Most often at modern weddings. Let's celebrate in a new way! Modern wedding

Series: Around the wedding

Modern wedding traditions in Russia echo wedding ceremonies Ancient Rus', although time, as elsewhere, makes its own adjustments.

Modern " traditional wedding"is a conglomerate of customs and rituals of different times and peoples. Only a few ethnic groups can boast of the purity of their preserved ritual. In most countries, especially in the so-called “civilized” countries, they have ceased to feel the boundary between their traditions and rituals and customs borrowed from other cultures. Weddings in Russia, especially in large cities, have not escaped this trend.

Weddings usually last two days. But quite often the second wedding day is celebrated in a shortened version.

On the morning before the wedding, the bride and groom receive the blessing of their parents, clean themselves up, get dressed and get ready.

Also, the groom prepares a wedding bouquet for his bride, which he will present to her at the end of the redemption. He can also send the bride a “groom box” containing gifts for her and her bridesmaids.

Meanwhile, some of the guests are decorating the cars of the wedding cortege, and the bridesmaids are preparing for the ransom.

The custom of bride price

As a rule, the wedding day begins with the bride price, when the groom and his friends try to prove to the bride’s relatives their right to marry her.

The most common custom is when the bride is hidden from the groom and prying eyes. For example, the ancient Chinese carried the bride to the ceremony in a closed chair. The Romans used the veil. Modern brides wear a cape very rarely, and they come to the wedding itself in luxurious limousines, but it is still a tradition to hide the betrothed from the future husband before the wedding and come to different cars preserved.

The tradition of bride price originated in ancient times. As the name of this ritual suggests, the groom then literally bought the bride from her relatives with the help of money.

But in our time, bride price has simply turned into a fun comic action, where money, sometimes, fades into the background and plays simply symbolic meaning(but not always), but they come to the fore fun competitions and tasks for the groom.

Passing one test after another, the groom slowly but surely approaches his bride. The ransom ends when the groom breaks through to the bride and hands her a wedding bouquet.

After the bride's ransom, there is usually a small buffet, when the guests give farewell to the bride and groom before going to the registry office, instructing them to love and respect each other throughout their life together.

Marriage registration ceremony

After leaving the bride's house, the future newlyweds and their guests are seated in the prepared cars of the wedding cortege, and go to the registry office for the wedding ceremony.

Next is the ring. It is an invariable attribute of engagement and modern traditional wedding. In many countries it is worn on the same ring finger, like ours, but with the left hand. According to some beliefs, it is in this place that the nerve of the heart is located. In an engagement ceremony, the ring is a symbol of possession, and in a marriage ceremony, it is a symbol of unity and harmony. To unite the young, they join hands, which are then tied with a towel. For example, in Burma, the groom must break through a barrier made of fabric, and also pay a ransom to the bride's friends and relatives, and only after that he can be reunited with his chosen one.

Having completed all the necessary formalities, the young couple, to the sounds of Mendelssohn's march, accompanied by their wedding procession, enters the hall for the ceremonial registration of marriages.

After registering a marriage, there is often a small buffet, at which guests, led by witnesses, congratulate the newly-made husband and wife on one of the most important events in their lives.

Leaving the registry office, the newlyweds come under fire from rice, flower petals, and small coins, which, according to wedding tradition, is carried out by the guests. It is believed that this brings wealth and love to a young family.

In almost all countries, there is a tradition of showering newlyweds with money, sweets or other small, light objects. In Ancient Rome these were nuts, in Britain - flower petals. Rice and other various grains are a symbol of fertility and well-being in all cultures.

Then the wedding procession heads to the temple, where the bride and groom perform the sacrament of wedding, thereby consolidating their marriage not only before people, but also before God. Of course, this only happens if the wedding is planned in the wedding day program. An Orthodox wedding ceremony takes about 40 minutes.

Wedding walk

Having got married, the newlyweds, together with their guests, go on a wedding walk to the remarkable places of their city or village. Usually the wedding procession manages to visit two or three places. But it happens that there is more. It all depends on the amount of time remaining before the start of the banquet.

After a wedding walk, the newlyweds often go to the house of the husband’s parents, where they receive them with “bread and salt.” The husband and wife take a bite of the loaf without touching it with their hands. Whoever bites off the largest piece will be the main one in the family.

