How to remove super glue from clothes. Available methods for removing superglue stains

We regularly stain our items of clothing, the material of jeans, trousers, shirts and sweaters in all sorts of liquids, mixtures, solutions; this is a normal phenomenon with regular use. We manage to remove most stains during the first wash, but some stains are not so easy. We already talked about that, but today we’ll talk about traces of glue.

In this material we will try to consider in detail how to remove traces of super glue from clothing, we will focus on the most accessible methods and simple cleaning products.

Typical small tube of strong glue


Everyone who worked with super glue, know about its properties to firmly bond any surface. But at the same time, if you work with it carelessly, you can get corrosive, difficult to remove stains on clothes. There are many ways to combat them. But their effective action depends on the type of super glue that was used, or rather on its manufacturer.

In order not to look for solutions to the problem of how to remove super glue and not to be upset by possible damage to your favorite thing, it is advisable to take care of precautions in advance. So, when working with glue, you need to wear old clothes, which you can get dirty without regret, protect your hands with gloves, and cover the work area with oilcloth or old newspaper. Banal rules, which is why many people always neglect them.

If the applied methods of protecting clothes did not help and drops of super glue got on the fabric of the clothes, then you need to choose the appropriate method and choose the right means to get rid of this problem. Important factors affecting the removal of super glue stains are:

  • Composition of the fabric that is contaminated. Synthetic fabrics are more picky about chemicals; under their influence, the fabric material may lose its shape, appearance or change color.
  • The density of the fabric and its thickness. To remove stains from different materials different means are used.
  • The size and age of the glue stain. Fresh, small stains can be gotten rid of using gentle natural methods, but persistent, old stains will require additional effort and more aggressive means.
  • The actual availability of means and substances for removing pollution. It is much easier to remove dirt immediately after it has formed than after some time has passed.

Working with a small tube of strong glue

Before carrying out procedures to remove contaminants, it is worth paying attention that the substances that can remove them are very toxic. You need to come into contact with them very carefully and only with special gloves. Before using chemicals directly on dirt, you need to test them on an invisible part of the thing.

Available methods

Today there are many options for removing super glue from various clothing fabrics. Let's take a closer look at some of them.


White spirit, acetone and nail polish remover are used on thin and delicate fabrics to remove resulting super glue stains. Before work, you need to place a piece of white cardboard or non-colored paper under the dirt so that the fabric does not stick to the surface and its adjacent areas do not become dirty.

One of the products is applied to a cosmetic cotton pad, the dense structure of which will help prevent lint from leaving behind. Gently rub it onto the stain. If the stain is not completely dry, it is not difficult to remove it this way. After this procedure, you need to soak the item in a soapy solution and wash it.

Important! All types of solvents and white spirit can only be used on natural fabrics. Synthetic fibers may become discolored and deformed under their influence.

Nail polish remover is used to remove glue stains from jeans because the tough, durable material can withstand such damage. By the way, solvents also help erase.

Range of different solvents

In some individual cases, you can try to get rid of a fresh stain on the surface of jeans by using liquid glycerin or petroleum jelly, which breaks down the glue from the grease. Some housewives even use margarine and butter. The substance is applied to the stain, which is rubbed off until it completely disappears. The greasy marks are then removed using dishwashing liquid or stain remover.

To remove super glue from denim and woolen materials, gasoline, kerosene, and paint thinners are used. To avoid sticking of matter while dissolving the glue stain, you need to place cardboard or a sheet of white paper under the area that is being cleaned. After wetting a cloth with the selected preparation, rub it on the contaminated area. After 10-20 minutes have passed, wash the item using powder or rubbing with soap. If necessary, the described procedure is repeated until the contamination is completely removed.

After using oil-containing products, a strong odor may remain, which is removed when the product is dried in the fresh air or in a room with free access to air.

Traditional methods

You can try to save white fabrics from super glue stains by using bleach or other bleaches, one of the components of which is chlorine. Moisten a cotton cloth with the product and rub lightly. Wash after stain removes.

Bleach packaging Whiteness

To combat super glue, you can use heat treatment:

  • Freezing can remove old, dried glue stains from clothing fabrics. Under the influence of low temperature, the structure of the glue is destroyed, after which you can try to remove the remaining glue. The contaminated product is placed in a plastic bag or bag and placed in the freezer for a couple of hours. Having taken the contents of the bag out of the cold, you need to thoroughly rub the stain and scrape it, for example, with the non-sharp side of a knife, in order to loosen the glue from the material. It is better not to use the sharp part of the knife blade to protect the fabric from damage. Glue residues are removed using a stain remover.
  • High heat is necessary to remove stubborn, stubborn super glue stains. It is carried out using an iron and a piece of clean cotton fabric. Natural clean scraps of fabric are placed on both sides of the stain. The resulting “sandwich” is heated with a hot iron. Under the influence of high temperature, the structure of the glue is disrupted, and it must transfer and be absorbed onto clean fabric. Stain marks are cleaned with stain remover.

