Happy Valentine's Day status for friends. Statuses about lovers for Valentine's Day

On Valentine's Day, let the wizard Valentine Illuminate lovely women and men with great love, Give a bonus - happiness... not for five minutes, for a century... And let him give a Valentine's card... to a loved one!!!

I cordially congratulate you on Valentine’s Day, on the day of lovely eyes illuminated with love! Let the sadness melt away winter snowflake, Valentine will help you with this!

I hug you and kiss you on the cheek, because I like you very, very much!

On Valentine's Day I congratulate all my loved ones! Those who love and are loved, Whose love we keep in our hearts! I send valentines around the world to all corners of the planet... I wish everyone happiness! Happy Valentine's Day, friends!

February 14. Some lonely girls say that they don’t need anyone and the holiday is nonsense. And I really want to be told on this day, “You know, I love you so much.”

"I love you! More than anyone in the world!!! You are my only, beloved, and most best girl in my life..." - the mirror told me on Valentine's Day.

MOM gave us the biggest Valentine. SHE IS BEATING INSIDE YOU!

What? Is Valentine's Day coming soon? Damn, I forgot to have a boyfriend again.

Let Valentine's Day be the best day to confess your love to your loved one - that is, me!

My dear, I congratulate only you on Valentine’s Day, because I love you especially much, like I have never loved anyone!

Happy Valentine's Day and everyone who loves you!

Your love filled my heart like rose petals! Happy Valentine's Day!

February 14th is coming soon. Some people don’t have a soulmate, but that’s no reason to be sad! After all, it is on this day that you can meet your happiness, at least while drunk.

Saint Valentine on this day allows those to confess their love, who do not yet know what other way to choose in order to open their whole soul and expose their love.

On Valentine's Day, since this is our holiday, I congratulate you and kiss you many, many, many times!

Valentine's Day is coming - a holiday of passion and fire. Don’t forget to congratulate ONE ME on Valentine’s Day!

Why does a citizen have a bulging pant leg on Valentine's Day? No, he’s not a maniac at all, he’s bringing cognac to the department!

I congratulate you on Valentine’s Day, and I wish that on your journey there will be no end, no edge for happy and joyful days.

Valentine's Day... I love you, brute.

For Valentine's Day, I already bought a card with the inscription “To my one and only”, six of them.


All couples in love know very well when to celebrate their relationship date. February 14 is officially recognized as Valentine's Day, although this holiday came to us from overseas and is not traditional, people celebrate it and many congratulatory valentines with declarations of feelings and love fly into anonymous boxes of various people, mailboxes, and of course However, the dialogues of social networks are filled with spam messages about how dear their halves are. In short, if you are a fan of this event, then Happy Valentine’s Day statuses will be of use to you. We wish you to find your love.

We are happy for you! After all, if you visited our site, it means you love it?! What could it be more beautiful than love? And we will try to help you express your feelings in beautiful and concise statuses. Use our statuses not only on February 14th for Valentine's Day, but every day! Love it! And be loved!

Homeless ivy toys were invented for Valentine's Day to finally find a home =)

Love is when there are 365 Valentine's Days in a year :)

Valentine's Day. Pharmacy. -Hello. -Over...

Your love, like rose petals, filled my heart! Happy Valentine's Day!

On Valentine's Day - don't think - just act!!

Everyone is celebrating Valentine's Day, and I'm 14 days before the start of spring...)))

You need to love and appreciate a person not on Valentine’s Day, but 365 days a year...

Valentine's Day is coming soon...Valentines, hearts, candies, kisses, dates...

I wish everyone on Valentine's Day... to receive declarations of love from those who really love you... and to meet the one you love...

Valentine's Day was great) I was with my boyfriend. Everything was as it should be, gifts) but I really wanted to come to you Dima, you can’t even imagine) I still love you

Valentine's Day is coming - a holiday of passion and fire. Don’t forget to congratulate ONE ME on Valentine’s Day!!

Girl, do you have valentines with the inscription “to my only one”? - Eat! - Give me 16 pieces

I cordially congratulate you on Valentine’s Day, on the day of sweet eyes illuminated with love! Let sadness melt like a winter snowflake, Valentine will help you with this!!!

If a person appears in your life with whom you forget the past, then this person is your future!

5 words about ideal person: The One Who Is Now With Me.

Love is when you get up early to make him a cup of coffee, and the coffee is already ready.

There is no difference between the phrases “I love you” and “I will wash the floor” as long as you have not done anything.

Lord, sometimes it seems to me that I cannot live without him! - You're right! - the Lord answered, - ... it only seems to you ...

The heart decides who to love... Fate decides who to be with...

Fuck you all with your advice. But I will still love him.

I love you, life because you are in it... and you because you are in my life..... forever...

Take a glass. - I took it! - Now make him fall, and see what happens to him. - Well, he crashed, so what? “Now ask for forgiveness and see if he will become whole again?”