Then the groom's parents invite the newlyweds to their home. There is a small buffet where the guests again congratulate the newlyweds on their reunion and make parting speeches. True, recently, more and more often, the “bread and salt” ritual has begun to be carried out directly in the restaurant before the start of the wedding banquet.

Before going to a restaurant for a wedding banquet, you can arrange a short rest so that the newlyweds and their guests can catch their breath after the rapidly changing events of the wedding day, and gain strength for the whole evening.

Wedding banquet

After the wedding walk, the newlyweds arrive at the house of the husband's parents, where they receive them with “bread and salt.” The husband and wife take a bite of the loaf without touching it with their hands. Whoever bites off the largest piece will be the head of the house.

Then the groom's parents invite the newlyweds to their home. Usually, in order to prevent the young wife from being stolen by evil spirits, the husband carries her into the house in his arms. There is a small buffet where the guests again congratulate the newlyweds on their reunion and make parting speeches.

Before going to a restaurant for a wedding banquet, you can arrange a short rest so that the newlyweds and their guests can catch their breath after the rapidly changing events of the wedding day and gain strength for the whole evening

Having rested a little, the newlyweds, together with their relatives and guests, go to a restaurant to celebrate their wedding with a feast and dancing. But it happens that the wedding banquet is held at home or outdoors.

At the end of the ceremony at a modern traditional wedding, glasses are broken to drive away evil spirits, and the ringing of bells notifies residents of the surrounding area about the creation of a new family.

At the wedding banquet, guests take turns congratulating the newlyweds and presenting gifts for their young family. Then it’s time for the newlyweds’ wedding dance. During this dance, other couples smoothly join them. This marks the beginning of a wedding disco with fiery dancing and fun competitions.

At the end of the wedding evening, the cheerful and well-fed guests go home, and the newlyweds go to the venue for their wedding night. This could be a special room in a hotel or someone's apartment (not necessarily the bride or groom).

Second wedding day

In the morning, the newly made husband and wife and their guests set off to celebrate their second wedding day. There everyone shares their impressions of the past wedding day and congratulates the newlyweds on their first day of family life.

The feast on the second day of the wedding usually does not last long and ends shortly after noon. The guests leave, but for the newlyweds the holiday continues - their honeymoon awaits them.

Often, soon after the wedding, the newlyweds go to honeymoon to enjoy your honeymoon and each other in a romantic setting...

Innovations of the 21st century

In this article, we looked at the main stages that make up a traditional wedding. But your wedding is your wedding! She is individual and unlike any other.

Therefore, if you are not satisfied with traditionalism, and you want to make something unusual out of your wedding, then do not be afraid to experiment. Be creative in the process of organizing and holding your wedding. Bring something new into it, realize your secret and obvious dreams and fantasies.

For example, recently it has become fashionable to register marriages on location - not within the walls of the registry office, but somewhere in the forest or on a boat. This service is provided by many wedding agencies that organize turnkey weddings.

Or you can order “Catering” - catering service from a restaurant in order to hold a wedding banquet not in a stuffy city (in the summer), but in a forest clearing or at your dacha.

Well, if such deviations from the traditional wedding are not enough for you and your soul requires something more extreme (to be remembered for a long time), then here you can come up with a lot of interesting things: arrange a marriage registration in a balloon basket or on seabed. Or you can celebrate your wedding at the North Pole, or in a fast food restaurant.

Currently, some airlines have begun to provide an exotic service - a wedding while flying around the country or around the world. So you can register your marriage on board a plane flying towards the Czech Republic, take a wedding walk through the streets of Prague, celebrate a wedding banquet in one of the restaurants in Paris, and spend your wedding night in a London hotel.

Here everything is limited only by your imagination and the thickness of your wallet. So think, create, dare and you will have an unforgettable wedding, unlike any other!

Sergei Michurin

What do you need to know to properly prepare for your wedding? What is a modern wedding like? What wedding signs exist? What is customary to give for a wedding? What pre-wedding stages do the bride and groom need to go through? I will tell you about all this and much more in the “All about the wedding” section!

Useful information about the wedding, something that no fun wedding can do without

How to make a wedding fun? What toasts should you give at a wedding, and what congratulations should you refrain from saying? What wedding signs exist? What wedding customs exist? About this in the section “Useful things for a wedding: congratulations, toasts, gifts, signs, customs at a wedding.”

