Lip reduction. How to reduce lips if you are not satisfied with the result? How to get rid of injected hyaluronic acid? How to reduce your upper lip

Most women have numerous complaints about their appearance. Some people are not satisfied with the shape of their nose, others complain about the irregular shape of their face, others complain about ugly eyes, etc. We have listed only the most common appearance problems that most self-critical girls attribute to themselves. In addition to them, there are non-standard shortcomings that can be considered both an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time. This category includes large and plump lips, which are quite rare in nature. We will tell you how to make sponges thinner and smaller in today’s article.

Methods for home lip reduction

There are only 2 ways to reduce lips - visual (using cosmetics) and surgical (requires surgery). Unfortunately, no folk or pharmaceutical remedies can make your lips smaller. Below we will tell you how to make your lips thinner using makeup:

Using foundation

To carry out this stage you will need a clean sponge or sponge. Apply a little foundation to the selected item and lubricate your lips with it. The cream will disguise the lip line, making it easier to hide the contrast between the skin of the face and the lips. After 2 minutes, the base will dry, and you can proceed to the next stage, namely drawing your lips with a pencil and applying lipstick and (if necessary) gloss, ideally made by yourself.

Using concealer

This product will also help hide the true location of your lip line. It is very important to choose the color of the concealer - it should be similar to the skin around the mouth. To carry out the necessary manipulations, you will need a thin sponge applicator that will help distribute the product evenly. When using concealer, you only need to mask the top and bottom of your lips, leaving the middle untouched. You need to blend the product evenly so that your lips remain symmetrical. If the described steps are carried out correctly, your lips will be covered with concealer only at the edges.

Using lip liner

To disguise your lip line, you will need a pencil in a neutral, pale shade. It should be applied 1mm (this number may vary depending on your preference) deep into the actual lip contour. Important: Lips should be covered with foundation. Do not use bright or unusual colors of pencils, because... they will make the contours of your lips brighter and more noticeable. Dark-skinned girls should use dark brown and chocolate shades of pencils. The color of the product used should be 1-2 shades darker than the skin of the lips. Try to make the new outline not thick and barely noticeable, otherwise your manipulations can be easily noticed and revealed. It should also be noted that many make-up specialists do not recommend using lip pencils in order to reduce them. The fact is that such cosmetic products make the contour clear and sharp, which is very striking and draws the eye to the true shape of the lips.

Now let's move on to the rules for applying lipstick and lip gloss

Having drawn a new contour using one of the above methods, you can begin to paint your lips with lipstick. You need to start with the upper lip, paint only the area that is located inside the artificial lip line. We have given some tricks for applying lipstick to create the effect of thin lips:

  • The color of the lipstick should differ from the natural shade of your lips by 2-3 tones. These colors include shades of pink and brown (in some cases it is acceptable to use copper and red-brown colors).
  • Glossy and pearly lipsticks cannot be used, because... they visually enlarge the lips.
  • The texture of the product should be creamy or matte - they look natural and do not attract attention when light or reflections of various objects hit them.
  • When creating makeup, use only lipstick, because... The glitter attracts attention with its luminous and dewy texture. In principle, the use of gloss is acceptable, but to maintain the effect of thin lips, you need to apply the product only to the middle.
  • To avoid troubles when applying lipstick, a special brush will help, which will distribute the product evenly and accurately, avoiding smearing and the coloring leaving behind the drawn artificial contours.
  • If you want to create a bright look, you can use bright shades of lipstick, but this will also require some skill on your part. Apply lipstick with a brush to the center of the lips and blend it to the traced contours.

The more natural the color of your lips looks, the less it attracts attention and reliably hides their true shape.

You can highlight your lips using natural light powder or white eye shadow.. Apply them over the entire surface of your lipstick-colored lips (no gloss!). The layer of powder or shadow should be uniform; accumulation of product in any part of the lips will make them asymmetrical. Shadows and powder should be matte and free of glitter and other shimmering components.

The above instructions, if followed correctly, can provide the expected effect and return the image and lips to a beautiful aesthetic appearance. Try each of the listed types of lip contour drawing, and in the future, when creating full-fledged makeup, use an acceptable option to achieve impressive and desired results.

In addition to applying makeup and the surgeon’s actions, simple tips will help you reduce your lips, the implementation of which will provide reliable results and make the image more harmonious and aesthetic.

