Children's hairstyles for girls: from kindergarten to school. Options for weaving interesting braids for girls with video and photo instructions Video tutorial on braiding girls' hair

Instructions for braiding children's hair. Presented step-by-step master classes on weaving various braids.

Little princesses' hair requires careful care and regular washing. They get dirty quickly due to the mobility of children. Hairstyles based on braids will help keep your hair clean and tidy for longer.

Children's braids for short hair

Despite the short length, girls have a lot of options for braiding braids. Typically, braids are combined with ponytails and decorated with ribbons and elastic bands. Artificial flowers and hairpins are often used for decoration.

Simple braid

This is a familiar three-strand braid. It is braided by dividing the hair into three parts and alternately throwing the right and left strands over each other.

On short hair ah, such a braid is usually braided from ponytails, since the free length below the neck is not enough to weave a full-fledged braid. You can make an unusual hairstyle using braids.

  • In the frontal part of the head, divide the hair into two parts, half vertical
  • Make 2 small ponytails. Braid these ponytails
  • Don't touch the rest of your hair.
  • Now make ponytails again and connect them with an elastic band to the resulting braids.
  • Leave the edges free
  • You can curl your hair

Ponytail braid

When a girl is small (2-3 years old) and has very short hair, you can resort to a trick and weave a braid from ponytails.

  • Using silicone rubber bands, tie 4 ponytails on each side of your head.
  • There should be 8 tails in total.
  • Now connect the two ponytails that are on a horizontal line in the middle with an elastic band
  • Divide the resulting ponytail into 2 strands and attach to the next row of ponytails.
  • You will get something similar to a snake

Children's braids for long hair

Long hair has plenty of room to roam. There are a lot of options for both holiday and everyday hairstyles. One of the most beautiful hairstyles is the French braid.

Simple French braid

This is a regular three-strand braid that is woven with a tieback.

  • Divide the bun of hair on your forehead into 3 parts
  • Throw the right strand over the center one and the left one on top of them.
  • Now throw the right strand over the braid again and grab loose curls to this part of the hair
  • Thus, when throwing strands on the right and left, add hair from the total mass
  • Tie the end with an elastic band

Exactly how to braid braids on both sides. Based on the French braid, you can make a wreath, a snake and a diagonal braid.

4-strand braid with ribbon

One more excellent option hairstyles for long hair it will become a braid of 4 strands. Usually it is woven with a ribbon, it acts as the fourth strand.

  • Divide your hair into three strands
  • Tie the ribbon between the second and third strands
  • Now place the first strand on the second and pass under the ribbon
  • Pass the ribbon under the second strand and place the first strand on the third
  • Weave according to the pattern
  • In the same way, you can weave a French braid from 4 strands. You just need to add hair from the total mass on each side

Children's braids for medium hair

Shoulder-length hair is the most comfortable. It is easy to care for, and if necessary, you can create a very cute hairstyle. The most simple option styling is a braid.

Fishtail for medium length hair

  • Tie it up ponytail on the top or back of the head
  • Divide your hair into three parts
  • The two on the sides should be thin and the central one thick
  • Lay the side strands on the central one, you should get a cross
  • Now just pick up thin strands from each side and lay them in the center
  • You will get a very nice braid
  • This fishtail can be braided not from the tail, but from free hair, starting weaving from the temples

Video: Snake and fishtail braiding

Children's hairstyles from braids

You can make many holiday hairstyles based on braids. Nowadays hair bows and babettes are very popular. Combine one of these elements with a simple French braid.

Video: Beautiful braid hairstyle

Hair bow with braid

The hairstyle is suitable for medium length hair.

  • Comb your hair
  • Ask your child to bend over so that the curls hang down
  • In the back of the head, take three strands and using the pick-up method, weave a French braid to the top of the head
  • Tie a ponytail
  • Thus, from the tail to the back of the head you will have a French braid
  • Thread another elastic band and make a loop out of them without completely pulling out the curls
  • Divide the loop into two parts and wrap the remaining hair ponytail in the middle
  • Secure the bow with bobby pins

Video: Children's hairstyle Bow

Babette with a braid

  • Tie your hair into a ponytail at the top of your head
  • Separate three thin strands from the right side of the ponytail
  • Braid the strands and secure with an elastic band
  • Thread a bagel or sock with the toe cut off through the tail.
  • Wrap the tip of the ponytail around the sock and, turning the donut out, wrap all the hair
  • There is no need to braid a bagel
  • Secure your hair with pins and wrap it around your babette with a braid.
  • Great hairstyle for kids prom in the garden

Flowers from braids

  • Divide your hair into two parts vertically
  • Weave a classic French braid from bottom to top. Secure with rubber bands
  • You should end up with two ponytails and braids from the elastic bands to the back of your head.
  • Now braid each ponytail into a fishtail.
  • Tie with an elastic band
  • Pull out the strands
  • Twist your voluminous braids into a spiral like a snail.
  • Secure with pins

Video: Quick braids

Hair heart

  • This is a casual hairstyle
  • Divide your hair into two parts vertically
  • Now divide each part in two
  • In this case, the upper part should be smaller
  • The parting separating such halves should be oblique and located at an acute angle upward
  • You will get some kind of triangles at the top.
  • You need to weave a French braid from each triangle in the direction from the corner to the forehead
  • Now just pull the hair down and weave in the hair from the lower parts of the halves
  • Move the braids towards the back of the head while braiding.
  • In the end you will get a heart
  • Weave loose hair into a fishtail or make a rose out of it

Children's hair sets

These are sets whose composition is completely different. For toddler girls, they usually contain combs, silicone rubber bands and duck clips. Girls senior group Barbie is very popular in the kindergarten, so there are many themed sets on sale. They include a tiara, beautiful heels with stones and various elastic bands.

