Defender of the Fatherland Day: history of the holiday, poetry. History of the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23) What is February 23 dedicated to?

February 23- red day of the calendar.
On this Father and Grandfather's Day
Congratulations to the whole family!

Indeed, on this day, all attention is paid to our men. On this day we celebrate Defenders of the Fatherland Day and give them gifts! For many in Russia, it has become the day of men, or more precisely, the day of real men who serve in the army, or once served, or have yet to undergo military service.

The only time a year we can somehow highlight that we have a real defender, not only of the Fatherland, but also of our own family. We congratulate not only the veterans, but also our fathers and husbands for their warmth and care for us. Our big and little sons, because they love us unselfishly and are always ready to come to our aid.

How did this holiday come about, and why exactly February 23? Let's take a look at our history...

In Russia, before the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917, traditionally the Day of the Russian Army was considered the holiday of May 6 - the Day of St. George, the patron saint of Russian soldiers. On this day, soldiers of the Russian army took part in ceremonial parades. On this day they were awarded St. George's crosses and other awards. On this day, everyone visited churches and remembered the soldiers who died for Great Rus'!.. Such a solemn and great day it was.

We honor the sons of the Fatherland in uniform,
That the glory of the flag is multiplied,
And in a difficult and dangerous age
Our peaceful sleep is reliably guarded!

After the revolution, this holiday was banned, and to replace it in 1918, a new date was established - February 23 - Red Army Day.

In September 1938, the Pravda newspaper published a “Short Course on the History of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks,” which provided the rationale for this holiday. Its meaning was that it was at this time that the Red Army began to intensively form, because the government, represented by the party, “threw a cry to the masses” about the danger threatening the country. Near Narva and Pskov, the German occupiers were given a decisive rebuff. The day of repulse to the troops of German imperialism - February 23 - became the birthday of the young Red Army."

Whether it's true or false, historians disagree. And it is not our task to investigate this issue. It remains reliable that February 23 in our country was first celebrated as Red Army Day, then it was renamed Soviet Army Day.

February 23 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia, which our soldiers gained on the battlefields and emerged victorious. Let us recall the history of the Great Patriotic War:

February 23, 1943 - defeat of the Germans at Stalingrad! 200 thousand German soldiers were captured, along with Field Marshal Paulus.

February 23, 1944 - on this day, the government awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union to more than 200 generals, officers, sergeants and privates for their feats of arms. Several thousand soldiers were awarded orders and medals! They truly deserve it. As well as letting our children and grandchildren know about their military exploits.

Since 1993, this holiday began to be called Defender of the Fatherland Day. This concept contains a huge meaning - to love, honor and worthily defend our Fatherland!

And our soldiers and officers have proven that they can proudly bear the title of Defender of the Fatherland! This is a holiday for all the people. After all, every family on this day will hear congratulations, kind words for our grandfathers, fathers, sons, grandchildren. May their lives always be illuminated by the great glory of the victories of the Russian Army and the power of Russian weapons, love and devotion to their Motherland!

Let the sun shine in a peaceful sky
And the trumpet does not call for a hike.
So that only during training soldiers
He went forward to attack.

Let there be spring thunder instead of explosions
Nature awakens from sleep,
And our children sleep peacefully
Today, tomorrow and always!

Good health and happiness
To all those who defended our world.
And who is guarding him today?
And who repaid the debt to the Motherland in full!

February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day, which has become a truly national men's day not only in Russia, but also in the ruins of the once powerful USSR. It is also celebrated in Ukraine, Belarus, Transnistria and Kazakhstan.

How did this red date appear on our calendars? – from distant 1918 to the present day.

How did the holiday on February 23 come about?