  1. Saturate your body with moisture from the inside. Drink the required amount of water per day. Try to drink clean filtered (ideally spring) water; your daily consumption should be 2 liters. If there is a lack of moisture, the body tries to retain it, which provokes the appearance of external swelling and is fraught with serious health problems.
  2. Smile. Pulling your lips into a smile helps make them smaller and thinner by stretching the tissue. At the same time, try to smile wider, the final result of your manipulations depends on this. You need to carry out the movements in the form that is familiar to you - an open or closed mouth does not in any way affect the effectiveness of the movements performed. If you have no desire to smile, then simply clench and unclench your lips in the position in which they are. These manipulations must be carried out carefully, because... excessive zeal can cause a rush of blood to the lips and swelling of the tissues.
  3. Focus on another area of ​​the face. Try to highlight your eyes: use not only mascara, but also shadows, eyeliner, pencil, etc. If you are not used to bright makeup, then try to highlight your eyes at least a little with a pencil or eyeliner. When combined with the right lip color, this trick is sure to work. Do not forget that daytime makeup should be less flashy, do not go against your image, and rely on your taste in everything.

Another way is to use blush. Apply blush evenly to the dimples of your cheeks and blend them out. On a ruddy face, large lips look thinner and narrower.

The third option is to create an interesting hairstyle and use hair accessories. With the right hairstyle, people's eyes will be directed at your hair, and plump lips will become less noticeable and catchy. If you usually wear a ponytail or other pinned-up hairstyle, you can try letting your curls down - this will also help hide fuller lips. In addition to your hairstyle, your look should be complemented by an outfit that matches the theme of the event, as well as the created hairstyle and makeup.

  1. Do gymnastics to thin your lips. Doing simple exercises every day will help make them thinner by training the muscles. We have given simple and complex exercises below:
  • recite tongue twisters several times a day; to speed up the effect, you can stretch your lips “in a stripe.”
  • lift your lower lip onto your upper lip and try to smile (the lower lip should not slide off the upper). Do this exercise at least 10 times a day.
  • Use your index fingers to pull down the corners of your mouth, you need to do 10 such actions at a time, repeat 5 approaches a day.
  • Pull the corners of your mouth with your fingers and try to portray a smile. The frequency of this exercise is the same as in the previous example.

Diligently following our advice will help make your lips thinner and more attractive, and there will be no danger when carrying out the listed actions.

If you are not a supporter of surgical intervention, then this article will help you make your dreams come true and make your lips narrow and thin, and your entire image updated and harmonious.

Lips are skin-muscular folds located around the mouth. This definition of the most sensual part of the face makes you feel a little uneasy, but from a physiological point of view, this is really so. It’s easy to guess that the less muscle tissue in the lips, the smaller they are and, according to many people, the more unattractive to the opposite sex. The fashion for plump lips has been going on for several decades., which means that millions of owners of thin lips are looking for ways to add volume to them. And, of course, they find plastic surgeons who radically change the shape of the lips using cheiloplasty, cosmetologists who practice contouring and lipofilling, as well as permanent makeup artists who improve the contour of the lips using tattooing techniques.

Thin lips, if they are symmetrical and in harmony with the rest of the facial features, are not a defect, but the same feature of a person as, for example, a snub nose or slanted eyes. By the way, in addition to thin lips, there are also thick and medium-full lips. Thick lips are typical for representatives of the Negroid race, while Europeans are more likely to have medium and thin lips. In addition to the amount of muscle tissue, the type of lips is determined by the characteristics of the orbicularis oris muscle, as well as the “looseness” of the connective tissue and mucous membrane covering the inside of the lips. The lips are a “border” zone between the mucous membrane and the skin, which is called the red border. By the way, the M-shaped bend of the upper lip is romantically called “Cupid’s bow.” Unfortunately, nature does not endow girls with plump lips for life, and after 25 years they slowly but surely decrease in size.

The causes of thin lips can be:

  • heredity;
  • national characteristics;
  • smoking;
  • underdevelopment of muscle tissue in the area of ​​the orbicularis oris muscle;
  • decrease in muscle volume with age.