Many manufacturers produce series for children's hair care. Inside the set you will find shampoo, glitter spray and even styling products.

All these products are made from natural ingredients and do not cause allergies and will not cause any harm to the child.

Video: Children's braids with ribbon

Nowadays, hairpins using the kanzashi technique are at the peak of popularity. These are cute decorations that geishas used to decorate their hairstyles in Japan. In our country, these are the cutest hairpins for children. They are used to decorate hairstyles for the holiday. It is not necessary to purchase such a hairpin; you can make it yourself.

To do this you will need a metal duck - a base for a hairpin, a satin ribbon, a lighter, stones or rhinestones, a needle and thread.

  • Cut 5 cm wide ribbon into squares
  • Need 14 squares
  • Fold the square into a triangle, and then connect the side corners to the vertex of the triangle
  • Use tweezers to grab the product in the center, and cut off what remains below with scissors
  • Melt over a lighter
  • Make 14 of these petals
  • Cut a circle out of yellow felt and glue the petals to the bottom
  • Glue the base underneath
  • Attach the flower to the metal duck

  • If you want to create a holiday hairstyle, wash your child's hair and dry it
  • To disguise not entirely clean hair, you can also braid it.
  • In the summer, a braid is a way to avoid getting your hair dirty. So, they look well-groomed and do not get tangled. Besides, the baby is not hot
  • When making a braid for the first time, try to choose a simple weave; it is difficult for a child to sit still for a long time
  • French braids and fishtails are ideal for children's hair. With enough experience, such braids can be woven very quickly.

Video: Children's hairstyle - hair bows on braids

Of course, long hair is not only beautiful, but also problematic. But with careful care, your princess's hair will cause the envy of her girlfriends, and you can practice braiding every day different option braids.

VIDEO: Children's hairstyles from braids

Those who have a daughter are familiar with thinking about what hairstyle to give a little fashionista, while combining beauty, simplicity and speed of execution. The answer to this question is very simple: stylish braids for girls. Weaving is at the peak of popularity today, and almost any hairdresser has such skills.

Hairstyles designed for little girls are distinguished by the fact that they do not require a lot of time, and the principles of weaving are clear even to beginners in this matter. Moreover, there are many types of braids and techniques for different hair lengths; you can even braid short strands.

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For children's braids, the priorities are:

  1. Practicality. The hairstyle should be maintained during dynamic children's games.
  2. Fast weaving. When getting your child ready for kindergarten or school, sometimes there is no time left to do a complex hairstyle.
  3. Safety. To fix everyday children's hairstyles, it is not recommended to use pointed hairpins, pins, bobby pins, as well as chemical modeling foams, gels and varnishes.

These qualities characterize braided hairstyles.

Don't jump into execution right away complex options. To learn how to make intricate braided hairstyles different lengths, first you need to master various weaving methods. Then it will be easier: by combining several options, you can not only weave popular braids, but also come up with your own.

The peculiarity of weaving in this case is that it is difficult for children to sit in one place for a long time. Fortunately, beautiful children's braids are quite fun to create, since such hairstyles can be made bold, mischievous and playful.

For medium and long hair

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  • Try to keep the braids fairly tight. They should last all day and not fall apart. But you shouldn’t tighten it too much so as not to cause discomfort to the girl.
  • Children's hairstyles require some skill, since girls usually do not like manipulation with their hair. Hairstyles for little fashionistas should be easy, quick and at the same time beautiful.

Simple braids

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  1. The hair is divided into three identical strands.
  2. The right part of the hair is thrown over the middle.
  3. Then the left strand is placed on the right, which by this stage has already become middle.
  4. In this way, the strands are intertwined until a tiny tail remains.

Girls often have two such braids braided at the back or on the sides. You can weave bows, ribbons, and decorative cords into them. The big advantage of this hairstyle is that it is easy to do. Such braids look cute on both babies with short hair and young ladies with long curls. Over time, it will not be difficult for a child to learn how to weave such a braid on his own.

French braid (spikelet)

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This hairstyle is the easiest to braid. Plus, it looks very advantageous and beautiful. Almost every girl knows how to weave spikelets, and some can easily make them for themselves. If you don't know how to braid ears yet, it's time to learn.

  1. Separate a strand almost equal in volume to the bangs. As with a simple braid, divide the strand into three equal parts.
  2. We begin weaving a simple braid. Place the strand on the right side over the central one. On the left side we also place a strand on the central one.
  3. Now begins the main difference between French braiding and simple braiding. Place the right strand over the center one. Take a small strand from the side and add it to the one you just used. We continue to weave in this way.
  4. As soon as the hair on the sides of the head ends, you can add a regular braid or immediately tie a ponytail.

