Ways to identify natural olive oil: what to look for and how to moisturize your skin at home? Olive oil in cosmetology: beneficial properties for hair and skin Olive oil in home cosmetology.

Olive oil It has been used for the face for a very long time, since people discovered the amazing properties of this truly miraculous product. This indispensable product is used in the manufacture of modern cosmetic products intended for careful care for the face, hair, body and skin of the hands.

Olive oil has a cleansing, toning and rejuvenating effect, the ability to accelerate the process of cell regeneration, as a result of which it is possible to preserve the natural firmness, elasticity and youth of the skin for a long time. Regular use natural oil made from olive helps smooth out small wrinkles and also prevents the appearance of new ones.

According to the results of research by French scientists, the fats in olive oil are identical to those that form sebum. It is this property that explains the fact that olive oil effectively relieves redness, irritation and inflammation of the skin, and also prevents flaking, dryness and aging. Due to the fact that the oil easily penetrates the capillaries of the skin, it is often used as a conductor for creating various essential compositions.

Benefits of olive oil for facial skin

Olive oil for the face is useful, first of all, due to its unique composition, which contains vitamins A, B, E, D, K, monounsaturated fats, phosphatides and phospholipids, as well as other substances that stimulate metabolic processes in the skin and improve blood microcirculation. This product is ideal for caring for problematic, dry, sensitive skin, and is also often used in cosmetic products to care for aging skin. And this is not surprising, because olive oil perfectly moisturizes, softens, nourishes the skin, and helps maintain its natural elasticity. Regular use of olive oil has been proven to smooth out wrinkles.

It’s not for nothing that olive oil is called “liquid gold” – its composition is so beneficial! It should be noted that many women from Ancient Greece used this product to preserve the youth of their skin. And even today this trend continues, especially among connoisseurs of environmentally friendly, natural products.

The benefits of olive oil for facial skin lie in the usefulness of its components:

  • Vitamin A – perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, normalizes subcutaneous blood circulation;
  • Vitamin E is a universal antioxidant, plays a significant role in cell renewal, evens out skin texture and prevents aging;
  • Phosphatides - contain a lot of sugars and retain water well;
  • Phospholipids - play a large role in the construction of cell membranes, and also take an active part in metabolic processes;
  • Unsaponifiable substances (sterols, carotenoids, cocopherols) – have pronounced restorative and soothing properties for the skin;
  • Fatty acids (saturated and unsaturated: palmitic, stearic, linoleic, etc.) - form a film that has protective functions and protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and low temperatures;
  • Squalene is a humectant;
  • Trace elements (copper, iron, calcium) – neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals, which cause the skin to quickly fade.

Olive oil is effective for sunburn due to its antibacterial and softening properties. It is indispensable for high-quality moisturizing and healing the skin of the face and body.

Harm of olive oil for the face

Olive oil for the face is actively used in modern cosmetology as effective remedy for skin care that requires moisturizing, toning and nutrition.

Everyone knows about the benefits of olive oil. But many are interested in the question of whether there is any harm to olive oil for the face? It should be noted that there are practically no “cons” in its use. Only important condition– this is the use of oil for its intended purpose and in the optimal quantity. In rare cases, the body may experience an allergic reaction to olive oil. To prevent possible allergies or individual intolerances, you should test it on your wrist before using the product.

It is important to maintain the correct time when applying olive oil masks to your face. So, you need to keep the mask on for no more than 40 minutes, and it is best to wash it off with water at room temperature, slightly acidified with lemon juice. If the mask is used to care for oily skin, it must contain citrus fruits, fruit juices, or dairy products with a minimum of fat content. Those who have increased sebum production are not recommended to abuse products containing olive oil.

In addition, you should not often use olive oil when caring for young problem skin. It is important to take into account the period of use of olive oil - it should not exceed 2-3 weeks, since due to the oil film, the water-fat balance of the skin may be disrupted and the so-called appearance on it. “comedones” (blackheads), - in other words, blockage of the sebaceous glands may occur. Olive oil is not compatible with any creams, since mixing the oil film with the ingredients of the cream will worsen the skin condition.

Using Olive Oil on the Face

Olive oil for the face is used by many women at home to gently cleanse, nourish and moisturize the skin - both in its pure, in kind, and as a main component in the preparation of all kinds of masks.

Using olive oil on your face pure form, primarily aimed at cleansing and moisturizing the skin in the morning and evening hours. To carry out such cosmetic procedures, the oil must be preheated in a small container placed in hot water. After this, you should moisten a cotton swab in it, gently wipe your face, leave for 15 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with warm boiled water, or blot paper napkin. If you perform the procedure immediately before bed, you do not have to wash off the oil, so your skin (especially dry skin) will receive even more hydration.

To care for oily skin, after cleansing with olive oil, it is recommended to rinse your face with cool water after 10-20 minutes. It should be emphasized that olive oil in its warm form removes decorative cosmetics from the face well. So it can be used as natural remedy for removing makeup.

Using olive oil, you can care for the delicate skin around the eyes, which requires special hydration, since it is often in this area of ​​the face that signs of skin aging and the first wrinkles appear. The procedure is quite simple: you need to lubricate the skin around the eyes with slightly warm olive oil, while massaging them with your fingertips. After this, the oil should be left to be absorbed into the skin for half an hour (or overnight), and then remove excess oil with a dry cloth.

