Hysteroid, hysterical personality type: signs, examples.  Hysterical personalities. Difficult people.

This type is described in many monographs and manuals and is included in a wide variety of taxonomy of psychopathy. His main feature is boundless egocentrism, an insatiable thirst for constant attention to his person, admiration, surprise, reverence, sympathy. At worst, even indignation or hatred directed at oneself is preferred, but not indifference and indifference - just not the prospect of going unnoticed (“thirsty for a higher rating”). All other qualities of the hysteroid feed on this trait. Suggestibility, which is often brought to the fore, is distinguished by selectivity: nothing remains of it if the atmosphere of suggestion or suggestion itself does not pour water on the mill of egocentrism. Falsity and fantasizing are entirely aimed at embellishing one's person. The seeming emotionality in reality turns into a lack of deep sincere feelings with a great expression of emotions, theatricality, a tendency to drawing and posturing.

Hysteroid traits are often outlined with early years. Such children cannot stand when other children are praised in front of them, when others are given attention. They get bored with toys quickly. The desire to attract eyes, listen to admiration and praise becomes an urgent need. They willingly read poetry in front of the audience, dance, sing, and many of them really show good artistic abilities. Academic success in the first grades is largely determined by whether they are set as an example to others.

With the onset of puberty, there is usually a sharpening of hysteroid traits.

As is known, the picture of hysteria in adults has changed significantly in recent decades. Hysterical fits, paralysis, etc. have almost disappeared. They were replaced by less severe neurasthenic symptoms. This provision also applies to adolescence. However, in this period, hysterical traits of character are manifested primarily in the characteristics of behavior, in specifically adolescent behavioral reactions. Moreover, the acceleration physical development significantly changed the previous idea of ​​infantile grace, fragility, childishness of hysterical adolescents. Only with one of the options we describe (“labile hysteroids”) is it often necessary to meet a gracile appearance. In other cases, there may be no trace of it.

Among the behavioral manifestations of hysteria in adolescents, suicidality should be put in the first place. We are talking about frivolous attempts, demonstrations, "pseudo-suicides", "suicidal blackmail". The first pseudo-suicidal demonstrations, according to our observations, in accelerated adolescents more often fall at the age of 15-16 years, and not at 17-19 years, as in the previous generation. In this case, the methods are chosen either safe (cuts of the veins on the forearm, medicines from the home first aid kit), or calculated on the fact that a serious attempt will be warned by others (preparation for hanging, the image of an attempt to jump out of a window or throw yourself under a transport in front of those present, etc.). P.).

Abundant suicidal "signaling" often precedes or accompanies a demonstration: various farewell notes are written, "secret" confessions are made to friends, "last words" are recorded on a tape recorder, etc.

Often the reason that pushed the hysterical teenager to “suicide” is called unsuccessful love. However, it is often possible to find out that this is just a romantic veil or just fiction. The real reason is usually wounded pride, the loss of valuable attention for this teenager, the fear of falling in the eyes of others, especially peers, of losing the halo of the “chosen one”. Of course, rejected love, breakup, preference for an opponent or rival deals a sensitive blow to the egocentrism of a hysterical teenager, especially if all events unfold in front of friends and girlfriends. The very same suicidal demonstration with the feelings of others, fuss, ambulance, curiosity of bystanders gives considerable satisfaction to hysteroid egocentrism.

In search of the reasons for a suicidal demonstration, it is important to note where it is being performed, to whom it is addressed, whom it should pity, whose lost attention should be returned, who should be forced to make concessions or drop in the eyes of others. If, for example, a discord with a beloved is declared the cause of suicide, and a suicidal demonstration is carried out in such a way that she cannot see or know about it, but her mother becomes her first witness, there can be no doubt that it is in the relationship with the mother that the conflict lies. Parents, however, often play a "scapegoat" for hysterical teenagers for the "disappointments" that befell them among their peers. In cases of hysteroid psychopathy, suicidal demonstrations can be repeated, especially if the previous ones were successful, and can turn into a kind of behavioral stamp. Suicidal demonstrations are accompanied by hysterical bravado "playing with death" with a claim to gain a reputation as an exceptional personality.

In addition to suicidal demonstrations, one has to meet acute affective suicide attempts, which are more frequent in labile hysteroids. Such affective reactions are most often also caused by blows to self-esteem, humiliation in the eyes of others, loss of hope for a special role, the prospect of exalting in someone's eyes. Affective suicide attempts are also usually saturated with elements of demonstration, aimed at attracting attention. However, against the background of extreme affect, at some point, the true suicidal goal may flash. And even in the absence of it, the edge of the safe in affect can easily be crossed and the demonstrative action by design can end in a completed suicide.

The “flight into the disease”, characteristic of hysteroids, the image of unusual mysterious diseases sometimes takes on a new form among some teenage companies, in particular, imitating: Western “hippies”, expressed by the desire to get into a psychiatric hospital and thereby get a reputation for unusualness in such an environment. Addict role-playing, suicidal threats, and, finally, complaints gleaned from psychiatric textbooks are used to achieve this goal, with all sorts of depersonalization-derealization symptoms and cyclical mood swings being especially popular.

Alcoholization or drug use in hysterical adolescents is also sometimes demonstrative. True alcoholism is extremely rare, and in these cases there is usually a combination of hysteria with traits of another type. Hysteroid teenagers drink little, prefer mild degrees of intoxication, but are not averse to boasting a huge amount of alcohol they drink, the ability to drink without getting drunk, or an exquisite selection of alcoholic beverages (“I only drink cognac and champagne,” said one 14-year-old hysterical teenager). However, they are not inclined to portray alcoholics, since this role does not promise them either a halo of unusualness or greedily curious eyes. But often they are ready to present themselves as a real drug addict. Having heard about drugs or having tried this or that surrogate once or twice, the hysterical teenager begins to describe his drug excesses, an unusual “high”, mentions taking heroin or LSD, which he could not get anywhere, etc. A detailed questioning reveals that he cannot tell anything about real feelings, that the information gathered from somewhere is quickly depleted. Such a mode of behavior indicates, unfortunately, that the role of a drug addict, unlike an alcoholic, is attractive in some asocial adolescent groups. Drug use, imaginary or episodic, can also be a way of appealing to loved ones, the intention to turn them on Special attention. Offended by his mother, who focused all her worries on her sick brother, the 14-year-old hysterical teenager wore a school bag syringe, hoping that the mother will find it. And when the mother did not bother to look into his briefcase, he began to scatter injection needles around the apartment.

The delinquency of hysterical adolescents is usually not serious. We are talking about absenteeism, unwillingness to study and work, since the “gray life” does not satisfy them, and they lack neither abilities nor perseverance to take a prominent place in study or work that would amuse their pride. There are also clashes over defiant behavior in public places, pestering foreign tourists, noisy scandals. In more serious cases, one has to deal with fraud, forgery of checks or documents, deception and robbing of persons whom one has infiltrated into confidence. Hysteroids avoid serious crimes involving violence, robbery, burglary, risk and, apparently, are relatively rare among criminal teenagers.

Runaways from home can begin as early as the first grade of school or even as early as preschool age. Usually they are caused by punishments that have taken place or are expected, or are due to one of the children's behavioral reactions - the reaction of the opposition. This reaction in children and adolescents is most often associated with the loss of former attention from loved ones. Having run away from home, they try to be where they will be searched for, or to attract the attention of the police, so that they can be brought home or their parents are called for them. With age, shoots can become longer and acquire a romantic color. Their reasons are often the same as those that push them to a suicidal demonstration - the loss of attention, the collapse of hopes for an exalted position, the need to get out of history, which threatens with the inevitability of being ridiculed and thrown down from an honorary pedestal. For example, after assuring his acquaintances that his parents were in a high position, and telling them about the luxurious lifestyle of his family, a 16-year-old youth fled to distant lands when the demands of his friends to invite him to his home became too insistent.

Hysteroid adolescents retain the features of childhood reactions of opposition, imitation, etc. Most often, one has to see the reaction of the opposition to the loss or decrease in the usual attention from relatives, to the loss of the role of a family idol. The manifestations of the reaction of the opposition can be the same as in childhood - going into illness, attempts to get rid of the one to whom attention has switched (for example, to force the mother to break up with the stepfather who has appeared), but more often this children's opposition reaction is revealed by adolescent behavioral disorders - drinking, familiarity with drugs, absenteeism, theft, antisocial companies are meant to signal: "Give me back my former attention, otherwise I will go astray!" The reaction of imitation can determine the behavior of a hysterical teenager. However, the model chosen for imitation should not obscure the imitating person herself. Therefore, an abstract image or a person who is popular among teenagers, but does not have direct contact with this group (“fashion idol”) is chosen for imitation. Sometimes imitation is based on a collective image: in the pursuit of originality, the stunning statements of some, the unusual clothes of others, the provocative demeanor of others, etc. are reproduced. The reaction of hypercompensation is less characteristic of hysteroids, since it is associated with perseverance and perseverance, which they just lack. But the reaction of compensation is quite pronounced. One might think that it is this reaction that plays a significant role in the “cosmetic” lies inherent in hysteroids, in fantasies that they make others believe and, if they do not believe themselves, then enjoy them.

The fictions of adolescent hysteroids are distinctly different from the fantasies of schizoids. Hysterical fantasies are changeable, always intended for certain listeners and viewers, teenagers easily get used to the role, behave according to their fictions, Gennady U. was taken to a teenage psychiatric clinic after he appeared at the state security agencies with a statement that he was recruited by foreign intelligence , instructs him to arrange an explosion at the plant, pointed to certain persons as agents of this intelligence, etc. - all this turned out to be pure fiction.

Hysteroids prone to such myth-making are often singled out as a special psychopathic group of pseudologs. From our point of view, this is hardly justified for adolescence, since fantasies and lies that adorn their own personality are characteristic of almost all hysterical adolescents. And even when inventions are the main thing in behavior, obscuring, it would seem, all other hysterical traits, all these stories always feed on the basis of the hysteroid character - insatiable egocentrism.

Specifically adolescent behavioral reactions are also colored by this main hysterical feature. The reaction of emancipation can have violent external manifestations - runaways from home, conflicts with relatives and elders, loud demands for freedom and independence, etc. However, in fact, the real need for freedom and independence is not at all characteristic of adolescents of this type - they do not at all want to get rid of the attention and cares of their loved ones. Emancipatory aspirations often slip into the rails of the childish reaction of the opposition.

