A two-year-old baby does not speak: looking for reasons and developing speech

Good afternoon, dear parents. Are you concerned that your child is not speaking at 2 years old? Today there is an opinion that boys and girls at the age of two should already be able to speak and express themselves properly with others.

That is, if for some reason the toddler, having passed the age of two, is still silent or makes some inarticulate sounds, then it means that he has a clear deviation from the norm.

However, such a judgment inherent in supporters is not supported by anything, because it has long been known that each person, and, therefore, a child, is individual with his own characteristics and, therefore, the stages of development in children proceed completely differently.

A clear example can be seen when your baby starts teething at just one year old, and your neighbor’s child starts teething at just six months. It is unlikely that any parent will panic about this.

Indeed, what’s terrible if the baby’s teeth erupted earlier or later than other babies? This principle also applies to the development of speech in little people.

Because, regarding any aspect, the same thing happens not according to established frameworks, but to the best of the child’s ability.

Nevertheless, parents, like no one else, influence the upbringing and development of their son or daughter. They are the ones who contribute to how well the baby will learn skills, gain knowledge, and, in fact, master speech.

If a child does not speak at 2 years old

To do this, teachers recommend that mothers and fathers, literally from the birth of the baby, talk to him, clearly pronouncing the words. Various cards (Doman cards) can also help, where a specific object with a name is drawn.

Parents should show their son or daughter a picture and say the word that is written under it.

But supporters of somewhat classical education recommend that parents teach their child to talk at the following moments:

  • When it becomes clear that the baby is trying to say something and is actively gesturing at the same time;
  • If the baby really understands adults and what they are talking about, but for some reason refuses to repeat after them;
  • When the baby babbles to himself and can pronounce sounds.

Many parents wonder why a child does not speak at 2 years old and categorically does not repeat words after them or does not comply with the simplest requests “get dressed” or “lie down”?

This may be connected both with a violation of the child’s health and with his elementary character.

In the second case, a child who understands everything, but does not utter words, just “accumulates” everything in himself and the parents can only wait; most likely, the baby will speak suddenly.

By the way, those children who begin to speak later than two years old very often outstrip their peers and chatter so much that sometimes they cannot stop.

Speech development of a two-year-old child

But in no case should you take the development of speech in children lightly and rely only on your own strengths and capabilities. You should definitely screen your baby for possible diseases.

Because if your son or daughter is silent, then you need to start eliminating this problem as early as possible.

After all, the sooner the cause of speech development disorders is identified, the sooner it can be solved, and the child will continue to develop, like all children of his age.

Despite the fact that mothers and fathers are the best helpers in mastering a child’s speech, unfortunately, it is not uncommon for them to be the reason for a two-year-old child’s inability to speak.

This happens due to the fact that parents prefer not to turn off the TV or simply leave the baby in front of it, they say, let him learn to speak by looking into the “box”.

But this decision is fundamentally wrong, since the baby perceives only the general background on the TV, but not individual words. Moreover, if the baby gets used to listening to his beloved on TV, then, obviously, it will be almost impossible for the baby to understand the words.

Therefore, when you are studying, you should definitely turn off any background devices so that nothing can distract you and your child from mastering words.

How to teach a child to speak at 2 years old

Be that as it may, if you decide to develop your baby’s speech from the cradle, then you need to talk about the following.

It has now been established that developed motor skills The development of children's fingers directly affects the development of speech.

Therefore, you should develop the motor skills of your baby’s fingers from an early age. To do this, beads, ribbons, ties and the usual tearing of paper piece by piece will come to the rescue. In addition, you need to massage each finger of the baby.

A fingertip performance game will also help you, for which you will have to rely on your imagination and creativity.

When your baby is two years old and does not speak, it is contraindicated to force him to pronounce words and try to train him hard. This method will only cause a negative reaction in the baby, and he will remain stubbornly silent for a long time.

But if your child is silent for the simple reason that you indulge him in everything, give him objects even before he tries to voice his desires, then such a little person, most likely, will also speak fully for a very long time.

Why, if he has no motivation to talk, much less make requests?

Such a child will not only grow up silent, but also capricious, accustomed to constant fulfillment of his demands by his parents.

How to help a child master speech and how to do it correctly?

There are several small tips that contribute to the proper development and mastery of words by a child after two years of age and earlier:

  • Talk to your baby a lot and constantly, pronouncing the words clearly, without “lisping”;
  • While walking, describe in detail to your child what is visible along the way: a tree, a playground, and so on. The child must not only replenish his vocabulary, but also to have an idea of ​​​​various surrounding objects;
  • Say his requests out loud: “Do you want to eat?” or “Should I give you a toy?” Gradually, the baby learns to voice his desires;
  • Ask about any little things about your baby, even the most insignificant, but be sure to wait for an answer, without pushing or answering for the baby. Whenever possible, complicate the questions for a longer child's story;
  • Any action of the baby should be accompanied by your detailed comments, as well as additional questions;
  • Be sure to praise your baby after he masters a new word;
  • It is recommended to keep a special diary with the baby’s successes and achievements in mastering new words and phrases to identify trends;
  • Teach your baby to click his tongue and other movements that train the tongue, for example, even the usual blowing of soap bubbles.

Again, if the child is already two years old and does not speak, then to solve the problem, teachers advise giving the baby to kindergarten, where communication and being close to peers will quickly lead to a passion for the vocabulary and, therefore, to the very emergence of speech.

But there can be no one hundred percent guarantee!

But it is never, under any circumstances, recommended to compare your child with others and try to identify developmental deviations on your own.

As we have already mentioned above, why a child does not speak at 2 years old - all children do not develop according to established frameworks and rules, but according to their strength and necessity, so rushing them or trying to force them to teach speech is absolutely impossible, otherwise you risk harming the little person.

Of course, all children must be checked by specialists, so if the baby cannot, then to find out “why?”, you need to be checked by a neurologist, who will already prescribe treatment.

But perhaps working with speech therapists and defectologists will help the baby master speech.

To sum up all of the above, why a child does not speak at 2 years old, we can say that the emergence of speech depends on:

  1. from the baby's health;
  2. his upbringing;
  3. individual characteristics.

With this we will say goodbye to you. Your baby will be talking soon!

Child does not speak at 2 years old video

Many parents believe that before their child utters his first words (and this usually happens at the age of about a year), it is useless to talk to him, since he, they say, still does not understand anything and cannot yet learn anything. However, “unintelligible sounds” are already the formation of speech, and it begins long before the appearance of the first words. And already at this very first stage, the main function of speech is clearly visible - communication.
Teaching a child to speak consists mainly of how you speak to the child and how you explain to him various actions and manifestations using words. The child becomes familiar with the things that you name him. And if you want to develop his speech, then you and your environment must verbalize, i.e. translate into words, explain in words the various actions he performs.

From 0 to 1 month
Newborns' hearing and vision work from the first days of life. If you drop something with a crash, the child will wince and cry. Offer your baby interesting objects to look at, and by about the tenth day of life he will follow the moving toy with his eyes. Place something that makes sound above the crib; if your baby accidentally touches the toy with his hand, the sound will attract his attention. Leave your child's hands free, because for development it is very important to study your hands and watch how they move.

Remember that the child gains all his knowledge about the world around him by observing and communicating with you. Don't leave him alone for a long time and don't be a silent mother. Be sure to hug your baby, stroke his back, tummy, arms, legs, let him feel your love.

