organizing classes with their students...

The method of early child development according to the Glen Doman method is of great interest not only among teachers and educators, but also among parents who strive to early years teach your child reading and math...

Waldorf pedagogy is a method of early development that combines well with other teaching methods and is ideal for low-emotional children, as well as children who have precocious intelligence...

A child's learning of any foreign language, including English - this is not an end in itself for parents, it is a necessity! We will try to answer a number of common questions regarding the study English language children...

Most human abilities are formed in early childhood. It is an established fact that every child from birth has great intellectual potential. Therefore, it is important that the child receives and assimilates new knowledge as early as possible, since this will help him develop certain abilities in himself, thereby making life and learning easier in the future.

However, unfortunately, the child does not use his full potential, but only a small part of it. Why is this happening? It's very simple, we, parents, use outdated methods of education. Many scientists and psychologists argue that most children are able to use the natural potential given to them and achieve high results that would previously be considered phenomenal.

Most teachers believe that it is easier to teach children from 3-4 – summer age than seven year olds. Scientific research has proven that learning is effective when the human brain is growing, that is, in early childhood. Early childhood education is the basis of all early childhood development methods that exist today.

Each parent should familiarize themselves with each of the methods and choose the appropriate one. The issue of choosing a method is quite important for parents, since there are many development methods and each is effective in its own way. Geniuses are not born, they are made. By combining the best of each method and applying it in practice, we can reveal the possibilities inherent in our child by nature, comprehensively develop and prepare him for adult life. Let's consider the essence of the most common methods of early childhood development.

Glen Doman's Early Development Methodology.
The most controversial and most discussed method of early childhood development is the Glen Doman method. This technique originates in the 40s of the last century, when a military doctor, American by birth, Glen Doman began treating children with severe brain injuries. These children were taught to read using cards on which different words were written in large red letters. At the same time as the cards were shown, the words written on them were also spoken. These lessons were very short, 5-10 seconds, but there were several dozen such approaches per day. The result of this method of learning was that paralyzed children gradually began to move, and then crawl, walk and run, as happens with ordinary healthy children. Therefore, Glen Doman made a simple but at the same time ingenious conclusion that constant stimulation of vision contributes to the overall activation of brain activity.

After this, Doman began to apply his technique to healthy children. The technique is based on the use of cards to show the child from an early age, almost from birth. By the way, cards are presented with information on various areas - these are cards with dots for counting, words for reading written in red large letters, pictures of animals, scientific figures, natural phenomena etc. Doman himself called these cards “bits of information.” Cards are constantly shown to the child for a few seconds throughout the day. Doman himself had great faith in his method and believed that it produced geniuses. And many teachers and psychologists agreed with him that visual impressions are very important for newborns.

However, this technique, like everything in our world, has its drawbacks. It does not provide full development to children. Its significant disadvantage is the child’s passivity, since only his vision is occupied with active work. And kids, as everyone knows, love to touch an object of interest with their hands and “taste everything.” And when he starts talking, various questions cannot be avoided, which is not welcome in Doman’s method, since the baby must sit and watch and listen carefully. Doman constantly compares the human brain to a perfect computer, the successful operation of which requires loading a good database. However, a living child is not a computer; it is not enough for him to know numbers and facts; he needs to be able to analyze and use them correctly. little child needs experience, spontaneous creativity, conversations, games and affectionate songs. Therefore, this technique not only does not guarantee the upbringing of brilliant children, but is also very labor-intensive. Only math classes should be at least six times a day. As a result, parents devote all their time to lessons, and at night they have to prepare cards for new lessons. But you can still adopt some of this technique, for example, combining classes with cards with reading your favorite book. If you are not one of those who are afraid of difficulties, and believe in the power of intellect and encyclopedic knowledge, then the technique developed by Glen Doman is for you.

