Test work on organizing a subject-based play environment for preschool children. Creation of a developing subject-game environment in a preschool institution

The concept of an object-game environment is considered in pedagogy as a narrower characteristic of the environment, as a factor that stimulates, guides, and develops the child’s activities. It influences the development of the individual in a broad sense and the formation of narrower qualities, such as independence, activity, and observation. Subject environment performs a reciprocal function - it encourages play and shapes imagination. It is, as it were, the material environment of the child's thought.

Development of child creativity preschool age largely depends on the organization of the subject-developmental environment in the preschool educational institution. (L.S. Vygotsky, D.V. Mendzheritskaya, N.N. Poddkov, E.A. Flerina, S.L. Novoselova and others). A subject-specific developmental environment is a system of material objects of a child’s activity, functionally modeling the content of his spiritual and physical development. In a game-based subject development environment included: large organizing playing field, play equipment, toys, play paraphernalia of various kinds, play materials necessary for play activity children. All these gaming facilities are usually not located in some abstract play space, but in a group room, a playroom, or on the playground (veranda) of a kindergarten area.

Gaming equipment must be commensurate with each other and other interior items. This means that the interior should not contain anything superfluous and be aesthetically organically combined with gaming facilities. All game and non-game items must comply with the principle of safety.

In addition to the material and subjective requirements for the organization of a subject-development environment, there are also purely pedagogical ones. These are, first of all, amateur games - experimental games, role-playing games, director's games for preschool children. Educational and leisure games are no less important, since thanks to these games children develop the basic necessary new formations in the mental sphere and develop the prerequisites for motives for new activities.

Often the concept of a developing object-based play environment includes the relationships that a child develops with adults. Currently, the importance of the democratic style of communication between an adult and a child for the development of creativity has been proven (E. A. Arkin, D. V. Mendzheritskaya, L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, T. A. Repina, R. B. Stepkina. V.A. Petrovsky, L.M. Klarina, L.A. Smyvina, L.P. Strelkova, A.P. Usova, A.V. Zaporozhets).

It is this style that allows you to form a relaxed relationship with an adult, and therefore ensure the creation of a play space for them.

The creation of a play space by children is influenced by the organization of the object-play environment for adults. S.L. Novoselova, A.P. Usova, D.B. Elkonin and others dealt with the issues of creating and organizing an object-based play environment. According to these researchers, the object-game environment should objectively, through its content and properties, create conditions for creative activity every child.

The subject-game environment of the groups is organized in such a way that every child has the opportunity to do what he loves. Placing equipment according to the principle of non-rigid centering allows children to unite in small subgroups based on common interests.

All group space is available to children: toys, teaching material, games. They know very well where to get paper, paints, pencils, natural material, costumes and attributes for stage plays. There is a corner of privacy behind a screen where you can leaf through your favorite book, look at photographs in a family album and just sit and relax from the children's group. Wooden portable screens and stands also serve as walls for children’s individual play corners. Using them, a child can make a room for play, thus fencing off from the common space, creating his own little world. This in a simple way personalization of the environment is achieved, i.e. the creation of “your own” personal space.

In each group, furniture and equipment are installed so that each child can find a convenient and comfortable place for classes in terms of his emotional state: sufficiently distant from children and adults or, conversely, allowing him to feel close contact with them, or providing equally contact and freedom. For this purpose, various furniture is used, including multi-level furniture: all kinds of sofas, ottomans, as well as soft modules. They are quite easy to move and arrange in different ways in a group. This organization of space is one of the environmental conditions that allows the teacher to approach the child’s position.

When organizing a subject-game environment in kindergarten complex, multifaceted and highly creative activities of all preschool teachers are necessary. So that the created aesthetic environment evokes in children a feeling of joy, an emotionally positive attitude towards kindergarten, a desire to attend it, enriches them with new impressions and knowledge, encourages active creative activity, promotes intellectual development children. Modern requirements for creating a full-fledged object-game environment meet reality; in a group room you need to create an environment for holding various games, provide for its thematic and plot twist, find for each game only its own style of game interior and equipment, which, of course, is not always possible.

Thus, the creation of an object-based play environment requires special care from the teacher. The main pedagogical principle here is the indispensable connection of the knowledge acquired by children with the content of the gaming environment. The organization of bringing in toys is also essential. Many teachers reveal its specifics. The subject-game environment must necessarily change flexibly depending on the content of knowledge acquired by children, on the gaming interests of children and the level of development of their play.

A developing object-based play environment is a system of material objects of a child’s activity that functionally models the content of his spiritual and physical development (S.L. Novoselova).

It is necessary to create all the conditions so that the child finds himself in a favorable, psychologically comfortable environment from the first minutes of arrival at the children's institution. For this purpose, the territory of the preschool education institution is aesthetically designed and a beautiful landscape is created. All interior elements should be tastefully decorated, dark colors should be avoided, and the peculiarities of children's perception should be taken into account.

The group room should be comfortable, cozy and informative for children and parents.

Requirements for IPR:

O Developing character;

O Variable nature;

O Functional comfort.

The subject environment should be:

O dynamic;

O developing;

O safe.

The following areas can be organized in a group room for:

Meals and activities (tables with chairs);

Development of movements;

Story games;

Games with building materials;

Games with cars;

Visual activities;

Musical classes;

Reading and looking at illustrations;

Games with sand and water;

Relaxation (a corner of solitude);

A corner of nature (aquarium, fountain, birdcage).

Pedagogical requirements for toys

The main requirement for toys was determined by N.K. Krupskaya in the article “About toys for preschool children”: a toy should contribute to the development of the child at every age level of preschool childhood. When selecting toys, one should take into account the characteristics of age, therefore there is not and cannot be a single pedagogically valuable toy for preschool children. The baby needs his own toys that will help him navigate the world around him and stimulate him independent activity, direct it in a certain direction. And for older preschoolers, toys are needed that help them study the surrounding reality and stimulate group games.

A special requirement is placed on the theme and content of toys, since the nature of the game, the actions that the child performs, his feelings, and experiences largely depend on this.

