What children wear to school. How to dress for school as a teenager to look stylish and not violate the regulations of the educational institution

It is very important to instill a taste and sense of beauty from childhood - everyone knows this. However, not everyone knows and understands that it all starts with the wardrobe. Today Daria Sudyeva will tell you how to instill taste in children and where to start.

Out with the old, in with everything clean and new!

When a little lady starts wearing her older brother’s plaid shirts, when a boy goes out to play in the yard wearing anything, justifying it by saying that he’ll get dirty anyway. That's when you end up with women stuck in jeans for decades and men's cut shirts, and men who don't care at all the soup has dried up on their sleeve and whether the pants are the right size. And the worst thing is that this is where their problems begin in their personal lives, and in your career. They greet you, whatever one may say, based on their clothes.

So today I would like to say... no, shout, how important it is what we dress our children in. Psychologists say that the environment shapes a person. And just wardrobe occupies in this environment not the last place.

From September to May, that is, most of the year, every morning the child gets dressed for school. Let's think about it, because school is that formal, serious environment. This is some many years of rehearsal before adulthood and the ability to dress appropriately for the occasion.

Now, of course, I would like to talk about women in tight, low-cut leopard print dresses, which they wear early in the morning to the office, or about programmers who consider it quite normal to come to work in rubber pantos and shorts... but I won’t.

I’d rather tell you about clothes for school so that 20 years later they will never say about your daughter or son “oh, that vulgarly dressed woman from the third floor” or “oh, this is our sloppy employee, his shorts are funny, sure!”

11 school wardrobe rules

So let me begin:

Rule 1. Whether your school has a strict dress code or simply requires neatness, it is important that the child was dressed well and stylishly. After all, then the attitude towards him will be appropriate, and he will make the right impression. Especially this relevant for first-graders, those who move from junior to senior school and, of course, for high school students.

Rule 2.Children's clothing (school uniform)should be comfortable and fit. Can't argue with that! The child should feel comfortable in it. There should be no embarrassment or shame about your suit or dress.

I understand that there are different situations in life, and different financial situations - but still, if possible,You shouldn’t buy blazers, cardigans, or suits for your child to grow into..

In Soviet times, everyone was bought for this growth. And what have we got now? Men, with rare exceptions, fundamentally incorrectly determine their size and buy trousers and jackets that they just hang out on them, "hanging". And women who always look in the mirror and doubt whether the new blouse is the right size for them. And I don’t want to write about the feeling of inconvenience and awkwardness that a teenager experiences when clothes don’t fit him...

Rule 3. Clothes should be predominantly from natural materials. When it comes to blouses and shirts, the best entirely made of cotton or viscose. In fabric for children's suits and school uniform must be natural materials at least 55%. It's better if it's of good quality fine wool .

Rule 4.Buy clothestaking into account the child's opinion. Respect his preferences, because a little person already gravitates towards a certain style. Explain from childhood why in this or that case you advise wearing different clothes.

Rule 5.Clothing, hairstyle and accessoriesmust be age appropriate. A rare exception may be themed holidays. However, there can be no exceptions for going to school.

Rule 6. For school clothes it is best to choose muted dark colors . I would recommend do not use black color. Especially for young gentlemen.

It will be too solemn (especially in combination with a white shirt), elegant. And school everyday life is a daily work option. It's better to prefer various shades of gray or blue. If you want to add a "zest", pay attention on a business check or non-contrast stripe.

These designs on fabric are appropriate and look interesting. Save bright, rich colors for after-school and holiday wardrobes.

And one more small color detail: Barbie pink or piggy pink should have bored your young lady by now. And if not - try offering her ash pink. For shirts, in addition to classic white, you can use others bleached muted shades: creamy, icy blue, mint, etc.

Rule 7. Boys - trousers, girls - skirts and dresses! I would recommend it this way. Down with jeans- these are clothes more likely for relaxation, walking, but not for studying. Doesn't your school know about this? What difference does it make what others do? let your son and daughter look right.

Choose stylish, contemporary cut trousers, a shirt and a cardigan for your son, and for your daughter a perfectly fitting dress or skirt in combination with a youth-cut jacket. This will be the golden mean if it is not customary at your school to look appropriate. Maybe, this will serve as an example to others, and everything will fall into place.

Rule 8.Shouldn't be worn to schoolunnecessarily short skirts (even for very young students) and even more so to complement them fishnet tights. Can be selectedtights in color to match the skirt or dress.

Since childhood a lady should distinguish between vulgarity and elegance, know the difference between business and holiday settings. After all, for an anniversary with your beloved grandfather and for a math test, they wear completely different skirts and even more so different tights.

