The fairy tale Cinderella in a new way. Scenario

At the central wall there is a Castle decoration, in front of it there are two thrones. At the side wall of the hall there is a table covered with a tablecloth, on the table there is a flower vase. There is a clock on the central wall at the top. In the corner of the hall there is an elegant Christmas tree, under it there is a broom decorated with tinsel and artificial roses. To the song

(1-New Year's toys) Children enter the hall in a chain and form a circle.


Hello, dear guests! We are pleased to welcome you to the most wonderful of all holidays - the New Year tree holiday.

1.Winter will cover houses, trees and bushes with white snow,

And then the holiday comes next - you and I know about it!

2. The holiday is called New Year,

there is nothing more wonderful in the world,

He has been very dear to all of us since childhood,

he gives people happiness and light!

3.Soon, soon New Year!

He's in a hurry, he's coming!

Knock on our doors:

Children, hello, I'm coming to you!

4.: Merry, noisy New Year.

There are songs, dances, round dances.

Fairy tale heroes will come to us.

And everyone, of course, is waiting for a miracle.

5: And Santa Claus is in a hurry to visit,

He makes adults and children laugh.

Cheerful, kind, mischievous.

With a bag of gifts on his back.

6: Happy New Year, moms,

Happy New Year, dads!

We are very happy to congratulate you on the holiday!

7. It happens in the world that only once a year

A beautiful star is lit on the Christmas tree.

The star is burning, shining, ice glistens on the rivers,

And that means it's coming...



3- New Year's song at the gate

8. With music and laughter we ran into the hall,

And everyone saw the forest guest.

Green, beautiful, tall, slender -

Adults and children like it.

9.You came to us, branchy tree,

Green, slightly silver,

She came, all sparkling with snowflakes, -

Transparent, thin pieces of ice.

10.On the wonderful New Year holiday,

as always on days like these,

We will light up our Christmas tree

colorful lights!


Come on, Christmas tree, smile!

Come on, Christmas tree, perk up!

Come on, Christmas tree, one, two, three!

Shine with joyful light!


11. Children, hold hands,

Stand in front of the Christmas tree.

We'll start a round dance,

After all, today is New Year!

5- Round dance for the New Year's tree

12. Everybody sit down comfortably

Near the New Year tree.

Come to us for the New Year holiday

The good storyteller is coming.

Then the children sit down

6-The Storyteller enters to the music

Storyteller:Hello, hello, children!

I know all the fairy tales in the world.

And at this New Year's hour

I'll tell you one.

In a certain kingdom, in a magical state, there lived a King and his son, the Crown Prince.

7-The King and the Prince solemnly walk through the hall to the music and each take their own throne.

His Majesty the King

Named Louis II

Sat on the throne in the palace

And he ruled a fairyland.

And then one day in the throne room

He called his faithful servants...

King:Let the Minister of Dance appear,

Minister of Fabulous Finance,

And also the Chief Astrologer.

And let the Senior Chef come!

8-The courtiers enter to the music and bow

King: Courtiers!

I called you.

To announce your decision:

Throw a New Year's ball

We need it this Sunday.

After all, the New Year is coming!

I want to please the people!

Minister of Dance: Let's have round dances!

Minister of Finance : You will have to allocate finance:

Buy garlands and toys,

Balloons, lanterns, firecrackers!

Cook:And make a huge cake for lunch

And forty kilograms of sweets!

3 stargazer:I promise to disperse the clouds,

So that the stars can shine

And the New Year's royal ball

Illuminate with magical light!

King:Let the royal messengers

They quickly fly to all ends

And let them announce:

"All the people are King on New Year's celebration is waiting"

9- The King, Prince and courtiers leave to the accompaniment of solemn music.

The royal messengers run out.

10-Fanfare sounds.

1st messenger.To all residents of the Fairytale Kingdom!

2nd messenger. Decree of King Louis the Second!

Together:All the people are waiting for the King for the New Year holiday!

The Storyteller enters.

Storyteller.Not far from the royal palace there lived a girl named Cinderella with her stepmother and two sisters. The stepmother was very strict. She loved, cherished and cherished her two daughters, but she did not love her stepdaughter Cinderella, often scolded her and forced her to work a lot. The stepmother heard the royal decree and began to get ready for the ball.

11-The stepmother comes out to the music, followed by her daughters.

Stepmother.Hurry up, beloved daughters, put on your best outfits!

1st daughter. Oh! New Year's ball!

What a miracle!

2nd daughter.Ax! How glad we are! How glad we are!

The daughters and stepmother look in the mirror and preen themselves.

Cinderella runs out.


Mother, what about me?

Will you take me to the ball?


First, remove the deep snow,

Clean all the paths in the garden,

Then four rose bushes

Plant them in pots in the window.

Wash the dishes, wipe the dust everywhere

And take three bags of peas!

Daughters.She won't be able to cope until the morning!

Stepmother.Let's go, daughters, it's time for the ball!

Stepmother and daughters important look leaving.

Cinderella slowly approaches the Christmas tree and takes a broom.

12 - Cinderella sweeps up the “snow” with a broom and sings “Cinderella’s Song” from the movie “Cinderella”


First I will remove the deep snow,

I will clean all the paths in the garden.

Well, now four rose bushes

I will plant them in pots on the window.

Let them bloom in winter

And she will delight everyone with her beauty!

Cinderella takes roses under the tree and puts them in a vase.

He sits down on a chair and falls asleep.

13-Rose girls run out to the music, take 2 flowers from the vase and perform a dance.

Then they put the flowers in a vase and surround the sleeping Cinderella.

1st rose.Look, roses, how cute Cinderella is!

How beautiful she is, how kind she is!

2nd rose. On this fabulous night

Cinderella needs help

Go to the New Year's ball

To the royal carnival.

3rd rose. The fun has been in full swing there for a long time

And the music plays loudly.

Prince Charming is waiting for Cinderella

He gets bored alone.

4th rose. Rose sisters, what are we waiting for?

Let's call the Snow Maiden for help!

Children:Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

14-A melody sounds. The Snow Maiden comes out.

Snow Maiden.

Hello my friends, I'm glad to see you all,
Both big and small, nimble and remote!

Hello, dear Cinderella!

Cinderella:Hello, Snow Maiden! I'm so glad to see you!

Snow Maiden: Don’t cry, don’t be upset, get ready for the ball soon! For your hard work and kindness, I will help you get to the ball!

Cinderella:My outfit is old and dirty - it’s a shame to even go out into the garden!

Snow Maiden: Now I’ll wave my wand and call my assistants. Hey, assistants, fly and dress up Cinderella!

Girls fly in to the music, surround Cinderella and "carry away" her to change clothes. and return.

15-DANCE Maids of Honor.

At the end of the dance, Cinderella comes out in an elegant dress, the maids of honor circle around her and line up in a semicircle.

Snow Maiden: Your time has come

Go to the New Year's ball soon.

But... just have fun until the morning

You can't:

As soon as the clock strikes twelve in the palace,

Your beautiful outfit will disappear forever

And again you will be wearing a simple dress.

Girl_maid of honor. I'm not a sorceress, I'm still learning:

I want to give you

Two crystal slippers.

They will bring you happiness:

Snow Maiden..Put on your shoes quickly!

Cinderella puts on her shoes

Cinderella. Thank you!

Snow Maiden..Good luck! But don't forget about the clock!

Snow Maiden. And the ladies-in-waiting leave.

Cinderella goes in the other direction to the music.

The King and Prince take their places on their thrones again.

Storyteller.And in the royal palace the carnival was already in full swing. All the guests danced around the decorated Christmas tree.

16-Polka Dance

Storyteller.Your Majesty! Your Highness!

I would like to introduce to you and all guests:

A mysterious stranger came to us at the ball!

Prince:We have a new guest today

Cinderella.: I am very glad to welcome you

Prince: Let me invite you to dance

Whirl in a light dance

17-DANCE of Cinderella and the Prince

18-The clock strikes.

Cinderella.Oh! What is this? The clock is striking twelve!

