Conspiracies for toothache on aspen. Strong prayer for toothache

"Don't talk to me about it." This phrase means: do not distract, do not lead away from the problem. In reality, of course, you can talk about toothache. What is in an efficient way for those who treat such things with faith.

Magic and toothache

When resorting to the help of magical remedies in the treatment of toothache, you need to remember the following points:

  • toothache, like any other, signals a problem in the body;
  • it can be associated with problems in the tooth itself, in the gum or jaw, or have another cause;
  • for example, pain in the lower jaw may be one of the symptoms of new-onset angina or myocardial infarction;
  • as well as pain in the teeth area occurs with neuritis and neuralgia of the facial nerve.

In other words, pain can be relieved even without resorting to painkillers. But the symptom is removed, not the cause, but, of course, it would be nice to identify and eliminate it. Perhaps, and even most likely, with the help of traditional methods of treatment.

Conspiracy to yourself

This is the first aid to yourself, which will allow you to reach the dentist, and your stomach and liver will be healthier. Some people doubt that they have the ability to perform any magical effects. This is partly true, otherwise there would not be so many appeals to healers and psychics.

But the spell for toothache refers to household magic, because you won’t run to see a sorcerer with every bad tooth. Especially if he doesn’t live in the next house. With the right attitude, most people have the ability to do everyday magic, with the exception of those with very little faith, but they won’t even try.

There are certain rules regarding those who want to speak their teeth:

  • the right emotional mood. The state should be calm. There is such a concept: calm self-confidence. It's just about that attitude;
  • purity of thoughts. It is important in any business, but especially in magic. Do not wish such suffering on anyone, do not try to “give the pain” to another. It will already be;
  • The ceremony is carried out in;
  • cleanliness of the home. It would be nice to light some incense;
  • physical cleanliness. It is advised to take a bath with incense to get in the right mood. But a simple shower taken with salt will also help you approach the action in an energetically pure state;
  • It’s better not to tell anyone about your intentions. This is not bad in any case;

The most important thing is faith, unconditional and unconditional. In your own strength, with the help of higher powers. There is absolutely no way without her.

How to speak quickly?

If the pain strikes suddenly, the following spell will help: “I drive away the dull, astringent, aching, angry pain. The pain goes away, goes away, goes away. The strength in me is coming, coming, coming. The sick tooth subsides, subsides, subsides. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Eat strong conspiracy for toothache using nettle. Very effective, but not applicable in all seasons. And nettles do not always grow near your home. They find nettle bushes on the street, bend one of them to the ground and tie it.

At the same time, they read the words of the spell so that their teeth don’t hurt: “Holy is the bush, holy is the mother nettle. R.B. (name) has a cursed toothache, take it away, get it out, and if you get it out, I’ll let you go, but if you don’t get it out, I’ll leave you like that.” Afterwards they go home, but do not forget to gratefully untie the bush three days later.

On the water

This is done in the evening, when the Moon becomes visible in the sky. They pour holy water into a glass and go outside.

The words of the conspiracy are read 12 times:

“The Moon is the Guardian of Heaven,

Water feeds the Earth,

When the Guardian Moon appears in the sky,

This way my toothache will go away.

I'll drink healing water,

So I’ll forget about my pain.

Amen (3 times).”

For a sore tooth

Go outside when it's in the sky. Place your index finger on the area of ​​the diseased tooth. Looking at the moon, say the following words: “The old Moon came to the young one and said: “Take from R.B. (name) a rotten, turnip tooth, Give R.B. (name) a healthy, bone tooth.” Amen. Amen. Amen". Read three times.


It will allow you to get rid of this scourge for a long time.

They slander an aspen branch, which refers to trees that take away bad and:

“Overseas the sea, overseas, on the glorious island of Buyan

Three sister trees grow, strong and tall.

A hare lies under the trees.

Let him take away my illness.

Let my pain live overseas, overseas, on the island of Buyan,

There is no turning back for me.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Apply the charmed branch to the sore spot.

So that your teeth never hurt

It is good for prevention or prevention. It will help those often suffering from dental diseases to forget about their problem for a long time. Wait for the first spring thunder. After it thunders in the sky, take a clean pebble into your mouth.

Lightly chew it while saying the following words:

“Like a lifeless pebble, like a hard pebble,

So my teeth will be hard and strong,

They know neither pain nor illness,

Until the pebble loses its hardness.”

After this, bury the pebble under the tree.

Conspiracy of N. Stepanova

There is a known conspiracy for toothache by the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova. Repeatedly tested by many for the strength and power of its impact. It works even for those who have little faith in its effectiveness.

“On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, there lies a stone that is white and flammable. A great old man lies on that stone, not a single tooth aches or hurts, his cheek does not ache, his heart does not ache. So for me, R.B. (name), not a single tooth ached, pinched, or hurt, from now on and forever. In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Let there be tacos. Amen".