Methods of early development Cecile Lupan.
Glen Doman's technique caused a lot of controversy and gave rise to other interesting methods, such as the Cecile Lupan system. She began to study with her daughters according to the developed method of Glen Doman. However, realizing that many of Doman’s techniques did not work with her children, she decided to improve this technique a little, take something from others and bring her own. As a result, Cecile Lupan developed her training system, taking into account reality family life. Lupan's acting background has helped create many exciting games. Lupan technique special attention focuses on learning to read, which must begin right from birth. For example, humming the alphabet to your child to the tune of his favorite song. In addition, visual interest should be maintained with signs with the names of items placed throughout the house. They need to be drawn in red and black, that is, the vowels are highlighted in red. It is also necessary to constantly update these cards. For example, first the cards should introduce the baby to the world around him, then the signs should show actions. For example, after showing a child the word “catch a cold,” you need to sneeze, and accompany the card with the word “fall” with a funny fall. However, this technique is not suitable for parents trying to maintain their status quo. And those parents for whom it is possible to become a child for a while while communicating with their baby can safely use this technique. This technique is described in detail in the book “Believe in Your Child” by Cecile Lupan, which gives parents confidence and encourages them to imagine and create.

Methods of early development N.A. Zaitseva.
This technique is also aimed at early learning to read. For this purpose, Zaitsev developed special cubes (different in weight, color, size, and making different sounds) and tables that are designed to familiarize the child with warehouses. The warehouse, according to Zaitsev, is a combination of vowel and consonant sounds that make up the words of the Russian language. As a result, when the child speaks, he will pronounce not individual letters, but the combinations “ma”, “pa”, “ba”. The essence of this technique is that a child’s learning does not proceed from simple to complex (letter-syllable-word). The child is immediately provided with all the warehouses that are constantly shown to him, and he remembers them. That is, the child receives all the educational material (tables, cubes) in its entirety. To ensure that children do not get tired during classes and do not experience discomfort, the tables are placed at a height of 170 cm from the floor. The child must work standing, which has a positive effect on posture, large letters do not cause eye strain, the child is constantly moving, and classes are held exclusively in game form, when children sing the syllables, clap their hands, jump and run. This technique eliminates any memorization and memorization. However, this technique also has its pitfalls. Since there are more than 200 warehouses, and there are only 33 letters in the alphabet, a child studying using this method receives ten times more information than a student studying using the traditional system. This method of teaching reading is exactly the opposite of the school system. From this we conclude that the child will need to learn to read letters again. In addition, it will be much more difficult for such a child to do phonetic and word-formation analysis of words.

Waldorf pedagogy.
This teaching method is based on the philosophy of the scientist and teacher R. Steiner. The bottom line is that the aesthetic and spiritual development of the individual has priority, and the child’s intelligence does not matter. Therefore, the basis of the methodology is observation of nature, creativity, and crafts. In the centers of Waldorf teachings, children engage in modeling, playing various musical instruments, folk crafts, take part in theatrical performances, etc. This method recommends starting learning to read no earlier than the age of twelve. The main mentor in everything is the teacher, who teaches all subjects and is the only source that gives knowledge. Teaching is carried out in the form of stories by the teacher and retelling by the students, while demonstration and imitation are of primary importance. The Waldorf method also has its disadvantages. Some believe that this system creates an ideal environment, far from reality. In addition, there is an unjustified inhibition of the child’s development. And finally, aesthetic education, which is emphasized in this teaching method, infringes on the development of thinking and logic. But Waldorf pedagogy is necessary for those parents who have hyperactive, irritable and aggressive child who is not confident in himself, with a low concentration of attention. In Waldorf centers, one of the mandatory conditions is to create psychological comfort for children; in addition, teachers in these centers are psychologically well prepared.

This teaching method is completely unsuitable for parents who are very busy at work, since for classes they will need to sculpt from clay, dough, sew dolls, and also do handicrafts. Children are the center of attention in this method, and parents must adapt to them. Waldorf pedagogy does not tolerate any acceleration in learning, as this will negatively affect the healthy development of the child.

Methods of early development of children of the Nikitin family.
This technique is similar to the teachings of R. Steiner. Their education system is based on work, the natural development of the child, and closeness to nature. This method excludes any coercion of the child to do anything; it is based on the cooperation of children and parents, in which the latter simply guide the child without advancing his development. The main thing in this system is the creation comfortable conditions for a child, where the child’s well-being and desires are a priority. The Nikitin family never sought to teach their children everything as early as possible. But they noticed that children develop earlier those aspects of intelligence for which advanced conditions have been created. For example, for a baby who is just starting to speak, you need to purchase cubes with numbers and a plastic alphabet. In addition, the Nikitin family has developed many children's educational intellectual games. The difficulty level of the games varies. Therefore, this kind of game interests children for many years. Thanks to the gradual complication of intellectual tasks, the child develops independently.

