Home care for the skin of the feet: only proven tips, the best procedures and selected recipes. Proper skin care for your legs and feet Foot care at home

You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

Dry and rough feet can become more than just a cosmetic problem. The leg has a complex musculoskeletal system, thanks to which it maintains the position of the human body throughout life. Taking care of your feet ahead of time will save you from future knee, hip and back pain, and will also help your feet look their best in summer sandals. There are a number of different treatments you can use to reduce dryness and rough skin on your feet. If your attempts are unsuccessful within a few weeks, then you should consult a doctor who can assess the condition of your feet. Most often, if rough and dry skin on the feet is not a secondary sign of another ailment, all this can be successfully treated at home.


Foot care

    Take foot baths. While spending time in a chlorinated pool or hot tub can be hard on your skin, a 15-minute foot soak before exfoliating and moisturizing can help improve the situation. Once your feet have healed, the dry and rough patches of skin will disappear and you will no longer need to take foot baths.

    Exfoliate your skin. Mechanical exfoliation involves removing the dead top layer of skin in order to treat the underlying layers. You can use a pumice stone, a stiff brush or a loofah after your foot bath to soften the skin.

    • Pumice can be purchased at a pharmacy or the pharmacy department of a large store.
    • You don't need any special stiff brush, and even a regular household cleaning brush will do, as long as you don't use it for other purposes.
    • It's best to take a foot bath or warm shower 10-15 minutes before exfoliating.
  1. Moisturize your feet. The skin needs to be moisturized after removing the top layer of dead cells. Apply moisturizer immediately after a shower or foot bath, and it is advisable to use alcohol-free products to help keep your skin hydrated. Some moisturizers lock moisture into the skin, while others work by penetrating deep into the dermis.

    Visit your doctor. If applying all of the above recommendations does not lead to a positive result, then you may need the help of a doctor. Get tested for hypothyroidism if dry skin extends to your arms and legs.

    • If your skin is too dry and resistant to home treatment, your doctor may recommend an over-the-counter product that contains lactic acid and urea. These components help the skin retain more moisture.
    • For more severe symptoms, you may need special prescription ointments or creams to help eliminate the possibility that your skin is cracking due to dryness.
  2. Do not use harsh soaps that dry out your skin. This soap will not make you cleaner, unlike the one that gently cleanses the skin. Moreover, harsh soaps dry out the skin and may predispose you to dry skin. Harsh soap washes away all the oils from the skin, making it hard and dry.

    Take a shower or bath only with warm water. Instead of a hot shower or bath, wash in warm water and limit the time to ten minutes. Hot water and low moisture content in the air reduce the amount of fluid in the outer layers of the skin, which leads to dryness and stiffness.

    • Make it a rule to regulate the water to such an extent that its exposure does not lead to redness of the skin.

Understand the importance of foot care

  1. Learn the functions your skin performs. Skin is the largest organ of your body, thick and elastic. It protects your body from bacteria, viruses and fungi. Cracks and breaks in the skin allow infection to gain access to your blood supply. An additional function of your skin is also thermoregulation, maintaining optimal body temperature for the proper functioning of the entire body.

Basic principles of care

The skin of the feet needs care most of all, as it regularly experiences enormous stress.

Basic rules will tell you how to care for your feet:

  1. Comfortable shoes.

Wearing the right shoes is very important for good blood circulation in the lower extremities. Boots and shoes made from natural materials promote skin respiration and reduce the development of consequences that arise after long hours spent on your feet during working hours.

The selection of shoes is carried out according to the season; the heel should be stable and not too high. Incorrect choices can lead to overgrowth of bunions or ingrown toenails.

  1. Daily hygiene care.

After a hard day's work, you need to take care of the skin of your feet. A contrast shower or a warm bath with sea salt relieves fatigue well. After water procedures, it is worth doing self-massage of the feet and ankles using a moisturizer.

  1. Nail care.

To prevent ingrown nail phalanges, experts recommend regular pedicures. The procedure can be carried out both in the salon and at home.

