Is it worth getting a tattoo: the opinion of a psychic. Patterns that influence a person’s fate: magical tattoos and their meaning Occult tattoos and their meaning

Tattoos and their meaning: 4 main types with explanations + 3 life stories + opinion of psychologists.

Have you looked through three hundred sketches, fifteen Instagram profiles and a couple of dozen videos to choose the right tattoo for yourself? And rightly so, because tattoos and their meanings can significantly affect your life.

No, we are not talking about the fact that your employer may refuse you because of your half-back domes if you came to get a job as a children's swimming coach. We are talking about the magical meaning of patterns on the skin.

Tattoos: the meaning of the 4 main types of esoteric designs on the body

You can delve into it endlessly, but why if experts combine them into 4 groups for convenience?

1. “I figured out the infinity sign: the meaning of the tattoo.

“Infinity” is one of the most popular tattoos among those who want to attach sacred meaning to signs on the body.

Magicians claim that the meaning of this tattoo is as follows:

  • First of all, it helps its owner to feel people and processes more deeply and subtly, to delve into their essence.
    It will be difficult to fool you, as you will literally begin to “read” your interlocutors;
  • This tattoo is also suitable for those people who have a complex relationship with time: they either grab onto everything and never get anything done, or, on the contrary, they are obsessed with planning and deadlines.
    It is the “infinity sign” tattoo that will help in this case to find harmony with time.

2. Pentagrams: the meaning of the tattoo.

The pentogram (outlined five-pointed star) is one of the richest in magical meaning tattoos:

  • protects the owner from the influence of evil forces, no matter in what guise they are - your neighbor Aunt Valya or a spirit from the cemetery. Now you don’t have to be afraid of damage, the evil eye and other negative magical influences;
  • such a tattoo will also activate your luck. It is about people with her that they say: “What a lucky guy!”;
  • helps on for many years keep healthy. Therefore, very often magicians recommend this tattoo to be applied to people over 40 years old.;
  • The pentogram will also help you master the art of attentive listening. That is, very soon you will acquire a reputation as a wonderful conversationalist.

3. Mandalas: the meaning of a tattoo.

Mandalas are circular figures into which many geometric objects are inscribed. They have long symbolized harmony, integrity of man, his unity with the Universe.

Tattoos in the form of mandalas will help bring lightness and uniform development to your destiny in all areas.

Let’s say if you are a typical representative of the “office plankton,” then such a drawing may push you to find a creative hobby. Don't be surprised if you suddenly develop a passion for painting or acting.

4. Runes: the meaning of the 6 main runes.

Those who decide to get ancient Scandinavian letters need to know the meanings of such tattoos, because sometimes they are completely different:

So all the “iron ladies” who dream of a prince on a white horse will only benefit from such a tattoo. It will teach you to leave your commanding habits at work.

The meaning of this tattoo portends renewal to the owner in all areas of life - from career to personal relationships.
Therefore, such a tattoo is suitable for those who realized that they are living in a real “Groundhog Day” - no novelty, no pleasure. Drawing will help you discover new facets in life.

Such a tattoo - a real find for men, as it gives its owner courage, the ability to steadfastly endure the blows of fate, and reduces the machinations of opponents.

In a word, what is needed in today’s cruel world: you will deal with your business rival, and you will take away a worthy young lady from other men.

The meaning of this pattern is positive for harsh, hot-tempered people, because the rune gives its owner not only good health, but also composure, the ability to control oneself, and build long-term, stable relationships.

Beautiful rune, beautiful tattoo meaning:

  • justice will always be on your side;
  • With the help of such a sign, reasonable desires will be easily fulfilled.
  • your home will always be nourishing and cozy.

  • Such an elegant tattoo will help both a woman and a man to reveal themselves 100%: at work, in love relationships, and in creativity you will shine.
  • In addition, this tattoo will provide you with the support of other people, even in situations in which you did not count on it.

