What to do with your child at home: entertaining games for children. How to entertain children in their free time What to do with a 5 year old child

Why do children spend days on their tablets? Because they are simply bored at home, and their parents do not try to occupy them with something interesting. And in vain, because there are so many cool ideas on how to entertain your baby at home. We'll tell you about the 15 best!

Let's cure all the animals?

Play Doctor Aibolit with your baby. Let the child see if his favorite bear, plastic soldiers and stuffed elephant are healthy. Tell your baby about diseases such as colds, high fevers and conduct a “diagnosis” of toys.

creative necklace

Take a thread, buttons, a ring and other small items that will be suitable for creating an original necklace. If your child is older and loves to play with dolls, show him how to make outfits for his favorite Barbies. And then the baby will be able to try himself as a designer!

Drawing from the future

Let your child draw your family in 10 years. Ask the baby “How do you see dad, mom and yourself in the future?” The kid must draw this on paper.

Unusual Fleet

Fill the children's bathtub (or basin) with water and launch a lot of boats into it. These could be plastic lids, soap dishes, empty cream boxes. Tell the little one that this is his personal fleet and he must organize a sea voyage.

Guess who it is?

Place a few of your child's toys in the bag. Then ask your baby to close his eyes and guess by touch which toys are hidden in the bag.

Postcards for friends

Ask your child to make some cards for friends and family they miss. Then, by the way, postcards can be sent by mail.

Shadow theater

Organize a real shadow theater! The same as in our Soviet childhood. Show your child a wolf cub, a bunny, a snake. He himself must also come up with figures and show them on his fingers.

Cardboard house

Take a cardboard box and arrange it like a house for a doll or pet. Place a toy rug inside, paint the walls, make windows and a door.

Castle of pillows and blankets

Feeder for tits

You can cut out a small house out of cardboard, pour grains into it and hang the feeder on a tree in the yard. And let the child watch how the titmice flock there.


Take three cups and hide a coin under one of them. Rearrange the cups several times and tell your child to guess where exactly the coin is hidden.


Using special children's cosmetics, create an unusual makeup for your daughter. Let the little one draw something on your face too - see who did the best job!

Find the bear

Another game of hide and seek, only in this case the baby needs to look for his favorite toy. Place the teddy bear in a secluded place and let the child guess where it is.

Who knows more fairy tale characters?

Start naming characters from fairy tales that you know (Cinderella, Dwarfs, the wizard). Let the baby do the same. Whoever remembers the most characters wins.

Home concert

Using available materials - plastic cups, sticks, empty boxes, create some new melody. Or “tap” the rhythms of familiar songs - the baby must guess them.

The child spends most of his time at home. If he goes to kindergarten or school, then after these institutions he can often easily occupy himself. He comes, washes his hands, eats, and you can already see that the baby is so carried away by his toys that he does not notice the world around him. However, it also happens the other way around: he gets bored at home and doesn’t know what to do. I'm already tired of toys, I'm not in the mood to have fun. He walks around, whining and tugging at your elbow to make you play with him.

We need to take care of the child, that’s why we are parents. But remember that the activity must meet the physiological and mental needs of the child, as well as develop in him various character traits and preferably skills. Every year of a baby’s life brings new joys and difficulties. Therefore, it is better to classify games and amusements by year.

What to do with a 1 year old child at home

Proper development of the baby will be ensured if you know what is interesting for a small one-year-old child to do. Based on his preferences, you can come up with many games and first developmental activities.

What does a one-year-old child like?:

  1. Transport soft toys, cars, dolls from one place to another.
  1. Look at bright things.
  1. Overcome obstacles in the form of furniture (thanks to developing crawling skills).
  1. Copy the emotions and actions of people around you.
  1. To be on public display, to be the center of attention.
  1. Look for hidden things, toys, parents.
  1. Throw various objects into a basket, box.
  1. Use any items to create buildings. Immediately destroy the building.
  1. Splash in the water in all directions.
  1. Sprinkle sand with your fingers.
  1. Empty the contents from the bag, climb into large boxes.
  1. Get tangled in fabrics.


Based on these children's pranks, you can help your child have fun in his leisure time. Just play along and you will see how the baby will instantly perk up.

Basin with water. Not everyone has a private home and the opportunity to put a children's pool in the yard. If it’s hot outside and you live in an apartment, then build a small pool for your baby. Pour water into a large basin and throw ducks and other floating toys into it. Carefully place your baby there. This method will help the baby survive the heat easier and will give him the opportunity to splash around to his heart's content.

Throwing objects into the pipe. Tape a toilet paper roll to the wall (vertically) and give your child small toys. Place a basket or box below. He will really enjoy throwing them into the hole.

Cubes in the machine. Buy your child (no matter if it's a girl or a boy) a big truck and some blocks. Let them be bright. Show your little one how to load the car and unload cubes from there, and build structures and towers from them. A dump truck is perfect for this purpose.

Pyramid. Buy a pyramid (the bigger the better). Teach your baby to fold it correctly - this will develop logic. You can show that it is more fun to put on the rings in another way - throw them at the cone from a distance.

Balls of thread. If your little one loves to throw his toys into all corners of the apartment, organize such a game for him. Place a large box far away, and lay out multi-colored balls of thread next to the baby (it is better to secure the ends so that they do not unwind). Show them how much fun it is to throw them in the basket. Balls can be replaced with homemade balls using the patchwork technique or small soft toys.

Matryoshka. If you can’t buy a regular nesting doll, then buy a toy similar to it. Your child will love putting little figures inside.

Shaggy toys. Buy a toy pony, horse, doll or other toy with long hair for your baby. Show how to comb these hairs and how pleasant it is to touch them, teach them how to tie ponytails.