When working with a child using the Nikitin method, you must adhere to the following:

  • It is prohibited to explain and suggest solutions to problems to the child;
  • It is prohibited to require a child to solve a problem on the first try;
  • You cannot demand and ensure that the child solves the problem on the first try, since he may simply not be ready and time is needed;
  • Try to come up with new games together with your baby.
The Nikitin system is currently popular all over the world. The Japanese, for example, made this technique the basic basis for the work of kindergartens. The Nikitin Institute was created in Germany. But the Nikitin family’s method is not suitable for every child, since it lacks a humanitarian and aesthetic side. However, educational games are truly unique; they are all described in the book of the same name, “Intellectual Games.”

Montessori early development method.
The main principles of Maria Montessori's method are play-based learning and independent exercises. It is based on an individual approach to the child. The child independently chooses the material and duration of the lesson, that is, he develops at an individual rhythm. The main goal This technique is a developmental environment, the creation of which awakens in the child the desire to demonstrate his individual abilities. Classes using the Montessori method differ from traditional ones because they allow the child to independently discover and correct mistakes. The role of the teacher is to guide independent activity child, not in teaching. The Montessori method promotes the development of attention, creativity and logical thinking, memory, speech, imagination, motor skills. In addition, this technique pays special attention to group games and tasks, which has a positive effect on the development of communication skills, as well as the development of everyday activities, which affects the development of independence.

It’s up to you to decide which development method to choose for your child. The main thing is to maintain a realistic view of things and not set tasks for the child that are impossible for him.

The modern world is developing rapidly, and in order for our children to be ready to accept it as it will appear before them in the coming years, various children's developmental methods are being created. They involve the training and development of children literally from the very first days of their lives. Unobtrusively, in a playful, accessible form for the baby, extensive knowledge is presented, which at this age is remembered very easily. As a result, by the time a child goes to school, he has conscious thinking, logic, memory, speech, attention, imagination, perseverance and many other useful qualities. Parents do not have to worry - their child is ready for further learning and perception of the next layers of knowledge.

Below is a list of the most popular children's developmental techniques, with brief annotations about each of them. We advise you to subscribe to new articles on the site - we will talk in more detail about each technique separately.

1. . The motto of the Montessori method is “Help me do it myself.” The child chooses what and how to play, and the adult only watches from the side and guides.

2. . Doman is the creator of a method of teaching reading for very young children (up to 3 years old). The method includes unique developmental kits, cards and other developmental aids.

3. . Lupan's book tells in detail how best to help a child learn swimming, languages, reading, and music.

4. The Nikitins’ method is based on their own parental experience and consists of specially developed sets of games for children together with their parents. These are sets of puzzles that have a set of tasks with increasing complexity.

5. . Zaitsev’s method of teaching reading according to warehouses is widely used in many kindergartens. Warehouses are located on the edges of multi-colored jingling cubes, and are easily remembered by children of primary preschool age.

6. . Tyulenev’s methodology calls for teaching the child in the most early age before he learned to walk. The system has strict rules, special attention is given to the choice of the environment for the child, and the careful selection of toys and books.

7. . The technique is based on the anatomical features of the right and left hemispheres of the child’s brain. Alternating exercises have a positive effect on the development of both hemispheres.

8. . The learning process in Waldorf pedagogy is associated with certain age characteristics development of the child, therefore it is structured so that the child receives knowledge of a special nature during those periods of development when he is most prepared for it.

9. . "Reggio Emilia" is more an experience of a new attitude to raising children than a methodology. According to this development technology, children learn freely, are co-authors of their teachers and initiators of new projects, independently obtain information based on the knowledge of teachers.

10. . The purpose of the methodology, which previously pursued the task of preparing a child for music school, today pays more attention to the development of speech, mastery of one’s body, and stimulation of children’s imagination through music. The musical accompaniment is carefully selected taking into account the interests and age of the children.

11. . Charkovsky's method is a system of water development for a child. The author of the technique claims that hypoxia during immersion in water, to which the body reacts with increased nutrition of the brain, leads to jumps mental development in children.

Howard's method is designed more for the American educational standard and involves children learning English. Lessons are held exclusively in English, grades are not given, the knowledge gained is assessed according to a multi-level system.

The technique allows you to develop a child from the very first days, playing educational games with him and encouraging him to communicate with other people.

