Proper facial skin care: what you did wrong. Care for combination skin Facial treatments at 25 years old

The second stop of the women's site site on the path, called "", will be the period after 25 years. In particular, today we will try to be useful to girls from 25 to 30 years old.

Since the advice of cosmetologists on facial skin care at this age is constantly replete with unknown words and terms, a period of detailed research of jars in stores is solemnly announced! Because, unfortunately, it will not be possible to replace these incomprehensible words with something intelligible and understandable.

Therefore, it is better to spend time studying the components of creams and other cosmetics, choose something that is truly suitable, and then simply use the results of your work.

The experimental method, of course, is also good, but it may be a little more expensive. Yes, and we have the same skin, and therefore we don’t want to take too many risks, because all the same cosmetologists unanimously scare us - the time for starting the mechanisms of skin withering has begun...

What happens to the skin after 25 (up to 30 years)

So, after 25 years, the skin begins to gradually lose moisture - this is the main thing you need to know when choosing facial skin care after 25 years.

We won’t burden you with complex physiological terms, but in general this happens, in addition to the natural causes of growing up, due to improper care at an earlier age (premature wrinkles appear due to exposure to the sun; due to alcohol lotions, the skin begins to dry out even more). stronger).

However, this does not mean at all that during this age period we all become happy (?) owners of dry skin - not at all! With the loss of moisture in the skin, all possible problem areas begin to appear more strongly: complexion, skin structure, oiliness, poor healing of wounds and acne, etc. Although if you naturally had and still have dry skin, then you will need to take more care to maintain its moisture balance.

In addition, at this age, your skin may still show signs of the unequal struggle with acne that you may have had before the age of 25.

If it wasn’t there, rejoice, it probably won’t happen anymore, because the hormonal levels should have normalized by now. The most that can happen to you is an unexpected pimple before an important event. But you can’t fight the law of meanness with cosmetics. And we all know how to treat these uninvited guests, that’s not what we’re talking about now.

If it was, but passed, then still do not forget about prevention methods. In the hot season, when fat cells are somehow activated, it is better to treat yourself to a diet (reduce sweets, fatty foods, etc.) so as not to provoke them.

And if your struggle with acne ends, unfortunately, in your defeat, and you have crossed the threshold of 25 years, then you should see a doctor, or better yet, see doctors, because you need to look for the cause, but most likely it is not is that you are using the wrong cosmetics. In short, if just lotions and creams didn’t help you before, then they won’t now. The problem will need to be solved at a different level.

All advice given in is still relevant. Let us note what you should especially pay attention to.

  • Yes, you won't be able to sunbathe again. Or it will work, but with super strong sunscreen.
  • In general, make sure that all your creams (except perhaps night creams) contain an SPF filter, because excessive exposure of the skin to sunlight at this age is dangerous and can significantly accelerate the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, this is especially important for those who spend a lot of time on the computer.
  • Those who spend a lot of time at the computer, meet thermal water! It is available in convenient aerosol packages. Tiny droplets of water cover irritated skin, not only healing and soothing it, but also nourishing it with minerals, vitamins and trace elements.
  • When caring for facial skin after 25 years, let’s say “No” to cosmetics labeled “anti-aging.” Early! Despite the fact that everyone talks about wrinkles, about the slow start of skin aging processes and blah blah blah, the skin is still young! Not young, but young; and there are still substances in the cells that help the body cope with negative processes.
  • We still monitor facial expressions. Now that the skin is very vulnerable, spending time with a sullen face can come back to bite us. Cosmetologists also advise “not to smile a lot.” Here everyone decides for themselves :)
  • Avoid a large number of cosmetics that are simultaneously applied to the skin, multi-component products - all this deprives the skin of moisture.
  • Go through all your facial care products very carefully. Perhaps, instead of 5 jars of inexpensive creams, it is better to buy 1, but more expensive, but the most natural and beneficial for the skin? As a rule, it is during this period that our tastes regarding cosmetics are formed and a more or less stable system of facial care is developed.
  • Do the same with the decorative cosmetics that you apply to your face. To look good, you don’t have to have a wagonload of cosmetics, it’s enough to have beautiful skin. And cheap, low-quality shadows, powder, etc. will affect her condition in the very near future.
  • We practice contrast washing. It helps improve blood circulation and also helps normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. The skin becomes more resistant to external influences. Cold water prevents early fading, tones, and tightens pores. You should not use cold water in the evening before going to bed. However, prolonged and frequent exposure to thermal procedures causes a decrease in the elasticity of soft tissues. Therefore, we use medium-temperature water for washing.
  • Drink more water.