Games with water. This way you can play on the balcony, laying down an oilcloth, or on the street. Provide your baby with watering cans, dishes, saucepans, and a water mill and fill some of them with water. You'll see how much the baby will enjoy pouring water.

Rumblers. Many children love to knock and the louder the better. They understand that their efforts produce a certain sound and this causes great joy. Therefore, satisfy your child's need - buy a rattle, tambourine, xylophone, children's hammer and let the baby bang to his heart's content. You can fill an iron tea can with walnuts and let your baby play with it (under your supervision).

Mini items. Children at this age are already trying to imitate you, so provide them with small household items - a mini sponge for washing dishes or a spatula to poke around in a flower pot.

What to do with a 1.5 year old child at home

At 1.5 years old, children are already smarter, many can walk and try to run. Consider what they love at this age.

What does a one and a half year old child like?:

  1. Talk (babble) a lot.
  1. Run from one room to another and help parents clean.
  1. Digging through bags.
  1. Chase pets or pigeons outside.
  1. Climb higher onto the back of a sofa or chair.
  1. Stir the contents.
  1. Play with paper and crumple it.
  1. Play with sand.


Nursery rhymes. Now is the time to learn simple quatrains, songs, nursery rhymes. Do this whenever you want: while walking, while bathing, while feeding in a high chair, or while putting on clothes.

Broom and dustpan. If a child shows altruism and volunteers to help you, do not interfere with this. You yourself will notice with what pleasure the baby can cope with a long mop or broom. He can play with these items for a very long time. Show how to sweep and let your child enjoy the game.

Magic handbag. Take any small handbag, or even better, a cosmetic bag. Fill it with various small objects - kinders, broken watches, hair ties, key chains. Items should be bright and varied, you can even use broken ones. This handbag should be taken out in extreme moments: when someone needs to sit with a child, but you are busy or he is hysterical. Sit her on your lap and give her, under your supervision, the opportunity to sort out small objects and feel them, put them in her purse, empty them and put them back again. This will help keep 18-month-olds occupied for long hours. Just don't leave him alone with small objects.

We build obstacles. Even at home, you can provide your baby with physical activity. Scatter pillows across the floor, place soft poufs, or maybe put a big teddy bear. The larger the size, the better. Give your child the opportunity to climb and fall and get between them. He will really enjoy overcoming obstacles like this.

Games with paper. Arm yourself with newspapers - the more, the better. Show your child how to crumple and tear them.

Personal bag. You can buy a small bag for your baby, which the child will fill with his toys and carry them from place to place. It’s best if it’s a small, comfortable backpack that can fit dolls, cars, and plush bunnies.

Colored crayons. This age is the time to get acquainted with colored crayons or pastels. They can be used to draw both outdoors and at home. To do this, purchase special paper, cardboard, whatman paper, or find an unnecessary dark board. The baby can draw whatever he wants on it, and then wash it with a damp cloth.

Repeating actions. Download a cartoon or buy a large colorful book that depicts the actions of animals: a kitten washes its face with its paw, a chicken pecks grains. Try repeating these movements with your baby.

Grimaces. At 1.5 years old, babies already begin to make faces. Show him photographs from magazines or pictures from a book with different characters. Ask the baby to repeat the facial expressions and actions “as does auntie?”, “as Superman points with his pen?”.

Sifting through the sand. Pour sand into a large container and give your baby a toy rake and shovels. Show how you can draw patterns in the sand and make small shapes by adding water. It will be interesting for the child to watch how the sand flows through his fingers. For such activities, as you can see, it is not necessary to go to the sandbox.

Engravings. Now selling mini prints for little ones. All you need to do is take a stick and start erasing the black surface. A beautiful pattern will appear under it. Which the baby will discover on his own.

What to do with a 2 year old child at home

At 2 years old, the child delves more and more into the world around him and tries to embrace as many interesting things as possible.

What does a two year old child like?:

  1. Scribble on paper with pencils, pens, and felt-tip pens.
  1. Understand the designer.
  1. Looking at children on the playground.
  1. “Read” fairy tales with mom (often chooses the same one).
  1. Likes to touch objects of different shapes and textures.
  1. It is more meaningful to play with the pyramid (trying to assemble it correctly).
  1. Draw little scribbles and name them.
  1. Model from dough.
  1. “Shoot” from pistols.
  1. Roll dolls in a stroller.


Drawing. Buy your child a large Whatman paper and finger or watercolor paints. You can add crayons, pastels, pencils, felt-tip pens and colorful pens to your artist’s arsenal. Let the little one paint a big picture and use any objects for this.

First buildings. Buy a construction set with large parts and start building tall towers together. It will be amazing for a child to watch how the tower becomes the size of him. After construction, let your child frolic and offer to break it.

Orthopedic mats. Such rugs will not only be an excellent way to prevent flat feet, but the baby will also like them. Sew it from fabrics of different textures and invite them to walk on it with their feet. You can pour rice, buckwheat, stones from the street, twigs, beads, buttons, seeds, chestnuts into trays. Show how fun it is to walk on them with your feet.

Cooking together. At 2 years old, children like to sculpt with dough or plasticine. Start making pies or buns together. Give the baby a piece of dough and show how you can make roses, figures, and buns from it. The child will enjoy eating homemade products.

Water gun. If you have a boy growing up in your house, he will really like a water pistol. However, this kind of fun is most suitable for games in the courtyard of a private house. You can fill the gun with either regular water or tinted water with watercolors. Invite your neighborhood friends - it's more fun to chase each other with pistols together.

Stroller for girls. The mother-daughter game is gaining momentum. Therefore, provide the girl with all the necessary items to take care of her ward. This could be a piece of warm fabric as a blanket, a small pillow you sewed, or a toy stroller in which you can push the doll.