It is impossible to love and then not feel anything. Either you were lying then, or you are lying now.

An intelligent woman disappears as quietly as she appeared... But having disappeared, she leaves behind a mark on her heart... Not so that she will be found... But so that she will never be forgotten.

If you try not to think about Me... - You are already thinking about Me..

Nothing like love makes a person happy and nothing like love makes a person unhappy.

You can close your eyes to what you see, but you cannot close your heart to what you feel.

If the choice is between “yes” or “no,” then “yes”! Do it. Kiss, hug, catch up, meet, tell. And it may be nonsense, but at least they tried.

If you don't do it, someone else will. If you don't write, someone else will write. If you're not there, someone else will be. If you don't take everything into your own hands, someone else will. Be the first, otherwise... there will be someone else.

All your futures, present and former, have the same flaw... they are not me.

The morning of my dreams - Me and You next to me.

love is joy love is a dream, love is a fairy tale for those who are in love.

To be loved, you must be beautiful, and to be beautiful, you must be loved!

Cupid spent a bunch of arrows on them, but nothing helped - Fate quietly chuckled on the sidelines.

On Valentine's Day, I wish you great happiness, a pleasant night, incredible love!

Let the pieces of ice melt on your heart from a cheerful Valentine!

In the ocean of bottomless feelings, we will drown headlong, because Valentine's Day is your and mine holiday!!!

Selection best statuses for Valentine's Day. Beautiful romantic statuses for Valentine's Day. Cool statuses on February 14

I love you! More than anyone else in the world!!! You are my most beautiful and best girl in my life…” – the mirror told me on Valentine’s Day.

Love cannot be “Downloaded” or “Copyed”, and rashly thrown into the trash “Delete”, “Block”, “Format”, but love can be “Save”...

Valentine... some kind of paper, colored, in the shape of a heart... because of this piece of paper I am happy and have been with him for almost two years...

I want a love like baby shampoo: no tears!

My heart was stolen by you... Take it, I’m not greedy! Happy Valentine's Day!

I will love you with cement effect! I will fill you with my love from head to toe, and over time it will only get stronger! All that remains is to find you...

You live in my heart. You live in my thoughts. You live in my soul. For rent - when will you pay???

Everyone is celebrating Valentine's Day, and I'm 14 days away from the start of spring.

I love to love my beloved, I love to be his beloved!

And even a million million of the most beautiful statuses They won’t tell you how much I love you!!!

Love is when there are 365 Valentine's Days in a year

I like her, and no one will guess who this is dedicated to!

Each of us is an angel, but with only one wing. And we can fly only by hugging each other...

Love has come... Vacation for the mind...

I really want to hear from you just 3 words... Just 10 letters...

Call an ambulance"! Cupid just shot me!!!

Don't be upset if you don't have a soul mate, God looks at you and says "I'm saving this girl for someone special"

I'll be my own Valentine because I'm awesome!

Please love and don't complain!

I will celebrate Valentine's Day in wonderful company: me and you.

God created man first and then he had a great idea.

I’ll bake a heart-shaped cake, buy Raffaello and champagne... and eat it all myself

On Valentine's Day, I got drunk like a beast. All further bullshit took place without me!

On Valentine's Day, a woman will either receive a gift from a man, or she will nag him for not receiving a gift. But in both cases she will enjoy it.

Valentine's Day is a holiday of passion and fire. Don’t forget to congratulate ME ONLY on this holiday!!

Girl, do you have “Valentines” with the inscription “to my only one”? - Eat! - Give me 20 pieces...

Love is not about status... Love is in the heart!

Valentine's Day is not my holiday. I'm not in love. I love.

I shout to the whole universe: I LOVE you.
And I humbly add: CONGRATULATIONS.

There is only one day a year: the Celebration of the feeling of light.
Let Valentin fulfill all his cherished dreams!

On the day of St. VALENTINA, more money and intimacy!

I had a dream that the two of us were drinking vodka under the fence. What a wild picture... Happy Valentine's Day!

Girl, call an ambulance! Cupid just shot me!!!

On Valentine's Day, I am in love and you are loved. How I wanted you to confess your love to me!

We are close, but we might not have met each other... The only one, thank you for existing in the world!

I wanted to send you all my love, but the post office said it was too big!

A person falls in love many times in life, but true love comes one day. I wish everyone true, mutual love!!!

From pure heart I wish you on Valentine's Day not to be disappointed in your soul mate!!!

I wish you success and happiness, I give you a postcard as a souvenir,
I send greetings from the bottom of my heart, “I love you,” I tell you.

I believe in the witchcraft of love, in its mysterious power, and on Valentine’s Day I send you my thoughts.

The earth has the sky, the night has dreams, love has wings, and I have you.

On Valentine's Day
And in any other...
I feel happy
If you are with me!