Dzhigarkhanyan's divorce from his young wife live. Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya: Dzhigarkhanyan’s “reunion” with his ex-wife was for the sake of a fee Dzhigarkhanyan divorced his young woman

The actor said that his wife is a “thief.”

Soviet star Armen Dzhigarkhanyan is preparing documents for divorce from his wife.

As a number of Russian media reports, a huge scandal took place between 82-year-old Dzhigarkhanyan and 38-year-old Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. After this, Vitalina allegedly wrote a statement to the police, in which she noted that after a domestic quarrel, her husband went missing.

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In addition, they wrote that the actor also wrote a statement against his wife, allegedly accusing him that the woman wanted to kill him. Later, these rumors were partially refuted by TV presenter Oksana Pushkina.

On her Facebook page, Pushkina reported that Dzhigarkhanyan did not write any statements to the police, but was preparing documents for divorce.

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Later, Armen Borisovich commented on the conflict with his young wife to Andrei Malakhov. At the same time, the Soviet star was in the hospital. He called the situation with his wife “an extremely disgusting story that you just can’t tell,” and also stated that he was not ready to forgive Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

"She behaved vilely. A thief! She is a thief, not a person!" - said the actor, writes StarHit.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

The actor did not disclose what exactly happened between Dzhigarkhanyan and his young lady.

The discord in the family of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is growing with new details. The actor accused his wife and the former director of his theater of theft and allegedly even filed for divorce. What is the true cause of the scandal and who “produced” this “detective”, “Arguments of the Week” found out from Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

– Vitalina, in light of recent events, do you regret that you spent so many years of your life on Dzhigarkhanyan?

- I don’t regret it. For me, my husband was a dear and beloved person. Therefore, what is happening now hurts me very much. And the worst thing is that they are preventing me from seeing him in every possible way. When Armen Borisovich and I began our love story many years ago, I, frankly speaking, was scared. I initially understood that I was committing a serious act and it was unknown whether our story would have a happy ending. But my feelings were so big that I simply had no other choice. Compared to Armen Borisovich, everything else seemed very small. Besides, he needed my help, and each of us always needed each other. Dzhigarkhanyan himself built our relationship. He planned his life, and only based on these plans could I count on something. Today I understand that because of his closeness and extensive life experience, I have turned into almost an oriental woman. On my part, a lot of “work on myself” was done. I had to learn to control and properly distribute my emotions. She understood the level of Dzhigarkhanyan’s personality, was aware that the main thing was him, and obeyed this. But we were happy!.. Therefore, it is extremely difficult for me to believe what is happening now. At first it even seemed like I was in some kind of nightmare. The current situation is too absurd and looks like a crime detective story.

– How did your parents, who probably did not want to give you in marriage to a man who is almost forty years older than you, perceived this situation?

– Let’s talk straight away about the fact that they allegedly didn’t want to give me up. My parents always accepted my decisions and the people close to me. My parents have always been the people closest to me, and I don’t know how to lie. Mom found out about my crush almost immediately. I had too many emotions and I couldn’t cope with them. Initially, she tried to convince me that I had imagined everything for myself and that I was flying into the abyss. But very soon they fell in love with Armen Borisovich and even began to help us. Few people know, but our relationship did not begin with the candy-bouquet period. He had a very difficult period with his health, a creative crisis, and it was also very difficult with money. And these friends and sponsors were not around, who are now beating their chests and trying to convince everyone - including him - of their devotion. But then my parents helped. And it was my parents who sent me money for medicine. Therefore, they are very worried not only about me, but also about him. He is a dear person to them. And they are hurt by being used and manipulated.

- They wrote that you are from low-income family

- This is not true. Before meeting Armen Borisovich, I was a fairly wealthy girl. I have a good education. I have always been involved in my development. She prepared her own program, received a call and went to Paris for an international piano competition. She graduated from the conservatory and assistant course, and went to study to gain economic knowledge. She traveled to Israel and Austria for master classes, where she studied with outstanding pianists. I was lucky enough to even take lessons from Nikolai Arnoldovich Petrov. Life was interesting and eventful. My dad had a share in a fairly serious business in Ukraine. There was a lot of real estate there, including in Kyiv, which they eventually sold in order to move in with us and help us cure Armen Borisovich and purchase real estate. So my parents gave me money to buy these apartments. To buy property and live in good conditions- and I wanted my husband to live in exactly these conditions, I took out another loan and a loan, which I am still paying off.

