Star style. Which Russian celebrity chose the iPhone? What phones do the stars have?

The Canadian manufacturer of hack-resistant smartphones is rightfully popular with the leaders of the world's leading powers.

After it became known in 2013 that German Chancellor Angela Merkel's smartphone had been hacked, her administration began a systematic replacement iPhone for BlackBerry Z10s model. The German government purchased 5 thousand smartphone data with 256-bit encryption and secure message routing, as well as a special micro-SD card with additional protection against eavesdropping. The cost of such a smartphone is €2.5 thousand.

However, Merkel herself chose the BlackBerry Q10 model with a full-size QWERTY keyboard. Her smartphone is also well protected and transmits data over a special internal VPN connection.

Merkel and Obama use BlackBerry Q10

Support import substitution

After the scandal caused by Snowden's information about wiretapping the conversations of the presidents, and, the French government purchased 14 thousand ultra-secure military cryptographic mobile phones Teorem produced by the defense company Thales. Additional data protection is provided by the operation of devices in fixed, secure government networks. These phones are used for important government calls, but in everyday life Hollande uses an iPhone 5s.

Francois Hollande uses French military development

Russian President Vladimir Putin, in his own words, does not use smartphones, but is always ready to support domestic manufacturers. In 2012, Putin appeared in public with the Android smartphone Glonass 945, and at the end of 2014, the president was presented with YotaPhone 2, which he presented to the Chinese leader.

It is unknown what smartphone Jinping himself uses, but his wife appeared in public with an iPhone 5, which she used to take photographs.

and his gadgets

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has the image of the most advanced Russian politician in modern technologies, who also actively blogs on the social networks Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and VKontakte. Dmitry Anatolyevich received an iPhone 4 from his hands and has been using an iPad since 2011. However, then the prime minister changed his smartphone to a Samsung Galaxy S4, which lasted until the release of the iPhone 5.

Recent selfie of Prime Minister Medvedev on iPhone 6

Now Dmitry Medvedev uses an iPhone 6. In particular, a selfie of the prime minister from the gym was taken with this smartphone, under which he thanks his Instagram followers for reaching 1.5 million followers and calls for more exercise. The prime minister was also one of the first to appear in public wearing an Apple Watch.

It should be noted that Russian intelligence services do not recommend that Russian officials use Apple products, including because they contradict the requirements of the law on the storage of personal data of Russians on the territory of the Russian Federation. Now it is gradually being replaced by Samsung products, which also have enhanced security in specialized models and, along with LG smartphones, were considered as a means of communication for the US President, before the choice fell on BlackBerry products. However, Samsung devices also do not fully comply with the requirements of Russian legislation on personal data.

Pope Francis isn't shy about taking photos with the Lumia 900

And Yingluck Shinawatra, the 28th Prime Minister of Thailand and the first woman to hold this post, manages five smartphones at once, one of which is a Lumia 920.

The cost of such discs reaches 20 thousand rubles. Young, and sometimes not so young, girl fans are ready to give their last money for the illusory dream of hearing the voice of their idol. Singers, actors, TV presenters, showmen - in general, all those whom we call public people are forced to hide their personal lives not only from the paparazzi, but also from annoying fans and admirers.

Mobile prima donnas at the flea market

Several years ago, a loud scandal broke out in America with the world-famous Paris Hilton. Unknown hackers broke into the security of her phone and posted the contents of her notebook online. The telephone numbers of the most famous people in social circles got onto the Internet, for which, naturally, they did not say thank you to Hilton. The criminals seemed to be caught, but Anna Kournikova, Eminem and a huge number of celebrities had to urgently change their numbers.

This fact is also known: one Romanian student found a mobile phone lost by someone. Imagine her surprise when, turning it on, she realized that the cell phone belonged to one of the players of the famous Chelsea football club. The footballer, by the way, who left Chelsea due to excessive drug use, lost his mobile phone in one of the nightclubs. The girl who found it and discovered in the notebook the phone numbers of such stars as Pele, Ronaldo, Maradonna, as well as not the least people in show business and famous politicians, immediately realized that it smelled like big money, and immediately began selling celebrities’ phones to local fans. Of course, she didn’t make a huge fortune from this, but she made some very, very good money.

