We learn to choose healthy snacks at work for those losing weight and more. Snacks on a healthy diet - healthy recipes What to snack between

People who are losing weight often wonder: Do you really need snacks when you're losing weight? Yes. Definitely needed. Healthy snacks throughout the day will prevent you from overeating at lunch and dinner, and will also eliminate cravings for harmful foods during the day and trips to the refrigerator at night.

Snacks are generally necessary to ensure that the body does not store fat for future use. A small meal between meals signals to the body that it will regularly receive nutrients throughout the day, so there is no need to store anything.

Snacking helps keep your appetite under control and avoid overeating during your main meal. A proper snack does not overload the stomach and ensures a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Those losing weight just need to learn to clearly differentiate between foods that can be used as snacks and those that should be forgotten at least for a while.

  • A snack is an incomplete meal, so you should not make it into a multi-course meal. They usually snack on just one thing. The norm for a snack is one or two handfuls, no more!
  • Two snacks are allowed during the day: at 12:00 (as a second breakfast) and at 17:00 (as an afternoon snack). Snacks after dinner are sometimes possible, although it is better not to indulge in them if you have difficulty maintaining ideal shape.
  • When snacking in the office or in a study, it is better not to do it right at your workplace, otherwise you risk eating more than the snack allows.

  • If, after a fairly hearty lunch, you suddenly begin to feel hungry, do not believe this feeling, it is false. Our brain often confuses hunger and thirst. This means it's time for a glass of water or tea with lemon. You'll have lunch later.
  • If you only had a cup of tea or coffee for breakfast, let the second breakfast (at 11-12 o'clock) be more high-calorie: hard-boiled eggs, a couple of cheesecakes or a piece of cottage cheese casserole.
  • After a hearty breakfast, have a snack only 3-4 hours later. And if the afternoon snack has turned into a fundamental meal (hot dish, salad and dessert), then for dinner drink a glass of fermented baked milk, as if swapping dinner and snack.
  • You can’t have a lunch with something fatty and sweets - this slows down absorption, and the feeling of hunger makes itself felt within an hour.
  • In order for a small amount of kefir to give saturation, you need to drink it not in one gulp, but slowly, one spoon at a time.
  • Smoothies and fruit juices are not recommended as a snack because they spike your blood sugar levels and make you feel hungry.
  • It is better to pour boiling water over dried fruits in advance so that they are saturated with moisture. Eat no more than five pieces!
  • Candied fruits are not dried fruits at all, but very high in calories and sweet, so think for yourself.

  • Fermented milk products are good for an afternoon snack, since calcium is best absorbed in the evening.
  • “On the run” you can have a snack with drinking yogurt with, a cereal bar or a banana.
  • To make sure you don't miss the best time to have a snack while working, set yourself a reminder in your phone.
  • Have a light snack at the end of the working day, then when you arrive home you will not pounce on food, eliminating overeating.
  • For people with chronic diseases, snacks are vital, as small doses of food reduce the load on the organs and systems of the body.
  • Snacks need to be planned in advance so that you don’t have to rush to grab something harmful to your figure and health.
  • And don’t come up with an excuse for yourself that you can’t live. There is always a reason for such an exaggerated craving for sweets: it is either stress and psychological problems, or the dance of hormones and signs. It’s just that no one goes crazy for sweets.

Proper snacks for losing weight

From the list below, choose one option for second breakfast and one for afternoon tea. It is advisable to snack on different foods throughout the day. The following selections of products would be an excellent snack:

    • Products with, that is, fruits: apples, oranges, tangerines, kiwi. Bananas are good for athletes and pregnant women, they really fill you up, but they are not suitable for everyone who is losing weight, so be careful with bananas.

    • Nuts, dried apricots and raisins perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger, you just need to strictly monitor the quantity - no more than a handful at a time.
    • Natural homemade yogurt without any additives to appease the taste - a glass or small bottle will do.
    • Squash or beetroot caviar with diet bread.
    • Salads of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, beets, sweet peppers and herbs.
    • Rye bread with a piece of low-fat cheese or cottage cheese.
    • A glass of kefir.
    • Homemade milk and fruit jelly, a bottle of which can be kept in the office refrigerator.

    • Suluguni, mozzarella, tofu.
    • Homemade cottage cheese. You can make yourself a cottage cheese spread in a couple of minutes by crumbling herbs and vegetables into the cottage cheese and spreading it on a piece of whole grain bread.
    • Boiled corn.
    • Homemade baked apples.
    • Sandwich with tuna and lettuce.
    • 2-3 eggs per week, boiled for up to 5 minutes.
    • The right sandwich: a slice of bran bread, a thin piece of boiled (or baked) beef, lettuce and sprigs of herbs.