  1. Rest for your feet.

In summer, you need to walk barefoot on small pebbles, sand or earth. When walking, the vital points on the foot, which are responsible for health and youth, are massaged.

  1. Regular exercise.

Don't forget about daily leg exercises. Elements of classes can be the simplest - walking on tiptoes and on heels, drawing and rotating the feet, grasping objects with the fingers.

  1. Timely treatment of diseases.

If pathological processes appear on the skin of the legs, you should not self-medicate. It is necessary to visit a specialist to determine the disease and treatment regimen to avoid the disease becoming chronic.

Regular foot care

All foot care procedures at home can be divided into daily and weekly.

  • Massage, as it reduces muscle tension and fatigue.
  • Foot baths tone, have a relaxing effect and remove swelling.
  • Cleansing activities using a stiff brush or sponge to improve the trophism of the skin.
  • Nourish the skin with fatty creams.

Some methods are contraindicated for problems with veins.

Once a week you should rid your feet of dead particles of the epidermis. To perform this procedure, you need to steam your feet in hot water and then run a special scraper or pumice over your feet. Applying masks for cracks and calluses after a warm bath has a positive effect.

Nail care

Proper care of the toenail plates is important. They should be carefully cut off with tweezers to prevent the nail edge from growing into the skin:

  • the nail should be cut straight, without rounding it;
  • file sharp corners to reduce the impact of the file and prevent delamination of the plate;
  • the nail on the big toe should be left a little longer than on the rest;
  • the cuticle of the fingers must be pushed back using a special tool;
  • applying varnish, especially in summer, can protect against fungal diseases and microbes.

Heel and foot care

It is important to properly care for the skin of your feet:

  • in the summer, before going outside, you should apply a nourishing cream to your feet;
  • regularly self-massage your heels with moisturizers;
  • do foot water treatments and cleansing scrubs in the evenings;
  • You can remove dead skin using pumice;
  • use moisturizers more often. For better absorption, it is recommended to wear socks.

The right shoes

Good shoes made of quality material can prolong the youth of your feet and reduce fatigue and stress during a working day or during long walks.

You should not buy boots or shoes in the morning, as by evening your feet and ankles will swell, which can make shopping tight and uncomfortable. Tight shoes lead to ingrown toenails and crooked toes. Clothes that are too wide contribute to the appearance of calluses and keep the leg muscles under tension, which causes chronic fatigue in the lower extremities.

For daily use, you should give preference to boots with low heels and flexible soles.

Foot care products

Caring for your feet at home is carried out using simple and affordable means.

Essential oils

They can have a positive effect on the skin of the feet and heels. Each of them has its own action and is capable of:

  • relieve dry skin;
  • eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • deeply moisturize;
  • heal small wounds;
  • reduce swelling.

The oil can be mixed with creams or used in its natural form. For the skin of the feet, extracts from avocado, almond, peach, rosewood, and thuja are used.

Herbs for care

The healing properties of plants are used to reduce sweating in men, unpleasant odor, as a disinfectant and decongestant. Some decoctions soften the skin.

Herbs are prepared in the form of a concentrated infusion and added to the bath. Chamomile, linden, sage, and stinging nettle are perfect for these purposes.

Foot massage and exercises

Foot care at home can be done by performing special exercises and self-massage sessions.

Impact on the feet using special techniques can improve the functioning of all internal organs and increase blood circulation in the tissues. The massage should be done with rubbing movements, paying attention to each finger.

Elements of therapeutic exercises do not take much time and allow you to restore vigor, keep your legs healthy and toned, and also improve muscle flexibility.

An approximate set of exercises:

  1. in a standing position, rise on your toes and fall on your heels;
  2. walk on your fingertips around the room;
  3. walking on the inner and outer surfaces of the feet;
  4. sitting on a chair, clench and unclench your toes;
  5. lift objects of different shapes and sizes from the floor;
  6. rolling a ball or water bottle while working at the computer or in front of the TV.

