Grease stains on clothes - we can get rid of them in any way possible! Removing grease stains on paper is real! How to clean a greasy stain.

As a rule, the severity of the problem is revealed after washing. Because the first thing that is usually done in such cases is to wash the clothes in hot water using regular powder. If this does not have an effect, then you should resort to more radical methods to remove fat from clothes.

  1. Visual inspection. Carefully inspect the clothing; there may be more than one stain. Especially if you managed to fold the stained dress, then the greasy “blot” may well be imprinted on the other side.
  2. Isolation. If you decide to first wash your dirty jeans or sweater, and only then decide on additional cleaning products, do not put them with the rest of your clothes, but wash them separately.
  3. Test. Before applying the cleaning agent to the fabric, it is necessary to test it on an inconspicuous area or on the scrap that comes with the tag. To do this, you need to apply the selected product and leave for 30 minutes to act. Then rinse off and evaluate the result. If the color of the fabric has not faded, then you can use the selected stain-removing composition directly on the contaminated area.
  4. Protection. Before treating a stain with a stain-removing compound, place a clean white cloth underneath it on the reverse side. This will protect other areas from unnecessary exposure to chemicals.
  5. Processing. The product is applied to the stain, starting from the edges to the center. This is necessary so that the “blot” does not blur. Remember what happens when you drip dishwashing detergent into the center of a greasy baking tray? Fat “scatters” to the sides. The same can happen with a stain.
  6. Rinse and wash. Before deciding how to wash a greasy stain (by hand or in the washing machine), you need to thoroughly rinse and completely remove the cleaning agent from the fibers. For greater efficiency, you can first wash it with your hands and then put it in the drum of the washing machine.

First order means

As with any other stain, time is not on our side. Therefore, the sooner measures are taken, the higher the chance of saving your favorite dress or even white pants. Before removing a grease stain from clothing at home, carefully study the composition of the fabric, since the “behavior” when washing, and especially when using aggressive detergents, can differ significantly depending on what the clothing is made of. However, the operational measures taken to remove grease stains from clothes without washing are very similar.

The more fat is absorbed into the fibers of the fabric, the more difficult it will be to remove. That is why experienced housewives, before washing a stain, try to minimize the amount of oil that gets on the fabric. To do this, under no circumstances should you use a napkin or place the item under running hot water. It is necessary to use substances that absorb fat due to their structure. For example, salt, starch, soda or a piece of bread.

Laundry soap

How to remove grease stains from borscht on a shirt? Banal laundry soap is an excellent remedy for getting rid of all types of stains and is suitable for any fabric. You can wash silk, chiffon and even an oily Bolognese jacket with it without fear. The texture of the fibers will not be damaged and the color will not fade.

The stained area is moistened and rubbed generously with laundry soap; the item should be left in this form for five to six hours, then washed in warm water. To speed up the process, the item is placed in a plastic bag. Then the exposure time is reduced to three hours.

In most cases, this is enough for the question of how to get rid of a greasy stain on clothes to disappear by itself. Even if this does not happen, the greasy “blot” will definitely become more harmless and easier to clean further.

Salt and soda

Often, grease drips onto clothes that are not recommended to be washed. To avoid having to go through dry cleaning, you can try sprinkling salt or baking soda on a fresh stain, for example, on a leather jacket or down jacket. These substances, like a sponge, absorb excess fat and, if acted quickly, can prevent the appearance of a greasy stain in the first place. For this method to work, you need to take three steps.

  1. Sprinkle salt or baking soda onto the stain.
  2. Rub it thoroughly into the fibers of the fabric using a brush (you can use an old toothbrush).
  3. Wait ten minutes and brush off the salt, which has already absorbed the fat.

If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. If we are talking about clothes that cannot be washed in the usual way, then after salt and soda it is worth wiping the treated area with a cotton swab dipped in ammonia or hydrogen peroxide.


If you believe popular advice, then it is worth using absorbent substances against fat. Starch, talc or crushed chalk can be used on delicate and colored fabrics.

Sprinkle starch, baby powder, or crumble chalk generously onto the stain. Leave for 10-15 minutes. Then brush off the grease-absorbing substance and, after thoroughly rinsing, put the item in the wash.


Regular ammonia from the medicine cabinet can save any fabric from stains of this kind. It can even remove old grease stains from colored clothes, not to mention fresh stains. You need to complete the procedure in four steps.