- You are accused of fraud...

- There is such a criminal article - slander... I can only explain it this way. Because in order to accuse a person of a criminal offense, and fraud is a fairly serious article, some grounds are needed. There are no grounds either for the activities of the theater or for other everyday stories.

– Who do you think benefits from this slander, who drove a wedge into your relationship with Dzhigarkhanyan?

– I think that this comes from the suggestion of his ex-wife Tatyana Vlasova. And the “activists” of one of the diasporas, who work for their own pockets, help her in this. In one of the interviews, she let slip that it was she and his friends who took him to the hospital. And this is indirectly confirmed by the doctor, who says that Armen Borisovich arrived accompanied by friends and his wife. In fact, they stole it.

– In your opinion, how will events unfold now?

– Still, I want to believe that it’s not in a criminal way.

– But wasn’t your conflict with Dzhigarkhanyan brewing for a long time? At first, you allegedly received a refusal from your spouse to have a child. Later, a third appeared in your relationship with the artist... and it was a man...

– Naturally, like any woman, I wanted a child. And for yourself, and not in order to keep him near you. But in the end there is no child. If regarding the “third” you are hinting at another man in my life, then forgive me, but it sounds insulting!.. There has always been Armen Borisovich in my life. Unless the “third” and superfluous is a man who calls himself a friend of Dzhigarkhanyan, who appeared surrounded by my husband and is now taking an active part in “producing” this scandal. If these new “friends” Armen Borisovich and Tatyana Sergeevna had sincere intentions, then it is unlikely that this story would have been raised so ugly. They would not have harassed me and would have allowed me to meet my husband. And our meeting is being hindered in every possible way. By the way, Tatyana Sergeevna has robbed him enough. At the time of his official marriage to me, Armen Borisovich no longer had anything.

- They say that Tatyana Sergeevna had a hand in the suicide of Dzhigarkhanyan’s only daughter?

- Let's just say... she did not show sensitivity to this girl, but showed cruelty. And the girl, having stumbled over this cruelty, simply could not survive. I have no right to give a moral assessment. The girl was 24 years old at the time, and she had a strong love. But she prevented this love, and the girl and this boy locked themselves in a car in the garage and suffocated with carbon monoxide. Then for many years they blamed it on the late grandmother. But in reality, everything is not that simple. This was Dzhigarkhanyan’s only and dearly beloved child. It's difficult for me to talk about this. Let's close this topic.

– You were fired from the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater, where you were the director...

– I wasn’t fired. I wrote a statement of my own free will. A good atmosphere in the team, respectful relationships between the actors are very important to me; I dream that they receive satisfaction from their work and a full audience. I have no ambitions. And the most absolute figure in the theater is Dzhigarkhanyan. And I always knew that if it happens that our opinions do not coincide with him, his decision is undeniable, since this is his theater. Therefore, when Armen Borisovich publicly announced that he wanted to return to the theater, the troupe, real friends, and workers prepared for his grand welcome. We bought flowers and waited for him all day. The hospital did not give us any information. But we thought that some kind of unfortunate misunderstanding had occurred. And the next day, information began to be widely circulated in the press that Vitalina did not allow Armen Borisovich into the theater and issued an order not to let him into the theater. In this regard, he allegedly turns to Mayor Sobyanin with a request to sort out the current situation. Of course, this was a lie - orders in the theater are recorded without fail both in the form of a paper journal and in the form of an electronic one. And of course, there is no such order. But the situation itself, which took the form of some kind of unscrupulous intrigue, confronted me with the fact that I needed to leave. I am not able to stay in the theater, because it will become overgrown with rumors and escalate. That's why I made this decision. The leadership of the Ministry of Culture is very good people- They understood me and signed the statement. And by agreement of the parties, the contract between us was terminated.

– How do you plan to earn money now?