Features of preparation for a wedding

Is it worth holding a wedding ceremony? How to properly prepare for a wedding ceremony? What should be the wedding hairstyle for the wedding ceremony? Which wedding dress to choose for your wedding? You can read about this and much more in the section “Wedding in the Church, how a wedding takes place, how to prepare for a wedding in the Church.”

How to choose a wedding planning agency? Who should you invite to the wedding? How to organize a bachelor and bachelorette party? Where to buy wedding rings? The section “Wedding, preparation, organization and holding of a wedding, advice to the bride and groom on choosing wedding goods and services” will help you answer these questions.

Wedding at different times of the year

What are the features of holding a wedding in winter? How is a fall wedding different from a summer wedding? What are the advantages of a spring wedding? Read about everything related to organizing and holding weddings at different times of the year in the section “Weddings at different times of the year, weddings in winter, spring, summer, autumn.”

Modern wedding, wedding day from morning to evening

How does the wedding day begin? How should a wedding day end? What events are required for a wedding day? What should you consider when planning your wedding day? The section “Wedding day from morning to evening, how the wedding goes from the bride price to the wedding fireworks” will answer your questions. wedding traditions».

So that the wedding is bright and memorable for you and all your friends and relatives, to this ceremonial event you need to prepare correctly. It is necessary to take into account all the nuances that exist when organizing a modern wedding. Of course, you can ignore all the generally accepted rules for organizing a wedding. You don’t have to observe wedding signs, you don’t have to have a bachelor and bachelorette party, you don’t have to organize a bride price. But if you want to give up all these fun and beautiful traditions, remember that a wedding is not just the day you get married. A wedding is a show, a grand event that, hopefully, will happen only once in your life. And it’s worth spending this day in such a way that you can remember your wedding day with a warm smile for the rest of your life. Therefore, my advice is to follow, as far as possible, all the rules for organizing a wedding, so that you later have something to remember! Wedding - bright event precisely because brides and grooms, as well as their friends and relatives, observe wedding traditions. After all, the wedding ceremony is probably the most beautiful ceremony that has come down to this day from our most distant ancestors. What for our distant ancestors was a way to protect newlyweds from evil spirits and guarantee them a happy and prosperous life, for us has become just elements of a wedding show. But these elements are beautiful and memorable, it is these elements that make a wedding one of the most vibrant and beautiful events. It is precisely such wedding details as bride ransom, throwing wedding bouquet bride and bride's wedding pendant, give the wedding inexpressible beauty and charm. Therefore, even if you do not believe in any wedding signs, you should not refuse to make your wedding the brightest event in your life. Of course, if you are a stern pragmatist, at your wedding you can limit yourself to just registering at the registry office and dinner at a restaurant with your closest friends and relatives. But what will you remember in a few years? I do not insist that you necessarily follow all wedding traditions and organize all the events that are typical for a wedding. But I will still recommend that you make the wedding a holiday, not give it the appearance of an ordinary business transaction, when two people came, signed the document and celebrated this event with an ordinary dinner. Make your wedding a holiday with a capital F! And then you will have something to remember yourself and something to tell your children and grandchildren. After all, stories about a wedding are stories that all your descendants up to the third generation will listen to with interest. And if the wedding is grandiose, then even until the fifth! So, what do you need to know in order for the wedding to become a real event, about which legends will then circulate in your family? It is necessary to know how our ancestors performed the wedding ceremony, what signs and beliefs they had. It is necessary to know how the wedding ceremony has changed over time, what was introduced into it from other cultures. After all, it’s no secret that in our modern wedding, based on Orthodox traditions, much has come from Western countries, from the Catholic tradition. As a result, a modern wedding has not lost anything, but, on the contrary, complemented by wedding traditions from other cultures, it has become even brighter and more fun. Therefore, when organizing a wedding, do not give up new traditions that have come to us from other countries and cultures. In the section “Modern wedding, wedding style, organization and preparation: budget, planning, wedding scenario” I will tell you about where to start organizing a wedding, what wedding styles there are, how to correctly draw up a wedding budget, what you need to take into account, what you can save on when organizing a wedding. On my website you will find information on how to write a wedding script that is suitable for your couple, whether it is worth contacting specialized agencies for organizing a wedding, what tasks to set for a specialized agency for organizing a wedding, and what tasks you can solve on your own. If you are interested in the question of who is related to whom in your greatly expanded family, then you will also find this information in the section “Modern wedding, wedding style, organization and preparation: budget, planning, wedding scenario.” Understanding complex weaves family ties not so much difficult as exciting. You might even enjoy a game like finding out who your fiancé's great-uncle is. All names of related statuses came to us from the distant past, when families were large, there were a great many relatives, and each relative had to have his own “name”, his own status. These names of family ties, unlike many other elements of a