Seating diagram for children in the middle group. Hygienic requirements for furniture in preschool educational institutions

Ekaterina Gorbacheva
Layout of children at tables during meals

IN middle group MBDOU d. from No. 3, according to sanitary standards, each child is assigned his own place for tables during meals. Places assigned to children are reflected in seating pattern at tables during meals, which is adjusted as necessary depending on changes physical condition children group. There are many options on the Internet schemes, but I never found one that really met all my requirements. I present to your attention my diagram of the arrangement of children at tables during meals.

On scheme the most important ones are reflected moments:

Quantity tables, (All tables are numbered) ;

Furniture group (in accordance with the table of SanPin norms);

On every there is a list of children written on the table sitting behind table;

On table and the chairs are pasted geometric figure by which children can navigate, find their high chair (in my case it is a circle, square, rectangle, triangle and rhombus in two colors - purple and orange).

During the year I am moving the children, I change how tables and in places and neighbors table.

Tables and the chairs are adjusted in height in accordance with SanPin standards, to all tables Convenient passage is organized.

I hope mine the diagram will be useful. If anyone needs diagram, I can email you. mail. Write!

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Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor Russian Federation dated July 22, 2010 N 91 Moscow “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of the operating regime in preschool organizations"".

Registration No. 18267.

According to Federal law dated March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 14, Art. 1650; 2002, N 1 (Part 1), Art. 2; 2003, N 2, art. 167; 2003, no. 10; 2006, no. Part 1) Art. 5498; 2007, No. 1, Art. 21; 2007, No. 29; 5554; 2007, N 6070; 2008, N 29 (part 1), art. 3418 (part 2), art. N 44, art. 4984; 2008, no. 1, art. 6223; 2009, no. 1, art. 17) and the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2000 Service of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standards" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 31, Art. 3295; 2004, No. 8, Art. 663; 2004, No. 47, Art. 4666; 2005, No. 39, Art. 3953), I decide:

1. Approve sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of work in preschool organizations” (appendix).

2. Put into effect the specified sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations from October 1, 2010.

3. From the moment of introduction of SanPiN, the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the work regime in preschool educational institutions", approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation dated March 26, 2003 N 24 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on April 8, 2003, registration number 4392).

G. Onishchenko

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of work in preschool organizations Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN

VI. Requirements for equipment and its placement in the premises of preschool organizations
6.1. The equipment of the main premises must correspond to the height and age of children, and take into account hygienic and pedagogical requirements. The functional dimensions of purchased and used children's (preschool) furniture for sitting and tables (dining and classroom) must comply with the mandatory requirements established by technical regulations and/or national standards.
The premises of compensatory kindergartens are equipped depending on the implementation of qualified correction of deviations in physical and mental development pupils.
6.2. Changing rooms are equipped with cabinets for outerwear children and staff.
Closets for clothes and shoes should be equipped with individual compartments-shelves for hats and hooks for outerwear. Each individual cabinet is marked.
In changing rooms (or in separate rooms) conditions must be provided for drying children's outerwear and shoes.
In the dressing rooms it is possible to install racks for toys used during walks.
6.3. For examining and changing children of early toddler age, the dressing room is equipped with changing tables, work tables and chairs, a washbasin, and a closet for mothers’ clothes. It is necessary to provide a separate room for breastfeeding children.
In the children's locker room early age The place for mothers to feed their children should be equipped with a table, chairs, footrests, a washbasin and a wardrobe.
6.4. In group playpens for early toddlers, it is recommended to install a group playpen measuring 6.0 x 5.0 m in the bright part of the room with a fence height of 0.4 m, the long side parallel to the windows and at a distance from them of at least 1.0 m. For For children crawling on the floor, a space limited by a barrier is allocated; slides are installed with a ladder no more than 0.8 m high and a slope length of 0.9 m; bridges 1.5 m long and 0.4 m wide with railings 0.45 m high.
Near the pantry it is recommended to install changing tables and special tables with retractable chairs for feeding children 8 - 12 months old. A tank with a lid for dirty laundry is installed near the changing table.
6.5. In group rooms for children 1.5 years and older, tables and chairs are installed according to the number of children in the groups. For children in the senior and preparatory groups, it is recommended to use tables with a variable tilt of the lid up to 30 degrees.
6.6. Chairs must be included with a table in the same group, which must be labeled. The selection of furniture for children should be carried out taking into account anthropometric indicators according to Table 1.
For organization board games For children, it is allowed to use window sill and study tables.
6.7. For children aged 1.5 - 3 years, a sports corner should be provided in group groups.
6.8. When equipping a group, the following requirements are observed:
- tables for classes for seniors and preparatory groups installed near a light-carrying wall with mandatory left-side lighting of the workplace;
- for left-handed children, individual workplaces are organized with right-side lighting of the workplace.
The tables are installed as follows:
- four-seat tables - no more than 2 rows, taking into account the provision of side lighting to the maximum number of children;
- double tables - no more than 3 rows;
- the distance between rows of tables must be at least 0.5 m;
- the distance of the first row of tables from the light-carrying wall should be 1 m;
- the distance from the first tables to the wall board should be 2.5 - 3 m, while the viewing angle should be at least 45 degrees.
6.9. Working surfaces of tables should have a light-colored matte finish. Materials used for lining tables and chairs must have low thermal conductivity and be resistant to warm water, detergents and disinfectants.
The size of the wall board is 0.75 - 1.5 m, the height of the lower edge of the wall board above the floor is 0.7 - 0.8 m.
Chalk boards must be made of materials that have high adhesion to materials used for writing, can be easily cleaned with a damp sponge, be wear-resistant, have a dark green or brown and have an anti-reflective or matte finish.
When using a marker board, the color of the marker should be contrasting (black, red, brown, dark tones of blue and green).
Blackboards that do not have their own glow should be provided with uniform artificial lighting.
When using an interactive whiteboard and a projection screen, it is necessary to ensure its uniform illumination and the absence of high-brightness light spots.
When organizing classes, children are seated taking into account their height, health, vision and hearing. Children suffering from frequent colds, should be seated away from windows and doors; children with reduced hearing and myopia should be seated at the first tables appropriate to their height.
6.10. Preschool organizations use toys that are harmless to children’s health and meet the hygienic requirements for children’s products, which can be subjected to wet processing (washing) and disinfection. Soft-filled and foam latex brushed toys for children preschool age should be used as teaching aids only.
6.11. To display filmstrips, standard projectors and screens with a reflection coefficient of 0.8 are used. The height of the screen hanging above the floor must be no less than 1 m and no more than 1.3 m. Displaying filmstrips directly on the wall is not allowed. The relationship between the distance of the projector from the screen and the distance of the first row spectators from the screen is presented in Table 2.