Cosmetic olive oil for face

Olive oil for the face is used in modern cosmetic procedures, as well as care products for various skin types. It is interesting to know that the first creator of the cream was the famous ancient Greek physician Claudius Galen (date of birth - 130 AD). He used olive oil for his cream.

Cosmetic olive oil for the face is a popular component of all kinds of creams, balms, scrubs, lotions, masks, soaps, and makeup removers. Gently penetrating the skin, the oil helps soften it, as well as transport nutritional components to the epidermis area. Most often in cosmetic composition It does not contain a natural oil base, but an extract in the form of lanolin, which contains a complex of vitamins, as well as minerals and beneficial antioxidants. In our time, cosmetics based on olive oil from well-known brands have proven themselves to be excellent. For example, face mask from AVON “Paradise Moisturizing” from the “Planet SPA” series; cream-gel from A’kin for mixed and oily skin types “Vital Hydration”; soap from Yves Rocher “Les Plaisirs Nature” (for dry skin care), etc.

Due to the fact that olive oil contains special substances squalane and squalene, it is used in anti-aging products - masks for the face and neck, with which you can eliminate fine wrinkles and reduce the number of deep age wrinkles. Phenols are another unique component of olive oil. They help slow down the aging process, making facial skin smoother, more elastic and silky. The amazing properties of olive oil allow it to be used to create face and body creams with UV protection. If you don’t have a safe tanning product on hand, you can safely use olive oil - the tan will lie beautifully and evenly on your skin. It’s surprising, but even men can use olive oil for their face by lubricating their skin with it before shaving. Thus, the oil will protect the skin from damage and irritation, and will also facilitate the process itself.

Cosmetologists advise paying attention to cosmetic products with olive oil, especially for those who show signs of aging and dry skin.

Olive oil based face masks

Olive oil for the face is very often used in folk recipes in order to prepare all kinds of masks for the careful care of both dry and combination or aging skin, for toning, additional moisturizing and vitamin nutrition of the face, smoothing facial wrinkles. One of the main properties of olive oil is gentle protection of the skin from the negative effects of the sun, wind, unfavorable ecology and other environmental factors. Olive oil is a 100% natural product, so caring for delicate facial skin with its help will be of high quality and very effective.

What types of face masks are there based on olive oil? The modern recipes given below are very popular among many women. Moreover, preparing various masks from olive oil is possible in ordinary home conditions.

  • To thoroughly moisturize dry skin, use pure olive oil, which should be slightly warmed in a small container and then applied to the face, after cleansing the skin with toner or lotion. After 20 minutes, the remaining amount of oil should be removed with a clean napkin. Problem areas of the face that most often flake should be lubricated with oil more often - up to 4 times a day.
  • For additional nutrition of dry skin, it is recommended to thoroughly mix a special gruel made from olive oil with fresh vegetables or fruits - 1 tbsp. spoon of each ingredient. The resulting mixture should be carefully applied to the face, left for 20 minutes and rinsed thoroughly with warm water. To prepare the gruel, the pulp of melon, banana, apricot, etc. is usually used. In this case, among vegetables, it is best to give preference to cucumber, grated carrots, potatoes, zucchini, etc. This mask is ideal for toning combination skin faces. For this purpose, you can use the pulp of apple, peach, citrus, kiwi, watermelon, grapes and other fruits.
  • To delicately soften the skin, use fatty cottage cheese and olive oil (in a ratio of 1: 2) - everything is mixed well. The finished mixture should be carefully applied to the face, and after 25-30 minutes. rinse with warm water. You can add honey to this curd-olive mixture to create an effective remedy for moisturizing aging skin that needs special care.
  • A mask with a whitening effect is prepared by mixing equal portions of low-fat cottage cheese, carrot juice, milk and olive oil. The mixture should be thoroughly rubbed in your palms and then applied liberally to your face. After 15 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water, and the skin of the face is wiped with a piece of ice. This procedure promotes rejuvenation and effective hydration of the skin.
  • To care for delicate, sensitive skin, a soothing mask is used, which is prepared quite simply: for this you need to mix cucumber and banana, grated on a fine grater. Pour 2 tbsp into the prepared pulp. spoons of olive oil, apply the mask to your face, and after half an hour, wash off the remaining residue with cool water.
  • To prolong the youthfulness of facial skin, cosmetic clay mixed with 1-2 teaspoons of olive oil is often used. The mask should be applied for 15-20 minutes, after which the unabsorbed residues should be washed off with cool water.
  • An anti-aging mask is prepared by mixing equal doses of olive oil with lemon juice. This mixture is applied to the face using a cotton pad or swab - it is very effective against wrinkles.

Even simply lubricating the skin with olive oil in its natural, pure form will definitely help rejuvenate and moisturize the face, smooth out fine wrinkles and prevent the formation of new ones. That's why it's so natural useful product, like olive oil, is extremely popular among women who want to preserve their natural beauty.

This is a vegetable oil obtained by processing olives. Depending on the extraction method, it can melt at a temperature of +5 to +15°C. Its taste is bitter, the color can be either pale or deep yellow. The product consists of 98% fatty acids.

It is one of the main ones in Spain, Italy, Greece, and it is these countries that lead in terms of its production volume. In Eastern Europe, until the end of the 19th century, olive oil was divided into two grades: the highest was called Provençal, and the lowest was called wood.