By the way, this conspiracy will also help if the pain only radiates to the teeth, and the cause is a problem with the heart or nerve roots.

Turning to the stars

Go outside in the evening, look at the heavenly bodies and say the following words: “Mother, morning lightning, I ask for your help. As fish swim in the ocean, as a dead man lies in mother earth, so let my pain go away. And so it will be until the fish stop swimming, the dead rise from the earth, and the stars of heaven stop shining. Only then will the pain return, and now disappear, sickness, move away from R.B. (name) from now on and forever. Key. Lock. Language".

How can a healthy person talk to a sick person?

There is a powerful conspiracy against toothache that has come to us since ancient times. Take a glass of water and put a pinch of salt in it. Go outside, stirring the salt in the glass.

“Mother water is water, transparent, like a tear.

Take away all the pain, cure R.B. (name).

As the water goes to Mother Earth, so all the illness will go away from R.B. (name)

Far away and forever."

Let the patient rinse his mouth with water and let him spit it on the ground.

Another time-tested, ancient plot for pain.

“Like a dead person, nothing hurts, the tooth doesn’t ache, the cheek doesn’t swell,

Likewise, R.B. (name) does not ache, does not itch, does not itch.

I’ll lock my pain away, hide it in the ground, and won’t let it out.

Let the pain be in the beast's lair, and not in me.

So be it!”

Video on the topic

Conspiracy for toothache in the video:

Rituals, spells and prayers for toothache have helped people since ancient times. It is difficult to doubt their strength. But, still, if you are not a strong magician and are not able to eliminate the cause of the disease, do not forget to turn to conventional medicine.

And conspiracies for toothache will help you carry out treatment painlessly, without taking unnecessary medications. And perhaps on for many years forget about dental problems.

Conspiracies for toothache are always very popular among the residents of our country. This article will discuss various options rituals that can be performed at home.

First, you need to understand how toothache occurs. Every tooth has a blood supply system and nerve endings. But when various diseases occur, they are damaged, and a person may feel pain.

Such sensations are a natural signal that there are dental problems. The brain warns a person that it is necessary to urgently take action and begin treatment. Pain can vary in severity and frequency of occurrence; it depends on many associated factors.

We must understand that before people did not have much understanding of medical subtleties and the causes of toothache. As a result, various ancient conspiracies appeared that were used to get rid of this problem.

Remember: discomfort is a clear sign of dental problems. Of course, you can read a conspiracy for toothache on yourself, but it will not save you from the root cause of its occurrence. In any case, you will have to consult a doctor in the future.

But if it was possible to carry out treatment at an early stage, now the specialist will exclusively offer removal of the damaged tooth. Then you will face implantation and serious financial expenses. Therefore, it is better not to make the mistakes of other people and resort to official medicine.

Various instant conspiracies can only fight the symptoms, not the cause. Experts explain their effectiveness by self-hypnosis. Pain is controlled by the brain, which receives signals from nerve endings.

A special ritual allows you to convince a person that the pain will go away in the near future. In some cases, it actually subsides and dental problems do not bother you for some period. But we strongly recommend visiting a specialist; folk methods and powerful conspiracies will not be able to rid you of the root cause!

Features of the event

When performing the ritual, it is necessary to take into account a number of features:

  1. You need to stay alone in the room so that no one disturbs you.
  2. Read the text confidently and loudly, but take your time. It is necessary to concentrate as much as possible during the ceremony.
  3. It is important to sincerely believe in the effectiveness of the conspiracy. Then the person will be able to instill in himself the necessary thoughts and block the pain.
  4. Before the ritual, it is advisable to relax and take a bath.
  5. You must be confident in your abilities and persistent.
  6. When reading prayers, it is advisable to light church candles and put an icon of the saint to whom you are turning for help.

What to do if it doesn't help?

Even the most powerful toothache spell may not be effective. The effect of such rituals on people is individual. Efficiency depends on the correctness of the ritual and the degree of suggestibility of a person.

Pain can be temporarily relieved with analgesics. The simplest and most accessible drug in the pharmacy is Analgin. In a number of cases it turns out to be very effective; various types pain.

Be sure to make an appointment with your dentist. Before visiting a doctor, try not to disturb the aching tooth, as external influences can provoke painful sensations. The main thing is not to overdo it with analgesics, carefully read the instructions for the drug and the permissible daily dosages.

Current conspiracies for toothache

What working conspiracies exist? At the moment, several dozen have appeared variety of options. But we will consider the most popular solutions:

  • Ritual for the moon.
  • Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova.
  • Vintage options.
  • For some water.
  • For independent implementation.
  • A conspiracy for instant action.

Conspiracy to yourself

For this ritual you will need nettles. It is necessary to find a place where this plant grows. Bend one of the bushes and tie it, reading the corresponding text:

After three days, you must return to the place and release the plant, keeping your word. Naturally, this must be done if the pain has gone away within the given time.