6.12. To watch television programs and videos, use televisions with a diagonal screen size of 59 - 69 cm. Their installation height should be 1 - 1.3 m. When watching television programs, children are placed at a distance no closer than 2 - 3 m and no further than 5 - 5, 5 m from the screen. Chairs are installed in 4 - 5 rows (per group); the distance between the rows of chairs should be 0.5 - 0.6 m. Children are seated taking into account their height.
6.13. In separate rooms or in separately designated places, it is possible to organize corners and rooms of nature, a herbal garden, a herbal bar and others. When organizing them, the following requirements are observed:
- animals and plants must be safe for children and adults;
- sick, aggressive and unpredictable animals, as well as poisonous and thorny plants are unacceptable;
- animals are accepted with the permission of the veterinary authorities (registration, timely vaccinations, hygiene procedures);
- it is unacceptable to accept stray animals;
- cleaning of animals and care of plants is carried out daily and only by the staff of the preschool organization. Children can water the plants.
The nature room is equipped with hot and cold water supply, sewerage, racks for storing equipment and food. Pet food should be stored out of the reach of children.
Placing aquariums, animals, and birds in group rooms is not permitted.
6.14. In newly built and reconstructed preschool organizations, it is necessary to provide separate sleeping quarters as part of group ones.
Bedrooms are equipped with fixed beds.
Beds for children under 3 years old must have: length - 120 cm; width - 60 cm; height of the fence from the floor - 95 cm; bed with variable height from the floor - at 30 cm and 50 cm.
It should be possible to reduce the height of the side railing by at least 15 cm.
The length of a fixed bed for children 3 - 7 years old is 140 cm, width - 60 cm and height - 30 cm.
Beds are placed in compliance with the minimum gaps: between the long sides of the beds - 0.65 m, from external walls - 0.6 m, from heating devices - 0.2 m, between the headboards of two beds - 0.3 m.
To avoid injury to children, stationary bunk beds are not used.
6.15. In existing preschool organizations, if there are no bedrooms, the project allows for children to nap during the day preschool groups in groups on folding beds with a hard bed or on transformable (pull-out, roll-out) one-three-level beds.
New types of beds should be harmless to children's health.
When using folding beds (folding beds), each group bed must have space for storing them, as well as for individual storage of bedding and linen.
6.16. In existing preschool educational organizations, if there are sleeping quarters according to the project, sleeping quarters are not allowed to be used for other purposes (as group rooms, classrooms for additional education and others).
6.17. Children are provided with individual bedding, towels, and personal hygiene items. You should have at least 3 sets of bed linen and towels, 2 sets of mattress covers per 1 child.
6.18. Toilet rooms are divided into a washroom area and a sanitary area. In the washroom area there are children's washbasins and a shower tray enclosed by a transformable fence with access to it from 3 sides for hardening procedures. Toilets are placed in the sanitary facilities area.
For a shower tray, the installation height is 0.3 m. The shower tray is equipped with a flexible hose with a shower head located above the bottom of the tray at a height of 1.6 m.
6.18.1. A toilet for toddlers is equipped in one room, where there are 3 washbasins with hot and cold water supply for children, 1 washbasin for staff, a cabinet (rack) with cells for storing individual pots and a drain for their treatment, a children's bath, a utility room closet. Pots must be labeled.
Storing disposable diapers in rooms with high air humidity is not allowed.
6.18.2. In the toilet area of ​​the junior preschool group, 4 washbasins for children and 1 washbasin for adults are installed in the washroom area, with hot and cold water supply to them with a mixer, and 4 children’s toilets.
6.18.3. In the toilets of the senior and preparatory groups, washbasins with hot and cold water supply for children are installed in the washroom area at the rate of 1 sink for 5 children, 1 washbasin for adults, children’s toilets or at the rate of 1 toilet for 5 children. Children's toilets are installed in lockable stalls without locking. The size of the cabin for a children's toilet should be 1.0 x 0.75 m, the height of the cabin fence should be 1.2 m (from the floor), not reaching the floor level by 0.15 m.
6.18.4. When designing and reconstructing preschool organizations in senior and preparatory groups, separate toilet rooms for boys and girls should be provided.
6.19. To carry out hygienic procedures (washing), children of toddler and primary preschool age should be provided with shower trays with a shower net on a flexible hose.
6.20. When children stay around the clock, it is recommended to equip bathrooms for washing children, equipped with showers (bathtubs, trays with hot and cold water supply with a mixer).
6.21. For children of primary preschool age, the installation height of washbasins from the floor to the side of the appliance is 0.4 m, for children of middle and senior preschool age - 0.5 m.
6.22. Toilets are equipped with child seats or hygienic pads made from materials that are harmless to the health of children and can be treated with detergents and disinfectants.
6.23. In existing preschool organizations, it is allowed to equip a sanitary facility for staff in the children's toilet room in the form of a separate closed toilet cabin.
6.24. In the toilet rooms, wall or hanging hangers with individual compartments for children's towels and personal hygiene items, utility cabinets, and a cabinet for cleaning equipment are installed.