Spikelets are made not only one at a time, they are woven in twos, three or more. It all depends on the chosen hairstyle.

More experienced craftsmen can weave spikelets to one side, in a circle, from bottom to top. You can start weaving a spikelet from behind the ear, and then attach it to the remaining hair tied in a ponytail. This hairstyle can be done not only by a child.

French braid inside out

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The French braid is a very common hairstyle and can be seen in a wide variety of variations. One of them is the inside-out spikelet.

The weaving technique is practically no different from a regular spikelet. The only difference is that it is woven from the inside out. That is, the strands are placed not on the central one, but under it.


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In principle, such a braid can be made like a spikelet.

Braiding - video

  1. We tie a high ponytail. We separate and pin a thin strand; we don’t need it for now.
  2. We braid the hair in reverse side. In this case, from each applied strand we select one small strand.
  3. After we have braided the braid, we begin to make a tourniquet. Take two loose strands and twist them in one direction. Now we twist them together, but in the other direction.
  4. During the twisting process, we pick up the loose strands one by one. All of them must be twisted separately in one direction, and the common strand in the other.

Pigtail rope

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  1. We take a thick strand, which we divide into four equal parts.
  2. We overlap the central strand on the right with the two left ones.
  3. After this, we place the right strand on the right central one.
  4. Place the left central strand over the right one.
  5. Place the left strand over the left center one. Thus we weave until the end.

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  1. We divide the thick strand into two parts.
  2. We twist each part in the same direction.
  3. Now twist the tourniquet in the other direction.
  4. After each twist, add one strand, also twisted.
  5. We weave to the end and tie.

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Tie a ponytail. On the right side of the tail we take a small strand and weave a spikelet. But we take the strands only from the left side, as if from under the tail.

Practice before braiding your child's hair. Under no circumstances do you do your hair at the last minute: you will ruin your child’s mood and won’t be able to do it in time.

Festive version of the spikelet

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  1. Using a comb with a long thin handle, draw a line from ear to ear, thereby dividing the hair into two parts.
  2. We fasten the lower part with a hairpin or elastic band.
  3. We divide the top one into two more parts with a vertical line. We also divide these two in half.
  4. We fasten all the ponytails with elastic bands so that they do not get tangled.
  5. From the left strand we begin to weave a not too dense spikelet inside out. We pull out the strands.
  6. Repeat this with all the other top parts. We secure all the spikelets with a common rubber band.

Unusual braid

First, we make a parting. For a better effect, the parting line can go in a zigzag.

  1. Divide the left side with a horizontal parting and tie two ponytails.
  2. We braid two braids from the upper ponytail. We tie them with an invisible elastic band when the braids reach the lower ponytail.
  3. We untie the lower ponytail and connect its strands with the strands of the braids. We are already weaving three braids out of them. We secure each one with rubber bands.
  4. Now they need to be tied together with elastic bands in several places.
  5. The braids need to be pulled out in such a way as to create voluminous shapes.


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Every girl has woven a wreath of flowers at least once in her life. Why not make something equally beautiful out of your hair, and it will last longer.

Take two strands near your temple. We wrap one of the strands around the other. We connect the strands and separate them again, but in a different way. We repeat the same operations. When you have finished braiding, secure the end with a thin elastic band and bobby pins.

Hair flowers

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This flower can be used to decorate the end of a spikelet, a tail, and any other hairstyle using braids. It's very easy to make.

We braid a regular braid, while carefully pulling the strands from only one, outer side. We twist the flower, securing it with several bobby pins.


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  1. Separate a small strand at the temple and divide it into three parts. We begin to weave a spikelet, adding strands only from the forehead.
  2. When we reach the ear, carefully turn the braid and continue braiding.
  3. To make the braid look even more beautiful, we pull out the strands.

Hairstyles for short hair

Many people think that they can’t braid their hair with a haircut. Of course, some hairstyles are only suitable for long hair, but you can also find a hairstyle for short hair. You can braid different variations of braids, spikelets and plaits on short hair. So, don't despair!


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  1. First, we make a horizontal parting. We divide the hair from the top into three buns.
  2. We begin to weave like a regular braid.
  3. Next, we place the right strand on top of the central one, pick up a thin curl from above and release the just used right one down.
  4. We continue in the same spirit.
  5. We secure the hair with an elastic band and bobby pins.


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This braid is woven from bottom to top. From the temples we separate the strands that will be woven into it. We begin to make a spikelet from below. We tie our hair into a high ponytail. Or in another way, look at the photo below.

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These braids are woven like French braids. The only difference is that the dragons are made small from very thin strands. Therefore, quite a lot of them can fit on your head. Usually they are not woven to the end, but tied in the middle of the head.

In the summer, in order not to spend a lot of time on hair, they braid many small, small braids after the dragons. This hairstyle can last for several days.

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  1. We tie a ponytail.
  2. We divide it into three parts, each of which is braided.
  3. We leave the tails minimal and secure them under the elastic with bobby pins.

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  1. We braid several (from 5) braids up to half the head.
  2. Take two strands of hair from the top of your head. We put the right one on the braids, the left one - under them.
  3. We tie the ends of the braids into a ponytail. Using styling products we form beautiful strands.