Stages of facial skin care system after 25 years


Choose any product that suits you. It seems that by the age of 25, at least your skin cleanser is permanent and good.

At this age, it is better to refuse any “soapy” cleansing, because whatever soap is, no matter how much we are convinced that it does not dry out the skin, is soap. I won’t criticize it too much, but the fact that 100% something better can be found is undeniable.

If you have dry skin, then when caring for it after 25 years, it is best to buy a care product that consists of 100% natural oils and extracts of medicinal herbs.

The only thing you should take as a rule is to never go to bed without washing your face, even if you have absolutely no strength, “well, not at all.”

Remains of cosmetics will completely clog your pores, and in the morning you can even expect an uninvited guest on your nose. You know which one.

For evening cleansing it is possible (and better) to use homemade “solutions” and mixtures.


If during the period of “young skin” there was only a warning not to use alcohol lotions, now this is a strong recommendation. Now, when the skin naturally loses moisture, alcohol lotion will completely dry out the skin and deprive you of an even and beautiful complexion.

And again - good cosmetologists strongly recommend - for skin care for 25 years (in particular), go in search of natural facial tonics! No, this is not a manic desire to make a chemical laboratory at home or a grandmother’s corner with herbs and berries. However, it’s hard to imagine something better than what nature gives us, and if you can make something that’s right for you and much better than store-bought products, why not?

You can even check it yourself: any professional cosmetologist will never advise you to use cosmetics from regular stores. With a 99% probability, he will recommend using exclusively professional cosmetics (and in batches, and they are usually expensive), or send you to the pharmacy for some ointments, or turn your face back to nature.

Good remedies are tonics based on medicinal herbs. They are very simple to prepare, and you can simply wipe your face with cotton swabs or make compresses.


It is especially important when caring for skin after 25 years. I think everyone has already understood this.

Face creams after 25 contain basically the same set of vitamins, but it’s better to check :)

  • Vitamin A is essential for the formation of new cells, it also accelerates the process of exfoliation of dead horn cells, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic.
  • Vitamin E is one of the most powerful antioxidants and will slow down the process of external skin aging.
  • Vitamin C – improves metabolic processes, protects against adverse environmental influences, removes toxins, promotes collagen synthesis. That is, at this age, collagen can still be delivered to the body through one’s own efforts, so once again, fight against anti-aging cosmetics when caring for facial skin after 25 years.
  • Vitamin P (flavonoid) – promotes the skin’s production of its own antioxidants and neutralizes free radicals.

To prevent the formation of the first wrinkles on the face, when choosing a moisturizer, it is better to add face creams containing fruit and flower acids and vitamin E to the facial skin care system after 25 years. The use of such creams helps to smooth the facial skin and the disappearance of wrinkles.

Eye cream

If it was desirable when caring for young skin after 21, now it is simply mandatory. The skin under the eyes is 3 times thinner than the rest of the skin on your face, so your regular cream is not suitable for caring for it, and without care, the condition of this area of ​​your face will deteriorate faster.

Face Serums

Get used to using them. But don’t forget – they need to be used together with cream. Serums are good because their beneficial substances quickly penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. In addition, serums contain a higher concentration of biologically active substances.

But here, too, a sense of proportion is needed. It is better to use potent serums in courses, and they should be carried out twice a year - in autumn and spring. To achieve greater effect, apply the serum under the cream, twice a day - morning and evening.

Night cream

Still in our everyday life, some suitable essential oil can still be added there.

Do not leave the cream on your face overnight, otherwise in the morning the result on your face will be exactly the opposite of what was expected. Keep it on your face for 15-20 minutes, then blot the residue from your face with napkins and go to the kingdom of Morpheus, but not before :)


Now you should have these procedures more often.

Deep peeling, and then deep moisturizing of the skin with your cream, must now be done once a week.

It is advisable to pamper yourself with masks 2-3 times a week; more often you shouldn’t, but less often is also not an option.

There are no longer a million recipes for masks, as I wrote in the last article - now there are even more of them, choose any - warm, cold, with or without a peeling effect, etc. etc.

There is nothing complicated in the care system for any age, and no one will tell you super-effective and secret secrets, because they simply do not exist. It is important to simply follow the simple recommendations mentioned in this article. And there is only one rule for facial skin care after 25 years - there must be care.