How to understand that your lips are thin and need correction

Thin lips can be very attractive and look stylish, but this does not apply to “flat” (lack of volume and Cupid's bow) lips. Not only do they look inexpressive, but they also allow others to incorrectly judge a person’s character (angry, envious, harmful, and so on). If a girl has very thin lips, then as a rule, her the upper lip is so thin that it is almost invisible, but this almost never happens with the lower lip and it still has some volume.

Attention! A very thin upper lip remains after treatment of a cleft lip (a congenital defect of the oral cavity), in which case the difference in the volume of the upper and lower folds can be significant, as well as after treatment of lip injuries, especially those accompanied by scarring.

How to enlarge thin lips: cheiloplasty

A surgical technique that allows you to radically and permanently change the shape of lips that lack volume. This is not considered difficult, but its outcome largely depends on the surgeon’s sense of proportion and his desire to help the patient achieve a harmonious appearance, and not lips “like Jolie’s.” Cheiloplasty of thin lips is performed at any age; contraindications are common for any surgical intervention. The essence of the operation is the excision of areas of skin above the upper lip and under the lower lip; after applying sutures, a natural shift of the contours occurs up and down, thus the visible part, that is, the red border of the lips, becomes wider. Healing lasts up to 10 days, during which time swelling, hematomas and pain go away.

Contour plastic surgery: how to make thin lips plumper without surgery

Many girls with thin lips do not decide to undergo plastic surgery and prefer contour plastic surgery, that is, an injection method for changing the volume of the lips. This correction method is excellent for patients with age-related skin changes caused by a slowdown in glycosaminoglycan synthesis. These natural polymers maintain the elasticity of tissues, and when their deficiency occurs, the lips decrease in volume, and their surface and the adjacent skin become wrinkled.

A real breakthrough in cosmetology was the invention of biopolymer gels based on hyaluronic acid, a substance well known for its ability to attract and retain water. To add volume to thin lips, the drug is injected into the middle part of the lips and corners of the mouth., after which the cosmetologist easily massages the lips, achieving its even distribution. Next, the gel begins to “work”: once in the tissue, the molecules attract water molecules, as a result of which the lips increase in volume . Contour plastic surgery of thin lips is done on an outpatient basis, using local anesthesia. The procedure does not cause discomfort to patients, except for the appearance of bruises (rarely), as well as a feeling of fullness in the correction area. The mentioned phenomena disappear within a few days, and to speed up the process, experts recommend applying ice during the first day, and then massaging your lips every day, and doing this easily, without putting any effort.

The results of correction of thin lips are immediately noticeable due to tissue swelling, but only after two weeks will the lips acquire the desired shape, and it will be possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure. Depending on the drug used, the result lasts from six months to a year, but sometimes after a month it is necessary to make a correction - this is due to the fact that part of the gel is absorbed into the muscle tissue. The hyaluronic fillers used have only one drawback (which is an advantage when compared with silicone gels!) - biodegradation. On the one hand, it is good that the drug decomposes into carbon dioxide and water, but on the other hand, as soon as it completely decomposes, the lips will become thin again and only the next injection of the drug will bring them back to “normal”.

Video consultation: contouring of thin lips

Attention! Currently, for contour plastic surgery of thin lips, biodegradable drugs are used, that is, they are eliminated from the body over time, as well as the patient’s own fat (lipofilling of thin lips). But once popular silicone compounds are now almost never used due to their ability to migrate, that is, spontaneous movement from the injection zone.

How much does it cost to enlarge thin lips? Price of procedures in Moscow

Thin lips: photos before and after correction

Thin lips: this is interesting

Lips can tell a lot about a person's character. Thin lips in a man can be a sign of insecurity and tightness; If, moreover, he is the owner of a small mouth, then you should not count on his initiative in his personal life and at work. If a girl has thin lips of medium length, then most likely she is overly attentive to detail and her meticulousness often provokes conflicts. People who are passionate but able to control their emotions often have thin, long lips.. It turns out that a girl’s thin upper lip reveals a tender and reverent nature, also seeking love, while a thin lower lip in men is a sign of immaturity and irresponsibility.

A hundred years ago, thin lips were the standard of beauty., and their owners were credited with such qualities as honesty, peacefulness, shyness and good intentions.