  • Fruit pastille.
  • Homemade diet cookies.
  • and a protein bar from a sports store.
  • Freshly brewed tea.
  • Cocoa.
  • Berries in season.
  • Natural fruit (or berry) jelly is an excellent low-calorie snack or breakfast (the recipe for basic jelly is below).
  • 50 grams of protein food - a piece of baked red fish or chicken fillet. This is also suitable as a late-night snack. You can also drink a glass of biokefir, yogurt or kefir. But this is only as a last resort, if at some point you cannot do without food at night - for example, on the road.

Prohibited snacks

Unhealthy snacks provide the body only with fat, sugar and empty calories, but do not provide a feeling of fullness, and after half an hour a person reaches for the next cookie, bun or candy.

      For those who monitor their health and figure and are trying to lose weight, the following snacks are contraindicated:
    • salted nuts, snacks, salted crackers, chips, crackers;

  • soda;
  • French fries;
  • cookies, buns, pies;
  • sweets, chocolate, pastries and cakes;
  • instant noodles and everything that is brewed in a mug;
  • sandwiches made from white bread and sausages;
  • Industrially made granola and granola bars are high in sugar, calories and additives.
    Instead, make your own muesli mixes and make homemade energy bars (recipe included).

Recipes for proper snacks

Berry jelly

  • 1 tbsp. l. gelatin or agar-agar
  • 1 glass of cold boiled water
  • 2 cups compote (syrup or juice)
  • berries and fruits

Pour gelatin with water for an hour, after swelling, heat to boiling point and immediately remove from heat. Immediately pour in compote (syrup or juice), add berries or pieces of fruit.

Mix thoroughly, pour into molds and put in the refrigerator. A great snack treat is ready.

Low calorie energy muesli bars

  • 400 g
  • 2 bananas
  • 150 g coconut flakes
  • 300 g
  • 100 g chopped nuts or seeds
  • herbs and spices to taste

Dates are soaked for 2 hours in water, then together with bananas they are crushed in a blender until smooth. Coconut flakes, oatmeal and nuts or seeds are added. The resulting mixture is laid out on a baking sheet in a layer up to one and a half centimeters thick.

The baking sheet is placed in an oven heated to 180 degrees for just 10 minutes until the surface appears golden brown. The cake is cut into segments directly on the baking sheet; after cooling completely, the bars are placed in the cold for 20 minutes.

You can first pour them with melted dark chocolate. Such a bar, wrapped in foil or cling film, will be an excellent snack at work.

A person who is serious about his own health needs to learn to distinguish a snack that is healthy for the body from a mechanical satisfaction of the need to chew something tasty.

In the first case, we actually satisfy hunger, providing the body with everything it needs, in the second, we are led by momentary food cravings and avoid responsibility for our health.

Snack for your body!

Office life is stressful and encourages overeating. To avoid gaining excess weight and stay healthy, physical activity and diet are required. It's good if there is a canteen nearby. There you will find buckwheat porridge or vegetable stew. If not, then hunger will sooner or later make you think about what to eat at work without harming your figure .

There are two options - take something with you from home or buy a snack at the nearest store.

Don't forget that breakfast and dinner should also be dietary.

Why do you need a healthy snack at work?

Small portions between main meals control hunger and maintain performance. This is an element of fractional nutrition, which nutritionists advocate. It is also a necessary condition for productive work. Eating the right snacks is good for weight loss and overall health. Thanks to them, it is possible to avoid discomfort and sudden surges in blood sugar.

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Benefits of snacks:

  • Protects against stress and creates psychological comfort. Small meals in between help you focus on your responsibilities, eliminating the wait for lunch.
  • Improve digestion. A small snack is quickly digested. It requires fewer enzymes than a hearty meal. The digestive tract is not overloaded and works better.
  • Relieves the desire to “eat to satiety”. The longer you don't eat, the stronger your appetite becomes. It is caused by a peptide hormone ghrelin. It is produced by the gastric mucosa. When you are very hungry, it is difficult to control how much you eat. The result is overeating.
  • Activate metabolism. Large gaps between meals force the body to work in economy mode, make reserves and slow down metabolism. You yourself know what this leads to. The waist disappears, the figure deteriorates. Rare but plentiful meals provoke weight gain.
  • Energetically nourished all internal organs, including the brain. The result is increased productivity and a lack of desire to rest. This is especially important for knowledge workers. It is easier for them to maintain mental activity all day without resorting to another mug of coffee.

You see, snacking is healthy and beneficial. Now let's figure out how to snack correctly. But first I want to note: it is unlikely that all of the above applies to those who are obese.

If cell receptors have lost sensitivity to insulin, then saturation comes very late. In this case, fractional meals are not recommended.

The right snack for work - what is it?