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At the age of 25, the first signs of aging appear in our body; skin cells become less elastic due to a deficiency of elastin and collagen, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles and changes in skin color. However, proper facial care after 25 years at home will help maintain youthful skin. In this publication we will talk about how to cleanse, tone, nourish and moisturize the skin at this age, and we will also pay attention to caring for the delicate skin around the eyes.

Cleansing the dermis at the age of 25+

The first step is cleansing. You should make it a rule to always remove your makeup at night. Otherwise, it will speed up the appearance of the first signs of aging. Facial skin care at 25 years old should not include cleansing procedures using soap; it can dry out the dermis, thereby robbing it of moisture.

Today there are a large number of products on sale intended for:

  • washing;
  • removing cosmetics;
  • cleansing.

You need to purchase them taking into account your skin type. After the skin is cleansed of makeup, various scrubs and masks are applied that perform different functions. Scrubs are designed to remove dead skin cells, masks nourish the dermis, providing a deeper effect. It’s a good idea to have several types of such cosmetics for skin care after 25 years. Before use, you must read the instructions, because not every cleaning product can be used every day.

Facial skin care after 25 years also includes the task of protecting it from redness and irritation, which often appear in women who spend a lot of time at the computer. Thermal water can help with this. It will give the dermis complete hydration and nutrition. Thermal water should be applied after the cleansing procedure. Powder and foundation will become a barrier through which it will not be able to penetrate into the upper layers of the epidermis.

Skin toning

The second stage is toning. Facial care after 25 years includes the mandatory implementation of such a procedure. You need to study the composition of the tonic or lotion used. If it contains alcohol, then the product is not suitable for people of this age, because it dries out the dermis very much, causing harm to it. Tonics can be:

In terms of time, toning is performed faster than the cleansing procedure. Basically, you just need to soak a cotton pad in the toner solution and wipe the surface of the skin.

Nutrition and hydration of the skin after 25 years

The third step in caring for your face is to nourish and moisturize it. Proper skin care after 25 is impossible without nourishing and moisturizing it. Serums and creams cope with this task perfectly. It is necessary to select a caring cream after studying the composition. It is desirable that it contains various vitamins, especially A, E, P, C. They help slow down the aging process and the formation of wrinkles.

In addition to vitamins, the day cream should contain:

You can take care of your face both at the age of 25-28 and 33-35 years old with the help of creams containing floral and fruit acids. After using them, the skin becomes smoother and wrinkles are less noticeable. It is best to use nourishing and moisturizing products before bed. 30 minutes before, the cream is applied for 20 minutes. After this, the residues are removed with a cosmetic napkin.

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For dry facial skin, thorough hydration is important, otherwise deep wrinkles will appear by the age of 25. The skin needs nutrition, hydration and at night. Night cream is selected according to the type of dermis and age. If there are any problems, for example, the presence of facial wrinkles, then you can enrich the night cream with essential oils. The cream is applied to a cleansed and damp face for 15-20 minutes, after which the residue is removed. Otherwise, in the morning your face will be tired and greasy.

Special serums that are applied 2 times a day under day and night cream will help prolong youth. Serums are used in courses in the autumn and spring periods - 2 times a year. They contain biologically active substances that can penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis.

Caring for the skin around the eyes at a young age

Caring for the skin on your face and around your eyes with the same product is the wrong approach. The fact is that the dermis under the eyes is thin and delicate and requires completely different care. Failure to comply may result in difficult-to-remove bags and bruises.

You need to know how to care for the skin in the eye area. For these cases, it is necessary to choose creams, taking into account the age with the obligatory presence in them:

  • vitamin E;
  • flower acid;
  • phytoestrogens.

Almost all packages indicate the age. It is no coincidence that the packaging says “after 25”. This suggests that these cosmetics contain substances that are needed to support processes occurring in the body precisely at this age.

Facial care at 25 can be performed using products prepared at home yourself. It should be borne in mind that each type of dermis needs specific vegetables and fruits. Only in this case can an excellent result be achieved. What gifts of nature to choose:

Care fat facial skin it is advisable to perform using:

  • juices from tomato, currant, grapefruit, lemon;
  • raspberries, pears, chopped pomegranate;
  • white cabbage.