Pay attentionto choosing your first tieand bow ties for the boys, because this tie, and how mom and dad helped pick it out, will be remembered for a long time.

Rule 9. Give preference shoes and boots made of smooth leather, patent black shoes look out of place even on an eight-year-old girl.

Rule 10.Don't let me wearsneakers for school. Don’t make the excuse that physical education is on the schedule today. From childhood, a boy (and even more so a girl!) must understand thatplace for sneakers only in gym . Such shoes are intended only for sports.

Don't let wearing inappropriate shoes with dress pants, don’t think that now they are small, they don’t understand, but to prom Let's buy the “right” shoes. Alreadytaste is forming now, already now they absorb and understand everything.

Rule 11. Do not use for hairstyles hairpins studded with rhinestones and overly shiny. And, of course, this kind of decor is even more should not be on clothing. Save these accessories for the holidays, or at least don't wear them to school. Girls grow up - but, unfortunately, hairpins with rhinestones remain... A good option There may be hairpins to match the hair, ribbons and bows, colors that echo the clothes.

All in our hands. Every day of life is unique and inimitable, let's be proud of our children, their appearance and successes!

Parents have three whole summer months to fully prepare their child for the new school year. But many of them do not fit into this short period of time. Accordingly, they are faced with the question of where to dress their child for school so that the costs do not affect the family budget too much. In Moscow there are several “necessary” places for thrifty moms and dads.

Minimum set of clothes for visiting school

Before we talk about where you can dress your child for school, you should decide what exactly he needs to attend. educational institution. The minimum set of clothing includes the following components:

  • Two white shirts or blouses. It is desirable that they be of different styles.
  • A beautiful vest and a formal jacket.
  • Two pairs of trousers for boys or several skirts for girls. A dark sundress can also be an alternative.
  • Three sets of underwear, the same number of pairs of socks.
  • Footwear: shoes, boots, sneakers.
  • Several pairs of white tights.
  • Sports suit.

This is only the minimum set of clothes for visiting school. If possible, this list can be made more diverse.

Everything is according to the standard in the Smena store

Several years ago, all schools introduced certain standards regarding everyday uniforms. Many representatives of retail outlets still have not mastered them and are offering inappropriate products for sale. The Smena store sells complete sets of clothing that meet all standards. Despite all this, wardrobe items are sold in a large assortment, giving the student the opportunity to choose the most suitable set.

This is the place where you can inexpensively dress your child for school. At the end of August and beginning of September there are seasonal discounts, the main thing is to come to the store at the right time. For example, a complete set of uniforms can be purchased at a price from 2,300 to 3,500 rubles.

Always a great selection at Peremen

When parents are faced with the question of where to inexpensively dress their child for school or kindergarten, their choice undoubtedly falls on the Peremena store. You can buy a school uniform here at the best price of 3,000-3,500 rubles, and if you come here at the height of summer discounts, this figure can even be reduced by 1.5-2 times.

This place is famous for its wide range of products. In one place you can buy everything your child needs to attend school or kindergarten, including a beautiful tracksuit. There is also a large Size chart. It is possible to choose clothes even for children with a non-standard build.

Branded products at Detsky Mir

Of course, many parents are interested in where it is cheaper to dress their child for school. But this does not at all indicate their desire to buy low-quality clothes for schoolchildren. For a little fashionista, the brand is of great importance. fashion clothes With unusual style, created from high-quality material, will make him attractive in the eyes of his classmates.

Any branded item cannot be cheap. As a rule, prices for products from well-known manufacturers “bite”. If you need to save money, then you should look into the Detsky Mir store before the beginning of autumn. During this period there are big discounts. A school uniform can be purchased at a price of 6,500-7,000 rubles, while on ordinary days this mark exceeds 8,700 rubles.

Bonus discounts in “School uniform”

Where to dress a child for school in Moscow? It is worth paying attention to the School Uniform store. Prices here are not as low as we would like. The average cost of a form is about 5 thousand rubles. But, when purchasing goods for a certain amount, they begin to act favorable discounts for other products. For example, by purchasing a tracksuit, you can save significantly on sneakers. It is not recommended to go to such establishments to buy one piece of clothing. By organizing a single global or group shopping, you can significantly reduce your financial expenses.

It is possible to order from “Sweet Susie”

Another great place to dress your child for school is Sweet Susie. There are not only clothes, but also many school supplies. Parents are pleased with the fact that they can buy everything they need for school in one place. The store has a very large selection of clothes for children of any age. It also happens that a small buyer does not find what he really wanted to buy in the shopping aisle. In this case, the seller offers him a catalog in which he can choose the clothes he likes and ask the parent to place an order at any convenient time. The approximate cost of a school uniform in this place is about 4,000 rubles.