Esotericists remind us that there are many more runes, but the 6 given are ideal for applying to the body in the form of a tattoo.

Fatal tattoos: meanings that you definitely won’t like, or 3 stories about how drawings on the skin influenced your life

Every more or less experienced tattoo artist will tell you not only about tattoos and their meanings, but also a couple of chilling stories of how an inappropriate design ruined a person’s life.
  1. “Once a girl came to me in tears: she asked me to remove a hieroglyph from her buttock or change it to something else.

    She got this tattoo a year ago, since then she has had a stillbirth, premature baby, her husband left her, and she was kicked out of work.

    After a series of these troubles, the idea finally occurred to her to ask knowledgeable people, what is it she got on her butt?

    It turned out that the meaning of the tattoo in Japanese is “demon.” Question: where was she looking before? Don’t repeat her mistakes, don’t get a tattoo if it has a negative meaning!”

    - asks tattoo artist Vladimir from Kyiv.
  2. He is fully supported by his colleague Kirill from Krasnodar: “And I had to cover up a tattoo. Guess who got this: a paratrooper!

    The one who risks his life almost every day! He said that after getting this tattoo he had no luck and he seriously feared for his career. And if I were him, I would fear not only for her.”

  3. “It would seem that a harmless butterfly tattoo should decorate the shoulder of a cute 16-year-old young lady. But I myself witnessed how a girl, after getting a tattoo, “went from one man to another…

    This is very scary and sad. Moreover, not a single guy treated her with respect. Before getting this tattoo, the girl couldn’t not only get married, but even just have a serious relationship

    For those who are “not in the know: many interpret the butterfly as a sign of a prostitute who makes a living with her body”

    “- shares tattoo artist Alexander from St. Petersburg.

What power lies in magical tattoos?

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Tattoos and their meanings: the opinion of psychologists...

Professional psychologists explain the magical effect of tattoos on people in their own way: they say that by inflicting something evil, a person positions himself that way, and since a tattoo is forever, this condition only gets worse over time.

For example, seeing the face of a wolf on his forearm every morning, a guy will be aggressive before leaving the house, people will respond in kind, and then this pattern of behavior will only become entrenched.

Also, the butterfly tattoo provoked the girl from story No. 3 to behave frivolously.

The same applies to the positive meaning of a tattoo: if a person is sure that some sign helps him in life, then why not?

Whatever it is, without thoroughly studying tattoos and their meanings, do not rush to run to a tattoo parlor. You don’t want to get a sign that carries negativity instead of a beautiful symbol, do you?

In addition, you should not completely rely on the all-knowing Google; consult an experienced specialist.

Nicole Kuznetsova assured that the tattoo should carry eternal values

PHOTO: Official account of Nicole Kuznetsova on Instagram (

In the coming year, Rats will gain unprecedented popularity. According to astrologers and representatives of the fashion industry, the entire culture of beauty will be focused not only on the creation of new designer images - tattoo art will begin to actively move out of workshops onto world catwalks. And, perhaps, soon top models will begin to show off at shows not only in new collection, but also with mysterious images on the body. “Evening Moscow” decided to find out from psychics which tattoos will bring good luck to their owner, and which ones will doom them to chronic bad luck.

According to Slavic sorceress and psychic Evgenia Belova, the tattoo industry really attracts more and more people every year who want to change their image or stand out from the crowd. This culture, according to the expert, has ancient roots.

— In the old days, each tribe had its own identification images on the body. Even the Scythians made skin drawings to indicate their belonging to a certain caste or clan. Moreover, they treated people who did not have any body “marks” with great contempt, Belova explained.

At the same time, the clairvoyant noted that any image on the body, especially without studying its symbolism, can change fate, and not for the better.

“We often meet people who make drawings without knowing their meaning,” the sorceress noted.

According to her, images of runic symbols are especially dangerous.