The calorie content of the product per 100 g is 898 kcal, of which:

  • Fats - 99.8 g;
  • Water - 0.2 g.
100 g contains only one vitamin - alpha-tocopherol (E), and its amount does not exceed 12.1 mg. Of the macroelements, there is only phosphorus, of which there are only 2 mg per 100 g. Microelements are represented by iron, which contains no more than 0.4 mg. It also contains some sterols (100 mg).

Here is a set of saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids per 100 g:

  • Omega-6 fatty acids - 12 g;
  • Palmitic - 12.9 g;
  • Stearic acid - 2.5 g;
  • Arachina - 0.85 g;
  • Palmitoleic - 1.55 g;
  • Oleic (omega-9) - 64.9 g;
  • Gadoleic (omega-9) - 0.5 g;
  • Linoleic - 12 g.
Depending on the method of processing the fruit, there are several varieties of olive oil used for the face. In cosmetology, a product labeled as Extra virgin (natural) is relevant. It is obtained by cold pressing, without filtration or heat treatment. This allows you to keep the composition in its original form. This product is the most expensive.

There is also refined oil, the so-called second pressing, which is heated during the cooking process. And the last type is pomace, obtained from the remains of olives.

Benefits of olive oil for the face

Due to the fact that the product contains a lot of different acids, it has antiseptic, regenerating, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties. The oil is no less effective as a whitening, moisturizing, and rejuvenating agent. It is suitable for all skin types and can be used regularly either alone or in combination with other ingredients.

The benefits of olive oil for facial skin are manifested in the following actions:

  1. Cleanses. This effect is achieved due to deep penetration of the composition into the pores, delicate removal of dead particles and various contaminants. It gives freshness and cleanliness, improves the functioning of the sweat glands and thereby allows you to get rid of oily sheen.
  2. Moisturizes. Since the product is 98% fat, it quickly softens and nourishes the skin, fights dryness and flaking, and replenishes the lack of moisture in the tissues. As a result, the dermis looks fresher and healthier.
  3. Improves color. The face ceases to be pale, a natural blush and silkiness and a beautiful shine appear.
  4. Protects against UV rays. The product neutralizes their negative effects, softens and restores the dermis. With its help, sunburns go away much faster.
  5. Accelerates regeneration. The oil helps restore skin after acne, wounds, and various dermatological diseases. Thanks to it, the scars soften and become less noticeable.
  6. Normalizes blood circulation. This has a positive effect on the complexion and smoothness of the skin, which as a result “glows” beautifully and renews itself much faster.
  7. Prevents premature aging. The presence of antioxidants in the form of fatty acids helps fight free radicals and toxins that negatively affect the face. Thanks to its use, bags under the eyes are smoothed out, crow's feet disappear, and nasolabial folds become less noticeable.

Pay attention! Olive oil is excellent for both normal and problem skin.

Contraindications to the use of olive oil for facial skin

Unlike many other oils, this cannot in principle be prohibited to anyone. It is gentle and hypoallergenic and never irritates the skin.

To ensure that the effect of its use is as complete as possible, it is not recommended to heat the composition. This warning is due to the fact that during heat treatment it loses almost half of its useful substances. Its content in the composition must be at least 60%, otherwise there will be no special result.

The following contraindications should be highlighted:

  • Individual intolerance. It is very rare, but still possible. Therefore, before using the oil, they must first lubricate their elbow to avoid an allergic reaction.
  • Too oily skin. If you have this problem, olive oil should not be used in its pure form, as it can aggravate the situation. Therefore, it is combined with other ingredients - oatmeal, lemon juice, green tea, etc.
  • Increased production of subcutaneous sebum. In this case, you can use olive oil, but not more than 1-2 times a week, and only as part of masks.
  • Long-term use. With regular care, an oil film forms on the skin, which can disrupt the water-fat balance. This often leads to the appearance of acne and rashes.
When using olive oil for the face, it is better not to combine it with any ready-made creams or masks, as this will reduce its effectiveness.

Recipes for face masks with olive oil

Whatever is chosen, the skin must first be thoroughly cleaned and steamed, this will improve the results. You need to prepare the formulations on the day of their use; it is not recommended to do this in advance. You can combine several components at once, but combining more than five does not make any sense. This may require both plant and animal ingredients.

Olive oil to moisturize your face at home

Those with problematic, dry skin should take a closer look at this option. Your task is to moisturize it and stop peeling. Masks based on olive oil and cottage cheese, eggs, sour cream and oatmeal will help you cope with this goal. It also goes well with parsley and cucumber pulp. The main thing is not to use drying ingredients, which include honey, lemon juice, etc.

Here are the masks you can prepare:

  1. With berries and fruits. First of all, grind currants and white grapes (1 tablespoon each), peeled pear (1 pc.) and half a ripe banana in a blender. When you get a homogeneous paste, add a little olive oil (15 ml) into it. Stir the finished mixture well and, using a spoon, apply to your face. Do not wash it off until 15 minutes have passed.
  2. With vegetables. First, remove the peel from the cucumber (1 pc.), grate it on the finest grater, then do the same with the potatoes, of which you will also need 1 pc. Now mix the two ingredients, pour them with the main ingredient (3 tbsp.) and, after crushing the mass well, apply the product to the cleaned and dry face. Do not wash it off for about 10 minutes.
  3. With oils. You will need an extract of mint, olive and coconut in proportions 1:7:2. Now soak a piece of gauze in this mixture and lubricate the skin. Next, let the product absorb, and rinse off what remains.
  4. With vitamins. You will need alpha-tocopherol (E) and retinol (A) in the form of an oil solution. Add them 10 ml each to the main ingredient (25 ml), shake the container well with the composition and your fingers or cloth napkin rub it into the skin. After 20 minutes, remove what is not absorbed.