E.A. wrote about this. Fleurina.

The toy should be dynamic and encourage the child to take various actions in the game. This is an important requirement that takes into account such psychophysiological characteristics of a preschooler as the need for active actions, activities. If the toy is such that the child only contemplates it, then it will not have an impact on his development.

There are certain requirements for the design of the toy. The toy needs an attractive, colorful design to evoke emotional attitude, cultivate artistic taste.

The design of the toy must be safe for the life and health of the child and meet a number of hygienic requirements.

IN preschool institution toys must be appropriately placed, which requires the use of certain play equipment: cabinets, racks, drawers, nets for storing balls, etc. To develop independent games, it is desirable to have modules, transformable toy furniture, stage equipment, and podiums.

Types of toys:

O Story toys or figurative toys. These are dolls and figurines depicting people and animals; vehicles (cars, trains, airplanes), dishes, furniture, etc.

O Didactic toys are intended for mental and sensory development and teaching children.

O Fun toys, “fun toys”, as defined by E.A. Fleurina, used to entertain children.

O Sports toys are designed to implement the objectives of physical education.

O Musical toys are designed to develop musical hearing.

O Theatrical toys are dolls - theatrical characters, bibabo dolls, marionette dolls; sets of plot figures for acting out scenes based on fairy tales, dramatizations.

O Technical toys introduce children to the world of technology; introduce you to appearance technical objects (machines, mechanisms, vehicles), with their characteristic actions.

O Construction and structural materials are designed to withstand children's design, technical invention.

O Homemade toys are made by the children themselves, their parents, and teachers.

More on the topic: Creating a developmental object-based play environment in a preschool institution:

  1. Principles of constructing a subject-developmental environment in a preschool educational institution.
  2. 50. Subject development environment. Features of the organization of the subject-play environment in different age groups of kindergarten.
  3. 1. Activities of the leaders of a preschool educational institution to create an ecological development environment.
  4. 32. characteristics of play activities in preschool age. Causes of violations of the subject-practical activities of children in preschool and primary school age.
  5. 2. Creation of conditions in a preschool institution for the implementation of the tasks of social development of children and the management of this process by the senior teacher of a preschool educational institution.
  6. The main types of activities of children of early and preschool age: subject, cognitive, play, work, artistic and aesthetic and communication. Their features, relationships, organization and leadership.
  7. 2. Sociocultural environment of the educational institution. The role of the head and teacher in its creation and regulation. The sociocultural environment of a preschool institution as an object of management.

The requirements for , are prescribed in the Federal State Educational Standard (federal state educational standard) for kindergartens, which was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155, and are focused on stimulation and support in all types of activities, including projects in preschool educational institutions. Subject-based play environment in a preschool educational institution and numerous materials, equipment and supplies main goal put security:

  • research, cognitive, creative and play activity of children of all categories, experiments with materials that are available to preschoolers (for example, water or sand), stimulation of imagination;
  • development of fine and gross motor skills, participation in competitions and games, that is motor activity in all its manifestations;
  • creating conditions for children's self-expression and children's educational initiatives;
  • children in interaction with a subject-spatial developmental environment.

In order for teachers and administration to achieve their goals, the subject-based play environment in kindergarten must be content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

The state of the subject-play environment in kindergarten

In the course of diagnosing the state of the subject-based gaming environment in a preschool educational institution, a number of criteria are put forward that set the standards for its formation. The content richness of the environment is a key one, leaving the basis of the educational process for preschoolers not in mastering educational skills, but in the independent and joint activities of children, including projects in activities of preschool educational institutions.

Motor activity of children is a basic condition for the full physical development of preschoolers. Consequently, projects in a preschool educational institution, as well as a subject-play environment in a preschool educational institution, should be developed taking into account all types of activities and include the required equipment and items. We must not forget about the age specificity of activities, and therefore activities should be selected taking into account the age of the children, as well as gaming materials and the developmental potential of toys.

At the Moscow City Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Expertise of Games and Toys of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (hereinafter referred to as the Center), a methodology was created for assessing the potential of toys for all types of children's activities. When assessing the subject-play environment of preschool educational institutions, the Center’s specialists used the experience of psychological and pedagogical assessment of toys and the specific features of the toy market.

An analysis of the play environment in 20 groups of different kindergartens was carried out, which made it possible to identify key difficulties and trends in creating optimal conditions in kindergartens.

Design of an object-game environment

Recently, the trend towards bringing children's living conditions in kindergarten closer to those at home has become increasingly favorable. Creativity in kindergarten allows you to make the environment aesthetic and cozy. A comfortable sense of self for children is possible only if an optimal object-based play environment is formed.

Home furnishings and upholstered furniture are increasingly appearing in kindergartens. Some of them introduce musical accompaniment in the premises and on the site, which provides a favorable emotional background, as well as introducing children to outstanding musical works. Such an object-based play environment gives children a feeling of security and confidence; a similar result is achieved by exhibiting photographs of family members and the children themselves, exhibitions of children’s drawings, and the results of projects in groups of preschool educational institutions.

Help from parents and your own artistic creativity allows you to create a cozy interior with modest material and technical equipment. Bedspreads, curtains, decorative panels, lace, embroidery, painting of wall cabinets, original crafts that become real works of art are used. However, sometimes the results of such projects in the activities of preschool educational institutions limit the activity of children, since they require careful handling. Children do not need curtains and napkins that cannot be touched, as well as light panels and expensive decorative waterfalls. It is more important that the kindergarten premises contain drawings, crafts, objects and pictures made by the hands of the pupils.

Another common mistake educators make is highlighting some students’ works as the best, which infringes on the dignity of others. In other situations, work done by teachers or parents is displayed under the guise of children's crafts. These works look better, but from a pedagogical point of view they do not make sense. Even the most unsuccessful children's work has subjective significance for kindergarten students. It is important for children that their works are exhibited: this increases the students’ self-esteem, liberates creative impulses, self-expression, and forms a sense of belonging to the life of the kindergarten.