Read the spell for water

Do you need to talk about your toothache? Then let's look at one of the popular options that many people use.

You will need to pour holy water into a glass. Take it in your hand and go outside after the moon rises in the evening. Looking at the Earth's satellite, read the text of the spell twelve times:

Before drinking some water, you need to say one more hex:

Instant spell

Ancient conspiracy

One of the ancient options is to read this text for three evenings on the waning moon:

Another solution is to read the spell on beeswax for three days before sunset and place it on the sore tooth. This beekeeping product contains a huge amount useful substances that can relieve pain. Text:

For the third rite, you will need to find an aspen branch in the forest or park. Take it in your hand and say the following text:

For the fourth old conspiracy you need to be alone in the room. Read this text clearly and loudly:

The last option is to go outside in the evening and read three times, looking at the Earth’s satellite:

Ritual for the moon

This ritual is suitable for performing on a full moon. You can track the current cycle of the Earth's satellite on meteorological sites on the Internet. You need to wait until evening, leave the house and look at the moon. Say the following words:

Conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova is a healer from Siberia. She became famous thanks to a series of books. Stepanova began writing them in the last years of the USSR. Her books are popular not only in Russia, but also in a number of CIS countries.

A hex from Natalya Stepanova that you need to read:

Traditional methods of relieving pain

Among the people there are a huge number of conspiracies for toothache. All generations of people have faced this problem, and the text of the slander was passed on between family members. Let's look at the most popular folk options.

You need to identify the diseased tooth and press the gum with your finger. This is not always easy to do, since the pain can cover a large area. Then you need to examine your teeth in a mirror and try to find incisors with visible damage.

Text to read seven times:

This ritual will require melt or spring water. You can freeze it in a bowl and defrost it later. Pour the liquid into a glass glass, bring it to your lips and say the following words three times:

After reading, take small sips of water.

Powerful prayers for toothache

Prayers can be used to combat pain. It is advisable to retire to a room when performing the ritual. Purchase candles in advance from the church shop; it is additionally recommended to buy an icon of the saint to whom you want to turn for support.

Healer Panteleimon

Panteleimon is a saint who was a doctor during his lifetime. He helped everyone in need and used both available medicines and prayers in his medical practice. Believers can turn to him if they have health problems, including toothache.

Text of the prayer:

Matrona of Moscow

During her lifetime, Matrona of Moscow aroused interest and awe among those around her. Her touch was considered healing, and with the support of the old woman it was possible to get rid of various diseases. Now believers can turn to her with prayer to get rid of toothache:

Likely effect

There is no complete confidence in achieving the desired result. Conspiracies and prayers are a way to instill in yourself some thought and block pain through your own consciousness. But the real effectiveness of various rituals depends on individual psychological characteristics person.

The main thing is not to delay contacting a specialist. Sick teeth still need treatment. With the help of spells and analgesics, you can postpone a visit to the dental office. But sooner or later you will still have to visit it.

Although it is already the 21st century, conspiracies for toothache, oddly enough, are still quite popular among the people. They are a kind of relic of those times when they did not yet know how to treat teeth normally, and this was not accessible to everyone. As a rule, all kinds of conspiracies are especially actively used in areas remote from large cities (villages, towns), as well as by people of the “old school”, when it is not possible to immediately see a doctor, and a person suffering from toothache is ready to try anything, just to ease the pain a little.

To the surprise of many doctors, in some cases, conspiracies actually help with toothache. But practice shows that even the most powerful conspiracies never replace treatment, that is, the problem does not disappear by itself. The habit of constantly talking about a tooth, just to avoid going to the doctor, is a direct path to serious complications, rapid loss of teeth and even more terrible consequences, such as phlegmon and sepsis.

The main thing that is important to understand in this situation is that even if you manage to talk about toothache and not feel it for a while, then the tooth tissue destroyed by caries will not grow back, and the bacteria that caused purulent inflammation at the root will not suddenly die all at once. This means that even if you firmly believe in the power of conspiracies, consider them only as a way of temporary relief.

There are various attempts to scientifically and pseudoscientifically explain the effect of conspiracies on a sore tooth. For example, some researchers believe that a strong conspiracy is one of the methods of self-hypnosis, which allows you to temporarily force the brain not to react to certain unwanted signals.

Others are confident that spoken words have a physical and biological effect on the body with their special vibration. And since the texts of many conspiracies were selected and crystallized over years and even centuries, in the end such a melody and sound wavelength were selected that have an active effect on tissues and relieve pain.

Below are individual techniques and texts that are used by people to combat severe toothache. Please note that their effectiveness has not been scientifically proven, and, accordingly, they do not guarantee any result. However, to consider how conspiracies are constructed, what they are like and how they differ in strength is quite interesting...