Our Form has excellent value for money

The dream of every mother is to buy inexpensive clothes for her child, but at the same time, they should be of good quality. The “Our Form” wholesale store, located in the “Nikulino” shopping center, meets all these requirements. The cost of the form does not exceed 3,000 rubles. Despite this, you can see that it is made of high-quality material. A huge drawback is the meager range of products; in rare cases, the buyer leaves satisfied with a large number of purchases. There are no sports uniforms or shoes here at all.

"Stock Center" - the best purchases

The most popular place where you can dress your child for school at the lowest prices is the Stock Center. Here the buyer is offered the cheapest clothes in the city. If you try, you can find a set of school uniforms for only 1,500 rubles. Mostly, the products here are made in China, but sometimes there are also better quality products.

There are two purchasing options. First of all, this is a visit to a retail outlet. Stores with this logo are located in almost every hypermarket. Here you can carefully examine the quality of the material, ask the seller for advice and try it on. Low prices always attract, so this place is almost always full of buyers.

If you wish, you can make a purchase without leaving your home. To do this, you need to go to the official website on the Internet and place an order. The selected product can be picked up at any convenient pick-up point, use the courier delivery service or request it in the form of a postal item.

Alternative options

There are many alternative options for dressing your child for school at affordable prices; every mother of a schoolchild should know about them.

  • Second hand. Don't be so negative about this name. In such retail outlets you can find high quality goods brought from various countries. Prices for all clothes are usually ridiculous. Products undergo careful processing before sale.
  • Foreign Internet resources. In virtual trading organizations, prices are always noticeably lower than in real stores. The only drawback is that it is not possible to do a preliminary fitting.
  • The market is a place where you can buy school uniforms at low prices. This is due to the fact that the “owner” does not need to pay a lot of money for renting the premises. As a rule, this is the seller himself, with whom you can bargain, significantly reducing the price.
  • In another city. Moscow always has higher prices for all groups of goods than other cities. It is recommended to go shopping in Ivanovo, where high-quality textiles are sold for ridiculous prices.
  • Secondary market. Almost every mother is registered on social networks. They have many communities where they sell things very cheaply.

If you need to save your family budget, you should avoid brand stores where you have to overpay for the manufacturer's brand.

  • You should not rush and buy clothes at the beginning of the holidays, based on the fact that it is better to do it right away rather than wait for prices to rise. Children usually grow actively in the summer. The clothes they buy may be too small for them.
  • It is better to buy one high-quality item than several low-quality ones - it will last longer. This is especially true for shoes.
  • It’s worth asking your friends in advance for discount cards, which will also help save your family budget.

Summer is the favorite time of any schoolchild. After all, during this period you can take a break from the hated homework, school lessons and early rises. Unfortunately, the long-awaited vacation always passes unnoticed and the time comes when you again need to think about preparing for the new school year. Where to dress your child for school inexpensively? There may be several options in Moscow and the Moscow region. Before making a purchase, you need to visit several stores, compare prices, as well as the range of goods and product quality. Only then can you make your choice.

On the eve of the new school year, Rospotrebnadzor published recommendations for parents on choosing a school uniform for their children. According to department experts, it is better to avoid clothes designed for growth, as well as bright colors. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the composition of the fiber, its smell and compliance with the necessary requirements. How to properly dress a child for school and how much it will cost - in the material “360”.

What to buy?

On the eve of the new school year, it is worth stocking up on several sets of school uniforms. Boys should have them in their wardrobe classic pants and a few spare shirts. Outerwear Not only jackets, but also sleeveless vests can serve. In the autumn-winter period, you should give preference to warm clothes, such as turtlenecks and sweaters.

Schoolgirls' wardrobe can consist not only of skirts and blouses, but also classic dresses or sundresses. For the cold season, parents of girls should buy jackets and trouser suits.

We approach with full responsibility

It is recommended to avoid purchasing items labeled “dry cleaning” and pay attention to their smell. In the warm season, you should give preference to linen and cotton, in winter - cashmere. The maximum percentage of synthetic fibers should not exceed 35% for blouses and shirts and 55% for suits.

To ensure that the child’s movements are not constrained and his body temperature does not exceed the norm, you should carefully select the size of clothing. It is better to avoid too bright colors of school uniforms, giving preference to a restrained color scheme. When buying things, you should not rely only on information from labels - it is better to ask the store for documents from the manufacturer.