1 to 2 months
Try to communicate with your baby as much as possible. Speak kindly, calmly, smile and try to interest the child in your speech. For him at this age, it is not so much words that are important as intonation, facial expression and gestures. Your baby will quickly realize that shouting can get attention. And having determined by the cry what is bothering the child, say what you are doing: “You are hungry, now we will eat”, “You are wet, now we will change your diaper”, etc.

2 to 3 months
Now he examines the toys that come into the child’s field of vision carefully. Try to catch what the child’s gaze falls on and name this object to him. Give your baby as many opportunities as possible to hear your speech and try to repeat it. Coo, talk, repeat the sounds made by the little person, and be sure to smile while doing it. When you hear the child cooing, answer him, let him know that you hear, understand that you like the sounds the child makes. Take a rattle and rattle it, move it so that the child can see it. He will follow it with his eyes, and when you give it to him, he will grab it tightly and try to shake it.

3 to 4 months
Now the child looks at you completely meaningfully (until three to four months, the vision of newborns is considered underdeveloped). You smile at him, and he smiles back at you, he even knows how to laugh loudly and cheerfully. When you place your baby on his tummy, he holds his head well and for a long time, which means his visibility also increases. Place various objects in front of him, giving him the opportunity to examine them carefully, and do not forget to explain everything to the child. Name and pronounce everything the child does and everything you do. At this age, the baby becomes very active, rolls over on his own, carefully watches moving toys and is well oriented towards the voice. When talking to him, move your face away and closer, lean to the side, move away so that he does not see you, but only hears you.

When playing with your child, use no more than two toys at a time. First of all, let the baby see the toy, move it around him, touch the baby with it, hide it, and let the child try to find it by sound. You can hang toys above the crib that are easy to grasp; they should be bright, simple and safe.

At three months it’s time to start playing “Horned Goat”:
The horned goat is coming,
For the little guys
I'm goring, I'm goring, I'm goring.
The child will laugh merrily when the menacing two-fingered horned goat approaches.

4 to 5 months
At four months the child begins to walk. When you hear noise, be sure to answer it.

Now it's time for simple exercises to develop speech. Sitting opposite your baby, stick out your tongue, puff out your cheeks, lick your lips and sing different sounds, let him imitate you. When the child clutches a toy in his fist, try to pretend to take it away, saying: “That’s how tightly you hold the toy, well done! Now give it to me,” etc.
Place toys so that the child can reach them. At first, you can help him by slightly moving the toy, while encouraging the baby to reach for it himself. In the future, ensure that the child takes out an interesting object himself. Your baby will try to put everything in his mouth, do not interfere with this, because this is an important stage in learning objects. Just make sure there are no small parts that could be swallowed and that all items are clean.

Talk to your child more and more often, talking through everything that you and the baby are doing. At the same time, try to diversify the intonation with which you speak.

5 to 6 months
Now your baby can enjoy listening to melodic music. Let the music be heard now closer, now further away, now sounding from the right, now from the left. A five-month-old baby is very interested in musical toys. He carefully feels them, shakes them and examines them with interest, bringing them to his face. Offer him sound toys of varying volume levels. Subtly move away the toy that your baby is interested in, encouraging the baby to crawl behind it.
Do not forget to discuss with your baby everything that is happening around. The child does not yet understand the words, but the tone in which they are pronounced is excellent. Therefore, talk to him kindly and calmly, smile at him more often.
Also now is the time to start playing hide and seek. You cover your face with your palms and ask the child: “Where am I?”, opening your face with the words “Ku-ku” (or “Here I am!”) while smiling widely. You can diversify the game by hiding behind different pieces of furniture, and emerging from there, saying “Here I am.”

6 to 7 months
At six months, the child begins to repeat individual syllables; after hearing this, repeat after him and finish the word, for example, “ma-ma, ba-ba.” Talk to your baby more, let him imitate you as much as possible and listen to your speech. It is imitation that develops the mobility of the lips and tongue, and the child develops the skill of responding to your words.
A six-month-old child already plays well with toys, and when a toy falls, he begins to look for it and reach for it. Help the baby while saying: “Where is our dog? The dog fell, now we will pick it up. Here is the dog, take the dog.” Now the child is attracted to toys where something changes, moves or is taken out.
Leave your baby alone for a while and let him try to occupy himself. This will teach him to concentrate and begin to teach him to be independent.

7 to 8 months
Your child has become more active; he no longer drops toys, but tries to throw them. Why swing a rattle, it’s better to bang it as hard as you can against something. Try to speak to your child slowly, use one or two syllable words, because the baby can already repeat some of them. When showing your child a toy, call it: “Where is our dog? Here is the dog. How does the dog bark? Av-av.” Then put the toy aside and ask him where the dog is, he will turn his head in the direction where you put the toy. Voice various animals for him, both toy and real.
Give your child lids from pots, empty boxes, jars, and demonstrate to him the sounds that occur when they are tapped against each other. Just do not forget about the baby’s safety; do not give him breakable objects or those that can be swallowed.
At this age you can try playing ok.

8 to 9 months
If you ask your eight-month-old baby to sit down, stand up, or give him a hand, he will do all this with pleasure. Therefore, ask him to repeat after you the most different movements. Continue playing with the hidden toy, cover the toy bunny with a diaper and ask where it is. The baby will immediately rip the diaper off the toy, and you will definitely praise him for this.
Now you will need soft toy, for example, a dog. While looking at a toy with your child, say: “This is a dog. Here are the dog’s ears. Where are the dog’s ears? And here are the eyes. Where are the dog’s eyes?” Then you can show how the dog walks, barks, growls, eats.
To develop breathing, use pinwheels, pipes, pieces of paper that need to be blown away.
Even name objects well known to your child and explain them in different situations, this will help him remember and use these words faster and easier.

9 to 10 months
A nine-month-old baby can already be asked to put nesting dolls into each other and string the rings of a small pyramid. Try asking him “Give me a cube” - and he will hand it to you. “Throw it!” - tell him, and he will throw the cube.
Talk to your baby constantly, explain everything to him, but do not overload him with complex information. When talking to your child, encourage him to repeat different sounds, syllables, and words. When playing with a doll, we show her eyes with our finger and call them, then ours, then the child’s eyes. Next, we continue to look for the eyes of a bear, cat, grandmother, dad. This way we study all parts of the face. Place a mirror in front of your baby, let him look at himself, touch his nose, eyes and ears, looking at himself in the mirror. Be sure to explain everything to the child: “Who is that in our mirror? And this is Sasha. Here are Sasha’s eyes, and here are Sasha’s ears,” etc.
You can try painting with finger paints, maybe your fidget will like it.

10 to 11 months
The baby can begin to pronounce words at this age. Don't worry if this doesn't happen, because every child is different, and your baby can say his first word at 11 or 12 months. This is also normal. Your child already understands a lot and it’s time to introduce the word “no”, but only in relation to what is truly IMPOSSIBLE.
Now your baby willingly comes into contact with you. He pretends to be hiding, playing peek-a-boo, and pretends to be afraid of the “horned goat.” He knows how to open boxes, roll cars, and assemble a small pyramid. You still use words to express your actions and those of your child. It is necessary for the baby to gradually learn: each object is called something. Try this game as well, you scatter several different toys, and ask the child to collect them in a box.