The structure of a good conspiracy and the rules for identifying dummies

It’s not easy to find a good strong spell for toothache; sometimes you have to go through dozens of options to find the one that, so to speak, corresponds to all the canons of a strong plot. To reduce the time spent sorting through texts, you should first familiarize yourself with the structure of a good conspiracy. As a rule, they are compiled according to a scheme proven over centuries, which is easy to recognize.

The structure of a strong conspiracy for toothache will always be something like this:

  • groundwork (prayerful introduction and beginning);
  • main part (“narrowing of space” and spell);
  • setting (spell ending and prayer ending).

A conspiracy for a bad tooth should begin with an appeal to some forces: patrons, spirits. Since conspiracies appeared in the era before the advent of Christianity, they often refer to the Sun, Moon, and nature spirits. Christianization resulted in the replacement of various spirits with saints and divine characters. However, for people who practice conspiracies, this is not so important - both those and other options are considered quite effective when used correctly.

Now a few words about the structure of the conspiracy. It is believed that at the beginning of the conspiracy, the subject transitions to the other world through obstacles: thresholds, paths, doors, gates, mountains, fields, and so on.

In the main part of the conspiracy, the space is narrowed due to the mention of the central character (protector, assistant); here the name is obligatory. Saying a name gives you power over a character. This is followed by the spell itself - an order or wish indicating the name of the person who should be influenced.

The final part of the spell comes with the mention of strong objects/persons that emphasize the power of the spell (strong as a stone or Christ will strengthen the words). After which comes the prayer ending (Amen). If the text is pre-Christian, then the prayer ending may be missing.


There are shortened versions of conspiracies, which are more reminiscent of parables and appeals. They necessarily turn to certain forces, ask or order to remove the pain. One of the most famous sayings, which crystallized from the conspiracy, is known even to children: “Hiccup, hiccup, go to Fedot, and from Fedot to Yakov, and from Yakov to everyone.” But since it is most often pronounced simply with humor and without concentration, it has no impact.

Knowing the structure of the toothache plot, you can always distinguish a more or less working text from a useless one. But let us note once again that this is not a replacement for treatment, but only a momentary way of dealing with pain - even if you strongly believe in such methods.

The most famous folk conspiracies for toothache

It is believed that only a text, the power of which has been proven in practice, can effectively speak to a sick tooth. Usually such words pass from mouth to mouth within generations of the same family. But there are also texts that have become public knowledge without losing their power.

In addition to verbal forms, there are also rituals: a spell for toothache using water, wax, a wooden stick, stars, etc. People who use these techniques say that the ritual helps them concentrate and detach themselves from extraneous thoughts. But still, the main power lies in words.

Since the spell “so as not to have a toothache” refers to secret folk healing practices, it is usually pronounced in a whisper. But if a person is familiar with the technique of throat singing, you can read the text in a chant.

Often there are no objects at hand that are convenient to cast a spell on. Therefore, texts that are easy enough to pronounce, that is, without a full ritual, are especially popular.

Spell 1. Read at an open window or on the street.

Zoryushka-lightning, you are a beautiful maiden, there is a stone in the sea, a hare in the field, Lymar at the bottom. Cover, lightning, my sore teeth with your veil from Lymar; behind the white veil they will survive. Lymar, back down; If you begin to gnaw my white teeth, I will overthrow you, Herod, into the abyss of the underworld. This word is strong!

Spell 2. Press the gum at the source of painful sensations with your right index finger and say the text 7 times.

As the red sun falls below the horizon and is no longer visible, as the bright-faced moon disappears in the sky, so the pain would go away after the sun, after the month, and would not return.

Conspiracy 3. Read on the water. Spring or melt water (or simply defrosted) is poured into a glass or crystal glass. The words are pronounced in a whisper 3 times so that the water ripples with the exhalation.

Four sisters

Zachary and Macarius,

Sisters Daria and Maria,

Yes, sister Ulyana,

They said

So that the servant of God has a name

Cheeks are not swollen

My teeth didn't hurt

Now and forever.

In these words, key and lock,

The key is in the water, the lock is in the mountain.

At the end of the whispering, drink all the water in small sips, after which a gradual effect should be expected.

Conspiracies of the healer Natalia Stepanova

It is popularly believed that the conspiracies of Natalia Stepanova, a famous Siberian dream interpreter and healer, have great power against toothache. Her texts contain an appeal exclusively to biblical figures. This is a good example of the influences that arose during the Christian era.

Natalya Stepanova’s simple plot for toothache is remembered like a poem. By reciting it many times in a chant, some people, judging by the reviews, really manage to alleviate the unpleasant sensations:

Moon in the sky, sun in the oak tree.

Freeze, worm, in your tooth.

(Perhaps, at this point a professional dentist would roll his eyes and sigh heavily - if everything were that simple...)

