Racing car applique. Colored paper applique car truck for children

Voevodina Lyudmila Alexandrovna

Goals: Learn to name truck, and basic parts: cabin, body, wheels, window. Strengthen the ability to use glue, perform work carefully, and be able to correctly place parts on a sheet.

Material for the lesson:

Toy truck, cat toy, pictures from truck.

Blanks for appliqués: truck, cabin, body, wheels, windows, PVA glue, brushes, napkins.

Together with the children we remembered the poem by A. Barto " Truck".

“No, it was in vain that we decided to give the cat a ride in the car,

The cat is not used to riding and knocked it over truck».

Today in class the children and I once again looked at the pictures depicting truck, we talked about what this type of transport is needed for.

Then we looked at the toy truck and named the parts. of which it consists (cabin, body, wheels, windows) found out what controls truck driver.

I suggested that the children look at a sample truck and prepared blanks of carved silhouettes. I suggested sticking all parts of the car on a piece of paper: the cabin, body, windows and wheels.

She reminded me that I had to use the glue carefully and that I had to use a napkin. After finishing the work, the guys looked at your friends' trucks. Everyone really enjoyed the activity, the children said who would give their work to dad, grandpa, mom, etc. It was very nice.

Publications on the topic:

Dear colleagues, my kids and I are preparing for Mother’s Day, and we made this flower arrangement. There is a word in our world.

IN younger group“Swallow” applique class is held once every two weeks, so children are happy to wait until they can do it themselves.

Goal: - consolidate children’s knowledge about round shape, also about the difference in size of objects; - teach children to compose an image from parts.

Application in the second junior group. Children really enjoy making crafts from colored paper. The first thing that immediately comes to mind, of course.

In my work, like many teachers, I use a variety of teaching aids. The manuals are used in OOD for all educational purposes.

Abstract of GCD for application in middle group"Truck". Educator: Tolstyakova Irina Konstantinovna Goal: Develop cognitive interests.

Summary of OOD on speech development in the first junior group “Reading A. Barto “Truck” Program content: help children remember A. Barto's poem; learn to recite a poem with the help of a teacher. Expand.

Good day to my dear readers and friends, Tatyana Sukhikh is here! Looking through my notes, I suddenly noticed that I had chosen some completely girly subjects for creative activities with children - flowers, fish... Today I decided to correct the situation and propose a theme for boys: an applique machine made from colored paper. Although many little princesses are not averse to playing with toy vehicles from time to time...

Perhaps, creating vehicles using applique is the most best activity to master the concepts of geometric shapes Oh. Children, having made their first car from a square, rectangle and circles, will simultaneously remember the names and shapes of the parts of their work.

For those who trust only methodological literature, I can offer an excellent selection of “smart” materials.

“” has compiled a good mini-library of didactic materials for those interested in methods of organizing creative activities with children:

Educational game poster with stickers " Let's go, we'll sail, we'll fly"is a fascinating journey into the world of transport. This educational material has one trick: the stickers are reusable, so you can vary the tasks for the child. The poster is suitable for the youngest children who are learning to speak.

Creativity kit "Necessary machines" consists of beautifully and brightly drawn details for applique. True, the background needs to be selected separately. An excellent material for children who are just mastering the art of appliqué.

An interesting set for children of average and senior group"Paper painting: car". Available instructions and ready-made parts - all you have to do is cut and glue so that you get a three-dimensional image that can even be framed as a picture.

In “UchMag” I looked for two sets for my little pupils:

"Cat in the Car"- a wonderful image that will be interesting for children to recreate. I'll have to cut them out instead, but they can glue the pieces on themselves. "Technology in the city"– a great set for creativity. All created pictures will remain in the album, which will allow parents to keep samples of children's work as souvenirs.

Features of transport applications in different age groups

It is worth noting that learning to work with paper and scissors occurs strictly in stages in kindergarten, which I have already written about several times. We never give children tasks that are too difficult for their age. Our work is built taking into account the anatomical features of the child’s hand, psyche, and capabilities.

I also advise parents not to run ahead of the locomotive, but to select activities according to age indicators.

Using the example of transport, I will tell you what stages the application training takes from the junior to the preparatory group.

1-2 junior groups work only with glue and finished parts. The smallest ones only add one or two missing details to the picture I made in advance. No more! For example, I made a fire truck paper composition using templates. Children receive a picture of a car, glue and any detail on their desktop: wheels, a fire escape, a cabin window. Their task is to stick the part in the right place, carefully and correctly.

Middle group in the first half academic year also works without scissors, but gets all the necessary details to create a composition. Children must choose a background, lay out all the details and glue everything one by one. You can offer the guys to make an applique from non-standard materials, which I also wrote a lot about.

