How to remove chewing gum from clothes. How to remove chewing gum from clothes

There are many ways to remove chewing gum, but only a few are suitable for a specific case. If you cannot immediately remove the contamination, you need to continue trying using other methods.

There are many ways to remove chewing gum, but only a few are suitable for a particular case.

The answer to the question of how to remove a stain from clothing depends on a number of factors:

  • the degree of penetration of the adhesive mass between the fibers of the fabric;
  • type of material;
  • fresh or old stain.

Methods based on lowering temperature

To remove chewing gum from clothing, you first need to apply cold to the item. Apply ice or leave the product in the freezer. More details about these methods:

  1. If you need to remove dirt from the surface of a large item, use a small piece of ice from the freezer. It is placed on the stain and left for a while. You need to wait until the adhesive mass hardens, and then try to remove it with a moderately stiff brush or wooden spatula. It is important to remember that it is not enough to simply clean the fabric; it is also necessary to keep it in its original form, without damaging the fibers when cleaning. This method is suitable for large items: coats, jackets, fur coats. Even carpeting can be cleaned with a piece of ice.
  2. Another method of getting rid of chewing gum on clothing is based on exposing the entire product to lower temperatures. To do this, you need to put the item in the freezer. First, the product is folded so that the stain is on top. Then, in order not to spoil the item, it is placed in a plastic bag. You need to make sure that the chewing gum does not stick to the polyethylene. If it still sticks, the product is placed on top of the bag. It is necessary to ensure that the fabric does not come into contact with the surface of the freezer. When the dirt hardens, it can move away from the fibers on its own; all that remains is to remove it.

To remove chewing gum from clothing, you first need to apply cold to the item.

Instead of ice, apply cold water from a tap or freezer to the fabric (the filled bottle is pre-cooled). Alternative methods: dry ice, Freezer products.

How to quickly remove paint from clothes

How to clean chewing gum from clothes (video)

Methods based on increasing temperature

There are other methods to remove chewing gum from clothes:

  • exposure to hot water;
  • boiling;
  • using an iron or hair dryer.

To avoid mistakes when removing chewing gum, you need to follow simple tips:

  1. You can remove stains from jeans, trousers or other items made of thick fabric by boiling. The product is immersed in boiling water. Then turn off the stove. Now you need to wait until the water temperature drops to an acceptable level (40-50 degrees). If you need to clean jeans, you can expose the woven material to boiling water for a long time. After the water has cooled slightly, you can remove the stain from clothing using a sharp object (knife). Then the stain is scrubbed with a toothbrush. This way it is easier to remove the adhesive mass from the fabric, as it will roll off.
  2. Using boiling water or hot water from a tap or kettle. This way the problem is solved much faster. You just need to bring the contaminated area to the tap, but you can also use a recently boiled kettle. A stream of water is directed at the stain. This method can also remove chewing gum from jeans, but the result may be slightly worse than using the boiling method. This is due to the fact that the fabric is exposed to insufficiently hot water, which means it will be a little more difficult to clean the clothes.
  3. Ironing the contaminated area with an iron. They use different variations of this method: exposure through gauze, a napkin, but it is best to place the product on cardboard. In this case, the contamination should be from below so that the chewing gum comes into contact with the cardboard. The temperature regulator on the iron is set to the middle position and the product is ironed. In this case, the manufacturer’s recommendations are taken into account, which means that not every item can be cleaned in this way. If a stain remains after removing the dirt, remove it with stain remover or dishwashing detergent.
  4. When you need to get rid of chewing gum on jeans or other thick fabric, you can use a hair dryer. Set the high temperature mode and direct a stream of air onto the stain. In this case, you need to think about how to scrape off the gum - you can use a knife or a toothpick.

What is delicate wash

We use aggressive means

Gasoline is a potent substance. With its help, you can remove chewing gum, while the structure of the adhesive mass will be destroyed. A small amount of gasoline should be poured onto the contaminated area. It must be taken into account that not all fabrics tolerate exposure to aggressive substances well; sometimes there may be consequences: loss of shape and color. But the smell of gasoline will remain in any case. It can only be removed after washing the product.

Instead of gasoline, it is allowed to use any alcohol-containing product, dichloroethane.