Health group D-1

1. Full name child.

Health group D-2

Health group D-3

Individual health card of the group “Name”.

She has next view:

3. Seating scheme for children at the table during the reception

A plan is drawn for seating children at tables during meals and it is signed who is sitting at which table.

4. Seating scheme for children during classes by type
temperament and health group.

A plan for seating children is drawn:

Thanks to such a map, a clear picture of the diseases of the children in the group emerges. The teacher strictly follows the recommendations of specialists on identified diseases when organizing the life activities of children in preschool educational institutions.

Children with visual impairments and hearing impairments are seated at the first tables.

Anthropometry of children.

It is carried out 2 times a year and is recorded in the following table:

6. Annual plan for hardening.

Documentation of teachers

4. Through ventilation 4. Mouth rinse 4. Rinse
rooming infusions of herbs. throat.
niy in the absence 5. Through ventilation 5. Through ventilation
children. rooming rooming
5. Spot massage niy in the absence niy in the absence
soot children. children.
6. Water 6. Acupressure 6. Walking outside
procedures this is 2 times a day
December January February
1. Walking barefoot 1. Air 1. Walking around
com on ribbed baths. rough surface
surfaces. 2. Mouth rinse sti barefoot.
2. Spot mask infusions of herbs. 2. Rinse
soot 3. Spot throat.
3. Hand washing assage. 3. Inhalations, KUF
to the elbow. 4. Walking around nose, pharynx.
4. Rinse rough surface 4. Spot massage
throat. sti barefoot. soot
5. Through ventilation 5. Water 5. Walking outside
rooming procedures. this is 2 times a day
niy in the absence 6. Walking outside
children. this is 2 times a day
6. Walking outside
this is 2 times a day
March April May
1. Air 1. Air 1. Air
baths. baths. baths.
2. Water 2.Wash your hands before 2. Hand washing
procedures. elbow. to the elbow.
3. Through ventilation 3. Through ventilation 3. Through ventilation
rooming rooming rooming
niy in the absence niy in the absence niy in the absence
children. children. children.
4. Rinse 4. Spot massage 4. Spot massage
throat. soot soot
5. Walking outside 5. Walking outside 5. Walking outside
this is 2 times a day. this is 2 times a day this is 2 times a day
6. Acupressure
June July August
1.Air 1. Air 1. Air and solar
and solar vans and solar vans gentle baths.
us (stay us (stay 2. General dousing
in the shade of the trees in the shade of the trees tion.
and short-term and short-term 3. Rinse
new stay new stay throat.
on the illuminated on the illuminated 5. Through ventilation
sunny area the sun is involved rooming
5-6 min) ke for 5-6 minutes. niy in the absence
2. General dousing As you tan children
legs duration-
3. Through ventilation stay-
rooming sun exposure
ny increases
and can sum-
fight until 40-
50 min).
2. General dousing
3. Through ventilation

Features of hardening by age.


1. In the morning, before the children arrive, through ventilation
premises for 5-7 minutes, ends in 30 minutes
before the children arrive. In cold weather, multiple times are allowed
temporary decrease in temperature to 18 °C.

2. Walk outside before lunch for at least an hour and after
outdoor games with children.

3. After sleep, children in shorts and T-shirts do exercises.
reactive activity - from 3 minutes to 10 minutes.

4. Walking barefoot.

5. Wash your hands up to the elbows with water at room temperature.

6. Air hardening is regular airing
room, maintaining the temperature at pre-

Senior teacher's handbook

Documentation of teachers

business norms. This includes children's clothing that provides thermal comfort ( light dress With short sleeve permissible indoors at a temperature not lower than 23 ° C).

Physical education classes are conducted at a temperature of 17-18 ° C, their duration is 8-10 minutes.

Dressing for bed is a daily air conditioning.

