Cancer in a relationship with a girl. How to build a romantic relationship with cancer

How often does it happen that at the initial stage of a serious relationship I would really like to know what to expect from this or that person. I am tormented by curiosity about how a girl or a guy will behave in a couple, whether compatibility will work out. But how can you find out? And astrology will help with this. She is the one who will tell you what love will be like. So, Cancer in relationships: a description of behavior.

How can you characterize a Cancer in a relationship? And what kind of character did the planets give him?

It must be said that Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which makes him a very deep personality with strong emotions. However, Cancer keeps all his passions inside. For whom is he saving them? It's very simple: Cancer waits all his life for true love. He would really like to live the rest of his days with one person.

At the same time, Cancer is very mobile and active. He has an inquisitive mind and a good sense of humor. Therefore, he has certain requirements for choosing a partner. Cancer will not rush into the arms of the first person he meets. Most likely, a typical Cancer will prefer to wait for a more suitable person for a relationship.

Cancers value family, home, and love children. They have a great desire to start their own family, and in children they see the whole meaning of life. Continuation of the family line is one of the main goals to which Cancer attaches great importance. In their opinion, children should be born only out of love.

True, in his youth, Cancer sometimes tends to make mistakes and set the wrong guidelines in relationships. They can pay a lot of attention to their partner’s appearance, without thinking one bit about what he is filled with inside, what his spiritual component is. But, fortunately, Cancer matures and comes to its senses in time, and therefore begins to appreciate completely different qualities in people. From now on, Cancer wants a strong, honest and decent person next to him, who is kind in soul and thoughts.

And who can make a good match for someone born under the zodiac sign Cancer? The stars advise you to pay attention to the signs of your element. Pisces and Scorpio understand Cancer very well. Relationships with Taurus and Aquarius will also work out well. But a Cancer girl should pay attention to a man under the zodiac sign Leo. Their union will be enchanting!

Now it’s time to talk about what a Cancer girl will be like in a relationship.

So, she will strive with every fiber of her soul to find a partner who is serious, intelligent and pleasant to communicate with. Whether she wants it or not, at the subconscious level, the Cancer girl will always evaluate her new acquaintance from the point of view of how suitable he is for starting a family and having children.

She needs a strong, purposeful man. Such a girl needs to be taken care of; she has a great need for love and affection. She needs to be treated like a little princess. In return, she will repay her man with loyalty and boundless love.

By the way, as a rule, Cancer is a very sensual person. In the intimate sphere, such a partner is simply magnificent. This is how a Cancer woman will be in a relationship. It is possible that some will find it somewhat capricious and inaccessible, but one thing is for sure: the game is worth the candle. There is no more satisfied and caressed man than the one who is paired with her.

In turn, a Cancer man in a relationship can show leadership qualities. He wants a family and children, and therefore is able to take on responsibility and obligations.

At the initial stage of dating, the Cancer man is somewhat closed. But don't despair. Thus, he takes a closer look at the person and draws conclusions about him. Therefore, you need to show yourself from the most advantageous side. The Cancer man will be smitten by the combination of beautiful appearance and deep inner peace.

How can you win over a Cancer on the first date? People of this sign greatly value a good and intelligent interlocutor with a wonderful sense of humor. Therefore, an easy and interesting conversation will most likely help Cancer decide on a second date in the future.

This is how Cancer will be in a relationship. This is a very sensitive and kind partner who you can rely on in absolutely any life situation. If Cancer loves, then it is very serious and for a long time. Therefore, you need to be honest with him so as not to break his beautiful heart.

Cancer men are considered the most sensual and caring partners in relationships with women. Despite being completely immersed in their inner world, representatives of this sign do not forget to observe the life of their other half.

Temperament and character

Men born from June 22 to July 22 are distinguished by their reserved, but at the same time vulnerable character. They carefully weigh and consider their decisions, which allows them to control almost any situation.

Cancer men are not at all touchy, but if you hit them hard, you will have to ask for forgiveness for a very long time. They do not hold a grudge against their offenders; rather, they avoid them - after a quarrel, they protect themselves and withdraw into themselves for a long time.

Often representatives of this sign are introverts, but there are exceptions. They prefer loneliness to noisy companies, but if they have already attended a party, they most likely will not spend time in the shade.

They are quite friendly with others, but are accustomed to “reflecting” the mood of the interlocutor. Due to the strong influence of the Moon on this zodiac sign, they are characterized by frequent mood swings.