- I'm a pianist. I play classics. She stopped her career as a pianist because she was forced to manage financial affairs and monitor the health of her husband. Armen Borisovich has a large bouquet of very difficult diseases. There are many indications that require daily medical attention. He is insulin dependent. It is necessary to constantly take medications, pay close attention to your diet and regimen. In addition, we have never had a housekeeper, since Armen Borisovich is against the presence of strangers in the house. And I did household chores. There was little time left for creativity, but, nevertheless, I gave small chamber concerts.

Now the situation will change. I now have time to be creative. To be honest, I still don’t understand what exactly I feel from my new status. But music has always been and will be inside me. There are already many people who are ready to act as impresarios and want to sponsor classical music evenings. By the way, on October 27, my solo concert will take place in the Chamber Hall of the Moscow International House of Music.

– You said about the new status. Are you already officially divorced from Dzhigarkhanyan?

– So far I have not received any documents for divorce. I don't wear a ring. But for me, rings and formalities are not the main components. I loved and was devoted to Armen Borisovich even before our trip to the registry office. The only thing that matters is how people feel about each other.

83-year-old Armen Dzhigarkhanyan divorced 72-year-old Tatyana Vlasova in 2015, shortly before marrying Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. The marriage with the young pianist did not last long. In 2017, the couple scandalously divorced. It has now become known that the artist is again living with ex-wife Tatyana. “I’m glad that my Tatyana is back, we’ll grow old together!” - noted the actor. Tatyana Sergeevna left life in America and moved to Russia. Together with Vlasova, Armen Borisovich was in a relationship for 15 years.

“I feel like a happy person! We don’t really know what happiness is like... Quieter, louder... Nobody knows! So I think that happiness is when you overcome something. When the pain ends, this is the highest happiness. I still wouldn't be able to live without mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes,” the artist added.

The cult director admitted that he can no longer go to work in his native theater as before, and it is difficult for him to climb stairs. But he remains as artistic director. Colleagues constantly contact him to discuss this or that issue. And in the near future, Dzhigarkhanyan will personally appear at one of the theater premieres.

“I'm interested in living. They tell me that I have high sugar. No grapes, no bananas. This means that the range of food has changed. I understand that I need to speak carefully, sit down slowly, and not get up very quickly. I try not to invent some kind of life for myself, that’s my current potency,” the actor shared.

In 2017, Armen Borisovich accused his young wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya of fraud and demanded a divorce. The actor said that his young wife transferred all his property to herself. Vitalina Viktorovna, in turn, said that this did not happen. As director, she tried for several years to rid the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater of debt - and she succeeded. At the moment, the man prefers not to remember this relationship.

The pianist talks calmly about her divorce from the honored artist. “My marriage was wonderful - quiet and calm, but the divorce turned out to be loud. I initially fell in love with a man on stage - even as a child I chose an idol for myself and worshiped him. What attracted me to him was his charisma and admiration. This is the man of my dreams, the man of half my life. Then we found ourselves in a terrible situation - in my absence he was taken away from home and has not been returned to this day. But this happened through no fault of ours. I still don’t regret it and I’m proud that I had such a person next to me,” shared Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

Based on materials from Novostink

Photo: Legion-Media, KINO-TEATR.RU

“What could be more beautiful than a wedding? Classic is the best that can be today. She talks about scammers. You know what I'm facing now? I myself am surprised to find out: either I’m homeless, or I’m a future father, and my wife is pregnant... All lies! The great Sukhovo-Kobylin spoke about this best of all. But he didn’t know what would happen in our lives. I have a rich one life experience. But all the same - live forever, learn forever, you’ll die a fool,” StarHit quotes Dzhigarkhanyan.

Meanwhile, several criminal cases were opened against Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. She is accused of disclosing her private life. It turned out that hidden cameras were found in Dzhigarkhanyan’s office, which he had no idea about. The recordings fell into the hands of journalists, one of them was even shown on Andrei Malakhov’s “Live Broadcast”.

Investigators believe that the ex-wife of the People’s Artist organized secret surveillance of Armen Borisovich and sent them to television without Dzhigarkhanyan’s permission. All this is contrary to the law on privacy and is considered a criminal offense.

In addition, Vitalina is suspected of stealing documents. According to some reports, she stole her husband’s passport, so the 82-year-old actor had to re-issue an identity card.

Do you think the investigators will be able to prove Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s guilt?