The reaction of grouping with peers is always associated with claims for leadership or for an exclusive position in the group. Possessing neither sufficient steniness, nor intrepid readiness at any moment to assert his command role by force, to subjugate others, the hysteroid strives for leadership in the ways available to him. Possessing a good intuitive sense of the mood of the group, sometimes unconscious desires and aspirations that are still brewing in it, hysteroids can be their first spokesmen, act as instigators and incendiaries. In a fit, in ecstasy, inspired by the looks turned on them, they can lead others, even show reckless courage. But they always turn out to be leaders for an hour - they give in to unexpected difficulties, they easily betray friends, deprived of admiring glances, they immediately lose all their enthusiasm. Most importantly, the group soon recognizes their inner emptiness behind the external effects. This happens especially quickly when hysterical teenagers are not inclined to stay too long in the same teenage group and willingly rush into a new one in order to start all over again. If you hear from a hysterical teenager that he was disappointed in his friends, we can safely assume that they "saw through" him.

In the conditions of closed adolescent groups, for example, in closed institutions with a regulated regime, where an arbitrary change of company is difficult, in order to occupy an exceptional position, a different path is often chosen. Hysterical teenagers willingly accept formal leadership functions from the hands of adults - the positions of elders, organizers of all kinds of events, etc. - in order to take the position of an intermediary between the elders and the adolescent group and thereby strengthen their special position.

Hobbies are almost entirely concentrated in the field of the egocentric type of hobby. Only that which makes it possible to show off in front of others can captivate. If there are abilities, then amateur art opens up the greatest opportunities here. Preference is given to those types of art that are most fashionable among teenagers of their circle (at present, most often - jazz ensembles, variety art) or that amaze with their unusualness (for example, mime theater). It is impossible not to notice among modern teenagers the low popularity of drama circles and the falling popularity of dance ensembles. Sometimes the chosen hobbies, it would seem, do not belong to egocentric hobbies. However, in reality it turns out that the hobby foreign language, usually reduced to the assimilation of the most current dialogues, is undertaken in order to flash a conversation with tourists in front of friends, and a passion for philosophy is reduced to the most superficial acquaintance with fashionable trends and is again intended to impress the corresponding environment. The imitation of yogis and hippies is especially fertile ground in this respect. Even the collections serve the same purpose - to show off them (and yourself!) in front of your friends. Sports and other manual-bodily hobbies are chosen much less often, as they require great perseverance. In contrast to this, leadership hobbies (the role of various kinds of organizers and leaders) are more preferable, as they allow you to always be in sight. However, they soon become weary of the formal responsibilities associated with them.

The sexual attraction of hysteroids is not distinguished by either strength or tension. There is a lot of theatrical play in their sexual behavior. Male adolescents prefer to conceal their sexual experiences, to avoid conversations on this topic. Girls, on the contrary, tend to advertise their real connections and invent non-existent ones, they are capable of slander and self-incrimination, they can portray whores, enjoying a stunning impression on the interlocutor.

Self-esteem of hysteroid adolescents is far from objectivity. Those character traits that can impress at the moment are emphasized.

Three variants of the hysteroid type in adolescence are most common: the “pure” hysteroid type, the unstable hysteroid and the labile hysteroid. The first of them does not require a special description. A labile hysteroid, combining features of the emotionally labile and hysteroid types, is described in the section on varieties of the labile type. As a rule, lability is the basis here, and hysteria is either supplemented during upbringing as a “family idol” or is detected in an emergency.

An unstable hysteroid is a variant of the hysteroid type, most common among male adolescents. Most of them lack a characteristic classical descriptions for hysteroids infantilism and grace. On the contrary, the acceleration of physical development is usually quite pronounced. Outwardly, at the first meeting, such teenagers can give the impression of being unstable. Asocial peer groups, drinking, interest in drugs, idleness and craving for " happy life”, neglect of all duties, evasion of study and work - all this really takes place. However, behind all this is not lack of will and thoughtlessness, not an almost instinctive craving for constant entertainment and pleasure, but the same hysterical egocentrism. All forms of antisocial behavior - alcoholism, drug addiction, delinquency, etc. - serve for bravado in front of elders and peers, in order to gain a reputation for exclusivity. In asocial companies, claims to leadership, to unusualness are found. Alcoholism and drug use can be deliberately demonstrative. Idleness, idleness, dependency are associated with high, virtually unrealistic claims in relation to the future profession. Falsity is not only defensive, as in the truly unstable, it almost always serves the purpose of embellishing oneself.

In addition to hysteroid psychopathy, one has to meet hysteroid accentuation both in explicit and latent form. It should be emphasized once again that a blow to a weak link, capable of revealing a hidden accentuation or causing a vivid hysterical reaction with a clear one, is most often an infringement of pride, a loss of attention, a collapse of hopes for a privileged position, debunked exclusivity.

Diagnosis of the hysteroid type in adolescents should be carried out with caution. Do not be deceived by seeming ease. Hysteroid traits can be superficial layering on the characterological basis of another type - labile or hyperthymic most often. These same features can be included in the picture of organic psychopathy. Demonstrative suicidal behavior in epileptoids can also erroneously suggest hysteria. To what has been said, one should also add the need to differentiate between hysteria and pronounced mental infantilism in adolescence, when you can also find unbridled fantasy, fiction, childish emotionality, suggestibility, and many other features similar to hysteroids. However, the absence of pronounced egocentrism makes it possible to distinguish such adolescents from hysteroids.

Personality. Temperament
People are alike, because we have all got one human situation with its existential dichotomies; people are unique, because each one solves his own human problem in his own way. FROM

Character. Dynamic character concept
Character traits were considered and are considered in the environment of behaviorally oriented psychologists as synonyms for the properties of behavior. From this point of view, character is defined as "a pattern of behavior

A) receptive orientation
In the receptive orientation, it seems to a person that the "source of all blessings" lies outside, and he believes that the only way to get what he wants - be it something material or through

B) exploitative orientation
The exploitative orientation, like the receptive one, has as its basic premise the feeling that the source of all goods is external and that nothing can be created by oneself. The difference between

B) acquisitive orientation
The acquisitive orientation is quite different from the receptive and exploitative types, which are similar in that both hope to get things from the outside world. This orientation gives people

A) general characteristics
From the time of classical and medieval literature until the end of the nineteenth century, much effort has been spent on describing the image of a worthy person and a worthy society, which

B) fruitful love and thinking
Human existence is characterized by the fact that man is alone and isolated from the world; unable to endure isolation, he is forced to seek kinship and community. There is

Orientation in the process of socialization
As noted at the beginning of this chapter, the life process involves two types of relations with the outside world - assimilation and socialization. We can distinguish the following types of

Combination of different orientations
In describing the different kinds of unfruitful orientations and fruitful orientation, I have approached them as separate phenomena in order to more clearly point out their difference from each other.

Faith as a character trait
Faith consists in the recognition of the affirmations of the soul; lack of faith - in their denial. Emerson Faith is not at all a concept corresponding to intelligence

Character and moral judgment
The problem of moral judgment is often associated with the dichotomy of free will and determinism. According to some, a person is completely determined by the various circumstances that he

Manipulative characters
The modern manipulator does not stand still - it develops and constantly improves. He also seeks to comprehend the secrets of human nature, but with one single goal - h

Manipulative systems
We distinguish four main types of manipulative systems. 1. The ACTIVE manipulator tries to control others through active methods. He will never show

cry, it's good
Representatives of many psychological schools not the first ten years of arguing what emotions are. Emotions are the means by which we communicate with each other. We

Psychological personality type in Russian and Soviet cultures
The first thing you need to start acquaintance with the psychological causes of the changes in moral consciousness that are taking place now is to distinguish between the psychology of two successive cultures -

Type of personality of the perestroika era
Let us now try to move on to that type of personality, or, more precisely, to that type of culture with the corresponding personality type formed by it, which we now find in our state as

Extraverted installation
When one's conscious orientation is determined by objective reality, facts received from the outside world, we speak of an extraverted attitude. If such a situation

Extraverted thinking type
When the life of an individual is governed mainly by reflection, and his actions are built on the basis of intellectually meaningful motives, we speak of a thinking type. thinks

Eketraverted feeling type
Feeling of the extraverted type, like extraverted thinking, is data-oriented and usually in harmony with objective values. From the fact that it's raci

Extraverted Feeling Type
Extraverted sensation transcends other functions in seeking to orient itself toward objective reality. As a way of perception with the help of the senses, the function of sensation, - ext

Extraverted Intuitive Type
Intuition is a function of unconscious perception. In an extraverted attitude, intuition is directed to external objects and is conditioned by them. When this mode of operation is warned

introverted attitude
A distinctive feature of introversion, in contrast to extraversion, which is primarily associated with an object and data emanating from the external world, is an orientation towards internal

introverted thinking type
Thinking in an introverted attitude is guided primarily by the subjective factor. Whether the thought process focuses on concrete or abstract objects, its motivation comes from

introverted feeling type
Feeling in an introverted attitude is fundamentally determined by the subjective factor. In its disinterest in the object, it is just as different from extraverted feeling, so inward

introverted feeling type
In the introverted attitude, sensation is initially based on the subjective component of perception. Although its very nature makes it dependent on objective stimuli, the sensed object

introverted intuitive type
Intuition, like sensation, is an irrational function of perception. Where sensation is motivated by physical reality, intuition is oriented toward psychic reality. In the extrave

Body structure types
There is still no exact doctrine of the constitution based on the structure of the body, there are no systematic studies developed in detail. We stand on this point of view: the constitutional

A) Asthenic type
The habitus of the asthenic male is characterized mainly by a weak growth in thickness with an average unreduced growth in length. This underdevelopment of thickness passes through the sun

B) Athletic type
The male athletic type is characterized by a strong development of the skeleton, muscles, and skin. The general appearance of the brightest representatives of this genus: medium or tall men

B) Picnic type
The picnic type in middle age is characterized by a strong development of the internal cavities of the body (head, chest, abdomen) and a tendency of the torso to obesity with a delicate structure of the motor

Cycloid temperaments
Schizoid or cycloid we call pathological personalities oscillating between health and illness, which reflect in a mild degree the main symptoms of schizophrenic and circular

Diet Proportion
At the same time, for manic-depressive patients, the following signs of temperament were found as the most frequent and constantly returning: 1) sociable, kind-hearted

social attitude
The temperament of the cycloids determines the nature of their social attitude, as has already been pointed out. They have a need to speak out, laugh and cry, in the closest natural way.

Mental tempo and psychomotor sphere
The features of the mental tempo and psychomotor sphere, which are observed in the circular form, are so well known and so easily understood that, for the sake of completeness, we will stop a little.