Prince. Where are you going, stranger, stay here!

The lights in the hall go out.

Cinderella, running away, loses her shoe.

The prince runs after Cinderella and picks up the shoe.

The light comes on.

King. Disappeared instantly...

What a shame!

Prince.Only the glass slipper remained,

Where did the stranger go?

King.So that the carnival lasts longer,

I ordered the palace clock

Convert to a whole hour!

And the New Year will not come now!

Prince. Without this girl, the world is not nice to me.

How can I find her, who can give me advice?

Astrologer:.Your Highness!

We need to try on the shoe for all the beauties who came to the ball. The girl whose shoe fits her is Cinderella - that is the name of the beautiful stranger.

The stepmother and daughters run out.

Daughters (together). Please try it on for us!

(The prince tries it on.)

Astrologer.The shoe didn't fit you!

Stepmother.Please try it on for me too!

Astrologer. Madam! Your shoe is too small!

The prince tries on the shoe for other guests.

Storyteller. The prince walked around all the beauties,

But he never found Cinderella.

The Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden. .Dear Prince! Today is New Year,

And don’t be discouraged on New Year’s Day.

We need Santa Claus

Call here for help quickly!

Guys, let's call Grandfather Frost together! Children (name). Santa Claus!

Santa Claus!

19-Music sounds, Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost

Good afternoon my friends!

I've come a long way,

I was in a hurry, got lost on the road,

But I still got to you.

Happy New Year, I congratulate you,

I wish you happiness, joy,

Let this one New Year

It will bring joy to all of you.

Prince: Santa Claus, help Cinderella find it.

Father Frost: I know, I know your trouble, I will help you now, I will find Cinderella.

I have a magic staff.

Crawls, axlebox rattles. Cinderella has appeared!

20-magic of Santa Claus.

21-Music sounds, the lights go out, Cinderella comes out.

Prince(handing Cinderella the slipper). Here is your glass slipper.

Put it on quickly!

Cinderella puts on a slipper .

The Prince, Cinderella, Santa Claus and the King join hands and go to the center of the hall.

Father Frost.

On New Year's Eve we are waiting for a miracle,

And now dreams come true,

And again true friends

They meet at the Christmas tree.

Let the minutes of happiness be in the hours

And the years turn

Let joy enter every home

And the fairy tale does not end!

Come on, fairy-tale people, join the round dance!

22-Performed New Year's song ___We will hang the balloons..._________________________________

The children take their seats.

Leading:Grandfather Frost, you walked a long road,

Sit by the Christmas tree and relax a little!

And our guys have prepared a surprise for you!

Father Frost:I really love surprises!


We have talents

Singers and musicians!

Let's listen without worries

Ditties about the New Year!

23-Children perform ditties

We are for Grandfather Frost
We have prepared a surprise:
We'll sing ditties for him,
He will shout to us: BIS!

* * *

We're talking about Santa Claus
To you let's sing ditties ,
So that our grandfather does not shed our tears,
Like being stung by fire.

* * *

Santa Claus sits in his sleigh,
He's bringing us a Christmas tree,
And he is ready to dance with us,
To celebrate the new year!

* * *

Santa Claus, beet nose,
Freezes us to tears
We'll go dancing now
We will thaw, we will come to life!

* * *

Santa Claus, our beloved,
Give the children gouache,
We will color the New Year,
To make people happy!

* * *

Happy New Year,
Santa Claus and we you,
And we give you as a gift
Our kind words!

Father Frost: Oh thank you, you made me happy.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, haven’t you forgotten about gifts for children?

Children, let's ask Santa Claus about gifts?

Children:Santa Claus (2), did you bring us gifts?

Father Frost: to receive gifts,

I have a magic envelope, can you help me, friends?

Collect a New Year's picture and find gifts.

24-Game: cut pictures.

25-The clock strikes.

Father Frost.

The clock is striking on the old tower,

New Year is coming!

And with the twelfth strike

Let the magical snow fall

It will shine, it will sparkle

And it will turn into gifts!

The lights in the hall go out.

Lights light up on the clock, castle towers, and snowdrifts.

Santa Claus quietly takes out gifts from behind a snowdrift.

The lights come on in the hall - old tale came to an end in a new way.

26-music we give out gifts

Soundsfabulous music. Cinderella appears, she cleans the house: sweeps, wipes dust, etc. She is dressed in an old robe and has huge galoshes on her feet.

In some kingdom, in some state

Poor Cinderella lived.

She was a maid

In his stepmother's house.

Life was hard for her there:

Everything had to be removed

There is cooking, washing,

Put the sisters to bed

Tell me a bedtime story...

The yawning sisters - the daughters of the Stepmother - come onto the stage. They lie down on the bed. Cinderella, putting her sisters to bed, sings a lullaby to the soundtrack “Sleep, my joy, sleep ».

And the stepmother - Galina Blanca -

There was a nasty citizen.

She adored herself and her daughters,

And she only offended Cinderella.

Under formidable Stepmother appears to the music.

Stepmother (addressing her daughters):

My beauties!

My pretty ones!

My cheesecakes!

Get ready for the ball -

The king invited us there.

He wants the prince to get married!

First daughter: I wish he fell in love with me!

Second daughter: No, into me, into my curls!

Stepmother: Where is this mess?

Undersad Cinderella appears to the music.


We are leaving for the ball today.

We'll leave you to work.

While we're dancing,

(throws some coins to Cinderella)

With this money -

you should buy five hundred Snickers

And break them down into parts:

Roasted peanuts - in a jar,

Caramel - in this bottle.

A thick, thick layer of chocolate

This is the plate you need to put it in!

The first daughter gives Cinderella another coin.

First daughter:

Can you buy Whiskas -

There will be something to eat.

Stepmother: Come on, don't sit idle!

Cinderella: I'm so tired of this!

Second daughter: Yes, and don’t even try to be lazy here!

First daughter: Go.

Second daughter: Good bye, sister!

Undercheerful music go to the ball. Soundssad music.


Oh, how I want to go to the ball,

But who would take me there?

Undercheerful music, the main fairy Aunt Asya appears.

Cinderella: Hooray! Aunt Asya has arrived!

Aunt Asya:

I know about your trouble

I'll try to help you......

Well, you started to smile,

You can already get ready for the ball.

I went to the market this Saturday

And these are there for you shoes bought it.

Take tights " Golden lady»,

You are the most beautiful in them in the world.

And here is my magic " Ass»!

I'll hurt you now

And I'll soak it for five minutes...

Cinderella hides behind a screen and comes out back in a beautiful dress.

Aunt Asya:

All! No dirty spots to be seen!

Your outfit is finally ready!

Cinderella: How can I get to the palace?

Aunt Asya:

Well, I'll help with transport,

But how?.. I can’t think of it.

Sivka-Burka has a fracture -

He broke his tail this afternoon.

Cinderella: Were there geese-swans?

Aunt Asya:

They were allowed to cut the legs.

The dragon would definitely agree

Yes, I was poisoned with Rama oil.


Or maybe the Sponsor will help us,

Can you lend us a car?

Aunt Asya: Where can we get a Sponsor?

Cinderella gives Aunt Asya a cell phone.


Call Gilyazov and Vorbyev!

They will send us a car.

Aunt Asya (calling on the phone):

Sponsor, dear, help me out,

I am ready to help you both in summer and winter,

If only you could go home soon!

A toy truck appears big size. Aunt Asya gives it to Cinderella.

Sounds "Hands up" - "I'm a good boy...".


And who is coming here?

And what song is he singing?

Hey baby, who are you?


My nickname is Sukhoi.

I'm not a wizard, I'm just learning.

But maybe I’ll be a little useful to you too.

Diapers « Diapers"I want to give,

You should feel comfortable wearing them at the ball!


Goodbye friends!

I can't be late!

“Rides on a car” (carries it in his hands). Under gypsy music, dancing, a gypsy appears.


Hello, beautiful girl. And where are you going?


I’m in a hurry to the palace, to the ball, Even though no one invited me.