You can also use vinegar essence. But this method is not suitable for materials that require delicate handling. Instructions for using vinegar:

  1. The essence must be heated by first pouring it into a tin container.
  2. To clean you will need a toothbrush. They dip it in heated vinegar and quickly begin to scrub the contaminated area. This needs to be done quickly, as hot vinegar works better. The stain should be rubbed until foreign contamination is completely removed. In this case, the brush should be periodically dipped in vinegar. If the essence has cooled down, it must be warmed up.
  3. The cleaned material is washed in the usual way. This measure allows you to get rid of the specific smell of vinegar.

In addition to the above-described products, acetone or nail polish remover is also used. The application principle is the same in both cases. So, the contaminated area is treated with the product, and then the chewing gum is removed. After completing the procedure, the product must be washed in the usual way using washing powder. This will remove the smell of acetone from the item. This method is not suitable for fabrics that require delicate handling.

Another option is toluene. It is applied to the stain, then the gum is removed and washed.

You need to act correctly: after treating the stain with aggressive agents, the chewing gum is collected with a rag. The direction of movement is from the edge to the center. You also need to check how the material behaves when in contact with gasoline, acetone or toluene. The substance is applied to a small area of ​​tissue and the reaction is observed. If there are no changes, you can proceed to treating the stain.

Several ways to dye clothes at home

How to remove chewing gum from clothes (video)

Other ways

In the fight against chewing gum, you can use not only the means discussed, but also other methods. They all give good results:

  1. Liquid soap. It does not destroy the structure of the chewing gum, but promotes its separation from the fibers of the fabric. The stain and the fabric around it should be treated with liquid soap. It is important to rub the product well so that it is absorbed into the material. Without waiting for the soap to dry, you need to proceed to the second stage: applying a blunt object to the chewing gum (a non-sharpened knife and spatula will do). The mass is rubbed off carefully, otherwise the item may be damaged. After removing the chewing gum, the product is washed.
  2. A special spray for cleaning things from chewing gum, called “Chewing Gum Removers”. You can find it in hardware stores. In terms of its effect on the contaminated area, the spray resembles the method of freezing chewing gum. You need to treat the stain, wait a few seconds. Then the chewing gum is removed using any available means (dull or sharp knife, etc.).
  3. Any adhesive substance (remnants of tape, chewing gum) is removed from the surface of the fabric in the same way - you need to re-apply the source of contamination. If there is chewing gum left on your clothes, then you need to chew another one and stick it on top of the existing stain. The new chewing gum will stick to the old one and pull it along with it.
  4. Peanut butter. It is applied carefully and only to the contaminated area. If oil ends up on the fabric, you will have to remove traces of fat later. The product is applied to the stain, after which it is removed along with the chewing gum with a blunt knife or spatula. Peanut butter acts on the principle of softening chewing gum. When the procedure is completed, the product is washed in the usual way (with washing powder).
  5. You can also try the washing method. It is used as a last resort, that is, when none of the methods helped. This is due to the low efficiency of this method. Should be washed by hand. To try to remove gum, use laundry detergent, dishwashing liquid, or stain remover. The stain is generously treated with a cleaning agent and wiped off.

Ways to remove chewing gum from clothes.

An annoying nuisance in the form of chewing gum stuck to clothes can happen to anyone, even a very neat person. Especially often those who have children – schoolchildren – face this problem. After all, mischievous people often stick chewing gum to seats or desks, and inattentive kids sit on it. Let's find a solution to this problem and a way to clean your favorite thing from the sticky object.

At first glance, it seems impossible to remove stuck gum from clothes, especially if a person has been rubbing it, trying to tear it off, and thereby only smeared it on the surface. But don't despair. After all, there are many methods to cope with such a nuisance.