Often in kindergartens the walls are painted with paintings and landscapes from films and fairy tales, which quickly tire children, but cannot be replaced, since this requires repairs. Decorative elements and decorations on the walls in preschool educational institutions must be understandable to children and replaceable. It is important for children, including students in older groups, to participate in the design of the group’s premises. When decorating the space of a kindergarten, teachers most often focus on their own tastes and preferences, while children's aesthetics and tastes differ from the preferences of adults.

Projects in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard put forward the requirement for the design of space to be flexible in the design and organization of the subject-play environment. To solve the problem of space shortages, you should focus on the multifunctional use of the premises. Strict zoning of the subject and play environment in preschool educational institutions has a negative impact on children’s health. For example, the frontal fixed arrangement of tables leads to the fact that children spend a long time in frozen poses, and therefore their posture and psychological and physical health are distorted.

Free play is impossible when children are prohibited from moving chairs and tables, as well as from involving them in the play activities of the preschool educational institution. The play activity of a preschool child is the most important for preschool children, and therefore they should be able to freely move furniture, fabrics and soft modules. This will allow you to save a lot on the purchase of additional toys and play equipment, and will also provide children with the experience of independent creative play equipment, and for children this is an indispensable experience of independent creative transformation of reality, active exploration of the space of their lives.

The flexibility of space is limited by such stereotypes as fixed themes and plots in stationary game corners, for example, “Kitchen”, “Hospital”, “Shop”, “Barbershop”, etc. Game modules of this type make role-playing games stereotypical, and therefore they limit the expression of independence when creating a play space. Therefore, the play corner must be mobile, and its content must be systematically updated and transformed to suit different plots of children’s games. In the best possible way Soft game modules are suitable for projects in preschool educational institutions and the organization of a subject-play environment.

Since the object-based play environment is strictly organized in preschool educational institutions, children are deprived of the opportunity to use the functional areas necessary for them. In particular, there are no corners of solitude in many kindergartens, which makes staying in a group psychologically difficult and violates the child’s right to rest. The child stays in a group for 9-10 hours together with other 20-25 preschoolers, which becomes a strong auditory and visual load, and also significantly affects emotional sphere. Younger preschoolers need sensory relief and rest, while older ones need their own psychological boundaries. At the same time, the boundaries of privacy should be conditional, because children can look for places for themselves in different planes, for example, crawling inside drawers or under the table. A successful solution to this problem can be soft rocking modules, soft sofas or shelves with books.

Many kindergartens do not even have an area for independent experimentation, which impoverishes the development options of preschoolers. Children's cognitive needs are met by observing objects and physical phenomena. For these purposes, the group should have low shelving in which dynamic toys and various materials needed for projects in preschool groups can be stored. However, only some kindergartens have materials and objects that make the space transformable and flexible. Tents, light benches, screens, modular furniture, etc. are inexpensive, but expand the possibilities of the room.

Using a kindergarten site for an object-based play environment

The site is often not used effectively enough by kindergartens, and therefore it is intended for walking and has only standard equipment - playhouses, a gazebo, a sandbox, and less often - climbing equipment. The site should be organized as a space for an object-based play environment in a kindergarten.

Children aged 3 to 7 years during a walk not only breathe fresh air, but also become active participants in various activities. These include:

  • physical activity: running, climbing, jumping, riding bicycles and scooters, as well as pushing cars, carts, strollers, etc.;
  • outdoor games with rules;
  • story games;
  • experimenting with different natural environments and objects;
  • communication with peers;
  • labor elements (working with land, growing plants, etc.).

Each of these activities requires the creation of special conditions and equipment, which are often absent, including the emotional well-being of preschool children. Only in some preschool educational institutions are children involved in landscaping; garden corners, flower beds, and “corners” of the garden (bushes, trees) are created on the territory, which can be used to develop the basics of environmental awareness in the child.

It is quite rare that a site is equipped with space for free play activities. But it is during a walk that children can and should play story games, since often in the educational program adopted by the kindergarten there is a lack of time for free play.

For story game On the street, houses or shelters are primarily required. It can be either a classic house (plastic, log or plank), or a gazebo, or a children's playground, where elevated areas become homes. Houses can also be elements of a plant landscape - tall bushes, intertwined tree branches. It’s good if children can build a house on their own from scrap materials. A great opportunity to create a story game space - large cardboard boxes. With their help, you can “construct” trains, cars, “build” houses and even entire cities. They can be great space markers for role play. And, of course, children need role markers and operating objects. On the street there is a richer possibility of using substitute objects (sticks, twigs, pebbles, leaves can become anything in the game).

For director's games, pupils often use the space of the sandbox (its sides), as well as the surface of the table in the gazebo. Some trees (for example, oaks, chestnuts, hawthorns) produce fruits in the fall that can become food for dolls, animals, or cargo for vehicles. Children love to play near tree trunks or large stumps, which turn into a “home” for small toys. Bushes are especially attractive at any time of the year, as they create the illusion of an enclosed space and help create a play space.

It is very important that preschoolers during a walk can move around the entire area and. The kindergarten area is the only space for meeting older and younger friends. This is a very important place, here you can play at will, move freely in open space and choose your play and communication partners.

Communication of different ages is extremely useful for the development of all areas of a child’s personality. Experience in organizing walks different age groups shows that children who have the opportunity to move freely throughout the area have better developed not only the motor sphere, but also volition, the ability to retain rules and plan their activities.

The importance of multi-age interactions goes beyond walks. It is also necessary indoors, in the daily life of pupils. Meanwhile, in many preschool educational institutions, the life of same-age groups is organized according to the principle of a closed system, which reduces the child’s social contacts with other children and adults. Organizing joint events, holidays, visits in mini-groups, joint walks enriches personal experience child, expands the possibilities of his social connections, communication and cognitive abilities.

  1. On current aspects of creating a favorable developmental environment for preschool education, also see: Handbook of a senior teacher of a preschool institution (special issue). 2014. No. 8.
  2. Organization of a subject-based play environment in kindergarten: Proc. allowance. M.: Arkti, 2012.
  3. Toys: how to evaluate their quality // Preschool education. 2005. No. 4; Kindergarten: assessment of the developing environment // Preschool education. 2010. No. 4.
  4. How to choose the right toy also see: Handbook of an educational psychologist. Kindergarten. 2015. No. 3.