Home snow. Why wait for winter when you can enjoy snow in summer? Combine just two ingredients: dad's shaving cream and cornstarch. Stir and let your child play - he won’t want to leave this snow.

What to do with a 3 year old child at home

Three-year-olds are real hurricanes. This is the age of the first crises and active games. Irrepressible energy is boiling in these kids! Channel your child's energy into a peaceful direction by providing age-appropriate games.

What does a three year old child like?:

  1. Jump and run.
  1. Hide in fabrics.
  1. Climb under tables.
  1. Imitate animal gestures and sounds.
  1. Be creative.
  1. Dress up in mom's clothes and use cosmetics.
  1. Play hide and seek.


For the restless. Is your child running around the house and you just can’t stop him? Invite him not to run, but to jump. To do this, buy a large jumper. It is a rubberized animal that you can sit on and jump on. It’s easy to hold on to the ears or horns. Jumping, falling from it - the child will really like it all. There are cows, horses, pigs, kittens and many others for sale.

Little halabuda. To add more mystery to the game, you will need a large table and cloth. Cover it with a cloth so that there are no gaps left, and lay something soft inside. The baby will love to hide in such a hut and hide his toys there. To enhance the effect, move the chairs up and use more fabric. In this case, you will have not only a small cave, but also secret passages.

Works of art. Modeling perfectly develops speech, like any finger games. Take an empty bottle with a cap and invite your child to create their own piece of art. It can be filled with pebbles or cereals, while creating beautiful patterns. But the child will prefer to decorate the bottle with bright colors. For this you will need plasticine. Let your baby cover the entire bottle with pieces of plasticine, creating beautiful effects to suit your taste.

Road traffic. If your little one loves to play with cars, then let him create a road for them and mark pedestrian crossings. For this, scissors and paper are used. Show your child how to cut out strips of paper and build a track out of them. If you show more imagination, you can create a pedestrian bridge from a construction set and road signs from cardboard and plasticine (for a stand).

Matchboxes and a doll house. You can come up with a lot of interesting things from matchboxes. Take a cake box - this will be a house for the doll. Cut out the door and windows with scissors. Make the necessary furniture or boxes from matchboxes. Your daughter will be indescribably delighted.

Hide and seek. Play hide and seek with your baby or hide an object, while saying “hot” (when the baby comes closer to the hidden object) or “cold” (when the baby moves away from it). Then switch roles.

Unusual drawings. Make unique boots for your child from bubble bags. Place whatman paper and dilute paints in several dishes. The baby's task is to dip his feet and walk on whatman paper, creating masterpieces from circles.

What to do with a 5 year old child at home

At the age of 5, children become very smart and try to reason at the level of adults. But they still need children's games to develop.

What does a five year old child like?:

  1. Try to read, write and name letters with numbers.
  1. Build large cities from construction kits.
  1. Compose your own fairy tales and try to “read” the fairy tale to your parents based on the picture.
  1. Solve riddles.
  1. Blow bubbles.
  1. Make applications.
  1. “Treat” the patient and transform any life actions into a game.
  1. Try on the role of a doctor, police officer, teacher.
  1. Play with a ball or jump rope.
  1. Organize your toys.


Learning and play. Try to make it not just a game, but fun with educational elements. If you are reading a book, be sure to show and name letters and numbers, and try to read the words together. You can make cards with bright letters and hide them in a bag. Take turns taking out a card and saying a letter.

More designer. Now the child’s buildings are becoming more and more grandiose. These could be entire high-rise buildings, garages, hospitals, highways, bridges and even elevators. To make it even more interesting for your little one to play with the construction set, give him more space on the floor, and then add other objects to the toys - large and small boxes, jars. This way the baby will be able to create something new and unusual.

We create applications. Take a large bag for a walk and start collecting everything that might be useful for appliques. These can be twigs, leaves, acorns, small pebbles, flowers. Come home and come up with an interesting composition together. PVA glue or plasticine are suitable for fastening.

Play along with your child. If he calls himself a policeman, give him the opportunity to arrest himself or have him teach the toy to behave. If your child wants to play doctor, then buy him a small hospital, you can put a syringe with water in it without a needle. Let the baby treat you, put something on you and write you a prescription.

Big bubbles. Buy soap bubbles for your baby or prepare them yourself (water, shampoo and a plastic part from a pen). Show how interesting it is to watch soap bubbles from the balcony. There is another exciting game. Pour some homemade soap bubbles onto the board and touch the plastic part from the handle to the surface of the board. Start blowing the bubble. It will be attached to the board and will begin to shimmer when you blow on it.

Jumping rope. A small child, especially a five-year-old, needs to develop muscle mass. Give him a jump rope or a small trampoline. This way you will immediately kill two birds with one stone: you will give him the opportunity to spend time actively and strengthen his health.

Games with friends. If it's your little one's birthday and he wants to invite friends, offer them the popular game of cat and mouse.

DIY paints. Create colors with your child using hair gel, glitter, small confetti and candy wrappers, and crushed up eye shadow. It is much more interesting to paint with such paints than with ordinary ones.

What to do with a 6 year old child at home

Since this age is preschool, the child should be shown games that help him master the skills needed in the first grade.

What does a six year old child like?:

  1. Solve difficult puzzles and riddles.
  1. Play with your phones and other gadgets.
  1. Imagine that the carpet is a river and the sofa is the mountains. That is, to bring more magic into a familiar environment.
  1. Paint.
  1. Collect interesting objects on the street.
  1. Decorate the room.


Developing logic. Teach your child to make origami out of paper. This puzzle will help him develop both hemispheres of the brain, as well as his imagination. As a last resort, you can buy your little one a large book with puzzles and solve it together with the whole family on cozy winter evenings.

The first gadgets. It will not be possible to completely protect a child from virtual reality. Therefore, you can buy your little one a simple phone without a SIM card and teach him how to use an alarm clock. Tetris, Tamagotchi and other games are also suitable.