Methods for cleaning any things from chewing gum can be divided into the following conditional groups:

  • Freezing the contaminated area - the gum hardens during the cooling process, and this makes it possible to easily scrape it off with a stationery knife, sponge or unnecessary toothbrush. For these purposes you can use:
  1. freezer compartment of the refrigerator - wrap the spoiled product in plastic wrap or a bag and place it in the freezer with the dirt side up. Please note that the chewing gum should not touch the film, otherwise when removing the clothing, you risk damaging it.
  2. ice cubes - use if the item is large and does not fit in the freezer. Rub the ice over the stuck gum for a few minutes until it hardens. Use the edge of a knife or tweezers to hook the edge of the gum and pull up. If the mass stretches, it means it is not frozen enough and you need to continue applying ice.
  • Heat treatment - this method allows you to make the stuck substance softer and more viscous, which will make it possible to remove it from your clothes. This can be done this way:
  1. iron - place the clothes with the stained side down on thick paper or cardboard. Iron on medium heat. The gum should stick to the paper. When carrying out this manipulation, be careful - do not make the same movements with the iron as during normal ironing. Just apply it to the desired area.
  2. in hot water - place the product in fairly hot water, preferably boiling water. And after it gets wet, scrape off the gum using some sharp object. Then scrub the fabric vigorously, as if washing, and dry. And if the chewing gum is not completely wiped off, repeat the procedure.
  3. with a hairdryer – heat the stuck gum with warm air for 2-5 minutes. Then carefully remove it.
  • Using household and chemical products, they break down chewing gum and allow you to remove it from the surface of the fabric. Such methods must be used with caution, as some substances have a detrimental effect on the fabric, and you risk ruining the item. Therefore, before use, apply the solvent to a small area of ​​fabric in an inconspicuous place (for example, the wrong side of a belt) to observe the reaction. What you can use:
  1. gasoline or kerosene - steam clothes stained with chewing gum over steam. Apply literally a drop of the chosen product onto the stuck mass and remove it with a brush. To get rid of the smell, wash the item thoroughly. Be extremely careful when using this method, as gasoline is flammable.
  2. technical liquid tulol - many craftsmen consider this volatile product with a pungent odor to be one of the most effective in the fight against stuck chewing gum. Tulol is applied to the mass, and then the clothes are washed using washing powder.
  3. acetone - moisten a cotton pad and apply to the stain with an eraser. After 2-3 minutes, rub well, then wash the item. Please note that this method is only applicable to non-fading fabrics.
  4. nail polish removers - used for wiping chewing gum from outerwear (fur coats, coats, jackets), as well as from carpets.
  5. liquid for diluting the stroke - many housewives confirm its effectiveness in combating stains. In addition, it does not leave streaks on the fabric.
  6. WD-40 aerosol - this product is based on white spirit to prevent corrosion. However, it is also successfully used to remove chewing gum. Spray a little product onto the stain and leave it on for a couple of minutes. Using a cloth or paper napkin, remove the elastic, working from the edges to the center.
  7. ethyl alcohol - works well for removing stains left after removing chewing gum. Wipe the contaminated area with a cotton pad soaked in this liquid.
  8. gas for refilling lighters - spray it onto the chewing gum from a cylinder. The frozen mass should be easily removed with a sharp object. This method is convenient because you do not need to take off your clothes before processing them if you are not at home.

The use of non-standard folk remedies - quite unusual methods also help get rid of an unpleasant stain, such as:

  • orange or peanut butter - lubricate only the stubborn gum with it, avoiding contact with the unstained area of ​​​​the fabric. Give the oil time to soften the sticky mass. After this, scrape the gum stain from the surface and wash the product. And if a drop of oil does get on the fabric, treat the area with a chemical stain remover before washing.
  • Scotch tape – cut a piece of tape, apply it to the gum and press well. Tear it off the surface sharply. Part of the elastic should remain on the tape. Tear off a new piece of tape and carry out similar manipulations until the contamination is completely removed. Use this method only on thick fabrics.
  • Apply the second chewing gum - soft chewing gum to the contaminated area and peel it off. Perform such manipulations until a positive result.
  • bread crust - rub off the chewing gum with a crust of stale bread. This method is suitable for fresh stains.
  • hairspray – spray this cosmetic product onto the stuck elastic band. It will harden and come off easily.

In order to clean a dirty product as effectively as possible, listen to the following recommendations:

  • act as quickly as possible. Fresh dirt is much easier to remove than old dirt.
  • Before starting the process, remove as much elastic as possible with your hands
  • Old stains are best scrubbed off using household chemicals
  • After removing the elastic, greasy, shiny stains often remain on clothes. To get rid of them, treat the area with stain remover before washing.
  • Do not treat shedding items with alcohol, boiling water or acetone.
  • If one method does not help, try another. Because the success of cleaning depends on the degree of contamination and the quality of the material

How to remove chewing gum from a jacket, jeans, trousers, pants, fabric: methods, instructions

To get rid of stuck trouble from various types of things, you can use any of the methods listed above:

  • freezing
  • heating
  • household chemicals

We will tell you which options are most suitable for specific clothing and materials. How to clean jeans?