The development of the life of schizoids
Cycloid people retain through all their manic-depressive fluctuations the basic symptoms of temperament from the cradle to the grave. Biologically active principle that creates schizophrenia

Psychaesthetic proportion
Of the schizoid qualities of character observed on the surface, the following are singled out from our material: 1) unsociable, quiet, reserved, serious (devoid of humor), an eccentric; 2)

social attitude
Autism, considered as a schizoid symptom of temperament, has shades depending on the psychesthetic scale of an individual schizoid. There are times when autism is an advantage

Expressive movements and psychomotor sphere
We have brought to the fore the psychesthetic qualities of schizoid temperaments, since they form the most important basis for building a personality. But we must, along with this, briefly

Mental pace
With this, we conclude our research on psychesthesia and the psychomotor sphere of schizoids and, for a moment, stop at a closely related mental tempo. We said that cycloids have an

Cyclothymic and schizothymic average people
We will not stop at the frontiers of the field of psychiatric research. The problem of the constitution will unfold before us in all its breadth only when we transfer the acquired results

Theory of temperaments
The three concepts of constitution, character and temperament received the following meaning during our study. By constitution, we understand the sum of all individual properties that are at rest.

Psychology of constitutional differences in W. Sheldon
The main works of the American psychologist W.G. Sheldon belong to the early 40s. They continue the study of the relationship between body structure and character, begun by E.K. Kretschmer,

Analysis of constitutional differences by biographical data
AUBREY: EXTREME VISCEROTONY Aubrey is a 22-year-old round-faced, overweight, thoroughbred male of medium height. Although his family belonged to a circle of wealthy industrialists, Aubrey

Typological model of Heymans-Le-Senne. France
Let us dwell on one of the psychological characterologies - the typology of Heymans, which was developed and completed by Le Senn and the French school. This characterization is most applicable in

Man as an individual and as an accentuated personality
People differ from each other not only in accentuated features. Even without revealing traits that distinguish a person from the background of an average level, people are still dissimilar to each other. Available in

Methodology for diagnosing personality
Unfortunately, we do not yet have a list of mandatory questions with which to determine accentuated personality traits. This is because when we ask questions, we

Demonstrative personalities
The essence of the demonstrative or, with a more pronounced accentuation, the hysterical type lies in the anomalous ability to repress. This concept was used

Pedantic personalities
At the level of explicit personality pathology, the pedantic type corresponds to alancastic psychopathy. In persons of a pedantic type, as opposed to a demonstrative one, in ps

Stuck personalities
The basis of the stuck, paranoid type of personality accentuation is the pathological persistence of affect. Feelings that can cause strong reactions usually go

Excitable Personalities
Character traits that are developed in connection with the lack of controllability are very significant. They are expressed in the fact that often decisive for the way of life and behavior of a person are

A combination of accentuated character traits
If we distinguish between the properties of character and temperament in the structure of the human personality, then in the above types of personality accentuation, character properties predominate. properties

Hypertensive personalities
Hyperthymic temperament, the sharp degree of manifestation of which is called the hypomanic state, is well known in psychiatry. As with mania,

dysthymic personalities
Dysthymic temperament (with a sharper manifestation, subdepressive) is the opposite of hyperthymic. Personalities of this type are serious by nature.

Affectively labile temperament
Affectively labile, or (with pronounced manifestations) cyclothymic, personalities are people who are characterized by a change in hyperthymic and dysthymic

Affectively exalted temperament
An affectively exalted temperament, when it approaches psychopathy in its degree of expression, could be called the temperament of anxiety and happiness. These are the names

Anxious (fearful) personalities
AT childhood the feeling of fear often reaches an extreme degree. Children of this type, who have an anxious and timid temperament, are afraid, for example, to fall asleep in the dark.

Emotive personalities
Emotivity is characterized by sensitivity and deep reactions in the field of subtle emotions. It is not rude feelings that excite these people, but those that we associate with the soul, with humanity.

Extraverted personality accentuation and its combinations
I have already noted what I see as the originality of the extraverted personality. An extroverted person is more in the direction of perceptions than ideas.

Introverted personality accentuation and its combinations
An introverted person lives not so much with his perceptions and sensations as with his ideas. Therefore, external events as such affect the life of such a person.

Psychopathies and character accentuations
Psychopathies are such anomalies of character that “determine the entire mental appearance of the individual, imposing their imperious imprint on his entire mental warehouse”, “during life ...

Differentiation of psychopathy by severity and accentuations by severity
As P.B. Gannushkin wrote about psychopathy, the degree of their manifestations is a directly confusing wealth of shades - from people who are considered normal by others - and to severe ps

Brief information about the groupings of types of psychopathy and character accentuations
All quite numerous attempts in the field of grouping types of psychopathy can be divided into two directions. One of them was based on the clinical-inductive method

Hyperthymic type
Information from relatives indicates that since childhood, hyperthymic adolescents are characterized by great mobility, sociability, talkativeness, excessive independence, a tendency to

Cycloid type
As you know, this type was described by Kretschmer and first became widely used in psychiatric research. P. B. Gannushkin included four types of psychopaths in the “group of cycloids”

labile type
This type is most fully described under various names "emotionally labile", "reactively labile" or "emotionally labile". In the systematics of psychopathy in G. E

Astheno-neurotic type
This type is the point where the realm of psychopathy and the realm of neurosis touch especially closely. P.B. Gannushkin, noting the special tendency of neurasthenics to hypochondria, include

sensitive type
Even Kretschmer, describing one of the forms of reactive psychosis, called sensitive delusions, drew attention to the fact that this psychosis develops in individuals of a special type: excessive sensitivity

Psychasthenic type
This type, as well as the astheno-neurotic one, belongs to the area of ​​​​close contact between psychopathy and neurosis. The psychasthenic personality is especially disposed to the development of obsessions.

Schizoid type
The most significant feature of this type is isolation, isolation from the environment, inability or unwillingness to establish contacts, reduced need for communication. FROM

epileptoid type
The name "epileptoid" was given based on the similarity to the personality changes that occur in some patients with epilepsy. The similarity of epileptoid psychopathy with adultery

Unstable type
Krap single called representatives of this type - unrestrained, unstable. Schneider more emphasized in his names the lack of will ("weak-willed", "weak-willed"). Their lack of will

Conformal type
Psychopathies of the conformal type do not exist. This type is found in pure form only in the form of accentuations and therefore was not included in clinical taxonomy. Painting conformal accent

About the so-called normal character
No one ... will deny that in ordinary life, in the relations of people with each other, knowledge of their psychology, knowledge of their individual characteristics is of great importance. This knowledge has

Systematics of psychopathy
There is a group of enormous importance that still draws displeasure on psychiatry from somatics: somatics are still ready to see psychiatrists as non-biologists

General introductory considerations
The modern doctrine of constitutional psychopathy was the result of an in-depth clinical development of the area of ​​​​the so-called borderline states - borderline between "mental

Cycloid group
Constructive delressive. In its pure form, this group is not numerous. It's about people with a constantly lowered mood. The picture of the world seems to be covered for them by trow

Asthenic group
The concept of neuropsychic "asthenia" in the broad sense of the word covers a number of conditions, both congenital and acquired. Singling out "constitutional asthenia" as

The group of schizoids
The term "schizoid" was introduced into psychiatry by Kretschmer and is used by the latter to refer to psychopathic personalities, in their constitutional features and character traits they are close

Paranoid group
The type of psychopaths described below is designated as paranoid due to a number of, so to speak, historical and clinical considerations. Indeed, very often

Epileptoid group
Already in the very name "epileptoid psychopathy" lies the idea that this term should denote those non-progredient constitutional forms that are in the same

Group of hysterical characters
Due to the vagueness of the concept of "hysteria" in the psychiatric literature, there is no complete unanimity in the application of the term "hysterical" in relation to psychopathic personalities.

A group of unstable psychopaths
This term is not precise enough and is not used in the same volume by different psychiatrists. We prefer not to overly expand its meanings and boundaries and designate only those

Group of antisocial psychopaths
In 1835, the English psychiatrist Pritchard described as a separate clinical form, a special disease, to which he gave the name - "moral insanity", meaning by these words a wedge

A group of constitutionally stupid
The last final chord of the doctrine of constitutional psychopathy is a group of people "constitutionally stupid." This group is also on the border between mental

Some general data concerning the statics of psychopathy
Concluding this part of our work, we consider it necessary to emphasize that the previous presentation has in mind only the statics of psychopathy. The dynamics of the latter will be the subject of the following

Character Analysis
The psychoanalytic concept of character is associated with the name of Freud, or rather with the publication of his book Character and Anal Erotica.

oral character
If the behavioral pattern of an individual is characterized by a feeling of deprivation, a strong fear of losing the love of an object, inner emptiness and despair, we say that he has an oral type of character.

Masochistic character
The problem of masochism has been and still is one of the most difficult therapeutic problems facing the psychoanalyst. If the analyst is sensitive and competent

Hysterical character
The oral and masochistic character can be considered as structures with a weak “I”. In them, the movement of the energy pendulum, which creates the basis of I-perception, is limited and it

phallic-narcissistic character
From the point of view of psychology, character types are differentiated depending on the structure of the Self, that is, on what their relationship to reality is. Bioenergetically they can be distinguished by the gene

Schizoid character
If the individual were never explicitly out of touch with reality, would it be legitimate to describe his structure as schizoid? Such a diagnosis depends on trends, not events. Fenichel defines

R. May. Character reading. USA
Personal portrait What is a human being? The deeper our understanding of the human being, the more effective our consultation will be.

Freedom of the individual
Freedom is a basic principle, an indispensable condition for the existence of a person. It is freedom that distinguishes a human being from an animal, because man has the ability to

The second component of personality is individuality. The difficulty of people seeking counseling about their personal problems lies in the fact that they do not know how to be themselves.

Social inclusion
Social integration is the third component of a stable personality. This aspect is so significant that people believe that if a person experiences difficulties, then they are inexorable.

Empathy is the key to the counseling process
We have studied the theory of personality. Now let's move on to the process of its functioning. How do people meet and what is their mutual reaction? This is where the concept of empathy comes into play.

character reading
A distinctive feature of the consultant is his special sensitivity to people, their hopes, fears and personal tensions. This ability allows him to capture

Forgetfulness and reservations
We do not set ourselves the goal of a deep study of such an amazing and promising subject as memory and forgetfulness, reservations and oversights, since these manifestations of the subconscious

family constellation
In understanding the personality model of an individual, his position in the family plays an important role. This position, of course, should be significant, because in the first, formative, years of one’s life, one

Confession and interpretation
So, contact with the client is established, rapport is achieved, and the main part of the meeting begins - confession, the stage at which the client has the opportunity to "speak out". This is the main

Aspects of confession
Before we move on to a discussion of the stage of confession in general, I want to emphasize once again that the above conversation is not typical, he showed an extraordinary ability to objectively understand himself.