The subject-game environment of kindergarten groups is organized in such a way that every child has the opportunity to do what he loves.
The entire group space is divided into CENTERS that are accessible to children: toys, teaching material, games. Children know where to get paper, paints, pencils, natural materials, costumes and attributes for dramatization games. IN THE CENTER of privacy - behind a screen, they can leaf through their favorite book, look at photographs in a family album and just sit and relax from the children's group. Wooden portable screens and stands also serve as walls for children’s individual games. Using them, a child can make a room for play, thus fencing off from the common space, creating his own little world. In this simple way, the personification of the environment is achieved, i.e., the creation of “your own” personal space.
In each group, furniture and equipment are installed so that each child can find a convenient and comfortable place to study from the point of view of his emotional state: sufficiently distant from children and adults or, conversely, allowing him to feel close contact with them, or providing equally contact and freedom. For this purpose, various furniture is used, including multi-level furniture: all kinds of sofas, ottomans, as well as soft modules. They are quite easy to move and arrange in different ways in a group.
This organization of space is one of the environmental conditions that allows the teacher to get closer to the child’s position.
To build a developmental environment in preschool educational institutions, we highlight the following principles:

  • the principle of openness;
  • flexible zoning;
  • stability and dynamism of the developing environment;
  • multifunctionality;
  • the principle of openness is implemented in several aspects: openness to nature, openness to culture, openness to society and openness to one’s “I”.

Thus, the subject-spatial environment of each group includes not only artificial objects, but also natural ones. In addition to nature CENTERS in groups where children observe and care for plants, all groups are equipped with experimentation CENTERS for conducting basic experiments.
Children learn to summarize the results of their observations of natural objects by keeping a weather calendar. If at a younger age it shows only the basic weather phenomena (rain, snow), then at an older age it becomes more complex. IN THE CENTERS children's experimentation kids play with sand, water, paints, foam. IN middle group they learn to record the result of an experiment using sketches. At an older age, the main goal of this activity is to introduce children to various simple technical means that help them understand the world (magnifying glass, magnet, scales, etc.).
The interior design of the kindergarten includes elements of culture - painting, literature, music, theater. In each reception room for parents we organize exhibitions of children's creativity (drawings, crafts, recordings of children's poems, stories, fairy tales).
The subject development environment is organized on the basis of the following principles:
The principle of openness to society and openness of one’s “I” presupposes the personalization of the environment of each group. For this purpose, groups have organized photo exhibitions “This is who we are” and family albums.
The principle of flexible zoning is to organize various intersecting areas of activity. This allows children to freely study according to their interests and desires at the same time, without interfering with each other, different types activities: physical education, music, drawing, experimenting, dramatizing fairy tales, arranging dramatization games. Equipping group rooms helps children independently determine the content of the activity, outline an action plan, manage their time and actively participate in the activity using various objects and toys.
The principle of stability and dynamism of the development environment is closely interconnected with the principle of flexible zoning. The subject development environment of the group changes depending on age characteristics children, education period, educational program. If there are more boys in the group, then the group has more construction sets, blocks, cars, which allows children to build houses, bridges, arches, garages not only on the table, but also on the floor. If there are more girls than boys, then games of “family,” “hospital,” and “shop” play out more often.
It is important to remember that the child does not remain in the environment, but overcomes, “outgrows” it, is constantly changing, and therefore his perception of his environment also changes.
The developmental environment is always changing, constant, created for a long time: the design of offices, a music and physical education hall, and more dynamic - when decorating a hall, a group room, a lobby for a specific holiday, a leisure event, or during the production of a fairy tale.
Even more dynamic is the developmental environment of many activities. The microenvironment, including the design of a particular lesson, is determined by its content and is specific to each of them. It, of course, should be aesthetic, developing and versatile, encouraging children to meaningful spiritual communication.
The principle of multifunctionality of the objective world is implemented with the help of various modular equipment, which is equipped in all premises of the kindergarten. The use of modules along with construction sets, mosaics, physical education equipment (hoops, balls, jump ropes), objects and games that do not carry specific semantic information contributes to the development of imagination and the sign-symbolic function of preschoolers’ thinking.
When organizing a subject-spatial environment in a kindergarten, complex, multifaceted and highly creative activities of all preschool teachers are required. After all, a variety of toys is not the main condition for a child’s development.
A purposefully organized subject-development environment in a preschool institution plays a big role in the harmonious development and upbringing of a child.
The created aesthetic environment evokes in children a feeling of joy, an emotionally positive attitude towards kindergarten, a desire to attend it, enriches them with new impressions and knowledge, encourages active creative activity, and promotes the intellectual development of preschool children.

A subject-based developmental environment is a means of pedagogical influence that allows for positive changes in the development of children’s play activities. Objects of the subject-development environment include:
1.0objects for observation and research contribute to the development of children's skills in independent research, concentration and intuition, and form imaginative thinking. This class of objects includes:
* Indoor plants;
Objects for observation may include specially selected sets of any objects in the surrounding world and phenomena. For example, water, if there is a specially equipped corner that allows you to study its properties, or samples of minerals, if they are polished and there is a catalog that allows you to assign each of them to a specific type. Then you can examine the surface texture, weight, individual properties, etc.
2. Means visual arts contribute to the development of a imaginative vision of the world around us. Form operational skills in visual arts. This class of objects includes:
* pencils, markers, paints, pastels;
* colored crayons;
* albums with artistic illustrations of works of art;
* various paper samples.
3. Constructors and other means of modeling objects in the surrounding world introduce children to the basics of design and develop creativity, allow you to explore the structure of man-made structures. They promote the development of fine and gross motor skills and coordination. This class of toys may be as follows
* LEGO (constructor sets of various sizes);
* cubes;
* construction kits;
* puzzles;
* mosaic;
* plasticine and clay;
* scissors and paper.