The main principle is to prepare dishes in advance. Avoid situations when your stomach is already rumbling and you only have caramels at hand. Follow these guidelines:

  • Let the portion be modest. 7-10% of the daily volume is enough.
  • Eat carbohydrates in the first half of the day. Set aside the afternoon for lighter meals.
  • Monitor the quality and expiration date. Dairy products will stand at room temperature for a couple of hours. Then eat them or put them in the refrigerator.
  • Seize the moment. Have a second breakfast 2.5-3 hours after the first, and an afternoon snack 3 hours after lunch. Take a short break for 5-10 minutes. Take a break, relax. This will allow you to optimally distribute resources and maintain energy until the end of the working day.

Healthy snack for those losing weight It will not let your appetite run wild and will not overload your stomach. Afterwards you won't be drawn to sleep. It will give you strength and lift your spirits.

Don't chew anything while running. Don't grab the first thing you see off the store shelves. Sooner or later this will lead to digestive problems, vitamin deficiency or diabetes.

In the workplace, it's better to be a little hungry than overly full. In addition, sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger. Stay hydrated. A good habit is to drink green tea. The main thing is that it does not come with a bag of bagels or gingerbread 😉

What's a healthy snack to eat at work?

A busy schedule is not a reason to give up a balanced diet and nutrition. Here is a list of the most suitable products for a quick and healthy snack at work:

  • toast with cheese,
  • hard boiled egg,
  • peeled,
  • muesli bar,
  • whole grain cereals,
  • dried fruits,
  • nuts or
  • tangerines,

I don’t recommend taking legume soups or “cold” oatmeal in a jar with you. This is clearly not something you can snack on at work. The exception is the availability of conditions for storage and heating. Fish, meat, eggs are all good, but not for snacking in the office. The same goes for smoothies, stuffed apples and other culinary delights. I have absolutely no idea how to carry them with me in my purse.

Healthy snack at work for those losing weight: what to take from home?

Let's focus on universal options. They will quickly fill you up and keep you slim. I have selected seven recipes that will not crumble or spill along the road.

Place a boiled egg, diced Adyghe cheese, and seasonal vegetables in a plastic container. You will get a low-carb meal, rich in proteins and vitamins.

Fruit snack. Coarsely chop a slice of pineapple, pear, and kiwi. Add grapes and a few orange slices.

Fill your lunchbox with a mixture of dried apricots, dried figs, prunes and shelled pumpkin seeds. Don't forget a spoon so you don't have to pick it up with your fingers.

Try making a vinaigrette, but don't put potatoes in it. Ingredients: quarter of boiled beets, cucumber, 50 g of canned peas, some greens.

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Make a mango ricotta sandwich. Use 2 whole grain toasts. Spread one with ricotta and the other with mango puree and lemon juice. Place together and wrap in cling foil.

Remove the membranes from the grapefruit slices and divide them into pieces. Add 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, a tablespoon of cereal.

Fry cheesecakes once a week. Mash a pack of cottage cheese with an egg and 2 tbsp. corn flour, stir. Form balls the size of a walnut. Simmer in a small amount of vegetable oil under a closed lid.

What to choose for a snack in the store?

It is unlikely that today there is at least one office far from a supermarket. I often see employees and students picking up chocolates, chips, and cookies at Magnit during their lunch breaks. I just want to tell them: “Look around! There is a huge selection of equally tasty, but much more nutritious products around.”

What you should pay attention to:

  • Fresh fruit. The ideal snack option is a ripe banana. You don't have to wash it, it's filling and sweet. Kiwi, grapes, apples or tangerines are also suitable. They help digestion and are high in fiber and microelements.
  • Cucumber or tomato.
  • Portioned salad. Many supermarkets now sell fresh packs. Make sure there is no mayonnaise in it.
  • Low-fat kefir, yogurt without additives, fermented baked milk.
  • Diet breads.
  • Vacuum-packed boiled corn or beets.
  • Suluguni, mozzarella, brie.
  • Bitter chocolate. Not dark, not milky, but bitter, with the maximum percentage of cocoa in the composition. A tiny piece is enough for a snack. The product will support the nervous system and activate the thought process. It supplies the body with magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron.

One of my favorite snacks is unsweetened cornflakes. I consider them like porridge, only in dry form. Do not forget that 100 grams will provide almost a quarter of the daily requirement of kilocalories.

What's not good for snacking?

Not only at work, but also in everyday life, pay close attention to what you eat. Choose only high-quality low-calorie foods. This will protect you from many troubles in the future (tested from personal experience).

If you are on a diet, cross off the following items from the menu:

  • waffles, muffins, buns, cakes;
  • any candy, chocolate bars,
  • halva, sherbet;
  • sausages, lard;
  • sweet cocktails, nectars from a pack, Coca-Cola, other carbonated drinks;
  • fast food, french fries, chips, crackers;
  • donuts, pasties, pies.