  1. Ammonia is mixed with ordinary water 1:2.
  2. The mixture is applied to the contaminated area and left for 20 minutes.
  3. Place a cotton napkin over the stain and iron it with a hot iron.
  4. After these manipulations, the item is washed as stated on the manufacturer’s tag.

Dish detergent

The principles of affecting fat on clothes and dishes are quite similar. After all, in both cases he is afraid of the same thing - hot water and strong detergents. The latter are contained in abundance in “Fairy” or a cheaper product that can be found in the kitchen.

Apply the detergent to the contaminated area, rub it in lightly and leave for 15-20 minutes. After that we wash as usual. The method is also well suited as a preventive measure. If you doubt that the powder will remove suspicious stains, then feel free to treat them with Fairy before washing.

Unusual ways

If you don’t have any of the above remedies at hand, then you can resort to original solutions to the problem.

  • Mustard. But, of course, not sauce, but powder. It also has the ability to wash away fat. Previously, mustard was even used to wash dishes. Simply mix the dry powder with water to the consistency of sour cream and apply to the desired area for 15 minutes. Then brush it off with a brush.
  • Bread crumb. It acts like a sponge, absorbs any liquid, so you can try to blot fresh dirt with it.
  • Shaving foam. If you lubricate the stain with it, it will stop the process of oil penetration into the fibers of the fabric.
  • Shampoo for oily hair. As well as a cleansing gel for problem skin. You need to apply and leave for 20 minutes.

How to remove dried grease stains from clothes

When dealing with fresh stains, you must follow the “don’t let it soak in” principle. But if time is lost and stains are discovered after washing and ironing, then how can you remove the old grease stain from clothes?

Before you wipe off a greasy stain from your clothes, again decide on the type of fabric - this will solve the problem not only quickly and effectively, but also safely. After all, you will also have to use aggressive substances that not every thing can tolerate. Not only the means, but also the method of influence is important. For example, cotton T-shirts or sweatpants can be soaked with the cleaner. But it is better to treat trousers made of velvet or suede with brushes.

Gasoline and turpentine

This traditional and time-tested product helps against all types of stains, but requires a test on a small piece of cloth before use, because it can leave streaks or fade the color.

Place several layers of white cotton napkin under the contaminated area and use a cotton swab dipped in gasoline to treat the “blot” from the edges to the center. Leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse and wash as usual. May require several washes.

Turpentine is used on the same principle, and gives very noticeable results on fabrics with a strong color. Be sure to wear gloves.


If Coca-Cola, when taken orally, is more likely to help you gain fat, then when used externally, it fights it well. However, any highly carbonated sweet drink will cope with this. Simply pour it into the stain and leave for three hours, then rinse and wash.


Not everyone keeps gasoline at home, and it’s a pretty desperate way to treat clothes with it, and besides, the smell doesn’t allow you to do it at home. Is it glycerin? It not only perfectly moisturizes the skin, but also helps to combat oily spots because it is an alcohol. In addition, it is well tolerated by capricious and delicate fabrics, even knitwear. There are several ways to use it to clean clothes. You can simply apply it to the fabric and leave it for half an hour, or you can enhance its effect with ammonia or hydrogen peroxide. In both cases, the ingredients are mixed at a 1:1 ratio and applied to the fabric for the same amount of time.

Specific greasy streaks

The most annoying thing is to ruin an elegant dress on a long-awaited evening. After all, you often have to choose what exactly to save: clothes or a date. Stay calm and enjoy the conversation: remember that the stain can be “defeated” even after. Here are options for removing typical restaurant stains.

  • From machine oil. Imagine that a gentleman has come to pick you up, you are in an elegant long dress, you have been preparing all evening. He also got ready and lubricated the doors of his car with machine oil, which immediately migrated to your hem. These stains can be easily removed by Fairy or a special hand cleaner from a car dealership. Also, turpentine mixed with ammonia is applied to the stain and left for 20 minutes.
  • From ketchup. Meat with tomato sauce looks good during a romantic dinner, but it tends to drip onto your tie or hem. The first thing to do is remove the ketchup. For example, assemble it with the blunt side of a knife. It's best not to use a tissue because it will only smear the stain and make it bigger. The area is covered with salt, left for ten minutes, and then washed off under running water. If the stain remains, it is removed using hydrogen peroxide (wet the area and leave for ten minutes).
  • From wax. A romantic dinner by candlelight can cause paraffin or wax stains to appear on your items. These are quite specific contaminants that require a different approach. If the candle was without dyes, then the clothes can be placed in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer for 12 hours. After this, carefully wipe off the drops with your hands. If the wax was colored, then after this procedure you can use industrial bleaches, including for colored fabrics.