You can save silk and wool clothes from persistent stains with super glue by soaking the item in a solution of vinegar and water in a 1:2 ratio for up to 50 minutes. The product is then washed in soapy foamy water with the addition of a stain remover and rinsed thoroughly with cool water.

Special composition for cleaning from strong glue

There are commercially available products specifically designed for cleaning super glue. For example, “Anti-glue” cleaner or “Secunda” anti-glue cleaner. Such substances quickly deal with stains caused by glue, including on suede and leather clothes. Before use, you need to carefully read the instructions for applying such cleaners, since if you do not allow the product to remain on the stain for a long time, the fabric may lighten.

If the proposed methods turned out to be ineffective in getting rid of glue stains from the brand you purchased, and it’s a pity to throw away the item, then you can still turn to dry cleaning specialists.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for removing this kind of contaminants; you can choose a method to your liking.

People who have dealt with super glue know how difficult it is to get it off their hands. It is even more difficult to remove glue from clothing. These stains are difficult to remove. Attempting to remove it without knowing how to remove super glue from clothing can lead to the formation of holes. Using proven methods, you can remove stains yourself and without damaging your favorite item, if you take into account the icons on the product label.

If you don’t know how to remove glue from clothes at home, then don’t even think about washing the stained item, as removing the glue after washing in hot water will be problematic.

Without delaying

If super glue gets on clothing, you must immediately remove it and lay it out on a flat, horizontal surface to avoid spreading. Under thin fabric Place a piece of cardboard or thick paper. Soak a cotton swab with nail polish remover and carefully remove the glue.

Super glue stain can be removed by soaking the product in warm water with washing powder or stain remover (take an inexpensive stain remover, Vanish will not help in such cases), leave to soak and wash by hand, concentrating on the stain.

Stain on thick fabric You must first blot it with a napkin and place it on a flat place. There is no need to add anything. Then use a knife to try to scrape off the superglue stain. This is usually enough to get rid of fresh dirt. Once cleaning is complete, the clothes are washed as usual. If the attempt is unsuccessful, you need to soak the stain with ammonia, vodka or white spirit, rubbing it with a moistened swab.

Stationery glue It can be easily removed when washing if you first rub the stain with laundry soap before washing.

Freezing is good because superglue is removed from clothes without the use of additional products. The clothes are placed in a plastic bag so that the contaminated area is visible and placed in the freezer for at least 1 hour. After freezing, the glue that penetrates the fibers becomes brittle. It can be easily removed using tweezers, a nail file, the tines of a fork, or other similar items. If the glue has frozen in the form of a ball, you need to carefully break it with a rolling pin or a wooden hammer. After cleaning, the item is soaked and washed in soapy water.

Superglue is contraindicated not only in cold, but also in high temperatures. Starting from 80°C or more, it melts and begins to separate from the fabric. Contamination is cleaned in the following sequence:

  1. The item is laid out on a flat place covered with cotton cloth.
  2. The contaminated area is covered with the same plain material. Colorful fabric can turn your pants or shirt an undesirable shade.
  3. Iron the stain with an iron heated to maximum. Periodically, lifting the fabric, monitor the condition of the glue. As soon as it becomes soft, begin removing it using the blunt side of a knife, a plastic card, or a piece of thin cardboard.
  4. Then the clothes are soaked in a solution with washing powder or stain remover and after a few minutes are washed in the usual way.

How to remove super glue with plain water

The most affordable method, but it is applicable only for fabrics that can be washed with hot water. This method only removes fresh stains, so you need to act immediately. How to remove super glue is indicated in step-by-step instructions:

  • Carefully remove clothing so that parts of it do not become stuck together.
  • Boil the water quickly. It’s better to use an electric kettle, as minutes count.
  • Pour the heated water into a container of suitable size.
  • Place the clothes in boiling water, stained side down, and let them sit for a couple of minutes.
  • After the stain has softened, take the item out and lay it out on a flat place. Remove the glue using a blunt object, so as not to damage the fabric, wash it in a soapy solution.

Home Remedies

Before you clean the glue on your clothes and remove the stain using household chemicals, you can try to do this with simple home remedies that everyone has in their home.

This tool is good because it is always at hand. However, use vinegar to clean synthetic fabric not recommended, as the item may lose its shape. It needs to be mixed with warm water in a 1:1 ratio and soak the contaminated area in the prepared solution for a quarter of an hour. Soaked glue is removed with something sharp.