By nature, Cancers are very creative people. Artists, musicians and writers are often found among them.

A few more interesting facts about the features of these “representatives of the Moon” can be found in the video below.

In progress

Achieving success everywhere and in everything is the life motto of Cancer men. They approach work with special responsibility and are ready to spend the lion's share of their time in the office. They try to confidently climb the career ladder, honestly seeking promotion.

Thanks to their perseverance and hard work, they often occupy leadership positions. By nature, the Lunar type is somewhat slow and measured, so it copes best with monotonous routine work.

Men of this sign are also very responsible and wasteful, they treat money with care and know its value. Thanks to this “friendship” with finance, they easily find work, but are not inclined to frequently change areas of activity.

In friendship

Cancers manage to find a “brother” in spirit among other representatives of their element – ​​Water. As a rule, their closest friendships develop with Pisces and Scorpios. They not only understand each other perfectly, but also have common interests.

Eccentric Cancers often surprise others with their antics and views on the world. But if a representative of this sign is among your comrades, rest assured that it is he who will come to your aid at the first call.

Having a Cancer friend, get ready to carefully control your statements - one awkward word or a stupid joke in the direction of such a man can ruin the strongest relationship once and for all.

In love and family life

Representatives of this zodiac sign often have a very strong emotional attachment to their mother. A woman who has entered into an alliance with such a man should share and encourage this in every possible way.

In relation to his soulmate, the Cancer man is very gentle and reverent. Despite this, he extremely rarely gives in in disputes and is not ready to compromise. When marrying a representative of this sign, be prepared to be flexible and adapt to your spouse’s changes in mood.

For all his tenderness, such a husband prefers to feel like the head of the family. A woman in such a relationship will have to play two roles - a caring housewife who provides home coziness and comfort, as well as an inspirational muse.

Compatibility with women

Finding a soul mate is quite difficult for men of this sign. Most often, their first serious relationship occurs after 25 years. In representatives of the fairer sex they are looking for a homemaker, a close friend and a reliable partner.


The union of these signs is usually complex and tense. The hot-tempered nature of the Aries woman does not allow her to tolerate the lethargy and regularity of the Cancer man. They will reproach their companion for his lack of enthusiasm and constantly put pressure on him in all areas of life.

No Cancer will tolerate such an attitude towards themselves, so the love relationship of this couple is 90% doomed to failure. But there are also exceptions. If an Aries girl directs all her energy not to her career and those around her, but to everyday worries, she will be able to provide her partner with comfortable living conditions that he cannot refuse.


The candy-bouquet period of Cancer and Taurus occurs according to all standards - a man courtes his beloved, tries to spend all his free time with her and is even ready to do crazy things unusual for him.

The desire to create comfort and spend time together at home unites these two signs. This couple seems made for each other - both are slightly stubborn, but have the same life goals. They are economical and thrifty, slightly pedantic and slow. Such a marriage will be quite harmonious if one of the spouses does not get bored.


Women of this sign are open to the whole world - they are ready to jump with a parachute, go on a trip around the world, or invest their last money in a dubious business. Cancers, in turn, do not understand such actions and in every possible way protect themselves from such stressful situations.

It will be quite difficult for such a couple to create a strong family. Cancer and Gemini can be together as long as a strong physical attraction attracts them. As soon as this interest disappears, the man will get tired of his lover’s antics and choose proud loneliness.


At first glance, it may seem that who else but the Cancer woman will understand a man like her. Their characters are very similar, but this is precisely the main problem of this couple. Mutual grievances and reproaches can destroy relationships already at the initial stage.

Such a marriage can only be strong if both have already achieved success in all areas of life. Having a good job, reliable friends and confidence in the future, a man and a woman will be able to coexist without numerous quarrels and insults.

In addition, in the union of a Cancer man and a Cancer woman, emotions, rather than common sense, take control over life. Therefore, adjusting to your partner’s mood can be quite problematic.


Fiery and loving Lionesses are not accustomed to being content with little, so in order to win such a girl, the Cancer man will have to make considerable efforts. But even when she gives in under the pressure of her admirer, the union of this couple will hardly be called successful.

To keep such a girl, a man will have to be in constant tension. And this state is far from typical for Cancers - most likely, they will retreat and leave their chosen one for a less demanding girl.


The thrifty Virgo woman will be a real find for the Cancer man. Harmony and complete mutual understanding reign in this couple. The views of the spouses converge in all areas of life - from family life, raising children and ending with joint dreams and goals.

