Strong personality traits for a resume. Describe yourself or how to describe your character. What to consider when describing a character


First you need to tune in to objectivity. A person has a subjective opinion about himself. Consciously or not, everyone slightly exaggerates or understates this or that quality. If there is no objectivity in the description, then it is worthless. Try to describe sincerely, try to look at yourself from the outside.

Why you need to know your character

Most reviews focus on the negative. During formal employee evaluations, discussions always focus on “opportunities for improvement,” even if the overall evaluation is laudatory. It's no wonder that most managers and their direct reports are afraid of them.

What to consider when describing a character

Of course, traditional corrective feedback has its place; Every organization must filter out non-performing employees and ensure that each individual performs at the expected level of competency. But focusing too much on problem areas prevents companies from reaping the best from their people. After all, he is the rare baseball player who is equally good at every position. Why natural third should a grassroots person develop his skills as a right fielder?

Actually, character implies certain personality traits. First of all, we describe our attitude towards the people around us. How do you relate to others? Indifferent, or vice versa, you are very sensitive to the events that happen in people's lives. Maybe you think they are useless. We describe everything that may indicate your attitude towards others.

This article presents a tool that will help you understand and use your strengths. Called reflective Better Self Management, it offers a unique feedback experience that counterbalances negative input. This allows you to tap into talents that you may or may not know and thus increase your career potential.

Then you need to look for common themes in the reviews, organize them in a table to get a clear picture of your strong suits. Third, you must write a self-portrait - a description of yourself that summarizes and distills the accumulated information. Finally, you need to redesign your personal job description to build on what you're capable of.

Next, we describe your attitude to things. How thrifty are you with your own and other people’s things? Do you like decorations? Do you have a tendency towards kleptomania? Do you value gifts? Describe the role things play in your life.

Now we move on to the description of character traits that relate directly to your inner world. This is done last, because after the previous descriptions, you can clearly imagine a picture of your inner world. We describe our nature. Are you angry or good-natured, do you have a tendency to hold grudges? Can you insult a person, hit him? What role does religion play in your life, how religious are you? Describe your attitude towards the opposite sex. Whether you are romantic or not. By following these instructions, you will be able to objectively describe your character.

Once you become aware of your best self, you can shape the positions you choose to play - both now and in the next stage of your career. Informally, the sting of criticism lasts longer than the balm of praise. Numerous studies have shown that people pay close attention negative information.

For example, when asked to recall important emotional events, people remember four negative memories for every positive one. It's no surprise that most managers give and receive performance reviews with all the enthusiasm of a child on his way to the dentist. Unfortunately, feedback that highlights shortcomings can cause other talented managers to become overwhelmed by trying to cover up or paper over their perceived shortcomings or force themselves into using a poorly fitting template.

Describing a painting is a popular exercise for developing writing and observation skills. But in order to creative work turned out to be interesting, with clear reasoning and logically connected elements of the text, the essay needs to be built according to a certain plan.


Introductory part.

Sometimes the teacher requires that the description begin not only with the title of the picture, but also with short biography artist. If you don’t need to write about the artist, then the emotional perception of the viewer serves as the starting point. The student answers the question: “What do I feel when I look at this picture?” He can write: “This picture emanates melancholy and hopelessness. You inevitably admire these barge haulers, but at the same time you feel sorry for them.” Three or four sentences of emotions and reasoning - and you can move on to what is depicted in the foreground of the picture.

Ironically, this focus on problem areas prevents companies from getting the best results from their people. The paradox of human psychology is that although people remember criticism, they respond to praise. The former makes them defensive and therefore unlikely to change, while the latter creates confidence and a desire to perform better. Managers who build on their strengths can achieve their highest potential. This positive approach does not pretend to ignore or deny the problems that traditional feedback mechanisms identify.


These are the brightest and most colorful heroes, characteristic details landscape. Even in a portrait there are objects that attract the viewer's attention. For example, the smile of the Mona Lisa. It is absolutely normal if a student writes: “My attention was immediately attracted by two people pulling the strap of a barge. They are dressed in rags, their hair is disheveled.” it will be easier if the child notes with his eyes (or a pencil) the most striking moments of the picture and asks himself the question: “What is this?” From these answers-sentences to prose, compose a coherent story.

Rather, it offers a unique and unique feedback experience that counterbalances negative input. This allows managers to use strengths that they may or may not know and thereby contribute to their organizations. Over the past few years, we have developed a powerful tool to help people understand and harness their individual talents. Evoking the “Better Self” reflex, our method allows managers to develop a sense of their “personal success” to increase their future potential.

Second plan.

These are details and elements that seem to support the main theme of the picture. By describing them, you can be observant. See a fallen tree, a dog, an inscription on a boat. We can talk about the mood they evoke in the viewer. It is possible to describe the type of relationships in which people from different planes of the picture find themselves. For example, in the painting “Deuce Again,” the central figure is a guilty boy. His sister, mother and dog express unambiguous emotions. You can describe these emotions (the mother has sincere grief, the sister has disapproval, the dog has joy, she loves her owner in any way). One can imagine what kind of dialogues could take place between the characters.

Positive organizational scholarship is a field of organizational behavior research that focuses on the positive dynamics that lead to positive effects in individuals and organizations. The word "positive" refers to the affirmative bias of the discipline, "organizational" focuses on the processes and conditions that occur in group contexts, and "scholarship" reflects the rigor, theory, scientific procedures, and precise definition in which the approach is grounded.

As a result, employees developed new procedures that were fast, smart and safe. However, before we take action, a few caveats are necessary. If you are too burdened by time pressure and work demands, you can simply delete the information and forget about it. To be effective, the exercise requires commitment, diligence and follow-up. It may even be helpful to have a coach challenge you.

The student begins the story with emotions and ends with logical conclusions. What did he understand after viewing this picture? What thoughts did she evoke in him? What did you remind me of? Could a student meet these heroes in real life? What poems, stories, stories or music is this picture associated with? The latter is especially important, because the child demonstrates his general cultural level, shows how he has mastered material in other subjects (

Identify respondents and ask for feedback

Armed with a constructive, systematic process of collecting and analyzing data about yourself, you can sharpen your performance at work. The first task in the exercise is to collect feedback from various people inside and outside the job. By collecting materials from various sources - family members, past and present colleagues, friends, teachers, etc. - you can develop a much broader and deeper understanding of yourself than you can from a standard performance appraisal.

Despite his strong authority and leadership experience, Robert remained in the same position year after year. His performance ratings were generally good, but not strong enough to place him at high potential. Disappointed, frustrated and discouraged, Robert became increasingly stressed and disillusioned with his company. As part of the exercise, Robert collected feedback from 11 people in his past and present who knew him well.