First magazines. Your child will really like it if you start subscribing to him a children's magazine or newspaper. This will also satisfy his sense of importance. There are many games in magazines and newspapers that you can play at home and in a group.

Herbarium. Invite your child to build a rock garden or collect a herbarium at home. You can buy a small fountain and invite your child to decorate it at his own discretion.

Games on paper. This age is the time of the first games on paper. You can play "Field of Dreams", "Words" or "Hangman". This will help replenish the baby’s vocabulary and allow him to repeat all the letters again before school.

"Bombs." Cut out green and red circles for your child from paper and strew them on the carpet. Play some fun music. The child’s task is to jump on the green circles without staying long on any of them. If you hit a red light, you lose, we start again.

Cardboard house. You will have to stock up on cardboard in advance. Using tape, make one huge box for the child (possibly with windows and a door). Draw a railroad or highway inside, place kinders and invite your child to play.

What to do with a 7 year old child at home

Now the child has gone to school, and there is less time left for games. But this does not mean that the baby no longer wants to frolic.

What does a seven year old child like?:

  1. Play board games.
  1. Collect collections.
  1. Play "school".
  1. Play with paper dolls.
  1. Read books about animals.
  1. Do physical exercise.


First lotto. Invite your little one to play lotto. The whole family can play this wonderful game; at the same time, the student will repeat previously learned numbers and develop attentiveness. Instead of lotto, dominoes, checkers or a game of “corners” are suitable.

Complete collection. If a child is interested in something, he can start collecting it. Anything will do here: stickers, chips, various Kinder Surprise figures, candy wrappers, cards - anything.

Game for school. Many children, coming home after school, try to imagine themselves as teachers and want to teach mom and dad. These role reversal games are very useful. Firstly, they help relieve stress after school, and secondly, they allow you to better assimilate or consolidate educational material. Let your child get the textbooks and give you a notebook in which he will check your homework and mark you. You provide him with a board, chalk, a rag and get ready to be an obedient student.

Paper dolls for girls. A girl may no longer find it so interesting to play with ordinary dolls. Suggest switching to paper. Let her cut out models from magazines and sign their names, ages, and whatever else she wants on the back. With the help of such dolls you can play at school, fashion models and beauty contests, and also draw new dresses for them.

Meet the Animals. Give your little one a large atlas with animals and offer to do some research. Let him choose one animal that he liked the most and try to find out as many details about it as possible.

Active games. At this age, it’s good to buy a wall bars for your baby or build a horizontal bar. Try to gradually accustom your child to sports, buy him a ball and the first sports equipment.

River at home. If you live in a private house, build a trench with high sides out of foil and fill it with water. Just remember that the foil must be tough. Your child will really enjoy launching cardboard boats along this river.

What to do with an 8 year old child at home

At the age of 8, the child’s body continues to grow and develop, but puberty is still far away. School takes up most of my time. Therefore, it is so important to be able to relax and properly organize the leisure time of an eight-year-old.

What does an eight year old child like?:

  1. Play by yourself.
  1. Play sports and be more physically active.
  1. Learn new things.
  1. Compete with peers.
  1. Express your opinion.
  1. Invite friends to the game.


Cuttings. The eight-year-old is great at working with paper, so he will really enjoy cutting out snowflakes, garlands or figures. Z. Dadashova compiled a very interesting book “Magic paper: tutorial on technology cutting for schoolchildren." Your child will certainly enjoy creating his own masterpieces.

First experiments. Buy a young chemist or physics kit for your child. This will be a wonderful relief for the brain and at the same time satisfy the child’s thirst for knowledge. Such sets will help you prepare for chemistry and physics in high school and, perhaps, will forever instill a love for these subjects.

Table hockey. Since eight-year-olds already have friends, let your child invite a friend home and buy table hockey, football or another game that will be fun for the two of you to play without leaving home.

Sand drawings. Build your child a light table for sand painting (you can find information on how to create one on the Internet). This is not only fantastic, but also unusual. By turning off the light, you can create real masterpieces from sand, pebbles, grains or beads.

Drawing zentangles. You can purchase special watercolor paper (can be replaced with a regular album) and buy liners to give your child the opportunity to create incredibly beautiful zentangle-style patterns. Anything is suitable for inspiration: patterns on the carpet, curtains, clothes. By connecting tangles together you can get very beautiful weaving.

What to do with a 9 year old child at home

By the age of 9, your child has not only grown up, but also gained a lot of weight. A little more and he will enter adolescence. Nine-year-olds have lightning-fast thinking, clearly express their thoughts, write, count and read well.

What does a nine year old child like?:

  1. Pry your nose everywhere: what works and how it works, study, explore.
  1. Understand the first problems and think about why people act this way and not otherwise.
  1. Set yourself small tasks and solve them.
  1. Use a creative approach in everything.
  1. Read books on interesting topics.
  1. Set up your own corner.
  1. Listen to the sounds of music.


Music lessons. If your child loves listening to music, that is, you notice a high interest in this type of art, be sure not to ignore it. Bring your child to a music school where he will have his hearing checked. Later you can buy a violin, piano, wind instrument - whatever you like best. Then the question of “what should a nine-year-old do at home” will be resolved very easily.

Chess. At this age, children already love complexity, intricate plots and games. Therefore, invite your child to learn to play chess. This will help not only develop logic, but also strengthen the child’s mental activity.

Home library. Schoolchildren are divided into two categories: some read with rapture, while others do not like to do this. If your child is engrossed in books and enjoys telling them to you, buy him a bookcase or at least shelves and put together a home library. Let the child put everything that is dear to him on the shelves and read in his free time.