Limited Counseling Options
In this section, we want to make it clear that the consultant's options are somewhat limited. You should not hope for a full disclosure of the client's personality model, and this is not included in the

Personality transformation
Consider the last phase of counseling - the transformation of personality, which is the end and goal of the whole process. So, at the stage of confession and interpretation, we found out that the reason

Limited Council Effectiveness
We must firmly remember that advice cannot change a person. This delusion must be broken once and for all. Advice and counseling serve very different purposes. Shared

leaven" suggestion
Considering the positive ways of transforming the personality, let us pay attention, first of all, to the suggestion that acts as a “leaven”. Many condemn suggestion as a means

Utilization of the client's experiences
The fourth factor contributing to the transformation of character is the utilization of experiences. No matter how much you convince a person, no matter what you say, no changes will occur in him,

The main feature of the hysteroid type of personality is egocentrism, an insatiable thirst for the attention of others to one's own person, the need to arouse surprise, admiration, interest, sympathy, reverence. At worst, resentment and hatred are preferred, but not the prospect of going unnoticed. Falsity and fantasizing, so characteristic of a hysteroid personality, are aimed at embellishing her own person in order to attract the attention of others with all her might. The seeming emotionality of the hysteroid in fact turns into a theatrical affectation of experiences, a tendency to show off and posturing. Deep, sincere feelings are usually absent, despite the fact that steroids constantly imitate exceptional suffering and super-strong emotions.
Children with hysterical character traits willingly recite verses, standing on a chair surrounded by adult spectators, sing and dance on the stage under the admiring glances of the auditorium. In adolescence, behavioral disorders, alcoholism, sexual excesses can be used to attract attention. Delinquency comes down to absenteeism, unwillingness to study and work, since the “gray” life does not satisfy them, and to take a prestigious position that would amuse pride lacks neither the ability nor, most importantly, perseverance and will. Nevertheless, idleness and idleness are combined with very high, in fact, unsatisfied claims regarding the future profession. Hysteroids are also prone to defiant behavior in public places. More severe violations of behavior usually do not happen.
Runaways from home can start in childhood. Having run away, hysterical children tend to be where they will be looked for, to attract the attention of the police, or in some indirect way signal their relatives about their whereabouts.
Hysterical personalities tend to exaggerate their alcoholism: brag about a huge amount of what you have drunk or show off an exquisite set of alcoholic beverages. Ready to pretend to be drug addicts. Having heard a lot about drugs, having tried any available surrogate once or twice, they like to describe their drug excesses, an unusual high, the use of extravagant drugs like heroin, ecstasy or LSD. At the same time, a detailed questioning reveals that information gleaned from other people's words is quickly depleted. In order to attract attention to themselves, imaginary illnesses, lies and fantasies are launched. Inventing, they easily get used to their role and mislead gullible people. Among the simulated diseases may be mental disorders. Depersonalization and derealization experiences, ideas of influence, phenomena of mental automatism, “inner voice”, “split I” are especially popular. They, as well as demonstrative suicide attempts, can be resorted to when they want to get out of some unpleasant story.
Hysteroid accentuation can be combined with psychophysical infantilism. It is also formed during upbringing as a family idol. Hysteroid personalities tend to take out failures among their peers on their parents, who become “scapegoats” for the fact that they can no longer, as in childhood, present everything they wanted to be ready, get rid of difficulties, and remove all obstacles in the way. Beloved, spoiled, caressed since childhood, they, to the surprise of their parents, repay them with coldness, and even bitterness. There is also a lot of play in the sexual behavior of the hysteroid; the game they are predominantly addicted to is the game called "dynamo". Self-esteem is very far from objectivity. The inability to occupy a prominent position, the exposure of fictions, the collapse of hopes, the loss of attention from significant persons - all this can lead to acute affective reactions of a demonstrative type, up to imitation of suicidal attempts, as well as to hysterical neurosis and to demonstrative behavioral disorders.
In extreme circumstances, the demonstrative-blackmailing behavior of a hysterical personality is actualized. Before the eyes of others, a hysterical personality can show miracles of heroism, colored, however, in most cases by theatrical pretense and emphasized drama, in order to make the right impression on the audience. In the absence of spectators, the hysteroid personality is lost, revealing infantile-immature behavior, weakness, helplessness, lack of the necessary resources to resolve complex life problems.

Hysteria is a somewhat old-fashioned concept that carries a negative connotation in modern everyday life. People say: "stop the tantrum", "hysteria with or without" when it comes to uncontrollable experiences. In science, the term is used - histrionic character, found in people without conspicuous hysterical symptoms.

Bright talented people who have taken place in a public profession may have a normal histrionic or hysteroid personality type, and sick people suffering from epileptic convulsions without epilepsy, blindness without eye diseases, and other psychogenic symptoms without organic lesions - hysterical neurosis.

Hysteroid type of personality: inner world and formation

The hysteroid child is receptive and sensitive by temperament - fights and cries when it hurts, and screams with delight when it's fun. The child is looking for new sensations, and is overwhelmed by them, sometimes unable to cope with the volume of experiences. The hysteroid has an innate sensitivity, like a schizoid, but unlike him, the hysteroid child is drawn to people.

The child is passionately involved in the game, it is not distracted to feed. Only when the hunger becomes intense does he suddenly realize that he is "terribly" hungry, right now and "very, very much"

From a conversation with the mother of a six-year-old boy.

In the childhood experience of women of the hysterical personality type, one can find events and attitudes that attributed power and value to male gender. Situations are typical when a girl is painfully aware that adults give preference to boys, and men have much more power than mother or women.

Grandfather kicked out my pregnant mother with the words: "Brought it in the hem, go to all four sides"

From a therapeutic conversation.

When a girl child receives positive attention, it is related to appearance, or to cuteness or naivety. Growing up, the girl notices that people of her gender are less valuable, and boys are even scolded, using a comparison with girls - "you're like a girl!"

The father of a histrionic woman is often emotional and explosive, which terrifies a receptive girl. It attracts, and at the same time, frightens. If there is no father in the family, then his absence makes men in the eyes of the girl exciting, unknown and suitable for idealization.

Having mastered the patriarchal stereotype "men have power, access to resources, they are strong and dangerous, and women are soft and kind, but weak and defenseless", a woman - a hysterical personality type - is looking for support and the basis of her own self-esteem in relations with men, whom she perceives as powerful and powerful.

I love to ask groups one provocative question about women's rights. With an innocent face, I ask: "Tell me, in what country and in what year did women get the right to vote?" After that, those present strain that part of the memory that is responsible for the knowledge of history, and for a long time offer options ... They rarely come across, since the first such country was New Zealand in 1893. And when we finally finish guessing and name the facts, I ask the second of the prepared questions: "Tell me, from whom did they get this right?" There is usually dead silence in the audience..

An excerpt from the book "I am a feminist. Do you want to talk about it?"
Maria Sabunaeva

Hysteroid boys, raised by a mother with a physically or psychologically absent father, develop in a hysterical direction as a result of contemptuous comparison with stereotypical "real men". Idealized "real" men are strong, generous heroes, to which "this bespectacled man is like the moon."

If masculinity is belittled by the mother - “squishy, ​​where are you puffing up”, or sexuality is belittled - “changed your underpants, washed your bells?”, Then the boy has a feeling of male failure, which will accompany him in adulthood. The unconscious meaning of attracting attention to themselves in histrionic people is an attempt to prove that they themselves and their gender deserve respect, as opposed to childhood experiences.

Deep inside the hysterical personality is a small, frightened, imperfect child who is doing his best in a world dominated by powerful other people. Therefore, for a histrionic personality, it is important to learn to rely on oneself, to believe that without sexism, a person is interesting in itself. That a man, for example, may be interested in the content of the thoughts and feelings of a histrionic woman, and resist her seductive sexual impulses.

Thus, often the source of the hysterical personality type is the feeling that one's own gender is associated with problems against the background of innate sensitivity and susceptibility.

Hysteroid men have a painful realization of the inaccessibility of the ideal of a real man - a strong macho who can do anything and win everyone. Innate emotionality was belittled by adults in the family, or at school, as it was considered a girlish manifestation. Receptive male hysteroids attract the attention of others, unconsciously proving that a man can be different, while remaining a man.

Women-hysteroids have an understanding of the patriarchal way of life - discrimination of women by men, the weakness and defenselessness of women and the strength and power of men. Emotionality and sensitivity develop into sexuality, through which attempts are made to correct the imbalance and equalize with men. A hysteroid woman unconsciously proves to herself and others that she is valuable, has a value in itself.

Hysteroid: relationships with others

hysteroid type personality is organized around the themes of sexuality and sexual power. Normal desires for intimacy with others are intensified, filled with sexual energy. Hysteroids, especially women, are seductive, unaware of implicit sexual invitations in their behavior. And they are shocked when others perceive their behavior as initiating a sexual relationship.

You say "no", but with your whole body it's like "yes".

From the retelling of the conversation young man With girl

The self-esteem of histrionic people depends on the feeling that they have the same power as the person they fear, or an authoritative person of the opposite sex - "this powerful person is part of me." Such an idea is present in the psychology of fans who idealize an idol, artist or singer.

A young attractive student, was carried away by a courageous and brutal teacher. She approached all men as a reverent follower, and it was not easy for them to ignore her seductiveness. When she received a signal that the teacher was attracted to her, she experienced a sense of her own power, excitement, significance, and, at the same time, fear and guilt for having received the attention of a married man.

It is important to regain the right to be outside the powerful other, a separate and interesting person. It is difficult for a histrionic person to believe in his own significance. His emotional statements only seem theatrical or exaggerated: "I saw sooooo!" Having experience of devaluation, they do not expect respectful attention to feelings, intensify them in order to convince themselves and others of their own right to self-expression.

When the hysteroid has the experience of being heard, he has the opportunity to describe his feelings plausibly without amplification.

Hysterical people can act out of their own fears, seem fearless, adventurous and flamboyant. They seduce when they are afraid, expose themselves when they are ashamed of their body, move into the spotlight when they unconsciously consider themselves inferior to others, are eager to perform feats when they are afraid of aggression, provoke authority figures when they feel threatened by them.