It's time to start playing "Magpie White-sided" and others finger games- it develops fine motor skills very well and stimulates speech development. :
White-sided magpie,
I cooked porridge,
She fed the children.
Gave this one
Gave this one
Gave this one
Gave this one
But she didn’t give it to this!
He didn't cut wood
Didn't carry water
I didn't cook porridge.

When reciting a rhyme, we bend all the baby’s fingers one by one, starting with the little finger, except for the big one.

It's also time to draw with pencils. Give your child a pencil and a piece of paper and let him doodle to his heart's content. Instead of pencils, you can use wax crayons.

11 to 12 months
Your baby continues to explore the world around him. All adults in the house should take every opportunity to talk with the baby and teach him something.
Play "magic bag" with your child. To do this, collect several animal toys in a small bag (you can use a small pillowcase). Show the dog's head from the bag and ask the child who it is. After hearing the answer, ask how the dog barks, what it eats, where it lives, how it walks, etc. If the child does not know this, then answer yourself, and let him listen.
Start playing story games: we put the doll in the crib, we drive the car into the garage, we feed the bear porridge. Constantly show and explain to your child your actions, but do it not in a strict tone, but in a very friendly manner. Sit on the sofa with your baby, take a book and look at the pictures together, naming them, while letting him turn the pages himself.
Don’t forget about music, right now its perception is being formed. Quiet, melodic music is good for the children's nervous system, but always focus on your baby's preferences.

Communicate more with your child, while walking, name everything you see around, the actions of people and actions with objects. If your child goes to kindergarten or spends weekends away from home, discuss how his day went, your day, what plans you have for tomorrow. In addition, you can use special exercises and games.

For children under 2 years old:
“Repeat after me.” Start performing actions with some toy, for example, a teddy bear. Say the actions: “Look, I’m feeding the bear. Like this. Now you feed the bear... What are you doing?” - “I feed the bear,” etc.
“Play the pipe.” Buy your baby a pipe (or whistle), let him learn to blow into it, this will help develop the power of exhalation. To create a prolonged exhalation, you can use soap bubbles.

For children under 3 years old:
“Choose from two.” Select pictures depicting objects whose names differed in one sound, for example, “mouse-bear”, “house-smoke”, “nose-knife”, ask the child to show where one object is and where the other is.
Joint retelling of familiar fairy tales with a repeating plot: “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Zayushkina’s hut”, etc.

At any age, you should not ignore exercises to develop articulation skills aimed at improving the functioning of the muscles of the tongue, lips, soft palate, and lower jaw.

The main stages of child speech development.

The first stage is screaming
After birth, the baby sometimes feels some discomfort - and screams (still at the level of an unconditioned reflex). When the baby's needs are met, the child develops a certain behavioral stereotype, and the cry becomes a signal of discomfort (wet, wants to eat or sleep, sad, lonely). Gradually, with the help of a cry, the baby learns not only to attract attention to himself, but also to communicate. Remember, when your baby calls you, he first screams and then waits for an answer: will mommy come or not? Then he screams louder and waits again. In this way, the child gives his “interlocutor” the opportunity to engage in his first dialogue. Around the third month, the intonation of screams also changes. An attentive mother can identify many different cries of her child - it could be grumbling, whining, dissatisfaction, a sharp squeal of pain, angry “exclamations”.

Second stage - humming
Usually these are different variations of sounds: a-a-gu, gee-s, ge-e, a-gy, etc. It is curious that babies of different nations walk in the same way. In humming, as in shouting, the moment of interaction is also important. The baby can roam even when left alone in the room, but with your appearance the humming becomes more active. If you look closely at the child, you will see that he does not just make sounds. At this time, the baby looks into your eyes, waits for your answer, he is already trying to build a full-fledged speech dialogue. And this dialogue must be supported! After all, while walking, the child learns to coordinate both his voice and his gaze, which will subsequently become the basis of any social contact. Answer your child in his language, support and encourage his first “performances” in every possible way. Gradually, the child begins to pronounce long chains of sounds, as if imitating himself. And he will try to imitate you too. A baby at this age is trying to feel sounds and words for the first time. For now, what is important for him is not so much the meaning of words, but different intonations, rhythm of speech, and articulation of various sounds.

Third stage - babbling
As the child develops, the humming subsides and is replaced by babbling. This usually occurs at the age of 6-7 months. Your baby begins to pronounce individual syllables “ba”, “ma”, “ta”, etc. - at first once, very rarely and as if by accident. Gradually, syllables are heard in his speech more and more often, they are repeated in the form of chains: ba-ba-ba-ba, ma-ma-ma-ma.

Booming and babbling are very important for the further development of speech. If your baby doesn’t have them, try to activate them.
Holding the baby in your arms so that he can clearly see the movement of your lips, repeat various syllables, sing rhythmic songs, read simple rhymes, and most importantly, talk to the baby as much as possible. He needs to hear adult speech. However, these should not just be conversations that adults have with each other, but speech addressed specifically to him, to the child.

Stage four - first words
At this stage (usually it begins at 11-12 months) it is very important to help the child with his word creation. It is now that the baby begins to associate words with objects in the environment, words are filled with meaning for him. Now you can expand your reading aloud repertoire. Try to call things around you by their proper names (not “Let’s put this thing over there,” but “Let’s put the doll in the crib”). Don't forget to comment on your actions when you are with your baby.

Speech therapists advise training the muscles of the lips and cheeks. To do this, stock up on various whistles, harmonicas, and a toy flute and teach your child how to blow on these instruments. It is also useful to blow soap bubbles (although you will have to constantly make sure that the child does not drink the soap solution). Another fun way to exercise your lip and cheek muscles is to make faces with your baby. Feel free to make funny faces, expressively depict a variety of emotions (surprise, fear, joy), stick out your tongue, lick your lips.

The first words will be onomatopoeic: “bang”, “boom”, “woof-woof”, “bibika”. Don’t be afraid of these infantile, “lala” (as my eldest daughter says) words. This is very important point in speech development. It is still difficult for a child to associate an abstract word (for example, dog, car, fell) with a specific object or action. If the word is at least somewhat similar to an object or action, such a connection will be much easier to establish (for example, a dog says “av-av”, a car says “beep”, and a falling object makes “boom”).

When your baby tries to repeat some words after you, you can read the poems “by role.” For example, a famous poem about geese:
Adult: Geese, geese!
Child: Ha-ha-ha!
Adult: Do you want something to eat?
Child: Yes, yes, yes!
Adult: Bread and butter?
Child: No, no, no.
Adult: What do you want?
Child: Candy!
Adult: Well, fly as you want, just take care of your wings. They flew and flew (the child waves his arms) and sat on his head.

Words and gestures
For young children, non-verbal communication is even more important because at a certain stage it is the only way for them to “talk” to you. It is very useful to reinforce words with certain gestures. First, the baby learns to reproduce the gesture, and then repeats the word. At the same time, try to use the words “give”, “bring”, “take” more often, ask the child to fulfill simple requests.