There is simply no clear advice on how to get rid of grease stains on clothes. Reviews from housewives indicate that greasy stains are not always washed off the first time. But after a few washes they become less and less noticeable. Therefore, before vigorously scrubbing the contaminated area with cleaner, try washing your clothes several times as usual. Then, if the stain does not come off, you can experiment, each time choosing different stain removers.

How did our grandmothers deal with stains, long before the advent of cool washing powders and smiling presenters who are already coming to you? Simple and reliable means that can be found in any home!

So, below you will learn about 10 ways to remove grease stains from clothes.

Mustard powder

Mustard powder mixed with water until pasty. The method is suitable for colored and dark fabrics. The mixture is applied to the stain and washed off after 30 minutes with warm water.


Talc (baby powder) will remove grease and oil stains from light-colored natural fabrics. This product has a high ability to adsorb other substances. The stain is sprinkled from the inside out, covered with a napkin, tracing paper or thin cotton cloth, ironed and left under pressure for 12 hours. After treatment, the fabric is washed with warm water.

Table salt

Fresh stains of grease, blood, wine, berries, butter should be immediately sprinkled with table salt. The recipe is not new, but effective. The salt is rubbed into the stain with gentle movements (so as not to damage the fabric) until traces of the stain are no longer visible. Afterwards, wipe the fabric with a napkin soaked in vodka or alcohol, and wash it in warm water as soon as possible.

Chalk and tooth powder

A safe way to remove stains from delicate natural fabrics - silk, linen, cotton: A piece of chalk should be ground into powder and sprinkled on the stain. After 3-4 hours, remove the chalk from the fabric and wash the item at the temperature indicated on the label. Chalk can successfully replace tooth powder, but, unfortunately, it has lost its former popularity as a personal hygiene product.


Defeat the most difficult stains that cause a lot of grief, ammonia is capable. It can easily cope not only with grease, but also with ballpoint pen ink, rust and mold (and not only on fabric), and traces of coffee and tea. Dissolve 1 tsp in 100 ml of warm water. ammonia and apply to the stain using a cotton pad, and then iron the area through a cotton cloth.

Dishwashing liquid and hair shampoo

Oily stains are removed by dishwashing detergent and shampoo for oily hair. The product needs to be whipped into a thick foam and applied to the stain, after half an hour, wash the item, adding another capful of product to the washing powder. This method is good for delicate fabrics - silk, chiffon, natural wool.

Table vinegar

Table vinegar, mixed in equal proportions with water, is used to soak dirty clothes. After 15-20 minutes, the item is washed in warm water with washing powder.


Fat from clothes is well adsorbed by starch. You can use not only potato starch, but also corn starch: sprinkle it generously on the stain and rub it in with careful but strong movements. If after 10-15 minutes the stain has not disappeared, replace the starch with a new portion and repeat the procedure from the beginning.

Ammonia and turpentine

For plain light-colored items You can try using a 1:1 mixture of ammonia and turpentine. Moisten the stain with the mixture and leave for 2 hours, after which it is washed. It should be noted that the aroma of this product is hellish, the degree of aggressiveness is the same, so it is better not to experiment with delicate, expensive and favorite things.


Grease stains can be lubricated with glycerin and left for 30-40 minutes, after which the clothes can be washed as usual.

There are many ways, but in order not to damage the item irrevocably, it is recommended:

  • apply a little product to an inconspicuous area and see how the fabric and paint react;
  • clean stains from the wrong side, moving from the edges to the middle;
  • Do not increase the dosage and time of application of the product, follow the instructions.
  • treat stains with clean cotton pads or cloth wipes;
  • do not experiment with things that are truly expensive.

It takes a lot of effort to remove an old grease stain from clothes. Fat that has penetrated deeply into the fiber can be removed using special means. Useful substances available in any home will help you wash the product. The main effect of the substance should be aimed at dissolving fat.