Decoupage. Nine-year-olds are already eager to put things in order and decorate their things. It’s just that order doesn’t last long. To keep your child busy, invite him to do decoupage. In big cities there are shops that sell hobby goods. He will be able to make amazing items both independently and together with you.

Pets, herbalist or aquarium. At this age, the child needs care for the younger ones. Buy him an aquarium that can be filled with sea water and have beautiful corals and fish. You can try to create your own herbal book - your child will surely like beautiful plants behind glass and caring for them. To develop responsibility, buy him a kitten or dog and entrust the care to the child. Then your free time will not be spent in boredom.

Rainbow fan. Let your child paint the fan blades in the brightest colors with gouache. Then all that remains is to turn it on and admire.

Umbrella design. Find a black umbrella, take acrylic paints or blue-violet gouache and draw a starry sky on the inside with your nine-year-old. You'll see how much your child will enjoy walking in the rain.

What to do with a 10 year old child at home

The thirst for knowledge manifests itself everywhere - the child asks you, friends and teachers a lot of questions and already knows how to independently find answers to them in literature and other sources of information.

What does a ten year old child like?:

  1. Play with friends.
  1. Challenge you and your friends.
  1. Play computer.
  1. Make something.
  1. Spend time outside.


Monopoly. It is very difficult to keep a ten year old at home. Puberty begins, the body changes, so the child becomes very active. But what to do if you can’t go for a walk? Play Monopoly! This game will not only teach your child to count better than anyone else, but will also develop financial thinking.

Children's microscope. You can give your ten-year-old a mini microscope at home. The child will really enjoy exploring various small objects. You will see with what pleasure he will share his impressions.

Camera. Can't tear your child away from the computer or phone? Encourage him to spend quality time and learn how to take beautiful photographs. Tell us how to choose an angle and find photo editing programs on the Internet. If you use gadgets, then only for good.

Electronic designer "Connoisseur". This interactive game will give your child many positive emotions. It is suitable not only for him, but will also capture the attention of his parents for a long time. LEDs, transistors, electrical circuits - your growing child is unlikely to exchange these for a computer.

Classics without leaving home. You can satisfy your baby’s activity at home. To do this, take insulating tape and use it to stick numbers on the tiles in the form of hopscotch.

Embroidering without a needle. Find burlap fabric with large holes at home and give your child a lot of colorful balls. He will thread threads through the holes, creating a beautiful canvas.

Home bowling. Setting up a home bowling alley is not difficult at all. You will need a long piece of plywood, limiters on the sides made of electrical tape, improvised objects (kinders will do as pins) and a jumper (can be replaced with a large bead or chestnut).

As you can see, you can come up with a lot of home games, but the most interesting thing is that both you and your husband will look away from the computer, so you will also want to join. And such joint games really bring us closer together.

We all want to spend as much time as possible with our child and give him every second of our attention. But this does not always work out, especially during a long work week. How to make your child’s leisure time interesting and at the same time useful in those moments when you are not around?


This is one of the most enjoyable pastimes for children, where they can fantasize and be naughty without limits. Even the great Pablo Picasso was jealous of children: “Every child is an artist. The difficulty is to remain an artist beyond childhood.”


Depending on the age of the child, choose tools: from crayons and markers to paint. Think about what interesting things you have seen lately. It could be something you saw on a walk, a favorite cartoon or a fragment from a fairy tale. Invite your child to imitate this. Add variety and add unusual or fabulous elements to the image's plot. Children love to fantasize and will gladly support your game according to the new rules.

Until January 12, you can also receive a prize for creativity. Take part in the competition on our website and win an HP Deskjet Ink Advantage printer or even a personal drawing from the famous Russian illustrator Evgeny Antonenkov!


Children are attracted by the freedom to create something new, be it a drawing or a sculpture from. It is important to know that working with small elements and details has a positive effect on the development of a child’s motor skills. The child actively uses all possibilities of hand movement. Here are just a few of the most common examples:

Modeling: plasticine, clay, dough

What to sculpt? You don’t need to go far - you can start with your child’s favorite toy, offering to repeat it with your own hands. Over time, tasks can be made more difficult by removing objects and asking them to recreate them from memory.

Paper crafts: collage, origami

With the spread of the Internet and printers, it has become much easier to find the necessary items for crafts. You can combine cutting out elements from magazines with scissors and searching for the necessary elements on the Internet. Print out a few photos and have them make a fun collage. Or show the basic principles of creating origami and give your child several ready-made templates that he can use to make a craft.

Knitting: fabrics and beads

Although many people find this activity boring, often a handmade gift for mom that she will be happy to wear can serve as a great incentive for a child. You will be pleasantly surprised at how over time your child will become more diligent and persistent.

Spatial thinking: construction sets, puzzles

It is extremely important to pay attention to this aspect in. If puzzles are a complete and only possible picture or figure, then modern designers allow you to create more and more new crafts.


Remember your childhood: many of us really didn’t like going to music school. Times pass, but morals remain the same: children are rarely interested in making music alone. But you can instill an interest in music by introducing your child to famous musical fairy tales and musicals.

You can combine business with pleasure - offer to dance to your favorite music and sing. This is a very good way to release pent-up energy.



You can exercise even at home. Just doing any exercises alone is boring. But winning an argument is a completely different matter! Raise the bar for your child every time and rejoice with him in his successes. For example, this week, among other things, you need to do five push-ups every time. In a week or two it’s already six.

Help around the house

The sooner a child understands the value of housekeeping, the better. Make it clear that the little owner can help you a lot right now:

  • Place a chair in front of the sink so that your child does not have to reach to the sink. Washing dishes while listening to pleasant music will be a pleasant and useful experience. This is often a very useful addition to treatment in the form of warming up the hands.
  • Show how to use a vacuum cleaner correctly and highlight an area for which the child is in charge. You can add a game to this process - hide toys or clues for prizes in various places.
  • Do you need to cook something? Why not use a little helper? Let the cooking take longer, but the child will be busy with useful work and will be nearby.