Most likely, in such a couple there will be no place for romantic dinners with a glass of champagne. Instead, at the round table there will be frequent discussions of important matters, setting goals for the near future and careful planning of the family budget.

At the same time, next to a Cancer man, a girl will be able to feel fragile and significant. The husband will take care of his soulmate, pamper her and give her the opportunity to reveal her feminine potential.


Changeable moods unite these signs, but often prevent them from building strong and long-lasting relationships. The Libra woman is prone to rash actions and loves to make spontaneous decisions. This approach can discourage a Cancer man and throw him out of his usual rhythm of life.

Both signs try to take the leadership position in marriage at the same time. Frequent quarrels are possible on this basis, since no one intends to give up primacy. But on the other hand, Libra and Cancer are committed to a serious relationship, which can become an impetus for the formation of a strong and friendly family.


Scorpio women who are devoted to their soulmate will become an ideal ally for a Cancer man. Such relationships will be long and strong, since they will be based on complete trust and mutual understanding.

Harmony reigns in this couple - Cancer is ready to become a provider and protector for his soul mate, and his beloved will support him with all her might in any situation. It is the Scorpio woman who will become the best support and outlet for the sometimes gloomy and somewhat depressed Cancer.


Life energy and the desire to know everything unknown attracts the Cancer man. They go to the Sagittarius woman, as if to a light, expecting to see something unusual. This is exactly what happens - the cheerfulness and positivity of Sagittarius captivates Cancer from the first minutes of acquaintance.

But after the euphoria from the first meeting wears off, the pragmatic man will think about his choice. It will be difficult for him to live at the frantic pace of his lady love and keep up with her every hobby. Therefore, the likelihood of such a pair forming is not too high - most likely, this relationship will be short-term.


The relationships of these zodiac signs are based on friendship and affection. There is little chance that an unexpected spark will arise between Cancer and Capricorn - such a couple can only form as a result of long, pleasant communication.

In this union, both partners are faithful to each other and can find support in their other half. They have the same values: they are endlessly devoted to their family, respect traditions and are ready to sacrifice the last for the sake of their neighbor.


It is difficult to imagine two more different signs than Cancer and Aquarius. Such a woman endlessly strives to communicate with friends, visit new places and constantly reproaches Cancer for being a homebody. It is quite difficult for them to find a common language and similar interests, so becoming a happy couple most likely will not work.

In the first days of communication, the Aquarius girl will charm you with her ease and ease, but in the future Cancer will not be able to come to terms with her wastefulness and lack of desire to start a family. Aquarius will feel inferior next to such a man and will not be able to reveal her potential to 100%.


Introverted Pisces very subtly understand all the desires and dreams of Cancers, which is an excellent start at the beginning of a relationship. The key to this couple's success is that they respect each other's personal space. A man in such a union plays the role of a leader - he takes responsibility for his somewhat absent-minded and inspired soulmate and is ready for her sake to do things unusual for him.

The woman, in turn, creates all the conditions for her stay-at-home husband: she will happily bake pies on weekends and welcome her tired husband home from work with a hot dinner. Despite the fact that both signs are somewhat apathetic, love and passion will reign in their pair.

How to get a Cancer man?

No matter how strange it may sound, a Cancer man will have to be wooed. They are one of those representatives of the strong half of humanity who are confident that taking the initiative in relationships lies entirely on the fragile shoulders of women.

To conquer Cancer you need to understand his desires. Despite the mask of an unyielding and persistent man, they are very vulnerable. If they see in a woman, first of all, a friend - a girl who will come to the rescue at the first call, listen and give practical advice, then they will immediately melt.

It will be quite difficult for the girl - her chosen one will constantly compare her with his former lovers, look for shortcomings and reproach her for something. This will be a kind of test for her - if she manages to pass this stage, the further development of strong and long-term relationships is guaranteed.

5 simple tips can conquer a picky Cancer man:

  1. Show emotional support when he needs it.
  2. Do not reproach him under any circumstances, even if he really turned out to be wrong.
  3. Create conditions at home such that a man wants to return there constantly.
  4. Remain feminine and vulnerable, do not forget that Cancers want to see next to them, first of all, a fragile girl, and not a stern housewife.
  5. Show interest in him and don’t stay away - the more you learn about the life of Cancer, the more he will open up new sides of himself.

Below is a video from which you can learn a few more interesting secrets on how to charm a man of this zodiac sign.

A man born under the zodiac sign of Cancer is a sensitive, deep and emotional person who does not immediately open his heart.