Some simple braid hairstyles

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  • We braid four thin braids on loose hair. We attach crabs at the base and on the tails.
  • We make two tails, from which we weave braids. Decorate with beautiful rubber bands.
  • We tie a ponytail at the top of the head, leaving hair at the edges. We divide them into strands, each into two more curls. We take two curls from adjacent strands and twist them into bundles. We twist a kind of braid in the opposite direction. Bring the braid to the ponytail. We do this with all hair.
  • We take a strand from the tail, form a loop and thread its ends through the elastic band. We do the same with all hair.

To make the braids last longer, it is advisable to braid children's hair tightly. As you perform, you can spray your hair with water. A nice bonus after undoing many types of braids are small, attractive curls.

Zizi braids

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This is a hairstyle made from a large number of thin small braids, reminiscent of ordinary African ones. The difference is that zizi braids are ready-made braids that are woven in a special way, which significantly reduces the time it takes to create a hairstyle.

Zizi comes in several varieties:

  • straight;
  • wavy (small curl in the form of a light wave);
  • corrugated (very fine spiral);
  • zizi sue (spiral curl, gives voluminous curls).

The main advantage of zizi is their lightness. They are almost twice as light as afro braids. In this case, the number of braids ranges from 500 to 650 pieces, the hairstyle turns out voluminous and thick. The zizi color palette includes more than 25 shades - both natural and bright.

To braid zizi braids, only 5 cm of your hair is enough. The length of zizi braids is about 70–80 cm. They do not require special care. It is not recommended to wear such braids for more than 3 months. If you carefully undo the braids, they can be used again.

Hairstyles with beautiful braids add appearance child's neatness, are great for school and give hair the opportunity to stay clean longer. Anyone who is willing to show a little patience and perseverance can master the technique of braiding girls’ hair.

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The long braid was known in ancient Egypt and Rome. Ancient fashionistas braided their long locks in various variations and designs. There are even known cases when, during festivals, Egyptian and Roman women cut off the hair of captured slaves and made them into unique braids for themselves. for girls was as popular as it is now.

Is long braid popular now?

As in ancient times, braids for girls with long hair still remain relevant on the world hairdressing catwalk, surpassing many other famous hairstyles in popularity. Hairstyle in ethnic style It is universal, it is worn by both schoolgirls and older ladies. They are appropriate both at work and in the evening somewhere in a club or disco. Such hair will prevent you from freezing in the cold season, and in the summer it will help you escape the heat and heat. In addition, hairstyles with them are the most romantic and feminine design option.

Previously, such hairstyles used three strands, but after some time their number grew to four or even five, which are braided using various techniques such as a spike, a fishtail, or in the French style. Let's figure it out, girl?

What is the optimal hair length to start using braided hairstyles?

Everyone loves Photos of such haircuts touch and delight. Girls don't have to worry about the length of their hair. These hairstyles are suitable for most people. Hair can be curly or straight, medium or long. And the weaving technology itself is relatively simple and will not cause much difficulty for those who are new to weaving. And the most important thing is that it is possible to create all this stunning beauty without leaving your own apartment and without spending money on numerous stylists, designers and hairdressers.

What types and technologies of weaving exist?

Let's start with the simplest option for long hair - a bun. The classic bun has long since managed to make more than one generation of fashionistas fall in love with themselves, but many have begun to get tired of the banal and uninteresting image. Therefore, we will consider a more interesting design option in order to diversify your image. This technique is considered the simplest and most widespread. All you need to get is a simple comb with small and frequent teeth, an elastic band and a light varnish. If you wish, you can stock up on some accessories to decorate your head. This is good for any holiday or celebration.

First, comb your hair thoroughly so that your hair is perfectly smooth. Form a tail. It must be divided into two parts, and they, in turn, must be braided in a classic three-strand manner and secured with elastic bands. The resulting braids are formed into a bun and secured with hairpins or barrettes. When finished, spray everything with varnish. Braids for girls on long hair can be decorated with additional decorations in the form of ribbons, bows or elastic bands.

in Dutch style

A girl's hairstyle in this style is braided with bangs. From the outside it resembles a headband and it is better to use long hair for braiding. To perform such a miracle on your own head, you just need a comb and a fixing elastic band. We start as usual by combing the curls and highlighting the bangs. We form the strands we don’t need into a ponytail. Weaving begins with the bangs themselves, according to the type of thinner strands woven into the main ones. In the case of, they will be intertwined with each other. The braid will look like it's turned inside out. This continues until all the hair from the bangs is directed in the opposite direction. After finishing, the braid is secured with tape or an elastic band, placed behind the ear and secured. When you're done, you can release the curls from your ponytail. Enjoy your haircut!

Fishtail braided hairstyles

Do you want to become a little like a little mermaid and go to a party or club like this? Nothing could be simpler. Mastering this style of weaving will not be difficult for fashionistas.

We comb our hair and divide it into two parts. We fix the one on the left with an elastic band, and we braid the one on the right in an inverted style and also fix it. We do the same with the right half and also tie it with an elastic band. What happened needs to be unraveled a little. This will add a casual look. We connect the final version using pins. We tie the ends with ribbons and fix them in any way as desired. Do you want to make your look more feminine and sexy? Add a headband or real flower to your braids.