Hidden features:

Often pleasant surprises await us in ordinary things. For example, with the HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 6525 e-All-in-One, you can print coloring pages, craft patterns, and more without using a computer.

Of course, you need to try to make sure that the child does not develop alone. Therefore, if possible, we advise you to take your child to various sections and clubs, where, in addition to teachers, the child will be among peers, which will help him develop faster.

What do you recommend?

Comment on the article "Developing at home! 6 ways to entertain your child"

At this age, you really need to engage in the development of the child, actively learn about the environment, and prepare for school. My son is already 5 years old! And he already understands a lot of things! I try to do mostly educational games with him at home, or I buy him art kits and then we create... Sometimes I get material for inspiration and master classes with children on the website YozhikYozhik.ru.

09.29.2014 19:34:57, Dendi1 25.05.2014 15:52:29,

Total 2 messages .

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Sometimes even the most resilient parent becomes overwhelmed by fatigue or loss of strength.

And sometimes even the most wonderful child gets bored with all his toys, books, puzzles and wants something new. Which is what he persistently demands.

And the desire to sit quietly for 15 minutes and play something interesting comes into clear contradiction.

What to do with a child at such moments? Yes, so that it will also benefit its development?

Maybe you will find something interesting for yourself in these ideas for what to do with your child?

An adult must be nearby for all these activities, but active action is not required from him. You can sit quietly next to him and give the child freedom of action. This time is usually enough for me to rest and gain strength. All games develop fine motor skills, and as a result, both the child’s thinking and speech.

Well, let's get started? :)

1. We take out old magazines or newspapers that we have stockpiled... They can be torn - into strips or pieces - and then correlative movements of the hand and grasping develop. Just first you need to show how to do it correctly. We grab the sheet with the fingers of both hands, and then pull it in different directions. My son likes the final part of this action the most - throwing the scraps up with the words: “Autumn has come!” Then we collect all this leaf fall together.

Or you can crumple up the sheets and throw them like snowballs. Crumbling develops arm strength.

2. Plasticine to the rescue! Let's not engage in modeling seriously. We just remember it in our hands first – combining self-massage of our fingers and arms and developing our muscles. Let's poke it and make holes with one straightened index finger or all of them at once. And then we’ll roll out the cake and stick into it everything small that comes to hand: beads, pebbles, shells, cereals and legumes, etc.

3. Sorting items piled into one large box can keep a child busy for a while. This box contains buttons, and this bowl contains beads. If the child copes, you can increase the sorting to 4-5 types.

4. After all, a plastic bottle is, although not environmentally friendly, but a brilliant invention! What they don’t do with her. So we will throw small objects there... previously picked out of plasticine :) One at a time, supporting the bottle with the other hand.

5. Do you have a rubber bulb at home? Well, there will definitely be a rubber toy with a hole. We press on the pear or toy and blow off lumps of cotton wool or paper from any surface with a stream of air. You can blow on each other - it can be even funnier. This is how we develop arm strength. By the way, this is why squeaking with squeaky toys is also very useful.

6. I really didn’t think that this activity would be so interesting for my son. We put on our fingers and hands everything that can be used in this way: hair bands, caps from felt-tip pens, bracelets made from pieces of wood or stone with elastic bands, curlers, cardboard from toilet paper rolls - cut or whole... It is only important that we do not They put all this beauty on the baby’s fingers, and he was taught this. Then we move our colorful fingers in the felt-tip pen caps and shake our hands. Now let's shoot. And we decorate ourselves with something else... so we develop correlative movements.

7. Wind a thick rope or cord around a stick or reel. When it turns out well, you can wrap it on a ball. Develops movements of both fingers and hands.

8. Do you know how to braid hair? That's great! You can hang a bunch of string (I usually pin it in my desk drawer) and weave it into a braid. Or tie a light knot. And invite the baby to unravel it. But a child can learn to braid and tie knots only in preschool age. It is better to use sliding ropes - they are easier to unravel. Develops fine finger movements.

9. The same rope or ribbons can be wound around the hand: wrap the child’s hands or fingers and offer to untangle them. And then he will entangle you with a rope. Develops movement of hands and fingers.

10. Have you tried stringing beads on a cord? Or any other items with holes, such as buttons. Instead of a needle, you can use a stick with a hole or wire. Develops correlative movements.

11. Lacing, opening and closing zippers, Velcro are very useful. There are many toys that use this technique. But you can do just fine without them. We bring a pile of things and arrange a thorough search. Soooo, let's open the zipper... what's in our bag? Yeah, daddy's shoe... washed... with laces. And mine is with Velcro... let's continue our research.

12. I never use clothespins to dry clothes. No need. But I keep clothespins in the house. They can be attached to the edge of a bucket or bowl - the child needs to unfasten them one at a time and throw them into this container. If you cut a circle out of cardboard, the clothespins can become rays of the sun... or you can make a palm - four clothespins on top and one a little to the side... or attach “needles” to the outline of the hedgehog. My son can unhook it, but he can’t fasten it on yet. It's more complicated. This activity develops hand strength, correlative movements, and differentiates finger movements.

13. How many boxes, jars, bottles, vials and other things are in the house of a thrifty mother that are screwed on or closed with different lids or caps? We take out supplies and let him screw and unscrew... close and open. Selects the required diameters and sizes. You can put something inside for intrigue. It will rumble mysteriously and enticingly inside.

14. You can lay out figures on the floor or table using matches or cord.

15. How do you like “wet” games? Available? Then pour water into a basin or bowl, throw in small non-sinking objects (balls, Kinder surprise eggs...) and give the child a slotted spoon. Let him “fish” and collect what he caught in another bowl.