Let me tell you fortunes

I'll tell you everything about your fate.

You will become rich and very happy.

You will get married and be loved.

Well, now you need to hurry -

Maybe the guards will close all the doors.

To the music, Cinderella continues her journey faster than before. A palace appears on the horizon. Two guards are holding a sign: "Doors are closed."

Cinderella: Features of the national door opening!

Using combat techniques, he “opens” the door and enters the palace.

In this palace lived the kindest King,

His name was Nicholas One Hundred and Second.

He had a son - Prince, he was smart and brave,

But I just didn’t want to get married.

Undermusic The King and Prince appear.


Musicians, don’t yawn, play the music loudly!

Soundsmusic. The Prince and King begin to dance. Then Cinderella’s sisters run up to the Prince.

First daughter: Your Highness! Dance with me!

Second daughter: No! Better kiss my hand!

First daughter: I'm the best!

Second daughter: Look at me!

Stepmother: Daughters! Don't quarrel, stop it!

King(rubbing hands)

Ah-ah-ah! What a misfortune!

The prince will now be torn to pieces!

Undercomposition by E. Grieg “Morning” Cinderella appears. All the guests look at her in surprise. The prince freezes with his mouth open.


Who else is this?

Why don’t I know her?

Look at her, son!

The Prince and Cinderella extend their hands to each other. spinning. The prince takes out a size 45 felt boot.

Prince: Try on my crystal felt boots!

Cinderella puts a felt boot on one leg.

Prince: Just! You will be my wife!

UnderMendelssohn march Cinderella and the Prince take a lap of honor, holding hands.

And, of course, there was a feast

This wedding is not easy.

And I was there and drank coffee.

Yes, I forgot to tell you

About the fate of our heroes.

Undermusic the heroes the author talks about come out to the audience and bow.

The stepmother and daughters became kind,

They were hired as nurses.

And Gypsy is now called a psychic.

If you really want, He will remove the damage and the evil eye from you..

Aunt Asya and the King got married this afternoon.

They began to live and live,

Wash all your friends' clothes.

That's the end of the fairy tale,

And whoever listened - well done!


Category 16+.
This script is a parody retelling of a well-known fairy tale. Perfect for a New Year's performance.
Contains 8 musical numbers, including the final song. Duration – one hour.


CINDERELLA. A girl of marriageable age with an unfortunate fate. When meeting the next Prince, as a rule, he is left without clothes and transport. However, the Prince also disappears from the horizon.
PRINCE. The same one, fabulous. Each time, instead of dragging the next chosen one down the aisle, he drags out time until midnight. And then he doesn’t remember anything.
STEPMOTHER. The second wife of Cinderella's father. I am firmly convinced that money is not the main thing. The main thing is to profitably marry off your own daughters. And there will be money and power. And a new, rich husband.
DORA. The youngest, dear, daughter of the Stepmother. Dreams of becoming famous model. True, she’s not tall enough, but she already has enough ambition.
MARA. The eldest, dear, daughter of the Stepmother. She came out with everything: both height and ambition. To complete the set, she also dreams of getting married.
FAIRY. Cinderella's own aunt. Kind, but alcoholic. It is for this reason that he cannot arrange the personal life of his niece. However, yours too.
QUEEN. Prince's mother. She separated from her husband, the King, long ago and married someone else. Beloved. Still, happiness is not in the crown.

The scene represents the living room of the house where Cinderella lives: a sofa, a floor lamp, a large dressing table. Music is playing. The Stepmother appears on the scene. She's angry.

STEPMOTHER (turns around and screams backstage). And to be home only for lunch! No, for dinner! And not earlier than tomorrow!.. No!.. The day after tomorrow! With a diamond ring! (Thinks, counts fingers). Three! Three diamond rings! Monster! (Looks into the hall). Cursed be the day I married this tyrant! How many years have I endured his bullying, and what do I see in return?! There are lipstick marks on the collar of his shirt! But he never even left his closet! (walks across the stage, stops at the mirror, looks at his reflection). By the way, about lipstick... (Takes a tube out of his pocket and begins to paint his lips. Looks blank). What color is this?! What kind of crap does that suck?! (Calls). Cinderella!.. Cinderella!..

Cinderella appears on stage.

CINDERELLA. What, mother?
STEPMOTHER. What kind of lipstick did you give me?!
CINDERELLA. Your beloved. "Erich Krause"!
STEPMOTHER (indignantly). Are you fool?! How many times should I tell you! "Erich Krause" is paper glue! (Tries to say something else, but cannot open his lips: they turn out to be stuck together.)
CINDERELLA. Sorry, I got it mixed up! I thought the glue was a tube that said "OriClaim" on it! (Takes lipstick out of his pocket and looks sad). And I used it to seal my father’s torn collar! So that's why he's wearing pink lipstick! (The stepmother tries to say something, but only hums and desperately gesticulates. Cinderella does not pay attention to her, continues to talk). Oh! I'm so distracted! Then - here, “Ai-stink”!... (Takes out another lipstick and holds it out, but the Stepmother still actively expresses a bellowing protest). Oh, I forgot again! All the dogs flock to her... Well, then, as usual. (Takes out a pack of markers and hands it to Stepmother). True, the red one is over, only blue and green remain!

The stepmother finally opens her lips with her hands, and the sound of a popping cork is heard.

CINDERELLA (nods willingly). Yeah!
STEPMOTHER. Villainess!
CINDERELLA (calmly). Yeah!
STEPMOTHER (remembers). You you you…
CINDERELLA (memorized). A brute, a pest, a toadstool, an asshole, a fool...
STEPMOTHER. It was already stupid!
CINDERELLA (to herself, nodding). It was already a fool... (Continues). A snake, a cow, a tattered goat, all like your idiot dad!
STEPMOTHER (reproachfully). I learned it! Even then she decided to cross my throat! This is what it means - the daughter of a monster! (Sings a song).

SONG OF THE STEPMOTHER (to the tune of “My Daughter” by A. Pugacheva)

They say I'm such a bitch
Fly agarics wither on the vine.
But my nerves were frayed,
And they harass me hundreds of times a day.

I have sinfully linked my fate with the tyrant.
He had an empty pocket, only his daughter was a snake.
I am next to them - an angel, well, just in the flesh.
I should have a monument erected during my lifetime, no matter how you look at it.

STEPMOTHER. So, yes, you naughty girl. Your dad has eaten my eyelid. That's why I'll eat yours.
CINDERELLA (calmly). Will you drink?
STEPMOTHER. Talk to me again! Where are my own daughters?! Did you wake them up? Washed? Did you comb your hair?!
CINDERELLA. Otherwise!
STEPMOTHER. Call them here immediately! I have an emergency message!
CINDERELLA (yells). Stupid! Shmara! Your mother... Ugh! Your mother is calling!
STEPMOTHER (indignantly). Yes, not Stupid and Shmara!!! How many times should I repeat that their names are Dura and Mara! Ugh!.. (corrects) Dora and Shmara!.. Knocked down again!.. Dora and Mara!
CINDERELLA (Calmly). I remember!

Dora and Mara appear on stage. They are dressed funny (at the discretion of the director), have funny hairstyles, and are clumsy. The stepmother begins to squeeze them. Then he puts on a stern look and moves away from his daughters.

STEPMOTHER. Leave the pleasantries aside! (He puts his hands on his hips.) My daughters! I have three news for you! One is good, the second is bad.
MARA. And the third?!
DORA. Very good or very bad?
STEPMOTHER (looks menacingly into the hall). From the category - they don’t know me yet! Which one should I start with?
MARA and DORA (in unison). Happy third, mother! From the third!
CINDERELLA. Yes, let's start with the third one right away! (Into the hall). Very interesting - who in our kingdom doesn’t know you yet?
STEPMOTHER. Talkers! From the third, so from the third! The Palace-2 program will soon be closed.
MARA. How will they close?! This is our favorite program! "Palace 2"!
DORA. We dreamed of getting into it so much!
DORA AND MARA (in unison). There are such boys there!
STEPMOTHER. Leave the boys alone! I will use all my connections, but I will ensure that this brothel is broken up! I will not spare anything to smash this den, this nest of immorality to smithereens!
MARA. Why did we go to the casting?!
DORA. Did I give myself a tattoo in vain? (Turns her back to the Stepmother, lifts her skirt). Right here!
MARA (also turns her back and shows). And I’m here!
DORA and MARA (in unison). We learned the song! (They sing and dance). Try it - moo, moo... Try it - smack, smack!..