  • Heat a small amount of vinegar in a cup. Soak an old toothbrush thoroughly in it and gently scrub the dirty area with it.
  • Repeat the manipulations until the mass is completely removed. Keep in mind that vinegar is only effective when hot, so work quickly, warming it occasionally if necessary.
  • After cleaning, wash your clothes to remove any unpleasant odors. Remember not to use vinegar on black or dark jeans as it may discolor the fabric.
  • Apply a cotton swab or gauze soaked in nail polish remover to the stain. Once the sticky substance has softened, remove it. Be very careful not to rub the gum deep into the cotton fibers.

Options for how to remove chewing gum from pants:

  1. Open the hot water. While holding the pants under the running stream, use the rough side of a kitchen sponge to scrape the sticky material from the fabric. Afterwards, wash and dry your clothes.
  2. Fill an iron basin with water, put it on the fire and bring to a boil. Place your trousers there (the smeared part facing up) and as the elastic heats up and softens, roll it off the material. After removing the bulk, wipe off the remaining residue with a brush. If the structure of the material allows, boil the pants for some time. Before using this method, check the label on your pants to see if the fabric can withstand high temperatures.
  3. Turn your pants inside out. Place cotton napkins or paper on the dirt from the front and back sides. Iron the stained area with a hot iron

It is more convenient to remove chewing gum from outer clothing (jackets, coats) as follows:

  1. Wrap an ice cube in a piece of cellophane and apply it to the damaged area. When the mass is frozen, scrape it off using a knife or brush
  2. In winter, hang the item out in the cold. After this, carefully remove the “stiff” mass.

When choosing a particular method for removing stuck gum from fabric surfaces, it is very important to consider the structure of the material:

  • wool and polyester – cleaned by freezing
  • dense, coarse fabrics - resort to using acetone or other aggressive solvents, having first checked their effect on a small area
  • silk fabrics - use nail polish removers without acetone. But it’s better to take such items to the dry cleaner
  • almost any type of fabric - medical alcohol is successfully used. Soak a cotton pad in it, and then put it on the gum for a while
  • natural or artificial leather - apply with an ice cube, being careful not to wet the area around the stain too much. After removal, the area to be treated must be wiped dry and then lubricated with a special polish for leather products. However, it is also recommended to have such materials professionally cleaned.

How to scrub, wash, remove gum from clothes: cleaning products, stain removers

Modern manufacturers of the household chemical industry offer a wide range of different products for cleaning products and getting rid of stains, including chewing gum.

To remove sticky gum from your favorite clothes, you can use:

  • liquid soap - pour it onto the area with the stuck gum. Using a brush, rub the soap into the stain. When the gum becomes softer and more sticky, scrape it off with the back of a kitchen knife or other sharp object.
  • any cleaning gel or dishwashing liquid (Fairy is perfect) - soak the clothes in warm water, first applying the product liberally to the dirty area. After an hour, when the mass has softened, scrape it off. Now wash the product by hand or in a machine in the usual way.
  • special spray for removing chewing gum “Chewing Gum Removers” - sold in many hardware stores. The principle of operation of this product is similar to the effect of cold - freezing a surface with a viscous mass. It needs to be sprayed onto the contaminated area, wait a minute and scrape off. After manipulation, no traces remain on the tissues. This product also effectively removes stains after chewing gum has been removed using other methods.
  • Pemolux Soda powder - pour a little boiling water onto the glued gum. Try to pour in a very thin stream so that the water only hits the dirty area. Rub the powder into the softened mass. This product makes the gum less sticky, making it easy to remove from fabric.