Templates can be printed from the Internet, which is extremely convenient. And you will always have ready-made material at hand for teaching your child.

By the way, about the question of when can you give scissors to children? At home, under your own control, you can begin training to work with this dangerous object at least from the age of two, if you want. We, educators, will be only too happy to accept such a developed child into kindergarten. But in kindergarten it is impossible to monitor 20 children who are holding a cutting object in their hands. Therefore, at the discretion of the teacher, he can teach the use of scissors with blunt ends, sometimes in the middle group, but more often in the older group.

The older group is already mastering scissors with all its might, so first we make simple machines with the children, practicing their cutting skills. The child does everything himself: cuts out the parts, chooses the background and glues the parts. At first, you can also use printed images of the car, onto which children glue their parts on top.

Firetruck in applique class

The most spectacular colored paper is a fire truck. It can be done in different ways, adding or removing details according to the age of the child. After all, a “fire station” is a red rectangle with wheels and the numbers “01”, which you can optionally complement with a fire escape, a window in the cabin, a “flashing light”, etc.

The preparatory group already has the skills to work with scissors, glue and paper. You can do whatever you want with kids this age! So, let’s apply everything we’ve learned. unconventional techniques and materials, we combine them, we give the opportunity to show our own view of things.

The same fire truck can be created from buttons, lumps of paper, flagella, using the trimming technique, etc.

Older preschoolers can make appliqués with many details; they should be able to achieve the most realistic look of the image, understand what to add to the composition and what is unnecessary.

As you can see, such a simple activity - appliquing a machine - is a child’s important work on his own development.

If you are raising a child at home, I advise you to watch the training program kindergarten for each age and plan your classes according to the example of the teacher’s work plan. In general, the daily routine in kindergarten is very well thought out, we keep up with everything, and by school the children acquire the necessary minimum of skills and knowledge.

Boys, especially preschool age, it’s very difficult to be captivated by something for a long time. And when it comes to needlework, parents are often faced with the child’s complete reluctance to do “girly things.” And in this case, you have to resort to a trick, for example, inviting the child to make crafts on the theme of his favorite toys. Boys especially like to draw, sculpt and paint the most different models typewriters In the master classes below you will find several variations of service cars using the appliqué technique.

This small MK is suitable for teaching with children in the middle group. Here it is important to cut out all the details correctly, and this can be done using pre-prepared templates, from which children will simply transfer the contours to colored paper. To make work go faster, you can use self-adhesive paper.

Step-by-step lesson description:

Video tutorial on making a fire truck

Three-dimensional fire truck made of colored paper

In addition to the applique, you can offer to make a three-dimensional model of a fire truck for the children. This activity is suitable for older children in the preparatory group:

With such three-dimensional models, the whole group will be able to play in the future.

Paper police car

For children in the younger group to master the basics of needlework, applications from pre-printed templates and pictures are well suited.

For example, you can invite children to cut out and glue together parts of a police car like this: But this machine can be used as a stencil for appliqués:
Applique can be made not only from paper. This is what, for example, a road patrol car made of plasticine looks like:

Making a truck out of colored paper

The easiest way to applique a truck is to use simple geometric shapes. This lesson is ideal for children in kindergarten:

You can offer such an experiment for children. Add applique elements to the most ordinary drawing:

A few more templates for trucks and special equipment:

Video: Making a car out of paper

Application "Ambulance"

You can also create an ambulance out of paper with your own hands. To do this, just follow the step-by-step instructions:

4. The last two details are the blue windshield and the orange siren.
This lesson is suitable for young children in kindergarten.

Video: Machine using applique technique

Ideas and templates for applications with cars

Paper applications

The applique gives enormous scope for children's imagination. We offer you the most interesting ideas making machines using this technique.

Such templates are very convenient, because in this case, for appliqué, it is enough to cut out the blanks and glue them step by step onto the base. For beginning needleworkers, this practice will be very useful.

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My children love making homemade gifts for loved ones. On New Year we have prepared a whole sea New Year cards and appliqués of snowmen, presented to my grandmother for her birthday.

But for the birthday of our relative and another who loves cars and travel, we decided to make applications from colored paper with a car and road theme.

© Galina Shefer, site “Grafomanim for two”, 2013. Copying text and photos is possible only with the written permission of the author. All rights reserved.

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An applique always looks more interesting if it has three-dimensional details. We made an applique of a machine with sewn buttons, wheels and balloons on real threads.

Yesterday it was our little neighbor's birthday. So we made this unusual applique for him instead of a postcard.

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