Olive oil for face against wrinkles

Naturally, this product cannot cope with deep skin folds, but it is quite capable of smoothing out mild expression and age wrinkles. To do this, you can wipe the problem areas with a piece of gauze soaked in the composition 2-3 times a week, after which you should wash your face. It will be no less effective to prepare a mask with the main ingredient and additional ones - cereals, dairy products, berries and vegetables.

We have selected the best recipes for you:

  • With cottage cheese. It needs to be rich and homemade. It (about 50 g) is well ground with a spoon, mixed with apple pulp prepared from 1-2 fruits and olive oil (25 ml). Shake the composition and apply it to the prepared face with a brush, using gentle movements. Wash it off no earlier than after 15 minutes.
  • With oatmeal. It would be best to use flakes, of which you will need about 30 g. They need to be filled with olive oil (30 ml) and grape seed juice (2 tbsp), crushed, left for about an hour and used for their intended purpose. The product is applied according to massage lines without affecting the eyes, lips and nose. Allow at least 15 minutes to pass before washing it off.
  • With curdled milk. Take 15 g of it and carefully pour it into the crumbs of rye bread (2-3 thin slices without crust). Next, crush them well and leave until completely limp. When this happens, add olive oil (15 ml) to the mixture, stir it and apply it to your face with a brush. You can wash your face after 20 minutes.
  • With sour cream. Add to it (30 ml) green tea without brewing (2 tablespoons) and olive oil (no more than 20 ml). Then stir the mixture as thoroughly as possible and spread it over the surface with your fingers. Leave it until absorbed for 20 minutes, after which rinse off whatever remains with regular warm water and a few drops of lemon juice.
  • With salt. It is desirable that it be sea (10 g). It must be dissolved in oil (15 ml) and mixed with liquid honey (2 tsp). Then use a silicone brush to apply the composition to the entire facial area and let it absorb for 15 minutes. After this time has passed, remove any remaining product and lubricate the treated areas with a soothing cream.
If the skin is problematic - with acne, redness, age spots, pores, then you can wash off the composition with chamomile decoction. It is prepared from 120 g of this herb and 1 liter of water.

Olive oil on the face at night to tone and nourish

In the fight against aging, olive oil for the face demonstrates itself perfectly together with cosmetic clay, oatmeal, corn starch, orange juice and grape seed extract. Products based on them smooth out wrinkles, soothe the skin, eliminate redness and inflammation. These compositions should be used 1-2 hours before bedtime.

Of all the recipes special attention The following are worthy:

  1. With flour. It is best if it is oatmeal, you need 0.5 tbsp. l. This ingredient is mixed with oil (30 ml), ground to a smooth paste and applied to the face. Leave the mixture for 20 minutes, then rinse with chamomile infusion and soothe the skin with moisturizer. This option is suitable for both normal and combination skin.
  2. With white clay. You only need 2 tsp; it is combined with the main ingredient to form a thick paste. After this, the mass is lubricated on the skin, leaving it until it begins to harden. Then the face is moistened with water and the product is removed. At the end, the skin is moisturized with cream.
  3. With corn starch. First, pour the grape seed extract (1 tbsp) into the olive oil (2 tbsp). Then dissolve starch (60 g) in this mixture to make a thick paste. After this, dip a brush into it and walk it over your face, applying a thin layer of the mask. Usually it is left for 15 minutes and then removed with water.
  4. With orange juice. It (15 ml) is mixed in equal proportions with olive oil. Then add kiwi pulp (1 piece), crush the mass well with a fork and spread it on the skin. They remove it after 10 minutes.
  5. With grape seed extract. You only need 1 tbsp. l. This ingredient is supplemented with banana pulp (1 pc.). Next, beat the mass with a blender and mix with olive oil (25 ml). Before use, pound it well again and then apply it to the face. For the product to work, leave it on the face for about 20 minutes.
How to use olive oil for the face - watch the video:

If you don’t have the time or desire to prepare masks, then there is no need to doubt whether you can smear your face with olive oil. This is an excellent remedy in any form, both pure and as part of some compositions. Thanks to it, your skin will take on a truly healthy look and sparkle with new colors!

Today, more and more people prefer store-bought cosmetics natural products. The latter also includes olive oil. However, it should be understood that even such a remedy has certain nuances of use, as well as contraindications. Therefore, before you start actively using the product, you need to familiarize yourself with its basic characteristics.

What is olive oil

Olive oil is a squeeze from the fruits of the plant of the same name. The latter most often grows in European countries.

Olive oil is produced from the fruits of the tree of the same name.

Olive pomace is basic, which means it is used for external use both separately and with other products. The product has a rich gold color, spicy smell and fluid texture. The taste of oil can be neutral (refined) or tart (unrefined).

History of origin

Mediterranean countries began to produce olive oil back in the fourth millennium BC. Already at the beginning of the production of marc it was called “liquid gold”. Statesmen of those times even measured their fortune by the amount of this product.