Thin lips can look elegant and aristocratic, if you know a few secrets. First of all, you should abandon dark, two-tone and matte lipsticks and give preference to lipsticks and glosses in pastel shades, which should be applied carefully, trying not to go beyond the contour of the lips. A contour pencil will help to slightly expand the red border, but, firstly, it should match the color of the red border of the lips, secondly, the line should not be more than one or two millimeters from the natural contour of the lips, and thirdly, before applying Lipstick contour pencil should be shaded.

Permanent makeup (tattooing) helps to achieve a visual enlargement of the mouth. The highlight technique is best suited for thin lips - the middle part of the lips is lightened, and the corners are darkened, while the transition should be smooth - this determines whether the lips will take a natural and voluminous shape. The procedure is carried out in three stages: first, the master applies a contour using a special apparatus and a mineral or plant-based pigment, and then shades the colors over the course of two sessions - this technique is typical for 3D tattooing, which is popular today. Permanent makeup for thin lips lasts for more than two years, and sometimes this period increases to seven years - it all depends on the patient’s skin type, the quality of the materials used and the qualifications of the artist. The best effect can be achieved if, after tattooing, you perform contouring and increase the volume of your lips using hyaluronic filler.

The lips contain a large number of blood vessels and this can be used to enhance thin lips. Many girls use special devices that improve blood circulation and revitalize the color of the lips for several hours and create a slight edema (swelling). Besides, a similar effect can be achieved by massaging the red border of the lips with a soft toothbrush. All described procedures must be done carefully, since the skin of the lips is very thin and can be easily damaged.

"Star" owners of thin lips

Today we will talk about lip reduction. Perhaps someone will be surprised that, despite the fashion for lush lips, today the issue of reducing them is quite relevant, but this is true. For some, the reason for lip reduction is their natural disproportion, while others want to reduce their lips after gel augmentation, which made their appearance unattractive. We will tell you how to reduce the size of your lips, show you an educational video and interesting photos.

Expert opinion on lip reduction

The famous plastic surgeon Andrei Iskornev believes that the size of the lips is not the most important indicator of their attractiveness. For plastic surgeons, beautiful lips must meet as many as 13 points, among which the main ones can be identified:

  • The upper lip should be one and a half times smaller than the lower lip.
  • When a woman's face is calm, the nasolabial fold should be clearly visualized.
  • When a woman smiles, 2/3 of her upper teeth are visible, while her lower lip only reveals the edges of her lower teeth.
  • The mouth should have a clear outline.

The main thing, according to the expert, is that the lips are proportional. If nature has blessed you with lush lips, do not rush to take radical measures to change their size. It’s another matter if a large, disproportionate mouth is the result of unsuccessful gel augmentation. Here plastic becomes not a whim, but a necessity. Next we will talk about ways to reduce large lips, pumped up with gel and given by nature.

Lip reduction with makeup

If you are one of the girls whose lips are naturally too large, you will be wondering what ways there are to make your lips smaller without surgery. This can be done with makeup or with the help of a cosmetologist. Experts recommend the following techniques:

  • Matte lipstick. All makeup artists know that the matte texture of lipsticks hides volume. If you are looking for ways to make your lips appear smaller at home, try this option. Choose discreet shades, closer to neutrals.
  • Focus on the eyes. Try to distract attention from large lips by wearing bright eye makeup, while covering your lips with a colorless balm or nude lipstick.
  • Correct technique for applying cosmetics. Try painting your lips this way: along the contour, use a pencil a tone lighter than the skin of your lips, and in the center, apply lipstick a tone darker. This technique can visually reduce the volume.
  • Foundation. The corners and outline can be visually “moved” using a beige pencil. Some girls use foundation for this purpose. However, the cream is not very suitable for application to the skin of the mouth; it can behave capriciously and after a while get clogged into folds.
  • Tattoo. If you are wondering whether it is possible to reduce your lips in a cosmetologist's office, know that it is possible. By making a tattoo along the contour with a light shade, you can visually reduce the size of your lips.

Properly applied make-up can make your lips appear smaller without surgery; the main thing to remember is that pearlescent and glossy coatings make your lips look fuller, and therefore you need to avoid them.