Citric acid

If the stain being cleaned is not too old, citric acid will help. Dissolve 1 table. spoon citric acid in a glass of water. Moisten the problem area with a cotton swab and leave the clothes in this form for 30-50 minutes. After treatment, wash by hand in warm water with washing powder.

Using household chemicals

If the glue that gets on clothes has dried a week or a month ago, then the fabric fibers will be saturated with it and glued to each other. The above methods will not cope with such a stain, so the use of chemicals will be required.

White spirit

Unlike acetone, this solvent is intended for cleaning synthetics, but you don’t need to soak the whole thing in it. Just wet the stain and wait a few minutes. Since white spirit can evaporate quickly, it is necessary, without waiting for complete drying, to re-wet the stain until all the glue is soaked. Then remove it with a suitable object without sharp edges and wash the item.

Glue from jeans, shirts and pants made from natural materials cannot be removed with white spirit.


A couple of rags soaked in gasoline are applied to the stain on both sides. To prevent gasoline from spreading, you need to place the item on a horizontal surface. After 10 minutes, you can begin to remove the glue. To remove the smell of gasoline, the item must be washed with fabric softener.

A concentrated solution of the product can be bought without a prescription at the pharmacy. Two swabs heavily soaked in dimexide are placed on both sides of the stain and left for 10-15 minutes. Then try to remove particles of undissolved glue. If unsuccessful, repeat the procedure. This product is harmless to all types of fabric, including thin and delicate ones.

Super Moment Anticley

This product perfectly removes random glue stains and is safe for all types of fabric, but it would be a good idea to check its effect on color. Anti-glue is applied to the stained area on both sides and left for 5 minutes. The adhesive is removed using a suitable metal object. In addition to superglue, the product successfully removes epoxy glue, traces of stickers from clothes, glue from labels and others.

It is better to first duplicate this method on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product. Apply to a cotton swab or napkin and apply to the fabric on both sides. The glue should come away from the fabric easily, the fabric will dry and the stain will disappear.


Place the item on a horizontal plane covered with cardboard or thick paper. A pair of tampons are soaked in solvent and applied to the stain on both sides. After waiting a few minutes, you need to try to scrape off the loose glue.

Please note that acetone cannot be used to clean synthetic fabrics, and it can remove paint from natural materials.

The above methods can remove glue from rhinestones from clothes if they were glued with superglue. Even if other types were used (epoxy, thermosetting, hot melt adhesive), these methods will help in most cases to remove glue from rhinestones from clothes.

Proceed with caution! Before use, it is necessary to check the effect of these products on the fabric and its coloring in an inconspicuous area, for example, on the back seam.

Ammonia or, in medical terms, ammonia, will help to carefully get rid of stains and remove superglue from clothes. It is sold in any pharmacy. Apply a drop of alcohol to a cotton swab and leave on the problem area for 10-20 minutes. Remove the stain with a swab or napkin.

To know how to remove glue stains from clothes, you should take into account its properties and how to wash the remaining traces. The following tips will tell you how to remove glue of one type or another:

  1. Stationery (silicate) glue and PVA glue They can be removed from clothing without difficulty, since they are made on a water-soluble basis and therefore cannot stick fibers together. Simply wet the stain with water, rub with laundry soap and wash. A thing with old office glue, first soak it for 2-3 hours in a soap solution, to which a few spoons have been added. baking soda. Then scrub with a brush or sponge, followed by washing. Old traces of PVA glue are soaked in alcohol or vinegar and left for half an hour, after which the item is soaked in a warm detergent solution and washed.
  2. Glue Titan removed with a hammer. The item is placed on a hard surface, the stain is covered with gauze and carefully broken. The debris is removed and the cleaned clothing is washed according to the label directions. The glue that has become embedded in the fabric is soaked with gasoline or ethyl acetate, and how to remove the smell from clothes has already been mentioned.
  3. Glue from clothing labels can be removed using hot and cold air. Hardened glue is removed by a sudden temperature change. The stain is heated with a hairdryer or iron (ironed from the inside out) and the clothes are immediately placed in the freezer. The disintegrated glue from the fabric is removed with a pumice stone or a nail file, and the remaining traces are removed with ammonia and detergents. This method cannot be used to clean leather and silk items.
  4. Glue from sticker in most cases it is removed by simply rolling it with your fingers. Stickers are often attached to products, which leave marks when removed. You can remove a sticker, for example from a jacket, so that there are no traces left behind, by heating it with hot air.
  5. Scotch tape from clothes can be removed with hairspray, an old toothbrush, or a white napkin. Lay out the clothes on a flat surface. Soak the stain with varnish and clean with a soft brush. Wipe off remaining traces of glue on clothing with alcohol or alcohol-containing liquid. Then rinse in cold water.
  6. Hot glue gun It cleans well if the product is first placed in the freezer, placed in a plastic bag. Frozen glue crumbles from the cold. We remove the remains with a brush.