A clay mask ensures long-term preservation of youth. It deeply cleanses and refreshes the epidermis. It especially works great on oily dermis. White clay is diluted with water to a paste. The mixture is applied for 15 minutes, then washed off. After this, a moisturizer is applied to the face.

You need to follow certain rules in order for your skin to remain young as long as possible. First of all, it is necessary to limit sunbathing, especially in the summer. Ultraviolet rays greatly age the skin. Girls over 25 years of age must measure their time in the sun to avoid burns. It is recommended to sunbathe before 12, and then after 16 hours. In this case, a person will get the much desired tan, and no harm will be done to the skin of the face.

We must remember that strong sun rays can damage the skin of the décolleté, arms and neck, which are difficult to restore to youth even with the help of current cosmetology and plastic surgery.

Skin care after 25 years: video


At the age of 25+ you need to start paying more attention to facial skin care. It must be remembered that already from the age of 25, the first signs of aging begin to appear, which is why the skin requires regular procedures and a competent approach. You can no longer forget to use cosmetics with an SPF filter. Professionals recommend visiting a professional cosmetologist at least once a month. In addition, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits, get enough sleep, enrich your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, drink enough fluids and be in the fresh air. Your skin will thank you with its radiant appearance!

Facial skin care after 25 years is different from usual, and no matter what kind of skin you have: problematic or oily, dry or combination, if you find the right care product in time, you can prevent the appearance of the first wrinkles for a long time.

In this article we will try to tell how to care for different skin types in several stages.

  • Don't be lazy and cleanse your skin thoroughly.
  • Facial massage helps smooth out wrinkles, normalizes the sebaceous glands, and increases the elasticity of the skin.
  • Do not use soap, or use it as little as possible
  • Eat right:
  1. Include avocado in your diet. It contains a huge amount of vitamins and fatty acids.
  2. Drink more green tea. Buy high-quality Chinese green tea: it is higher in price, but cannot be compared in quality and taste with cheap bagged tea.
  3. Clean drinking water is very beneficial, but know when to stop. Excessive water consumption can cause swelling and swelling.
  4. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Nuts are healthy, especially walnuts.

IMPORTANT! Many women diligently take care of their face, but forget about the neck and décolleté area. But it is these parts of the body that quickly fade and can reveal your true age!

Oily skin type

Its main advantage is that it is much less susceptible to aging than dry or normal.

CAREFULLY! Oily skin needs to be cleansed more often, but under no circumstances should you use substances containing alcohol. From such procedures, the sebaceous glands begin to work more actively and the shine will increase.

For proper cleansing, wash your face twice a day and use soft products: gels or foams. It is better to wash your face with cool water, as hot water stimulates the sebaceous glands. It is useful to use essential oils: grapefruit, lemon, geranium, rosemary.

When washing your face, you can use cosmetic ice with a decoction of herbs: it gives a calming effect.

After washing, wipe your face with lotion or toner.

For deeper cleansing, use peelings 2-3 times a week. Remember that after such procedures the skin becomes very vulnerable, so it is better to do them before bed to allow time for recovery.

Oily skin also needs hydration, so be sure to use a day and night cream. A properly selected product regulates the balance of fat and removes excess shine.

Dry type

Dry skin is prone to early aging, it is sensitive and often flakes. Wrinkles appear on it early. After 25 years, the skin loses moisture and this process only intensifies with time.

Use special products to wash your face. Regular gels and foams are not suitable, choose moisturizing milk.

After washing, be sure to wipe your face with tonic. Herbal tonics are very useful.

If you use a scrub, it should be gentle, so as not to cause inflammation. Excessively large particles can create microtraumas, so choose a scrub with small granules or a scrub mask.

Apply moisturizer daily. You can apply the cream to dry and flaky areas several times a day.

Pay attention to sun protection. Frequent exposure to sunlight accelerates the appearance of the first wrinkles. You can apply sunscreen directly on top of your day cream.

Problem skin

If you periodically experience rashes, peeling, and redness, then your skin is of the problem type.

For care, it is not enough to cleanse and moisturize; first of all, you need to find out the reasons for this reaction and, based on this, select the right care.

Choose a cleanser depending on your problem For example, don't choose a product that contains alcohol if your face is flaky.

It is advisable to seek help from a cosmetologist. Depending on the result of the examination, you may need the help of a specialist in another profile: gynecologist, endocrinologist, urologist.

It is very important to adjust your diet, give up coffee, eat less sweets, and not overeat.

Combination skin

This type combines oiliness and dryness.