wedding, have not changed from time immemorial and have not been influenced by wedding fashion. As the daughter-in-law was called two hundred years ago, that is what they call her now. Nothing new was invented in this matter. The same cannot be said about wedding style. Wedding style is a concept that has come into our everyday life relatively recently, but is already actively used by both those getting married and specialized wedding planning agencies. Wedding style is the idea that forms the basis for organizing a wedding. A themed wedding is an event in which all elements are carried out in accordance with a specific concept. For example, a wedding in hussar style or retro style. Knight weddings or gangster style weddings are very popular. Organizing a themed wedding requires a little more effort than planning a traditional wedding. But the extra effort is worth it! After all, a themed wedding is a truly grandiose show, when both you and your guests plunge into a certain era or situation. Have you always wanted to get into a real knight's castle or feel like the heroine of your favorite movie? A themed wedding is a great opportunity to make your dreams and fantasies come true. Thanks to the fact that your wedding outfits, and the outfits of your guests, and transport, and music, and even the dishes of the wedding banquet will obey one idea, you will be able to feel like the person you always wanted to feel like. Due to the fact that when organizing a themed wedding there are so many things to consider and to ensure that all elements of the wedding correspond to the idea you have chosen, it is worth entrusting, at least partially, the organization of the wedding to a professional wedding agency. A specialized wedding planning agency with experience in planning themed weddings will be able to provide you with invaluable assistance in organizing a wedding that will be a real show. When organizing a wedding in a certain style, both you and your groom will need to pay attention special attention yours wedding dresses and wedding hairstyles. In this matter, you simply need the help of a professional wedding stylist. In order to organize a themed wedding, you may need knowledge of how weddings are held in different nations. You will also find information about how various national and ethnic weddings are held on my website under the heading “Modern wedding, wedding style, organization and preparation: budget, planning, wedding script.” I will tell you what wedding traditions exist among different nations, from this you can get ideas for organizing your own wedding. There is no need to be afraid that some idea is not typical for a Russian Orthodox wedding. If you like a particular idea, then nothing stops you from using it when organizing your wedding event. The main thing is that both you and your chosen one like this idea. However, when preparing directly for the wedding, do not forget about those events that precede the wedding. Collusion, hand-shaking, bride viewing, marriage proposal, and many other wedding rituals have not lost their significance over the past hundred years. Of course, now they are held differently than in the century before last; under the influence of fashion, all wedding rituals have changed somewhat. But they remain exciting and beautiful wedding rituals that can make wedding preparations more interesting. And a marriage proposal is a ritual that you absolutely cannot do without. Grooms invent everything they can to capture the imagination of their chosen one! There are so many options for marriage proposals today! To guarantee the answer “yes” from the lady of their heart, grooms resort to a variety of tricks - including a marriage proposal hot air balloon, and on an exotic island. What can I say - if you have love and imagination, then even in a communal apartment you will arrange your marriage proposal in such a way that it will be a bright, exciting and memorable event! I will reveal some secrets of how to properly propose marriage to your beloved girl in the section “Modern wedding, wedding style, organization and preparation: budget, planning, wedding script.” Take them into account - and be sure of a positive answer! Today, not a single wedding is complete without such preliminary stages as holding a bachelor and bachelorette party. Gone are the days when these events meant the last “break” of single life. Today, brides and grooms have a different attitude towards holding bachelor and bachelorette parties. Of course, I will tell you in the section “Modern wedding, wedding style, organization and preparation: budget, planning, wedding scenario” how to organize these events so that at first it is fun and interesting, and then not ashamed in front of your loved one. But if you love and respect your chosen one, you yourself most likely will not want to do anything that could cause him pain. Separately, in the section “Modern wedding, wedding style, organization and preparation: budget, planning, wedding scenario,” I will dwell on such important points for any bride as the choice of a wedding dress, wedding hairstyle, wedding makeup. Not only the integrity of the wedding depends on what wedding dress and wedding makeup the bride chooses. wedding look the bride, but also her mood on her wedding day. It is in order for the bride to be confident in herself and her irresistibility on her wedding day that she should start looking for a wedding dress and wedding hairstyle in advance. Moreover, in order for the wedding dress and wedding hairstyle to emphasize the winning features of your appearance and your figure, it is worth knowing some rules for choosing both a wedding dress and a wedding hairstyle. Of course, I will tell you about these rules in the section “Modern wedding, wedding style, organization and preparation: budget, planning, wedding scenario.” If you want your wedding to become a truly solemn, bright, cheerful event, so that you and your guests will remember your wedding day with a kind smile for a long time, be sure to read the recommendations that I give in the section “Modern wedding, wedding style” , organization and preparation: budget, planning, wedding script.” Then you can be sure that you will organize your wedding correctly, you will be able to take everything into account and provide for everything.