“When a person recklessly stuffs runes, he dooms himself to danger. These could be various diseases or troubles—debts, lack of money, losses,” the expert added.

Also, according to the specialist, some people like to depict animals on themselves, which are generally accepted symbols of power and aggression - a bear, a tiger or a wolf.

“But you need to understand that if a person himself is cowardly, stupid and short-sighted, then thanks to the animals on his body he will not become wiser, he will not gain the strength of a beast. On the contrary, the imbalance will not work in favor of the owner of such a tattoo,” the sorceress noted.

In turn finalist of the popular mystical show “Battle of Psychics” Nicole Kuznetsova I noticed in a personal conversation with a correspondent of “Evening Moscow” that tattoo culture has always been in fashion in our country. Only the contingent of lovers changes - from men with dubious pasts to girls who broadcast their uniqueness to the world.

- This is invariably an excellent solution if you are sure that in the foreseeable future the printed image will not negatively affect the perception of others around you. There are many professions that do not rhyme with flashy jewelry, including on the body. However, there are no absolute contraindications to tattoos. If your soul asks, it means you don’t really think about a career as an official,” Nicole noted.

The psychic explained that you can always get an image on a part of the body that is usually not visible. In relation to tattoos, the rule applies: it is better to regret what is done than what is not done. According to the “Battle” participant, images and inscriptions that reflect eternal values, especially family ones, are always positively perceived.

— There are inscriptions that you will never regret. I wear these myself. The most notable: “May my mother’s heart beat forever.” If you are ready to repeat in front of everyone what you want to embody in the form of a tattoo, feel free to contact the artist. This is not fashion, not another symbol of the incomprehensible eastern calendar- this is the essence of your soul. She is valuable and unique. Don’t give up on her,” Nicole said.

At the same time, the expert added that in any case, before getting something tattooed on your body, it is better to consult not only with a tattoo artist, but also with an astrologer or psychic, so that the depicted drawing does not come into conflict with you and does not doom you in the future to tragedy.

A mystic from St. Petersburg, the most mysterious participant and winner of the 17th season of the show “Battle of Psychics,” immediately attracted the attention of a million-strong audience of viewers. Swami Bodhi Darshi is a pseudonym of a participant, an honorary title in Hinduism, which means “self-controlled” or “free from feelings.” In India, the master spent more than twenty years of his life studying various practices of self-knowledge, meditating and undergoing training.

A long journey of self-discovery, rich life experience, 20 years of practice working with the body and constant meditation allow Swami Dashi to “read” people in order to understand what methods can be used to transform a particular person.

Working in the “Spirit-Soul-Body” system, he helps people restore spiritual balance and set the desired vector on the path to self-healing of the body and energy systems. Swami Dashi promotes the importance of balance between physical, mental and spiritual activities that complement each other. The master of bodily practices has opened several Meditation Centers and regularly conducts on-site seminars.

The winner of the 17th “Battle of Psychics” became incredibly popular and attracted a huge number of people with his gift. Many strive to get an appointment with a mystic and sign up for seminars, where the queue already numbers more than ten thousand people! There are hundreds of questions on social networks that Swami Dashi periodically answers in general publications.

It’s not surprising that subscribers were interested in the tattoos of the favorite of the 17th “Battle of Psychics.” Answering this question, Swami Dashi posted a photo of the tattoo on his accounts with the comment:

Companions:))))), I’m still in silence, partly forced......
Who's talking about tattoos: here's the original source - Sasha Markin, the best of the best:))))), all questions to him. He is my tattoo artist, of course...

Wolf is the totem animal of Swami Dasha, which is why the large-scale tattoo on the chest depicts a wolf with a grin, which is a guide to another world and a protector from the forces of evil.

A tattoo with the image of a wolf and the moon symbolizes a certain degree of independence from society and a special power of inner strength. Dashi admits that the wolf greatly influences his life, and working with totems is also part of the range of his practices.