What is a Cancer Man like in a relationship?

IN behavior of a Cancer man The horoscope is full of secrets and riddles. At the same time, he is looking for a reliable and stable relationship, so he does not rush, but gradually gets closer if he is comfortable. If any problems arise, Cancer simply hides in its “shell” and will not prove or argue anything, so it is not easy to “open” it.

The romantic Cancer can charm anyone. The happiest union for Cancers is with Scorpio or Pisces. Feels good with Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus. But a Cancer in love can find a compromise with a representative of any sign if she fully understands and accepts his vulnerability and sensitivity.

How a Cancer man falls in love

He doesn’t confess his love for a long time; it’s not easy for him. But he always amazes his beloved with his touching and devoted attitude, and it is impossible not to be charmed by him. Very gallant in courtship.

A woman with whom he can fall in love must be perfect, in his opinion - pretty, intelligent, and at the same time she must pay attention to him. If you do not take proper care, he can “withdraw into himself” and fall into a depressed state.

How long does it take for a Cancer man to fall in love?

As a rule, love from a man under the Cancer zodiac sign comes as quickly as it goes away. To retain her feelings, a woman will have to cook deliciously, take care of herself, and look impressive and young. Cancers love with their eyes, and if you see a well-groomed, interesting woman in front of your eyes, you are guaranteed to fall in love for a long time.

How to tell if a Cancer man loves you

Cancer constantly takes care of his beloved and provides support, but his efforts can be too intrusive and sometimes look like restrictions. Of course, this can be annoying. Besides Cancer male behavior can be manipulative - in order for you to do what he needs.

Emotions and feelings are important to him more than anyone else. It is the expression of emotions that causes affection in him. He becomes deeply attached, but often suffers, even in a happy relationship, constantly thinking about “what if they leave me.” He does not know how to defend himself, does not tolerate ridicule, cruelty, cynicism, rudeness and criticism.

Cancers are often monogamous; in any case, changing women often is not their thing.

If you like to flirt with men, don’t like to show emotions, and don’t tolerate changing moods, you and Cancer are not on the same path.

Cancer man - strange behavior

The Cancer man is characterized by mood swings, so he can suddenly become tough and rude, although he was just gentle and passionate. This behavior may cause misunderstanding.

He does not forget insults, remembers the past, and if something in behavior of Cancer man not so, perhaps he remembers something that you have long forgotten. He is very closed and it will not be easy to find out what the problem is.

Since the Cancer man is very vulnerable, his often changing mood requires a sensitive and understanding woman who strives to create harmony.

How to understand the feelings of a Cancer man?

Feelings and Cancer male behavior can be very contradictory - passion and tenderness lead to the fact that he often shows frivolity. And his vulnerability causes suffering in love, since he is very prone to self-flagellation. He is romantic, but at the same time possessive - any little thing can cause jealousy.

According to the horoscope, Cancer is a faithful, good family man, husband and father. The breakup of a relationship is very difficult for him; he himself is not very capable of breaking up. Even a careless word can hurt him. Therefore, he needs a woman who understands, sympathizes, comforts and cares. She must value consistency, a traditional family, and be serious and sensitive. A Cancer man can be “opened” if he believes that you have accepted him as he is, with all his strengths and weaknesses.

Cancer men in love

It is Cancers who are perfect for a measured family life, intimate conversations, when you want to surround someone with care and receive it in return.

Cancer does not tolerate coldness, indifference and frivolity, does not like surprises, extreme situations and thrills. He needs peace of mind, affection and warmth. Therefore, it is necessary to always support him and avoid conflicts with him, because he cannot stand criticism. He constantly needs confirmation of love for him and his own importance.