The items listed contain too much fat and carbohydrates. These snacks don't provide enough fiber or protein, let alone vitamins or minerals. They contain flavor enhancers, preservatives and flavorings that encourage overeating.


Most modern offices don't have a kitchenette, which is a pity. It's time for employers to take care of the comfort of their employees. It’s not so difficult to organize a corner with an electric kettle, a refrigerator and a microwave (remember how in the TV series “Breaking Bad” the main character’s wife had dinner?). Then the problem of snacking will disappear by itself.

Otherwise, office workers will continue to decide what to snack on at work without harming their figure and health. I hope my review is useful to them.

For a person who is engaged in weight loss and personal improvement, it is important to choose snacks with proper nutrition in order to control the amount of calories consumed.

Such meals are necessary when a person is at study or work, because the brain requires constant nutrition.

Afternoon snacks and second breakfasts help you avoid being too full during the main meal and feel full throughout the day.

What is their role

If you decide to eat healthy, then snacks are a must. They play an important role if your goal is to lose weight or simply improve your health.

The importance of snacking is determined by the following factors:

  1. Relieves the body of hunger and prevents the accumulation of fat in reserve.
  2. Help speed up metabolic processes.
  3. Provides additional energy.
  4. Prevents nighttime snacking because you weren't hungry during the day.
  5. With snacks, it is easier to gain the necessary calories, proteins, carbohydrates and fats that the body requires for full functioning.

A second breakfast or afternoon snack forces a person to eat fractionally and in small portions. If he knows that he can have a snack before lunch or dinner, he will not overeat at the main meal.

What you can have for snacks with proper nutrition

Usually snacks are taken between breakfast - lunch and lunch - dinner. If you have to wake up early, you can have a snack after dinner.

Snacks require compliance with certain rules:

  1. They should be smaller than main meals, both in volume and calorie content.
  2. Take only natural and healthy products for the body.
  3. Fits well into your chosen diet and diet. Breaks between any meals should be at least 2-2.5 hours.

It is allowed to eat for a snack those foods that are included in the diet: fruits, vegetables, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. But there are some rules that everyone who adheres to proper nutrition for weight loss must adhere to.

Firstly, for second breakfast you are allowed to eat:

  • carbohydrates;
  • carbohydrates and fats;
  • carbohydrates and protein.

Secondly, only protein or with a small addition of fat is allowed for an afternoon snack. At night you can only eat protein in any form:

  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • kefir;
  • yogurt;
  • chicken egg white;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • veal;
  • low-fat varieties of fish.

A good snack is foods containing a lot of protein and slow carbohydrates.

To keep yourself in shape, you need to snack on foods high in fiber; they saturate the body well.

Fermented milk products and low-fat cheese give strength and energy. It is very important to monitor the portion size; you cannot eat too much for a snack - this will negatively affect your figure.

Often low-calorie foods are chosen for snacks:

  1. Containing a lot of soluble fiber: legumes, grain bran, vegetables and fruits.
  2. Protein foods: poultry, fish, cheeses, eggs.
  3. Nuts: almonds or pistachios.
  4. Natural yogurt, without additives or sugar.
  5. Dried apricots and prunes, other dried fruits.
  6. Vegetable green salads.

The listed products will help you lose extra pounds if you do not eat them in large quantities.

The body sends a signal to the brain about satiety 20 minutes after the start of a meal, so it is necessary to chew food carefully and slowly so as not to overeat.

Snack options for proper nutrition (recipes)

For a proper snack, you don’t need to cook anything complicated; just combine your favorite and healthy foods and you’ll get a great dish.

It is important that the dish is prepared quickly and is easy to take and eat while walking, working or studying. What dishes can be prepared for the right snack?

At work

Chocolate seed with protein. You need to take 12 dates, ¼ cup each of hemp seeds, chia, sesame seeds, cocoa powder and nibs, half a teaspoon of vanilla extract, cinnamon and sea salt.

Photo: examples of bad snacks

Process the dates in a food processor until a paste forms, add all the ingredients except the cocoa beans. Mix well and add cocoa mixture.

Form balls from the resulting sticky mass and freeze. This nutritious and tasty product can be made for future use and taken with you to work. Banana pancakes.

Photo: examples of good snacks

To bake them you need two eggs, one fruit and a handful of flour, preferably with bran. Mix all ingredients until the consistency of sour cream. Bake in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil.

It’s convenient to take a couple of boiled eggs to work, it’s quick and satisfying. You can mix cottage cheese with fruit - this protein snack will come in handy during intense physical activity.

What can you eat at home

At home you can make fresh fruit and vegetable drinks, popularly called smoothies. They are best consumed fresh, immediately after grinding in a blender.

Green smoothie. Blend spinach, banana, coconut milk, almond butter, whey and ice in a blender. Drink immediately after preparation.