Flower-shaped braiding for girls

Such a beautiful braid for girls can also be done on long strands. The flower is a simple basket-type option and is suitable for any type of curls. We comb our hair and create a perfectly even parting in the middle. In the area at the back of the head we select two parts. From them you need to weave braids and connect them in the shape of a flower. From one area you need to braid in a French style. It should be directed towards the forehead. You need to weave it until you reach the ears. At this moment the braid should turn into a simple, classic one. When you're done, tie it off. The same principle applies to weaving the neighboring one. We combine them into one in the shape of a flower at the back of the head.

Unicorn braid

Braids for girls on long hair can be braided in a very unusual way. The image is reminiscent of a fairy-tale princess, which will undoubtedly appeal to everyone around. This type of hair is created by intertwining two strands in the form of strands.

Before you start, you need to gather all your hair into a ponytail. If they are medium in length, a low type tail is better; if they are long, it is better to make it high. Wrap the resulting tail with an elastic band. It is divided into two parts and they are twisted like a tourniquet in two opposite directions, and then among themselves, resembling a rope from the outside. The resulting result is tied with a bow or any other decoration at your discretion.

Haircut in the style of a Greek wreath

Braids for girls for long hair greek style Look good on both curly and straight hair. The image of the ancient Greek beauty has always been and is very feminine. To do it, you only need to have a comb or comb with small and frequent teeth. With its help, we begin to form an oblique parting. On the left side of the curls, select one strand and divide it into three sections. Weave them together. When you have already braided three parts of the braid, you will need to add one more strand from the total number of curls. Going lower and lower, you need to continue weaving, periodically adding new strands. When doing all this, keep in mind that the braid should not turn out to be too tight. As soon as you reach the neck level, the last part must be twisted from three strands and secured. On the other side, separate one and divide it into three parts. We braid a pigtail. Weave loose hair into the braid in three parts and weave it into the strand closest to the face. As soon as you reach the temple area, start braiding again so that the hair at the back of your head is free. We secure the end of the ponytail. We lift the resulting braids up to the back of the head so that they form a kind of frame that looks like a wreath. It is advisable to tie your hair with a ribbon, elastic band or bow. Done, enjoy the resulting Greek wreath.

Haircut in the style of openwork braids

A good option to add originality, romance and tenderness to your image. This hairstyle is often seen at wedding events. This type of weaving is easy to learn, and installation does not require much of your attention and time. The technique consists of initial braiding and subsequent loosening of the braids. To do this, you will need a comb, preferably a massage type, an elongated comb with small teeth, hairpins and elastic bands, fixing agents in the form of gel, mousse or varnish. Don’t forget about the various accessories that children’s hairstyles are very popular with. Photos where braids are combined with different decorations are truly admirable.

As in previous cases, we carefully comb our hair, and at the top of the head we select an area with hair, which we divide into three strands and weave a standard braid from them. It shouldn't be tight. Having made several parts in it, pull out several strands from it and distribute them over to different parties. Continue weaving as usual. Twist the resulting braid into a circle, making it like a flower or a bun. You can add an accessory on top of it if you wish.

At the matinee in kindergarten, birthday, or any other holiday, her appearance plays an important role for the young beauty. Yes and in everyday life beautiful and comfortable can impress adults and peers. Experts will tell you what kind of braid or ponytail to give your daughter.

You can choose a hairstyle based on your hair type. So, for the owner of a full head of hair, braids are suitable; they will remove excess volume. For soft and wavy hair hair will do half-up styling that will highlight the beauty of your hair.

It is better not to braid hair on thin hair; this will put pressure on the roots, resulting in an unvoluminous hairstyle.

What is useful when creating hairstyles for girls?

  1. Comb. You will need both a regular hair brush and a fine-tipped comb to create a parting.
  2. Rubber bands. You need to have a set of small colorless rubber bands on hand, which will not be difficult to hide in your hair. These elastic bands will play the role of fixing the lower layers of the hairstyle. Simple multi-colored rubber bands will also come in handy. For the final stages, any accessories you like are suitable.
  3. You can also choose other decorative accessories, such as bows, hairpins, crabs, to suit your taste. If you are planning to make a basket, you will need hairpins: both ordinary ones - for fixation, and decorated with all sorts of things - to complete the look.
  4. Fixing hairspray. If used infrequently, hairspray is not harmful. Another thing is the smell emanating from it. It is not only unpleasant, but can also be dangerous for the child.

Nowadays, special fixing hairsprays are created for children.

Hairstyles for preschoolers

Now we will look at several hairstyles for girls for every day.

Little dragon

The hairstyle is easy to do and does not require much skill. For this you will need a comb and 5 simple elastic bands.

  1. You need to comb your hair back.
  2. Using the sharp tip of a comb, separate the front part of the hair, which is located above the forehead.
  3. We collect the separated hair with an elastic band into a ponytail.
  4. We separate the next part, the one that is under the already secured hair, connect it to the top and secure it with another elastic band.
  5. Next, separate the lower strands, connecting each with the previous one.
  6. We repeat these steps to the base of the neck.
  7. Small stray strands can be pinned with a hairpin so that they do not disturb the child.