The image of an old man next to a wolf enhances the abilities of the totem animal, gives him the strength of his ancestors, making him wiser. A wolf in a tattoo also confirms the owner’s involvement in wildlife.

Each tattoo on Swami Dasha’s body is associated with certain events and stages of the esotericist’s life. He deliberately avoids questions about tattoos and their meanings, emphasizing only their very personal nature.

Therefore, the meanings of the tattoos on Dasha’s body can only be characterized in a general sense. For example, wing tattoos usually interpreted as a symbol of sublimity, they have a designation of lightness, flight and the desire for freedom. In Ancient Egypt, a tattoo with wings was a sign of power.

The drawing on Swami Dasha’s other hand is a tattoo with the work of the Dutch graphic artist Maurits Escher “ Möbius strip II"with nine ants.

The paradox of this lithograph is that, having made a circle, the ants resort to the same place where the movement began, while finding themselves on the opposite side of the tape.

Ants- a symbol of mobility, hard work, patience and diligence.

A tattoo of ants embarking on an endless journey along a loop-shaped ribbon is a symbol of high organization and orderliness.

“To understand me,” writes Dashi, “you will only need to read the quote from one great man, which is given below”:

“You can exist in 2 ways. If you exist as a person living with your head, then you will achieve success in the world. You can achieve wealth, power, prestige. In politics you can be a successful leader. In the eyes of the world, you will become an object of imitation. But inside, inside the soul, you will lose completely, lose to the end, because the “man of the mind” cannot enter inside the soul at all. The head is directed outward - this is openness to others. The heart is open inward - this is openness to yourself. You can exist either as a “man of the mind” or as a “man of the heart.” When your energy, your vital energy moves from the head to the heart, you become a Sufi.”
- Osho.

The range of Swami Dashi's practices includes yoga, alternative oriental medicine, various meditative practices, Osho's teachings, Sufi whirling and dhikrs, Tibetan pulsations, Zen and Zazen, as well as the techniques of Lapin, Gurdjieff and Reich.

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  • Since ancient times, humanity has believed that images on the body can change people's destinies. It was even said that some symbols could heal diseases, increase the flow of vital energy, and also add courage, wealth and fame. At the moment, nothing much has changed - we also continue to give magical powers to tattoos.

    The influence of tattoos on a person’s fate and life

    Each of us perceives the presence of a certain picture on our body in our own way: some express their own “I” this way, some want to become rich and successful, and some simply follow fashion.

    Most believe that after getting a tattoo they will be able to perceive this world from a different angle. After all, as esotericists say, any picture or inscription on the body has a hidden meaning and has its own aura. It is also very important in which area your tattoo is located. The impact of the image depends on this. It can be both negative and positive.

    The meaning of the place where the tattoo is applied

    The future fate of the owner depends on where exactly the image is drawn. The image, like , affects the line of fate. Moreover, it can change it at any time. The effect of a tattoo will be more significant if it is located in a visible area. Conversely, designs that can be hidden under clothing will have a weaker effect.

    • If the tattoo is located in the neck area, then the owner becomes more patient and restrained over time. Therefore, it is not advisable for timid and quiet people to choose a tattoo in this area. Otherwise, you risk becoming a more indecisive person.
    • Owners of a tattoo on their arm very often begin to take things more seriously and behave more confidently around other people.
    • If the tattoo is located on the chest or stomach, you risk becoming more unsociable and losing contact with several friends, since this area attracts loneliness.
    • If you make a drawing on the back, the owner becomes more arrogant and selfish.
    • The image on the buttock gives its owner self-doubt. A person becomes more self-critical, touchy and whiny.
    • If you get a tattoo in the navel area, you risk becoming more cruel and jealous.
    • And if you get a tattoo in the heart area, you can become more positive, calm and self-confident.

    A tattoo on the leg will help its owner stand stronger on his feet and not lose heart under the influence of the trials of fate.