Shinichi Suzuki is confident that learning music should go hand in hand with learning to read and write. His method is based on daily musical lessons, accompanied by parental support and gentle but persistent music teaching from the first years of a child’s life.

The essence of Zoltan Dienes's approach lies in the opinion that all the mathematical knowledge that children gain through playing and dancing gives a more effective result than ordinary solvers and examples.

16. Tony Buzan technique. Tony Buzan is the official creator of the Mind Mapping method of thinking. A one-year-old child accumulates a huge amount of memory, which grows at the speed of light rays. You can organize information using mind maps, which even one year old child is able to express his thoughts and feelings with the help of figurative signs.

17. Methodology of Maria Gmoszynska. Maria Gmoshinskaya believes that it is necessary to teach children to draw from infancy, as soon as the child learns to sit independently. The technique is based on the finger drawing technique, as well as drawing with palms.

18. Voskobovich technique. Voskobovich is the creator of famous educational games for children that offer the child several tasks at the same time. Solving them allows you to master numbers and letters, recognize and remember colors, shapes, train fine motor skills, improve speech, memory, attention, thinking, and imagination.

19. Masaru Ibuka technique. According to Masaru Ibuka, arousing interest in the subject of study is the best pedagogical method. His technique teaches to awaken interest in numbers earlier than the start learning to count, to arouse interest in the process of writing itself before learning to write.

20. TRIZ program. This program was developed by G.S. Altshuller and literally stands for “Theory of Inventive Problem Solving.” During the lessons there is a continuous search for solutions to various technical problems. This develops flexibility of thinking, originality and increases interest in learning.

21. Zankov program. The program is based on the idea of ​​combining the education, upbringing and development of a child into a single process. Zankov is sure that for best results training is necessary without negative experience and coercion, through game situations and constant stimulation of interest among children.

22. Elkonin-Davydov system. The methodology involves group and discussion forms of learning, which are based on the acquisition of knowledge by children, and not on the mindless absorption of ready-made information in the form of diagrams, rules and theorems. As a result of learning, children can argue their point of view and demand evidence for statements.

23. Eidetic system. At the School of Eidetics, children are taught to think in images. This technique allows you to keep in memory a huge amount of necessary information, animating the information received with the help of images.

24. Methodology of Mikhail Shchetinin. Shchetinin’s method found its manifestation in a school isolated from society and close to nature. The main principle of the school is the moral and spiritual development of each child. There are no classes, topics for lessons, bells or assignments; each student can easily act as a teacher, and the teacher as a student.

25. Methodology of Kitaev and Trunov. The basic principles of the method have been known since ancient times and imply dynamic gymnastics for a baby up to one year old as the main development factor. The technique includes a series of movements for the little ones, then strength exercises with a semantic load, games, strength and kneading exercises, as well as classes at special sports complexes.

26. Shalva Amonashvili’s technique. According to Amonashvili’s method, a child’s education must begin at the age of six. The effectiveness of teaching will depend directly on the teacher, who must convey vital values ​​to his student, without allowing any violence against the child’s personality.

27. Method of Alisa Samburskaya. The uniqueness of Alisa Samburskaya’s system lies in the fact that any activity of little students is accompanied by music. Satisfying the child's intellectual needs and strengthening his interest in learning, the technique simultaneously introduces children to the art of music.

28. Free dance by Isadora Duncan. Free dance of Isadora Duncan is a technique of the followers of the great dancer, with the help of which children learn to understand classical music and express their feelings in free movement.

29. " Finger games» . It is known that the development fine motor skills stimulates brain development, so a six-month-old baby should have a massage of his hands and fingers, and for older children special exercises with increasing amplitude are recommended.

30. Method “Good Tales”. Lopatina A. A. and Skretsova M. V. are the creators of early development methods based on teaching children through play situations and good fairy tales. The methodology includes a whole system of cycles of poems and fairy tales, built in accordance with the theme of the lesson.

31. Trunov's technique. Trutov’s methodology is built on the principles of conscious, deliberate parenting. According to the method, the education and development of a child up to one year old can be effective without abstruse aids and fashionable toys. However, the baby’s parents need to constantly introduce him to the world around him, to objects, and to his body.

32. Peterson training system. This technique is built on the principle of layering. In accordance with age, the child receives knowledge about the subject, which his memory is able to retain. As knowledge about this subject develops, it only deepens and expands.