  1. Folk toys contribute to the formation of universal generic mental abilities in children (sensorimotor coordination, voluntary behavior), and also introduce them to the origins of national culture.
  2. Sports modules and toys serve the fullest manifestation of children’s motor activity, relieve tension and stress, and strengthen physical and mental health. In group rooms this could be:
  • skittles, children's tennis, children's darts, etc.;
  • slides, dry pools;
  • pedal cars;
  • balls, jumping ropes, etc.;
  • rocking chairs;
  • sports corners and exercise equipment.
  1. Large environment-forming modules serve as a kind of support for the thoughts of a child absorbed in amateur role-playing games. They contribute to the formation of skills to assign game meaning to neutral objects in the semantic field of the game. This ability is the basis for the development of theoretical and reflective thinking. This:
  2. Role-playing toys and accessories for them contribute to the mastery of role-playing behavior in various life situations and develop communication skills. These include:
  3. Didactic games are not amateur games, as they require knowledge of the rules. In these games, children develop communication skills and mental processes. Games can be educational and help broaden your horizons.
  • soft building modules;
  • furniture designer.
  • dolls;
  • cars;
  • rubber toys;
  • accessories for games.

To implement the priority direction of the preschool educational institution “Raising children in the traditions of Russian culture,” a subject-development environment of ethnocultural orientation has also been created:

  • The panel “Traditional Russian Costume” allows you to immediately immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the clothes of a Russian person, see the richness and variety of styles, the individuality of the style; the mini-gallery “Nature of the Altai Territory” reveals the unique flavor of Altai nature in all seasons; Ural-Siberian painting formalizes the achievements of the preschool institution, the wall of fairy tales unobtrusively contributes to the formation of a mythopoetic picture of the child’s world. Each center can be easily transformed, moved, and used in joint activities between teachers and children.

Created through the joint efforts of teachers and parents, with the advisory support of specialists - museologists and ethnographers, the museum-workshop "Native Side" provides the opportunity for active communication between children and adults, including children who do not attend preschool. These are always fascinating meetings - journeys into the world of things and objects that matter to a person’s life.

On the territory of the preschool institution, with the help of parents and village residents, comfortable and safe conditions for preschoolers to stay outdoors, develop play, labor activity, motor activity. Each walking area has a shady canopy (6 pieces), a “Butterfly Glade”, which includes children in the world of colors and colors, in creative activities, enriching the palette of feelings, the fairy tale center allows educational meetings to be more vibrant, imaginative and interesting. In the “Rural Yard” and “Russian Yard” centers, children are creators, creators of their own version of the way of Russian life, applying acquired knowledge in practical activities. The alpine slide attracts with its unusualness and beauty, allowing you to get acquainted with different types of plants and care for them.

Topic: Organization of an object-based play environment for preschool children.

2. Modern classification of toys
3. Characteristics of the subject-game environment
4. Features of the organization of an object-based play environment in different age groups of a preschool institution
Literature used

Game is one of those types of children's activities that is used by adults to educate preschoolers, teaching them various actions with objects, methods and means of communication. In play, a child develops as a personality, he develops those aspects of his psyche on which the success of his educational and work activities, and his relationships with people will subsequently depend.
It has been proven that children gain their first experience of collective thinking through play. Scientists believe that children's games spontaneously but naturally arose as a reflection of the labor and social activities of adults. However, it is known that the ability to play does not arise through automatic transfer into play, learned in everyday life.
The educational potential of play is most fully realized with skillful pedagogical organization, which ensures the necessary level of development of play activity.
The game is dynamic where the management is aimed at its gradual formation, taking into account those factors that ensure the timely development of gaming activity at all age levels. All components of the complex organization of game formation are interconnected and equally important when working with children of senior preschool age.
As children grow older, the organization of their practical experience also changes, which is aimed at actively learning about the real relationships of people in the process of joint activities. In this regard, the content of educational games and conditions are being updated. subject-game environment.
The subject-based play environment in modern preschool institutions must meet certain requirements: this is, first of all, the freedom of the child to achieve the theme, plot of the game, certain toys, place and time of play.
The teacher must provide freedom of action in the conditions group room, provide for its thematic and plot twist, find for each game only its own style of gaming interior and equipment.