A reliable and proven way to remove gum from clothes is the use of stain removers. Their chemical formulas make it possible to easily remove even old, extreme stains from damaged items. But remember that these products must be used strictly following the instructions, and selected for a specific type of fabric. The most popular and effective stain removers are:

  • Dr.Beckmann Expert stain remover: office and hobby - its formula allows chemical components to penetrate deep into the stain and remove it with ease
  • TOPEFEKT PUNKT ready-made stain remover for markers, chewing gum, tape - based on natural alcohols and solvents for spot use
  • stain remover for removing glue, bitumen, chewing gum S-405 - dries quickly and does not leave stains. No pungent odor
  • PROCHHEM CITRUS GEL is a neutral gel for removing various stains. Contains citrus fragrance
  • ORANGE-POWER is a super-strong universal remedy with natural orange ingredients. Easily removes even the oldest stains
  • EULEX is one of the most powerful solvents, dissolving chewing gum in an instant. Designed for professional use

How to remove chewing gum from clothes with Amway stain remover: instructions

Today, cleaning products from Amway have proven themselves to be excellent. To remove stuck chewing gum from fabric surfaces, this manufacturer offers an effective spray for preliminary stain removal, Amway Prewash Spray SA8. On the domestic market it is positioned as an environmentally friendly product based on natural ingredients.

To ensure that cleaning your clothes from sticky substances gives positive results, you must use this stain remover according to the instructions:

  • keep the bottle in a vertical position 15 cm from the material being processed
  • apply the product directly to the source of the problem
  • let the chemical reaction take effect for 1-2 minutes
  • pry the mass with a sharp object and remove it from the fabric
  • if the chewing gum is only partially wiped off, repeat the procedure
  • wash salvaged clothing as usual

When using this product, keep in mind that it cannot be used on natural silk and wool items.

Video: Methods for removing chewing gum from clothes

Who, as a child at school, did not place such unpleasant surprises as pushpins and chewing gum on the chairs of the offenders? And who ended up in the role of this same offender, who then had to listen to parents’ reproaches about damaged clothes? I think many people have found themselves in a similar situation, wondering how to get the gum off their clothes before their parents saw it? Alas, children know only one way: scrape off the gum with a knife. But it's completely useless.

If your child “pleased” you with clothes with chewing gum stuck to them, there is no need to scold him or panic out of nowhere. There are many ways to remove chewing gum without ruining the fabric.

We remove chewing gum quickly and carefully

  1. The best way to remove chewing gum is to take your damaged clothes to a dry cleaner, where they will be taken care of by professionals. However, it is also the most expensive.
  2. Place the item with chewing gum in the freezer. When exposed to very low temperatures, the gum will freeze and begin to crumble. And you just scrape it off with a knife or tweezers.
  3. If the item of clothing does not fit in the freezer, open the cold water tap and try to use a toothbrush to remove the gum from the clothes under the stream.
  4. In a radio parts store, ask for a solution for cooling microcircuits. Apply it to your gum. Dry ice, as well as regular ice cubes from the refrigerator, have a similar effect.
  5. Place a napkin on the gum and iron the damaged fabric with a hot iron. The chewing gum will melt while remaining on the napkin.
  6. Dangerous product: gasoline for lighters. Hold your clothes over the steam until the gum becomes soft, drop some gasoline on it, and wait a few minutes. Then remove the gum with a regular rag or sponge, moving from the center to the edge. This method is suitable when chewing gum has damaged a large area of ​​fabric. But before applying gasoline to the stain, be sure to check the dangerous liquid on the lining. Suddenly the gasoline will change the color of the fabric or make a hole. Then the problem of how to remove chewing gum from clothes will be added to: how to mask the holes and whether the clothes can be restored. You can spray lighter gas on the chewing gum.
  7. Warm up the chewing gum with a hairdryer with hot air or boiled water. Then remove with a toothbrush.
  8. Apply good liquid soap to the chewing gum and rub it thoroughly into the dirty area.
  9. If you did not notice the chewing gum in time, and it managed to penetrate deeply into the fabric, soak the item in a basin, generously dripping dishwashing liquid onto the dirty area. Then remove the softened gum and machine wash the clothes.
  10. Heat some bite in a cup and apply it to the gum. Scrub with a toothbrush. Carefully remove the chewing gum and wash the item so that no unpleasant odor remains.
  11. You can try “neutralizing” the gum with peanut butter. You just need to apply it directly to the chewing gum itself so that there are no greasy stains on your clothes. The oil will be absorbed into the chewing gum and it will stop sticking to the fabric.
To prevent chewing gum from ruining your clothes and mood, be sure to check the chairs and benches in cafes and parks where playful children can leave chewing gum.