The anniversary of the newborn Red Army was celebrated for the first time in 1919. In February, the confrontation between German troops and the newly created army of the new state was one year old. Now there are many options for interpreting what happened in February 1918, but it is not our task to dive into the intricacies of historical intrigue. Therefore, let’s focus on the facts that influenced the fact that today February 23 is a truly national holiday:

  • The holiday first acquired its official name in 1922. Then it was called the Day of the Red Army and Navy.
  • In 1923, the 5th anniversary of the young Red Army was widely celebrated. And although in fact the Decree on the organization of the Red Army was adopted at a meeting of the Council of People's Commissars on January 28, 1918, historically there was a tradition to celebrate the holiday on February 23.
  • On February 23, 1938, the anniversary medal “XX Years of the Red Army” was approved, and the holiday became not only official, but also solemn.
  • During the Great Patriotic War, February 23 acquired special significance. Each family was waiting for news from relatives and friends from the front, so Red Army Day was celebrated by everyone. They congratulated their beloved warriors in writing and in absentia and really hoped that they would return home as soon as possible. It was in those years that the origins of people's love and attention to this date lie.
  • During the Great Patriotic War, this holiday was celebrated in a special way. On February 23, 1943, the Red Army defeated the enemy at Stalingrad, reversing nearly 20 months of German offensive. Exactly a year later, on February 23, 1944, the army of our country celebrated its holiday by crossing the Dnieper. On February 23, 1945, the Red Army celebrated in Europe. Our country was liberated from fascist invaders.

February 23 of the USSR era

After the war, since 1949, the holiday was renamed, and February 23 became known as the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. There is a tradition to celebrate this event solemnly and on a grand scale:

  1. On this day, military parades were held and fireworks were displayed. Veterans of the army and navy were awarded orders and medals. First, those who were related to military service, but since during the USSR most young men served in the army, the holiday gradually became more widespread.
  2. It is unknown who gave the first gift on this day. Most likely, at first these were small souvenirs, memorable gifts, official awards. Already in the second half of the twentieth century, a tradition developed to present certificates, medals of honor, and then valuable gifts to those who performed excellent service or distinguished themselves in the performance of their military duty.
  3. The tradition migrated from official stands to ordinary families. And on February 23rd they covered festive tables, prepared gifts, and congratulated the men in the work teams on the holiday of the Soviet Army and Navy.
  4. Gradually, the difference between those who served in the army and those who, for some reason, avoided it, began to disappear. Really, how can you congratulate the plant’s staff? Select only those who served, and send the rest away from the ceremonial meeting dedicated to the holiday? This is how this day began to turn into a universal men's holiday.

Defender of the Fatherland Day or Men's Day?

After the Soviet Union became a part of history, Soviet Army Day was also cancelled. Since 1993, this holiday has not been celebrated again.

But Since 1995 we have been celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day, congratulating not only those who serve in the army and law enforcement agencies, but also those who protect our families every day - fathers, husbands, brothers.

According to established tradition, congratulations, gifts and refreshments are prepared on this day in honor of men.

It should be noted that attempts have been made more than once to replace February 23 with other dates. Thus, Armed Forces Day was introduced in Ukraine, which is celebrated on December 6th. Nevertheless, the fraternal Ukrainian people continued to celebrate their favorite date - February 23. Since 1999, Defender of the Fatherland Day has been returned to the calendar, to the great satisfaction of Ukrainians.

Since 2006, February 23 has been declared a public holiday in Russia, which only added to its popularity.

Our history is complex and confusing. Over time, any event is interpreted differently and seen differently. But this holiday has long and firmly enjoyed popular love and recognition - Defender of the Fatherland Day, an unofficial men's day, a holiday of men who protect us.

The holiday on February 23 has a history rich in various unexpected events. The celebration was repeatedly renamed and moved to other dates. The emergence of a significant event was associated with the birth of the Red Army, but in modern Russia the holiday has been transformed from a purely military holiday into a more universal version, briefly called Defender of the Fatherland Day. Today, February 23 is celebrated very widely and magnificently in the country, and congratulations are accepted by all male representatives, both adults and children. On the eve of a significant day in educational institutions, enterprises and organizations carry out various special events, where the strong half of humanity is honored and such masculine qualities as courage, boldness and the ability to always come to the rescue of those in need are admired in every possible way.