The hairstyle is ready. If desired, it can be decorated with a bow.

You will need two simple elastic bands that hold your hair well, hairpins, and a comb.

  1. Combing your hair.
  2. We make a parting exactly in the middle of the head using the thin part of a comb.
  3. We collect hair from both sides into a ponytail one by one.
  4. Next we braid the tails.
  5. We twist the resulting braid around the elastic band at the base of the tail, hide the tip of the braid and secure the resulting bun with hairpins. We do the same with the other braid.

The hairstyle is ready.


Let's talk about original braids.

fish tail

For this hairstyle you will need a comb and simple elastic band.

  1. Combing your hair.
  2. Divide the hair into approximately two parts.
  3. We take a small strand from each part, transfer each to the opposite side, holding both sides in our hands.
  4. We also take one strand on each side and swap them.
  5. We repeat these steps with the rest of the hair, until the ends.
  6. The hairstyle is ready.

If desired, individual strands can be pulled out, thereby creating more volume.

Five strand braid

For this hairstyle you will need the same thing as for the previous option.

  1. Combing your hair.
  2. Divide into 5 even strands. For convenience, you can number the strands in your head.
  3. So, we put the 1st strand under the 2nd, draw it over the 3rd. From left to right.
  4. On the right side we do the same. We put the 5th under the 4th, draw it over the 3rd.
  5. We repeat the described steps to the very ends of the hair.
  6. The hairstyle is ready.

Classic ponytails

It would seem that making a tail is quite simple, and what options might there be?

But in fact, there are many different tail variations that will delight you!

Now we will show you several ways that will turn a ponytail into a hairstyle suitable for any event.

Low curled tail

For this hairstyle you will need a comb and a simple elastic band.

  1. Comb your hair, comb it back.
  2. We make a loose ponytail, loosely securing it with an elastic band.
  3. At the base of the elastic we make a hole into which you need to insert the tail itself.
  4. The previous step can be repeated if desired.
  5. Some strands can be slightly pulled out for volume.
  6. The hairstyle is ready.

Tail with spikelets on the sides

For this hairstyle you will need a comb, a simple elastic band and several invisible elastic bands.

Hairstyles for schoolgirls

School is a special place, because here you can “show off” in front of the boys and classmates. Hairstyles for girls for every day will allow you to create a complete look.

For short hair

There are many options for beautiful hairstyles for short hair. We'll talk about a few of them now.

You will need two simple elastic bands or bobby pins.

  1. Divide the combed hair into two parts at the top.
  2. We weave regular spikelets on both sides, about one third of the head.
  3. We fix the spikelets with an elastic band or hairpin.
  4. The hairstyle is ready.

Side braid

Quite a quick option. You will need a comb and one hairpin.

  1. Combing your hair
  2. Separate a strand from the side and divide it into 3 parts.
  3. We braid a regular braid.
  4. We fix it with a hairpin.
  5. A simple hairstyle is ready.

For medium hair

Let's consider options for school hairstyles for medium hair for girls.


For this hairstyle you will need a comb, 2 invisible elastic bands, and one regular elastic band.

  1. Combing your hair.
  2. We divide it into two parts.
  3. We twist each part into a bundle and secure it with invisible rubber bands.
  4. Next, we twist the flagella together and secure them with a regular rubber band.
  5. The hairstyle is ready.

Two-tail braid

You will need a comb and three regular rubber bands.

  1. Combing your hair.
  2. We divide the hair into an even parting.
  3. We make two ponytails.
  4. Next, we connect the hair from the tails and divide it into three parts.
  5. We braid a regular braid and secure the end with an elastic band.
  6. The hairstyle is ready.

For long hair

Let's look at children's hairstyles for long hair.

Braided headband

A beautiful and simple option. You will need two invisible elastic bands, a comb, two invisible hairpins.

  1. Combing your hair.
  2. We select two strands of hair on the sides of the neck, these are the hairs that are at the very bottom.
  3. We braid each strand.
  4. Next, we throw the resulting braids to the opposite side over the top of the head.
  5. We fix it with a hairpin.
  6. The hairstyle is ready. It’s easy to make, and the result looks quite original.

Crown braid around head

The execution of this hairstyle is similar to the previous version, only all the hair is needed for the crown braid.

You will need two elastic bands, two hairpins.

  1. We braid the combed hair into two neat braids, without parting it.
  2. We throw the resulting braids over the top of the head and secure with hairpins.
  3. Carefully straighten the strands that have come loose at the base of the braids; they can also be secured with a hairpin, but it will be more effective to braid them tightly and neatly from the very beginning.

A festive hairstyle is a very important completion of the image; it should emphasize the beauty of its owner.

Festive hairstyles for little girls for the New Year

For this hairstyle you will need two invisible elastic bands, beautiful bow or a hairpin for decoration.

  1. Comb your hair and divide it into an even parting.
  2. Let's start working on the spikelets inside out. There is nothing complicated about them, they are woven in the same way as a regular spikelet, only the strands now need to be pushed over each other, and not under the hair.
  3. We weave the spikelets inside out on both sides, not all the way. Approximately in the middle of the head, we connect them with an elastic band.
  4. From the remaining hair that comes out of the elastic, weave a fishtail. We fix it at the bottom with another rubber band.
  5. We decorate the junction of the fish tail and inverted spikelets with a hairpin or bow.
  6. Beautiful New Year's hairstyle ready.