Thus, they try to cope with internal anxiety and fears.

Sometimes a histrionic person in a state of stress "runs away" into physical symptoms - wakes up, forgets, gets sick. It is important not to discount the symptom by accusing the hysteria of simulating the disease.

The well-known "glove paralysis" is described by Freud, its essence is that motor activity in the hand is lost. The disorder cannot have a physiological neurological cause, as nerve damage leading to hand paralysis will cause paralysis of the entire arm. Such a symptom resolved the internal conflict between the desire for sexual self-stimulation and the prohibition on it.

Symptoms of diseases without physiological causes - heart pain without diagnosable heart disease, intestinal problems with a healthy intestine and other diseases in the absence of physiological problems - are vivid manifestations of a person who has a hysterical personality type. Symptoms of the disease can be presented as something objective, as something that is not accepted to be ignored.

With the help of symptoms, the histrionic person tries to show more vividly what he really feels. However, from the point of view of others, he "replays", and as a result he is not taken seriously, feelings and suffering are devalued - the trauma is repeated.

She is forty years old, and everything is in red tights and miniskirts ...

From gossip among women

The hysteroid pretends to be who he really is. Unlike the narcissist, who needs the admiration of others to fill his inner void, the hysteroid is overwhelmed with feelings and expresses them too vividly, too theatrically, or through psychosomatic symptoms, trying to be taken seriously.

“When you talk to me like an adult, I don’t believe you. When you say that I am strong, point to my own achievements, I can’t believe, I’m afraid to believe, I don’t believe. I feel weak, of little value, therefore I should at least be well-groomed. But when I look in the mirror - I feel like a terribly creepy ugly! " The monologue of a beautiful woman with an hysterical personality type can be perceived as coquetry, but the drama is that the intensity of the experiences is so high that it is difficult for her to cope with them herself. At the same time, due to the level of anxiety and internal conflicts from which she suffers, her emotionality looks to others as exaggerated or superficial, and her feelings seem to change too quickly.

The hysteroid enhances the emotion in order to convince others that he is really experiencing it. At the same time, he retains the ability to retract his words if others reject him.

"I was sooooooo scared!" - the hysteroid woman says, expanding her eyes, inviting interlocutors to consider panic as actually absent or trivial. But there was panic, and it is difficult for a hysteroid to say this directly and calmly. Suddenly rejected? If they take it seriously, then it’s good, it was so, but if they reject it or make fun of it, then there was no panic, “I exaggerated especially for laughter.”

If the histrionic person manages to combine his susceptibility and sensitivity with a logical approach, amazing results appear. Creative skills. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the awareness of feelings and the recognition of their significance, but also to the integration of thinking and feeling.

So, we have identified the following features of a person who has a histrionic or hysterical personality type, and proposed ways to integrate them into life:

  • The assimilation of the patriarchal stereotype "men have power, access to resources, are strong and dangerous, and women are soft and kind, but weak and defenseless", leads to the fact that a hysteroid woman seeks support and the basis of her own self-esteem in attachment to the men she perceives domineering. But it is important to seek support within the personality, perceiving oneself also outside the context of gender, as a person.
  • It is important for hysterical men to accept themselves "not like that", not like the stereotype "macho who does not cry."
  • The self-esteem of histrionic people depends on the feeling that they have the same power as the person they fear, or an authoritative person of the opposite sex - "this powerful person is part of me." It is also important to regain the right to be outside the powerful other, a separate and interesting person.
  • Strengthening feelings, theatricality. When the hysteroid feels heard, he has the opportunity to describe his feelings believably without amplification.
  • In a state of stress, it "runs away" into physical symptoms - wakes up, forgets, gets sick. It is important not to discount the symptom by accusing the hysteria of simulating a disease, but to listen to what the body wants to "tell" and check for the presence of an organic disease.
  • If you can combine your receptivity and sensitivity with a logical approach, amazing creative abilities appear.

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Since ancient times, the Greeks were considered excellent healers, it was they who developed the theory that all diseases in a woman occur due to inflammation of the uterus. They believed that this organ could wander around the body, provoking sharp and loud laughter, unexpected tears, and some demonstrative behavior. In Greek, the term hysteria means "womb".

At the beginning of the last century, from Freud's sincere confession, everyone learned that in his character there were also some signs of a hysteroid type. It was then that the world came to realize that the “inflamed uterus” is inherent not only in women.

The hysterical type seems to see the meaning of life in his acting performances. At times, this type of personality is overtaken by an insight that his defiant behavior interferes with the normal existence of loved ones. It can be incredibly difficult to live with him, but it’s not easier apart either. hysteroid man is a lifelong actor, and everyone around him is a grateful audience. It is very important for him to receive recognition from the outside world, for this he is ready to do a lot. A distinctive feature at the moment of psychopathy is the passionate intention to obtain the general approval of people, and the person does not see any obstacles on the way to this goal that can prevent him from achieving it. Such a woman, constantly communicating with people, will actively play in public, exposing everything for show. The hysterical type seems to be waiting for the winning moment and the approval of others.

Such an orientation of the hysteroid type to the personal opinion of others causes a person to become dependent, he ceases to enjoy the choice he has made on his own.

This is where the self-doubt lies. As a protective behavioral mechanism, the hysteroid type begins to actively show pretense in communication and visible unnaturalness in behavior. This is done in order to hide from human eyes the innermost feelings about their own inferiority.

The nature of communication and interaction

Although the concept strong friendship retains its relevance, such a hysterical type rarely becomes a good and reliable friend for someone. He sees in people only his own benefit, the subject of manipulation to achieve personal goals. Communication with a person is seen by the hysterical type as something objectified, where each participant has certain functions, from which one can successfully extract something for oneself. It is because of the distorted perception that many women cannot establish trusting relationships, communicate adequately and enjoy it.

Such women need to remember: those around them intuitively feel that they are simply being used, and begin to move away, despite the fact that there may be a common goal that once united them. Such an attitude is unlikely to please anyone.

As a result, a woman begins to realize that she will not be able to communicate the way she wants and the way she imagines. She does not understand why her relationships with people do not develop in exactly the same way as in her favorite series. An unpleasant feeling of inner emptiness can lead her into a state of depression, from which specialists help.

Communication with the hysterical type comes down to the usual pattern: “Hi, how are you? Such is the news! At the same time, the interlocutor does not even have time to say something, and the hysterical type continues a long story about himself.

If for some reason the hysteroid does not want to communicate with a person or sees him as a clear competitor, he will humiliate him in every possible way, but only verbally. He will simply ignore and stop communicating with the second hysterical type, interrupting and ridiculing him. Thus, internal protection is triggered, due to the fear of being left unnoticed, without the recognition of others. Women who are treated in a similar way feel humiliated and offended, greatly experiencing what happened.

For what purpose does the hysterical type build relationships? Because of his pathological desire to please everyone, to be in the spotlight all the time - these are his values. Together with the desire to communicate at a similar level, he can easily compromise the generally accepted principles of morality. The more infantile and hysterical this person develops, the more careless his attitude towards the environment and the higher his egoism.

Such a woman, in principle, is sociable if she receives due attention and recognition from others, because it is precisely this cherished goal that the hysterical type pursues during contacts with people.

Human attention is pleasant, it also drives the hysterical type, so he can turn a blind eye even to obvious flattery from others. Hearing an open lie, he can say: “You flatter”, showing with all his appearance that he wants this again and again. Such people easily accept the lies of others, because they themselves often show insincerity.

Obsessed with the desire to look in best light the hysteroid makes attempts to please everyone and everything, so that the expectations of others are as justified as possible. Ordinary logic is almost beyond the power of such tactics. These individuals, by their natural naivety, believe that this way they will be in a winning light. For the sake of this goal, they are ready to lie, slightly embellish reality. Constantly throwing dust in the eyes, creating an illusion, is the favorite hobby of all hysterical women.

Compatibility with other characters

Feeling his natural weakness and incompetence in everyday affairs, the hysterical personality intuitively seeks among people who are stronger in spirit, strives to be under their protection all the time. The paranoid and epileptoid varieties of characters ideally fall under this description.

An epileptoid personality is perceived by an hysteroid as a tough father, and gender does not really matter here. The purely masculine features of the epileptoid organically complement the infantilism and femininity of the hysteroid. This personality with pronounced masculine traits is a role model for him.

The supremacy in such a pair goes to the epileptoid, and regardless of his gender. He will always need to correct the mistakes of a negligent hysteroid, teach him how to live correctly, forcing him to listen to his own only true opinion. The control over all the actions of a “not such” hysteroid can give the epileptoid a special pleasure. The meticulousness and pathological pettiness of the first gets hysteroid, on this basis numerous conflicts can arise.

And relationships with a schizoid personality will be like playing dramatic scenes forever.

The hysteroid is a master of improvisation, can arrange a grandiose public showdown, and the schizoid, with his broad gesture, gives him such an opportunity.

He can watch the masterful game of a partner with undisguised interest or without it at all, completely immersed in his world. If such a wife begins to arrange loud scenes with a sharp transition to personalities right in the bazaar, then the schizoid husband can calmly examine fishing accessories in a nearby stall. Here everyone has their own polarity. Purely business relations between these representatives of different characters are quite possible, since they allow at least sometimes a break from each other. Here it is important not to violate the fine line of personal space, respecting the life position of each because of the formality of the relationship.

Hysteroid type - a section of Sociology, Psychology and psychoanalysis of character This Type Is Described In Many Monographs And Guides And Including ...

This type is described in many monographs and manuals and is included in a wide variety of taxonomy of psychopathy. His main feature is boundless egocentrism, an insatiable thirst for constant attention to his person, admiration, surprise, reverence, sympathy. At worst, even indignation or hatred directed at oneself is preferred, but not indifference and indifference - just not the prospect of going unnoticed (“thirsty for a higher rating”). All other qualities of the hysteroid feed on this trait. Suggestibility, which is often brought to the fore, is distinguished by selectivity: nothing remains of it if the atmosphere of suggestion or suggestion itself does not pour water on the mill of egocentrism. Falsity and fantasizing are entirely aimed at embellishing one's person. The seeming emotionality in reality turns into a lack of deep sincere feelings with a great expression of emotions, theatricality, a tendency to drawing and posturing.

Hysteroid traits are often outlined from an early age. Such children cannot stand when other children are praised in front of them, when others are given attention. They get bored with toys quickly. The desire to attract eyes, listen to admiration and praise becomes an urgent need. They willingly read poetry in front of the audience, dance, sing, and many of them really show good artistic abilities. Academic success in the first grades is largely determined by whether they are set as an example to others.