February 23 - the history of the holiday and its modern meaning in Russia

The history of the holiday on February 23 in Russia goes back to the distant past, directly related to the moment of the overthrow of the tsarist regime and the Decree on the creation of the Red Workers' and Peasants' Army, issued by the Presidium of People's Commissars of the young Soviet Republic. This significant event happened on January 15, 1918, and the treasury allocated 20 million rubles for the formation of combat units, which at that time was considered a truly enormous amount.

In Petrograd, on February 21, the first point for receiving volunteers began active work, and Vladimir Lenin spoke on the streets and squares, calling on citizens to join the ranks of the defenders of the young Socialist Fatherland. The recruitment process was quite intense, but in the end the required number of people was found and the freshly assembled troops were able to repel the external and internal enemy.

Initially, they wanted to celebrate the anniversary of the Red Army on the day the decree on its creation was signed, then they considered February 17 as a holiday date, but in the end they allocated the next Sunday for the celebration, which at that moment fell on February 23. True, for some mysterious reason, the military holiday did not catch on and for four years it was practically not remembered either in society or at the state level.

The date found a second life only in 1922, when the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee issued a decree on the solemn celebration in the country of the fourth anniversary of the formation of the victorious and glorious Red Army. In 1923, this significant day was celebrated very widely and pompously, not only in the capital, but in all, even the most remote regions of the state. It was then that the date first received its official name - Red Army Day, and this name was subsequently approved by the Revolutionary Military Council of the young Soviet Republic.

During the reign of Joseph Stalin, attitudes towards the holiday changed somewhat. At the insistence of the authorities, the date was surrounded by various myths and a lot of legends were created around it, saying that on February 23, 1918, brave Red Army soldiers dealt a crushing blow to the enemy troops stationed near Narva and Pskov. Thus, an attempt was made to destroy the unpleasant facts for the country about the defeat and the signing of the ultimatum presented by the German side.

After the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War, the perception of February 23 in the country changed again. The army was admired, and the military was literally carried in their arms. Since 1946, the holiday has become one of the most beloved among the people, and almost every family considered it their duty to celebrate it. Around the same time, it began to be called Soviet Army Day and Navy. Years passed and the holiday gradually lost its purely military overtones. Gradually, from February 23, they began to congratulate absolutely all men, including even those who, due to certain life circumstances, did not serve in the army.

The meaning and meaning of the holiday February 23 in modern Russia

Meaning and modern meaning February 23 in Russia is somewhat different from what was customary in the USSR. In 1995, deputies of the State Duma tried to assign a new name to the significant date, containing information about the victory of the Red Army over the military units of the Kaiser's Germany. However, this long and not entirely true name lasted only a few years.

In 2002, the State Duma returned to discuss this issue and renamed February 23 as Defender of the Fatherland Day. In addition, the date was declared non-working and the connection of this event with the military operations of 1918 was completely severed.

In recent years, the military overtones of the holiday have faded somewhat, and it has become much more universal. It is celebrated not only by men who bravely defend the borders of our Motherland from enemies, but also by those who have never held a weapon in their hands and protect only their family and loved ones from dangers and hardships. In addition to adult representatives of the stronger sex, on February 23 congratulations are received by boys, young men and young people who are yet to show themselves as defenders of both the Fatherland and their relatives. The warmest, sincere and kind words on this day are also spoken to brave, courageous women who have dedicated their lives to serving in the army, law enforcement agencies or structures designed to protect the population from various dangers and disasters.

The celebration of February 23 takes place in all cities brightly and magnificently. The first persons of the state, public figures and representatives of the deputy corps speak welcoming words to the heroes of the occasion. Flowers and candles are laid at monuments and memorials of heroes. In the evening the sky of the capital and large federal centers is illuminated holiday fireworks, symbolizing the power, strength and dignity of Russian weapons and the courage of Russian soldiers.