If we talk about how you can wipe off super glue, then you can identify many methods, the choice of which will depend on a number of factors: the surface, the age of the glue stain, its thickness, the type of adhesive composition, etc. In any case, it is recommended to immediately wash off the super glue from your fingers as soon as it gets on your skin.

Glue “Super Moment”, “Second” and their analogues contain cyanoacrylate. This is a special substance that, being in liquid form, penetrates into all pores, cracks, and irregularities, after which it hardens and forms the strongest possible connection. Therefore, it will not be possible to wipe off the Moment second glue with water - you will need to use different methods.

The operating principle of any cyanoacrylate-based adhesive is based on interaction with moisture, so an open tube of adhesive will dry out instantly. Therefore, a reasonable question arises: what can you use to wipe off the Moment glue? How to remove dried Moment glue from leather?

It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question, because... in each individual case, you need to individually select the removal method.

Important! The difficulty in scrubbing adhesive compositions with cyanoacrylate is that not even all solvents react properly with it - often nothing happens at all.

Chemical methods

Before you remove super glue, there are a few ways to get it off surfaces. The most common method of removal is a chemical one (it is not suitable if the adhesive substance has frozen on the skin, since it is only possible to completely remove Moment glue from your hands using more gentle methods).

In order to easily wash off superglue from paintwork, linoleum, wooden surfaces, wood and other materials using a chemical method, the following safety precautions must be observed:

  • Be sure to use rubber gloves (to prevent the adhesive and chemicals from getting on your skin).
  • It is necessary to carry out work in a well-ventilated area (you need to open the windows or run the ventilation system at full power).
  • Painted materials and polymer coatings should be treated with caution when using chemicals.
  • Upon completion of work, you should wash your hands with soap just in case.


Speaking of which , How to remove glue from the skin and wipe it off your hands, first you should select the Anti-Glue product. It copes well with any adhesive compositions that are made on the basis of cyanoacrylate.


Oddly enough, cyanoacrylate can be washed off well with Dimexide (medicine). You can use it to remove super glue from metal, wood, glass, flooring, etc. Not recommended for use if you need to wipe off adhesive from leather, painted, or plastic surfaces.


Acetone is rarely mentioned when people talk about how to clean Moment glue, because... It is quite dangerous for the skin. You can work with acetone wearing gloves and a protective mask. It is not suitable if you need to remove superglue from leather, plastic, acrylic materials, and paint surfaces.

Important! Acetone removes cyanoacrylate glue well from metal, wood, glass, and polycarbonate. With its help you can remove even the highest quality Moment glue.

White Spirit

Organic type solvent. Before completely removing glue from glass, metal, or wood using it, you must wear personal protective equipment: a mask, gloves. This is due to the fact that white spirit is about as toxic as acetone.

Traditional methods for removing superglue

Not everyone knows , how to remove glue from shoes or how to clean super glue from the skin of your hands without using chemical methods. Often, superglue can be quickly removed from the skin and washed off completely using only folk remedies. The most popular means are:

  • Oil. You can clean the surface with frozen adhesive using sunflower oil and cosmetic oils. You can even use Vaseline. The superglue will not dissolve, but the oil will remove the adhesive stain, allowing it to peel off from the surface. Oil - great option for any materials that are not able to absorb oily substances.

  • Vinegar. Since super glue often needs to be cleaned very quickly, various improvised means are usually used. One of the most popular is vinegar. The 9% composition destroys the structure of superglue, but has virtually no effect on the materials being cleaned. The best option is to use vinegar essence.

  • Soda. A universal solution that is suitable if you do not know how to remove glue from linoleum, laminated surfaces or other materials. Before removing the dried glue stain, you need to prepare a paste by mixing two tablespoons of soda with a teaspoon of water (you can add soda to make the paste thick). This paste should be applied to the dried stain for several hours, then removed with a dry cloth.

  • Hairdryer Heat can help remove hardened and long-set super glue. Often the method is ineffective in the case of cyanoacrylate, so it is rarely used.

  • Hydrogen peroxide. This product helps remove super glue from hands and metal. You need to moisten a napkin with peroxide and treat the frozen adhesive stain until it is completely eliminated.

On video: Removing super glue.

Safe ways to remove superglue for children

You should not remove Moment glue from a child’s hands mechanically or with chemicals - in the case of children, gentler methods should be used. If a child glues his fingers together or simply drops glue on the skin, then it is recommended to use vegetable oil, vinegar diluted with water, and alcohol-containing compounds.