Don’t be shy about children’s gestures, such as pointing with your finger, but rather, help your child master them. Gestures can also have an emotional connotation. The child can use gestures to accompany your reading of poetry or singing. For example, like this:
I play the violin - tili-li, tili-li, (the kid holds an imaginary violin in his hands and “plays” it),
The bunnies are dancing on the lawn - tili-li and tili-li (“dancing”, twirling their raised arms).
And then on the drum - bam-bam-bam, bam-bam-bam (the child taps his palms on some surface),
In fear, the bunnies ran into the bushes! (hides his face in his hands).

Or like this:
A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest (the child is swaying, legs spread wide),
He collects cones and sings songs (bends over an imaginary cone).
Suddenly a cone fell right on the bear’s forehead (slaps himself on the forehead).
The bear got angry and stomped his foot (the baby stomps his foot).

Or like this:
Little bunny, dance, little gray one, dance. Dance like this, dance like this, dance like this (the child “dances”).
Little bunny, stomp your foot, little gray one, stomp your foot, stomp your foot like this and that, stomp your foot like this (stomps first with one foot and then with the other).
Little bunny, clap your hands, little gray one, clap your hands, clap your hands like this, clap your hands like this (baby claps your hands).
Bunny, bow, little gray one, bow, bow like this, bow like this (bows).

You can also play with “Toys” by Agnia Barto. The kid shows how the bull swings on a shaky board, how the girl Tanya cries bitterly, pities and strokes the poor bear with a torn paw.

Is it worth reminding once again that the famous finger games simultaneously train the child’s “speaking gestures” and fine motor skills, which are also very useful for speech development. These games will help your child enrich their vocabulary and relate words to very specific actions or objects.

It is important to note that when parents understand the child too well without words, there is simply no need for him to convey any message to them. Perhaps here you sometimes have to be a little cunning, pretending that you do not understand what the child wants from you until he tries to tell you about it.

If a child communicates with you using babble and gestures, his first words are about to appear. Don't worry if this happens a little later than you think it should. Don't compare your baby to the girl next door, your friend's son, or your coworker's niece! The development of each individual child may have its own individual characteristics. However, there are some important milestones in your baby's speech development that are worth paying attention to. special attention:
Scream, which is initially a reaction to discomfort (hunger). A child who is too quiet and as comfortable as possible is not as good as it seems.
Revitalization complex(smile, animation) when an adult appears (appears at 1-3 months).
Booming. How and when does your baby roar? Does he look into your eyes at the same time, does he “sing” his baby songs while in your arms, do you feel his need for communication?
Babbling(appears at 6-10 months), the child clearly attracts attention to himself with the help of some sounds.
Pointing gesture(appears at 8-13 months). This is a very important moment in the development of a child, preceding the appearance of the first words, because before naming an object, the baby needs to learn how to show it.
The emergence of basic social gestures, for example, “goodbye” (9–12 months).
Understanding and following simple requests, the appearance of elementary story games(feed the doll). A child usually goes through this stage at about one year of age.

Special techniques for developing speech and stimulating speech activity.

Talking to yourself .
When the baby is not far from you, start talking out loud about what you see, hear, think, feel. You need to speak slowly (but without drawing out the words) and clearly, in short, simple sentences - accessible to the baby’s perception. For example: “Where is the cup?”, “I see a cup”, “The cup is on the table”, “There is milk in the cup”, “Tanya drinks milk”, etc.

Parallel conversation.
This technique differs from the previous one in that you describe all the child’s actions: what he sees, hears, feels, touches. Using “parallel conversation”, you seem to suggest to the child words that express his experience, words that he will later begin to use independently.

Provocation, or artificial misunderstanding of the child.
This technique helps the child master situational speech and consists in the fact that the adult is in no hurry to show his understanding and temporarily becomes “deaf”, “stupid”. For example, if your baby points to a shelf with toys, looks at you pleadingly, and you understand well what he needs at the moment, try giving him the wrong toy. Of course, the child’s first reaction will be indignation at your lack of understanding, but this will also be the first motive that encourages the baby to name the object he needs. If any difficulty arises, tell your child: “I don’t understand what you want: a pussy, a car doll?” In such situations, the child willingly activates his speech abilities, feeling much smarter than an adult. This technique is effective not only for naming objects, but also for verbally denoting actions performed with them.

Continue and complement everything your baby says, but don’t force him to repeat it - it’s enough that he hears you. For example:
Child: "Soup."
Adult: “Vegetable soup is very tasty”, “The soup is eaten with a spoon”
By responding to your child with common sentences using more complex language forms and rich vocabulary, you gradually lead him to finish his thought, and, accordingly, prepare the ground for mastering contextual speech.

The use of game songs, nursery rhymes, sentences in joint activities with kids brings them great joy. Accompanying a child’s actions with words contributes to his involuntary learning of the ability to listen attentively to the sounds of speech, grasp its rhythm, individual sound combinations and gradually penetrate into their meaning. Having learned to distinguish the variability of funny sound combinations, children, imitating adults, begin to play with words, sounds, phrases, capturing the specifics of the sound of their native speech, its expressiveness, and imagery. Most works of oral folk art were created precisely with the aim of developing motor activity baby, which is closely related to the formation of speech activity. The more small and complex finger movements a child performs, the more areas of the brain are involved in the work, because it is directly connected with the hands, or rather, crosswise: with the right hand - the left hemisphere, and with the left - the right. It is important to satisfy the baby’s need for emotional and tactile (touching, stroking) contact with adults. Most children are kinesthetic by nature: they love to be stroked, cuddled, and held by hands. Oral folk art This is precisely what helps satiate the need for affection and physical contact.

Give your child the opportunity to choose. The formation of responsibility begins from the moment when the baby is allowed to play an active role in what concerns him personally. The exercise of choice gives the child a sense of self-worth and self-worth. By the age of two, the baby is quite able to make his own choice if this right is granted to him by adults: “Do you want half a glass of milk or a whole glass?”, “Do you want a whole apple or half?”, “Do you want to play with a doll or a teddy bear?”

Games with natural material .
A huge influence on the growth of a child’s speech and cognitive activity is exerted by the variety and accessibility of objects that he can explore from time to time: look at them, taste them, manipulate, experiment, make small discoveries about them and with them. In his instinctive desire for self-development, already in the first year of life, a child uncontrollably strives for sand, water, clay, wood and paper. There is a lot of meaning in “fussing around” with them: the child is busy, he gets acquainted with the material, studies its properties, functions, etc. The most favorite and best toys are those that the child created himself: fortresses made of sticks; ditches dug using an old spoon or scoop; paper boats; dolls made of rags, paper or straw.

Productive activities.
At an early stage speech development the child masters a wide variety of languages ​​that replace words - gestures, facial expressions, onomatopoeia, and elementary images. The word is only one way for a child to express thoughts, but far from the easiest. For many of his thoughts and ideas, he does not find suitable words, and expresses them in his own way, in others, more accessible ways: through productive species activities. Drawing, modeling, appliqué, and design develop not only the child’s linguistic abilities, but also sensory ones, which are of particular importance in the formation of mental activity. A person’s thought becomes more specific and understandable if it is written down. A preschooler cannot and does not know how to write, and therefore he records his thoughts and ideas by sketching them. So he puts on paper all the ideas, feelings, thoughts, their combinations and intricacies that have arisen in his mind or soul over a certain period. An adult, writing down his thoughts, has the opportunity to repeatedly return to work with them: read, “polish,” supplement and formulate to a truly conceptual meaning. A child is not capable of such conscious work: he drew and threw it away, his thought and imagination were already carried away in a different direction. To put a thought into words in such a way that it becomes understandable to others is one of the most important tasks of speech, communication and communication. mental development, where each specific baby drawing has an enduring and unique meaning. Try to turn any child’s drawing into an interesting story, and the story into a drawing that you need to return to repeatedly, “read” and add to. When you have a sufficient number of such stories and drawings, you can sew them into a book and “read” them to your friends and relatives. A child who understands what he is saying and connects a distinct idea with the spoken word reliably masters his native language.