No one is immune from an unpleasant situation; both children and adults face it. A trip on public transport, a visit to a cafe, or a walk in the park can turn into a search for practical advice on how to remove chewing gum from clothes. Don’t despair or panic prematurely, because there are effective ways to get this taffy off your clothes. In many cases, even the simplest of them will help remove the unwanted item from the item, and you will not have to throw it away.

How to remove chewing gum from clothes

If you find chewing gum on your item, there is no need to try to immediately rub it off, peel it off, or tear it off. Haste often results in the item being unable to be saved, since the chewing gum eats deeply into the fibers of the fabric. Such attempts lead to the widespread belief that it will not be possible to remove stuck gum. But some people who are faced with an unpleasant situation know that it is easy to remove an unwanted “accessory” if you use, for example, a hair dryer, iron, cold or gasoline. Try this too!

Remove from trousers

For almost all types of clothing, the same rule applies: if you fail to remove chewing gum in one way, move on to another. If you are puzzled by the question of how to remove it from your trousers, then there are two simple, practice-tested options: cold (freezer) or heat (boiling water). The first method involves putting the trousers in the freezer. After a couple of hours, take it out and carefully scrape off the frozen chewing gum with a knife. If this does not help, then pour boiling water over the damaged area and then rub the area with a toothbrush.

Wipe smeared chewing gum off jeans

You can try to save your favorite jeans from an unwanted “accessory” at home using simple methods. The sticky structure is easily affected by temperature, so even hot tap water can help. Hold the stained area under running water for a while and then clean the cloth with a toothbrush. The same principle of exposure to high temperature is provided for the method when boiling water is used. Immerse the stained area in boiling water and leave until the water has cooled. Next, carefully remove the gum with a knife.

Peel from cloth

All simple methods of how to quickly remove chewing gum from clothes come down to exposure to high or low temperatures. But what to do in a situation where the fabric cannot be subjected to such a test? While you can iron jeans or a T-shirt by placing a napkin on the stained area, this method is not suitable for delicate fabrics (silk, satin, corduroy). These types of fabrics do not accept the use of vinegar or gasoline, but cooling aerosol, dry ice or a special spray for removing unwanted “accessories” are ideal.

How to remove chewing gum stains

If there are no difficulties when looking for an answer to the question of how to remove chewing gum from clothes, then in order to understand how to remove a chewing gum stain, you need to pay a little more attention to the topic. By eating into the structure of the fabric, bubble gum can irreversibly ruin the item. The following products for removing stains from this unwanted “accessory” have proven effective in practice:

  • Vinegar. This product is best used on thick fabrics. Vinegar essence helps remove chewing gum stains: heat a small amount of liquid, moisten a toothbrush, and then rub the stain. If necessary, repeat the entire process until the stained area is clean again.
  • Ammonia is a universal preparation, coping well with different types of stains. Its effectiveness has also been proven against marks left on clothing by chewing gum. Place a cotton pad soaked in ammonia on top, leave it for a while, and then scrub the area with a toothbrush. All that remains is to wash the item to finally remove the remaining bubble gum.
  • Freezing is the easiest method, but is suitable for fresh stains. Place the spoiled item in a bag and then put it in the cold (a refrigerator freezer is suitable). As a freezing option, dry ice and Freezer coolant have proven effective in removing toffee stains.

It's a shame when your favorite skirt or blouse becomes a victim of chewing gum left on a chair. The first thought is to throw the thing away and quickly forget about the trouble. Then the search begins for the nearest dry cleaners. But such processing is not affordable for everyone. All that remains is to remove chewing gum from clothes at home. To do this, you will need improvised or special tools, ingenuity and perseverance. We offer effective methods for removing chewing gum from things.

How can you remove chewing gum from clothes?

Methods for removing chewing gum depend on the type of fabric, size of the item, and area of ​​damage. If you don’t want to ruin your dress or skirt even more, then first study all the methods, and then select the most acceptable one. How can you remove chewing gum from clothes?