3-6 years

1. Through ventilation for 5-7 minutes ends
30 minutes before the children arrive. In cold weather
a short-term decrease in temperature is started
up to 19 "C.

2. Walk outside before lunch for at least an hour and after
lunch 1 hour, during air baths organize
outdoor games with children.

3. After sleep, children do exercises in bed
to awaken the body: stretching, bending
and extension of legs, arms, “bicycle”, finger massage
kov, rubbing and stroking your body.

4. Children do exercises after leaving bed
for the prevention of flat feet and stimulation
reflexogenic zones of the feet, "walk on corrective
paths, ribbed board or rope.

5. Rinse after every meal
oral cavity.

6. Acupressure according to Umanskaya.

7. Washing hands up to the elbow.

Sitting at the table, the child must hold the body in a certain position, while the muscles of the neck and back are tense. Muscle tension is especially high in cases where the child does not sit straight, but leans forward. To reduce the tension in the neck and back muscles that occurs when the body is tilted, the child should try to lean his chest against the edge of the table at which he is sitting. Such a position quickly tires, as the chest is compressed, the depth of breathing, and therefore the supply of oxygen to tissues and organs, decreases. The habit of sitting with support on the chest can lead to deformation of the sternum, stooping and myopia.

A straight landing is more stable and less tiring, since the center of gravity of the body in this position is above the support points. However, a straight seat can quickly tire a child if the chair does not match the proportions of his body and does not have a backrest on which to lean.

Static muscle tension during landing can be reduced by distributing muscle tension more evenly. To do this, it is important to increase the number of support points: you need to sit straight, not on the edge, but on the entire seat, the depth of which should be at least 2/3 of the length of the seated thigh, and the width should exceed the width of the pelvis by 10 cm; rest your feet on the floor, your back on the back of a chair, your forearms on the table top. When seated correctly, your shoulders should be at the same level and parallel to the table top.

The height of the chair seat above the floor should be equal to the length of the seated shin along with the foot (measured from the popliteal notch, adding 5-10 mm to the height of the heel). This is important so that when landing you can rest your feet on the floor, keeping your hips at a right angle to your shins. If the seat is too high, the sitting position will not be stable, since he will not be able to rest his feet on the floor. If the seat is too low, the child will have to either move his legs to the side, which will disrupt his correct position, or put them under the seat, which can cause poor circulation in the legs, since the vessels passing through the popliteal fossa will be pinched. The height of the table above the seat (differentiation) should allow the person sitting freely, without raising or lowering his shoulders, to place his hands (forearms) on the table. If the differentiation is too large, when working at the table, the child raises his shoulders (especially the right shoulder); if it is too small, he bends, stoops, and tilts his head too low to examine the object.

During classes, you need to lean your back against the back of a chair and see objects clearly. To do this, it is necessary to maintain the back distance, i.e. the distance between the back of the chair and the edge of the table facing the seated person should be 3-5 cm greater than the anteroposterior diameter of his chest. In this case, the distance between the plumb lines lowered from the front edge of the chair seat and from the edge of the table, or the distance of the seat, becomes negative, i.e. the edge of the chair extends 2-3 cm under the edge of the table. If there is no distance between the edges of the table and the chair (zero distance) or the seat distance is positive (the chair is slightly moved away from the edge of the table), it is impossible to lean on the back of the chair when doing any work at the table.

During classes, teachers must monitor the seating position of each child. You can require children to sit correctly at the table only if the furniture matches the height and proportions of the child’s body. Brief deviations from these poses are needed for rest and relaxation, but they should not become habitual, as this causes poor posture. Some parts of a child’s body during normal development are in a certain ratio to the length of the entire body, so height is taken as the main value from which to determine the size of furniture.

The organization of a subject-developmental environment in group rooms is carried out taking into account age characteristics. The arrangement of furniture, play and other equipment meets the requirements of protecting the life and health of children, sanitary and hygienic standards, the physiology of children, the principles of functional comfort, and allows children to move freely.