Broccoli balls. You will need fresh broccoli, cheese, pistachios, dill and salt. Chop the boiled cabbage, add grated cheese, chopped nuts, dill, and salt everything. Form into balls and roll in dill.

Snacks on a healthy diet for weight loss should be low in calories. It is recommended to prepare dishes that help you not feel hungry and lead to weight loss.

Curd canapé. Season low-fat cottage cheese with natural yoghurt, chopped dill and add salt. Spread the paste onto whole grain bread.

Photo: examples of sandwiches for a snack

Baked apples. Core the apples to make a decent hole. Bake on a baking sheet in the oven, adding a little water to it. Place a spoonful of honey in the hole of the finished apple and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Those who want to lose weight should adhere to the following tips:

  1. Snack on only one dish.
  2. Do them 2 times a day.
  3. If you only drank coffee or tea at breakfast, then the snack should be higher in calories.
  4. The afternoon snack should not be sweet or fatty.
  5. Fruit smoothies or juices are not recommended for snacking.
  6. Fermented milk drinks are good for an afternoon snack, but do not drink them in one gulp, but use them with a spoon.

People with chronic illnesses should definitely eat healthy snacks, because eating small meals reduces the load on the body.

List of prohibited foods for snacks on proper nutrition

For everyone who eats right, especially those who are losing weight, the following foods are prohibited as a snack:

  1. Everything that is sold in fast food.
  2. Pies made from yeast dough.
  3. Chips, corn sticks, snacks, cookies and bars.
  4. Fatty meat and fish, caviar.
  5. Instant noodles and potatoes.
  6. Nuts in their pure form - they can only be consumed with vegetables and herbs.

It is forbidden to drink coffee as a snack; it is especially harmful on an empty stomach.

If you snack correctly, and this is protein foods and slow carbohydrates, you will always have a supply of energy, normal blood sugar levels and no fat reserves under the skin. The tips presented are an excellent prevention against weight gain.
We recommend reading:

Proper weight loss requires mandatory snacks between main meals. They are necessary to maintain optimal levels of insulin in the blood and prevent hunger pangs. However, you need to keep in mind that snacks for losing weight should contain a minimum of calories (from 100 to 150) and maximum benefits. Following these rules may seem difficult at first glance, but it is not. Even if you have intense physical activity or a busy office schedule, you can find time for a delicious diet lunch or afternoon snack.

Let's consider which foods will help satisfy your hunger and not gain extra pounds, and which are strictly prohibited.

We are used to making snacks at work with store-bought crackers, buns or ready-made lunches that you just need to pour boiling water over. Undoubtedly, this is convenient for a person working in an office, because there is no need to prepare lunch or afternoon snack in advance. But this food is harmful to our figure and to our overall health.

You need to exclude the following foods from your snack diet:

  • chocolate bars any other store-bought sweets;
  • pastries, cookies, waffles and other baked goods;
  • sausages, smoked meats;
  • snacks;
  • fast food;
  • semi-finished products.

If you eat such food during lunch or an afternoon snack, you will certainly feel hungry again very soon, since it contains a large amount of slow carbohydrates, which cause sharp changes in the level of insulin in the blood (it is responsible for our appetite).

Also, simple carbohydrates are quickly transformed into subcutaneous fat; the body simply does not have time to spend them to maintain its vital functions.

Healthy Products

Healthy, low-calorie snacks for those losing weight at work should contain fiber and protein. It is these elements that give long-term saturation and do not negatively affect the figure.

Coarse dietary fiber takes a long time to pass through the esophagus. In addition, when mixed with gastric juice, they swell and turn into a jelly-like mass, satiating us for a long time. They also act on the intestines like a natural “brush”, capturing all toxins and removing them naturally.

The calories in fiber-rich foods are minimal, so they can be safely used for snacking at work.

The following foods contain fiber:

However, be careful with sweet fruits, they are a source of light carbohydrates. It is best to replace sweet apples with green ones; eat more citruses, pineapples, and kiwis. It is important that these products do not contain harmful chemicals.


Protein is the “building blocks” that are necessary to build all the cells in our body. They are extremely beneficial for health, and if you lose weight, they are also good for your figure. Protein will help you shed pounds through fat deposits, not muscle tissue.

Protein food:

  • lean meats and poultry;
  • lean fish;
  • dairy and fermented milk products without sugar and additives;
  • nuts (not roasted, without salt, sugar or glaze).

It is important to prepare healthy snacks correctly. Meat, fish and poultry will provide maximum benefits to the body if it is steamed, baked in a sleeve or foil, or boiled. Also note that lunch or afternoon snack should only contain one protein product.

What to take to work?

It is advisable to prepare the right snacks for weight loss in advance so that you can quickly enjoy them at work. However, there are also options for those who don’t like to bother with cooking.