Substitution .
“Imagine that...” - these words are filled with a special attractive force for a child. At the age of two years, the baby enjoys imagining that a cube is a pie, and a shoebox is an oven. By the age of three, he is able to imagine himself as an airplane, a cat, a flower, etc. The words sound like a magic spell for a child: “Imagine that we are airplanes. Now we’ll fly around the whole room.” This etude-game form develops the child’s reflexive and empathic abilities, without which communication will not be complete and developmental. At this age, children also really like pantomime games, which activate the baby’s curiosity and observation skills. You can involve a child in such a game using a question-sentence: “Guess what I’m doing now.” It is preferable to start with basic actions: combing your hair, brushing your teeth, eating an apple, pouring milk, reading a book. After the child has guessed correctly, invite him to make an action for you, and then “revive” the situation you set: set the table; walk on the warm sand; to run away like a fox carrying away a rooster; walk like papa bear and son bear, etc. Pantomime games and imitation games are the first step in theatrical and role-playing games.

Role play.
This type of children's activity is just being formed at a young age, and it acquires the fullness of development that leads to it somewhat later. But this does not mean at all that there is no need to organize elementary plot-role-playing actions during this period. With some ingenuity, adults can easily organize role playing games. For example, a game of telephone, when a child, using a toy device, can call mom, dad, grandmother, and fairy-tale characters. Playing with the phone stimulates a child’s speech development, builds self-confidence, and increases communicative competence. Encourage children's tendency to imitate - this develops attention to detail and awareness of the literal and figurative meaning of words.

Music games. Meaning music games in a child’s speech development is difficult to overestimate. Kids sing along with pleasure, they love noisy musical instruments, ritual games like “Loaf”, “Over the bumps”, “Baba sowed peas”, etc. Encourage the child’s desire to move to the music and sing along. It’s okay if the child first pronounces only the endings or last words of the song lines. Subsequently, he will begin to sing small songs in their entirety and, perhaps, distort some words. This should not scare you - sing the song along with the “main performer”, but, unlike him, sing it correctly. Often give your baby the opportunity to move to a variety of music, independently extract sounds from various objects, accompanying yourself. A child dances and sings about what he sees and hears around him, invents his own songs and melodies - this is how a creator is born!

Based on materials:
MedEncyclopedia - MedPortal.ru
Inessa Smyk, Daria Golubeva

In this article:

Speech is what distinguishes people from all other living beings on the planet. Therefore, we can say that what earlier child begins to speak, the faster he begins to correspond to the concept of “person”. When a baby's vocabulary expands, he has more opportunities to learn about the world around him, and at the same time develop his mind and his senses.

The faster children learn to talk, the faster they grow up. With talking toddlers it is easier to find a language to communicate and resolve various controversial issues and situations. Therefore, the question of how to quickly teach a child to speak becomes very relevant, even if we are talking about a two-year-old child. At 2 years old, babies are most inquisitive, and if at this age you help them master the basics native language, then their horizons and capabilities will begin to develop much faster and deeper than if they do not work with the child.

Where to start

There are many different ways, which can be used to help your child quickly master a large vocabulary. By searching for “how to teach a 2-year-old child to talk,” you can find on the Internet not only advice, but also all kinds of audio and video materials with recommendations. specialists and ready-made development programs, including animated ones, that is, interesting to a two-year-old child.

Much has also been written on this topic. scientific works and articles, but not every mother can afford to read ten-volume books, moreover, written quite complex language. Therefore, we tried to simplify the information, summarize some life experience and answer such an important question - how can one still teach a child to speak at 2 years old if he has not yet done so? Let us immediately note that at this age, the absence of coherent speech is not a pathology. Some children begin to speak only at the age of three, but immediately in whole sentences!

It should also be remembered that if by the age of two the child is still unable to correctly pronounce many sounds and words of his native language, then this is not a reason to worry and run to the doctors in search of a non-existent deviation. Everything has its time. And 2 years is precisely the period of development of a child’s speech. How and what to teach a child during this period, so that at the age of 2 he can clearly express his request and understand what they want from him - this will be discussed further.

Two-year-old children love to copy adults, including repeating words after them. This desire of kids should be used to expand their vocabulary. However, it is important to replenish it good words. Try to forget everything that is not intended for children's ears, control yourself. After all, you should first of all raise not the child, but the mother and father, since the baby will still grow up just like them.

Children during this period look like parrots. They absorb everything they hear often like sponges, and then begin to reproduce it. At first, without understanding the meaning. Therefore, so that adults are not shocked by the child’s vocabulary, they should make every effort to fill it with kind, good words and

concepts. And to do this, you will have to keep your mouth shut, and also monitor the child’s social circle, controlling the baby’s babble for now.

You should not be touched by swear words or bad words that a child utters without understanding the meaning. This is temporary. In addition, the joy of parents will force the child to repeat these words over and over again, which will allow them to become entrenched in the vocabulary and imprinted in memory. Then it is very difficult to explain to the child why these words suddenly became bad, because just yesterday they so pleased the adults who laughed at the “cuteness” of their “adult” little one.

The best thing to do in such situations is to eliminate the source of bad words or distance the child from it. If this is someone close to you, then you will have to have a serious conversation, perhaps more than one. However, this will have to be done. If you don’t pay attention to the problem, and this is exactly the problem, right away, then you can later run into a lot of trouble when the child begins to utter swear words deliberately. Imagine this happening in a store, on a playground, in a garden or any other public places, where such words from a child’s mouth will become a shock to others and a reason for censure against parents.

During the period of speech development - from one to five years - it is very important to monitor not only the baby’s vocabulary, but also your own. Remember that children follow the example of adults more than they listen to their words. And if you tell the baby that this word cannot be spoken, but time
from time to time to use it, the child will involuntarily learn not the recommendation, but the parental example.

Most best way teaching a child to speak means talking to him. Communication, care, attention and participation are what will help to get even the biggest silent person to talk.

What methods can help expand children's speech practice?

We can safely say that fine motor skills play one of the main roles in the development of speech in two-year-old children. There are many video tutorials and films on development on the Internet. fine motor skills in children. What refers to hand motor skills? What activities and activities can help her development? Here's a short list:

Of course, at first it will be scribbles, but that's just your opinion. The child will definitely later say what he drew. And he will say it himself! After all, this is what adults achieve. Talking to a baby is a task of tasks. And the development of motor skills in this matter is very important, since the brain centers responsible for the work of the hands are located next to those responsible for speech. When some are activated, others are connected, that is, they work in conjunction. Therefore, dear parents, do not waste your time and, in addition to communicating with your baby, pay maximum attention to the work of his hands. Constructors, cubes and puzzles to help you!

By the way, while drawing, be sure to admire the toddler’s masterpieces. This will support his desire to create further. Don't correct what you've drawn. Praise, praise and praise again. And then ask for more and more new drawings, because they are oh so good!