Rospotrebnadzor draws special attention to the fact that an incorrectly selected school uniform can lead not only to colds, but also to skin diseases, such as atopic dermatitis.

We take into account the child’s opinion

The child's parents should ensure that the school uniform fits the child. For plump and short boys, Rospotrebnadzor experts recommend choosing jackets with two buttons. For slender and tall people, on the contrary, there should be as many buttons as possible.

It’s not worth buying a uniform for growth, but to diversify appearance For schoolchildren, it is better to buy several sets of clothes at once.

The child’s taste requirements should also be taken into account - when choosing things, you should not focus only on their quality and color scheme.

It all depends on taste and the thickness of the wallet

Despite the wide variety, choosing a school uniform for a child is quite problematic, Irina Volynets, chairman of the central council of the National Parents Committee, told “360”. On the eve of the new school year, parents may face absence required sizes, poor quality things or inappropriate styles.

Often, school management insists that uniforms must be sewn according to a certain style and they are sewn individually by organizations friendly to the school management. Parents are required to order this uniform from private studios. But in this case, the question arises to what extent this form of non-factory production meets all the necessary requirements.

Irina Volynets.

Parents should pay attention not only to the appearance of the uniform, but also to the naturalness of its fiber and the quality of tailoring. “If the material is natural, then the clothes wear out quickly. Ideally, the ratio of artificial material to natural is 30:60,” Volynets explained. The cost of a school uniform can be either one thousand or ten thousand rubles - depending on the capabilities of the parents.

A school uniform can be bought from one and a half to five to six thousand rubles. But you can spend two or three thousand [rubles - approx.] to buy a school dress... If it’s an ordinary cotton shirt, then you can spend a thousand rubles, and if it’s a designer shirt, then ten thousand. It depends on the taste and thickness of the parents' wallet

Irina Volynets.

The choice of school uniform should be taken as responsibly as possible. Do not forget that it is at school that the child spends most of his time, so it is better to think through every detail. “Tights, for example, are not among the official requirements, but there are synthetically unsuitable products in which a girl may feel uncomfortable,” Volynets said.

As September approaches, parents of schoolchildren are asking the same question: how to dress a child for school? How to choose a beautiful, practical, comfortable outfit for him that will suit both the child himself and the school administration? How to choose for a child school clothes, the Land of Soviets will tell.

Of course, if the school where your child studies has school uniform approved colors and styles, you don’t need to think about how to dress your child for school: you just order a set of uniforms. Typically, the uniforms in such schools are sewn centrally, and you will need to hand over money, perhaps take your child to a fitting, and then pick up the finished uniform before the first of September.

But not all schools have their own school uniform. In this case, you will have to decide for yourself how to dress your child for school. First of all, find out what requirements for the appearance of students presented at the school to which you send your child. Some schools accept business style, but otherwise they do not limit the choice of styles and colors. Some schools have requirements regarding the color of the uniform (for example, only black, green, blue or burgundy). Somewhere they require that all schoolchildren wear jackets. And in some places even classic jeans are allowed, as long as the top is decent.

In addition to the school requirements, it is necessary to take into account the child's own opinion- within the framework of these requirements, of course. Clothing largely determines our self-confidence. Even adults are in a better mood if they are dressed beautifully and comfortably. It’s the same with children; clothes that they like evoke positive emotions in them. This is especially important for first-graders: for them the first time at school is stressful, and beautiful, elegant clothes will somehow help smooth it out.

The child's school uniform must be quality- this is one of the main criteria. It is better to choose clothes made from natural materials (wool for winter, linen and cotton for spring and summer) with the addition of synthetic fibers or viscose. Thanks to the addition of synthetics, fabric made from natural fibers will wrinkle less. The lining should not be synthetic, but natural, otherwise the clothes will be electrified.

When deciding how to dress your child for school, try to go beyond the standard set of “pants/skirt, shirt/blouse, vest, jacket.” Classic style could be much more varied. The shirt can be replaced with a knitted turtleneck, the jacket with a sweater or pullover for boys or a bolero for girls, and the skirt with a sundress. You can “play around” with the styles of trousers for girls, choosing skinny ones instead of straight ones or, on the contrary, flared ones.

Better buy several sets of clothes for different seasons. It is better if each set contains several interchangeable items of clothing (for example, blouses or turtlenecks). Firstly, the child gets tired of wearing the same clothes every day. Secondly, things get dirty, so it should be possible to replace a soiled wardrobe item at any time.