With the onset of puberty, there is usually a sharpening of hysteroid traits.

As is known, the picture of hysteria in adults has changed significantly in recent decades. Hysterical fits, paralysis, etc. have almost disappeared. They were replaced by less severe neurasthenic symptoms. This provision also applies to adolescence. However, in this period, hysterical traits of character are manifested primarily in the characteristics of behavior, in specifically adolescent behavioral reactions. In addition, the acceleration of physical development has significantly changed the previous idea of ​​the infantile gracefulness, fragility, and childishness of hysterical adolescents. Only with one of the options we describe (“labile hysteroids”) is it often necessary to meet a gracile appearance. In other cases, there may be no trace of it.

Among the behavioral manifestations of hysteria in adolescents, suicidality should be put in the first place. We are talking about frivolous attempts, demonstrations, "pseudo-suicides", "suicidal blackmail". The first pseudo-suicidal demonstrations, according to our observations, in accelerated adolescents more often fall at the age of 15-16 years, and not at 17-19 years, as in the previous generation. In this case, the methods are chosen either safe (cuts of the veins on the forearm, medicines from the home first aid kit), or calculated on the fact that a serious attempt will be warned by others (preparation for hanging, the image of an attempt to jump out of a window or throw yourself under a transport in front of those present, etc.). P.).

Abundant suicidal "signaling" often precedes or accompanies a demonstration: various farewell notes are written, "secret" confessions are made to friends, "last words" are recorded on a tape recorder, etc.

Often the reason that pushed the hysterical teenager to “suicide” is called unsuccessful love. However, it is often possible to find out that this is just a romantic veil or just fiction. The real reason is usually wounded pride, the loss of valuable attention for this teenager, the fear of falling in the eyes of others, especially peers, of losing the halo of the “chosen one”. Of course, rejected love, breakup, preference for an opponent or rival deals a sensitive blow to the egocentrism of a hysterical teenager, especially if all events unfold in front of friends and girlfriends. The very same suicidal demonstration with the feelings of others, fuss, ambulance, curiosity of bystanders gives considerable satisfaction to hysteroid egocentrism.

In search of the reasons for a suicidal demonstration, it is important to note where it is being performed, to whom it is addressed, whom it should pity, whose lost attention should be returned, who should be forced to make concessions or drop in the eyes of others. If, for example, a discord with a beloved is declared the cause of suicide, and a suicidal demonstration is carried out in such a way that she cannot see or know about it, but her mother becomes her first witness, there can be no doubt that it is in the relationship with the mother that the conflict lies. Parents, however, often play a "scapegoat" for hysterical teenagers for the "disappointments" that befell them among their peers. In cases of hysteroid psychopathy, suicidal demonstrations can be repeated, especially if the previous ones were successful, and can turn into a kind of behavioral stamp. Suicidal demonstrations are accompanied by hysterical bravado "playing with death" with a claim to gain a reputation as an exceptional personality.

In addition to suicidal demonstrations, one has to meet acute affective suicide attempts, which are more frequent in labile hysteroids. Such affective reactions are most often also caused by blows to self-esteem, humiliation in the eyes of others, loss of hope for a special role, the prospect of exalting in someone's eyes. Affective suicide attempts are also usually saturated with elements of demonstration, aimed at attracting attention. However, against the background of extreme affect, at some point, the true suicidal goal may flash. And even in the absence of it, the edge of the safe in affect can easily be crossed and the demonstrative action by design can end in a completed suicide.

The “flight into the disease”, characteristic of hysteroids, the image of unusual mysterious diseases sometimes takes on a new form among some teenage companies, in particular, imitating: Western “hippies”, expressed by the desire to get into a psychiatric hospital and thereby get a reputation for unusualness in such an environment. Addict role-playing, suicidal threats, and, finally, complaints gleaned from psychiatric textbooks are used to achieve this goal, with all sorts of depersonalization-derealization symptoms and cyclical mood swings being especially popular.

Alcoholization or drug use in hysterical adolescents is also sometimes demonstrative. True alcoholism is extremely rare, and in these cases there is usually a combination of hysteria with traits of another type. Hysteroid teenagers drink little, prefer mild degrees of intoxication, but are not averse to boasting a huge amount of alcohol they drink, the ability to drink without getting drunk, or an exquisite selection of alcoholic beverages (“I only drink cognac and champagne,” said one 14-year-old hysterical teenager). However, they are not inclined to portray alcoholics, since this role does not promise them either a halo of unusualness or greedily curious eyes. But often they are ready to present themselves as a real drug addict. Having heard about drugs or having tried this or that surrogate once or twice, the hysterical teenager begins to describe his drug excesses, an unusual “high”, mentions taking heroin or LSD, which he could not get anywhere, etc. A detailed questioning reveals that he cannot tell anything about real feelings, that the information gathered from somewhere is quickly depleted. Such a mode of behavior indicates, unfortunately, that the role of a drug addict, unlike an alcoholic, is attractive in some asocial adolescent groups. Drug use, imaginary or episodic, can also be a way of appealing to loved ones, the intention to attract their special attention. Offended by his mother, who focused all her worries on her sick brother, the 14-year-old hysterical teenager carried a syringe in his school bag for a week, hoping that his mother would find him. And when the mother did not bother to look into his briefcase, he began to scatter injection needles around the apartment.

The delinquency of hysterical adolescents is usually not serious. We are talking about absenteeism, unwillingness to study and work, since the “gray life” does not satisfy them, and they lack neither abilities nor perseverance to take a prominent place in study or work that would amuse their pride. There are also clashes over defiant behavior in public places, pestering foreign tourists, noisy scandals. In more serious cases, one has to deal with fraud, forgery of checks or documents, deception and robbing of persons whom one has infiltrated into confidence. Hysteroids avoid serious crimes involving violence, robbery, burglary, risk and, apparently, are relatively rare among criminal teenagers.

Runaways from home can begin as early as the first grade of school or even at preschool age. Usually they are caused by punishments that have taken place or are expected, or are due to one of the children's behavioral reactions - the reaction of the opposition. This reaction in children and adolescents is most often associated with the loss of former attention from loved ones. Having run away from home, they try to be where they will be searched for, or to attract the attention of the police, so that they can be brought home or their parents are called for them. With age, shoots can become longer and acquire a romantic color. Their reasons are often the same as those that push them to a suicidal demonstration - the loss of attention, the collapse of hopes for an exalted position, the need to get out of history, which threatens with the inevitability of being ridiculed and thrown down from an honorary pedestal. For example, after assuring his acquaintances that his parents were in a high position, and telling them about the luxurious lifestyle of his family, a 16-year-old youth fled to distant lands when the demands of his friends to invite him to his home became too insistent.

Hysteroid adolescents retain the features of childhood reactions of opposition, imitation, etc. Most often, one has to see the reaction of the opposition to the loss or decrease in the usual attention from relatives, to the loss of the role of a family idol. The manifestations of the reaction of the opposition can be the same as in childhood - going into illness, attempts to get rid of the one to whom attention has switched (for example, to force the mother to break up with the stepfather who has appeared), but more often this children's opposition reaction is revealed by adolescent behavioral disorders - drinking, familiarity with drugs, absenteeism, theft, antisocial companies are meant to signal: "Give me back my former attention, otherwise I will go astray!" The reaction of imitation can determine the behavior of a hysterical teenager. However, the model chosen for imitation should not obscure the imitating person herself. Therefore, an abstract image or a person who is popular among teenagers, but does not have direct contact with this group (“fashion idol”) is chosen for imitation. Sometimes imitation is based on a collective image: in the pursuit of originality, the stunning statements of some, the unusual clothes of others, the provocative demeanor of others, etc. are reproduced. The reaction of hypercompensation is less characteristic of hysteroids, since it is associated with perseverance and perseverance, which they just lack. But the reaction of compensation is quite pronounced. One might think that it is this reaction that plays a significant role in the “cosmetic” lies inherent in hysteroids, in fantasies that they make others believe and, if they do not believe themselves, then enjoy them.

The fictions of adolescent hysteroids are distinctly different from the fantasies of schizoids. Hysterical fantasies are changeable, always intended for certain listeners and viewers, teenagers easily get used to the role, behave according to their fictions, Gennady U. was taken to a teenage psychiatric clinic after he appeared at the state security agencies with a statement that he was recruited by foreign intelligence , instructs him to arrange an explosion at the plant, pointed to certain persons as agents of this intelligence, etc. - all this turned out to be pure fiction.

Hysteroids prone to such myth-making are often singled out as a special psychopathic group of pseudologs. From our point of view, this is hardly justified for adolescence, since fantasies and lies that adorn their own personality are characteristic of almost all hysterical adolescents. And even when inventions are the main thing in behavior, obscuring, it would seem, all other hysterical traits, all these stories always feed on the basis of the hysteroid character - insatiable egocentrism.

Specifically adolescent behavioral reactions are also colored by this main hysterical feature. The reaction of emancipation can have violent external manifestations - runaways from home, conflicts with relatives and elders, loud demands for freedom and independence, etc. However, in fact, the real need for freedom and independence is not at all characteristic of adolescents of this type - they do not at all want to get rid of the attention and cares of their loved ones. Emancipatory aspirations often slip into the rails of the childish reaction of the opposition.

The reaction of grouping with peers is always associated with claims for leadership or for an exclusive position in the group. Possessing neither sufficient steniness, nor intrepid readiness at any moment to assert his command role by force, to subjugate others, the hysteroid strives for leadership in the ways available to him. Possessing a good intuitive sense of the mood of the group, sometimes unconscious desires and aspirations that are still brewing in it, hysteroids can be their first spokesmen, act as instigators and incendiaries. In a fit, in ecstasy, inspired by the looks turned on them, they can lead others, even show reckless courage. But they always turn out to be leaders for an hour - they give in to unexpected difficulties, they easily betray friends, deprived of admiring glances, they immediately lose all their enthusiasm. Most importantly, the group soon recognizes their inner emptiness behind the external effects. This happens especially quickly when hysterical teenagers are not inclined to stay too long in the same teenage group and willingly rush into a new one in order to start all over again. If you hear from a hysterical teenager that he was disappointed in his friends, we can safely assume that they "saw through" him.

In the conditions of closed adolescent groups, for example, in closed institutions with a regulated regime, where an arbitrary change of company is difficult, in order to occupy an exceptional position, a different path is often chosen. Hysterical teenagers willingly accept formal leadership functions from the hands of adults - the positions of elders, organizers of all kinds of events, etc. - in order to take the position of an intermediary between the elders and the adolescent group and thereby strengthen their special position.