Foot baths

  1. Bath with sea salt. Pour some salt into a bowl of warm water. This method is good for relieving fatigue after physical activity.
  2. Contrast baths reduce swelling and tone the skin. To perform the procedure, use two containers, one of which contains cold water, the other contains hot water.
  3. Cracked heels can be healed by taking a bath with a decoction of St. John's wort. 2 tbsp. Pour hot water over the plants. Add the resulting infusion to the basin and steam your feet.

Folk recipes

The achievements of alternative therapy are widespread in home use and have positive reviews from people with allergic reactions.

Fermented milk products

  • For peeling skin, 100 ml of sour milk is mixed with vegetable oil, honey and calendula tincture. Apply the resulting mixture to your feet and wrap with film. The procedure takes 30 minutes.
  • A mixture of cow butter and sour milk will get rid of cracked heels. Apply the product at night and wrap it in polyethylene.
  • You can lighten and soften the skin with mayonnaise and sour cream. Apply the medicinal product to the feet for half an hour and then wash off.
  • To moisturize the skin, use a cottage cheese and sour cream mask.

Bee products

  • To make the skin of your feet beautiful, silky and toned, prepare a special product from yolks, 2 tablespoons of honey and a few drops of any essential oil. The procedure is performed for up to 20 minutes; after rinsing, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer.
  • Warm propolis cakes can heal trophic ulcers and reduce swelling.
  • For varicose veins, prepare a mixture of potatoes and honey as a compress to strengthen the walls of the veins.

Oatmeal and honey for problem heels

  • For cracked heels, it is recommended to apply warm melted honey and put on a sock at night. In the morning, after washing off the product, lubricate the skin with cream.
  • Cook oatmeal and add flaxseed oil. After using the mixture, insulate your feet and keep the compress on for up to two hours.

Mask for chapped and dry skin

Before using the medicinal mask, you should first steam your feet in warm water with added salt.

  • Lubricating your feet with olive oil can make them soft and velvety.
  • The alcohol is mixed with castor oil and chamomile decoction. Then apply the mixture to the affected areas. For thickness, it is recommended to add a little talcum powder.
  • Onion pulp is used as a lotion on sore spots on the feet. The compress is applied overnight and washed off in the morning with warm water.

Proper nutrition and vitamins

To care for the skin of your feet, you should take care of the intake of minerals into the body along with food.

Good skin condition helps maintain a balanced diet:

  • Protein is found in meat and dairy products.
  • Eating fish and nut mixtures enriches the body with fatty acids.
  • Carrots, seafood and liver provide a supply of vitamin A and omega acids necessary for the body.
  • Vitamin C will help support immune defense. Contained in large quantities in vegetables and fruits.

Diabetes care

Particular attention should be paid to the legs in case of endocrine diseases. The effect of high glucose levels on blood vessels and tissue trophism can lead to the development of skin pathologies, infection, gangrene and necrosis.

Basic principles of lower limb care for diabetes:

  • daily inspection of the feet, especially between the toes and in the nail area;
  • hygiene procedures should be carried out at least twice a day with soap;
  • for the formation of calluses and corns, use pumice and adhesive;
  • apply skin moisturizers in the evenings;
  • keep your socks or tights clean;
  • treat wounds with aseptic solutions;
  • cover toenails with clear varnish to control the color of the nail plate;
  • use orthopedic insoles when wearing shoes;
  • At the first symptoms of gangrene, you should consult a doctor without self-medicating.

Taking care of the skin of your feet is quite simple. The main thing is to carry out procedures regularly and promptly treat emerging problems.

The beauty of a woman has been sung by poets for thousands of years, inspired artists, and simply drove men crazy.

But if you want your feet not only to please the eye, but also to withstand with honor all the loads that fall on them, then you should not only actively admire them, but also carefully care for your feet at home.

In my opinion, we do not take care of our feet as well as other parts of the body. This is completely the wrong approach. After all, not only our mood, but to some extent also the general state of health, so you should not neglect foot care.

I want to offer some simple tips on how to take care of your feet at home, and how to make your feet beautiful and healthy.