Lush spikelets inside out

You will need a comb and two elastic bands. The perfect hairstyle for a girl with a full head of hair.

  1. Divide the combed hair into two parts with an even parting.
  2. We braid the spikelets inside out on both sides, starting from the base of the hair to the very ends.
  3. We fix it with an elastic band, you can also use beautiful hairpins optional.
  4. Let's start pulling out the strands. Carefully, without pulling out completely, just a little, we pull out the strands one by one, starting from the elastic band and to the base of the braid. This way we get a lush composition.
  5. The hairstyle is ready. For secure styling, you can lightly spray your hair with hairspray.

Fashionable hairstyles for girls for prom

Prom night is a reason to show off your magnificent outfits and unusual hairstyles.

Hairstyle for prom should emphasize the solemnity of the moment. This hairstyle can be decorated satin ribbon, beads, mothers with imagination can resort to using decorative flowers.

You will need a comb, a simple elastic band, and hairpins.

  1. Gather combed hair into a ponytail at the top of the head.
  2. Bend the tail in half, divide the resulting loop into two equal parts.
  3. The remaining part of the hair must be threaded through the hole between the elastic band and the head, as in an “inverted ponytail” hairstyle, thereby fixing the bow.
  4. We disguise the tail under the resulting bow using hairpins.
  5. The hairstyle is ready. If desired, it can be supplemented with decorative elements.

Triple headband with curls

You will need invisible elastic bands, a comb, and a curling iron.

  1. Comb your hair, combing it to one side.
  2. From the very base of the hair on the right, we braid the spikelet inside out like a headband, and secure it on the side with an elastic band.
  3. On the other hand, on the left, we weave a similar spikelet and secure it.
  4. We weave the third spikelet on the right.
  5. We curl the rest of the hair using a curling iron.
  6. The hairstyle is ready. We complement the look with decorative hairpins or beads as desired.

When creating a children's hairstyle, it is necessary to take into account the fact that children are often fidgety, so the hairstyle must be practical. This means that it will not fall apart in the first hour of wearing it.

Also, the hairstyle should be comfortable for the child; it should not tighten the scalp and hair, thereby causing pain. The little fashionista should like the hairstyle, otherwise it will bring little joy to its owner.


As it turned out, hairstyle options can be very different, for any length: short, medium and long hair. You can find photos of the described hairstyles on our website.

No girl can resist beautiful styling. They are in no hurry to lose their popularity various techniques braiding, because it's best options hairstyles for girls. After carefully studying several schemes, you can create a stylish hairstyle yourself and change your look every day.

For beginners

Option #1

  1. First you need to wash your hair well, dry it with a hairdryer and comb it thoroughly, because for braiding the curls must be perfectly smooth.
  2. With your left hand, take a strand in the center.
  3. One more strand is separated from the left and right sides (should be approximately the same thickness).
  4. The left strand is placed on top of the central one and passed under the right one.
  5. You need to ensure the strength of the weave so that the braid does not fall apart.
  6. On the right, take a thin strand of loose hair and connect it to the main one.
  7. An additional strand is taken from the left side and added to the main one.
  8. According to this pattern, weaving continues until the end of the hair.
  9. Once the braid is finished, the ponytail is secured with a beautiful elastic band.

Option No. 2

  1. The hair is washed well, dried and combed. A tight ponytail is tied at the top of the head. You need to make sure that the hair is combed smoothly and that “roosters” do not form.
  2. The tail is divided into 3 approximately equal strands.
  3. The right strand is placed under the middle one. Then the left strand is placed under the middle one.
  4. A curl is separated from the loose hair on the right and added to the main one, then placed under the middle one.
  5. The free part of the hair on the left is separated and attached to the main one, then placed under the central one.
  6. According to this pattern, the braid is braided to the end.
  7. The top of the tail can be decorated with an elastic band or a bow. This is a reverse French braid that is perfect for almost any occasion.

Option #3

  1. Dried hair is combed to the right side.
  2. In the area of ​​the right temple, take 3 not very large strands and braid them simple braid.
  3. The weaving continues to the left temple.
  4. At the end, the hair is wrapped in a thin curl and fixed so that the hairstyle does not fall apart.

For long hair

Option #1

  1. Clean and combed hair is divided into two equal parts.
  2. On the left, a part is separated from the main strand and placed on top of it.
  3. The actions from the previous paragraph are repeated on the right side.
  4. Additional strands intersect and connect to the main ones.
  5. The steps from point 2 are repeated again.
  6. According to this pattern, the braid is braided to the very end. This hairstyle is suitable for prom, but can be done for every day.
  7. To make the braid more voluminous, you can fluff it slightly by pulling out the strands.

Option No. 2

  1. The hair is combed well and parted evenly.
  2. On the right side, take 3 equal strands and braid a simple braid.
  3. To prevent these braided hairstyles from falling apart during the day, you need to gradually add strands from the bulk of your hair. As if weaving a braid.
  4. The braid is woven to the middle of the back of the head and fixed.
  5. The strands are slightly stretched, which gives additional volume.
  6. Using the same pattern, the braid is braided on the left side, but now it is placed on top of the first.
  7. The end of the hair is carefully fixed and hidden under the braiding so that the ponytail is not noticeable. This is the perfect hairstyle for little girls because it stays neat all day long and the hair won't get into your child's eyes.