Hobbies are almost entirely concentrated in the field of the egocentric type of hobby. Only that which makes it possible to show off in front of others can captivate. If there are abilities, then amateur art opens up the greatest opportunities here. Preference is given to those types of art that are most fashionable among teenagers of their circle (at present, most often - jazz ensembles, variety art) or that amaze with their unusualness (for example, mime theater). It is impossible not to notice among modern teenagers the low popularity of drama circles and the falling popularity of dance ensembles. Sometimes the chosen hobbies, it would seem, do not belong to egocentric hobbies. However, in reality, it turns out that the passion for a foreign language, which usually comes down to mastering the most common dialogues, is undertaken in order to flash a conversation with tourists in front of friends, and the passion for philosophy comes down to the most superficial acquaintance with fashion trends and is again intended to produce impression on the environment. The imitation of yogis and hippies is especially fertile ground in this respect. Even the collections serve the same purpose - to show off them (and yourself!) in front of your friends. Sports and other manual-bodily hobbies are chosen much less often, as they require great perseverance. In contrast to this, leadership hobbies (the role of various kinds of organizers and leaders) are more preferable, as they allow you to always be in sight. However, they soon become weary of the formal responsibilities associated with them.

The sexual attraction of hysteroids is not distinguished by either strength or tension. There is a lot of theatrical play in their sexual behavior. Male adolescents prefer to conceal their sexual experiences, to avoid conversations on this topic. Girls, on the contrary, tend to advertise their real connections and invent non-existent ones, they are capable of slander and self-incrimination, they can portray whores, enjoying a stunning impression on the interlocutor.

Self-esteem of hysteroid adolescents is far from objectivity. Those character traits that can impress at the moment are emphasized.

Three variants of the hysteroid type in adolescence are most common: the “pure” hysteroid type, the unstable hysteroid and the labile hysteroid. The first of them does not require a special description. A labile hysteroid, combining features of the emotionally labile and hysteroid types, is described in the section on varieties of the labile type. As a rule, lability is the basis here, and hysteria is either supplemented during upbringing as a “family idol” or is detected in an emergency.

An unstable hysteroid is a variant of the hysteroid type, most common among male adolescents. Most of them lack the infantilism and gracefulness characteristic of the classical descriptions for hysteroids. On the contrary, the acceleration of physical development is usually quite pronounced. Outwardly, at the first meeting, such teenagers can give the impression of being unstable. Asocial company of peers, drinking, interest in drugs, idleness and craving for a "fun life", neglect of all duties, avoidance of study and work - all this really takes place. However, behind all this is not lack of will and thoughtlessness, not an almost instinctive craving for constant entertainment and pleasure, but the same hysterical egocentrism. All forms of antisocial behavior - alcoholism, drug addiction, delinquency, etc. - serve for bravado in front of elders and peers, in order to gain a reputation for exclusivity. In asocial companies, claims to leadership, to unusualness are found. Alcoholism and drug use can be deliberately demonstrative. Idleness, idleness, dependency are associated with high, virtually unrealistic claims in relation to the future profession. Falsity is not only defensive, as in the truly unstable, it almost always serves the purpose of embellishing oneself.

In addition to hysteroid psychopathy, one has to meet hysteroid accentuation both in explicit and latent form. It should be emphasized once again that a blow to a weak link, capable of revealing a hidden accentuation or causing a vivid hysterical reaction with a clear one, is most often an infringement of pride, a loss of attention, a collapse of hopes for a privileged position, debunked exclusivity.

Diagnosis of the hysteroid type in adolescents should be carried out with caution. Do not be deceived by seeming ease. Hysteroid traits can be superficial layering on the characterological basis of another type - labile or hyperthymic most often. These same features can be included in the picture of organic psychopathy. Demonstrative suicidal behavior in epileptoids can also erroneously suggest hysteria. To the above, one should also add the need to differentiate between hysteria and pronounced mental infantilism in adolescence, when one can also find unbridled fantasies, inventions, childish emotionality, suggestibility, and many other features similar to hysteroids. However, the absence of pronounced egocentrism makes it possible to distinguish such adolescents from hysteroids.

Personality. Temperament
People are alike, because we have all got one human situation with its existential dichotomies; people are unique, because each one solves his own human problem in his own way. FROM

Character. Dynamic character concept
Character traits were considered and are considered in the environment of behaviorally oriented psychologists as synonyms for the properties of behavior. From this point of view, character is defined as "a pattern of behavior

A) receptive orientation
In the receptive orientation, it seems to a person that the "source of all blessings" lies outside, and he believes that the only way to get what he wants - be it something material or through

B) exploitative orientation
The exploitative orientation, like the receptive one, has as its basic premise the feeling that the source of all goods is external and that nothing can be created by oneself. The difference between

B) acquisitive orientation
The acquisitive orientation is quite different from the receptive and exploitative types, which are similar in that both hope to get things from the outside world. This orientation gives people

A) general characteristics
From the time of classical and medieval literature until the end of the nineteenth century, much effort has been spent on describing the image of a worthy person and a worthy society, which

B) fruitful love and thinking
Human existence is characterized by the fact that man is alone and isolated from the world; unable to endure isolation, he is forced to seek kinship and community. There is

Orientation in the process of socialization
As noted at the beginning of this chapter, the life process involves two types of relations with the outside world - assimilation and socialization. We can distinguish the following types of

Combination of different orientations
In describing the different kinds of unfruitful orientations and fruitful orientation, I have approached them as separate phenomena in order to more clearly point out their difference from each other.

Faith as a character trait
Faith consists in the recognition of the affirmations of the soul; lack of faith - in their denial. Emerson Faith is not at all a concept corresponding to intelligence

Character and moral judgment
The problem of moral judgment is often associated with the dichotomy of free will and determinism. According to some, a person is completely determined by the various circumstances that he

Manipulative characters
The modern manipulator does not stand still - it develops and constantly improves. He also seeks to comprehend the secrets of human nature, but with one single goal - h

Manipulative systems
We distinguish four main types of manipulative systems. 1. The ACTIVE manipulator tries to control others through active methods. He will never show

cry, it's good
Representatives of many psychological schools have been arguing for decades about what emotions are. Emotions are the means by which we communicate with each other. We

Psychological personality type in Russian and Soviet cultures
The first thing you need to start acquaintance with the psychological causes of the changes in moral consciousness that are taking place now is to distinguish between the psychology of two successive cultures -

Type of personality of the perestroika era
Let us now try to move on to that type of personality, or, more precisely, to that type of culture with the corresponding personality type formed by it, which we now find in our state as

Extraverted installation
When one's conscious orientation is determined by objective reality, facts received from the outside world, we speak of an extraverted attitude. If such a situation

Extraverted thinking type
When the life of an individual is governed mainly by reflection, and his actions are built on the basis of intellectually meaningful motives, we speak of a thinking type. thinks

Eketraverted feeling type
Feeling of the extraverted type, like extraverted thinking, is data-oriented and usually in harmony with objective values. From the fact that it's raci

Extraverted Feeling Type
Extraverted sensation transcends other functions in seeking to orient itself toward objective reality. As a way of perception with the help of the senses, the function of sensation, - ext

Extraverted Intuitive Type
Intuition is a function of unconscious perception. In an extraverted attitude, intuition is directed to external objects and is conditioned by them. When this mode of operation is warned

introverted attitude
A distinctive feature of introversion, in contrast to extraversion, which is primarily associated with an object and data emanating from the external world, is an orientation towards internal

introverted thinking type
Thinking in an introverted attitude is guided primarily by the subjective factor. Whether the thought process focuses on concrete or abstract objects, its motivation comes from

introverted feeling type
Feeling in an introverted attitude is fundamentally determined by the subjective factor. In its disinterest in the object, it is just as different from extraverted feeling, so inward

introverted feeling type
In the introverted attitude, sensation is initially based on the subjective component of perception. Although its very nature makes it dependent on objective stimuli, the sensed object

introverted intuitive type
Intuition, like sensation, is an irrational function of perception. Where sensation is motivated by physical reality, intuition is oriented toward psychic reality. In the extrave

Body structure types
There is still no exact doctrine of the constitution based on the structure of the body, there are no systematic studies developed in detail. We stand on this point of view: the constitutional

A) Asthenic type
The habitus of the asthenic male is characterized mainly by a weak growth in thickness with an average unreduced growth in length. This underdevelopment of thickness passes through the sun

B) Athletic type
The male athletic type is characterized by a strong development of the skeleton, muscles, and skin. The general appearance of the brightest representatives of this genus: medium or tall men

B) Picnic type
The picnic type in middle age is characterized by a strong development of the internal cavities of the body (head, chest, abdomen) and a tendency of the torso to obesity with a delicate structure of the motor

Cycloid temperaments
Schizoid or cycloid we call pathological personalities oscillating between health and illness, which reflect in a mild degree the main symptoms of schizophrenic and circular

Diet Proportion
At the same time, for manic-depressive patients, the following signs of temperament were found as the most frequent and constantly returning: 1) sociable, kind-hearted

social attitude
The temperament of the cycloids determines the nature of their social attitude, as has already been pointed out. They have a need to speak out, laugh and cry, in the closest natural way.

Mental tempo and psychomotor sphere
The features of the mental tempo and psychomotor sphere, which are observed in the circular form, are so well known and so easily understood that, for the sake of completeness, we will stop a little.

The development of the life of schizoids
Cycloid people retain through all their manic-depressive fluctuations the basic symptoms of temperament from the cradle to the grave. Biologically active principle that creates schizophrenia

Psychaesthetic proportion
Of the schizoid qualities of character observed on the surface, the following are singled out from our material: 1) unsociable, quiet, reserved, serious (devoid of humor), an eccentric; 2)

social attitude
Autism, considered as a schizoid symptom of temperament, has shades depending on the psychesthetic scale of an individual schizoid. There are times when autism is an advantage

Expressive movements and psychomotor sphere
We have brought to the fore the psychesthetic qualities of schizoid temperaments, since they form the most important basis for building a personality. But we must, along with this, briefly

Mental pace
With this, we conclude our research on psychesthesia and the psychomotor sphere of schizoids and, for a moment, stop at a closely related mental tempo. We said that cycloids have an

Cyclothymic and schizothymic average people
We will not stop at the frontiers of the field of psychiatric research. The problem of the constitution will unfold before us in all its breadth only when we transfer the acquired results

Theory of temperaments
The three concepts of constitution, character and temperament received the following meaning during our study. By constitution, we understand the sum of all individual properties that are at rest.