16. And in the dry version of this game, he can use tweezers to transfer small pieces of foam rubber or cork from one bowl to another. The pieces are about the size of a sugar cube and the more jagged the edges, the better.

17. In addition to the usual transfer-transfers, you can also use a more complex option. Mix small grains with large ones in one container (I use semolina and rice). Next we place another container (ours is a tray from the oven) with a strainer. The baby pours the mixture into the strainer with a spoon and stirs. The sifted rice is poured into a jar. And then we draw with our fingers on the pallet with semolina.

18. The scraps of paper torn in the first point may still be useful to us! If you put them in a box, you can hide a small toy there. And then look for it by touch.

19. Turning the key perfectly develops fine finger movements. But we don’t have wind-up toys. But there are doors with locks, a magic key and a toilet stand from Ikea. The little thing gets the key into his possession, carries the stand from door to door and plays tricks with the locks.

20. Although, if you don’t have any strength left even for simple actions... or you urgently need to do something around the house... the most proven method, popular among all times and peoples, is probably this one: “Bunny, bring it to me from the other room.... take it to dad... where's your truck? Well, look for it!... go there... bring it..." And who can say that this is not a developmental activity;)

A wonderful and pleasant thing for parents. But sometimes moms and dads are forced to do urgent things, and the child gets bored and doesn’t know what to do. All children are different, and each kid likes to do something different - some leaf through books, some rattle pots, and for others, sitting still for 5 minutes is torture, and he runs around all over the place upside down. How to calm down little fidgets? Houses? Let's try to find an exciting activity for any little one - calm or restless.

Summer days and the baby is at home

It's hard to stay at home when it's summer outside, it's sunny, warm and fun outside. Of course, rain, thunderstorm, wind or, on the contrary, scorching heat does not make anyone want to go outside. Even a child will understand that it is better not to go for a walk just yet. And if there are urgent matters or one of the family members is sick, which does not allow you to immediately leave the house with the baby, the question arises: what to do with the child at home in the summer? Every parent has an arsenal of ways to distract their baby. Although you can always find something new for your child.

For example, arrange a disco for your child. Children love to move. Play some fun music. There is time - set an example - dance with the baby, it will bring you closer and cheer you up. If the child is not alone, let them have a competition to see who can dance better and who can dance longer. The judge can be anyone - mom, dad, or whoever is next to the children right now. Competitions are a great incentive for older kids. You can build towers from cubes - which one is taller. Or put together puzzles - who is faster, etc. Almost all children love to splash in the water. The question will not arise about what to do with your child at home in the summer if he is healthy. It’s enough to pour water into the bath, give toys, and that’s it - your child will play in the water with pleasure, especially when it’s hot outside. It is important not to leave the child alone for a long time, you need to monitor the safety of the bathing process and, of course, control the water temperature, because your plans do not include the child’s illness.

Activities for the little ones

It is clear that different games are suitable for children of different ages. For example, there are not many options for keeping a three-month-old baby occupied at home. For such a baby, entertainment with toys hanging in the crib is suitable; it is better if they are bright rattles. The baby will lie down, look at objects with interest, touch it with an arm or a leg and listen to what sounds are produced. For children of this age, this is a favorite activity. You need to constantly talk to such children and sing them songs. Even if you are busy, you can tell your baby what you are doing. Take the baby in your arms as often as possible, do not be afraid to spoil him - there is never too much love, affection and warmth. If the baby is capricious and doesn’t want to stay in the crib, but urgent matters await you, take the baby with you. Sling is the solution to the problem. Many household chores can be done in the company of the baby, putting him in a sling. There are many variations of this product. You can keep your little one busy and sew them from different fabrics. The baby also needs to develop. These toys can be filled with various cereals - buckwheat, beans, pearl barley, etc. The child will touch them with his hands, and when he grows up, he will be interested in crushing such homemade things.

Classes for one-year-old children

What to do with a one-year-old child at home? The answer is not so simple. Sometimes a child can become fascinated by a thing, a subject that an adult would not even think about. Almost all children at this age love to play with saucepans, unbreakable jars and bottles, spoons, ladles and other child-safe kitchen utensils. If you are busy in the kitchen with your own affairs, sit your baby next to him, give him a few objects, and let him study. When he gets tired of looking, opening and closing, replace some objects with others, and the child, if he is not hungry and does not want to sleep, will sit a little longer, doing what you gave him. You can pour some beans, legumes or some cereal into plastic bottles. The baby will happily rattle his homemade toy. You can also offer your little one colorful books, preferably ones that won’t tear. Children love to look at pictures, but you need to make sure that the baby does not put books in his mouth; some mischievous children bite off or tear off the paper and chew, or even swallow.

Do you have an urgent computer-related job and don’t know what to do with your one-year-old child at home? Place him next to him, give him a blank sheet of paper, pencils, a pen, and just make sure that the baby doesn’t put anything in his mouth. The child will occupy himself for some time. Many kids love to tear paper. You can give your child an unnecessary magazine or an old book, show how to tear the pages, but make sure that the baby does not put anything in his mouth. In addition, children at one year begin to play with pyramids and cubes. Offer them to your little one, show them how to build, and when he gets carried away, leave him to play alone. Place a box or drawer with clothes - and you will be surprised how your baby will enthusiastically sort through things, trying to try them on.