STEPMOTHER (points to daughters). Here! These are the real stars! Yes, they would become a real decoration of this damn brothel!.. (Realizes that she said something unnecessary).
CINDERELLA (grins). No doubt!
STEPMOTHER. I wanted to say that I won’t leave it like this!

MARA. Didn't we pass the casting?!
DORA. We weren’t accepted into the “Palace-2” program?!
STEPMOTHER (with pathos). Yes, my little ones! And that was the second – bad news! (Dora and Mara begin to roar in unison. The stepmother hugs both of them by the shoulders and encourages them). Nothing, nothing, my little ones... Mom has already taken care of everything! For this I have the first, good news!
MARA and DORA (in unison). Which?!
CINDERELLA. Have you seduced the general producer of the channel?
STEPMOTHER. Who's making irony from under the plinth?! I bring to the attention of those especially gifted that the New Year's show ball will take place tonight! MARA. Are we going to the ball?!
STEPMOTHER. Naturally!
DORA. Will show business stars be there?!
STEPMOTHER. There will be stars, planets, and even asteroids! This means there is a chance to get you into some star show!
CINDERELLA. As an extra?
STEPMOTHER. Envy - bad feeling! (To daughters). I will give you detailed instructions! We skip everything that is not natural “color”! We don’t notice all the beginners. We ignore all the rapper-shmepers out there!
MARA. Who should we look at then?
STEPMOTHER. We enchant... I wanted to download - we enchant - only an old, proven product! Football players, deputies, famous producers and popular performers! By the way! Stas Mikhailov - don't touch him!
MARA and DORA (in unison). Why?!
STEPMOTHER. He is mine!.. Mine!..
CINDERELLA (to the hall). I wonder if he already knows about this?
DORA. Yes, but how can we attract attention?!
MARA. After all, there will be a lot of people there, all sorts of glamorous girls!
STEPMOTHER. Remember, my little ones! Glamor is the same infection! A bottle of greenery on your rival’s head - and not a trace will remain of her glamor! (Mara and Dora laugh loudly). Stop laughing! Listen to my command! Stand in one line! (Mara and Dora stand in a row, Cinderella joins them, but the Stepmother drives her away). Where are you going, not according to the regulations?! You're not going to the ball! You will have another task!
CINDERELLA (steps aside sadly). It doesn't hurt, that's all it should be!

The stepmother walks along the stage, looking at her daughters.

STEPMOTHER. So it is! We are starting accelerated training courses for male hunters! My little ones! Remember that you need to take a man warm, in the evening, while you are still wearing makeup!
CINDERELLA. Preferably wearing carnival masks!
STEPMOTHER. Whose voice is that from the crowd? I repeat: in the morning only acquaintance is possible if you did not have time to do this before going to bed!
MARA. What if I like a married deputy?
STEPMOTHER. A bad hunter is one who has never been a poacher! Remember: married status is a temporary phenomenon! Do you understand everything? (Mara and Dora nod). Now let's move on to drill training. Let's learn to walk like on a catwalk!
DORA and MARA (in unison). How is that?
STEPMOTHER. Stand up straight! Air into the chest!..And!.. Let's go, let's go!.. Left! Right! The leg goes behind the leg!..

Dora and Mara begin to march, at the same time trying to follow commands, but they fail, they stumble and fall.

MARA. I can not!
DORA. Me too!
STEPMOTHER. OK then. Back to the starting position! (Dora and Mara return to their previous places). And now we quickly remembered how we were returning home from graduation! (Dora and Mara tousle their hair, smile stupidly, pretend to be drunk, and walk staggering). When did you see mom?! (Dora and Mara instantly straighten up, diligently make “sober” faces, try to walk straight, indeed, crossing their legs. Every now and then they skid, but they stubbornly return to balance. The stepmother looks satisfied). Somehow like this! And now - go to your place, rehearse!
CINDERELLA. Should I go to the store?
CINDERELLA. For gin and tonic. For rehearsal.
STEPMOTHER. Smart, huh? You'll be smart at night when we leave for the ball!
CINDERELLA. At night I will sleep.
STEPMOTHER (raises her hands to the sky). Here she is, the daughter of a monster! She is going to sleep peacefully when we are planning a wedding!.. Two weddings!.. No!.. Three weddings and one divorce!
CINDERELLA. Divorce?! And who are you going to scam this time?
STEPMOTHER. Sassy! In the morning I will divorce your monster father, and in the afternoon I will marry again!
CINDERELLA. For whom?! Already have a victim?
STEPMOTHER. There will be victims! And you will have to sew three per night wedding dresses and prepare a banquet for three hundred people! But don’t forget to do a European-quality renovation of the entire house, replace the wiring, plumbing and install an alarm system in the cellar! There will be a lot of guests, no matter what happens. Understood?
CINDERELLA. Understood.
STEPMOTHER. Yes, by the way... I know that you will call your drunkard aunt for help... this half-educated fairy! So there you go! Don't touch the cognac from my bar! Let him fly with his own!
CINDERELLA. And she always arrives with hers!
STEPMOTHER. I'm talking about cognac, not about her lovers! And now to work!.. To the start!.. Attention!.. March!.. (Cinderella nods. She begins to look around the stage - where to start. The stepmother turns to the wings). And we went to the ball! (Marching, he leaves).

CINDERELLA. Three weddings and one divorce!.. I wonder when my own wedding will be?! Probably never. Eh! I’d better get busy with European-quality renovations! If only my Aunt Fairy didn’t call... (Sings a song).
CINDERELLA'S SONG (to the tune of "Call me, call me")

Don't call me, don't call me. Don't call Saturday early.
You should always stay away from relatives like you.
For other magical fairies, magic comes first.
And this one, even if you crack,
And this one, even if you crack
There is only one thing on my mind: “Pour it!”
Don't call me, don't call me!
The full lyrics of the song are in the full version of the script.
The Fairy appears from behind the scenes. She's pretty drunk. He looks around, flirtatiously gestures to someone backstage, blows a kiss, points to his hand at his watch, saying, “I’ll be back soon,” nods, flirts again. Finally, he turns to Cinderella.

FAIRY. Auntie is on time as always! I bet you a bottle of good cognac that you called me!
CINDERELLA. No, auntie, I didn’t call! And, to be honest, I didn’t intend to.
FAIRY. Strange. And it seems to me that she called. Because today there will be a ball, and you will want to go to it! Well, admit it, do you want to?
CINDERELLA. I'm suspicious of your concern! Have you been drinking collectible liqueur again?!
FAIRY (grins). ABOUT! Take it higher... That is, stronger!..
CINDERELLA. Cognac?! (The fairy grins ironically). Whiskey?! (The fairy grins again - condescendingly. Cinderella is amazed.) Is it really Russian vodka?!
FAIRY (takes out a flask from his bosom and takes a sip). Pure Russian alcohol! (Offers to Cinderella). Will you?
CINDERELLA. I don't drink pure alcohol!
FAIRY. Sorry. The dirty one is over (Takes a sip from the flask).
CINDERELLA. Auntie, this time I decided to do without your help! And I won’t go to any ball.
FAIRY. You are crazy? You'll ruin the whole fairy tale! Moreover, your aunt is already here, ready to take on all your responsibilities!
CINDERELLA. What are the responsibilities? When you do that... (Pauses, then speaks expressively). We got drunk!
FAIRY. What kind of jargon?! (He sits down on the sofa, crosses his legs - the leg does not cross, he tries to throw the second one - the same story. He takes the leg with his hands and moves it to the other knee). Where did you pick up these words?!
CINDERELLA. Well, okay... Why are you doing so... You ate!
FAIRY. Just think, my aunt washed down her usual evening pentalgin a little! (Hiccups). Auntie’s attic was cracking a little! I mean... head. Aunt works three shifts, doesn’t she have the right to relax a little?!
CINDERELLA. Three shifts? Where?
FAIRY. Do you think your aunt only lives here, in this shabby fairy-tale kingdom?! Yes, my aunt is still in three fairy tales moonlighting!
FAIRY (waves her hand). A! Whoever has to earn extra money these days! In “The Little Mermaid” - the Witch... In “Twelve Months” - December... Now they are calling for “Little Red Riding Hood” - the grandmother needs to be replaced...
CINDERELLA (scared). Grandma?! But this is dangerous!
FAIRY (playfully). But there is a Wolf - such a funny guy!
CINDERELLA. But he will eat you!
FAIRY. He'll choke! The other day I had to drink with the Two-Headed Dragon at Brudershaft! He breathed a lot this morning! The forest was extinguished for three days!
CINDERELLA. Maybe with a three-headed one?
FAIRY (waving her hand again). A! Two heads... Three heads... What's the difference? One horseradish! (Sings a song).