Most often in everyday life we ​​come across fresh fatty contaminants. This is easier to remove than washing off an old greasy stain. Some traditional methods effectively cope with the problem of recently diagnosed greasy stains. All of the methods below include products that help with cleaning without harming the appearance of the product.

The peculiarity of using improvised means is the efficiency of the method, as well as their low cost.

Laundry soap

The product is effective against greasy stains of any level of complexity. The method is simple: slightly moisten the stained area, treat it with a bar of laundry soap and leave the greasy stain for 12 hours. Use warm water and place the product in a bag. After washing the product as usual, repeat the procedure if necessary until the stain is completely removed. It is recommended to use brown bars.

Sugar and laundry soap

If after the first use of the previous method the effect is not enough, then you need to add sugar to it. Lather the stain with laundry soap, sprinkle sugar on top, and leave to act for 15 minutes. Brush the area with a soft clothes brush and wait another 15 minutes. Wash your clothes as normal.


The substance is effective against old stains. Wet the stain with warm water and sprinkle it generously with salt. Leave it for a while and rub the cloth. Wipe off any remaining product and wash the product. To remove a greasy stain on a bolognese jacket, use this method.

Salt will not affect the quality of the filler and will not leave streaks on the material, which will eliminate the need to completely wash the product. Salt can be used as an independent remedy, or applied on top of various compositions.

Chalk powder

To remove grease stains from silk and other delicate fabrics, use chalk powder. To do this, take chalk and grate it into powder or pound it in a mortar. Sprinkle the resulting mixture onto the wet spot and leave the product to absorb the grease for 3 hours. Remove residues with water.

Tooth powder, talc, baking soda, baby powder

These substances act as absorbents. Sprinkle generously with any of the above products on a greasy stain on a T-shirt or other clothing, cover the area with a cotton cloth and spray with hot steam from an iron several times.

Set the product aside overnight. In the morning, wash as usual.

Any of the above powder products are perfectly interchangeable. It is recommended to remove a greasy stain from a Bolognese jacket by sprinkling the product onto the stain and leaving it overnight. In the morning, brush off any dry residue and treat the stain with wet wipes.

Bread crumb

You can quickly and easily remove greasy stains from clothes at home using bread crumbs. Blot the fresh greasy drop with a piece of bread, press down lightly, you can put a weight on top. Leave it for a while. Then use one of the above methods and wash the product.

This method effectively fights dirt and leaves no trace of it. Use fresh, warm bread whenever possible.

Mustard powder

Dry mustard is suitable for removing fat from dark-colored coats. The advantage of this method is the wide availability of the main ingredient. Buy mustard powder and prepare it into a thick paste by adding water. Apply to desired area. To get rid of old grease stains, leave the paste on the material until it is completely dry. Then remove the crust and scrub the fabric with a clothes brush. Finally clean the clothes by washing them under normal conditions. It is not recommended to use on white fabric or light-colored materials, as it has coloring properties.

Salt and alcohol

A greasy stain on a sofa upholstery can be easily removed with alcohol and salt, which will not harm the material. However, before using alcohol, it is necessary to test it on an inconspicuous area to observe the reaction of the tissue. Using the same method, you can easily get rid of grease stains from knitwear. Soak the material generously in alcohol and sprinkle a thick layer of salt on top.

Leave to act until the material is completely dry, brush off the salt and wash the product in hot water. Alcohol can be used independently in cases where it is not possible to wash the material, for example, if grease has dripped onto the upholstery.


The peculiarity of dishwashing detergents is that they easily dissolve grease. The mild composition allows the detergent to be used for washing delicate or woolen fabrics. The composition and effect are effective and capable of removing oil or grease stains. If dirt needs to be removed on a product with soft fibers, for example, a shirt, then it is enough to soap the fabric and leave it for half an hour. Then run very hot water over the area and wash as normal. If the fabric has coarse fibers, scrub the area thoroughly with a brush.


The product is effective only against fresh oil stains; it will not remove old ones. Lay out the paper on a horizontal surface, and cover the fabric that needs to be cleaned with another layer of blotter on top. Heat the iron and carefully work the surface of the paper. Thus, the bottom and top paper should absorb all the fat.


The product is effective against any fatty stains. Soak a cotton pad in ammonia alcohol and apply it to the fabric. Afterwards, leave the product to work for a while. Brush out any stains and wash the item normally. Ammonia has a specific aroma. Therefore, additional rinsing may be required.