For normal foot care, it is enough to walk over your feet with a special hard washcloth, brush or cream-scrub during your daily shower to remove dead skin particles. After this, dry your feet, remembering to run a towel between your toes, dry them and massage them with nourishing foot cream. Then it’s good to sit and lie down for at least a quarter of an hour with your legs elevated, placing a pillow under your ankles - this will help relieve the load on your legs and relieve swelling.

Foot care at home includes cleansing procedures. At least once a week, you should carry out thorough foot cleanings: after steaming your feet in hot or warm water, remove the softened stratum corneum with a pumice stone, a hard brush or a special foot grater. Not with a razor! After drying, massage with cream. After cleaning your feet, it is very good to rub a rich cream into the heels and put on cotton socks. If you do similar procedures every week, the skin on your feet and heels will be tender and soft, like a child’s.

When caring for your feet in the summer, it is especially pleasant to take foot baths. After all, in summer your feet get no less tired than in winter, and dust, heat, insect bites and sandal straps make them especially vulnerable. Sometimes, simply washing your feet frequently, accompanied by a light massage, can help prevent dry feet, small cracks and itching. Baths can be diversified by adding decoctions of medicinal herbs or essential oils - this is fun and healthy. In addition, once you get a taste for foot care at home, you can “mix cocktails” from herbal infusions and aromatic oils.

If time is catastrophically short, and my legs “hum” after a hard day, I personally do this - pour warm water into the bath, pour in more salt, and let my tired legs sit for 10-15 minutes. Fatigue and pain disappear instantly. Salt and water cleanse and tone the skin of the feet. It is very good to make foot baths with coarse sea salt, it will be beneficial for your feet and the body will replenish the lack of iodine.

Here are herbs that can also be used to make foot baths:

- mint, St. John's wort and nettle refresh;

— pine extracts and oils, thyme and oak bark reduce sweating;

— calendula and chamomile disinfect;

- chamomile, linden blossom and honey help with swelling;

— potato decoction softens the skin;

- a bath with a couple of tablespoons of mustard helps at the onset of a cold.

Taking care of your feet at home can also quickly relieve tired feet. Contrast baths are a great way to combat fatigue: stock up on two basins, fill one with hot water (as much as you can tolerate), cold water in the other, and step from one basin to the other until you get tired.

In cosmetic stores you can purchase various additives for foot baths, herbal mixtures, special milk or salt with additives.

Typically, a foot bath is taken for five minutes, for cracks - ten, for excessive sweating of the feet - up to three minutes. The water should not be too hot. For some diseases, such as varicose veins, inflammatory processes, swelling, and sweating feet, it is better to take cooling baths. Cold foot baths constrict blood vessels, reduce pain and relieve inflammation.

The next step in foot care at home after taking a bath is foot masks. After taking a bath, you need to apply a foot mask. Cosmetic stores offer us a wide variety of creams and masks for feet. At the same time, it is quite possible to make effective masks without leaving the kitchen. If you apply a “homemade” mask for a long time (from 15 minutes), then you should put plastic bags on your feet over the mask and wrap them with a towel.

Here are some tips for foot masks at home that I have used myself:

- I crush the celandine collected from the garden in a blender or meat grinder, cover the feet with the pulp, leave it for half an hour or an hour (you can do it all night) - after this the skin softens, and the stratum corneum is removed simply with a hard washcloth;

— lemon juice whitens and helps exfoliate horn cells — I rub my feet with a piece of lemon and leave for 10-15 minutes;

— mayonnaise extremely softens the skin, which can be applied to the feet for an hour or more;

— sour cream and curd masks soften the skin of the feet and whiten them, I apply them for an hour or more;

- a paste of cabbage leaves, ground in a blender or meat grinder, applied for half an hour to an hour, helps with cracks on the feet;

- a mask of warm mashed potatoes (it’s even better to make mashed potatoes from potato peelings) helps with calluses and corns, applied for half an hour or an hour.

Do not forget also that for the full effect of baths and foot masks at home, you need to do them in courses of 2-3 months. Only in this case, foot care at home will give the desired result.

Foot care at home also includes nail care. Toenails require the same careful care as fingernails. When trimming your toenails, do not cut off the corners - otherwise the nail will begin to grow into your finger. An ingrown toenail can also be caused by a foot defect or poorly fitting shoes.