How to remove superglue from various materials and surfaces?

For different types materials, various methods for removing super glue must be used. It is quite difficult to peel off or tear off a dried glue stain, so you have to use special techniques.

How to remove super glue from furniture?

If we talk about what you can use to wipe super glue off a table or sofa, then first you need to clarify what material the surface being treated is made of. For example, if the coating is varnished or painted, then chemical solvents, alcohol compounds, or abrasives cannot be used to remove superglue from them.

  • Super glue can be removed from plastic furniture with nail polish remover without acetone, dimexide, or white spirit.
  • If the furniture is varnished, it is recommended to use vegetable or cosmetic oil to wash the surface.
  • From chipboard, plywood, OSB, superglue can be washed off and wiped off with nail polish remover, diluted vinegar, or oil.
  • If the surfaces of the furniture are textile or leather, then the glue is removed from them using specialized products (for example, “Anti-glue”).

How to remove superglue from plastic or silicone?

Products made of silicone from super glue should be cleaned with Anti-Glue, Dimexide, and nail polish remover. Using these products you can remove adhesive from sneakers and other things. Glued surfaces must be quickly cleaned of superglue - the sooner this is done, the easier it will be to remove the adhesive composition.

You can use vegetable oil to remove glue from plastic and silicone. Everything is done as follows:

  1. A cotton pad, napkin or soft cloth is moistened with oil.
  2. Then you need to treat the frozen composition with an oil rag, leaving it in the oil for 1-2 hours.
  3. Gradually, the frozen stain will begin to move away from the surface.
  4. Finally, the dissolved glue must be removed with any household detergent that does not contain abrasive particles.

Important! Many plastic materials are very sensitive from a chemical point of view, so they often cannot be treated with solvents, vinegar, or acid-containing substances. As a result of the leak chemical reaction they can become deformed, lose their original color, become thinner, etc.

How to remove super glue from the floor?

Since it is quite difficult to remove glue from linoleum, laminate, parquet and other floor coverings due to the high sensitivity of these materials to aggressive chemicals, it is recommended to use minimally concentrated solvents, Dimexide, Anti-Glue, nail polish remover without acetone.

Important! If parts are glued flooring, then the gluing area should be completely treated with any of the substances listed above.

How to remove superglue from leather, metal, suede, marble, tiles?

Different methods for removing super glue are suitable for different materials:

  • If you need to remove a frozen stain from a tile or tile, then without restrictions you can use compositions containing acetone, white spirit, nail polish remover and other chemical solvents. If necessary, you can remove the stain with a sharp blade, but you need to do everything very carefully.
  • Marble surfaces, on the other hand, are not suitable for removing adhesives using solvents and acidic liquids. Therefore, cleaning is carried out only mechanically (at the end the material is simply polished and that’s it). The removal of dried adhesive solutions from natural stone occurs in the same way.
  • You can remove superglue from glasses with oil, acetone, nail polish remover, or special glass cleaners.
  • It is recommended to remove super glue from the skin using oil, Anti-Glue, alcohol compounds, and diluted vinegar. Since you won't be able to clean your hands with a simple cleaner, it is recommended that you first try to remove the adhesive marks with oil. If this does not help, then you should use vinegar or alcohol wipes, since it is often difficult to get rid of glue on your hands even with Anti-Glue.
  • Glue can be removed from the car body with Anti-Glue, as well as other types of specialized compounds (widely available in car dealerships). Under no circumstances should you use acetone and other types of chemical solvents, because they have a negative effect on any type of paintwork on cars.
  • If we talk about how to remove super glue from jeans, it is recommended to immediately use nail polish remover (you can choose the option with acetone). Anti-Glue is also suitable.

Important! If you are not sure whether the chosen product is suitable for processing a particular material or not, then you should not use it! It is best to choose proven and traditional methods for removing adhesive.

How to remove superglue from glass and office equipment?

Not everyone knows how to properly remove glue from glass. You need to remove dried adhesive stains from the glass surface using a special glass cleaner and a sharp knife. The cleaner can remove any hardened adhesives, and the thin and flexible blade allows you to quickly remove dried stains without damaging the glass.

Important! Speaking of what you can use to remove super glue from glass, it should also be noted that chemical solvents are used, because... they do not cause any harm to glass surfaces.

Before you clean the glass from any glue residue, you need to wash it. Then apply the glass cleaner, leave it for a while, and then remove it with a rag. Remaining adhesive can be removed with a blade.

Often, in order to quickly and efficiently remove superglue from various surfaces, people cause irreparable damage to the materials.