A wedding is a bright and memorable event in the life of a family. Every bride dreams of being a princess... early years. In honor of such an event, young people wear festive costume. And from just a loved one, the young man turns into a handsome prince, who rushed to his beloved on the wings of love. But couples often do not want to celebrate such an event the way their parents did. that have developed over centuries seem ridiculous and inappropriate to them. They have outlived their usefulness.

No boring buyouts! Unbridled fun - yes!

Young people prefer to celebrate their wedding in a different way. They are disgusted by ransom with competitions a la the 80s. I don’t like sitting around the table singing songs to the accordion. The modern wedding is the solution to the problem. Weddings require adherence to style and theme. Every little detail is important for the overall atmosphere, right down to the dress code of the guests. A wedding happens once in a lifetime, and you want to have a celebration not only for the body, but also for the soul.

Starting preparations for the wedding, they draw up a script. This is what they do:

  • the newlyweds themselves;
  • leading;
  • holiday agency;
  • Friends;
  • relatives.

The place and time have been determined. What's next?

Before drawing up a script for a modern wedding, the concept of the event is determined. It is worth carefully considering the location of the wedding. It could be:

  • restaurant;
  • country house;
  • yacht;

Depends on the venue and the desires of the young people. on a yacht - the scenario of a modern wedding for newlyweds, in whose company there are few representatives of the older generation. You can celebrate a wedding in a restaurant like a social event. Ladies in long dresses and gentlemen in tailcoats will not leave even the older generation indifferent. And the musical accompaniment of the symphony ensemble will delight the ears of sophisticated audiences.

Conservatives, go!

Those who pay tribute to traditions would like to arrange a bride ransom. Instead of money, they use alcoholic drinks and souvenirs. And the redemption scenario is proposed as modern. Invented competitions are characterized by unconventional thinking. More precisely, this will be the completion of a quest. It can be organized in absolutely any territory chosen for the celebration. You can do a traditional romantic photo shoot early in the morning before the wedding.

So that everyone can fully enjoy the celebration, a modern wedding can last two days. On the first day, the newlyweds attend the ceremonial registration at the registry office and go to a photo shoot. This eliminates the need for guests to follow the newlyweds around the city in search of good locations for photos. And on the second day, the newlyweds and guests enjoy the fun. The bride can wear the same dress twice or appear in a new outfit every day.

It will help not to divide the wedding into two days. It will take place in the same place where the newlyweds plan to have fun with guests. Instead of a standard registry office hall, the newlyweds will find an arch decorated with flowers and waves of fabric, a path of flowers and petals, beautiful live music and friends on both sides of the arch. What could be more romantic?

The bride can be escorted to the altar by her father or godfather. This will also emphasize the girl’s transition to new family. After this, the newlyweds say: Everything depends only on the wishes of the newlyweds.

After registration is completed, you will not have to stand in traffic jams getting to the banquet venue. Guests and newlyweds can start having fun.

When writing a script, it is worth thinking through all the questions regarding:

  • musical arrangement;
  • lighting design;
  • color scheme;
  • floristry;
  • costumes for young people and guests;
  • leading.

Timeless classic

We should not forget about the representatives of the older generation. They do not always share youth trends. When organizing a wedding, it is necessary to take into account their interests. There are rituals that have not changed for a long time:

  1. Lighting up the family hearth. Mothers of young people pass on to them a piece of the warmth of their hearth.
  2. First dance of the young. This is one of the most beautiful and gentle dances at a wedding.
  3. Dance of the bride with her father. It emphasizes the depth of feelings between them.
  4. Cutting the cake. According to tradition, the young people sell the first piece. This is an additional contribution of guests to the family budget of the new cell.

