What to do on the 2nd date. What to do on a second date

If the girl agreed to a second meeting, then either she liked you, or she gave you a second chance. A well-thought-out second date will allow you to win her heart and get consent to a new meeting. But where to start? The key to success will be receiving an invitation on time, interesting topics for conversation and following some advice that will allow a girl to get to know a man better.

When to schedule and how to invite a girl on a second date

It is unspoken that a man should call 3 days after the first date and ask for a second date. That is, during this time the girl will not worry if she does not receive a call from you yet.

You can call a day after the last meeting: she will have a day to replay the first date in her head and decide whether she will go on the second. It is not necessary to immediately invite her to a second meeting - just find out how she is doing and chat about general topics.

The next date can be scheduled in a few days or a week. It depends on how busy both are. But the next meeting should definitely be no later than 7 days later. Otherwise, the young lady may think that the man has someone else or that he didn’t like her that much.

If it is not yet possible to meet or a second date will not happen soon, until then you should call at least once every 3 days to keep in touch. This will reduce the risk that the young lady will accept an invitation from another person. If you maintain contact, the girl will come up with a continuation of the story in advance and will assume that she is already busy with you.

What to talk about on the second date

On the second date, the guy and the girl already know about each other in general terms. Now is the time to find out if they are looking at life in the same direction. This will help avoid conflicts in the future.

The questions can be very different. Ask what you really want to know. If you have experience of unsuccessful relationships before, try asking the girl how she would behave in a given situation.

The main condition is that it should not be an interrogation with bias. Develop the topic, move from life to films and books, tell the story yourself.

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  1. If you are, then when greeting her at a new meeting, do not forget to do the same. If this was not the case, greet her with a friendly kiss on the cheek;
  2. Don't make your second date like your first. If the last meeting was active, then this time book a table at the restaurant. If the first time you walked along the streets or in the park and talked, then the second time you can go to the cinema or theater. In short, try to choose something opposite to the first date. Girls love variety;
  3. Active activities will help you open up better and learn more about the girl. The amusement park will show whether she is afraid of adventure, how she feels about speed and heights. A visit to the quest room will reveal her ability to solve puzzles and her thirst for excitement. At the zoo it will become clear whether the girl is inclined to take care of others, etc.;
  4. It's too early to introduce each other to friends or relatives, so hold off on going to the cinema or bar together;
  5. Don't invite a girl home after the second meeting. If she is from the “available” category, then she herself would have hinted already on the first date. Otherwise, you will have to wait at least 2-3 more meetings;
  6. Listen to everything the girl says and remember. On the second date, the young lady actively shares almost everything that they want to know from her. So this is the best time to find out about her favorite colors, chocolate, food allergies, etc. All this will definitely help when you choose for her. In addition, if a girl willingly talks about herself, then she is very positive towards you, which means that she will definitely agree to a third date;
  7. Be sure to kiss her goodbye. If this did not happen either the first or the second time, then there will be no third chance.

In general, the second date is even more important than the first. After an unsuccessful first meeting, a girl can give a man a second chance, but after the second there will be no such chance.

A sure sign that everything is going well with you will be her laughing at your jokes, trying to make joint plans (“I’ll show you this store someday!”) and If the girl agreed to a second meeting, then either she liked you or she gave you a second chance.

In the second trimester, if necessary, a second pregnancy screening is prescribed, which should confirm or refute the data obtained during the first comprehensive examination. Changes in results are carefully studied, compared with standard indicators, and appropriate conclusions are drawn.

Based on them, parents receive information about the intrauterine state of the child. If it is positive, all that remains is to wait for his safe birth. If negative, it is necessary to take appropriate measures - treatment or artificially induced premature birth. In any case, the second screening is a responsible procedure for which you need to be prepared mentally and physically.

Those who have already undergone the first comprehensive examination know and understand perfectly well why they do the second screening during pregnancy. The purposes of this procedure:

  • identify those defects that could not be determined after the first screening;
  • confirm or refute diagnoses previously made in the first trimester;
  • establish the level of risk of pathologies;
  • detect physiological deviations in the formation of the child’s body systems.
  • high hCG;
  • low EZ and AFP.
  • all blood counts are low.

Neural tube defect:

  • normal hCG.
  • high E3 and AFP.

A bad second screening does not always guarantee a 100% accurate diagnosis. There were cases when completely healthy children were born after it. Even medicine makes mistakes. But you shouldn’t count on the fact that this is exactly your case. In this matter, it is better to rely on the opinion and recommendations of the gynecologist observing the pregnancy. It is he, as a professional, who can take into account the possibility of a false result, which is determined by many different factors.

False results

Although rare, this does happen: second trimester screening produces false results. This is possible if the course of pregnancy is characterized by the following features:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • incorrect deadline;
  • excess weight overestimates the indicators, underweight underestimates them;

Before conducting the second screening, the gynecologist must identify these factors using a questionnaire and a preliminary examination and take them into account when drawing the results. It is on this that further actions to maintain or terminate the pregnancy will depend.

Next steps

Since the second screening during pregnancy is carried out already in the middle of pregnancy, abortion if severe genetic abnormalities are detected is impossible. What actions can a doctor recommend in this case?

  1. Consult a gynecologist about the data obtained if the risk of developing abnormalities is 1:250 or 1:360.
  2. Carrying out invasive diagnostic techniques with a risk of pathologies of 1:100.
  3. If a diagnosis is confirmed that cannot be corrected therapeutically, fetal extraction is recommended.
  4. If the pathology is reversible, treatment is prescribed.

The second screening quite often ends in forced labor, and the couple must be mentally prepared for this. Since a lot depends on these procedures, young parents need to know as much information as possible about them, which will help to understand unclear issues and dispel doubts.