There is also a more meaningful text, it is pronounced on the new month (they look at it):

The month is young, you have a brother Filat,

His teeth don’t ache and his gums don’t hurt.

So that the servant of God also has a name

My teeth didn’t ache and my gums didn’t hurt.

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Self-hypnosis methods for relieving toothache

Many modern educated people perceive a conspiracy against toothache as one of the methods of self-hypnosis. From this position, the result is seen as a consequence of working with one’s own consciousness. The main thing is to concentrate on achieving your goal, and then, according to adherents of this explanation, by controlling your thoughts, toothache can be significantly alleviated.

However, even in this case, you need to understand that the very appearance of pain indicates that there are problems with the teeth. Eliminating pain, even with the power of your mighty thoughts, is not a cure, so you need to make an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible to eliminate the cause of the problem.

The relevant literature indicates that before you start reading the conspiracy to relieve toothache, you should perform a number of simple manipulations with your own consciousness.

  • Leave doubt. You need to believe that conspiracy and self-hypnosis will help, set yourself up for a cure.
  • Revive the pain. It is necessary to find and localize the source, mentally imagine its shape, structure, color, density.
  • Think positively and transform pain. Talk to the pain, reduce its size, change the color to a favorable one, act gradually. Substitute concepts, replace “pain” with “tingling”, “heaviness”, “pulsation”, etc.
  • Pronounce the instructions correctly. At this stage, you can take the text of the conspiracy, preferably short, and pronounce it at least 3 times, perceiving the words as the desires of your own subconscious.

It is believed that relaxation and self-confidence are very important in the process of self-hypnosis. Any doubts and skepticism will nullify the result.

Conspiracies for dental diseases

Toothache spells help relieve discomfort, but pain is only a sign of illness. Traditional healers went further, and the problem itself, that is, the disease that causes pain, also found ways to talk about it.

There are many highly targeted texts:

  • spells against chipping teeth;
  • spells for bleeding gums;
  • conspiracies to strengthen teeth;
  • a conspiracy to return the tooth to its place.

However, in most cases, such conspiracies, of course, will not have an effect. In case of severe problems with teeth and gums, it may be impossible to do without medical intervention.

Explanation for doubters: why conspiracies work

There are several points of view on how exactly conspiracies work for various dental diseases, and indeed any conspiracy in general.

Psychology explains the effect of “targeted whispering” as similar to the placebo effect, that is, it is assumed that all the power of this lies in self-hypnosis. In simple words, a person to a certain extent controls his sensations and the functioning of his brain, forcing him not to respond to pain signals coming from nerve endings. Such practices are very common among yogis who, in a certain state, can pierce through their muscles, including the heart, with thin needles, without experiencing pain or perceiving it differently.

Another theory says that in a conspiracy, the most important thing is the combination of sounds, vibration and rhythm. They influence the human energy field by performing certain tasks. This position has no scientific confirmation.

There is also a religious interpretation. In Christianity, a conspiracy is perceived as a password for calling spirits from the other world, conspiring with it to make certain changes in a person’s life. Therefore, the attitude towards such treatment in Christianity is extremely negative.

At the moment, none of the points of view is recognized by science, but there are many cases where conspiracies for toothache and some other diseases really help. Actually, this is what makes people go to various “grandmothers” and witches. However, before you seek such ambiguous help, we recommend that you think again - maybe it’s better to make an appointment with a dentist?..

Interesting video: How spells and conspiracies work

About the causes of toothache and methods of getting rid of it

Many people are no strangers to tooth pain. In addition to using painkillers, you can use a spell for toothache, with which you can quickly relieve an unpleasant symptom. But it should be remembered that such a sign indicates the possible development of the disease, so you need to visit the dentist as soon as possible and carry out qualified treatment.

A spell for a bad tooth is one of the types traditional methods treatments that help reduce the intensity of pain. Psychologists explain the effectiveness of such methods by the power of self-hypnosis and the ability to concentrate attention. In another way, this can be called controlling your own brain, provoking it not to respond or to give a weak reaction to pain signals that come from nerve receptors.

According to religious people, with the help of conspiracies and spells you can summon spirits from the other world and establish contacts with them. According to another opinion, it is better to turn to the forces of light. It is believed that it is otherworldly forces that can become assistants in healing from various diseases and their symptoms. And although there is no scientific confirmation of the effectiveness of such methods, there are many situations where they have brought results.

It should be remembered that even if it is possible to cope with teeth or gums without medical intervention for some time, if the pain is eliminated for a while, still, contacting a doctor is mandatory, since tissues damaged by the carious process cannot be restored, and pathogenic microorganisms cannot be restored. will disappear with the help of spells. Therefore, it is worth considering conspiracies only as a short-term option to eliminate symptoms.