Everyone's having fun

When preparing a script for a wedding, funny and modern trends should and can be used. Humor has always been the key to success. Therefore, it is worth holding a couple of humorous competitions that will not hurt the feelings of the guests. Such competitions will amuse those present and lift the spirits of the young people. Following modern trends, you can record a humorous video about a wedding. In general, it’s up to the young to decide how to introduce a touch of humor. The main thing is that it pleases them and those around them.

The prize goes to...

Well, what would a wedding be without competitions! After all, just sitting at the tables and periodically going out for dance breaks will be boring for guests. Representatives of two families gather at the wedding. For the most part, they are practically unknown. It is competitions that will allow everyone to get to know each other better and make friends.

“Bearded” competitions with balls and pencils are not in fashion today. Self-irony and creativity have become the pillars on which modern wedding competitions are based. For example, you can offer to congratulate the newlyweds in a comic form. A second example of a competition would be a list of flattering and laudatory epithets addressed to the bride and groom. Whoever names the most wins.

The children's favorite game of forfeits is also not left aside. When compiling a list of modern competitions, do not forget about the favorite competition of all newlyweds: determining the gender of the first-born using sliders and the guests’ money. This is what witnesses do. Mothers of young people should not sit at the table either. They are asked to quickly swaddle the baby. After all, they may soon become grandmothers, and remembering the skills will not hurt. A competition with a rope will amuse guests. Having pulled it at a decent height, guests are invited to walk under it while dancing. Each time it sinks lower and lower. Only the bravest and most flexible guests will reach the finals.

Songs until the morning

Modern performers delight listeners with various musical compositions. They can be used to arrange musical breaks throughout the celebration. But to entertain guests, many presenters offer some kind of karaoke. To do this, the melodies of famous hits are taken, and the words are written independently. They also contain various wishes. If you don’t have time to come up with words, you can use ready-made ones and choose to your taste among hundreds of compositions. Such modern wedding alterations will appeal to all guests, regardless of age and social status.

Host of the evening

As for the hosts of the wedding celebration, you should not skimp on them. Even the most thoughtful and clearly planned modern wedding can be ruined by the unprofessionalism of the host. A toastmaster with little experience or someone invited at random may behave incorrectly, which will put the newlyweds and guests in an awkward position.

So that the newlyweds do not have to worry about their holiday, a modern wedding toastmaster is required. In conditions of fierce competition, the hosts try to please the guests and the bride and groom as much as possible. They will not allow bearded competitions or toasts. Jokes below the belt will not be allowed. In order to avoid other troubles, it is worth discussing in advance all the awkward moments regarding taboo topics and preferences in conducting the holiday.

Modern presenters, as a rule, collaborate with sound engineers, which will help save time searching for one. They can also take care of the lighting design. They can also recommend an inexpensive company for decorating the hall.

From what, from what...

Modern wedding traditions are presented in a wide range. These include:

  • on-site registration;
  • engagement;
  • hen and stag parties;
  • exchange of wedding rings;
  • showering the young with sweets, petals, rice, millet, etc.;
  • dance of the young;
  • bouquet and garter toss;
  • releasing pigeons;
  • wedding cake;
  • gifts for parents.

The list of traditions is wide. It includes the main components of any wedding. They can be supplemented with others or modified in accordance with the wishes of the bride and groom. But for the most part they remain. Almost no couple can deny themselves the pleasure of having fun before the wedding at bachelor and hen parties. And not giving gifts to the people who gave life on such a day is simply a crime. Determining those next in line for family happiness has also become a good tradition.

Congratulations to the young

As for the guests, they also want to be as original as possible. To do this, they come up with all sorts of ways to surprise the newlyweds and their guests. Reading a congratulation from a postcard and giving a gift is considered trivial. It is much more interesting to congratulate the newlyweds with a song of your own composition or perform an original dance. It would be useful to compose and show a scene from a big and friendly family. Such a congratulation will be etched in the memory of the newlyweds and guests for a long time. Pop stars can congratulate the newlyweds. Such modern wedding congratulations will make a lasting impression. This will allow you to show your talents and your originality.

A successful modern wedding involves many nuances. Their observance is mandatory for all invitees and newlyweds. It is necessary to choose a professional host and carefully develop a script, invite loved ones to your celebration, and come up with modern wedding competitions. Then you can put on a beautiful outfit and enjoy what you have done. The main thing is to love and be loved, and the organization of the holiday can be entrusted to professionals. Advice and love!