And other features

Before the second screening procedures, the couple always has many questions about how to properly prepare for them and how exactly they go. The doctor does not always have time to carry out detailed educational work on this matter, so you often have to look for the answers yourself. A special block will help make this task easier.

At what time is the second screening done?

From the 16th to the 20th week.

Is it necessary to donate blood at the second screening?

If the ultrasound showed abnormalities, then it is necessary. If there are no suspicions of genetic disorders, the doctor may not prescribe a blood biochemistry test.

What is included in the second screening during pregnancy?

Ultrasound and biochemical blood test taken from a vein.

What does the second screening reveal?

Genetic disorders in the development of the fetus and placenta.

Is it necessary to do a second screening?

At the first bad screening - a must.

How should hCG change at the second screening?

Compared to the results of the first screening, its indicators temporarily decrease.

Is it possible to eat before the second screening?

You cannot eat 4 hours before the second screening, as this may distort the research results.

In some cases, doubts about whether the fetus has developmental abnormalities can be dispelled or confirmed only by a second screening. If the results of the first showed too high a risk of gene mutations, but the pregnancy was not terminated, a comprehensive study must be completed. This allows you not only to soberly assess the situation, but also to make an informed decision about whether to give birth to a sick baby or not. This is a difficult question, but one cannot ignore it: not only the life of the child, but also the fate of the parents themselves depends on it.

What to talk about and how to behave?

If a girl came on a second date with you, it means you are handsome and did everything right on the first.

The second date is already a more fundamental stage than the first. There you need to win the young lady over, get close to her and inspire her trust.

You need to do this in 2-3 hours, don’t rush. If on the first date you just looked at each other, and it took half an hour, then today everything is more serious.

Second date rules:

Where to invite a girl on a second date?

It is advisable to choose a place where it will be easier to complete your tasks. There should be a certain atmosphere there: dim lights and lounge music to help you.

It is advisable that you sit on the sofas. You will be able to sit comfortably, and you will begin to complete the tasks of the second date.

Choose the most comfortable place with unobtrusive service. You and the girl should have the impression that you are alone there.

What could it be:

  • restaurant;
  • hookah bar;
  • coffee shop;
  • movie;
  • exhibition;
  • event.

Since you have a couple of hours for this meeting, you can combine several places. For example, take a walk in the park and then go to a coffee shop. Or take a girl to the zoo, and then go eat at a restaurant.

The more different places you two visit and the more situations you experience together, the closer you will become.

Your tasks on the second date.

  • Get closer.

If at the first meeting you sat opposite each other, then today sit on the same sofa with the girl. This will make it easier for you to start touching her, tickling her and getting into her intimate area.

  • Touch a girl.

Use socially acceptable touching first. For example, arms, shoulders, elbows, waist, back. Then start hugging her and being very close to the girl.

Don't be intrusive. If she responded well to you hugging her, then you don’t need to sit like that for the rest of the hour. Touch it, then let it go. Stroke it and release it again. Be unpredictable.

  • Get into her intimate area.

This way you will check how much the girl is already disposed towards you and how much she trusts you. Watch how she reacts to your touch.

If it’s positive, then don’t be stupid and take her home. If she tries to push you away, it means you haven’t completely won her over.

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What to do on the second date?

  • To drink or not?

Alcohol promotes relaxation and seduction. So, if a girl drinks, then wine and cocktails will help you. But you don’t need to get her drunk, this is a method for weaklings.

  • To eat or not to eat?

If you eat a big meal, you won't want to do anything else but lie around. Therefore, if you are counting on sex, it is better to eat salads.

  • Should I smoke hookah?

Very carefully. It is very relaxing and causes headaches. You can turn from a charged, lively person into a limp sausage, and no girl will like it. So it would be best not to smoke it at all.

What to talk about with a girl on the second date?

This is not your first meeting, and the topics can be more varied than about anything or everything. The most important thing for you is to evoke emotions in her. So choose. For example:

  • sex;
  • relationship;
  • childhood;
  • secrets;
  • character;
  • romance;
  • trips;
  • women;
  • men.

At the same time, be next to her, hug her, speak in a low chest voice, sometimes switch to a whisper. Use all your masculine charm and everything you have pumped up in yourself to get this girl.

Taboo topics on a date:

  • Job;
  • problems;
  • policy;
  • crisis;
  • religion;
  • family.

What does a girl do on the second date?

She went on two dates, which means she likes you. And she is most likely ready to give it to you.

She can only wait for you to excite her and take her. And watch how you play with her. So be confident, courageous and take action.

Your behavior and positioning on the second date:

  • Conduct yourself with confidence. Look into the eyes, don't miss the point. This is the only way girls can be tamed.
  • Look good, it will be a plus for you in any situation.
  • Show that everything is fine in your life. Tell funny stories.
  • The mood is fire. Radiate positivity and joy, evoke emotions.
  • Touch the girl. Be sure to touch the girl! Otherwise you will get stuck in the friend zone.
  • Show verbally and non-verbally that you are interested in the girl as a woman. And that you want her. Don't be shy.
  • Compliments and flirting will help you evoke emotions and excite her.

How to understand that a girl is interested in you?

So, you do everything according to the instructions. But how do you figure out if your behavior is working? This can be calculated from the young lady's response:

  • she constantly non-verbally participates in communications with you;
  • she asks questions, is interested in you;
  • she laughs at your jokes;
  • she straightens her hair/clothes, touches herself;
  • she allows you to touch her;
  • and anyway, she still hasn't left the date.

Now you know how to behave on a second date, so