    The influence of tattoos with meaning on a person

    We all know that a person’s self-esteem and mood depend on a person’s appearance. For example, girls with more discreet makeup behave more modestly and responsibly. Conversely, women with bright makeup behave more relaxed and confident. This is how tattoos influence their owner. But as for this case, it is almost impossible to change yourself later.

    If you get a tattoo with aggressive and angry text, it will always remind its owner of how bad this world is. And at the same time, it is then very difficult to cross that line, even for a short time, that he once made for himself. Magical influence tattoos is explained by the fact that when a person chooses a design, he relies on his secret dreams and fears.

    However, psychics and healers strongly advise against drawing pictures that express traits that are uncharacteristic of a person. For example, a tattoo on the shoulder of a shy person in the form of a lion will subconsciously require courage and determination. But due to the lack of certain skills to quickly make decisions and take risks in extreme situations, such a pattern will only lead to strong aggression and loss of sanity.

    Today there are also tattoos that are a talisman against unfriendly people. But it is worth remembering that only an experienced healer can get rid of the evil forces that have already penetrated a person’s aura.

    The influence of tattoos on human energy

    How do tattoos affect a person’s energy? Certain designs made on the body are capable of emitting certain waves and frequencies that are not characteristic of a person from birth. And this helps to strengthen your own aura.

    If a tattoo is in harmony with its owner, then it helps to reveal it strengths and alleviate deficiencies. The sign depicted on the body is like an additional energetic connection that helps reunite its owner with another world. But there is also an energy cycle effect: if we receive a positive surge of energy, then we will have to sacrifice something later. Nothing is given for nothing and you have to pay for everything.

    Before getting a tattoo, be sure to find out all the information about the artist who is going to give you a tattoo. Especially about his illnesses, bad habits, money problems and family problems. After all, the tattoo artist conveys his karma and aura along with the drawing he makes. When a tattoo artist has negative energy, a person’s fate can change for the worse: problems with money may appear, health may worsen, disagreements may arise in the family, etc.

    In addition, you need to take a very responsible approach to the image of the drawing and the time when it will be applied. If, after getting a tattoo, your life goes downhill, you need to think about the possible removal or change of the design. Good decision He will also talk to a psychic who will tell you exactly the cause of the problem and advise what to do next.

    Whether to change your body with a tattoo or not is up to each of you to decide. But if you still decide to take this step, be sure to find out what this drawing means and whether your life can change after this.

    Never skimp on choosing a tattoo artist. Rely only on professionals in their field, and not on dubious self-taught people. In any case, it is very important that after this procedure you are satisfied and do not have any bad consequences.

    Sak yant tattoo on back

    Magical or folklore tattoos account for more than 75% of orders from tattoo artists. The skin is covered with symbols designed to protect the owner. The type of image for a tattoo is selected based on religious motives or beliefs close to the owner’s philosophy.

    A special place is occupied by Scandinavian runes, oriental symbols of balance, pentagrams and solar signs. Before applying a sign to the skin, the tattoo artist must study all interpretations. He must make sure that the client knows these statements and agrees with them.

    Magic tattoos, features

    Any supernatural tattoo affects the life of the owner, whether he wants it or not. For this tattoo, the artist must understand the structure of signs and a set of interpretations.

    The client is given a set of options for writing the style and their meaning. Magic tattoos can change fate, strengthen parts of one’s character, and even cause damage.

    The same sign has similar interpretations among different peoples. They certainly read like images of the elements, a circle and a cross. The most common interpretations of any sphere are the meaning of the sun, movement and ascension. The cross determines the cardinal directions and separates the flows.

    Triangle tattoo with eye, forearm

    The main thing in a magical sign is the energy passing into the human body through the image. With the help of a tattoo, the energy of the body is enhanced and potential increases. It also makes it possible to carry out a personality transformation if the owner wants to change to the desired psychological image.