At one time, phone numbers of famous people could easily be bought in Moscow on Pushkinskaya Square. The so-called salesmen looked out from the crowd for people of various ages and professions, approached them, struck up a meaningless conversation, in which they found out, for example, people’s musical preferences. And then they offered to buy the idol’s phone number for a nominal fee. Many agreed. By the way, it is not always the person who made such a “purchase” who called the artist. Probably, for some it was a hymn to their own pride - to have the phone number of Alla Pugacheva or Nikolai Baskov in their notebook. The prices then were announced as follows: 200-3000 rubles, depending on the popularity of the artist, and also on how difficult it is to reach him.

Star number on the network

Today, in the age of the World Wide Web, such “points” are a thing of the past. Advertisements for the sale of phone numbers, addresses, and email accounts of stars can most often be found on unofficial fan sites or forums, where enthusiastic fans discuss not only the work of their idol, but also seriously dream of meeting him, and even “continuing their acquaintance.” They leave their personal information on the site, unaware that they can easily become the target of fraud. And it’s not just about fake phone numbers, which are mostly sold to them, and sometimes resold by the same “friends in misfortune.” Very often, various robotic programs crawl around the Internet, collecting just such unprotected data, email addresses, in order to add them to their database and then fill them with spam and similar rubbish. And where is the guarantee that, having given a considerable amount of money, the buyer will hear the long-awaited: “Hello”? At best, if you’re lucky: “Hello, Vlad Sokolovsky’s answering machine is speaking to you. Please leave your message after the signal." Or, which also happens quite often, you can hear the voice of the star’s director/administrator. It's probably better than nothing. What if this “Hello” is said not by an adored singer or actor, but by some sexual maniac yearning for young girls?

There are also sites for finding celebrity phone numbers that promise to find the number of absolutely any idol in a short time. Most often, this costs some money, but with a good search on the Internet, you can find data about the person you are interested in without spending anything except time and traffic. For example, on one of the resources you can see, completely free of charge, not only mobile phone numbers, but also the addresses of stars. Moreover, there is even a satellite image - a detailed map of the area where the person’s house is located. This site generally claims to be unique. On the celebrities available in the database, there is a short reference material that describes the person’s sphere of activity, gives his date of birth, and a short biography. In general, top-level service.

The owners of Internet resources that sell phone numbers of stars once figured that this business promises to be stable - after all, stars change, but fans always exist - and they created something like an online store selling phone numbers of famous people. How do they “get” these numbers? There are many ways. Someone has connections with employees of large mobile operators and, accordingly, is always aware of changes in the star number. True, this only works if the phone is registered to the object itself, and not to another person - a brother, aunt, or just an administrator.

Secret information - on millions of pages

Someone, without neglecting to violate the Criminal Code, is capable of simply stealing a phone, for example, in some nightclub. There are many more different tricks. For example, in the same club, send some charming, long-legged blonde to the star. The girl asks for a phone, supposedly to send an SMS. Having received the treasured device in her hands, she calmly “combs” her address book and immediately sends the necessary numbers to her phone. It also happens that team members offended by a celebrity, for example, dancers fired for some mistake, out of a desire to “beautifully take revenge,” simply “surrender” all the phone numbers of the singer or actor to such Internet portals.

Some stars, on the contrary, do not tend to change their number often. After all, they are people too, and have a certain attachment to one set of numbers. But you can always find a way to get rid of obsessive fans. The incomparable Anastasia Volochkova said in one interview: “ It feels like my cell phone number is written on every post. Who doesn't call... Even about ordering a taxi - one company has a similar number. In such cases, my husband Igor laughs: did you open your own business secretly from me?.. This, of course, is a great inconvenience, especially if I’m dancing on stage at the same time. However, I haven’t changed my mobile number for 5-6 years. Because it is more important to me that my family, friends, colleagues can always contact me. It’s just that when I see an unfamiliar number on the display, I prefer not to answer, but transfer the call to my secretary».

Type in any search engine: “Find a star’s phone number.” Yandex, for example, will answer: “21 million pages found.” Not a bad pastime for teenagers sitting at home and thinking about how best to spend their parents' money. Considering that celebrities change their mobile number (or mobile numbers) on average once every three weeks, such a web business will probably always remain profitable.