The location of play and sports equipment meets the requirements of protecting the life and health of children, their physiology, the principles of functional comfort, and allows children to move freely.

6.1. The equipment of the main premises must correspond to the height and age of children, and take into account hygienic and pedagogical requirements. The functional dimensions of purchased and used children's (preschool) furniture for sitting and tables (dining and classroom) must comply with the mandatory requirements established by technical regulations and/or national standards.

The premises of compensatory kindergartens are equipped depending on the implementation of qualified correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils.

6.2. Changing rooms are equipped with cabinets for outerwear and shoes of children and staff. It is possible to install racks for toys used during walks. For examining and changing children of early toddler age, the dressing room is equipped with changing tables, work tables and chairs, a washbasin, and a closet for mothers’ clothes.

6.4. In group playpens for early toddlers, it is recommended to install a group playpen measuring 6.0 x 5.0 m in the bright part of the room with a fence height of 0.4 m, the long side parallel to the windows and at a distance from them of at least 1.0 m. For When children crawl on the floor, allocate a space limited by a barrier; install slides with a ladder no more than 0.8 m high

6.5. In group rooms for children 1.5 years and older, tables and chairs are installed according to the number of children in the groups. For children in the senior and preparatory groups, it is recommended to use tables with a variable tilt of the lid up to 30 degrees.

6.6. Chairs must be included with a table in the same group, which must be labeled. The selection of furniture for children should be carried out taking into account anthropometric indicators.

To organize board games for children, it is allowed to use window sill and study tables.

6.8. When equipping a group, the following requirements are observed:

Tables for classes for senior and preparatory groups are installed near a light-bearing wall with mandatory left-side lighting of the workplace;

For left-handed children, individual workplaces are organized with right-side lighting of the workplace.

The tables are installed as follows:

Four-seat tables - no more than 2 rows, taking into account the provision of side lighting to the maximum number of children;

Double tables - no more than 3 rows;

The distance between rows of tables must be at least 0.5 m;

The distance of the first row of tables from the light-carrying wall should be 1 m;

The distance from the first tables to the wall board should be 2.5 - 3 m, and the viewing angle should be at least 45 degrees.

6.9. Working surfaces of tables should have a light-colored matte finish. Materials used for lining tables and chairs must have low thermal conductivity and be resistant to warm water, detergents and disinfectants.

The size of the wall board is 0.75 - 1.5 m, the height of the lower edge of the wall board above the floor is 0.7 - 0.8 m.

Chalkboards should be made of materials that have high adhesion to materials used for writing, be easy to clean with a damp sponge, be durable, be dark green or brown in color, and have an anti-reflective or matte finish.

When using a marker board, the color of the marker should be contrasting (black, red, brown, dark tones of blue and green).

When using an interactive whiteboard and a projection screen, it is necessary to ensure its uniform illumination and the absence of high-brightness light spots.

When organizing classes, children are seated taking into account their height, health, vision and hearing. Children suffering from frequent colds should be seated away from windows and doors, children with impaired hearing and myopia should be seated at the first tables appropriate to their height.

6.14. Bedrooms are equipped with fixed beds.

Beds for children under 3 years old must have: length - 120 cm; width - 60 cm; height of the fence from the floor - 95 cm; bed with variable height from the floor - at 30 cm and 50 cm.

It should be possible to reduce the height of the side railing by at least 15 cm.

The length of a fixed bed for children 3 - 7 years old is 140 cm, width - 60 cm and height - 30 cm.

Beds are placed in compliance with the minimum gaps: between the long sides of the beds - 0.65 m, from external walls - 0.6 m, from heating devices - 0.2 m, between the headboards of two beds - 0.3 m.

To avoid injury to children, stationary bunk beds are not used.

6.15. In existing preschool organizations, if there are no bedrooms, the project allows for daytime sleep for children of preschool groups in groups on folding beds with a hard bed or on transformable (pull-out, roll-out) one- to three-level beds.

New types of beds should be harmless to children's health.