    If a master undertakes to perform a tattoo in the style of magical signs, he must be well versed in the rules for composing the symbol. For example, Agishjalm, which has a second name “Helm of Horror,” has several options. Drawn in the form of a snowflake, it provides protection against sudden attacks.

    With the addition of “pitchforks” on each beam, it is an impenetrable defense against everything hostile. But if a symbolic image of a face is inscribed in its center, the drawing becomes a protection against the wine going sour. This symbol was stamped on the bottoms of barrels. Accordingly, the altered image is useless in the personal protection of a person.

    The same applies to the pentacle. A star with two rays facing upward was initially considered a symbol of the head of a sacrificial animal. It carried the meaning of “sacrifice” and “gift to the gods.” Later it was used as official symbolism, which radically changed the energy of the sign. The drawing no longer carries the meaning of protection, but conducts low energies of destruction.

    Almost all symbols can be combined. However, in order for their meaning to be in harmony, you need to know the rules of layout. The drawings are selected from one tradition and are not mixed with images of other beliefs.

    That is why the master is required to have deep knowledge of symbolism and skills in working with graphics. A crooked line or the absence of a dot in the center of the circle changes the meaning of the symbol, and therefore changes the entire message as a whole.

    The color combination also requires processing to match the sign. More often magical tattoos are depicted in black and white or dark brown outlines. This allows you to create a beautiful effect and achieve a resemblance to the drawings in manuscripts.

    The blue spectrum is not very suitable, and the red and yellow range is not suitable for water symbols. Air signs are rarely drawn in the colors of the earth; accordingly, the colors of the energy of the mind or ether are not very suitable for the symbols of the earthly element. That is why the master must take into account not only the client’s wishes in his work, but be able to offer options that suit his expectations.

    Types of magical tattoos

    Magical tattoos are divided into religious, cult, ritual and shamanic. The occult signs from the alchemical set are partially inherited from Hebrew and the Kabala. Among the common symbols of this direction are often found 8-pointed, a candlestick, scales, alchemical sulfur and letters of the alphabet.

    Star of David tattoo

    Universal magic symbols:

    • a circle with a dot in the center - the sun;
    • eye - protection from the evil eye;
    • cross - four cardinal directions;
    • a square with a cross in the middle - a sown field or fertility;
    • knot - protection, longevity;
    • wavy line - water, greeting evil eye, vital energy.

    Esoteric tattoos of northern traditions are runes or staves made from them*. The most popular tattoo symbols of northern traditions, Agishjalm. Eastern traditions brought the infinity sign, mandala and pentagram to tattoo culture.

    The latter is a more universal symbol, found both in Ancient Greece so in Europe. Five pointed star used in Tibet as a security sign. It can be found in Sak Yant and Celtic traditions.

    *Stav - several runes collected into one symbol, changing the meaning in favor of the message. It may be a composed symbol eternal life, wisdom, protection from enemies or bringing good luck to the house.

    Places of application

    The rules for applying magical tattoos to the skin are strictly regulated. Symbols denoting spirit and soul never hit the legs or the bikini area.

    It is preferable not to wear water signs on your hands so that luck and energy do not drain away. It is best to protect with chakra symbolism. Their exit points are schematically indicated in reference books on acupuncture or yoga.

    Manipura chakra tattoo

    Solar and fire symbols beat on the upper body. This way they strengthen the energy of the heart and spirit, bringing good luck to life. Signs associated with mental and creative activity It is better to hit on the neck, the base of the back of the head or opposite the upper vertebrae connecting the neck to the back.

    To ensure stability in life, symbols of the earth are placed on the feet. You can choose places from the foot to the waist. Drawings with the meaning of water and wind are placed over the area of ​​the ribs and chest. This attracts creativity into a person's life.

    When making designs from a specific religious or magical practice, consult with the masters. He must find out the peculiarities of the traditions of creating the sign, its layout and the rules for placement on the body. This way you will achieve maximum effect by bringing good luck and success into your life.

    Video - magical tattoos