SONG OF THE FAIRY (to the tune of "Wait for the Locomotive")

Wait, stagecoach, give me a ride, coachman.
I’m in a hurry from a fairy tale to a fairy tale.
I'm a good fairy, but here's a bad case,
I drink and swear terribly.
The full text is in the full version of the script.
FAIRY. So you come home from a quick job, take a tablet of Pentalgin... And your soul hurts for your niece! I know how much you want to go to the ball!
CINDERELLA. What a ball! The stepmother ordered three wedding dresses to be sewn before morning, European-quality renovations to be done, tables to be set, wiring to be changed...
FAIRY (looks around). Don't rattle! Well, it’s clear with the renovation, we’ll bring in a brigade of gasters... We’ll tear off the dresses at the second-hand store... we’ll cover the clearing, in one fairy tale I grabbed a self-assembled tablecloth... by accident! By the way... what were you saying about vodka?
CINDERELLA. The wiring needs to be changed. But I don’t want to go to the ball! How many times have you been to that woman... And - what? And nothing. I'm so unhappy!
FAIRY. Because you are a fool! How many times should I tell you that it is the prince who should run after you throughout the palace with a crystal slipper and persuade you to marry him... And not the other way around!
CINDERELLA. I get confused all the time... I'm so absent-minded!
FAIRY. Do you love your aunt?
CINDERELLA. Of course I love.
FAIRY. Then I quickly got ready and went to the ball! Aunt is letting you go!
CINDERELLA. Yes, but I don't even have anything to wear!
FAIRY. Morning has begun on the collective farm! (He waves his magic wand - a crown, like the Snow Maiden’s, comes whistling from behind the scenes). Here's your carnival outfit! Put it on, and quickly go to the ball, with a cheerful gait!
CINDERELLA (puts on the crown, looks in the mirror). It seems to me that something is missing...
FAIRY. Oh, I think it’s cute! (Pushes Cinderella towards the exit). Well, come on already... The ball is in full swing!
CINDERELLA. And, in my opinion, it’s not enough! The dress is missing.
FAIRY. Oh yes. Dress. (He waves his magic wand - the Snow Maiden’s dress flies out with a whistle from behind the scenes. The fairy looks at it in surprise and puts it on Cinderella). Something like this!..
CINDERELLA (disappointed). Is this a ball gown?!
FAIRY. You don't have to thank me! I quickly put it on and ran to have fun! It’s your aunt’s job to work for you until the morning. (Cinderella goes backstage, the Fairy takes the phone, dials the number, speaks into the receiver). Well, what, my baby? Don't you miss me yet? And I have some surprises for you!

Cinderella appears from behind the scenes in a new outfit - she is dressed as the Snow Maiden. The fairy hastily hangs up. Cinderella looks in the mirror, straightens her outfit.

CINDERELLA. But this is not a ball gown at all...
FAIRY. But it’s New Year’s! Well, come on, come on... go already!
CINDERELLA. And the shoes?!
FAIRY (unhappy). You got me tired of your whims! OK then! A kind aunt, she will do everything to ensure that her dear niece goes to her ball as soon as possible! Rex-pex-fex! (Waves her magic wand. A slate flies in from behind the scenes with a whistle. The fairy looks at it in surprise. Then she repeats the spell and gesture - nothing happens. Repeats it again - the same result. Gives the slate to Cinderella). Sorry. It didn't work out with the second one. Put on your shoes, you don’t have to thank me! Run quickly to the palace!
CINDERELLA (examines the slate in surprise and puts it on her foot). What kind of crap is this?
FAIRY. The crystal has already been dismantled for today. Let's go with the anthem!
CINDERELLA. On foot, or what?!
FAIRY (into the hall, expressively). What a cheeky niece I have! She thinks that her aunt has unlimited kindness! And her aunt, by the way, took on all her responsibilities, almost selflessly! Auntie has a hard, sleepless, lonely night ahead!
CINDERELLA. But auntie!
FAIRY. You're making ropes out of me! (He goes to the backstage and rolls a huge pumpkin onto the stage.) I knew it would come in handy! (Waves his magic wand). With a slight movement of the hand, the pumpkin turns... the pumpkin turns... (Nothing happens, the Fairy thoughtfully walks around the pumpkin). Take two! (Waves his wand). With a slight movement of the hand... The pumpkin turns... The pumpkin turns... The pumpkin turns... (Nothing happens, the Fairy doesn’t show it, she speaks confidently). In an ordinary pumpkin!

Dear friends! Those who are interested in this script can purchase it full version by writing to me by email [email protected]
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Sincerely, author Evelina Pizhenko.

Municipal educational institution"Rural secondary school in the village of Verkhniy Akbash", Tersky district.

"Cinderella in a new way"