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Posted by: Alexey
Celebrity numbers, really 100% 500 rubles per number, write [email protected]

Posted by: Alexey
I know the database of numbers of all stars for 200 rubles, there are home numbers and cell phones. for contact 89503261105

What phones do celebrities use?

Victor Pavlik
My phone is a very simple Nokia E-51. This is an old and proven device that almost never lets me down. I love it very much and am used to this model. In general, I am a conservative. This is already my third such phone. If it breaks, the master will assemble one from my three and it will work again for a long time. Why change your favorite thing if it completely satisfies your needs? For the Internet there is a Samsung tablet, which I am also happy with. And my first phone was a Benefon Sigma.

Anya Dobrydneva(Group "Pair of Normals")
I have an iPhone 5 and I'm incredibly happy with it. I love any Apple technology. I even have a saying: “the way to a woman’s heart is to throw apples at her” :) This phone was given to me as a gift and I am happy with everything about it. And I made my first call with a Siemens M55. I adored him too! Following was the Siemens m65 with an even sportier design. I even gave him the name “Zidanchik”, in honor of my favorite football player Zinedine Zidane)))

Zakhar(singer, TV presenter of the hit parade “On All 100”)
Most people in show business use products from the Apple company and I am no exception. For many years I “squeezed” the buttons of different mobile phones, but my fingers got tired and I “sat down” on the iPhone :) The main advantage for me is complete synchronization with other devices, as well as ease of use. Dozens of times my phone has “kissed” the ground, concrete, asphalt, but it still works and that’s also a plus.

Yuri Thalesa(producer)
I use iPhone 5 because it's the best. I bought it at the Apple Store. I’m very pleased, I can’t imagine how I can live without him and he’s like a friend, brother, and father to me)) If I change it, it’ll only be for a new model that will be released soon. I don’t remember exactly my first mobile phone, I think it was some kind of Nokia.

Lyubomir Levitsky (director "Adit", "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors", music video director)
I have an iPhone 4 and this is the only phone that has worked for me without interruption for three years. Why this smartphone? Apparently for the same reason why people choose Kalashnikovs - simply reliable! And reliability for me, with my schedule and specifics of work, is practically the most important thing! If I change, it will only be for a new iPhone model. Now I’m using the “four” and I’m waiting for it to break :) I’m sure that this will happen soon, because I just praised it very much, and the laws of equilibrium work exactly like that! :) My first phone was a hefty ALCATEL, which I bought with the first money I earned when I lived in Germany.

Taras Topolya(Antibody Group)
My fifth iPhone was purchased in the USA. Why him? Because before it there was a smartphone from Sony and it was terribly buggy, and then it completely “died” in the cold. After 4 months, I was so angry with what happened (I bought Sony so as not to buy an iPhone like everyone else), that I “freaked out” and finally bought a product from Apple. By the way, I don't regret it. In fact, it’s not for nothing that there is “Apple”, but there are all other phones. The first I had was a Siemens C45, and the one that lasted the longest was the Motorola Razr V3, and I still consider this device a work of art.

Alexey Lyalin(XLDELUXE)
My first phone was a Samsung, and now I use a Blackberry and am completely happy with it. I plan to buy myself another iPhone 5 or wait until the 5S appears.

If anyone in the Russian government knows a lot about modern technologies, it is Dmitry Anatolyevich. To a large extent, it was thanks to his efforts that State Duma deputies stopped looking in the eyes of the population as managing “papers and voting buttons.”

In 2015, the Galaxy S6 pleased Dmitry Medvedev more than the iPhone 6...

It is difficult to figure out what smartphone the Prime Minister uses, but not because he hides this fact, but on the contrary - while the majority of deputies are walking around with outdated “tubes,” Dmitry Medvedev is not shy about testing out new flagships.

But then everything changed

From the latest photos of the politician, it becomes clear that in 2015 Medvedev was quite pleased with the special version of the Samsung Galaxy S6 edge in an emerald case, but the rest of the time he preferred Apple smartphones and began using the iPhone 6 soon after its debut. Since then, Dmitry Anatolyevich has not advertised his new smartphones, even randomly, but there is reason to believe that the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation is more likely to like the Apple ecosystem than Google.