To wash your face, use water at room temperature; it tightens pores and reduces flaking. Use a scrub once a week. Pay attention to oily areas of the skin and be more careful with dry areas.

Take steam baths a couple of times a month. Steam cleanses pores well and makes blood vessels work. Do this procedure before going to bed.

ATTENTION: For each area, use a different product, that is, oily areas (t-zone) apply cream for oily skin and use moisturizer for dry areas.

At each time of the year you will need special care:

  • In winter, your skin may become flaky, so use products designed for dry skin.
  • In the summer, use products to care for oily skin, as the heat causes excessive sebaceous secretion.

Normal type

It is elastic and does not have a greasy sheen, is constantly renewed, there are no wide pores or blackheads, and it reacts less to external influences.

Women with normal skin spend less time on care. But as they age, even they need to pay more attention to their face.

You can wash your face with soap, but it is better to use gel or milk. Use water at room temperature. Then you can wipe your face with an ice cube.

Do not choose a cream that is too greasy, as it will create a film and clog the pores. Stick to a liquid moisturizer with a light texture.

Homemade masks to preserve a youthful face

The ingredients for such masks are usually inexpensive, and the effect is comparable to expensive salon procedures.

Toning masks for all skin types

  • Finely chop the parsley and pour boiling water over it. Strain the broth and spread the remaining pulp over gauze. Place the mixture on your face and leave for half an hour.
  • Grate the fresh beets as finely as possible. Add the yolk and one spoon of sour cream. Mix and apply on face for half an hour. Do it no more than twice a week.
  • Summer mask. Combine a cup of water and mint in a blender. Place in the freezer for ten minutes and then apply to your face. After ten minutes, rinse with water.


  • Mix 100 g of honey and a small crushed lemon. Use this mask 15 minutes before washing.
  • Take cucumber peels and place on your face for 20 minutes. There is no need to wash your face after using this mask.
  • Freeze watermelon juice. Rub your face with this cube and wash off the mask after 10 minutes.

Cleansing and nourishing

  • Steam a tablespoon of oatmeal with hot milk. Apply the lukewarm mixture to your face and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  • Take fresh juice of 1-2 tomatoes and mix with oatmeal. Leave the mask on your face for half an hour.
  • This unusual type of mask very effectively tightens pores. Apply a thick layer of sauerkraut to your face. Rinse off with lukewarm water after 15-30 minutes.

How to care for the skin around the eyes after 25 years?

The skin around the eyes is very delicate and This is where wrinkles begin to appear in the first place. If you are already 28-29 years old, then you should pay more attention to caring for this area.

  • For cleansing, choose makeup remover milk or vegetable oils, such as almond.
  • Moisturize - the pores on the skin around the eyes are not so wide, and you need to choose a product that can penetrate thin skin.
  • Use moisturizing masks. Try the well-known fresh cucumber mask or honey mask.

How to choose the right cream?

Proper care is essential, and it is important to choose a product that is right for you. Remember that expensive does not mean quality. As an example, we tried to select several budget funds:

  • Soufflé “Creamy” ChokoLatte- Suitable for dry, rather even very dry skin. If your skin is constantly flaking, especially in winter, definitely try this option! The disadvantage is that it leaves a greasy sheen, but it can be easily removed with a napkin. Price - 240 rub.
  • Himalaya Herbals Nourishing Cream- Suitable for any skin type. A decent option for every day. Absorbs well and does not leave a film on the face. Sold in large and small jars. Not tested on animals, contains only plant ingredients. Price - 120 rub.
  • "Clean Line" basic care for face and body— the advantage of this product is that it is also suitable for body care. A significant advantage is accessibility; cosmetics of this brand are sold in all stores. Price - 150 rub.
  • Planeta Organica Face Cream Fluid- Suitable for oily skin. Does not leave an oily sheen and tightens pores. Can also be used for combination skin. Price — 339 rub.
  • Ives Rosher— Gentle Cream for Face and Body with BIO Chamomile extract. Suitable for normal skin. Has a pronounced herbaceous odor. Absorbs within 15 minutes. Price — 219 rub.
  • Night face cream “One Hundred Beauty Recipes” “Lifting and Nutrition”. Smoothes out the first small wrinkles. Completely absorbed in about three minutes. Ideal for winter when the air in the apartment is dry. Price - 127 rub.