The basis for this lies in self-hypnosis and in a person’s strong concentration on a specific subject. According to scientists, such methods of influence are equated to meditation, since they are aimed at human consciousness. This is exactly how conspiracies for toothache work. All texts contain an appeal to the forces of the elements, to patron saints. Rules for pronouncing a conspiracy or prayer:

  1. Certain prayers are said without performing actions.
  2. In other rituals, actions are mandatory.
  3. All texts should be pronounced smoothly, with the same intonation, without getting confused, otherwise there is no hope for results.
  4. Many rituals involve repeating the text several times to enhance the effect.

Spells for diseases of the teeth, gums and oral mucosa

Rituals for various oral diseases help reduce the severity of clinical manifestations. But you need to remember that pain is a symptom of an underlying disease, so in any case you should consult a doctor and undergo traditional treatment. There are also highly targeted texts that can help with various problems:

  • gumboil spell;
  • conspiracy against seizures;
  • a spell for bad breath;
  • conspiracy against stomatitis;
  • from pipuna in the language there is a conspiracy;
  • text for strengthening teeth;
  • from increased fragility of enamel;
  • from bleeding from the gums.

According to many traditional healers, the most effective ritual will be the one that is passed on by many generations to each other. Most often, the text is read on some subject. They often turn to the sun, moon, stars and other forces of nature.

They read the prayer while being on the street or near an open window. You need to go outside and say in an even voice:

“Zoryushka-lightning, you are a beautiful girl. There is a stone in the sea-okiyan at the bottom of the sea Lymar. Zarnitsa, cover my painful teeth with your own veil, let them be white, like this veil, let them be intact. Don't gnaw my teeth, hide the disease at the bottom of the okiyan. Let my speeches be strong. Forever and ever."

Another effective method. The text is pronounced monotonously, it must be repeated seven times, pressing the index finger to the sore spot:

“As the red sun sinks behind the horizons and hides, as the bright moon melts in the clouds, so let my pains go away after the sun, after the moon, let them never return. When a month disappears in the sky, it is not visible behind the clouds, so may my illness disappear, perish completely.”

Another text needs to be whispered into the water. Pour it into a glass glass, preferably well or spring water. Whisper three times, bringing the glass very close to the lips:

“Four sisters and brothers, Zachary and Macarius, sisters Daria and Maria, sister Ulyana, they said so that the servant of God (his name) would not have swollen cheeks and teeth would not hurt. Let my word be strong. The key is in the water, the lock is under the black stone. In the name of the father of the son and the holy spirit, Amen."

After the entire text has been whispered three times, you need to drink the liquid in small sips.

Quick spell for sudden toothache

You can use a spell for tooth pain that is recited on a wooden stick. This method will help for a patient with a sore tooth. You need to take a small stick or sliver, pronounce the words in a whisper, after which you apply the stick to the sore spot: “May my toothache, God’s servant (name), go away and never return. Let them fall silent forever. My words are strong, I lock it with a key, I hide it far beyond the swamps. Amen amen amen." The spell is pronounced three times.

Ritual on an aspen branch. You need to take out a small aspen branch, whisper a spell over it three times, then press it on the diseased area: “Over the ocean, on the distant island of Buyan, there grow trees, three brothers, they are tall and strong. A hare lies under the trees. Let him take my sores and illnesses for himself. Let my pain live beyond the ocean, but not return to me! Amen".

Press the painful area with your hand and say the words:

“How the red sun hides behind the horizon, how it becomes completely invisible. Just as the moon hides in the heavens, so may my illnesses go far beyond the seas. Go away, my pain, following the silver moon and the red sun, never come back. Amen".

Say the Lord's Prayer three times. Then touch the sore spot and whisper:

“Jesus, the Son of God, walks across heaven, bypassing my pains. Let the disease fly away, land in the swamps, drown in the swamps and never come back. Amen".

When the first thunder thunders in the sky in the spring, you need to take a pebble, chew it, and whisper:

“Like a hard and lifeless pebble, my teeth never know sores or pain. Let my word be strong and so be until the moment the stone remains solid.” After this, place a pebble under the tree and sprinkle a handful of earth on top.

Spells that are directed to the stars have great power against toothache. Go out the door and gate in the evening, look at the heavens, and whisper:

“Mothers, Zoryanites, I ask you for help. As fish swim in the water, as a dead man lies in the ground, so let my pain go away. And so it will be until the fish stop swimming, the dead stop lying, and the stars stop shining. Only then can the pain return, but now - disappear, get sick, leave the servant of God (name) alone forever and ever.”

Ancient conspiracy

There is also a strong spell for toothache; our ancestors used it. To relieve toothache, all texts must be whispered without saying out loud. But all rituals must be performed healthy person, and not the patient himself. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, you need to take a pinch of salt, put it in a glass of warm water, and go outside. Slowly stir the mixture while saying the following prayer:

“Mother Voditsa, you are as transparent as a tear. Take away the pain, heal your teeth. As clear water flows underground, so may the ailments of God’s servant (name) go far and forever.”