It is best to pay attention to your child every day and draw with him. Not only drawings will help your baby speak, but also putting together puzzles, fastening buttons and tying shoelaces, as well as playing with special toys with adults who will explain what and how to do with them. Play more and more often with your child, because it is in game form children perceive best
real life and enjoy doing all sorts of useful things that have a beneficial effect on their development.

Scientists around the world have long proven that the development of fine motor skills is directly related to the development of a child’s speech and thinking. So, when massaging the fingers of a baby under one year old, you influence the points that send signals to the part of the cerebral cortex responsible for the development of speech.

Three stages of speech development in children

From birth to two years.

This is the period of formation of speech development in a small person, the stage of laying the foundations of a child’s communication skills. At this moment, speech zones are actively developing in the cerebral cortex of children. It is necessary to avoid negative circumstances and stress, because even the most insignificant of them can slow down the development of the baby’s speech.

Third year period.

At this age, children's coherent speech begins to develop intensively. This period can be called critical. Active growth of the body makes itself felt in the imbalance of the endocrine, vascular and central nervous systems. It negatively affects the child's behavior. During this period, children begin to show

stubbornness and nihilism. Often toddlers protest the increased demands of their parents or, conversely, increase their demands on adults. It is at this age that one should be as firm as possible with children, but at the same time showing loyalty, since the physiological processes occurring inside the child’s body are manifested by the chaotic maturation of certain nodes of the functional speech system. Also, at this age, stress, combined with the child’s developmental characteristics, can create the preconditions for stuttering.

6-7 years.

This is the stage of development of written language. The load on the central nervous system. If at this age a child is subjected to psychological pressure with increasing demands, then disturbances and disruptions in nervous activity are quite likely. They may manifest themselves as stuttering or other speech disorders. If you find something similar in your baby, then you should not solve the problem yourself - it is better to contact a speech therapist.

Symptoms that indicate the presence of psychospeech delay in children

If you notice one of these symptoms in your baby, contact your doctor first. child psychologist so that he can determine the reasons for the child’s developmental delay. These reasons can be very serious, so you should not hesitate. The earlier the problem and its cause are identified, the easier it is to correct the consequences.

Reasons for delayed speech development in a child

How can parents independently determine that the efforts aimed at teaching a two-year-old to talk are not in vain? Perhaps the child does not speak not because he does not want to, but because that it can't. You should know that the reasons may be physiological and related to genetics. They cannot be eliminated with simple activities that are required for the development of healthy children. These are the reasons:

  • brain diseases;
  • consequences of traumatic head injuries;
  • infectious diseases that the mother suffered during pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • hearing problems;
  • slow growth of cells in the part of the brain responsible for speech.

But that's not all. There are also social reasons for delayed speech development. First of all, this is the lack of the necessary minimum of communication. Children in orphanages suffer from this. And if you don’t want to make your child like the unfortunate abandoned children, spend time with him. Communicate with pleasure – daily and hourly. If you cannot find a free minute for a child of such a small age, then what will happen when he enters puberty? After all, to solve most problems and conflicts of adolescence, you will need to talk a lot. In this case, it is desirable that the child listens and hears you. However, this will not happen if you cannot get along with him now.
relationship, paying attention and just talking. The period of childhood quickly passes, and then it cannot be returned, as well as mutual understanding, the foundations for which there was simply no time to lay.

Sometimes parents go to the other extreme. They try to predict the baby's wishes before he has time to express them. This is a big mistake. Remember! By developing a child’s speech, helping him express his requests and initiatives, you develop his thinking. Encourage your baby to talk from birth, and you won't have to think about how to get your child to talk and communicate at 2 years old.

What should parents do to get their child to talk?

The baby has turned 2, he has no serious reasons for silence, but he is silent, and this is where you see the problem - know: you will have a hard time. After all, at 2 years old it is no longer easy to catch up if the problem lies with the parents.

What you could get naturally, developing the speech of the baby from birth, day after day, will now have to be acquired through hard work. But this is not a reason to give up and refuse complex and painstaking work, otherwise you may miss out on even more. At two years old, it is still possible to catch up with speech development, and quite quickly. Later it’s very difficult Each step will be given by the willpower of the parents and the child, who must work together for the result, but one of the parties may simply not want this.

On the Internet you can find a special set of games for the speech development of children. They are offered in the form of videos. As they say, it’s better to see once... To involve your baby in the game, you can show him some new object, and then quickly hide it and show him again. Such techniques lift children’s spirits, evoke positive emotions and encourage them to continue playing and, at the same time, start communicating. At two years old, children are interested in everything new, preferably something bright. They love the game of hide and seek, and this can be used for good purposes, such as teaching them to talk.

When you play with your baby or walk outside, remember: in order to teach him to say new words, they need to be repeated many times in different situations and intonations. In the game, it is important that you do not remain silent, but comment on your every action: “Now we will put a red ring on the pyramid...”, “put another cube on top...”, “let’s draw a bear... here is the bear’s head... here are the ears... eyes, nose, mouth, torso...", etc. When you are doing any work, also pretend to be a commentator. Meticulous and detailed. Say out loud what you are doing: “Let’s take a pan, pour water into it...”. This will be unobtrusive training.

Teach your child to observe and reason. This can be done by leisurely walking through the park and paying attention to various natural phenomena and people’s actions. It is good to conduct such lessons while standing at the window, which is like a portal to another world for the baby. Children love to look out the windows, especially when it is raining or snowing outside, and something interesting is happening.

You can show him leaves, grass, clouds. Ask questions if he begins to pronounce certain words and phrases. If the baby said something about a tree, you can ask what color the leaves are on it. The conversation must be constantly stimulated, pushing the child towards its further development. It's so easy to learn new words and also learn to speak in general.

It’s good to read books to your baby and learn simple songs with him. In this way, you will develop both your baby’s memory and ear for music. To attract attention to the book, choose bright and colorful editions. Yes, you will pay many times more for them, but you will also be pleased with the results faster! This is much more important than the difference you could save.

You should definitely repeat what you have learned. Find a studied subject, poem, song in a book,

so that the baby himself can say what it is. With this technique, the necessary information is stored in memory and speech development occurs.

Talking on the phone also helps in speech development. When you are talking to someone the baby knows, give him the phone, and ask the caller to ask the baby a couple of simple questions that he could answer. The most relevant and popular are conversations with grandmothers - they can babble for hours with their beloved grandchildren. Use the desire of both subscribers to communicate for the benefit of your own child, because it is so easy to teach not only to speak, but also to maintain a dialogue!

It is equally useful to spend with children active games, especially in the fresh air, where you can happily follow your mother’s commands and repeat her actions, for example, squatting, running, spinning, jumping. This way you can teach your baby to talk. All these methods are quite suitable for children of two years.

Children are like little trees: if you take care of them and protect them from negative factors, they will grow and turn into mighty trees that will give joy, fruit and shade during hot days. If you don’t deal with them and don’t teach them, then it will be easy to break them, no matter how old they get, no matter what they achieve in life... And now your task is to teach the baby to speak, because he is so young and has everything ahead of him.

In the garden and on the playground, all or almost all two-year-old children communicate in one way or another. Some remain stubbornly silent, expressing their desires with gestures, sounds, or at most a couple of words. Parents begin to seriously worry and wonder how to teach their child to speak at 2 years old. Is he developmentally delayed? Should I wait until he starts talking, or is it better to start consulting with specialists?