matinee in 4th grade

Teacher: Pshukova Rimma Safarbievna


Characters Author. Water. Cinderella. Schwartz the Negro. Stepmother. Michael Jackson. Daughter 1. Batman. Daughter 2. Little Robber. Shapoklyak. Hottabych. Baby. King. Gypsy. Sherlock Holmes. Prince. Fantomas. Kikimora. Leshy. Little fairies. Sponsor. Little Red Riding Hood. Princess Nesmeyana. The main fairy named Aunt Asya. Fairytale music sounds. Cinderella appears and cleans the house: sweeping, wiping dust, etc. She is dressed in an old robe and has huge galoshes on her feet.Author.In some kingdom
In some state
Poor Cinderella lived.
She was a maid
In his stepmother's house;
Life was hard for her there:
Everything had to be removed
Eat to cook, do laundry,
Put the sisters to bed
Tell me a bedtime story...
The yawning sisters - the daughters of the Stepmother - come onto the stage. They lie down on the bed. At this time, the soundtrack of the song “Sleep, my joy, fall asleep” sounds. Cinderella, putting her sisters to bed, sings this song along with the soundtrack.Author.And the stepmother - Galina Blanca -
There was a nasty citizen.
She adored herself and her daughters,
And she kept offending Cinderella.
The Stepmother appears to the accompaniment of menacing music.Stepmother (addresses her daughters).My beauties!
My pretty ones!
My cheesecakes!
Get ready for the ball -
The king invited us there.
He wants the prince to get married!
Daughter 1. If only he fell in love with me!Daughter 2. No, in me, in my curls!Stepmother. Where is this mess?Cinderella appears to sad music.Stepmother.We are leaving for the ball today.
We'll leave you to work.
While we're dancing,
With this money
(throws some paper bills to Cinderella)You should buy five hundred Snickers
And break them down into parts:
Roasted peanuts - in a jar,
Caramel - in this bottle.
A thick, thick layer of chocolate
This is the plate you need to put it in!
Daughter 1 gives Cinderella another bill.Daughter 1.Can you buy Whiskas?
There will be something to eat.
Stepmother. Come on, don't sit idle!Cinderella. How tired I am of all this!Daughter 2. And don’t even try to be lazy here!Daughter 1. Let's go.Daughter 2. Goodbye, sister!They go to the ball accompanied by cheerful music. Then sad music plays.Cinderella.Oh, how I want to go to the ball,
But who would take me there?
The main fairy, Aunt Asya, appears to the accompaniment of cheerful music.Cinderella. Hooray! Aunt Asya has arrived!Aunt Asya.I know about your trouble
I'll try to help you.
Come on, Little fairies,
Come quickly.
You will dance the winter dance,
Cheer Cinderella!
Little fairies perform a cheerful dance.Aunt Asya.Well, you started to smile,
It's time to get ready for the ball...
I went to the market this Saturday
And I bought these shoes for you there.
Cinderella takes off her galoshes and remains in beautiful shoes.Aunt Asya.Take the Golden Lady tights
You are the most beautiful in them in the world.
And here is my magical “Ace”!
I'll hurt you now
And I'll soak it for five minutes...
Cinderella hides behind a screen, takes off her robe and remains in a beautiful dress.Aunt Asya.That's it, no dirty spots in sight!
Your outfit is finally ready!
Cinderella. How can I get to the palace?Aunt Asya.Well, I'll help with transport,
But how?.. I can’t think of it.
Sivka-burka has a fracture -
He broke his tail this afternoon.
And the gray goat went into the forest,
He came home wearing only horns.
Cinderella. Were there geese-swans?Aunt Asya.They were allowed to cut the legs.
The dragon would definitely agree
Yes, I was poisoned with Rama oil.
Cinderella.Or maybe the Sponsor will help us,
Can you lend us a car?
Aunt Asya. Where will we get a Sponsor?Cinderella gives Aunt Asya a cell phone.Cinderella.Call the newspaper "Day by Day"
Good uncles live there,
They will send us a car.
Aunt Asya is calling on the phone.Aunt Asya.Sponsor, dear, help me out,
Send us the car!
Sponsor's voice (tape recording).Sponsor.I'm ready to help you
Both in summer and in winter,
If only you would sooner
I went home!
A large toy truck appears. Aunt Asya gives it to Cinderella. The music of the group "Hands Up" is playing - "I'm a good boy..."Cinderella.And who is coming here?
And what song is he singing?
- Hey kid, who are you?
Baby.My last name is Sukhoi.
I'm not a wizard, I'm just learning.
But maybe I’ll be a little useful to you.
I want to give you Huggis diapers,
You should feel comfortable wearing them at the ball!
Cinderella.Goodbye friends!
I can't be late!
To the music he “drives away in a car” (carries it in his hands). A gypsy woman appears and dances to the accompaniment of gypsy music.Gypsy.Hello, beautiful girl.
And where are you going?
Cinderella.I'm hurrying to the palace, to the ball,
Even though no one called me.
Gypsy.Let me tell you fortunes
I'll tell you everything about your fate.
You will become rich and very happy.
You will get married and be loved.
But trials await you ahead,
If you're not afraid, you'll make an effort,
You will take true friends to help you,
You will find your happiness in the New Year.
Well, now you need to hurry -
Maybe the guards will close all the doors.
P To the music, Cinderella continues her journey twice as fast as before. A palace appears on the horizon. Two guards are holding a sign: "Doors are closed."Cinderella. Features of the National Door Opening!Using combat techniques, he “opens the door” and enters the palace.Author.In this palace lived the kindest King,
His name was Nikolai one hundred and second.
He had a son, the Prince was smart and brave,
But I just didn’t want to get married.
There was also a daughter who loved to cry,
Nesmeyanaya was teased for this.
The King, Prince and Princess appear to the music.Nesmeyana. Ah-ah-ah! I want to dance!King.Musicians, don't yawn,
Play the music loud!
Music is playing. The Prince, the King and Nesmeyana begin to dance. Then Cinderella’s sisters run up to the Prince.Daughter 1. Your Highness! Dance with me!Daughter 2. No! Better kiss my hand!Daughter 1. I am the best!Daughter 2.Look at me!
The stepmother separates her daughters.
Stepmother. Daughters! Don't quarrel, stop it!Nesmeyana.Ah-ah-ah! What a misfortune!
My brother is about to be torn to pieces!
Cinderella appears to the music of E. Grieg "Morning". All the guests look at her in surprise. The prince freezes with his mouth open.King.Who else is this, why don’t I know her:
Look at her, son!
Nesmeyana. Ah-ah-ah! My brother is in shock!The Prince and Cinderella sing to each other about love, for example, the Prince: “Ay, ah, ah” (group “Hands Up”), Cinderella: “I shouldn’t see him, I’m afraid he’ll like me...” (group “Zolote” ring"). The prince takes out a size 45 felt boot.Prince. Try on my crystal felt boots!Cinderella puts a felt boot on one leg.Prince. Just! You will be my wife!To the accompaniment of solemn music, Cinderella and the Prince take a lap of honor, holding hands.Nesmeyana.Ah-ah-ah! I want to get married too!
Give me a husband, otherwise I’ll scream!
King.They say on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want,
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.
Come on, guests, dream
Make a wish!
Soon the clock will strike 12,
Only 5 minutes until the New Year!
There is menacing music and a loud voice (tape recording).Ha ha ha!
Don't wait for the New Year today -
I already kidnapped him!
The year will not come for you!
Your friend is Fantomas!
Ha ha ha!
Everyone present at the ball listens to Fantômas' message with horror.Daughter 1.Fantomas! After all, he is a villain
Offends all people!
King.He must be defeated
New Year release.
But where to look for it?
Can anyone tell!
Sherlock Holmes appears to the song “I am a brilliant detective” from the cartoon “The Musicians of Bremen”.Sherlock Holmes.I am the brave detective Sherlock Holmes,
I'll blow Fantômas's nose in the morning!
Just who will help me,
Can he go on the journey with me?
Watson, my old friend,
Resting in the Canary Islands
And the Hound of the Baskervilles
On a dark night they shot...
Prince. I'll go on the road with you!(Addresses Cinderella.) Wait for me a little.I'll deal with Fantomas
And then I’ll come back to you.
As he speaks, Sherlock Holmes crawls around the floor, sniffing and looking for clues. Finally, he finds a sports ball, a skittle and a jump rope.Sherlock Holmes.And here is the evidence! Now everything is clear to me
I see Fantômas’s plan perfectly!
He hides New Year's Eve in the gym
In some school, in a branch.
There is a path through the forest.
Let's go along it, my friend, forward!
To the music of the song "It's Merry to Walk Together" Sherlock Holmes and the Prince set off on their journey.Author.At the same time, at the same hour
Evil criminal Fantomas
He met at the headquarters
He gathered evil agents there.
Here is Kikimora-sister,
The goblin is with her, the forest villain,
Shapoklyak, the evil old woman,
And the nasty Vodyanoy.
And the foreigner is right there -
Everyone calls him Schwartz the Negro.
All these heroes appear under these words. Schwartz the Negro is a parody of Arnold Schwarzenegger with the face of a Negro and the figure of a bodybuilder.Fantomas.I have gathered you, gentlemen,
And I ask, as always -
You do as much harm as you want
But defeat the people!
All the evil characters run away to the sound of menacing music. The music of the song “It's Fun to Walk Together” plays, and the Prince and Sherlock Holmes appear.Prince.Where are you leading us, forest path,
Who will we meet?
Sherlock Holmes. Who is she?Gypsy appears to the accompaniment of gypsy music.Gypsy.I am a local fortune teller, known to everyone around me.
Do you want to know your fate?
I can tell your fortune too!
Evil criminal Fantomas
He wants to win you.
He called all his servants
And he sent it to meet you.
But you shouldn't be discouraged
Friends will help you!
Don’t be afraid, boldly go on your way -
Yes, defeat Fantômas!
The Gypsy, the Prince and Sherlock Holmes leave to the accompaniment of gypsy music. Different music plays, to which Kikimora appears.Kikimora.I am Kikimora the beauty,
Fantômas is my family.
And deal with the little people
Very simple for me!
Kikimora leaves a magic stone on the road and hides. The Prince and Sherlock Holmes appear.Prince.Here are three roads in front of us,
So which way should we go?
Sherlock Holmes.Yes, there stands, like in a fairy tale, a stone,
He will tell us three ways.
(Read the inscription):If you go to the right, you won’t eat or drink.
If you go to the left, you will be completely lost.
If you go straight, you will find the New Year.
Sherlock Holmes.Of course we'll go straight
After all, this is how we will find the New Year!
They leave, and Kikimora immediately appears.Kikimora.Drive faster
Get lost sooner.
There are 303 paths in the forest,
They will never be able to find you there!
My friend, Vodyanoy,
Run after me quickly.
Help lead them astray
Lead them to the swamp!
(The merman takes the Prince and Sherlock Holmes with him.)And I'm still on their way