Lip reduction after unsuccessful lip augmentation

With the advent of the ability to enlarge lips, the demand for lip reduction has also increased. Not everyone likes the look of a face with new volumes, and for some, the experience of pumping up the lips becomes a real disaster that disfigures the face. As a rule, the second option applies to those women who have encountered biopolymer gels: polyacrylamide, silicone gels and Formacryl. Unlike more expensive self-absorbing gels, the above bio-gels migrate in 90% of cases, forming compactions and giving the face a “duck effect”.

If you're wondering if you can make your lips smaller after lip augmentation, the answer is “Yes!” Today specialists have this opportunity. The operation flow looks like this:

  1. The surgeon makes an incision on the inside of the sponge.
  2. Then, through this incision, the specialist removes the previously injected gel.
  3. Next, the shape of the mouth is corrected by removing excess skin.
  4. At the end of the operation, an internal cosmetic suture is applied.

In the first days, there may be a change in sensitivity, a feeling of “emptiness”, and slight numbness. At first, the result may not look aesthetically pleasing: bruises, bruises, swelling and asymmetry are possible. After about 2-3 weeks, the suture site will heal, and you will be able to see the final result after 3 months. On average, to reduce lips after lip augmentation, you will need to pay about 40 thousand rubles.

Surgical reduction of natural lips

If your lips are naturally full, but the methods for reducing lips at home described above are unacceptable to you and you are determined to take drastic measures, we will tell you how to reduce lips surgically. The procedure for the operation looks almost the same as for reduction after “pumping” with gel:

  1. Based on the patient's preferences, both local and general anesthesia can be used.
  2. The plastic surgeon outlines the line along which the operation will be performed.
  3. Next, the specialist excises a thin strip of tissue from the mucous membrane from corner to corner. The plucking technique is used during the excision process. Using a special instrument, the surgeon cuts small pieces of tissue and then cuts them out with scissors.
  4. A cosmetic suture is placed, which will be located inside the mouth and will not be visible to others.
  5. After about an hour, the patient can go home.

The postoperative period lasts up to 3 weeks. In the first week, it is worth limiting the manifestations of facial expressions; to speed up the healing of the suture, it is recommended to rinse the oral cavity with antiseptics, for example, a solution of Chlorhexidine, Eludril or Miramistin. Since during the rehabilitation period the lips will tend to become dry due to swelling, it is recommended to lubricate them with Vaseline.

Contraindications to surgery

Surgical methods for reducing lips have a number of contraindications. These include:

  • Heart diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Herpes.
  • Oncology.
  • Poor blood clotting.

If your desire to change the volume and size of your lips is not a whim, but a necessary measure, modern plastic surgery can give your face harmony and correct proportions. Girls who just want to correct their shape should try the makeup technique demonstrated in the video.

Video: Makeup for lip shape correction

There is no need to diligently look for illnesses in yourself... because you will find them.

Lip reduction surgery is one of the 10 most popular procedures because lips are the first thing we pay attention to when communicating with people. It is one of the areas that allows you to correct existing lip defects.

Main indications and contraindications for the procedure

Lip reduction is mainly required for patients who have disproportionately large lips, tumor-like formations in them, or suffer from acromegaly. Quite often, women who have had unsuccessful experiences come to see a surgeon. The manipulation is usually performed under, but if the patient is undergoing a series of surgical interventions, it can be used.

Before and after lip reduction

However, it is important to understand that lip reduction surgery, like other surgical interventions, can have serious consequences. That is why it is necessary to undergo a thorough medical examination before the procedure, which can determine the possibility of manipulation.


During the first examination, it is important to tell the doctor about any allergic reactions to medications or previous diseases, so that he can choose the correct technique for performing the operation.

How to prepare for the procedure?

First of all, you need to take care of returning home in advance: call a taxi or ask friends. After all, after the operation, the woman will not look her best and is unlikely to want to appear in a public place.

You will also have to prepare everything you need to recover after lip reduction. You may need ice, ointments, and foods that do not need to be chewed. Otherwise, you will have to starve or suffer from bruises.

How is the operation performed?

The exposed part of the pink lips is called vermillion. It has dry and wet surfaces. During the reduction of the lower lip, the doctor will be able to remove an excess amount of vermillion from the mucous membrane or along the border of the mouth, in which case the operation will be able to give a positive result, and the scar will be securely hidden. In this case, it is important not to remove too much tissue, otherwise the patient will have an unnatural lip shape.