A wedding is a very important moment in the life of a young couple who has decided to start a family. In most cases, it is carefully planned and thought out to the smallest detail. Every year a modern wedding acquires its own distinctive features and characteristics, gaining more and more popularity compared to other styles of wedding celebrations.

In this article you can find comprehensive information about what a modern wedding looks like and how to organize it.

Distinctive features of a modern wedding

If previously any wedding celebration proceeded according to a pre-known scenario, today newlyweds strive to ensure that their holiday is unique and inimitable.

A modern wedding differs from a traditional feast in the very approach to organizing the holiday, namely:

  • the celebration involves creating a special festive atmosphere:
  • Comfortable conditions must be created for each guest;
  • a wedding should have its own mood;
  • Maximum attention is paid to wedding decoration, not excluding the smallest details;
  • the wedding scenario bears little resemblance to a traditional wedding;
  • The outfits of the bride and groom have a rather unusual look.

These requirements require careful preparation of the wedding celebration, possibly even with the involvement of specialists.

Bride and groom outfits

Quite often, newlyweds choose traditional outfits in the form of a white dress for the bride and a classic suit for the groom. To make the image of the newlyweds more unusual and memorable, you can consider the following options:

  1. Simple cut clothes made from natural fabrics. An outfit that includes a simple dress and plaid shirt, suitable for a wedding in boho, rustic or eco style.
  1. Vintage outfits. A lace dress, a tweed suit and a bow tie will not go unnoticed.

  1. Minimalist outfit. A strict dress made of expensive fabric without unnecessary decorative elements, a suit in black or gray fit perfectly into this style.
  1. A wedding dress containing decorative elements that match the color of the overall decoration of the celebration.

But not only the outfits of the newlyweds set the tone for the celebration. It is very important to pay due attention to the organization of the holiday itself, taking into account the traditions of a modern wedding.

Whom to invite?

Previously, almost all relatives, neighbors and colleagues of the newlyweds' parents were invited to the wedding. Modern wedding 2019 assumes that only those people they really want to see are with the newlyweds on this holiday. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s 20 people or 120. Moreover, weddings with a huge number of guests are gradually becoming a thing of the past.

Ceremonial part

If previously painting took place exclusively in the registry office, modern couples increasingly prefer an outdoor ceremony, especially in the warm season.

And this is not surprising, because this approach allows you to create a special atmosphere, and the surrounding environment, for example, a river bank or a clearing in a park, can itself serve as a magnificent decor. Yes, and feasts today are organized not only in restaurants, but also country houses and even palaces.

Toasts and congratulations

Modern wedding congratulations no longer look like a monotonous reading of a rhyme from a ready-made postcard. Today's wedding guests recite their own poems, sing songs and even dance.

Congratulations and toasts can be either rhymed or in prose. The main thing is that they do not consist of hackneyed phrases known to the whole world.

Sincerely spoken words sound much better than a poem written by someone about nothing, and you should not forget about it.

How to entertain guests?

A modern wedding scenario is impossible without the active participation of guests in all kinds of games and competitions.

To make them interesting and exciting, it is necessary to take into account the age of the invitees and their activity. Entertainment program A modern wedding begins from the moment when the newlyweds go for a walk for a photo shoot. These can be various quests, lotteries, board games.

It is necessary to take into account that many traditional wedding competitions have already become obsolete. A stolen bride or her shoes, a bottle of vodka drunk on speed, and many other primitive competitions have long been of no interest to anyone. For a wedding to be modern and creative, you cannot do without an experienced toastmaster who will offer interesting scenario and will definitely coordinate it with the heroes of the occasion.

Many couples organize a real show for their guests with the participation of fakirs, yogis, and artists.

Fashionable innovation - give to every guest symbolic gift, which will remind you of the wedding for a long time. These could be photographs of the newlyweds in a beautiful frame, designer invitations and other little things.

In any case, a wedding is a celebration of the newlyweds, and it is their desire that must be taken into account when organizing the celebration.

A wedding is a fairly traditional event. But modern trends in its celebration can turn this ceremony into a unique and inimitable one.

Everyone knows how it was customary to play weddings in the old days: matchmaking, dowry, ransom, wedding, noisy folk festivities. Many traditions today have disappeared or changed. A modern wedding is a celebration of two people, which they create only to their liking.