1. Pedagogical value of toys and game materials

A children's toy is a very ancient and complex phenomenon of human culture in its content... Playing activity provides the child with the process of perception and knowledge of various cultural phenomena and is a special form of life for the child in which his connection with the outside world is carried out. The game, being one of the important phenomena of the spiritual culture of humanity, ensures the intergenerational transmission of social and moral norms. A toy, accompanying children's games, is of great importance in the development and upbringing of a child. Ethnographers note that children’s games and toys cover all major spheres of culture, so that during childhood a wide range of skills and concepts are developed in the child, preparing him for further adult creative activity in a group of people.
Traditional toys of the peoples of the world have much in common, although they bear the imprint of national identity, and they can be divided into the following main groups: sound (sensory) toys - rattles, rattles, whistles, buzzers. and bells, etc., motor (motor) - ball, top, rocking horse, etc. weapons (mainly hunting) and tools, figurative toys - dolls and toys depicting animals. Each of the above groups of toys has its own purpose in raising a child: sensory toys develop attention, the ability to concentrate, hearing, motor toys develop coordination, plasticity of movement, dexterity, reaction speed, hunting weapons and tools provide intergenerational communication and prepare boys for adulthood, figurative toys are introduced. children into the world of wildlife. This applies to animal toys. which boys also play. and girls.
But what all types of toys have in common is their aesthetic impact on the child. For full mental and spiritual development, a child needs a positive emotional background, hence the urgent need for joy, beauty and harmony, which is inherent in all children. And this need for joy and beauty is largely satisfied by children's toys. A traditional toy, be it a rag doll, a wooden horse or a clay bird, always carries within itself an intra-ethnic aesthetic ideal and forms a national aesthetic consciousness among the younger generation. Thus, traditional folk toy can serve as an example of the right toy that promotes harmonious development mental functions of the child.
An appeal to tradition is especially relevant now, when there is an active Westernization of our culture, and the shelves of shops and kiosks are littered with sugary Disney cartoon characters, disgusting monsters, dubious LEGO sets with plots of an American prison, bank robbery, etc., giant toys of unknown purpose and other freaks. This stream of vulgarity and bad taste, mistaken by many adults for a modern toy, damages the spiritual development of the child, aestheticizing ugliness, distorting ideas about good and evil, and depriving the child of moral guidelines. Consider, for example, “fair” killer robots, “good” Spider-Man, skeletons and vampires that our children play with. And the Hollywood beauty, the American dream, Barbie. Nowadays, domestic beauties copied from her have been produced at affordable prices.
Let's try to figure out what role the doll played in raising the girl. In traditional cultures since ancient times, the purpose of the doll was to raise a good housewife and a caring mother. There was a mother doll, a father doll, a grandmother, children, grandchildren - that is, in playing with dolls, family relationships were reproduced and social roles were mastered. But the most favorite toy of girls of any nation has always been a child doll. They took care of her, fed her, clothed her, sang lullabies to her - this is how an attitude towards motherhood and childbearing was formed and the skills of caring for a child were developed. What skills and what attitude will be formed by the sugary, successful beauty Barbie, a female doll, whose games are programmed for travel, balls, fabulously luxurious outfits and unbridled consumption... Will the child receive the information he needs so much about the beauty, joy and harmony of the world around him from the above-mentioned monsters and cartoon freaks... Will we not have to pay for such toys with the mental and moral health of our children...
Perhaps at no time has there been such a variety of toys as now. They accompany the child in a wide variety of games, and there is a need to classify them; this will help to wisely and timely use the appropriate toys in activities with children and in their independent games.
Homemade toys have been childhood companions for many generations. Homemade products were made by adults and children when there was no toy production yet; homemade products are still made in families and children's institutions. The beginning of each toy is a homemade product, which, after discussing it at the art council, can go into mass production.
The most common are plot-shaped toys. They are the image and likeness of a person, animals, household items, transport, and often determine the plot of the game. The doll plays the main role - it depicts a child and characters from fairy tales (Little Red Riding Hood, Pinocchio), representatives of various nationalities and reflects the professions of adults (cook, nurse, driver). The same doll can be dressed in different ways, and while playing, children create different stories. For younger children, the color of the doll's dress is very important, not its style. The child does not yet require decoration in his clothes, but they should be easy to take off and put on. When it comes to a doll’s clothes, the texture of the material is also important: soft or hard, fluffy or smooth. The child is very pleased with the doll with a set of clothes. The dream of girls of many generations - a beautiful and comfortable stroller for their “daughters” - has now come true. A doll with a pacifier, a doll with a rattle, a “naked baby” with washable and combable hair, beautiful tableware and teaware, furniture in a modern style, a doll swing, various vehicles - all this is voiced, catchy - not only brings joy, but also educates the child. Thematic toys also include fur and plush soft animals: bears, hares, cats, dogs, goats. Puss in Boots, Cheburashka, Crocodile Gena, etc. These same toys can be plastic, wooden, of various sizes. A story-based toy can be included in the set: “Zoo”, “Turnip”, “Three Bears” - then the fairy tale comes to life in the game.
Technical toys are increasingly becoming part of children's lives. These are toys driven by a spring, electricity, or an inertial motor; remote controlled toys. Technical toys include: vehicles on land, water, air and space; equipment used in work - tractors, combines, walking excavators, cranes; means of communication and information - telephones, radios, televisions, as well as watches, cameras, movie cameras, filmoscopes, sewing and washing machines etc.; clockwork dolls and animals. Toys such as construction sets and various technical sets are widespread. A technical toy must be competently made without tampering with the material (it is not recommended to replace metal or clay with wood), the mechanism must be open (so that the child does not break the toy), it must expand the technical horizons and interests of children in construction and technology.
The main function of any toy is to activate children's free, independent activity.