  • You should not use any type of solvent unless you are sure how exactly the material being treated will react to it.
  • Most chemical solvents are highly toxic, so you should only work with them outside or in a well-ventilated area, otherwise there is a high risk of dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. Keep children away from the area while super glue is being removed with a solvent.
  • You cannot use chemical means to remove adhesive from materials and objects that are used for storing or preparing food (stove, refrigerator, dishes, cutlery, etc.).
  • If you plan to remove superglue, you must first put on gloves, a protective mask, open windows or start ventilation (regardless of the amount of work being done).

Important! If no household methods of removing superglue help, then it is recommended to seek help from specialized companies that offer cleaning services and removing difficult stains from things and objects.

Methods for removing super glue (2 videos)

Removing super glue (19 photos)

Superglue contains the substance cyanoacrylate, which has the ability to instantly harden. Bonded surfaces bond in less than one minute, and maximum bond strength is achieved in just a few hours. Therefore, you should work with this glue carefully: when it dries, it can leave difficult to remove stains. Can be used professional products for removal, which are sold in hardware stores. The disadvantage of this method is the toxicity of the products used.

Methods for cleaning products

There are several methods for dealing with stains from superglue and Moment glue:

  1. 1. Chemical. This method will help you easily remove superglue, but can be harmful to health.
  2. 2. With application folk remedies. Not as effective as the previous ones, but absolutely safe for humans and cannot harm the surface being cleaned.
  3. 3. Mechanical. Using a knife, blade or needle to gently scrape dried glue stains from hard surfaces.

There are risks of damage to the product and injury to the person themselves if used carelessly.

Plastic and plastic

Solvents that are used to clean surfaces from superglue should not be used on plastic. The structure of plastic and dried glue is similar, so the product is easy to damage.

You can remove superglue from plastic in the following ways:

  • Soap solution. Laundry soap should be dissolved in water and the contaminated area should be scrubbed with the resulting mixture.
  • Ethanol. It is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in alcohol and wipe the area where the glue came into contact.
  • Water. The contaminated area should be thoroughly wiped with a damp cloth. This is a safe method, but it is only suitable for fresh stains.
  • Knife. Using this item, you can remove dried glue, but this should be done carefully so as not to scratch the furniture.
  • Acetone or nail polish remover. A cotton swab should be soaked in one of these liquids and thoroughly wipe the contaminated area. After one hour, dried marks should be wiped off using the hard side of a kitchen sponge. Using these products you can also remove glue stains from shoes, laminate, linoleum and metal products.
  • Dimexide. A cotton pad soaked in a dimexide solution is applied to the contaminated area for a few minutes, and then the softened glue is rolled into balls. This method can also be used to remove glue stains from the car body. If the plastic surface is damaged, then this method should not be used.
  • Anti-glue. This product will quickly remove dried glue stains. It should be applied to the contaminated surface for several hours, and then the glue should be peeled off.

Wooden products

It is easier to remove stains from a wooden table than from plastic products. There are several methods that can be used:

  1. 1. Mineral oil. Use a cloth previously soaked in mineral oil to wipe the contaminated wood; as a result, the adhesive edges come off and are easily removed. This method should not be used on painted surfaces.
  2. 2. Acetone. Soak a cloth in acetone and rub gently required space. Then the softened adhesive stain will need to be removed with a rubber spatula and rinsed wooden surface water and wipe with a dry cloth.
  3. 3. Sanding. The contaminated area should be sanded, and then varnish or paint should be applied to it.
  4. 4. Knife. A fresh adhesive stain can be easily removed with a sharp object.

Glass surfaces

The following will help you remove dried glue stains from glass at home:

  • Laundry soap. A cloth soaked in a thick soap solution must be placed on the desired area for two hours. This manipulation will soften the stain and allow you to remove the residue with the hard side of a sponge or a knife.
  • Blade. Use this object to carefully remove the dried glue, and then wipe the area with water.

As you know, super glue is an unpredictable thing and can glue everything - both what is needed and what is not. It can do damage in a matter of seconds, but it will take a long time to correct mistakes. But if a problem arises, then you need to solve it and think about how to wipe off the super glue so that not a trace remains.

Glue can get on any surface: glass, plastic, metal, wood, as well as skin and clothing. If such a situation does occur, then there is no need to sound the alarm or panic, because this problem can be solved, and the glue can be wiped off with absolutely no harm to the surface or material on which it came in contact. Let's figure out how to remove super glue from all possible surfaces. Let's start with the most common - plastic.

How to remove super glue from plastic?

Removing super glue from plastic is one of the most complex tasks. But the problem is that the structure of dried glue is as similar as possible to the structure of plastic, and this is what complicates the process. The solvents that are often used dissolve not only the glue, but also the plastic itself. Therefore, in this situation you need to do without chemicals. Here are examples of exactly the methods that will be useful to you.