Old pollution

An item with a grease stain can be washed as usual, but often after such events the item remains unsightly. Established fat is very difficult to remove after washing. To do this, it is necessary to use more aggressive means.


Wet a cloth with this substance and place the soiled item on top and further moisten the stain. It is recommended to wash the product several times to get rid of the strong smell. If gasoline is not available, it can be replaced with acetone or nail polish remover.

The method is great for dark colored items. If you are removing a grease stain from a down jacket, be gentle on the fabric and work from the edges of the stain to prevent streaks.

Turpentine and ammonia

Soak a cotton pad in turpentine and ammonia mixed in equal parts. Carefully treat the desired area and leave the wet product for several hours. Remove the composition by rinsing the item in warm water. This method successfully removes old stains from raincoat fabric.


The pharmaceutical product is effective against greasy stains on delicate fabrics. Items made of silk or other material will not lose their attractiveness after treatment with glycerin. Place a few drops on the fabric and let it soak into it. Leave the product to act for 30 minutes. To remove old grease stains from clothes, prepare a mixture of glycerin, ammonia and water, half a tablespoon each. Soak the material in this mixture and leave for 10 minutes. Wash the item as usual.


Use diluted acetic acid or table vinegar. Thoroughly saturate the affected area with it and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse the product in warm water to remove any unpleasant odor. If necessary, you can repeat soaking in vinegar until the product is completely clean.

Soda and dishwashing liquid

Dishwashing detergent itself is very effective, however, soda enhances the quality of the detergent composition. Wet the oily area with warm water, lather well with dishwashing detergent and sprinkle generously with baking soda. Leave for several hours, or better yet, until the fabric is completely dry and rinse the product.

  1. Before washing, carefully inspect your clothing for stains. This way you can find fresh contaminants that have not had time to be absorbed and dry. Thus, you do not have to use special tools.
  2. Use a brush to clean. By removing the dried dirt, you will see how much the fibers have absorbed the grease.
  3. Choose your product carefully. It must treat the material with care. Check first how the composition works. Apply it on an inconspicuous part of the item. So, for example, when using a product suitable for a cotton product on a woolen item, its fibers may be damaged. Which will significantly spoil the appearance of the product.
  4. Use methods of increasing effectiveness. Use less aggressive methods first, and if they don’t work, move on to more effective methods.
  5. When using a brush, you need to move from the edges to the center. With these movements you will prevent the appearance of streaks, and the oily area will not spread any more.

After using any method, be sure to wash or rinse the item to get rid of odors and product residues.

Unfortunately, each of us can experience a stain on a dress, sweater or jeans. But don’t rush to throw away your favorite item or run to the store for expensive powder! Find out how to remove grease stains from clothes using effective folk recipes.

How to remove fresh stains?

To get rid of fresh stains on clothes, products that can be found in almost every home will help. Let's take a closer look.


Using dry mustard you can remove fresh greasy stains from dark and colored items:

  1. Dilute the mustard with water to make a thick paste;
  2. Lubricate the dirty area with it and wait half an hour;
  3. Wash clothes in warm water.

Bread crumb

White bread crumb is an excellent remedy for oil stains. It's very easy to use:

  1. Lightly remember the bread in your hands;
  2. Apply this cake to greasy stains on clothes;
  3. After about half an hour, when the fat can be absorbed, wash the item in the machine.

Talc, soda, tooth powder

For light-colored woolen products, an effective method based on baby talc, soda and tooth powder is suitable:

  1. Lay your clothes out on a hard surface;
  2. Dust all stains with tooth powder;
  3. Place tracing paper on top;
  4. Use a warm iron;
  5. Press down with something heavy and leave overnight;
  6. Wash the item in the morning.

Laundry soap

How to remove a greasy stain with simple laundry soap?

  1. Lather the area of ​​fabric and leave overnight. To enhance the effect, sprinkle the foam with sugar and rub well with a brush;
  2. Wash the item in the morning.

See also: 3 effective stain removers


A handful of table salt will get rid of greasy stains in just a couple of minutes, and at the same time remove traces of berries, wine, sweat and blood. This method was known decades ago! After placing a greasy stain, simply sprinkle it with salt, rub it a little into the fabric and let the grease absorb. Continue until the stain is gone. Then wipe the area with an alcohol-based wipe and let it dry. Wash the item in your usual way.