Doctors agree that delayed speech development is a fairly common phenomenon. But this does not cancel the parents’ worries. Even they themselves can rarely understand their own child. To top it all off, thoughts arise about whether he will become an outcast among his peers, whether his “tardiness” will affect his performance at school. What to do? Let's consider the main stages of development colloquial speech, what problems can be found and how to deal with them.

Features of speech formation in children

Experts identify various criteria by which you can find out how successfully a child’s speech development is occurring. But, of course, there is no one to lead all the children to overall indicator it is impossible, and age cannot be such an indicator either. Everyone has individual capabilities and a number of characteristics, among which physiological, psychological, and even gender must be taken into account.

Development norms

The little “silent one” may be no different from his peers. At two years old, he understands well what is being said to him, carries out small tasks, undresses himself, he has no problems with appetite or sleep, and doctors do not find any abnormalities in him. Parents may even consider attending the group early development, play educational games with your baby, read books to him and sing songs. But despite all this, he will never take the initiative in a conversation, or say something out of place, or ignore someone addressing him.

The approximate dates for the appearance of different speech forms of speech at a certain age (regardless of gender) are identified.

AgeSpeech forms
1-2 monthsIntonation appears in the voice (you can determine: satisfied - dissatisfied)
2-5 months“Booing”, something reminiscent of words with the same syllables
8 months - 1 year 2 months.The “onomatopoeic” vocabulary increases (for example, “woof-woof”), and simple “babbling” words appear
1 year 5 months - 2 years 2 months.More and more two-word sentences (“I want to eat”, “dad is there”)
1 year 9 months - 2 years 6 months.Happening rapid growth dictionary, interest arises in the names of certain objects
Up to 3 years 6 months.The grammatical structure is formed. The period of “word creation” and pronouncing actions during the game

There is also a certain dependence on the gender of the child. For example, girls begin to communicate earlier than boys: they develop vocabulary earlier, especially the designation of objects. Girls do not immediately master phrases, but, as a rule, they strive to imitate adults in their statements, copying, among other things, intonation. As for boys, they begin to name actions first and form grammatically correct sentences quite early on.

You should not express concerns in the spirit of “a child not speaking at 2 years old is not normal, he should already be able to say something.” There are cases when children do not speak until they are two and a half or even three years old, and then suddenly begin to spew out whole correct phrases, sing and read poetry - so that it is impossible to stop them.

Criteria for harmonious speech formation

There are several “supporting points” that allow parents to understand how harmoniously the baby’s speech is being formed:

  • physical development is exactly what it should be at this age;
  • absence of neurological diseases;
  • active communication with family, loved ones and shyness in the presence of strangers;
  • active reproduction (repetition) of everything heard;
  • solving problems through conversation;
  • the desire to correct mistakes in one’s own statements.

If the child has suffered any serious illness (or has neurological diseases), there is a clear lag behind his peers, he ignores requests to say something or does not want to repeat after you, seeks to solve problems without announcing them in any way - you need to start taking action . And first, try to understand why a 2-year-old child does not speak.

Causes of speech delays

Children cannot have an innate understanding of all the laws of the language they are supposed to speak; they learn them only at a certain period of life, copying adults. Ideally, they do not simply repeat after their elders, but learn and regulate the activities of themselves and everyone around them. But there are factors that delay the formation of speech skills:

  • imperfect social conditions or pedagogical errors;
  • insufficient neurological base.

The first group is incorrect methods of education. This is either overprotection, or a lack of attention from adults, when there is no incentive to communicate: either there is no need (and so they understand without words and prevent desires), or there is simply no one to turn to. The situation is getting worse personal characteristics baby, for example, by stubbornness or a tendency to hysteria. But with a timely change in the approach and conditions of education, everything can be corrected.

The second group of “inhibiting” factors includes insufficiently formed or defective speech perception (the child hears incorrectly), insufficient function of the speech apparatus (pronounces incorrectly) or neurological diseases. Here you need not only to adjust your upbringing, but also to contact a specialist who will conduct regular classes.

There can be many reasons for “silence”. For example, a child at two years old does not speak even if he grows up in a bilingual (multilingual) family. This is quite natural - he delves into and “absorbs” various ways of expressing thoughts, and he will not be able to do it right away. The only recommendation for family members is that everyone should use one specific language so that the child does not get confused. If you do not put off developmental activities, your child has every chance of successfully mastering several languages.

Don’t rush to conclusions: the baby does not necessarily have health problems. Only a doctor can tell you about the presence of deviations.

When to sound the alarm

At the age of two, you need to be able to construct simple phrases (2-4 words), use at least 50, and preferably 100 words. Onomatopoeias can also be considered words, for example “beep” instead of “car”.

Start taking action if your child:

  • does not try to learn new words;
  • uses fewer than 20 words;
  • does not even form two-word phrases;
  • does not know the names of objects around, body parts, etc.;
  • cannot point to objects known to him or bring what is outside his field of vision.

Let's look at some more factors.

Should we wean off the breast and pacifiers?

There is a common opinion that it is necessary to wean a child from breastfeeding up to 2 years, otherwise he will most likely speak late. In fact, this statement has no sufficient basis. Breast-feeding determines the structure of the bite and face. Experts are confident that children who have been breastfed for a long time (up to 2 years or more) reproduce sounds better, they are less likely to have speech disorders, and if they do occur, they are easily corrected.

Speech allegedly also develops poorly in those who do not part with a pacifier (pacifier), especially if the pacifiers are not special orthodontic ones, but regular ones. This is partly true. A pacifier puts a child into a trance-like state; he does not listen to adults, and is not particularly interested in what is happening around him - therefore, cognitive processes slow down. In addition, if you cover a baby's mouth with a pacifier while crying, it does not release emotions, which can negatively affect the mental state, and in the future, the development of speaking skills.

However, in both cases there is no particular cause for concern. You just need to remember that everything is good in moderation. Research by the World Health Organization proves that regardless of the feeding method, children grow up to be well developed physically, personally, and intellectually.

Speech negativism

Try not to ask your child too often to say something or repeat after you. Otherwise, you may unwittingly develop the habit of refusing to speak: the baby will be stubborn, openly or covertly, but will not speak out at your request or even respond verbally. This habit is called speech negativism.

A son or daughter may have everything in order with hearing, but there is no desire to repeat words, but the obvious ones are refusal to answer questions, pointing with a finger when asking for something, satisfying needs on their own. You can’t help but like independence, but if a child refuses to comment on his own actions, be wary: this means that communication skills have not been developed and there is verbal negativism. And if you encounter this phenomenon, do not scold your child, much less punish him.

How to help your baby

You turn to a speech therapist, and he tells you that you don’t need to start classes until the age of three? Look for someone else: such statements are not professional. Even if there was a pathology during pregnancy, or the child suffered birth injuries, infections or ordinary damage during the first year of life, he can still develop normally at any age, he will just need help. Find someone who agrees to do it! There are even special speech therapy nurseries - it’s great if they are in your city.

In addition, if measures are not taken in advance, the consequences may be adverse:

  • difficulties with adaptation among other children;
  • deviations in the emotional and volitional sphere;
  • infantilism;
  • braking cognitive activity(speech and knowledge of the surrounding world are closely related!);
  • difficulties in mastering school subjects, especially their native language.