I must sweep the path.
I won't leave a trace
May they never be found!
He leaves, covering his tracks. A whistle is heard and the Little Robber appears.Little Robber.I am a cheerful robber, I am a huntress for mischief.
My dad is the main robber,
Let's just say it's very nice!
I don't go to school,
I don't read books
But I don't like villains
I help good people.
And the nasty Kikimora
I haven't respected you since childhood.
Super great for her
My dad invented a remedy:
I don't need carabiners
There's no need for dynamite here,
Here's the washing machine
Under the name "Indesit".
The villain is being sent there
And the program is being typed,
And exactly 3 seconds later
The villain is taken out.
And he is completely, completely different,
Not at all evil anymore!
Kikimora appears.Little Robber.Oh, Kikimora, hello!
I invite you to lunch!
We're best friends
Do you want a tasty frog?
Kikimora. I love frogs! Where is she?Little Robber.I do not know...
Maybe she's there, inside?
Climb in and take a look!
Kikimora "climbs" into the washing machine.Little Robber.All! I believed it! Ha ha ha!
Now let's pour in the powder...
One two three four five,
I start to wash.
Three seconds and you're done!
This is Alla Pugacheva!
Kikimora dresses up as Alla Pugacheva, leaves the washing machine and performs an excerpt from A. Pugacheva’s song “Call me with you.”Little Robber.How wonderful everything turned out -
The villain has turned into Alla!
I'll see what happens next,
Then I’ll tell dad everything!
The Little Robber runs away. To the music “I, Vodyanoy, I Vodyanoy...” Vodyanoy appears.Water.I guarantee you with my head -
I am a very cunning Vodyanoi.
I won't brag -
I'm a master of deception.
I'll pretend to be a mermaid
Yes, I’ll hide in the swamp.
I'll sing a song to people
I'll lure you into the swamp.
The merman sings the "Mermaid's Song" and lures the Prince and Sherlock Holmes into the swamp.Water.Good evening, gentlemen,
I lured you here.
If you take even one step,
You will drown in a swamp.
So this is where you spend the night,
Just don't worry too much,
I'll come here in the morning
I'll bring Fantômas.
Author.Suddenly, swiftly, like a bird,
Batman rushes to help.
Batman.I'm a cool superhero
You, fight me first.
I'm Batman, a friend of people,
Beware of me, villain.
Water.Have pity, don't ruin it,
Take me with you.
I will be your servant.
I'm not really evil.
I will serve you faithfully -
Half the revenge and cook the cabbage soup.
I won't lie
I'll forget Fantômas.
Batman.Okay, I forgive you
And I take it with me.
Will you help me:
Rescue people from the water.
Well, you, friends, hurry up,
Find Fantômas.
All children are looking forward to the New Year
And all the adults in the world!
B Yetman and Vodyany leave. The Prince and Sherlock Holmes move on, and at this point the Little Fairies appear to the music.Fairy 1.Girls, how beautiful it is here -
There are Christmas trees in the snow!
Fairy 2.And snowflakes are just a miracle,
Like stars are flying!
Fairy 3.Quiet! Is someone walking there?!
Who is he - good or evil?
Fairy 4.Let's hide and find out everything -
Come on, girls, follow me!
The fairies are hiding, and then Leshy appears to the song.Leshy.I am Leshy, I am the forest owner
And Fantômas's best friend.
I always bother people!
Yep, here they come.
Now I’ll throw laRsso on them,
I will save my dear Fantomas!
Fairies run out.Fairies (in chorus).Go away, forest villain,
Don't you dare offend people!
We are fairies, if we want,
We'll turn you into a toad.
Leshy.I'm not afraid of you at all!
Okay, so be it, I give up!
I will become the kindest
I'll stop being angry.
I will live quietly, peacefully,
And do good in the forest.
If necessary, I’ll comb my hair,
And I will marry all of you!
Well, the Prince and the brave detective,
Will the New Year be celebrated soon?!
Everyone leaves and then a boy named Little Red Riding Hood appears. He walks and sings.Little Red Riding Hood.I'm going to see my grandmother
Along the fairytale path.
And now I bring her a gift
In your big basket.
I want my grandmother's hat
It was not in vain that I tied it.
Now my comrades
His name is Red Cap.
I'm not afraid to walk in the forest
And if I meet a wolf,
I'll show him judo
I’ll throw it on the tree in a moment!
Little Red Riding Hood sings a song to the tune of “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest.”Little Red Riding Hood.But somehow the wolf is not visible,
It's even boring for me to walk like this.
Yeah, a passerby is coming here...
Something doesn't look like a wolf!
The old woman Shapoklyak appears with her song from the cartoon.Little Red Riding Hood.Grandma, what are you doing here?
I am Little Red Riding Hood!
What's your name?!
Shapoklyak.Is it me, grandma?
Nasty brat!
I am a top model
And “may name” Shapoklyak!
The figure and face are top class!
Even Fantomas himself loves me!
Eh, young people, no understanding!
Look at my super dress!
I bought it at a discount at a convenience store!
Oh, by the way, what do you have there in your basket?
Little Red Riding Hood. I bring a gift to my granny...Shapoklyak.Hotel?! Good for my rat!
Well, get out of here! Don't stand in the way
I need to find the Prince and the detective.
Set traps on their road,
Cripple their legs without any hassle!
Little Red Riding Hood.Excuse me, the model is super class,
I'll show you a new trick now!
Little Red Riding Hood uses a technique to “throw” the old woman onto the Christmas tree.Little Red Riding Hood.You will sit on the Christmas tree for a day,
Maybe you will be taken down... by hungry wolves!
Shapoklyak.Dear boy, wait
Well, wait, don't go.
Take me out of here
I won't be harmful anymore.
I will become as kind as a daisy,
I will babysit Cheburashka.
I'll go to school
I will become nice and cheerful!
Little Red Riding Hood.Well then, come with me,
I'll take you with me.
Little Red Riding Hood and Shapoklyak leave to the song "I'll go out into the street." Sherlock Holmes and the Prince appear.Sherlock Holmes.Well, we're on the trail,
We'll be at the branch soon,
Where is the insidious Fantomas
Hides the New Year from us.
Prince.Well, who is this?
What are you doing with me?
To the accompaniment of foreign music, Schwartz the Negro appears and handcuffs the Prince.Schwartz the Negro.I am Schwartz the Negro from Texas,
Fantomas's personal guard.
From people like you, dude,
I make myself some broth.
And from the English detectives
I personally make sausages.
So either defend yourself
Or say goodbye to life.
Author.The detective was smart and brave,
I just didn't know how to fight,
And Fantômas's guard
In a fight he was, well, just an ace
And he didn't know anyone
Who would defeat him?
Baby.I am Aunt Asya's messenger,
Defend yourself, foreigner.
The kid points a gun at Schwartz the Negro.Schwartz the Negro.By the way, I'm not a coward
I'm not afraid of Aunt Asya.
And you, my dear,
I will kill with one hand.
Baby.Come closer
Look at this!
Schwartz the Negro. What's happened?Baby.New "Ass"! I'll shower you now
I'll soak it for five minutes,
And Schwartz the Negro is nowhere to be seen!
And in about ten minutes
We'll get Michael Jackson.
Another artist comes out, dressed the same as Schwartz the Negro, but with a “white” face and Michael Jackson’s hairstyle, sings and dances to the soundtrack. Then Kikimora, who became Alla Pugacheva, comes running.Kikimora.Michael Jackson my friend
You dance like God!
I've been waiting for you for so long
I'll follow you everywhere!
Kikimora performs A. Pugacheva’s song “My, my, mine, you are only mine...” to the soundtrack and takes Jackson with her.Baby.And you, friends, hurry forward
And defeat Fantômas!
Author.One two three four five,
Here are friends on the road again.
They walked along the path
And they found the bottle.
(They find a bottle of Sprite.)
They took that bottle in their hands
And they opened it quietly.
And grandfather came out from there
One hundred and fifty years.
Old man Hottabych appears to the accompaniment of oriental music.Hottabych.My name is Hottabych,
I live in a bottle.
Don't let yourself dry out -
My last name.
I work as a gin
Therefore for you
Any desire
I'll do it now!
Prince. Our desire is to see friends.Sherlock Holmes. And punish Fantomas quickly!Author.In a few minutes
All the heroes were here.
And they went to the gym
Fantômas was found there.
Fantomas.Stop! And forward - not a step!
My hostage is New Year!
If you touch me,
Then he will die too!
Serve it to me quickly
A whole suitcase of rubles.
I'm changing the New Year
On a huge plane!
Author.Here Hottabych got angry
And opened the bottle
With his magical beard
I conjured for five minutes.
At the same moment and at the same hour
Evil criminal Fantomas
Was trapped in a bottle
He remained in it forever!
Soon, soon all the people
Let's celebrate the New Year together!
Cinderella.Oh my prince, you are my hero
I will become your wife!
Author.There will be a wedding - a sight for sore eyes,
People are surprised by everything.
Nesmeyana.Ah-ah-ah! Me and New Year
Nobody gets married!
Sherlock Holmes.Princess, don't cry
And don't be upset
Enjoy life
And smile!
I offer you my hand and heart,
Do you want, with you
Shall we have a wedding?
The joyful Princess throws herself on the detective’s neck.Author.And, of course, there was a feast
This wedding is not easy.
And I was there and drank coffee.
Yes, I forgot to tell you
About the fate of our heroes,
In general, listen further.
To the music, those heroes about whom the author talks come out to the audience and bow.Author.The stepmother and daughters became kind,
They were hired as nurses.
The baby is going to kindergarten now,
And soon he will go to first grade.
Michael Jackson with Pugacheva
They sing great songs!
Only Michael began to sing in Kirkorov’s voice!
And Gypsy is a psychic
Called now.
If you really want it,
It will remove damage and the evil eye from you.
Well, Little fairies
They dream of growing up faster
Learn to cast a spell
And help all people.
Aunt Asya with the King
We got married this afternoon.
They began to live and live,
Wash all your friends' clothes.
And old woman Shapoklyak
Suddenly I fell in love with dogs.
Became a trainer
They hired her to work at the circus!
Little Cap was drafted into the army
And there they gave me a different name.
He's called the Green Beret
But he doesn’t respond to Shapchonka.
And Hottabych - he became a businessman,
He sells Sprite, Cola and Fanta.
Batman found another job -
He went to work in our police force.
He sleeps and sees at night,
Which became known as Van Damme.
And the Robber learns
I entered first grade.
Take a good look
Maybe she is among you?
The goblin is the one in the dense forest
Started working as a forester.
Helps all the animals
He scares poachers.
And Vodyanoy is no longer a villain,
And he saves people on the water!
That's the end of the fairy tale,
And whoever listened - well done!
That's it (in unison).Come visit us more often
The tales will be even sweeter!