Powdered chalk

How to remove grease stains from light silk, linen, and cotton clothes?

  1. Dust the stain with chalk powder;
  2. Leave for 2-3 hours;
  3. Wipe off the chalk with a damp cloth;
  4. Wash the item with powder.


Ammonia will help remove stains on jeans or other clothes made from natural light-colored fabrics. With this product you can also easily remove traces of mold and glue, tea and coffee, ink and rust.

  1. Mix 0.5 cups of warm water and 1 tsp. ammonia;
  2. Moisten a cotton swab;
  3. Blot the greasy stain;
  4. Place a cotton napkin on top and iron with an iron.

Blotting paper

This cheap product will save light and dark colored clothing from stains.

  1. Make such a “sandwich” - a blotting sheet, clothes, another sheet of blotting paper;
  2. Iron it;
  3. For larger stains, repeat the procedure, changing the dirty paper until the stain disappears.

Shampoo for oily hair

This is ideal for silk, wool and chiffon.

  1. Lather the shampoo in your palms;
  2. Apply the foam to the stains and work it into the fabric;
  3. Wait about an hour;
  4. Wash in warm water.


Combine vinegar with water (1:1) and soak clothes in this solution. After a quarter of an hour, wash in the machine.

Dishwashing gel

If you need to remove grease stains from your down jacket, use either Fairy or another good dishwashing liquid.

Apply a little gel to the contaminated area (the amount depends on the size of the stain). Wait 20 minutes and pour boiling water over the jacket and wash well.

Potato starch

If an item stained with grease cannot be washed, feel free to use starch.

  1. Rub a little product into contaminated areas;
  2. Leave for 10 minutes;
  3. Brush starch off clothes;
  4. Add fresh powder and repeat the process again.
  5. If the stain is old, mix starch with hot water.

Shaving foam

Some people claim that all you need to do is rub the foam onto the grease stains and wait 10 minutes for them to disappear immediately. At the end of the process, wash your clothes with powder.

Remedies for old grease stains

An old stain is not so easy to wipe off, but it can be removed. Choose any of the cleaning products!


This is a great fat-busting option! Lubricate the stains with glycerin, leave for 30 minutes and go over the area with a clean napkin or sponge.


You can remove fat from a bolognese jacket with salt.

  • Fill the basin with hot water;
  • Add 0.5 cups of salt;
  • Wash your clothes in this water and leave for 30 minutes.

Ammonia + turpentine

  1. Combine ammonia and turpentine in equal quantities;
  2. Soak a tampon in the mixture;
  3. Wipe every stain;
  4. Time it for 2-3 hours;
  5. Wash it.

Wood sawdust

If you spill grease on a carpet or rug, try removing the stains with sawdust.

Moisten them with clean gasoline, sprinkle them on the grease and let them soak in. If necessary, repeat everything again.

Useful video: do you know what stains and how to remove them?

How to properly get rid of stains?

Now you know how to remove grease stains from clothes thanks to the means at hand. There are still a few important details left to figure out:

  • Before starting work, clean the fabric from dust with a dry and then a damp sponge;
  • Apply the cleaning composition from the wrong side;
  • Experts recommend placing a board under the item, wrapped in several layers of cotton fabric or a paper napkin;
  • To treat the stains themselves, take a clean rag or cotton swab;
  • First you need to moisten the area near the stain, then walk along the edges and move to the middle;
  • Try any of the cleaners on an inconspicuous area or hem near a seam;
  • Do not make a concentrated solution, do not exceed the proportions indicated in the recipes. It’s better to repeat it again than to ruin the fabric forever.

No one is immune from the appearance of dirt on your favorite things. So today we will learn how to remove grease stains from clothes. As always, we will do everything at home using available materials. Share your results in the comments.

Ways to remove fresh grease stains from clothes

There are many options for how to remove grease stains from clothes. Choose the appropriate recipe and act.

No. 1. Crushed chalk

1. This option is suitable for processing delicate materials, be it linen, silk, cotton, etc. Turn a piece of chalk into dust, sprinkle on greasy marks.

2. Gently rub in without pressing. Shake the product to remove any stained chalk crumbs.

3. Sprinkle the stains with the new compound. Time yourself for at least 4 hours. Use a brush and remove any residue. Perform a typical wash.