This method has both its positive aspects, and disadvantages. Water is the longest but safest method:

  1. Take a small cloth and soak it in water (the water should not run off the cloth, it should be slightly damp).
  2. With this cloth you will need to rub the area of ​​glue contamination until it completely disappears.
  3. The cloth must be damp all the time, that is, it must be moistened periodically.

If you want to make things easier for yourself, you can:

  • Apply a wet piece of cloth to the contaminated area;
  • Cover all this with plastic wrap.

This compress will need to be left for a day. Due to moisture, the solution will become wet and it will be easier to wipe off the super glue from the plastic.

Important! This method of cleaning with water is only suitable for fresh stains that are no more than a week old. For long-lasting stains, water is not an option, you'll just be wasting your time

Soap solution

They can be used to wipe off super glue that has been on the surface for several days:

  1. Prepare a fairly strong solution of laundry soap and water.
  2. Use it to wipe off any glue stains.

You can also prepare a compress. The procedure is similar to using water, but you will need to change the fabric a little more often.

Important! When removing glue from plastic, you need to take into account the geophysical features of these materials. Any super glue contains the substance “cyanoacrylate”. It is thanks to him that the glue is able to dry so quickly. But even this can be prevented. Glue will never dry quickly in a slightly damp environment, but excess moisture also promotes drying - the solution will become viscous and easy to remove.


In general, alcohol is not able to dissolve glue, but it can tear off its top layer. Just moisten a cotton swab with ethanol and thoroughly rub it on the area where the glue dropped. This will need to be done in several passes. After this you will need to remove the glue.


How to remove super glue from plastic without using liquid solvents? To do this:

  1. Take the knife.
  2. Using the blunt side, begin to peel off the dried glue.

Important! It won't be easy to do this, but it's worth trying. If you are afraid of damaging the plastic with a knife, you can use the hard side of the sponge.


This remedy can be found at the pharmacy. And if the question is about dried glue, then “Dimexide” is exactly what you need, it will easily dissolve cytanoacrylates. But at the same time, the following must be taken into account:

  1. “Dimexide” is very dangerous for plastic, it dissolves it along with the glue.
  2. Use this tool in pure form not recommended.
  3. It is best to make compresses. But you need to hold them not for an hour, but for a few minutes. After this, the glue will become thick and viscous. In this form it is easy to roll into balls.

Important! Take a close look at the plastic. If there is damage on its surface, then it is better to refuse to use Dimexide.


In its pure form, this remedy is used very rarely. In everyday life, acetone-based nail polish remover is most often used.

Important! If you need to wipe off super glue, the composition of which is unknown, then acetone - best option. It is less aggressive than Dimexide, but can also cause trouble. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful when using it.

This tool is used as follows:

  1. First you need to conduct an experiment and check whether acetone is suitable for your plastic. Apply a very small amount of this product to an inconspicuous place, and after 15 minutes, look at the results. If everything went well, then you can safely use acetone.
  2. Apply acetone or nail polish remover thoroughly using a cotton pad to the area where the glue got in.
  3. Wait about an hour.
  4. Start peeling off the glue with the hard side of the sponge.
  5. After a few passes you will achieve the desired result.


The problem with stains from such a solution is quite serious, so we came up with a special product that will help you quickly and easily remove super glue from plastic.

Important! Not every Anti-Glue is suitable for every super glue. He may respond to some and not to others. Therefore, if “Anticle” does not work, there is no need to be upset. You can simply try a different composition.

The principle of your actions will be as follows:

  1. Apply a small amount of Anti-Glue to the stained area.
  2. After a couple of hours, start peeling off the glue; it will clump into lumps.

We figured out how to remove super glue from plastic. But it can get on not only plastic surfaces; wood is also often affected. This is exactly what we will talk about now.

How to remove super glue from wood?

It will be much easier to remove super glue from wood than from plastic. Here, too, there are several methods that will be useful to you.


This method is the simplest and least expensive. Just try to peel off the glue with your fingernail or knife. If the glue stain is fresh, it can be removed very simply and quickly. If you are unable to achieve results with this method, move on to the next one.


We have already used it when we needed to remove super glue from plastic. But if the wood has a finished finish, then acetone can also be used. You need to act according to clear instructions. If you do not follow it, then you risk losing not only the glue, but also the top layer of wood.

  1. Take a small cloth and dip it in acetone.
  2. Use gentle circular motions to rub the area where the glue dripped. This will take a long time, but don't rush it.
  3. Take a rubber or silicone spatula. You will need to use it to lightly peel off the glue, which will become viscous and thick. You will need to act carefully so as not to damage the surface of the wood.
  4. Rinse the surface of the wood that you treated with acetone with warm water, then wipe it with a dry cloth.