If the school does not limit you in the choice of colors, you should, of course, choose soft colors, but at the same time move away from the classic “black + white” combination. Bright colors are unacceptable for school, they will distract children, but everyone has become so tired of the black and white combination that it makes sense to choose something more cheerful. A good choice - green, gray, blue, terracotta, chocolate colors, light pastel shades.

Even the school has strict requirements for clothing, you can choose for your child accessories, which will slightly dilute the faceless school outfit and give it individuality. A tie, a scarf, a belt, a belt, a hair clip, colored tights - it seems like little things, but the little things are nice. But it is better not to overuse elaborate decorative elements (intricate bows, buckles, flounces, etc.). They get in the way (especially for mobile younger students) and can come off or become untied.

Another important criterion for choosing clothes for school is convenience, after all, the child will spend most of his day in it. You can dress your child beautifully for school, but if the child is uncomfortable in these clothes, then such beauty is worthless. When trying on a school uniform with your child, do not rush him. Let him walk around the store in the chosen clothes, sit, even jump and make sure that he is comfortable in them.

How do you choose clothes for your child’s school? What criteria are you guided by first? We invite parents to share their experiences in the comments to this article.

Uniform has long been no longer a mandatory attribute of an educational institution, but despite this, the school is still an official institution and requires a certain dress code. However, not everyone wants to comply with it. And if with children younger age much simpler - kids, as a rule, trust the taste of their parents, while teenagers often rebel against established rules and wear whatever they want to school. This article will look at how boys and girls should dress for school in order to look fashionable and stylish, without violating the regulations of the educational institution.

What you should never wear to school

At the age of 13, teenagers already begin to think about their attractiveness to the opposite sex and strive to emphasize their individuality with the help of clothing. However, there are outfits that have no place in school. These include:

  1. transparent and translucent blouses and shirts;
  2. T-shirts with images of your favorite movie characters, musicians or singers;
  3. short shorts and miniskirts;
  4. leggings and leggings;
  5. ripped jeans;
  6. low-waist trousers;
  7. tracksuits.

Perhaps these wardrobe items look fashionable and beautiful, but it is better to save them for walks or informal parties with friends. And at school you should study, and business style contributes to this process in the best possible way.

How to dress for school if you have a uniform

A strict school uniform is not a reason for frustration. There are many ways to dress fashionably for school without violating the rules of the educational institution. For example, a shirt can be not only white, but also beige, blue, soft pink and other soft colors.

If the school charter requires a mandatory combination of white top and black bottom, you can experiment (in moderation) with the style of a blouse or shirt. In particular, contrasting color buttons, a turn-down collar, and colored cuffs will enliven a boring look.

Correctly selected accessories will also add zest. For girls, this can be various decorations in their hair; boys can choose a stylish belt or cufflinks.

How to dress for school as a guy

Despite teenagers’ persistent rejection of school uniforms, they have certain advantages: they smooth out social inequality and competition “for the quality” of clothing. In addition, you don’t have to think about what to wear every day. How should a teenager dress for school if there are no specific rules, but he needs to look presentable and formal?

  • If a guy prefers a strict style of clothing, then classic dark-colored trousers would be the ideal option. You can choose a shirt of any style and shade. In cool weather, a jacket or knitted sleeveless vest to match the trousers will complement the look. Such an ensemble can also be worn for an exam at school to demonstrate your composure and readiness for work;
  • Fans of a more informal style can safely wear jeans to school. The modern lineup includes denim trousers various colors and styles. You can easily choose jeans that match the school dress code. As a top, a simple plain or checkered shirt, so knitted sweater, half-over or cardigan.

How to dress for school as a girl

There is an opinion that girls mature earlier than boys. It’s hard to say whether this is true, but at the age of 12 young ladies already pay attention to their appearance and show a desire to stand out from the crowd. This is probably why it is much more difficult for them to decide on the choice of clothes for school everyday life, especially if the educational institution does not provide a strict uniform.

The following wardrobe items will help a girl be fashionable at school:

  • Dress

A win-win option for a school look would be a sheath dress that is knee-length or a palm higher. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that it be dark in color; it is quite acceptable to wear an outfit in delicate pastel colors, as well as a dress with polka dots or stripes.

Another stylish solution for going to school is a sundress. It can be worn either as an independent outfit or combined with a blouse, sweater or turtleneck.

This is generally a universal thing with which you can create many stylish ensembles. Depending on your figure and taste preferences, you can choose a classic pencil skirt or a sun-type model. High-waisted skirts are in fashion. You can wear anything with this wardrobe item: shirts, blouses, sweaters, turtlenecks.

  • Trousers

Particular attention should be paid to classic models trousers with arrows. This style looks elegant and strict at the same time.