History of February 23 briefly for children - class hour in elementary school

WITH a short history origin of the holiday on February 23 students primary school can be introduced to class hour. It is not worth burdening children 7-9 years old with too detailed a narrative with a lot of details. Children simply will not be able to perceive the abundance of historical facts, which do not always have an unambiguous coloring. But it is, of course, worth talking about the heroism of the Red Army soldiers and some important achievements of the Red Army, as well as what exactly the Russian soldiers did in order to stop the German attack on the Soviet Union.

In the second part of the event, it is necessary to mention that today the holiday is not the prerogative of exclusively the military and promotes the qualities that every male citizen should have, regardless of age, profession and social status. Children must understand that on February 23, the country honors brave people with an open heart, always ready to help, regardless of who needs it, the state or an individual.

February 23 – history and video presentation for high school students

When telling high school students the history of the appearance of such a holiday as February 23 in the calendar, it is worth supplementing your speech with a bright and informative video presentation. Children aged 14-16 will be interested in seeing chronicles of those times or excerpts from thematic feature films. You can prepare musical accompaniment for your speech and give schoolchildren the opportunity to listen to classical and modern songs dedicated to the heroes of various wars. It would be appropriate to mention not only the heroic military, but also the employees of various rescue services, who no less often risk their lives to help people in completely peaceful conditions.

In order for the words to make a more vivid impression and be better remembered, it is worth inviting one of the veterans, active military personnel, representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, law enforcement agencies or firefighters to the event. These people will be happy to tell students about the peculiarities of their professions and show the children that they can protect people not only with weapons in their hands on the border of the state, but also in absolutely peaceful civilian conditions.

The festive event for which enterprising ladies begin to prepare immediately after New Year's week is February 23. Today its official name is Defender of the Fatherland Day. All men receive congratulations, regardless of whether they served in the army or not. For 100 years this date has been marked in red in all Russian calendars. All that remains is to find out why it always falls on February 23rd?

Creation of the Red Army

Since the victory of the 1917 revolution, the young state needed a reliable military platform capable of withstanding the onslaught of not only the internal enemies of the proletariat, but also external interventionists. The greatest danger was posed by the Kaiser's Germany, which was rapidly conquering neighboring countries. The young Soviet Union was main goal German occupiers.

The new government managed to invest about 20 million rubles in the creation of the armed forces - an astronomical amount in those days. The first Decree on an army of workers and peasants (RKKA) was issued on January 28, 1918 (new style). However, chaos reigned on the front line. Few people were aware of the advisability of risking their own lives on the bloody fields of unequal battles.

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The formation of the armed forces proceeded slowly and confusedly. In an address to the population, the leader of the country called for voluntarily joining the army to help defeat the invaders who conquered one city after another with impunity. The first collection point opened in Petrograd on February 21. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, signed in early March 1918, became the starting point for the right to life of the Soviet Union.

Calendar twists and turns from February 23

According to one version, in 1919, the head of the military commission of the Red Army N. Podvoisky sent a proposal to the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on January 28 to celebrate the anniversary of the Red Army (in honor of the signing of the Decree). This request did not raise any objections, but consideration began a little later. At the insistence of the Moscow City Council, they decided to set the date on February 17, coinciding with the Red Gift Day (donations for military needs for soldiers). The postponement to the 23rd was considered appropriate because it was Sunday. This is how the first anniversary was celebrated.

According to other sources, from 1938 to 1942, February 23 was called a holiday in honor of the first victory of the valiant army near Pskov and Narva over the German invaders. Subsequently, information about dubious achievements was deleted from the interpretation. For the next two years, the holiday fell into oblivion. Probably there was no time for him due to the preoccupation of the government and the population with more important matters. But since 1922, the Red Army Day has been revived again. From that moment on, the date February 23rd forever became scarlet in all printed calendars.