In ancient times, heads of state measured their wealth by the amount of olive oil

Initially, they cooked from oil, used it to treat diseases and improve their health. appearance. Today, the squeeze is used for the same purposes, but less actively.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of olive pomace includes:

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids. They help strengthen the natural protection of the dermis, forming the thinnest film on the latter. In addition, the presence of fatty acids in peach oil prevents the negative effects of wind and other external factors on the skin when using it.
  • Antioxidants: polyphenols, phenols and phenolic acids. They detect free radicals and block their negative effects on the body.
  • Vitamins:
    • A. Relieves irritation and evens out the tone of the dermis.
    • E. Rejuvenates tissue. In addition, tocopherol prevents cells from dying prematurely.
    • D. Helps strengthen cell membranes. It also reduces the sensitivity of the latter to harmful substances, coming from outside.
    • K. Has a positive effect on skin turgor.
  • Squalenium. It is a natural bactericidal agent. Also involved in the process of cellular respiration.
  • Other substances: sterols, etc.

Types of squeeze

Depending on the degree of processing, the product is divided into the following varieties:

  • Extra Virgin. The most useful and high-quality oil. Contains the maximum amount of active components and undergoes only one processing stage - cold pressing. It has a bitter taste; most often this variety is used for facial care.
  • Virgin. It differs from the previous variety in the quality of the raw materials. The latter is not subject to strict selection. This oil is usually used for cosmetic purposes, less often - consumed internally.
  • Refined first grade. 1/5 consists of Extra Virgin squeeze. However, the product has almost no aroma or taste. Often used for cooking.
  • Refined second grade. It is produced from the remnants of raw materials that have already undergone several stages of processing. It is not recommended to use this product for facial care, since it contains virtually no beneficial substances.

How to select and store a product

When choosing olive oil:

  1. Look at what the product is packaged in. High-quality pomace is usually produced in dark glass bottles.
  2. Study the one pasted on back side packing paper. The latter must indicate not only the manufacturer, but also the exporter of the pomace. In addition, the type of oil is usually indicated on the packaging: “Extra Virgin” or another.
  3. Look for the markings. If you find the inscriptions DOP/IGP/PDO, then you probably have good oil. But you need to understand that designations are easy to fake. If possible, be sure to ask the seller for a product quality certificate.
  4. Find the acidity level on the label. This figure should be in the range of 1–3.3%. If the designation is different, do not take the oil.
  5. Pay attention to the expiration date. Indicated for both open and printed media.

Please pay attention to some more points:

Do not purchase the substance in bulk. Most likely, this oil is of low quality. It should also be noted that the product is not produced in Russia, so it would be more logical to buy the product in its original packaging.

After purchasing the oil, place it in the refrigerator for two days. After the allotted time has passed, remove the product. If the latter has thickened, it means the product is of high quality. Such testing does not affect the properties of the pomace.

Olive oil should be stored in a tightly closed container, such as a decanter.


The product made from olives has one absolute contraindication: intolerance to the components of the product. The relative ones when using a facial squeeze include:

  • Pregnancy period. At this time, a woman should be careful with all cosmetic products used so as not to harm the baby’s health.
  • Inflammatory eye diseases.
  • Oily skin. In this case, the olive pomace is not used in its pure form.

You need to understand that olive oil accelerates hair growth and activates dormant follicles. In this regard, the product should be used with extreme caution by women prone to excess facial hair (for example, above the upper lip).

Side effects and precautions

Incorrect use of olive juice for the face can lead to the following unpleasant consequences:

  • small rash,
  • itching sensation,
  • black dots,
  • pimples,
  • excessive activity of the sebaceous glands (which means the appearance of an oily sheen on the skin),
  • hair loss from eyebrows and eyelashes.

In order to protect yourself from the above described side effects, please pay attention to the following points:

Beneficial properties of olive oil for the face

When caring for your face, olive oil extract has the following effects:

  • Forms a thin film on the surface of the dermis. The latter not only protects the face from sun rays and other external influences on the skin, but also promotes uniform distribution tanning In addition, the product prevents the formation of burns when exposed to ultraviolet radiation for a long time, which is very important for those who live in warm climates.
  • Accelerates the metabolism inside the cells of the dermis, due to which the skin color significantly improves and its tone increases.
  • Promotes rapid regeneration. The olive product helps wounds and other damage to the dermis to heal.
  • Effectively relieves minor inflammations.
  • Smoothes out wrinkles. It should be understood that olive pomace cannot cope with noticeable depressions, but it can cope with small depressions.
  • Combats dry skin.
  • Helps tighten pores. This property only works when the oil interacts with other components (kefir, etc.)
  • Relieves irritation.
  • Improves blood supply to cells.
  • Provokes increased production of collagen fibers responsible for facial turgor.
  • Helps tighten sagging areas of the face.
  • Fights waste and toxins accumulating in skin cells.
  • Cleanses the surface of the dermis from dead particles.
  • Intensively softens the skin.
  • It awakens the follicles, making eyebrows and eyelashes thicker.
  • Eliminates chapped lips.

Application for face

Olive oil is widely used in facial care. Typically the substance is used for the skin (including lips), eyelashes and eyebrows.

For skin

Olive oil is considered a universal product for facial skin care. The fact is that the squeeze is suitable for any type of dermis. In addition, the product can be used to treat the delicate skin of the lips and around the eyes. Most often, oil is used in facial care:

  • in its purest form,
  • as part of home cosmetic products: masks, creams and scrubs.