A good specialist will accept the baby even in early age, and if necessary, he will involve the appropriate doctors in the work - this could be a dentist, otolaryngologist, neurologist, psychiatrist. If there are no physiological problems, you can calm down (everything has its time!) and start actively exercising.

There are many ways to teach a child to speak at 2 years old. Just keep in mind that all children have their own personalities, and never compare them to each other or to relatives who started talking much earlier.

Building communication

Doctors and teachers consider the period from 2 to 5 years to be the most fruitful in terms of the development of speech activity. During the entire time your baby is awake, try to talk to him. Try to bring him into dialogue, comment on the game or any other activity.

  • Speak clearly and clearly, not quickly, but rather expressively.
  • Avoid “lisping”: communicate in full (not modified) words, complete phrases. Let the child scream “beep!” instead of “the car is moving” - sooner or later he will learn from you how to say it correctly.
  • Your facial expressions, mouth and tongue movements should be clearly visible.

How else to develop a child’s speech at two years old? Read books to him - fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes, do not forget to ask related questions while reading. You can organize special “book hours” with an appropriate setting and “ritual”, but if at some moments the child is not very assiduous, do not insist - just read. It may seem to you that your child is not listening at all, but correct speech will still be imprinted in his memory. If you know how to sing, sing, especially children’s songs, and know funny songs in different cases life.

Working with the baby

Are you working out at home? Do finger exercises: fine motor skills play an important role in speaking, as does massage of the hands and fingers, especially their tips - with special serrated spring rings (su-jok) or a regular toothbrush. You can collect buttons of different sizes, crumple paper or foil, sort through cereals or beans, roll balls from plasticine or dough, play with laces - there are enough materials at hand.

Special articulation gymnastics has a beneficial effect on the speech apparatus, and it can be done with a child over the age of one year.

If you turn to a speech therapist, he will have many toys and exercises in his arsenal. All kinds of pyramids and puzzles for assembling, lotto for matching colors and shapes, logic toys, devices for hand massage and development of fine motor skills - special activities will definitely help, even if a child of 2 years does not speak at all.

A group, be it a kindergarten or a developmental group, can also encourage your child to communicate; moreover, most often children learn from each other much faster and to a greater extent than from adults.

We need to use every opportunity early help: Don’t wait until everything resolves itself and you will catch up over time - most likely, it will be difficult. Systematic lessons, constant attention, a calm and friendly attitude towards the baby and the help of specialists are the basis of your joint success.


The desire of parents to teach their child to speak is completely justified. The ability to express your thoughts, feelings and needs in words greatly simplifies the process of a child’s interaction with others.

Stagesspeech development in a child

From birth, the baby uses screaming to communicate with others. This is how he communicates his needs and concerns.

At the age of 3-4 months, this is humming, when the baby learns to imitate various sounds. At the next stage, at 7-9 months, the baby pronounces these sounds more clearly. Repetition of repeated sounds (ku-ku, woof-woof, ma-ma) occurs in the third stage, at the age of 9-11 months. As the child approaches the age of one year, speech skills develop rapidly, and the child masters the language at a tremendous pace. At 2 years old, children usually speak in simple sentences, learn to combine prepositions, and combine words correctly.

In learning to speak, children usually remember the names of objects (nouns). Next, verbs are mastered and the simplest actions are designated (top-top, am-am), and only then the child learns to pronounce the properties of objects (adjectives).

A two-year-old baby already understands the meaning of personal pronouns well and can describe his feelings (cold, scary, painful). By the age of three, he can already describe himself and compose a story of three to five sentences. To find out, follow the link.

Based on the opinions of experts, we can say that the development of speech in a child occurs on average by 2 years. Many parents do not want to delay this process.

Do you know? We have selected the most effective exercises for you.

How to teach a child to speak faster and more effectively at 2 years old? Try not to distort words. When communicating with a baby, we often begin to use word forms that are unusual for our speech. This affects the development of speech skills in the child in the future. It will be difficult to explain to a two-year-old that this is a car and not a Bibika. He can use words that are familiar to him, but speech therapists strongly recommend that parents speak correctly so that they do not have to correct the pronunciation later.

Encourage your baby's interest. If your child endlessly demands to name or explain what this object is, don’t be lazy. All new information will definitely be useful to him in the future. Listening to parents’ speech, the baby correlates words and objects in his mind, which means he enriches his vocabulary.

It is important to develop fine motor skills of the hands. The brain centers responsible for speech development and finger coordination are very close. Therefore, classes for the development of fine motor skills will be very useful. This can be modeling from plasticine, drawing with crayons or paints, various finger games.

It’s not bad if it’s simple games with pasta or cereal, or making a mosaic. Such fun activities will interest any little one. The main thing is to choose those types of activities that are most interesting to him.

Communicate with your child

Involve your child in dialogue. Ask questions. This will help him learn to put sentences together and speak coherently.

Read with your child. It is not necessary to use books with all kinds of fairy tales for this. Just pictures and your stories in a few sentences are enough. Children really like it short poems, which are accompanied by vibrant illustrations. In addition to developing imagination, this is a great way to master new vocabulary and memorize already familiar words.

Articulation classes. It will be entertaining for a two-year-old baby to observe the world around him together with his parents. Bring your pronunciation lessons to these points. How does a bee buzz? How does the rain fall? How does the wind blow? Show your child how to stretch out his lips with a tube or stick out his tongue to make the desired sound.

Live communication is more important than any educational cartoon. If the TV is constantly on in the house, this does not contribute to the development of speech. Communication with other children and parents is much more important at this stage.

Success situation. In any activity, your child should feel successful. Encourage his efforts, this will stimulate him to new victories. It also helps in establishing emotional contact.

How to improve your vocabulary

Talk about everything that surrounds the baby. The fact that a child does not point to an object when asking his parents what it is called does not mean that he does not want to learn about it. Help your baby explore the world around him.

Don't forget the verbs. It is important for a child to understand not only the descriptions of the objects that surround him, but also the actions that he sees or reproduces himself. It’s not enough to say “Kisa.” Add verbs to your speech, avoiding complex sentences: “The kitty ran,” “The car is humming.”

The more you talk about the properties of objects, the richer your baby’s vocabulary will be.. Give characteristics to objects, starting with the simplest: “The kitty is white, soft, fluffy.”

Do simple tongue exercises. Offer to repeat simple syllables after you. This affordable activity can be done anywhere and only takes 5-7 minutes. As a rule, kids willingly join in the lesson process.

Communication with other children. It has been noticed that a child who goes to kindergarten or just to a development group soon begins to speak. Children love to repeat everything one after another, and in shared games they master communication skills much faster. If you are too young to go to kindergarten, there is always the opportunity to find friends on the playground.

Sensory classes are aimed at developing the senses. They help the child fully perceive the world around us. It is worth noting that this is one of the basics intellectual development. Sensory also develops memory, which means it promotes speech development and promotes successful learning in the future. To do this, it is not necessary to attend development clubs. You can choose activities suitable for each age and practice at home.

Here they are simple rules will help your baby develop speech skills. Close emotional contact is extremely important for communicating with a child. Therefore, always strive to communicate with him with pleasure, use different intonations, and fantasize together. And soon, you will have an interesting and intelligent interlocutor.

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