Vitaly Milonov - Meizu Pro 6

But Vitaly Milonov, a member of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, known for his scandalous initiatives, prefers Android. And not in its banal variation, but “with Meizu sauce” - the paparazzi found that Vitaly Valentinovich uses the Pro 6 model. This is the flagship Meizu smartphone from the beginning of 2016, costing from 33 thousand on the Russian market (unless, of course, the patriotic Milonov uses Aliexpress , where the smartphone is valued at 18 thousand).

Vitaly Milonov and his Meizu Pro 6

The model is distinguished from all other Chinese flagships by a round flash, cool sound in headphones, a body with curved antenna grooves (even before this was implemented in the iPhone 7), outstanding autonomy and a powerful, but “hot” and gluttonous 10-core processor. Not to say that the model is luxurious, but it is clearly “closer to the people” than smartphones, which can usually be seen in the hands of politicians and pop stars.

Donald Trump - Samsung Galaxy S3

The American media are dissecting the biography and work activities of the new US President with such persistence that even pop divas have never dreamed of. In general, together we make America great again and pay attention to every detail along the way.

Even if this little thing is the cell phone of the billionaire president. The fact is that the eccentric head of state, according to some sources, until recently used almost a “grandmother’s phone” - a Samsung Galaxy S3. In Russia, it is customary to give this flagship from 2012 to retired parents after they realize that a smartphone is no longer suitable for the selfie era and exploits in overgrown applications. This generation of Galaxy was generally not the most successful, otherwise Samsung would not have sold an excess of Exynos 4412 processors to the “basement Chinese”. It’s also worth remembering that the latest Android for this model stalled at version 4.3 - from that time on, the smartphone stopped receiving updates.

Donald Trump used the Galaxy S3 even when this flagship became a rarity

Now imagine - an old Android phone with near-zero system protection from targeted attacks (you shouldn’t tell you that the Chinese have plowed up processor vulnerabilities up and down in their Exynos-based platform gadgets?) in the hands of someone who is talented, but not all-knowing in IT. sphere of a 70-year-old head of state? US intelligence agencies know better than anyone else how to secretly wiretap politicians around the world, so even before Trump’s inauguration, the media and information security experts began to sound the alarm.

And yet they achieved their goal - now Donald Trump has acquired another smartphone, approved by the intelligence services, the brand of which remained secret. In all likelihood, we are talking about either a special modification of the iPhone, or a smartphone from the BlackBerry brand, which is famous for its resistance to external vulnerabilities.

Angela Merkel - BlackBerry Q10

If you think that not paying attention to the security of smartphones is characteristic only of impulsive American politicians, we hasten to disappoint you - punctual Germans also get into trouble when it comes to gadgets and their security. For example, German Chancellor Angela Merkel began using a secure smartphone after the US NSA had previously spent years obtaining information from a Nokia 6260, a smartphone that Angela Merkel owned from 2009 to 2013. This ancient Symbian-based mobile phone allowed foreign intelligence spies to intercept the chancellor's conversations and learn the location of contacts with whom Merkel was negotiating.

Angela Merkel and her BlackBerry Q10

After the secret became clear in 2013, German intelligence services hastily gave the chancellor a BlackBerry Q10 smartphone with an increased degree of security and a built-in Secusmart cryptochip. Negotiations and messages over internal government communications are encrypted, and Merkel was assured that hacking information from a new smartphone would be incredibly difficult, even if the best supercomputers in the world were used to do it.

Kim Jong-un - HTC Butterfly

In a country where mobile smartphones were banned even in 2004, and instead of the Internet a “local intrastate network” was deployed, the head of state knows a lot about Full HD displays and fashionable Android phones. Much less is known about the top leader of the DPRK than about the leader of any other significant country on the international stage, even less is known about his taste preferences in technology, but in the photo from February 2013, when Kim Jong-un met with national security advisers, on On the table of the head of state is a luxurious HTC Butterfly for those times.

Kim Jong-un and his HTC Butterfly

In case anyone has forgotten, Butterfly is the flagship of the Taiwanese company, a smartphone based on the quad-core Snapdragon S4 Pro, one of the world's first Android phones with a Full HD display on board. Today, of course, it is completely outdated, but as of December 2012 it was the latest in smartphone fashion. From the day of its international debut until it ends up on the desk of the head of the DPRK, a smartphone is only a couple of months away - even “reviewers” ​​of leading publications receive mobile phones for testing much later!