Option #3

  1. The next master class will help you create a beautiful and stylish hairstyle. First, a fishtail braid is braided.
  2. You should not make the braiding too tight and at the end the braid is fixed with a simple elastic band, then it can be replaced.
  3. Just above the middle of the braid, one strand is pulled out and a not very large loop is made.
  4. The same loop is made on the opposite side.
  5. The ends of the elongated strands are used to secure the bow so that it does not fall apart.
  6. The ends of the strands are carefully masked, tucked into a braid.
  7. You can make several bows using this pattern.

Option No. 4

  1. The hair is combed and 3 strands of equal thickness are taken from the top of the head.
  2. During weaving, additional strands are added on each side.
  3. The braid is woven to the middle.
  4. The braid at the back of the head is woven using the same pattern, but in an upward direction.
  5. Two braids are connected into a ponytail and tied with an elastic band.
  6. A loop is made from the tail, which is divided into 2 parts.
  7. In the middle, the loops are intersected by the remaining hair, and neatly secured in the shape of a bow.

For medium hair

Option #1

  1. Dried hair is combed and straightened with an iron so that the curls are perfectly smooth.
  2. In the area of ​​the temples, on the right and left, one strand is taken, which are fastened at the back of the head with an elastic band.
  3. The tail is passed inside, flagella are formed.
  4. Once again, a strand of hair is taken from the right and left, which is secured at the back with an elastic band. The tail is passed inward, again forming flagella.
  5. Using this pattern, another tail is made.
  6. At the end, the hair is gathered into a ponytail and combed.

Option No. 2

  1. The hair is combed well and, if necessary, straightened with an iron.
  2. 2 strands of approximately equal volume are separated.
  3. On the right side, near the temple, take the third strand and throw it over the second.
  4. On the left side, near the temple, take the fourth strand and throw it over the first.
  5. Using the same pattern, the fifth and sixth strands are added and the braid is braided to the end.
  6. At the bottom, the ponytail is tied with a thin elastic band and the hairstyle is completely ready.

Beautiful weaving

Option #1

  1. Washed and dried hair is combed. A small piece of hair is taken from the back of the head and a ponytail is tied with a thin elastic band.
  2. The tail is divided into several equal strands. 2 additional strands are taken near the forehead and the process of weaving a simple braid begins.
  3. During weaving, strands from the tail are gradually added.
  4. The braid is woven to the back of the head.
  5. According to this pattern, the braid is woven on the left side.
  6. At the back of the head, the braids are connected and braided as one until the end.

Option No. 2

  1. First, the hair is combed well, then a strand is taken and placed on the index finger of the left hand. The second strand is pinched between the index and middle fingers. The third is between the middle and ring fingers.
  2. The third strand is passed under the central one, and the first is placed on top.
  3. An additional strand is taken from the left and right sides, which are added to the main ones.
  4. According to this pattern, the braid is braided to the end, leaving loose curls below.

Option #3

  1. On well-combed hair, a side parting is made on the right side. Take 4 strands of approximately equal volume.
  2. A simple braid is woven.
  3. Having reached the back of the head, you need to use loose curls on the left side for weaving.
  4. As soon as the braid is braided to the end, it is twisted into a neat circle.
  5. Pins are used for fixation.
  6. This hairstyle is ideal for both daily use and special occasions.

Option No. 4

  1. To braid African braids, you need to carefully comb the strands and part them.
  2. In the area of ​​the back of the head stands out small area, a thin strand is taken.
  3. The strand is combed well and a Kanekalon thread is taken, which is pre-whipped into a tangle and attached to the roots.
  4. Then the strand is divided into 3 approximately equal parts and the tightest braid is braided. Once the level is reached natural hair, a little Kanekalon is woven into the strand. Thanks to this, the braid acquires a uniform volume.
  5. You can fix the end of the braid in various ways - with an elastic band, glue or a bead.

Using this technique, you can not only braid straight braids, but also create a wide variety of patterns directly on your head.

Option #5

  1. The hair is carefully combed, straightened and parted. 3 thin strands are taken from the top of the head and the braid begins on the left side.
  2. Additional strands are gradually added.
  3. According to this pattern, the braid is braided on the right side, but in the middle the hair remains untouched.
  4. A simple thin braid is braided in the middle.
  5. 3 braids are connected together and secured with small hairpins so that the hairstyle does not fall apart.

With ribbons

Option #1

  1. The hair is combed well, and 3 strands of equal thickness are taken from the top of the head.
  2. A tape is fixed on the central strand and a tourniquet is made.
  3. A simple braid is braided around the head, and a bun is tied at the back of the head.

Option No. 2

  1. Two tight braids are braided.
  2. Take a ribbon and fix it in the braids. All actions must be careful so that the hair does not become disheveled.
  3. Using a pencil, the ribbon is tucked into the braids and then tightened.
  4. The result is one thick braid, accessorized with a colorful ribbon.