Mineral oil

When using this product, there is one condition - the surface of the wood should not be painted. Take a soft cloth and soak it in mineral oil, then rub it over the area where the glue is contaminated. Thanks to the product, the edges of the glue will rise up and you can easily remove it.


In many cases, sanding becomes the fastest and most correct solution to remove super glue:

  1. Apply adhesive tape around the area that is contaminated with varnish.
  2. Start sanding the glue a little at a time.
  3. Do this until it completely disappears.
  4. After completing the work, apply oil, varnish or paint to the sanding area.

But what to do when glue gets on the glass? Let's talk about this further.

How to remove super glue from glass?

But it can be difficult to remove super glue from glass, because glass is a very sensitive material and it’s easy to damage it. Therefore, when removing super glue from glass, be especially careful and attentive. Here are the ways that can help you:

  1. Blade. You can use either a razor blade or a knife blade. The main thing is to be very careful and not damage the glass. Carefully peel off the top layer of glue and try not to catch the surface itself. If there are a few traces left, it is better not to cut them with a knife, but wash them off with warm soapy water.
  2. Soap solution. Prepare a fairly strong solution of laundry soap and warm water. Next:
    • If the damaged glass object is small, then place it in a container with soapy water.
    • If this is not possible, then moisten a cloth with it and apply it to the dirty area.
    • Secure it all with plastic wrap.
    • Wait a few hours and remove the glass from the solution.
    • The glue will become softer, so try to get rid of it with the blunt side of a knife or the hard part of a sponge.

Important! If there are small stain residues left, they can be removed with alcohol or eucalyptus oil.

So, we've dealt with hard materials. But glue can also get on clothes. Now we will figure out what to do in such cases.

How to remove super glue from clothes?

Basically, it all depends on the fabric that the super glue got on. But most materials are not very picky, so you can safely follow these tips:

  • Any solvent. “Dimexide”, acetone, “Anti-glue” - all this can be used absolutely without harming clothes. The rules of application are quite simple. Apply the product to the stain and wait a while. Then use a spatula or the blunt side of a knife to remove any excess glue from the clothing.

Important! If the fabric is thin and delicate, then it is better not to take risks and first try the solvent on an inconspicuous place.

  • Battery acid. It is only suitable for rough materials such as denim or burlap. Just be as vigilant as possible, because the item you cleaned will need to be washed no later than an hour after treatment. Otherwise, no one will save the clothes.
  • Freezing. It will not damage the fabric in any way. But when frozen, the glue will crack and fall off on its own. Oddly enough, but quite an effective method.

No matter what they say, the skin remains the most sensitive and delicate. But sometimes glue gets on it too, what to do in such cases?

How to remove super glue from skin?

The skin often suffers from super glue, especially when we glue something together. Therefore, in handmade Always wear gloves when handling super glue. But if such an unpleasant situation has occurred, then it needs to be resolved. How exactly - read on:

  1. Warm soapy solution with vinegar. It will save you from all fresh glue contamination. The method for removing stains is known: if the glue hardened a few minutes ago, then apply a strong solution to the stained area and wait a few minutes. If necessary, then remove the glue with a silicone spatula.
  2. Nail polish remover is a universal product. Apply acetone or nail polish remover to the stain for a few minutes, then wash off with warm, soapy water. You can remove the remaining super glue with your hands or a spatula.
  3. Nail file or pumice stone. Before you start doing anything, dry the skin thoroughly with a hairdryer, and then start cutting off the layer of glue from it. A very easy, fast and harmless method.
  4. Margarine. Not the best effective remedy, but it still helps. He saves those who have very thin sensitive skin or allergies. The principle of operation is as follows: margarine is rubbed into the area of ​​contamination using circular smooth movements, leave everything like that for 15-20 minutes, and then wash off with soapy water. Remove any remaining glue yourself.
  5. Washing powder. It will need to be mixed with water in a ratio of 1:3. Apply this concentrated mixture to the area where the stain has formed and rub into the skin for 15 minutes. After this, rinse your hands well and apply a softening cream to them.
  6. Saline or lemon solution. You will need to prepare a mixture. Mix 2 teaspoons salt or lemon juice with water. Moreover, if you use salt, it should not completely dissolve. Apply this mixture to the glue and rub the desired area for 1-2 minutes. During this time, the super glue should come off and form lumps.
  7. Vodka. If you have your finger dirty in glue, it will be much easier to remove it with this product. Dip it in vodka for 15-20 minutes, and then clean your finger with salt or ground coffee. The glue should roll into clumps.

All types of cleaning various materials and even leather from super glue were listed above. All that remains is to learn about the precautions that must be observed.