Psychology of constitutional differences in W. Sheldon
The main works of the American psychologist W.G. Sheldon belong to the early 40s. They continue the study of the relationship between body structure and character, begun by E.K. Kretschmer,

Analysis of constitutional differences by biographical data
AUBREY: EXTREME VISCEROTONY Aubrey is a 22-year-old round-faced, overweight, thoroughbred male of medium height. Although his family belonged to a circle of wealthy industrialists, Aubrey

Typological model of Heymans-Le-Senne. France
Let us dwell on one of the psychological characterologies - the typology of Heymans, which was developed and completed by Le Senn and the French school. This characterization is most applicable in

Man as an individual and as an accentuated personality
People differ from each other not only in accentuated features. Even without revealing traits that distinguish a person from the background of an average level, people are still dissimilar to each other. Available in

Methodology for diagnosing personality
Unfortunately, we do not yet have a list of mandatory questions with which to determine accentuated personality traits. This is because when we ask questions, we

Demonstrative personalities
The essence of the demonstrative or, with a more pronounced accentuation, the hysterical type lies in the anomalous ability to repress. This concept was used

Pedantic personalities
At the level of explicit personality pathology, the pedantic type corresponds to alancastic psychopathy. In persons of a pedantic type, as opposed to a demonstrative one, in ps

Stuck personalities
The basis of the stuck, paranoid type of personality accentuation is the pathological persistence of affect. Feelings that can cause strong reactions usually go

Excitable Personalities
Character traits that are developed in connection with the lack of controllability are very significant. They are expressed in the fact that often decisive for the way of life and behavior of a person are

A combination of accentuated character traits
If we distinguish between the properties of character and temperament in the structure of the human personality, then in the above types of personality accentuation, character properties predominate. properties

Hypertensive personalities
Hyperthymic temperament, the sharp degree of manifestation of which is called the hypomanic state, is well known in psychiatry. As with mania,

dysthymic personalities
Dysthymic temperament (with a sharper manifestation, subdepressive) is the opposite of hyperthymic. Personalities of this type are serious by nature.

Affectively labile temperament
Affectively labile, or (with pronounced manifestations) cyclothymic, personalities are people who are characterized by a change in hyperthymic and dysthymic

Affectively exalted temperament
An affectively exalted temperament, when it approaches psychopathy in its degree of expression, could be called the temperament of anxiety and happiness. These are the names

Anxious (fearful) personalities
In childhood, the feeling of fear often reaches an extreme degree. Children of this type, who have an anxious and timid temperament, are afraid, for example, to fall asleep in the dark.

Emotive personalities
Emotivity is characterized by sensitivity and deep reactions in the field of subtle emotions. It is not rude feelings that excite these people, but those that we associate with the soul, with humanity.

Extraverted personality accentuation and its combinations
I have already noted what I see as the originality of the extraverted personality. An extroverted person is more in the direction of perceptions than ideas.

Introverted personality accentuation and its combinations
An introverted person lives not so much with his perceptions and sensations as with his ideas. Therefore, external events as such affect the life of such a person.

Psychopathies and character accentuations
Psychopathies are such anomalies of character that “determine the entire mental appearance of the individual, imposing their imperious imprint on his entire mental warehouse”, “during life ...

Differentiation of psychopathy by severity and accentuations by severity
As P.B. Gannushkin wrote about psychopathy, the degree of their manifestations is a directly confusing wealth of shades - from people who are considered normal by others - and to severe ps

Brief information about the groupings of types of psychopathy and character accentuations
All quite numerous attempts in the field of grouping types of psychopathy can be divided into two directions. One of them was based on the clinical-inductive method

Hyperthymic type
Information from relatives indicates that since childhood, hyperthymic adolescents are characterized by great mobility, sociability, talkativeness, excessive independence, a tendency to

Cycloid type
As you know, this type was described by Kretschmer and first became widely used in psychiatric research. P. B. Gannushkin included four types of psychopaths in the “group of cycloids”

labile type
This type is most fully described under various names "emotionally labile", "reactively labile" or "emotionally labile". In the systematics of psychopathy in G. E

Astheno-neurotic type
This type is the point where the realm of psychopathy and the realm of neurosis touch especially closely. P.B. Gannushkin, noting the special tendency of neurasthenics to hypochondria, include

sensitive type
Even Kretschmer, describing one of the forms of reactive psychosis, called sensitive delusions, drew attention to the fact that this psychosis develops in individuals of a special type: excessive sensitivity

Psychasthenic type
This type, as well as the astheno-neurotic one, belongs to the area of ​​​​close contact between psychopathy and neurosis. The psychasthenic personality is especially disposed to the development of obsessions.

Schizoid type
The most significant feature of this type is isolation, isolation from the environment, inability or unwillingness to establish contacts, reduced need for communication. FROM

epileptoid type
The name "epileptoid" was given based on the similarity to the personality changes that occur in some patients with epilepsy. The similarity of epileptoid psychopathy with adultery

Unstable type
Krap single called representatives of this type - unrestrained, unstable. Schneider more emphasized in his names the lack of will ("weak-willed", "weak-willed"). Their lack of will

Conformal type
Psychopathies of the conformal type do not exist. This type occurs in its pure form only in the form of accentuations and therefore was not included in clinical taxonomy. Painting conformal accent

About the so-called normal character
No one ... will deny that in ordinary life, in the relations of people with each other, knowledge of their psychology, knowledge of their individual characteristics is of great importance. This knowledge has

Systematics of psychopathy
There is a group of enormous importance that still draws displeasure on psychiatry from somatics: somatics are still ready to see psychiatrists as non-biologists

General introductory considerations
The modern doctrine of constitutional psychopathy was the result of an in-depth clinical development of the area of ​​​​the so-called borderline states - borderline between "mental

Cycloid group
Constructive delressive. In its pure form, this group is not numerous. It's about people with a constantly lowered mood. The picture of the world seems to be covered for them by trow

Asthenic group
The concept of neuropsychic "asthenia" in the broad sense of the word covers a number of conditions, both congenital and acquired. Singling out "constitutional asthenia" as

The group of schizoids
The term "schizoid" was introduced into psychiatry by Kretschmer and is used by the latter to refer to psychopathic personalities, in their constitutional features and character traits they are close

Paranoid group
The type of psychopaths described below is designated as paranoid due to a number of, so to speak, historical and clinical considerations. Indeed, very often

Epileptoid group
Already in the very name "epileptoid psychopathy" lies the idea that this term should denote those non-progredient constitutional forms that are in the same

Group of hysterical characters
Due to the vagueness of the concept of "hysteria" in the psychiatric literature, there is no complete unanimity in the application of the term "hysterical" in relation to psychopathic personalities.

A group of unstable psychopaths
This term is not precise enough and is not used in the same volume by different psychiatrists. We prefer not to overly expand its meanings and boundaries and designate only those

Group of antisocial psychopaths
In 1835, the English psychiatrist Pritchard described as a separate clinical form, a special disease, to which he gave the name - "moral insanity", meaning by these words a wedge

A group of constitutionally stupid
The last final chord of the doctrine of constitutional psychopathy is a group of people "constitutionally stupid." This group is also on the border between mental

Some general data concerning the statics of psychopathy
Concluding this part of our work, we consider it necessary to emphasize that the previous presentation has in mind only the statics of psychopathy. The dynamics of the latter will be the subject of the following

Character Analysis
The psychoanalytic concept of character is associated with the name of Freud, or rather with the publication of his book Character and Anal Erotica.

oral character
If the behavioral pattern of an individual is characterized by a feeling of deprivation, a strong fear of losing the love of an object, inner emptiness and despair, we say that he has an oral type of character.

Masochistic character
The problem of masochism has been and still is one of the most difficult therapeutic problems facing the psychoanalyst. If the analyst is sensitive and competent

Hysterical character
The oral and masochistic character can be considered as structures with a weak “I”. In them, the movement of the energy pendulum, which creates the basis of I-perception, is limited and it

phallic-narcissistic character
From the point of view of psychology, character types are differentiated depending on the structure of the Self, that is, on what their relationship to reality is. Bioenergetically they can be distinguished by the gene

Schizoid character
If the individual were never explicitly out of touch with reality, would it be legitimate to describe his structure as schizoid? Such a diagnosis depends on trends, not events. Fenichel defines

R. May. Character reading. USA
Personal portrait What is a human being? The deeper our understanding of the human being, the more effective our consultation will be.

Freedom of the individual
Freedom is a basic principle, an indispensable condition for the existence of a person. It is freedom that distinguishes a human being from an animal, because man has the ability to

The second component of personality is individuality. The difficulty of people seeking counseling about their personal problems lies in the fact that they do not know how to be themselves.

Social inclusion
Social integration is the third component of a stable personality. This aspect is so significant that people believe that if a person experiences difficulties, then they are inexorable.

Empathy is the key to the counseling process
We have studied the theory of personality. Now let's move on to the process of its functioning. How do people meet and what is their mutual reaction? This is where the concept of empathy comes into play.

character reading
A distinctive feature of the consultant is his special sensitivity to people, their hopes, fears and personal tensions. This ability allows him to capture

Forgetfulness and reservations
We do not set ourselves the goal of a deep study of such an amazing and promising subject as memory and forgetfulness, reservations and oversights, since these manifestations of the subconscious

family constellation
In understanding the personality model of an individual, his position in the family plays an important role. This position, of course, should be significant, because in the first, formative, years of one’s life, one

Confession and interpretation
So, contact with the client is established, rapport is achieved, and the main part of the meeting begins - confession, the stage at which the client has the opportunity to "speak out". This is the main

Aspects of confession
Before we move on to a discussion of the stage of confession in general, I want to emphasize once again that the above conversation is not typical, he showed an extraordinary ability to objectively understand himself.

Limited Counseling Options
In this section, we want to make it clear that the consultant's options are somewhat limited. You should not hope for a full disclosure of the client's personality model, and this is not included in the

Personality transformation
Consider the last phase of counseling - the transformation of personality, which is the end and goal of the whole process. So, at the stage of confession and interpretation, we found out that the reason

Limited Council Effectiveness
We must firmly remember that advice cannot change a person. This delusion must be broken once and for all. Advice and counseling serve very different purposes. Shared

leaven" suggestion
Considering the positive ways of transforming the personality, let us pay attention, first of all, to the suggestion that acts as a “leaven”. Many condemn suggestion as a means

Utilization of the client's experiences
The fourth factor contributing to the transformation of character is the utilization of experiences. No matter how much you convince a person, no matter what you say, no changes will occur in him,