No. 2. Soap

1. Laundry soap helps both remove grease stains and remove other contaminants from clothes.

2. Moisten the block in water and rub it on the dirt that appears. Leave it like this for at least 8 hours. Then go over with a brush.

3. If the stain is difficult, after soaping, you can sprinkle the item with granulated sugar and rub. Next, wait overnight and wash the product.

No. 3. Vinegar

1. This option is good because it is suitable for both colored and white fabrics. First, dilute the vinegar with water 1 to 1.

2. Dip the item into the mixture, lightly rub the greasy mark with your hands and leave to soak for 20 minutes. Place it in the washing machine.

No. 4. Mustard powder

1. Thanks to mustard powder, you can both remove greasy stains from colored clothing and white fabric.

2. At home, the product is prepared as follows: the sifted powder is combined with water to obtain a paste-like mixture.

3. This paste is distributed over dirty places and rubbed in with a brush. After 30-45 minutes it is removed by normal rinsing/washing.

No. 5. Ammonia

1. Suitable for natural fiber products. Combine 15-20 ml. ammonia with 130 ml. water.

2. Soak cosmetic sponges in the resulting solution, start wiping the dirt from the sides to the middle.

3. When the greasy mark is moderately moistened, place a cotton napkin on top of it. Heat the iron and run it over the napkin.

No. 6. Shampoo for oily scalp

1. If you have oily hair, it makes sense to use a special shampoo. Squeeze the mixture onto your palms and lather.

2. Distribute generously along the marks on things, rub in. Rinse off with warm water. You can repeat the steps until you remove the stain.

No. 7. Starch

1. If you have stained your favorite product with grease, then sprinkle these areas with potato/corn starch and rub in. After 10-20 minutes, shake the item and repeat the manipulations.

2. In cases where an old stain is being removed, the starch is combined with water heated to 70 degrees. This paste is applied and rubbed in, and after half an hour is removed.

No. 8. Salt

1. Since the easiest way to remove a greasy stain is with salt, you need to pour it in and rub it a little. The stain will come off easily from clothes; you just need to wait a while.

2. If necessary, repeat the procedure with salt. Next, use an alcohol wipe at home. Wipe the contaminated area and wait until it dries. Wash the item.

No. 9. Dishwashing liquid

1. To remove dirt in the form of grease from clothes, it is enough to use a high-quality dishwashing gel. You can take "Fairy".

2. Distribute the soap mixture onto the problem area. Wait half an hour. Rinse the stained area with hot water. After this, wash the item thoroughly.

How to remove old grease stains

If you don't know how to remove grease stains from clothes, you should use proven methods. Keep in mind that old stains are quite difficult to remove.

No. 1. Salt

1. If contamination was found on a Bolognese jacket, you need to fill a basin with hot water. It's easy to figure out how to remove grease stains from clothes this way.

2. Pour 120 g into the liquid. salt. Wash your clothes in the solution and leave to soak. Next, use a washing machine at home.

No. 2. Sawdust

1. Sawdust will help deal with stains if you spilled grease on a rug or carpet.

2. Moisten them with gasoline and place them behind the contaminated area. Wait until the fat is absorbed. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

No. 3. Turpentine with ammonia

1. To cope with the problem, in a common cup you need to mix turpentine and ammonia in equal proportions.

2. Moisten the cotton wool and treat each stain. Wait about 3 hours and then wash your clothes.

No. 4. Glycerol

1. It is worth noting that glycerin perfectly destroys fat. To do this, treat contaminated areas with it.

2. Wait about 40 minutes for the glycerin to take effect. Next, wipe the fabric with a clean sponge.

Not everyone knows how to remove grease stains from clothes. To succeed at home, you should follow simple instructions.

1. Before starting the main work, the item must be wiped with a dry cloth, and then with a damp cloth. Next, the cleaning composition is distributed exclusively from the inside out.

2. To remove stains, always use a clean rag or cotton pad.

3. Moisten the area around the stain with plain water. After this, use a cleaning product. Remove dirt from the edges to the center.

4. Before using the cleaning composition, it must be tested in advance on an invisible area. Also, do not exceed the proportions and make a highly concentrated product.

Removing grease stains from clothes takes some time. In most cases, contamination can be dealt with without any problems. Use any of the above methods. Follow practical recommendations.