We'll look at what's best for lunch or afternoon snack.

In conclusion

Even when you have a very busy day at work, still have a snack; it won’t be difficult to find 5-10 minutes for this if you want. Light and healthy meals will help you avoid overeating during main meals, which is very important for losing weight.

If you don't have the opportunity to make yourself at least a sandwich, eat a handful of nuts or dried fruits, an apple or half a glass of berries - this will help satisfy your hunger.

And most importantly, make sure that all ingredients for preparing lunches and afternoon snacks are natural and do not contain chemical additives.

Many of us are skeptical about snacking, believing that they contradict the principles of rational nutrition and inevitably lead to excess weight gain. However, this statement has long been refuted, because nutritionists have proven that mini-meals throughout the day are beneficial, especially if it is the right snack.

How to snack wisely so that the food you eat does not accumulate on your waist in the form of extra pounds? What foods are ideal for maintaining energy balance? What mistakes do we often make when organizing snacks? In this article we will provide answers to the most popular questions from our readers.

Why you need to snack between meals

A snack is considered to be eating small portions of food between breakfast and lunch, between lunch and dinner, and a few hours before going to bed. Why a snack is needed is clear to a child - it allows you to satisfy an acute feeling of hunger and maintain high performance until the main meal.

It is not for nothing that nutritionists have developed an optimal nutritional plan, consisting of 5-6 meals during the day at approximately equal intervals. It is used in children's health institutions, boarding houses and sanatoriums. This system allows you to relieve the stomach, liver and pancreas, so it can be used even in patients with digestive problems.

In real life, sticking to 5-6 meals a day is quite difficult, especially for people with a busy work schedule or a rotating schedule that includes night shifts. This is where snacking comes in handy.

What other benefits do they provide:

  • maintain a high metabolic rate and maintain a feeling of satiety;
  • prevent overeating and eliminate the temptation to “eat your fill” at lunch or dinner;
  • provide constant energy supply for optimal functioning of all internal organs, including the brain, which is very important for mental workers;
  • create psychological comfort, relieve stress and painful anticipation of the upcoming meal;
  • A healthy snack at night ensures that you fall asleep quickly and have a restful sleep.

If we don’t eat for a long time, and the intervals between meals exceed 4 hours, the body begins to store nutrients in the form of subcutaneous fat deposits. Therefore, oddly enough, it is the less frequent but plentiful meals that lead to excess weight.

A small snack 1.5-2 hours after the main meal stimulates the release of insulin into the blood. In turn, insulin activates the satiety center located in the structures of the brain, and hunger disappears.

Things are a little different for obese patients. Their receptors lose sensitivity to insulin, the satiety center turns on late, and hunger is blocked only after consuming large portions of food. All this inevitably leads to overeating and prevents active weight loss. Therefore, people with excess body weight are recommended to replace snacks with drinking regular still water.

What should be the right snack?

Snacks are needed only for those who adhere to traditional three meals a day with intervals between meals of at least 4 hours. If you eat small meals (5-6 times a day), snacking will not be beneficial - the diet will turn into one continuous meal consumption and will 100% lead to excess weight.

A prerequisite is that the portion should be small, if not miniature. One intermediate meal should not account for more than 10% of the daily amount of food. And if you want to have a small snack before bed, then the portion can be reduced to 5-7%.

What rules do nutritionists advise you to follow:

  • the ideal number of mini-meals is 2, this is our usual second breakfast and afternoon snack;
  • The best time for snacks is between 10:00-11:00 and 16:00-17:00;
  • if you want to have an evening snack, you should eat 2 hours before going to bed, or better yet, even earlier;
  • You cannot have a snack immediately after the main meal; you need to wait until at least 1.5 hours have passed;
  • You cannot eat while on the computer, reading or doing other work, otherwise you risk getting carried away and eating more than planned;
  • When eating frequently, it is advisable to reduce the calorie content of basic meals.

Important! A snack should not turn into a full meal - a small amount of low-calorie food will be enough to satisfy hunger and maintain metabolism.

Sometimes we confuse hunger with thirst, especially if the feeling appears 30-60 minutes after eating. In such a situation, drinking will come to the rescue - a glass of purified water or a cup of tea. If there are no drinks at hand, it is better to wait half an hour - the feeling of hunger/thirst should dull.

The main principle of organizing snacks is to prepare food and dishes for them in advance. This will help you avoid the situation when it's time to eat, and there is nothing on hand except smoked sausage or chocolates. You shouldn’t wait until the last minute to buy snack foods - if you buy them on an empty stomach, you risk buying “harmful” food that has nothing to do with a balanced diet.

If there is no opportunity to have a snack during the day at work, you need to provide an alternative option - a pack of tea, preferably loose herbal tea, but not in bags. Ideally, you should get a thermos or thermal mug in which to brew your favorite tea with sugar or honey right in the morning. Even during times of “blockage” and emergency work at work, you will always have an impromptu snack at hand that will help satisfy your hunger at least for a while.