Exposure to cold. To remove chewing gum, place the item in the freezer. Pre-wrap the clothing in a plastic bag. Leave for 1-2 hours. Then remove and carefully scrape out the frozen gum. Use a needle or an old toothbrush as a tool.
Exposure to heat. To do this, use boiled water, a hair dryer, and treat with the heat of an iron. To remove gum, place the item in a bowl. Then fill with hot water. As soon as the mass softens, take a brush and remove the chewing gum. Before applying heat, make sure clothing can withstand high temperatures.
Special means. On sale you will find sprays, powders and liquids that remove difficult stains. The action comes down to treating the damaged area. At the same time, the spray cools the area to make the gum easier to remove. If you choose powder or liquid, apply to the stain and then place in the washing machine. Buy products that remove paint and ink. Only powders containing active chemical components can cope with chewing gum.

Various materials are used as available materials. Chewing gum is removed with vinegar, liquid soap, and chemicals. The most incredible method of removal is to remove dried chewing gum with fresh gum. To do this, chew the plate or pad and then apply it to the stain. Wait for the adhesion, then peel off the resulting mass. Continue the process until the gum is completely removed.

How to remove chewing gum from jeans?

Chewing gum adheres well to denim. The difficulty of removal is that the stain remains in place. As a result, the new jeans look like the boiled jeans that were popular in the 80s. To prevent this from happening, choose gentle methods.

How to remove chewing gum from jeans?

Take 50 gr. vinegar and heat in a water bath. Do not bring to a boil; use hot liquid. Then dip the brush into the bite and immediately work on the stain. Continue removing the gum in this manner until there is no trace left of it.
Take dishwashing detergent or liquid soap. Then apply the product to the stain, spreading the liquid with your fingers. Softened chewing gum is removed with a needle. After this, place the jeans in the machine and wash them.

How to remove chewing gum from clothes with an iron?

If it is not your outerwear that is damaged, but your blouse or trousers, then try to remove the chewing gum by heating the damaged area. For this method you will need an iron, thick paper or cardboard. How to remove chewing gum from clothes with an iron?

Heat the iron to a temperature appropriate for the type of fabric. Follow this rule, otherwise you will remove the chewing gum, but burn the thing.
Then lay out the clothes so that there is a sheet of cardboard or paper under the gum.
Now iron the item on the other side, where there are no damaged areas. The heat will soften the chewing gum and transfer it to the paper.

It is important to act quickly when using this method. Don't go over the same place multiple times. This way you will firmly stick the cardboard to the clothes with the chewing gum. Pass the iron precisely a couple of times and carefully remove the item. Remove any remaining chewing gum from the item with a brush.

How to remove chewing gum from a jacket?

What to do if chewing gum gets stuck on your jacket sleeve? It is unlikely that you will be able to place a bulky item in the freezer. In such situations, resort to another method. Buy a special freezer at the pharmacy. This spray is used for bruises and injuries. The product freezes the affected area. Then scrape off the gum using any tool.

It is important to act carefully. If you scrape the gum too hard, you will remove not only the gum, but also the top layer of tissue.

How else to remove chewing gum from a jacket?

Prepare ice. Take pieces from the freezer and apply them to the place where the gum is stuck. Continue until the mixture hardens. Then remove the gum with a brush. This method is suitable for any large items.
If the jacket is leather, then the described methods will not work. Take nail polish remover or acetone and apply the product to a cotton pad. Then wipe the area with alcohol or other chemicals. Remove the gum with a knife or other sharp object. If all the chewing gum has not come off, repeat the procedure.

How to remove chewing gum stains from clothes?

The methods described remove chewing gum, but often leave a mark on the fabric. On bright things, such marks are very noticeable and striking. It turns out that they got rid of the chewing gum, but the clothes are still unwearable. How to remove chewing gum stains from clothes? After removing the chewing gum, pour stain remover onto the vacant area. Choose gentle products that are suitable for all types of fabric. Let the product take effect. Then place the clothes in the washing machine and run a low temperature program. After this procedure, the stain will come off, which means the item is saved.

Another method of removing stains is exposure to gas. This method also helps to cope with severe dirt. The gas used to refill lighters is suitable for this. Simply direct the jet to the damaged area. Carry out this procedure in a well-ventilated area, away from children.

When choosing the proposed methods, consider what kind of fabric you are processing. If the described methods do not help, then all that remains is to take the item to the dry cleaner.

25 January 2014, 15:26