For ingrown nails (in the initial stage), it is recommended to use daily baths of chamomile: 6 tablespoons of flowers, pour 2 liters of boiling water, cover the container with a lid and leave for 1 hour. The strained infusion is heated again and the feet are kept in it until the water cools down. For the bath, it is recommended to use a decoction (boil for 10 minutes). The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. After drying, carefully separate part of the nail from the tissue and place a small cotton swab moistened with iodine tincture. For pain, baths with potassium permanganate are also recommended.

Foot care includes pedicure. How to do a pedicure correctly?

Pedicures should be done both in summer and winter, at least once a month. A pedicure should begin by immersing your feet for 10-20 minutes in a hot bath with the addition of a small amount of soap, 1 teaspoon of ammonia solution and 1 teaspoon of soda. After the bath, you need to wipe your feet dry with a towel, then lubricate them with nourishing cream. After this, use a pumice stone or pedicure file to carefully remove the keratinized layers on the heels, feet and toes. Carefully remove calluses and corns with tweezers. You need to trim or file your nails from the left or right edge, and not across.

The nail on the long toe should be slightly longer than on the other toes. Nails should be trimmed in a straight line, not in a semicircle. Then you need to remove the cuticle of the nail fold, lubricate the feet with cream and massage. To soften the skin, when massaging your feet, you can rub a mixture of orange or lemon juice in half with any vegetable oil.

The pedicure should be completed by applying clear or colored varnish. The color of the nail polish on your feet should either match the color of the nail polish on your hands, or be selected in the same color scheme. All you need to know is that if you have ugly fingers or toes, it is better to choose a clear varnish.

We must not forget that not only foot care at home is important, but also shoes. After all, the health of our feet largely depends on the right shoes. When buying shoes, you should walk around the store a little to make sure that the shoes do not pinch or hang loose on your feet. It must be remembered that high heels or flat soles have a very negative effect on the foot. The optimal heel height, according to orthopedists, is 6.25 cm.

Women who wear narrow shoes constantly experience discomfort, as the skin of their feet is subjected to friction and pressure, which is why calluses appear. To prevent the appearance of calluses, you should wear comfortable shoes, lubricate your feet with a softening cream as often as possible, and periodically get a pedicure.

If you follow these foot care recommendations, you can remain irresistible in any situation. One of our main opponents in the struggle for beauty is laziness. When the mirror ceases to please us, and the clothes that suited you yesterday and made you beautiful, today only mercilessly reveal everything that you would like to hide, you only have yourself to blame.

As the French say, only a lazy woman can have rough heels and unkempt legs.

Many women begin to take care of themselves, believing in the healing value and immediate impact of the proposed measures. But most of them quit classes if they don’t see the expected results soon. Do not forget that visible results are not achieved instantly, take care of your feet at home regularly, do baths and masks in courses of 2-3 months, choose the right shoes, and your feet will be beautiful, healthy and attract admiring male gazes.

Sincerely, Valentina Utkina.

With the onset of the warm season, many women and even men begin to tidy up their feet, because summer is the time for open shoes, short dresses and shorts. Therefore, your feet should look neat and well-groomed.


Foot care should be equated to facial and hair care. The condition of the legs is one of the indicators of the health of the body, as well as an indicator of a person’s neatness. This applies to people of any age, gender and profession. In sandals or shoes, your feet should look beautiful, free from damage, rough skin, calluses and other defects.

After all, unkempt legs spoil the entire image of both women and men.

Of course, there are many more different procedures for women. These can be all kinds of peelings, scrubs, masks and baths. Also, you should not leave unnecessary hairs on your legs (for this, representatives of the fair sex resort to different types of hair removal). Then comes a pedicure with varnish to protect the nail plate from damage and give the legs a flawless appearance. Many people are intimidated by such a large list of procedures, but it is much worse to have unkempt feet than to spend some time taking care of yourself.

A person’s legs experience daily stress, which can result in the following problems:

  • rough skin;
  • calluses, abrasions, cracks;
  • swelling;
  • enlarged veins;
  • plantar warts;
  • fungal infections;
  • sickly skin color with spots;
  • constant sweating.