What to do with a two year old child at home

A two-year-old child has already learned a lot, but does not always find something to do on his own, especially if he is alone in the family. If there are several children, they often find something to do. Of course, at any age, children love to play mischief, so supervision is always important and necessary. Some kids love to draw on the wallpaper. Offer such artists pencils, markers, crayons and blank paper. Let them show their talent where it will not disturb anyone. Other children are partial to telephones, remote controls for equipment, etc. It is better to give them a broken remote control or telephone, and let the child take it to press buttons or make fun of parents while talking with an imaginary interlocutor. All the same cubes and pyramids interest two-year-old children no less than one-year-old ones. And the child will try on clothes even more diligently than a year ago. Many girls love to help their mother with housework, for example, washing dishes. And here you don’t have to think about what to do with a two-year-old child at home. Just put a chair near the sink and get down to business with your daughter. She will simply be delighted with this activity. You can pour water into a cup and give toy dishes or ordinary spoons, unbreakable plates, mugs.

Activities for older children

It's no secret that modern children can watch TV with interest for hours on end, almost from the cradle. Naturally, parents get free time when the child sits in front of the screen. But keep in mind that watching cartoons affects your vision, psyche, and behavior, so you shouldn’t get carried away with this activity. Twenty or twenty-five minutes a day is the threshold of safe time for watching cartoons and children's programs. Leave the TV as a last resort. Look for other ways to keep your three-year-old occupied at home when you need to get something done.

You can ask your child to bring two bears, three blue plates, etc. The child will be busy, and you and your child will repeat or teach colors and counting. In addition, by looking for the necessary objects, the child will be distracted and play on his own. By using your imagination, you can easily come up with something to keep your little child occupied at home. Tell the baby that one of the toys is sick, it needs to be treated, cooked porridge, fed, and put to bed. There are many options. You can go through them all. Ask the baby to treat it, then tell him that the toy is feeling better and now she wants to eat. Let the child feed his friend, etc.

Evening activities for children

Many experts, when answering the question of what to do with children at home in the evening, will say that quiet games, reading books, and activities without physical activity are needed so that the child gets ready for bed. But not all parents can boast of an obedient and calm child, especially in the evenings. For some reason, it is at this time that your child seems to turn into a hurricane - he needs to jump, run, squeal. And the more you calm him down, the more he tries to indulge. What to do with children at home? You can give a lot of old magazines and newspapers, let the baby tear them up, throw them on the floor, jump on the crumpled sheets (many children like the way they spring), throw the paper into the basket. This method of releasing the emotions accumulated during the day is suitable for children who are calm during the day. Every child likes to splash in the water. Bathing is another way to calm a fidget and get you ready for sleep. Water will calm the nervous system, relieve fatigue, and the baby will be able to become calmer. And then, after listening to a fairy tale or song, he will fall into a deep sleep.

Hyperactive baby at home

A child with increased activity is visible almost from birth. He begins to crawl and walk early. He interferes everywhere and does not listen to his elders. We can talk a lot about raising such children, but now we are talking about something else. What to do at home? The most important thing is that the type of activity is somehow related to movement. The child should even be allowed to listen to a book with a toy in his hands, otherwise the baby simply will not sit still. Give the little ones tasks: jump five times, run three times to the kitchen and back, jump 10 times over an obstacle, for example, over a rope lying on the floor. Bathing for such children is also an opportunity to relax. The most important thing is not to scold or punish the child. Hyperactive kids are receptive to praise, but punishment does not work on them. This way you can scare the baby and lose his trust.

Unusual activities for kids

When your child is tired of all the usual things, you want to offer him something new and exciting. If you look at what you have in your pantry, you can come up with ideas for keeping little kids occupied at home. Have a large cardboard box left over from household appliances? Great! Making a tunnel for climbing. You can use old wallpaper and tape to make the same tunnel. If your child doesn’t want to climb on his own, show him an example. The child will certainly enjoy this activity.
Found a cabinet door or an old shelf in your pantry? Amazing! Making a slide. We place a board, shelf or door to the sofa at an angle, and that’s it. The slide is ready. Let the baby ride on his own or lower the cars. Show your child how to knock down cubes and castles built at the bottom of the slide using a machine.

Useful activities for babies

What can you do with your children at home to make it beneficial and interesting for the kids? Here are some simple and fun activities to develop fine motor skills. Take beans, a mug, a cup and a spoon. Let the little one try to pour all the beans from the cup into the mug with a spoon. You can pour water into a container with beans and give the child the task of catching all the beans using a spoon or strainer. Take a small box, cut a hole in the top, ask to put all the beans through the hole. Instead of a box, you can use a plastic bottle. And if you cut a hole at the bottom, objects lowered through the neck will fall out through it. Something as common for an adult as peeling a boiled egg is an exciting activity for a little person. And if you offer your child a quail egg rather than a chicken egg, the child’s interest will only increase. This is not the entire list of what to do with children at home.

Fun hour

Sometimes allow yourself to become a child for a while. The baby will really appreciate it. He will trust you more and see you as his friend. Take all the soft toys, small pillows, paper balls - everything that does not have hard parts. You can stand still, run from one to another, catch up with each other, hide in cover and throw these soft objects. The fun will be unforgettable. It’s better to end this kind of entertainment with a hug. You can play unusual hide and seek. You will have to look for a toy. The leader remains alone in the room, hides the object that was chosen in advance, and then the second participant looks for it. It is better to accompany the search with the words “cold”, “warmer”, “hot” to make the task easier for the child.

Letting go is also a very fun activity. Children love to run after bubbles and catch them. And how much laughter and joy there is! By the way, you can prepare a solution for soap bubbles yourself at home. To do this, you need to take water and boil it. Let it sit for a while. Take 600 ml of water and 200 ml of dishwashing detergent. Add 100 ml of glycerin to this mixture, mix everything thoroughly and leave for the solution to infuse for about a day. This amount of soap bubbles is enough to amuse the kids many, many times and not have to think about what to do with the children at home.

Children can become passionate about things that adults would never even think about. Kids are inventors and dreamers. Show them an example of how to spend time, and when they grow up, they won’t spend days watching TV or playing on the computer, but will figure out what to do on their own. Teach your child to spend his time profitably!