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February 23 – past and present

Many events during the Great Patriotic War inevitably related to the date of February 23. In the first years, small and large results of the struggle against the fascist aggressors were prepared for this day and were published in print and on the radio. Since 1943, significant events had already taken place on the fronts: the defeat at Stalingrad, the pushing back from the Baltic, the Caucasus and the Carpathians. Thousands of valiant warriors presented themselves for military awards on this day.

In the post-war stage and until 1995, the legendary day is called “Day of the Soviet Army and Navy.” In the interpretation, references to the defeat of the Kaiser’s troops during the First World War appeared and then disappeared. And since 2002, it was renamed “Defender of the Fatherland Day” and designated a day off for citizens of the country. After the collapse of the Union, the holiday of valor continues to be celebrated in Kyrgyzstan and Belarus.

Traditionally, on February 23, the entire male population of the state is congratulated, regardless of age. They are the personification of true defenders of family, home and native land. Special honor is given to veterans and combatants different generations. Flowers are laid at the monuments and graves of soldiers. And the night sky of all cities is illuminated with colorful fireworks.

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Today and always, women have been and are in the ranks of the army, ready, like men, to protect the safety of the civilian population at the cost of their lives in times of alarm. Congratulations from grateful compatriots are also addressed to them.

February 23 has a centuries-old history. Its origins lie in the legendary historical stage - the victory of the 1917 revolution and the signing of the Decree on the birth of the Red Army. And despite the hitch with the dates, this day will be a holiday for all Russians for many years.

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The history of Defender of the Fatherland Day is an integral part of the history of our country. This is a real holiday of real men who are ready to stand up in defense of their Motherland at any moment.

On January 15 (January 28, new style), 1918, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR issued a decree on the creation of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. German and Austro-Hungarian troops were advancing. Meeting almost no resistance, they easily occupied cities such as Pskov, Revel, Minsk, and Narva. By mid-February the situation at the fronts was catastrophic. It seemed that only a miracle could save the young proletarian country.

On February 23, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars published an appeal to the people, “The Socialist Fatherland is in Danger.” One day later, an appeal from military commander-in-chief N. Krylenko appears, calling on everyone to take up arms to defend the revolution. General mobilization and mass enrollment in the Red Army begin, which is finally trying to resist the German troops. On March 3, 1918, the Brest-Litovsk Treaty was signed. The young Soviet republic was able to defend its right to exist.

Why is Defender of the Fatherland Day celebrated on February 23?

There is no clear opinion. According to the official version, on February 23, the Red Army won its first victory over German troops near Pskov. But, nevertheless, another version looks more plausible. On January 10, two weeks before the first anniversary of the creation of the Red Army (January 28), N. Podvoisky, Chairman of the Higher Military Inspectorate of the Red Army, submitted a petition to declare this date Red Army Day. His request was considered with some delay. Therefore, it was decided to combine Red Army Day with another revolutionary holiday - Red Gift Day, which was scheduled for February 17. But in 1919, February 17 fell on a Monday, a working day. And the holiday was postponed one-time to the next Sunday, February 23. But... “there is nothing more permanent than temporary.” Defender of the Fatherland Day has been celebrated on February 23 for almost 100 years!

To be fair, it must be said that Defender of the Fatherland Day acquired official status only in 1922. On January 27 of this year, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee issued a decree on the solemn celebration of Red Army Day on February 23. In the USSR, the holiday was called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy.

Traditions of Defender of the Fatherland Day

The traditions of Defender of the Fatherland Day are no less rich than its history. This is the main “men’s” holiday, which is no less popular and loved than International Women’s Day. Of course, over the years it has significantly lost its political and paramilitary overtones. And this is great, because on this day it is customary to congratulate all men, young and old. Congratulate your dear defenders, no matter how old they are, whether they serve in the army or are engaged in peaceful labor. Say kind words to them, wish them happiness and health. Our men fully deserve it!