2. Modern classification of toys.

Toys can be classified according to their pedagogical purpose, age of children, and material of manufacture.
According to their pedagogical purpose, toys are conditionally divided into the following groups:
developing initial movements and perceptions;
introducing children to objects and images of the surrounding world;
promoting mental development;
introducing children to labor processes and developing initial work skills;
promoting the artistic and musical development of children;
introducing children to the elements of science and technology;
promoting physical development;
developing cheerfulness and a sense of humor.
Some toys combine signs and properties different groups, become not just functional, but multifunctional, implementing an integrated approach to the task of child development, striving to influence all his senses.
Toys that promote the development of initial movements and perceptions (vision, touch, hearing) are the very first in children's lives. Toys that promote the development of the senses are called sensory toys. These include rattles, squeakers, pendants, simple collapsible toys, cubes, balls, rings that attract the child’s attention with bright colors, sounds, and shapes. A transparent rattle, which has colored plastic balls inside the transparent body, teaches the baby to follow not only large but also small objects, allows you to determine the cause of the sound, and gives an idea of ​​the volume.
Toys that introduce children to objects and images of the world around them (figurative), introduce children to people, animals and flora, appliances, household items. The range of these toys is the most diverse. These include dolls (with clothes, furniture, household items, housing); figurines depicting people and animals, vehicles. Playing with them expands and refines the child’s ideas about the world around him, and develops thinking, speech and imagination.
Toys that promote mental development (didactic) include toys that contain a learning element. This group includes numerous board and computer games, puzzle games: sets of puzzles, crosswords, chainwords that broaden horizons, develop interest in knowledge, attention, memory, thinking, speech, intelligence, and observation. By subject they are divided into historical, geographical, astronomical, zoological, botanical, mathematical, literary and artistic, etc.
Toys that introduce children to labor processes and develop initial labor skills include gardening tools, sets of dishes, various tools: carpentry, plumbing, jigsaw cutting, wood burning, engraving, sets for modeling, embroidery, cutting and sewing clothes, as well as a variety of construction and transport constructors. They introduce children to a variety of tools, materials (their properties and processing methods), cultivate interest in various professions, hard work, and work skills.
Toys that promote the artistic and musical development of children include kaleidoscopes, mosaics, albums for coloring pictures, plasticine sets for modeling, sets for artistic crafts: burning, wood carving; constructive artistic, theatrical and musical toys. Musical toys introduce children to various types of musical instruments, the basics of musical literacy, and develop an ear for music and a sense of rhythm. Theater toys introduce children to theatrical art, introduce them to independent play, and help enrich their speech.
Toys that introduce children to the elements of science and technology include kits for assembling technically complex electronic structures: models of cars, airplanes, ships, telephones, radios, various electronic games, microscopes, sets for experiments in physics and chemistry. They introduce children to the structure and operating principle of machines, instruments, technical drawings, physical and chemical phenomena, contribute to the formation of independent design skills, develop technical literacy and creativity, and help children’s polytechnic education.
Toys that promote the physical development of children (sports-motor toys) include toys for exercises in walking and running (rollers, carts, sleds, etc.), for jumping (skipping ropes), for throwing (balls, towns, skittles, etc.). ), for the development and strengthening of the leg muscles (sports rollers, scooters, bicycles, pedal cars, skis, skates, etc.), for the development of accuracy (guns, crossbows, pistols), for the development of the muscles of the hands and fingers, (collapsible toys: pyramids, nesting dolls; badminton, table tennis, etc.), for the development of coordination, dexterity, flexibility (hoops, rings and juggling balls, etc.).
Construction materials are an essential part of the range of toys and play aids. They develop attention, the ability to design, and motor activity. All design and construction sets consist of cubes, prisms, cones, cylinders, and additional forms are used - arches, boards, crossbars, circles. The building material can be large (cube edge up to 12 cm) and small (for playing on a table).
When playing with large materials, children get less tired, since their movements are more varied than when sitting at a table (where they mainly work with their hands).
Masquerade parties are associated with the organization of holidays, Christmas decorations. They not only make the child happy, but also develop him. Older preschoolers themselves take whatever part they can in making these toys and handle fragile products with great care. Masquerade toys are only an integral part fancy dress, these are various hats, tail, ears, beak. This is enough for the kids to enter into a fairy-tale image and not be afraid of it.
Military toy. Of course, the sight of a kid “shooting” a toy machine gun at the people around him makes an unpleasant impression.
But weapons are not only a means of attack, but also a means of defense and guard service. Preschoolers love to play “border guards” and fight liberation “battles.” Therefore, two different questions should be considered here: about military toys and the nature of their use. It should be explained to the child that even a toy weapon cannot be used to offend a child, that he must earn the right to carry a “personal weapon.”
The war toy is intended for war games in which little ones usually do not participate. Kids like to “shoot” to attract the attention of others to a new toy; they are amused by the flashing light in the machine gun, but they do not understand the purpose of the weapon. Therefore, it is not recommended to give military toys at an early age.
Toys that develop cheerfulness and a sense of humor include fun toys: various electronic robots, surprise toys with funny figures jumping out of the box, inflatable rubber toys, sets of magic tricks, jumping and pecking birds, tumbling monkeys, a spinning top, etc.
According to age, toys are divided into three main groups: for toddlers (up to 3 years); for preschool children (from 3 to 6 years old) and for school-age children (from 6 to 14 years old). The age-appropriate purpose of toys is determined by safety considerations, the level of development of children and the associated manifestation of interest in surrounding objects and phenomena. Squeaky toys that make a sharp sound can frighten the baby, the long fur of soft toys can get into the mouth and respiratory tract, the child simply cannot pick up a large cube, etc.
Based on the materials used in production, toys are divided into wooden, plastic, rubber, fur, metal, ceramic, paper, cardboard, and soft stuffed toys.
A modern toy must meet the requirements of pedagogy, aesthetics, technology and psychology, fantasy and experimentation and, most importantly, reflect great love for children.

3. Characteristics of the subject-game environment.

The concept of an object-based play environment is considered in pedagogy as a narrower characteristic of the environment, as a factor that stimulates, guides, and develops the child’s activity. It influences the development of the individual in a broad sense and the formation of narrower qualities, such as independence, activity, and observation. A subject-development environment is a system of material objects of a child’s activity that functionally models the content of his spiritual and physical development
All components of the object-game environment are interconnected in content, scale, and artistic design. The object-game world includes a variety of objects and objects of social reality. An object-based play environment is necessary for children, first of all, because it performs an informative function in relation to them - each object carries certain information about the world around them and becomes a means of transmitting social experience.
The teacher’s task is to create a positive state in children, organize a rational motor regimen, and prevent children’s fatigue through a reasonable alternation of various active activities and rest.
Characteristic feature younger preschoolers is the active comprehension of the world around us through observation of it. The process of getting to know the world around us should be based on developing in children the skill of interpreting their experience. Since life experience The child is still small, then he learns the world by comparing it with himself, as the object most known to him. It is necessary to show the universal interconnection of the child with the entire reality around him.
The teacher helps the child to obtain clear ideas about the objects of the immediate environment, necessary for their adequate use in various types of children's activities; instills in children a caring attitude towards objects created by human labor; provides gradual transition from objective perception and recognition of an object (“What is this?”, “Who is this?”) to the simplest sensory analysis; helps the child master the appropriate vocabulary.
Raising a child’s interest in natural phenomena begins with the ability to peer closely, admire the surrounding plants and living inhabitants; be observant and caring about the natural world around you.
Environmental education is based on the age-related mental capabilities of children of this age. This helps to ensure that children are able to effectively solve problems.
Knowledge of nature helps children of primary preschool age adapt to the world around them, maintain curiosity and inquisitiveness, activity and independence. In the process of introducing children to nature, the teacher solves important problems of sensory development, the formation in children of elementary forms of visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking.
The teacher creates conditions for children to be involved in real activities such as caring for plants and observing animals, cultivating emotional responsiveness and humane feelings.