What to eat for a snack

The quality of the food planned for a snack is a key point in organizing a healthy diet. Incorrectly selected foods to satisfy hunger between main meals are most often the cause of overeating and obesity. Experts say that snacking doesn't have to completely eliminate hunger. It will be healthier for your health to remain a little hungry than too full, which is why it is better to opt for nutritious but low-calorie foods.


Advice! Make snacks so that there are about 150 kcal (for women) and 200 kcal (for men) per serving. The optimal serving weight is about 100 g, but everything will depend on the calorie content of the product.

Proper snacks for weight loss must include protein foods and so-called long-term carbohydrates, which give you a feeling of fullness for a long time. Nutritionists have compiled a whole list of healthy foods and dishes that can be used to satisfy hunger at home or at work without compromising your figure.

  1. Raspberry. Berries are 80% water, the rest is fructose, sucrose and beneficial organic compounds. Raspberries improve mood, improve brain activity and are even suitable for diabetic diets. It maintains optimal blood sugar levels and facilitates the functioning of the pancreas. Due to the high content of salicylic acid, the fruits have analgesic properties. Therefore, by eating a handful of berries for a snack, you will get rid of not only hunger, but also headaches.
  2. Unsalted almonds. An ideal nut for those losing weight, with virtually no contraindications. It has a lot of protein, vitamins and minerals, and the glycemic index is quite low - that is, the nuts create a gradual but long-lasting satiety. Due to their high calorie content (600-640 kcal per 100 g), they must be consumed in very small portions - about 30 g per day. It has been noticed that almonds “work best” in combination with vegetables and fruits. Therefore, for a snack you can eat a handful of nuts and a fruit rich in fiber.
  3. Olive. Many people do not like this product because of its specific taste, but no one dares to dispute its benefits. 100 g of olives contain about 200 kcal, so they are perfectly satiating. The fruits of the olive tree are leaders in the content of vitamins B, E, A and PP. They have a mild choleretic effect - this will be especially useful for people leading a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, when the work of the liver and gall bladder is difficult. Marinated olives in jars have the same beneficial properties as fresh fruits. But provided that they were prepared with the least amount of chemicals.
  4. Diet breads. If you are not used to doing without carbohydrates and sandwiches, whole grain breads are an excellent alternative. 100 g of product contains about 250 kcal, which is significantly less than bakery products. Modern technologies make it possible to preserve the maximum amount of fiber and nutrients in bread. They are perfect for an afternoon snack or second breakfast, they will help normalize intestinal function and cleanse the body of waste and toxins. The bread can be used as the basis for a healthy sandwich - for example, spread with a thin layer of low-fat cheese or eaten with a thin slice of boiled meat.
  5. Baked apple. This product will be an excellent replacement for dessert missed during the main meal. If you really want something sweet, you can place a small spoon of honey, jam or half a teaspoon of sugar into the core of the fruit. The recipe for the dish is so simple that you can even cook it in the microwave in the office - the fruit will become soft in just 5-7 minutes. Baked apples are good for the heart and blood vessels, they improve blood composition and strengthen the immune system.

Important! Before 14.00, it is better to snack on fruits and berries - they contain sugar, which must be absorbed during the day. After lunch, it is recommended to have vegetable snacks - their low nutritional value does not pose a threat to slimness.