One of the most effective ways The use of olive oil for facial skin care is considered a mask. The latter are recommended to be done several times a week on an ongoing basis. Once every two months you should pause for 10–14 days to allow the skin to rest from active exposure. Before using the mask, be sure to wash your face with gel and scrub. It is also recommended to take a bath or visit a sauna to open up the pores. After the procedure, rinse off the composition with water, unless the recipe otherwise requires removing product residues from the face.

Before using olive oil masks, cleanse your face with a scrub.

Interestingly, when using a composition based on olive oil, you do not need to avoid the area around the eyes (with the exception of recipes containing aggressive ingredients: vodka, calendula tincture, etc.). The fact is that squeezing has a positive effect even on the most sensitive areas of the dermis.

Try the following recipes for masks based on olive oil (hereinafter referred to as the main component):

  • 1 tbsp. natural liquid honey, 1 tbsp. main component. Combine the ingredients in a way convenient for you. The mask works for half an hour. The product is ideal for eliminating wrinkles and providing additional nutrition to dry and flaky skin.

    Natural honey effectively nourishes and softens the skin

  • 1 tbsp. main ingredients, raw egg yolk, 5 ml cognac. The product is effective within 15 minutes. The mask nourishes the cells and also smoothes out skin irregularities (including wrinkles). The product is not suitable for dry skin types.

    Raw egg yolk gives the mask a viscous consistency and additionally nourishes the skin.

  • 1 tbsp. main ingredient, a handful of raspberries or cherries, 10 drops of vodka. Grind the berries in a blender or any cutlery. Add the remaining ingredients to the sour paste. The product works for 15 minutes. At the end of the procedure, remove the remaining product using a damp cloth. Don't wash off the mask! The composition is ideal for caring for oily skin. The product effectively tones and smoothes the dermis.

    Cherries and raspberries fill skin cells with vitamins and essential microelements

  • 1 tbsp. main component, 1 peach, 1 tbsp. heavy cream. Puree the fruit using a blender or fork. Stir the remaining ingredients into the mixture. The duration of the mask is a quarter of an hour. The product effectively moisturizes the surface of the face. The composition is suitable for any type of skin. But you need to understand that if the sebaceous glands are overactive, it is better to replace the cream with kefir.

    To prepare the mask you will need a ripe soft peach.

  • 1 tbsp. main component, 1 tbsp. cottage cheese. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. The duration of the session is a third of an hour. The mask is suitable for caring for very sensitive skin, as the composition effectively relieves redness.

    To prepare the mask, it is advisable to use real village cottage cheese, but store-bought cottage cheese can also be used.

  • 15 drops of the main component, 5 g of sodium alginate (can be purchased at a pharmacy), 15 g of Badyagi (in powder or gel form). Dissolve sodium in 50 ml of water and leave for 5–6 hours. After this time, add the remaining ingredients to the mixture. Session duration is 30 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the mask is carefully removed. The composition is designed to improve the condition of aging skin.

    Gel "Badyaga" can be found in almost every pharmacy

  • 8 drops of the main component, 15 g of pea or chickpea flour, 2–3 drops essential oil grapefruit. Mix the ingredients so that the resulting product is not too liquid or dense. Otherwise, add more dry product or oil accordingly. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. When finished, rinse your skin with water and lemon juice. The mask tightens pores, reduces the appearance of pigmentation and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

    You can make your own chickpea flour using a coffee grinder

  • 13 drops of the main component, 15 g of dry crushed clay, 10 g of ground cocoa beans, calendula infusion (1 tablespoon of flowers, pour 50 ml of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes). Mix the powdered ingredients with the infusion so that the product acquires the consistency of sour cream. If necessary, add moreover or other component. Add olive oil to the finished mixture. Session duration is 20 minutes. The mask effectively brightens age spots and deeply moisturizes the dermis.

    Cocoa powder gives the mask a pleasant aroma and effectively tones the skin.

  • 20 drops of the main component, 25 g of spirulina powder, 1 capsule of vitamin A. Pour a small amount of water over the algae and leave to swell for 15–20 minutes. After the allotted time has passed, add the remaining ingredients to the slurry. The duration of the mask is 35–40 minutes. It is recommended to wash off the product with linden infusion (pour 2 tablespoons of flowers with 400 ml of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes). The mask helps with excessive dry skin as it saturates cells with vitamins and restores fat metabolism.

    Spirulina powder has the ability to draw out waste and toxins from cells

  • 8 drops of the main component, 1 ripe tomato, 15 g of yeast. Puree the tomato using a fork, after peeling it. Add other ingredients to the tomato pulp and mix everything thoroughly. The exposure time of the mask is a quarter of an hour. The product saturates cells with useful substances without forming a protective film on the surface of the dermis. The mask is ideal for caring for oily skin.

    Tomatoes normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, due to which they are often used in the care of oily skin.

  • 13 drops of the main component, 5 drops castor oil, 1 avocado. Peel and puree the latter using a fork or blender. Add the remaining ingredients to the paste. The composition is effective for forty minutes. The mask helps smooth out fine wrinkles and also slightly tightens sagging skin.

    To prepare the mask, choose the ripest and softest avocado.

  • 15 drops of the main component, 5 g lemon zest (make your own from fresh peel), 10 g cosmetic clay any color. Dilute the latter with a small amount of water to the consistency of very thick sour cream. Add other ingredients to the paste. The exposure time of the mask is a third of an hour. The composition fights minor rashes, improves skin tone and evens out its color.