4. Features of the organization of the subject-play environment in different age groups of a preschool institution.

The organization of an object-based play environment is a necessary condition for the formation of a child’s play activity. When organizing such an environment, teachers strive to make it universal, i.e. promoting various types children's games (role-playing, theatrical, didactic, constructive, etc.), varied in content (family, pharmacy, construction site, store, clinic). One of the requirements for organizing a developmental environment is to create opportunities to satisfy children’s needs for new experiences, to discover new things, allowing them to fantasize and transform into a wide variety of heroes.
The space of the playroom must be organized in such a way that it allows children to move freely, allowing several groups of children to play at the same time, so that, if necessary, any child can retire for individual play.
The game is joint activities Therefore, each group should provide a sufficient assortment of toys to ensure the simultaneous participation of all children in the game and a variety of games. In accordance with the zoning requirements of the group, a place is allocated for a doll corner, equipped for various play activities with a doll and plot role playing games(toy furniture, dishes, doll clothes, toys imitating household items: iron, TV, gas stove, laundry items). The content of the doll corner corresponds to different situations of role-playing games and is constantly supplemented as children master certain game actions.
For display games, imaginative toys are needed. They can be placed in various places in the group room and used by the teacher to create game situations. The set of toys should also contain multifunctional toys (constructors) that allow the development of games such as “bus”, “train”, “ship”
The spatial development environment, which is directly related to role-playing games, also includes a natural corner. It can unfold various game situations included in the plot of a role-playing game. For example, in the “family” game the action is transferred to a natural area when mom, dad and daughter go for a walk in the park.
The teacher should provide for the presence of play corner objects that children could use as substitute objects. In addition, children's crafts used in games (money, paper wallets, pills, prescription forms and many others) occupy a significant place among gaming paraphernalia. Using homemade products increases children's interest in the game.
It is advisable to involve the children themselves in the design of play areas, arrange toys together with them, playing with each new toy and evoking an emotional attitude towards her, monitor the cleanliness of the toys and their condition, give the toys to the pupils’ families for repair and renewal.
To develop role-playing actions in children, the ability to transform is necessary. The costumes and attributes used for this (apron for mother, white robe for a doctor, a cap for a policeman) are stored in a special locker accessible to children, or on a hanger. Separate storage of costumes for dramatization games is provided.
It is impossible to underestimate the importance of didactic and printed board games for developing the child’s prerequisites and skills for role-playing games. This explains the need to have a variety of board games, corresponding to the interests of children and stimulating their development. Preschool children also willingly play with small educational toys (dolls, cars, soldiers, animal figurines, collapsible houses). These toys are used to realize the idea in role-playing game and perform auxiliary functions (for example, interior decoration, toys for my daughter in the “family” game).
Play is a child’s genuine social practice, his real life in the company of peers. Therefore, it is so relevant for preschool pedagogy is the problem of using the game for purposes comprehensive development the child, the formation of his positive personal qualities and socialization as a member of society
How to choose the right toy?
Do not take preschool children with you to modern toy supermarkets and toy fairs.
Choosing a toy is a serious, adult matter that requires time and knowledge. It is necessary to take into account the character and health characteristics, abilities and preferences of the child, as well as the way of life of your family: is the apartment spacious, are all members of the household healthy, what type of flooring is used, etc. The whims of a tired baby will not contribute to making the right decision.
Contact your child's kindergarten for a free consultation.
Preschool institutions employ professional teachers, psychologists and methodologists. If you do not have sufficient knowledge about your own child and about the psychological and pedagogical criteria for evaluating games and toys, it is very likely that these specialists will help you. They will test your child using well-known classical tests to tell you what features mental development must be taken into account. For children attending preschool institutions, experts will give recommendations based on their own observations. Find out what games and how your child plays in his group. By purchasing a similar game, you will solve two additional problems at once: with a high probability you will purchase the right toy, useful for development. In addition, your child will know how to play this game from the very beginning, and will teach you too. Oddly enough, the same toys in kindergarten and at home make attending preschool more attractive for a child, especially at an early age.
Most large cities have educational game stores.
The main difference between such stores is that a consultant works with customers, who, as a rule, has a qualification as a teacher or child psychologist. You should pay attention to the assortment - the absence of heroes from Western blockbusters for children, tacky electronic toys, animals or dolls screaming with a Chinese accent, and finally, a very limited arsenal or even a complete absence of weapons - signs of a proper children's toy store. What should be on the shelves? Designers and building materials, printed board games, creativity kits, puzzles, sports games and sets, equipment for role-playing games (kitchens, hairdressers, workshops, doctor’s sets), didactic aids for getting to know the world around us, cubes, lotto, dominoes, mosaics, products for playing with sand and water, characters for theatrical activities and screens for them , playhouses, slides, cars and accompanying garages, signs, overpasses, dolls and dollhouses (not necessarily Barbie format).
It is desirable that the assortment includes handicrafts. This is not a complete list - moreover, it does not take into account gender and age characteristics, seasonality of play activity and outdoor play and sports equipment. And we're talking about preschool age, so electronic toy and computers with software for them are not mentioned. Another distinctive feature of the educational games store is the presence of methodological descriptions for the games. Not just instructions - they are also needed to correctly assemble a toy or understand the rules of the game - but descriptions of what and how this game develops in children.
Remember a few principles for selecting toys for your child. Let's call them criteria and divide them into two categories: mandatory and additional. There are five mandatory criteria:
1. Toy safety.
1.1. The safety of the toy is evidenced by the presence of a ROSTEST certificate. In any case, the toy should not have obvious mechanical or chemical signs of danger to the child’s health.
1.2. The toy should not contain obvious signs that provoke the child to aggression and cruelty or cause fear and anxiety.
1.3. The toy or its description should not contain crude naturalism, including sexual context that goes beyond the child’s age competence.
1.4. The toy should not humiliate human dignity or offend religious feelings, or cause a negative attitude towards people’s racial characteristics and physical disabilities.
1.5. The toy should not cause psychological dependence to the detriment of the full development of the child.
2. The toy corresponds to the age of the child indicated in the description.
3. The attractiveness of the toy for a child.
4. The possibility of using a toy to develop the child’s abilities ( cognitive development, physical improvement, artistic and aesthetic development and spiritual and moral education).