After this, rinse your mouth with the charmed liquid. Spit water on the ground. It is believed that when it is absorbed, all unpleasant symptoms will disappear. It is recommended to take spring or well water for the ceremony.

All spells and rituals were passed on by the ancient Slavs from old to young. But despite their effectiveness, it should be remembered that no rituals can replace full treatment from a specialist.

Village conspiracies

“I will get up, blessing myself, walk, crossing myself, go out of the gate into an open field. Here I will see three sisters - Martha, Pelageya and Marya. You, sisters, go to your brother, Lazarus, and ask whether there are diseases of the teeth and bones or not. With this spell I will conjure my pain and illness, bone aches. Let it go this minute, this moment, this day. May he never return. From now on and forever, Amen (pronounced three times).”

A ritual is also performed on young nettles. Whisper the words onto a sprig of young nettle, then tie it with a ribbon, and three days later untie the ribbon:

“Healing mother nettle, you are prickly greenery, you are a healing tree! Drive out the worms from my teeth that are sharpening them and not giving me life. Help, get the worms out, if you don’t get me out, I’ll dry you in the sun, and if you help, I’ll untie you in three days.”

With the help of a good conspiracy you can protect yourself from diseases. Go outside, turning to the stars, and whisper a spell:

“Red maidens, the dawns, are radiant with the beauty of their sculpting. I will turn to you for help, cover me with your silver and snow-white veil, may my pains be quenched under your cover, my ailments disappear, and my teeth be as snow-white and strong as stone stones. Do not crush, do not break, and do not gnaw my teeth. Let my words be strong, I lock them, I lock them with a key, I will throw the lock into the swamps.”

Other time-tested options

There are many spells for teeth, with their help you can remove ailments and make your teeth not hurt. The following ritual came to us from our ancestors. At all times, this was done to relieve intense painful sensations.

“Just as a dead man’s tooth does not hurt, his cheek does not swell, just as a dead man cannot move his lip, so may the servant of God (name) not hurt, itch, or swell. Let it always be like this. I'll lock it, hide it in the ground, and won't let you get out. Let the illness end up in the beast's lair, not in me. So be it."

When prayer will help and how to read it correctly

Prayer spells and prayers can also help in healing. The main thing is to believe in the power of the word and in God's grace. The prayer is read 40 times. It is best to say it over blessed water:

“Guardian angels, patron saints, give me your grace, favor this water, let it wash away my ailments, carry me into an open field, beyond the horizon. Let my pain go away like water sinks into the ground. Amen." After prayer, drink water in small sips. Read Our Father.

How self-hypnosis can help solve the problem

To prevent toothache, you can also use self-hypnosis methods. The key task is to concentrate on the future result, this will help you achieve your goal very quickly. There are simple rules, with the help of which elimination by self-hypnosis will be effective:

  1. do not doubt, believe in your own strength, tune in to the result;
  2. imagine pain in the form of an animate or inanimate object. Mentally create its image, imagine the color, shape;
  3. conduct a dialogue with the pain, ask it to go away, paint it in light colors, mentally reduce its shape and size.

Psychologists often use this method in psychotherapy to get rid of psychosomatic negative manifestations. You can also imagine that the ball of pain is in your hands, and then mentally throw it as far as possible (options: drown it in a river, burn it in a fire). Such methods are very effective, but they do not eliminate the cause of unpleasant symptoms, so you should visit a dentist and undergo qualified treatment.

When you can't do without medical help

If tooth pain occurs, you can use unconventional methods, but only as short-term means to alleviate the condition. In any case, contacting a doctor is mandatory. Since no spells, despite their power, can cure caries or holes in teeth, cure bleeding gums or other diseases. This is temporary help.

You should contact a qualified specialist as soon as possible and undergo timely treatment.

Almost everyone has experienced unbearable toothache. It is not always possible to visit a dentist right away. Yes, and painkillers may not be in your home medicine cabinet.

In such cases, conspiracies help. But, they calm the pain for a while. Toothache doesn't just happen. This means that there is inflammation in the oral cavity, and you need to see a dentist as quickly as possible.

Do spells help with toothache?

A toothache is a signal that problems have arisen and it’s time to start effective treatment. In the old days there was no sufficient knowledge, medicines, instruments, medical devices, or drills. There were people, sorcerers and magicians who were able to speak pain. Over the centuries, they have developed a system of rituals and conspiracies that can prevent toothache.

Even if after the ritual the tooth completely stops hurting, this is not a reason to refuse to go to the dentist. This is a temporary lull; in the future the pain will return with renewed vigor.

Conspiracies remove symptoms, not the inflammatory process. Magic words inspire a person that the toothache has stopped, and now it seems that everything is fine, but everything is not so simple.