  1. Boiled egg. A classic snack option available to everyone. Soft-boiled eggs are considered the most beneficial for digestion. They are well absorbed, supply the body with useful protein and the necessary amount of energy. There is a “fat-burning” option for eating eggs: first you need to eat a slice of some citrus fruit, and after half an hour – 1 egg. This combination can be used to plan a snack.
  2. Natural yogurt. Only fresh product, devoid of preservatives, flavors, preservatives and other additives, has beneficial properties. 100 g of yogurt contains only 68 kcal, and proteins predominate among nutrients. Just 100 g of product provides our body with a quarter of the daily calcium requirement and 15% of the phosphorus requirement. Yogurt is especially useful for the digestive system and immunity.
  3. Cottage cheese. Its benefits are comparable to those of yogurt; the differences lie only in the energy indicators of the product. Calorie content primarily depends on the amount of fat - 100 g of cottage cheese with 18% fat content contains 230 kcal, semi-fat (9%) - 160 kcal, low-fat (0.6%) - only 88 kcal. Therefore, when measuring a portion for a snack, consider first of all the fat content of the product. You can add honey, berries, fruits and dried fruits to the curd dessert - but in reasonable quantities.
  4. Brynza. The average calorie content of this cheese is only 250 kcal, which makes it possible to classify the product as dietary. There are also low-calorie varieties of cheese with an energy value of less than 160 kilocalories. A fermented milk product is a supplier of animal protein to the body, and a small piece weighing 50-70 g will be enough for a snack. It will contain a whole range of useful, easily digestible substances and compounds.
  5. Muesli bars. This product is the result of pressing cereals. As a rule, oats are used with the addition of wheat, barley, rye, nuts, seeds and pieces of dried fruit. It is best to choose bars that use honey or molasses as sweeteners rather than sugar. The lowest-calorie bars will be those without chocolate, cocoa and nuts - their energy value is about 150 kcal. That is, for the second lunch, one product will be enough. It’s better not to eat bars at night - after all, they are quite high in calories.
  6. Smoothie. A thick drink based on berries, herbs, fruits and vegetables - a quick, easy and nutritious snack. The composition of the smoothie is so variable that you can add almost any ingredient - from chocolate chips and ice cream to celery and nuts. But if your goal is a healthy snack, make smoothies with low-fat ingredients and minimal sugar. Grated apple or pear are good for fruits, blueberries and strawberries for berries, tomatoes, pumpkin and carrots for vegetables. Unsweetened yogurt, skim milk, and natural juices would be ideal as a liquid base.
  7. Vegetable salad. This is a versatile dish for any occasion. Salad recipes are as numerous as smoothie recipes - you can add anything to them. The only condition is that the dressing must be light; all fatty sauces based on mayonnaise, sour cream and trans fats are excluded. It is recommended to use vegetable oil, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar or lemon juice as a dressing. A low-calorie dish can be made from lettuce leaves, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, and all types of greens. You can add a few pieces of boiled lean meat to the salad - veal, beef, chicken fillet.

What other foods are suitable as a snack:

  • pumpkin seeds;
  • kefir;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • carrot sticks;
  • apple chips;
  • ricotta cheese;
  • raw zucchini;
  • peeled cucumbers;
  • pears;
  • tangerines;
  • kiwi;
  • plums

In some cases, even dark chocolate will be appropriate, but this applies to those who are not inclined to be overweight. Thanks to the high concentration of grated cocoa (70-80%), the product becomes beneficial for the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. It improves mood, increases performance and satisfies hunger well. For a snack, literally one piece of chocolate measuring 3-4 cm (about 25 g) is enough.

What is better to refuse

Very often we make a key mistake - we arrange endless tea parties or coffee breaks with an abundance of sweets and pastries as snacks. Candies, cookies, cakes, marshmallows, marmalade and other unhealthy desserts contain fast carbohydrates. They rapidly increase the concentration of glucose in the blood and just as quickly reduce it after digestion. Therefore, after eating candy, hunger quickly returns, we are forced to eat something else, and in the end we overeat and get fat.

Representatives of the younger generation go to the other extreme - excessive consumption of fast food and other products that are only appropriate as an addition to beer. Chips, crackers, salted nuts, extruded snacks are harmful not only due to their high calorie content and spikes in blood sugar. This is a source of large amounts of trans fats, which cause irreparable damage to the body.

The situation is even more complicated for lovers of sweet soda - carbonated drinks are a powerful irritant for the digestive system and often cause inflammation. Snacks containing fast carbohydrates are especially harmful at night. They are easily converted into fatty tissue and inevitably lead to obesity.

Sugar-free teas and plain purified water are not considered snacks - their action is aimed solely at maintaining water balance. But liquids can be used to trick the stomach - as we wrote above, water can be drunk by anyone who wants to lose weight between main meals. But it is necessary to take into account that water does not contain calories, so the daily energy requirement will have to be obtained from nutritious dishes.

What food should not be considered a healthy snack:

  • sausage – contains too many fats, preservatives, dyes and additives, and too few healthy substances;
  • soft bread and yeast baked goods - cause heaviness in the stomach and fermentation in the intestines, take a long time to digest and are not beneficial;
  • cakes and pastries with cream are oversaturated with calories, contain practically no minerals and vitamins, the combination of sugar with a huge amount of fat is extremely harmful to the figure;
  • corn sticks, sweet cookies and bars - these “dry” foods cause dehydration and dysfunction of the digestive system, which ultimately leads to lethargy, fatigue and decreased performance;
  • fish caviar, fatty varieties of fish and meat - they are well absorbed with the active functioning of the digestive organs, which is only possible with a full meal.


You shouldn’t give up snacking just because it’s another “extra” meal. Snacks, which will account for 10-15% of the total nutritional value of the daily diet, will only bring health benefits. A snack does not need to be turned into a full meal - you need to eat just enough so that hunger does not make itself felt. It is best to eat 2-2.5 hours after the main meal, when the previous dishes have already been digested and wild hunger has not yet made itself known. Plan in advance what products to take with you to work so that you are not tempted to snack on the first pie or chocolate you come across.