Dress up in your festive outfit! (Helps Cinderella take off her apron and shawl)
Your time has come
Go to the New Year's ball soon.
But... just have fun until the morning
You can't:
As soon as the clock strikes twelve in the palace,
Your beautiful outfit will disappear forever
And again you will be wearing a simple dress.

Page boy.
I'm not a wizard, I'm still learning:
I want to give you
Two crystal slippers.
They will bring you happiness:

Put on your shoes quickly!

Cinderella puts on her shoes

Cinderella. Thank you!

Good luck!
But don't forget about the clock!

The Fairy and Page Boy leave, Cinderella goes in the other direction to the music.


And in the royal palace the carnival was already in full swing. All the guests danced around the decorated Christmas tree.

To the cheerful music, the King and Prince again take their places on the thrones. The Storyteller and Cinderella enter.

Your Majesty! Your Highness!
I would like to introduce to you and all guests:
Mysterious stranger
came to our ball!

Prince. Hello, mysterious and beautiful stranger! Let me invite you to dance!

The song “Good Beetle” from the movie “Cinderella” is playing.

Son! And you, madam!
I'm very, very happy!
Well, now we continue
Our New Year's masquerade.

Children perform different numbers in carnival costumes, not participating in the fairy tale in a new way.

Snowflakes came down from heaven to visit us
And instantly they turned into beautiful princesses.
In your magical way
They spin and do not melt -
To the music of the New Year
They begin their dance.

Snowflake girls dance. If “an old fairy tale in a new way” is staged for junior schoolchildren, then instead of snowflakes it is better to use other concert numbers that children can show.
The clock strikes.

Oh! What is this? The clock is striking twelve!

Where are you going, stranger, stay here!

The lights in the hall go out. Cinderella, running away, loses her shoe. The prince runs after Cinderella and picks up the shoe. The light comes on.

Disappeared instantly... What a shame!

Only the glass slipper remained,
Where did the stranger go?

So that the carnival lasts longer,
I ordered the palace clock
Convert to a whole hour!
And the New Year will not come now!

Without this girl, the world is not nice to me.
How can I find her, who can give me advice?

Your Highness! I know this fairy tale
since childhood. We need to try on the shoe for all the beauties who came to the ball. The girl whose shoe is the right size is Cinderella - that is the name of the beautiful stranger.

Stepmother and daughters run out.
Daughters (together). Please try it on for us!
(The Prince tries it on.)

The shoe didn't fit you!

Please try it on for me too!
Madam! Your shoe is too small!

The prince tries on the shoe for other guests.

The prince walked around all the beauties,
But he never found Cinderella.

The Fairy appears.
Dear Prince! Today is New Year,
And don’t be discouraged on New Year’s Day.
We need Santa Claus
Call here for help quickly!
Guys, let's call Grandfather Frost together!

Children (name).
Santa Claus! Santa Claus!

Santa Claus enters the hall and leads Cinderella by the hand.

Santa Claus (sings to the tune of the song “Good Beetle”).
Stand up, children, stand in a circle,
Stand in a circle, stand in a circle!
You are my friend and I am your friend
old faithful friend!
Santa Claus is coming here,
It comes to you, it comes to you.
He takes Cinderella with him,
Leads Cinderella.

Santa Claus brings Cinderella to the Prince.

Prince (handing Cinderella the slipper).
Here is your glass slipper.
Put it on quickly, my friend!

Cinderella puts on a shoe. The Prince, Cinderella, Santa Claus and the King take hands and go to the center of the hall.

Father Frost.
On New Year's Eve we are waiting for a miracle,
And now dreams come true,
And again true friends
They meet at the Christmas tree.
Let the minutes of happiness be in the hours
And the years turn
Let joy enter every home
And the fairy tale does not end!
Come on, fairy-tale people,
Join the round dance!

Now in progress. The children take their seats. The clock strikes.

Father Frost.
The clock is striking on the old tower,
New Year is coming!
And with the twelfth strike
Let the magical snow fall
It will shine, it will sparkle
And it will turn into gifts!

The lights in the hall go out. Lights light up on the clock, castle towers, and snowdrifts. Santa Claus quietly takes out gifts from behind a snowdrift.
The lights come on in the hall - the old fairy tale in a new way has come to an end. Santa Claus distributes gifts to children, he is helped by the Fairy and the Storyteller.