How effective are they?

No one can guarantee 100% success from a conspiracy. Everything here is purely individual. People who are more suggestible almost always feel relieved. Those who are not susceptible to suggestion may even remain with their pain.

It is advisable to turn to magicians or esotericists if it is not possible to visit a doctor. For example, you are in the country, far from the city, and you don’t have the strength to endure, and it takes several hours, or even days, to get to the doctor.

Conspiracies against toothache

Over the centuries, a huge arsenal of magical spells has accumulated that can calm severe pain. You can read them to yourself, but it’s better when you pronounce them knowledgeable person. What is important here is intonation, accompanying moments, atmosphere, and faith.

Traditional healers and healers know words that have come down from ancient times. It is these conspiracies that have powerful power and maximum effectiveness. The text is read referring to the heavenly bodies: the sun, stars, moon, or other natural forces. The choice is up to the healer.

For quick relief from pain

Suddenly overcome by a strong, aching toothache - a spell pronounced on a wooden stick or sliver will help. Then, press the piece of wood to the problem area. The conversation is whispered.

Say the following words:

May the pain of me, God's servant, go away forever. Let it freeze forever. My words are strong, I lock it with a key, and I take it away to the distant swamps. Amen, amen, amen.

Another conspiracy that works almost instantly. Say the words until the pain goes away.

I drive away the pain, brazen and angry, aching, throbbing, exhausting, pulling. The pain goes away, and the tooth subsides, subsides. The nerve is dying, dying. It doesn’t torment me, it doesn’t torment me. Amen.

Strong spell for toothache

The terrible pain torments you so much that you want to howl - the strongest stinging nettle spell will help. If you are somewhere in nature, then finding a plant will not be difficult. Bend one twig to the ground and secure it. Now start reading the words of the hex:

Holy grass, mother nettle! God's son or daughter (name) has worms, get rid of them. If I don’t torture you, but help you, then in 3 days I will release you.

This ancient spell quickly relieves pain. But, you must fulfill your promise - to release the nettle in 3 days. You tied her to the ground.

Conspiracy for a neighbor

What slander exist for loved ones:

  • whisperers. “There is a young month in the sky, and the sun is on the oak tree, and the worm freezes on the tooth. And so it will be.” Another one: “month, young month, you have a sworn brother, Julius, and he never has problems with his teeth, so my pain goes away, my gums don’t ache. And it will always be like this."
  • To the water. Take a glass or cup of water and say: “Clean water, let me wash my face with you, let (say name)’s pain go away, and the water take away misfortunes. And so it will be.” The person suffering from toothache then washes his face with the enchanted water.
  • For children. Children are told words for illness when they sleep. “The pain is evil, never touch or torment my child, leave with the sunrise forever. Never come back, don’t switch to anyone. Dissolve like the rabble of the night, because I never wish harm on anyone.” And so it will be.

Sometimes it seems that the ritual did not work, but it turns out that you just had to wait a little.

For a child with toothache

There is a maternal conspiracy for children against toothache. Only mom can read it. She will never wish her child harm. The slander is light and brings only good things. It has survived to this day since the 18th century.

To perform the ceremony you will need a cup of water. They whisper the following to her:

My son or daughter doesn’t have any toothache, and neither will my son or daughter. After I wash him with some water and let him drink it, the tooth will go away, just like the prince’s. He will become healthy, without any pain.

Say it three times. Then ask the child to take a sip from the charmed cup and wash with the rest.

Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova

In Siberia, many people know the healer Natalya Stepanova. She has rituals and conspiracies for any problem. Numerous evidence suggests that they really work and can really get rid of many ailments.

For those suffering from dental problems, she has a powerful spell.

On the sea-Okiyan, on the island of Buyan, there is a white-flammable stone, on that stone a great old man lies, not a single tooth hurts, his cheeks don’t blow, his heart doesn’t ache. So from now on and forever (name), like that same old man, not a single tooth would ache, hurt, or grieve. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And so it will be. Amen.

While reading, hold a small piece of bread sprinkled with salt in your hands. After the ritual, place it on the problematic tooth.


To achieve positive results during rituals, it is necessary to approach the action with bright, correct thoughts. An angry, envious or selfish person should not undertake such activities at all. Especially when trying to read a plot to help another. In this case, you can get the opposite effect.

Helps in getting rid of pain and emotional state. Before reading a mantra, spell, prayer, you need to put your thoughts in order, calm down, and believe in the power of the ritual. This will speed up the healing process.

During the ceremony, the room should be quiet, pets should be locked in another room. It is also necessary to enlist the support of saints, for which place icons closer and light candles.

Be sure to believe in the words of the conspiracy. Imagine how the pain went away and you went to bed joyful and peaceful. This attitude will help you free yourself from pain.