    It is easy to separate the zest from the lemon using a special grater.

  • 12 drops of the main component, 15 g of natural liquid honey, 25 g of cottage cheese (low-fat for problem skin and oily for dry skin), one egg yolk, 2-3 drops of lemon balm ether. Thoroughly grind the latter with the dairy product. Add the remaining ingredients to the mixture. The mask exposure time is 15–20 minutes. The product reduces the appearance of spider veins on the face and also accelerates intracellular metabolism.

    Melissa oil soothes the skin and reduces the appearance of congestion

Video: masks with olive oil


Scrubs are cosmetic products that cleanse the surface of the skin from dead cells, excess secretion of the sebaceous glands, and so on. The compositions should be applied to the face, massaged into the dermis for 2–3 minutes, and then rinsed off with water. During the procedure, it is recommended to move in the direction from bottom to top (from the chin to the forehead) and from the center to the periphery (from the nose to the temples). The products should be used once every 7 days on an ongoing basis. Breaks in the use of scrubs should only be done if the dermis is damaged (scratches, wounds, etc.). It is important to remember to avoid the eye area when applying products.

Interestingly, the scrubs described below will be useful for using on the neck and décolleté. Constant toning will keep these areas looking sleeker and fresher.

Use one of the following recipes for scrubs based on olive oil (hereinafter referred to as the main component):

  • 1 tbsp. main component, 1 tbsp. bran (oat, wheat or almond). The scrub is suitable for dry and sensitive skin types.

    Bran for making a scrub can be purchased at a pharmacy or grocery supermarket.

  • 2 fresh nectarines (if large - one), 1 tbsp. main component, 1 tbsp. regular dry oatmeal, 2 drops each of chamomile and mint esters. Grind the oatmeal in any convenient way (you can immediately buy ready-made flour). Peel the fruit, remove the core, and then puree the pulp using a blender or fork. Add other ingredients to the resulting slurry and mix everything thoroughly. The scrub is suitable for any type of dermis.

    Oatmeal gently cleanses and nourishes the skin

  • 150 ml of the main component, 100 g of ground coffee. Heat the squeeze slightly in a water bath and mix with the other component. The scrub is effective, but rough, so it is not suitable for dry and redness-prone skin.

    Ground coffee roughly but effectively cleanses the surface of the face and tones the skin


Homemade creams containing olive squeeze can be used for daily facial skin care. Compositions prepared according to the recipes described below should not be stored for longer than a month. In this case, the container with the product must be tightly closed and placed in the refrigerator. Remember to take a periodic break from using homemade creams. It is recommended to do this once every 2 months. The break should last at least a week. Use one of the following recipes:

  • Yolk of one egg, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tsp. vodka. Beat the ingredients in a blender. If this is not possible, use a regular fork. The cream is suitable for oily and combination skin types. The product eliminates the first wrinkles and saturates the cells with moisture. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for 48 hours, but it is better to prepare a new composition each time.
  • 1 tsp coconut oil, 1 tsp. olive pomace. Combine the components and slightly heat the resulting mass in a water bath. The composition can be intended for use in the skin area around the eyes. The cream makes the delicate area smoother and softer, and also reduces the appearance of fine wrinkles. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 month.

    Coconut oil has a pleasant aroma and a high concentration of beneficial properties for the skin.

  • 2 tbsp. olive oil, 2 drops each of ylang-ylang and lemon esters. Heat the base product a little and add the remaining ingredients to it. The cream is recommended for use on the décolleté area. The product prevents early aging of the dermis, as it enhances the natural synthesis of collagen and elastin. The cream is stored in the refrigerator for three weeks.

    Lemon ether effectively lightens age spots and helps prevent early skin aging

In its purest form

Using the product in its natural form (without adding any impurities) is the most simple technique using olive pomace for facial skin. Try several ways:

For lips

Olive oil not only nourishes and softens the skin of the lips, but also promotes the healing of microcracks on them. The product also protects the delicate area from the negative effects of cold wind in winter. Try one of several recipes for using a lip squeezer:

  • 1 tsp wax, 1.5 tsp. cocoa butter, 2 tsp. olive products. Melt the solid ingredient in a water bath. When the wax reaches a viscous consistency, add oil to it. Remove the resulting mass from the heat and mix everything thoroughly. Pour the product into any tightly closed container. Place the product in the refrigerator and lubricate your lips with it as needed. There is no need to take breaks in use.

    Cocoa butter in combination with olive oil intensively cares for the skin of the lips

  • 1 tbsp. olive oil, 2 drops each of lavender and rose esters. Combine the components and treat your lips with the resulting product every time before going outside.

    Lavender essential oil gives the lip product a pleasant aroma

  • 1 tsp olive oil, 1 capsule of vitamin E, 1.5 tsp. honey. Combine the ingredients and apply the resulting substance to the skin of your lips. After a third of an hour, wash off the mask. The product helps rejuvenate and soften lips. Use the product twice a week regularly.

    Vitamin E capsules usually have a red tint

Interestingly, olive oil can be used to care for lips separately. Apply the product to your skin 1-2 times a day. You can use this method every day.