Progress of lip reduction surgery

When reducing the upper lip, it is important to evenly remove a strip of mucous membrane along the entire border to give them an even contour. There are several techniques for correcting this area:

  • The first technique involves making an incision along the vermilion line of the lip and removing the segment above it. As a result, it is possible to shorten the lip and make it more toned.
  • The second technique will require an incision under the lower edge of the nose, followed by removal of excess skin. Next, the doctor must carefully sew the tissue in layers. This will lift the upper lip and give it an aesthetic appearance.

Some cases involve not only a change in volume, but also a radical correction of the shape of the lips.

Postoperative period

After lip reduction surgery, a sterile bandage should be applied to the patient’s face, which will be removed shortly. During this period, there may be bruising and swelling on the face, sensitivity may decrease significantly, and pain may appear.

Result of lip reduction

It is better to take a vacation during the rehabilitation period so as not to feel awkward in public places. Doctors also recommend refraining from kissing and smoking. Food should be homogenized and slightly warm. In order to speed up healing, it is necessary to use special ointments and physiotherapeutic procedures (ultrasound, UHF, laser, electrophoresis).

On average, 7 days after lip reduction are enough for the swelling to subside and you to be able to see the results.

Possible complications

After removing the gel from the lips

Among the most common complications is an allergic reaction to anesthesia. You also need to understand that an unqualified doctor’s approach can lead to nerve damage during surgery. Remember, most complications can be avoided if surgery is performed in a specialized medical center and quality postoperative care is provided 24 hours a day.

However, lip reduction can lead to:

  • Long-term loss of sensitivity;
  • Infection of sutures.

Sometimes things happen to our appearance that we don’t expect at all. Some women and even young girls face the problem of decreasing lip thickness.
The shape of the mouth and the thickness of the lips are genetically determined in everyone and essentially nothing can be done about it. But sometimes, under the influence of time, gravity, or for some other reason, lips change their shape.

It's one thing when these are normal age-related changes that are normal, but it's quite another when it happens around the age of 30.
Why girls face such problems and why this can happen, as well as how to care for their lips, we will discuss today.

First reason The reason why lips become thin is the same reason why skin loses its elasticity over time - due to decreased collagen levels.

"The lips of young girls appear fuller due to more collagen in them. But there is another, surprising reason - the teeth are larger at a young age, so this makes the lips appear larger."- says the doctor Jessica Wu , dermatologist and assistant professor of clinical dermatology at University of Southern California.
In addition to genetics (not everyone is born with the appearance Rosie Huntington-Whiteley ) and age-related causes of thinning lips, there are also other reasons when lips change already at the age of about 30 years and this is primarily the lifestyle of every person.

One of the most common misconceptions is this: lips most often become thinner in smokers, but changes in the shape of the lips and the appearance of numerous wrinkles and folds can occur even if you have never smoked in your life.

“The bad habit of drinking from a straw also causes wrinkles and creases. In addition, drinking too much coffee and not enough water leads to dehydration and dryness.”- Dr. Wu adds.

"Teeth also play an amazing role. Over time, they wear out and become thinner, so I recommend that my patients take better care of their teeth."

The good news is that there are many beneficial steps you can take on a daily basis to prevent lip thinning.

Firstly, it's worth preventing dehydration and making sure your diet contains plenty of protein and vitamin C which promote the production of healthy amounts of collagen.

Secondly, you can act not only from the inside, but also from the outside, and it is best to choose lip oils and healthy ointments, rather than balms in sticks, which only make the skin drier due to the high wax content.
You can use sweet almond oil, coconut oil. You can apply them and in the morning your lips will be noticeably plumper.

Thirdly, from a lifestyle point of view, if you smoke, reduce the number of cigarettes to a minimum, refuse to drink from a straw and use products with SPF- a filter, since harmful solar radiation destroys collagen.

Fourth, medical options include injectable fillers. However, the specialist and the approach to the procedure are important; it is necessary to help the patient regain the youth and plumpness of his lips as at 16 years old, and not strive to turn a person into a trout or a cartoon character.
But you shouldn’t always rush to become like Kylie Jenner , numerous research labs and teams at skin care companies have already developed viable alternatives to needles. Special products and concentrates have already been created that instantly increase blood circulation in the skin of the lips and create the necessary volume for a long time.

Take care of your health and stay beautiful!