At first glance

So gallant, delicate, friendly, with a touching, slightly childish smiling face. The first impression is that he is not a person, he is gold, he won’t hurt a fly, even if it sits on his cutlet, he will give his last shirt if he gives anything away, he will console him, he will understand him and pat him on the head. There is not an ounce of aggression or stupid male show-off in him. He also has well-groomed hands, an enveloping voice and such forgiveness in his eyes that you want to hide from the cruel world in his arms. Add to this the talent of a storyteller, an excellent sense of humor and an infectious laugh and you will understand why this completely unmanly man is wildly popular among the fairer sex. Younger girls see him as an ideal dad - kind and reliable, which they never had, but always dreamed of. In girls of Balzac's age, it turns on the maternal instinct. You won’t notice a Cancer male right away, but don’t be deceived! As soon as you get close to him, this demanding monster with possessive instincts will crawl out of its shell and perch on your neck.
Cancers are generally pretty, with soft skin and long limbs. They have light, impenetrably deep (and therefore terribly sexy!) eyes and thick hair. They love themselves too much to insult their body with low-quality cheap clothes. McDonald's is bypassed due to pathological disgust and gastronomic snobbery. But they like to drink and have fun. The funniest (and also the drunkest) in the company will probably be a Cancer.
Any Cancer over the age of 20 is almost certainly happily married. And if not, it means he has a beloved mother, who is more difficult to move than his wife. In any case, Cancer is a man you have to fight for. And he is a peace-loving creature, from the sidelines he will watch how the fight for his priceless carcass ends.

And if you look closely
When you met him, did he seem frivolous, cheerful and playful to you? Next time you may find him sad and melancholy. Then in a fit of misanthropy, sharp and suspicious or stubborn and silent. The set of his states is endless, one follows another without any visible external reasons. He himself doesn’t know when and how it will hit him. This exhausting changeability is the true face of Cancer. Are you sure you won't go crazy in this theater of emotional absurdity? Keep in mind that Cancer's moods are contagious, if he laughs, you will also have fun, but if he is sad, he will certainly drive you into depression. However, in an environment where everyone loves, pampers and cherishes him, most of the time Cancer will still be a bunny.

Romantic? Only when drunk. When sober, he is a materialist, loves money and knows how to count. He does not strive for wealth obsessively, because he never fully believes in his success. But he will not yield an inch of his native land to the enemy. He will help you with money only if he likes you, he is not offended by you and you have nowhere else to wait for help. And then, it seems like it will help from the heart, and then you will feel obligated for the rest of your life.

Active and powerful women often fall for Cancers in the secret hope of “fashioning from what was” an ideal man for themselves. Alas, it is almost impossible to improve this material. He is ready to give up power without a fight, but he is waiting for a complete emotional merger and absorption. Everything else is not very interesting to him. If you do not understand him without words and do not know how to guess desires, Cancer becomes disappointed, withdraws and begins to move backwards, that is, to show through and merge. For mercantile reasons, he may be patient, but not for long. He values ​​his freedom highly and is ready to give it up only in exchange for uncompromising love.

> Cancer in relationships

Cancer manifests itself differently with different partners. However, there are several striking qualities that are noted in all relationships of the sign.

Common Cancer qualities in relationships

These are sensitive and caring people. They tend to give their all and focus on commitments. They are loyal and will not give up before the first obstacle, so in a union they will do everything to preserve love.

Loyalty and trust

He stands up for his loved ones and will fiercely defend their interests. Can be very sentimental if everything is going well. But if things get bad, he quickly gets upset. He is careful and tries not to show vulnerability when he first enters into a relationship. Every day he becomes more and more attached. Blooms with love and respect and becomes loyal for life.

Solid foundation

Despite his sensitivity, he notices little things better than others. Strongly attached to his things and people. He learns useful lessons from each relationship that he applies to the next. Connects his memories with today and tries to build a solid base for starting. He values ​​his property, so as soon as you show interest in it, he will love you even more.

Respect and loyalty are incredibly important to him. He doesn't need curiosities and oddities. Values ​​peace and stable behavior, therefore attractive for the long term. This is a wonderful parent who maintains an emotional connection with the child and strengthens her bond with her partner.

Homely atmosphere

She tries to raise her loved ones using housekeeping and cooking. Many of them get tremendous pleasure from doing everyday little things with their spouse, as well as from material and financial support. And he not only takes, but is also the first to give. However, this should not be perceived as something banal and obligatory. Appreciate his efforts!

It’s pleasant to communicate with him, and his sensitivity attracts you even more. You want to protect him from the huge and evil world, and he will appreciate such protection. However, Cancer's caring behavior is sometimes misinterpreted as suppression. But he can sacrifice a lot and change his environment to create a successful marriage.

Relationships of Cancer with signs

As already mentioned, with each representative he will manifest himself differently. To view this similarly, go to the compatibility pages.

To compare the levels of harmony in different combinations, look at the Cancer compatibility charts. Men and women look at everything differently, so you can also look at the pages of the Cancer man and Cancer woman.

Articles dedicated to Cancer

  • Peculiarities ;
  • Peculiarities ;
  • How ;
  • Who is Cancer most compatible with? ;
  • What to expect from

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