For eyelashes and eyebrows

Olive oil helps increase the thickness of eyelashes and makes them more shiny. Try several recipes for using the squeeze when caring for hair on your eyelids:

As for eyebrows, in this case it is recommended to use olive squeeze in its pure form. Lubricate the hairs with the product using your fingertips to be able to massage the skin at the same time. Thanks to this, you will further speed up blood circulation, which will increase the effectiveness of the procedure. For one session, 4-6 drops of oil are enough, depending on the thickness and size of the eyebrows. It is recommended to use the product every day for a month. After this, you need to rest for several weeks, and then, if desired, repeat the course.

It has long been valued by people for its excellent quality and health benefits! It was rated highly above other oils by the ancient Greeks, who used this product not only in medicine and cooking, but also in cosmetology (primitive at that time): baths with the addition of oil, and facials, hair masks... Such procedures are still popular and are in demand, because they are rich in vitamins that are so necessary for the human body.


Firstly, it prevents (vitamins A and E are responsible for this). Secondly, it reduces the risk of cancer (which is why doctors and cosmetologists recommend using olive oil. This product is ideal as the basis of masks for hair, nails and facial skin. Olive oil is hypoallergenic, so it is useful for everyone: small children and adults. B- thirdly, it does not clog the pores of the face and helps them “breathe”. The skin becomes soft, well-groomed and beautiful.

The oil is known for its ability to prevent fine expression lines. Using it daily in skin care will have an amazing effect. In addition, olive oil in hair masks perfectly moisturizes and saturates each hair with vitamins (A, B, C, D, E) and minerals. Yes, this product is truly a valuable source of youth and beauty. And, as a rule, many people have a question: “Which olive oil is better?”

Types of olive oil

To know which is better, you need to understand its types. After all, each of them is exceptional and is used for specific purposes.

The first type is virgine (natural)

This oil is the richest in vitamins, as it is obtained using physical processing methods. Raw materials are exposed chemical exposure, and therefore it is soft and more natural. Surely, you can already guess which olive oil is better. But you should still pay attention to other varieties.

The second type is refined (refined)

Refined oil is great for salads, because after processing it is devoid of its specific smell and certain taste. This oil, of course, is intended for the amateur, but it is also useful, although to a lesser extent than natural oil.

The third type is pomace (cake)

This oil is of low quality, since all vitamins “evaporate” as a result of temperature, chemical and physical influences during processing. Solvents destroy taste and smell, and at the same time beneficial properties.

Answer to the question: “Which olive oil is best for cosmetic purposes?”

Among such an assortment, it is easy to guess that the most valuable is natural olive oil (virgine). It is best to use subspecies such as extra virgine or simply virgine. Using cold-press technology, they preserve all the valuable vitamins and microelements found in olives and black olives. Pleasant aroma, light texture of the oil is ideal for cosmetic purposes. Your skin will become beautiful and soft, and your hair will be smooth and silky!

Olive oil does not clog pores, allowing the skin to breathe. Due to the oleocanthal substance included in its composition, the oil is able to regenerate skin cells, providing a powerful rejuvenating effect. “Liquid Gold” gently smoothes wrinkles, makes the skin tightened and smooth. It suits even the most sensitive skin, because it does not cause allergic reactions. All this is due to its rich composition.

Quality extra virgin olive oil, i.e. 100% olive juice, contains vitamins A, B, D, E, K and monounsaturated fatty acids. Vitamin E and polyphenols, which have high antioxidant activity, prevent cell aging, and organic acids, which serve as the basis for the building materials of cell membranes, restore damaged skin cells, perfectly nourish and moisturize the skin.

Ways to use olive oil for your face


Heat the olive oil in a water bath (never over an open fire, it will lose some of its beneficial substances) to 40°C. Soak a cotton pad in it and wipe your face. After 5-10 minutes, rinse with warm water without using soap and pat dry with a soft towel. The skin of the face will already become velvety and soft at this stage. Complete the washing procedure by applying olive oil with a cotton pad to the skin around the eyes, removing excess shine with a napkin. With regular procedures, after just a few days you will not recognize your skin, its condition will improve so much.

Night cream

You just need to apply olive oil to cleansed and preferably steamed facial skin at night, and after a short time you will notice that the result is no worse than after an expensive night cream. Just don’t rub the oil vigorously, stretching the skin; light patting with your fingertips will be much more effective.

For sensitive and irritation-prone skin faces will suit mask of olive oil, cucumber and banana. Grind the cucumber and banana in a blender (if you don’t have a blender, grate them on a fine grater or mince them), add 2 tbsp. oil and mix well. Apply the resulting aromatic paste to your face and wash off with water without soap after 30 minutes. Place the remaining mixture in the refrigerator; it will be useful for the following procedures.

For oily and porous skin, it is recommended to make tomato masks. Take 1 tsp. potato starch and olive oil. Add this amount of natural tomato juice or to obtain a mass of such consistency that it is convenient to apply it to the face. Keep the mixture on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Attention! – juice sold in supermarkets contains various additives from flavorings to preservatives, and they also contain salt and sugar. This juice is not suitable for a mask. Either look for a natural one from a reliable manufacturer, or use juice made from fresh tomatoes yourself.

For dry and aging skin, there is a mask with olive oil. For it you will need 1 tsp. grated carrots, 1 tsp. cottage cheese or kefir, 1 egg white and 1 tsp. oils Combine all the ingredients and grind into a homogeneous mass (the whites can be pre-whipped into a strong foam). This mask perfectly cleanses, nourishes, saturates with vitamins and tightens the skin.