Any of these troubles can affect anyone. They all spoil the appearance, so you shouldn’t forget about your legs. They need proper cleansing, moisturizing and other health and cosmetic measures. Not only “folk” but also professional remedies, as well as comprehensive care, will help you get rid of rough skin and other defects at home. Let's look at the main nuances in more detail.


SPA treatments and the use of special cosmetics designed for feet help maintain their health and beauty. But there are other basic rules, without which care will be incomplete and even useless.


We are in constant motion: we are in a hurry somewhere, we are late, we run in the morning or go to fitness. Because of this, the legs experience extreme stress. As a result, swelling and corns may appear, and veins may expand. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure adequate rest for your legs. This could be regular barefoot walks on the lawn or sand. The legs will receive a targeted impact of small grains of sand and pebbles, which will have a beneficial effect on blood flow. Also during the day, try to set aside at least a little time to stretch your legs and relax your muscles.


Despite the fact that your legs are exposed to stress every day, they need special useful exercises. You can walk on your heels or toes, rotate your feet, or grasp objects with your fingers. This way the muscles will warm up. As a result, the risk of swelling is reduced.

Disease Prevention

Following general hygiene rules is necessary not only to keep your feet clean, but also to prevent diseases such as fungus and plantar warts. Any lesions and inflammatory processes are dangerous because people do not notice them until the first symptoms appear. And then these diseases can progress to a more severe stage, which will harm not only the legs, but the entire human body.

Procedures aimed at caring for the feet can be either daily or periodic (carried out over a period of time).

Procedures that should be performed every day include several basic activities.

  • Foot baths. Sea salt, essential oils and dried herbs are great for this procedure. Foot baths cleanse the skin of impurities, relieve swelling after a hard day at work and get rid of the unpleasant odor of sweat. Add a handful of sea or table salt to a container of warm water. Place your feet in the prepared solution and keep them in it for 20 minutes. The skin softens under the influence of salt. You can also take contrast baths alternating cold and hot water. They do an excellent job with swelling, but are prohibited for varicose veins.

  • Massage. Massaging your feet will reduce pain and fatigue in your legs. This procedure will also be useful for restoring normal blood circulation. To ensure gliding during massaging movements, you can take coconut oil or cream. The cellulite remedy will cause a drainage effect, which will help remove fluids from the tissues. The ankles should be massaged smoothly, from the heels to the shins. The calves are kneaded with up and down movements. Use your thumbs to knead the area above your knees.

  • Cleansing the skin with hard brushes and pumice. Due to frequent exposure to dust and small grains of sand, the skin on your feet can become rough and cracks may appear. Therefore, every day you need to treat the toughest areas in a circular motion, removing excess skin.

  • Nutrition of the epidermis. The skin of your feet needs daily nutrition. To do this, you can use special fatty creams or natural oils that will moisturize your feet, eliminating rough areas.


The pedicure procedure should be highlighted separately. The nail plate, like the skin, needs care. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly visit a specialist or carry out this procedure yourself at home.

Pedicures should be done every two weeks, following a few simple rules:

  • the nail must be cut straight, without making the plate too round;
  • the edge of the nail should be filed so that the plate does not delaminate;
  • the nails on the big toes can be made longer than on the others;
  • the cuticle is processed using a specially designed tool;
  • coating with varnish will not only make the nail plate more beautiful and well-groomed, but will also protect it from possible fungal infection.

Heels also require care, especially in summer. The rough skin is removed with a special file, and a nourishing cream is applied.

In order to avoid cracks and rough skin in the future, you should regularly massage with stiff brushes and then moisturize the treated areas. Scrubs that remove the stratum corneum are effective. At home, it is better to wear socks or slippers made from natural materials (cotton, wool).

Folk recipes

As already mentioned, in addition to cosmetic foot care products, you can use natural oils and herbal decoctions. Natural ingredients have a positive effect on nails and feet.

In addition, most natural remedies can be purchased at any pharmacy at an affordable price.