Inviting guests

Those times when all relatives, including the most distant and complete strangers, were invited to a wedding are a thing of the past. A modern wedding has become quite an expensive pleasure. In addition, today this is a family celebration in the full sense of the word. It is celebrated in a narrow circle of those people with whom you sincerely want to share the joy. Moreover, the fewer guests, the higher the level of service, general organization celebration and, ultimately, fun.

By the way, the approach to wedding invitations has also changed. Postal invitation cards have lost their importance and are now more of an elegant accompaniment to a phone call or email. Ideal modern version— sending beautifully designed wedding invitations by e-mail.

Newlyweds' outfits

Today's newlyweds do not hesitate to deviate from traditions in their outfits. Brides are no longer limited in their choice of shades of white. Wedding dress can be bright, rebellious: even red and black colors, unthinkable before, are quite acceptable today. Moreover, the bride's dress does not have to go to the floor. Midi and mini options are very popular, especially in summer. And a wedding trouser suit has long been considered acceptable.

The groom is also allowed to experiment with his outfit. Low-key monochrome is no longer the only option for his image. The modern wedding allows for unexpected color combinations (even the iconic yellow boots, which blow up the classic dress code) and extravagant styles.

Bridesmaids and best man

In the newlyweds' retinue, changes along Western lines have also emerged. Increasingly, the best man and bridesmaids are taking the place of the traditional witness and witness. The latter, by the way, are usually dressed in the same style - another wedding trend that we picked up from movies about the beautiful life.

Bride ransom

The ancient rite of ransoming the bride is rapidly losing its usual weight. Many newlyweds consider it a relic of the past and simply refuse this stage at their wedding. Others are trying to modernize the ransom, since there are many ways to get away from banality. In any case, the newlyweds dictate their own rules, and traditions flexibly take the necessary forms.

Holiday decor

In the decoration of the celebration, there is also a noticeable departure from fair folk customs. Modern weddings have become much more restrained, romantic and stylish. Today, in the decor of the bride’s home and banquet hall, you can rarely see posters with “Tili-tili-dough”.

The ditty (sometimes even obscene) congratulations on the walls have lost their relevance. Turning to a wedding designer is becoming the norm. But even if the celebration is decorated independently, the desire to maintain a high style is noticeable: holidays in one color, eco-friendly and themed weddings are popular.

Themed wedding

Stylized weddings are at the height of fashion today. The usual wedding scenario - ransom, registry office, walk, banquet - they allow you to play it out so that no one gets bored or tired. There are a lot of inspiring themes: retro, dudes, an 18th century ball, Hawaiian madness or Alice's adventures in Wonderland.

Remember your favorite book or movie - and go ahead, make it happen! The secret to a successful themed wedding is attention to detail. Invitations, decor, menus, souvenirs for guests - absolutely all wedding moments should be subordinated to the chosen idea.

On-site registration

The popularity of themed weddings is closely related to the possibility of off-site marriage registration. Agree, it is much more pleasant to take the oath of allegiance in a blooming garden or on the seashore. This is a great chance to escape from everyday routine and enjoy the holiday to the fullest.

Today, a registry office employee can be called to almost any place you want. Moreover, you can write a speech for him yourself - a godsend for those who want to organically weave the official procedure into the original wedding script.


The crowning point of the Russian wedding celebration - a feast for the whole world - is also undergoing certain changes. Today's newlyweds increasingly prefer a buffet to a lavish banquet, especially when it comes to a destination wedding. This form of holding a wedding feast is distinguished by the fact that the invitees freely move between tables with food and drinks, serving themselves.

There are no chairs or a common table with strictly designated places, since the purpose of the evening is fun and communication, and not a rich meal with libations. Another innovation that came from the West: at the end of the holiday, it is not the young people who see off the guests, but the guests who see off the young people.

Wedding procession

The once popular tradition of decorating the main car of a wedding cortege with a bride doll has also died down. But a modern wedding is rarely complete without a luxurious limousine. True, in pursuit of overseas chic, Russian newlyweds often forget that this iron horse is not very suitable for maneuvering on crowded streets.

An equally impressive, but more convenient option for a wedding car is a retro beetle. And newlyweds who want to turn their wedding into a real fairy tale often rent a horse-drawn carriage. After all, when else can you allow yourself to make your dream come true if not on your wedding day?

The departure from old traditions and the emergence of new ones is a natural process that should not be frightened. After all, a modern wedding is not only the birthday of a new family, but also an opportunity for self-expression.