  • Essential oils perfectly moisturize and give a healthy shine to the skin of the feet. In addition, they eliminate inflammatory processes and heal wounds. Oils can be added to therapeutic foot baths or mixed with nourishing creams to enhance the effect. Avocado, peach, almond and rosewood oils are good for feet.

  • Herbs have always been an effective remedy for any disease, including they are used to maintain healthy feet. Calendula and chamomile flowers help with inflammation and scratches. Mint, St. John's wort and nettle reduce sweating. Potato decoction with the addition of chamomile softens rough skin. Almost every person has aloe in their home. The juice of this plant heals cracks and abrasions. Celandine has always been prescribed to treat warts. Foot baths with calendula and chamomile have a disinfecting effect. At the same time, it is not necessary to collect medicinal herbs yourself; you can buy ready-made sets of dried flowers and leaves.

The herbal mixture is brewed in boiling water, and the resulting liquid is treated with the necessary areas of the skin or added to baths.

  • For advanced cracks, prepare a solution of 2 tablespoons of starch and 1 liter of water.
  • You can also soak the fabric in tea leaves and soap it with laundry soap. Then you need to wrap your leg with it and leave it overnight. The next morning the skin will become much softer, and the cracks will begin to heal.
  • Add an apple to boiling milk (1 glass) and cook for 10 minutes. Afterwards, all the skin of the fruit is removed, and the pulp is turned into puree, adding a few drops of castor oil. The resulting paste is applied to rough heels and left for half an hour. Then the feet are washed in warm water. This compress relieves fatigue and swelling.

  • An egg foot mask will help combat unpleasant odor. To do this, you need to take 1 raw chicken egg, 1 tablespoon of vinegar and the same amount of vegetable oil. All ingredients are mixed and applied to the feet. Wear socks at night.
  • Peeling with orange peels cleanses the skin well. To do this, orange peels are dried and crushed to fine crumbs, adding olive oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin and rubbed in with massage movements.

In summer, legs attract special attention.

If they are well-groomed, you will catch admiring glances.

And if the skin of the feet is rough, there are cracks, and the nails are uneven and have a yellowish tint, then it is better not to wear open shoes, but to start tidying up the feet, making this a rule. In order to always keep your feet healthy, you must follow general recommendations.


Shoes should not cause discomfort. After all, the condition of our legs mainly depends on it. You should not spare money on buying quality shoes. If these are winter boots, then they should be made of natural fur and leather or suede. The heel must be stable so that your gait and posture do not deteriorate. For the warm season, you also need to buy shoes only from natural materials in which the skin will “breathe”. It's better to spend a little more, but buy a reliable item that will provide you with convenience.

If you choose artificial materials, then be prepared for increased sweating, unpleasant odor and the likelihood of calluses. Such shoes are certainly cheaper, but they will only last one season. And your legs will experience constant discomfort in it.

In addition, shoes that you wear every day should be washed periodically. After all, the dirt remaining on the insole will accumulate, which will lead to increased sweating and a strong odor.

Daily hygiene

Feet must be kept clean. Take a shower and wash your feet thoroughly every day. Cleansing is necessary after a hard day at work or training.

And during the summer season, when dust gets into open shoes, you can wash your feet twice a day. To take care of your feet, you can use either regular soap or shower gel, or antibacterial agents. Antiseptic soap not only washes away dust and dirt, but also eliminates bacteria and the smell of sweat.

The water should be warm, but not hot. This is explained by the fact that if the temperature is too high, the entire fat layer can be washed off.

It is worth considering that hard water dries the skin even more. Therefore, after the procedure, the feet and areas between the toes are wiped with a soft towel, and then the cream is applied. As additional measures, you can take baths with salt and herbal infusions, which are described above.


Even if you don't have obvious problems with rough skin, this doesn't mean your feet don't need moisturizing. You can use not only cream, but also coconut or olive oil. Such natural remedies are very useful.

Foot self-examination

It is much easier to identify the first symptoms of the disease than to subsequently treat its chronic form. Therefore, dermatologists advise independently examining the skin and nail plate of the feet.