The most popular salon procedures at this age

  • Chemical peeling courses
  • Mesotherapy
  • Biorevitalization

25 is not the time to worry about getting old. But In order for your skin to remain young as long as possible, take care of it constantly. Only systematic care can bring results and justify all your efforts!

As a rule, young girls do not yet think seriously about the need for regular facial care after 25 years.

They are attractive, fresh, young and beautiful. It seems that nothing threatens the tightened and fresh skin, that the natural beauty will never fade.

At this age, few people think about the dangers of sunlight, visiting a solarium, or the need for regular moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

Facial care at 25 is more likely to be preventive in nature, but it is vital. If you don’t pay attention to the condition of your skin now, your natural beauty will gradually begin to fade. Only daily care will help prolong youth and prevent premature aging.

Facial treatments after 25 years

Even if there are no signs of deterioration in the condition of the epidermal layer, you should not rely on nature. Help your skin now, and it will repay you in the future with radiance, health and smoothness.

So, first, pay attention to regular facial cleansing. If earlier you could sometimes afford to wash your face with cold water and soap, leave your makeup on at night and do without special creams, now this is unacceptable. Soap, even toilet soap, is very drying, so it is better to use gels, lotions, and micellar water for cleansing.

You can read about the benefits of using micellar water in facial care in this article.

Cold water is beneficial for the face, but only in alternation with warm water, i.e. washing should be contrasting. This cleansing and activity of the sebaceous glands normalizes, and blood circulation improves.

You should not wash your face with hot water, as this will dilate your pores and increase the oiliness of your skin. The best option is cool water.

Now the skin is clean, but the care does not end there, it is just beginning. Let's move on to hydration and nutrition.

Today in pharmacies you can purchase special products for facial care after 25 years. These are vegetable cosmetic oils and masks, lotions and creams containing the necessary set of vitamins and nutrients.

Ideally, the cream will contain borage and avocado oil, grape and thistle seeds, wheat germ and rice bran. However, special means should not be abused. At this age, the face does not need a large amount of cream, since it can absorb no more than 1 g of fat.

Apply the cream to the face and distribute with light patting movements. Be sure to remove excess with a clean napkin. In the morning, apply a product with a light texture and UV protective factor to damp skin immediately after washing. In order to protect yourself from wind, sun and cold air, after absorbing the cream, lightly powder your face. In the evening, apply the cream after cleansing and toning with lotion.

If you overdo it with night cream, then instead of fresh and rested skin, we will see a negative result in the morning: greasiness, irritation and even acne.

Recipes that prolong youth

In addition to daily care, we make cosmetic face masks 2 times a week. You can purchase a ready-made mask, or you can prepare it yourself. A mask made from yolk, 1 teaspoon of rosehip infusion, 10 drops of vitamin A, half a teaspoon of honey and 10 drops of vitamin E is good for refreshing and toning the skin.

Combine all ingredients and mix well to form a homogeneous paste. Apply a thick layer to the face and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water and rinse with cold.

A simple mask made from mashed potatoes perfectly nourishes and refreshes the skin. Apply it to the face and wash off with warm water after 20 minutes. The puree must be warm and tender, otherwise the procedure will not be effective.

A mask made from steamed rolled oats flakes is also a good nourishing remedy. Pour boiling water over the flakes and leave for 10 hours, after which the mixture is ready for use. Apply it on the face in a thick layer for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

A clay mask deeply cleanses and refreshes the epidermis. It is especially indicated for oily skin types. To prepare it, take white clay and dilute it with water. Apply the paste to the face for 15 minutes, then rinse and apply moisturizer.

Particular attention should be paid to the delicate area around the eyes. Choose a cream containing vitamin E, phytoestrogens and floral acids. Regular use of this product will help to avoid future puffiness, swelling, facial wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes.

This applies to direct facial care after 25 years. But there are also some rules, following which you can significantly extend the period of youth, look not only your age, but also much younger.

1. Don't drink a lot of liquids in the evening. Maximum – a small cup of tea, a glass of juice or mineral water, but only 2 hours before bedtime.

2. Once a month, pamper yourself with professional care from a cosmetologist.

3. Use cosmetics with an SPF filter, especially if you spend a lot of time at the computer.

4. Spend as much time in the fresh air as possible, lead an active lifestyle, and play sports.

5. Eat right, watch your weight and get enough sleep.

By following all these simple rules and regularly caring for your face, you can slow down aging and delay the appearance of age-related wrinkles.

Attention! The information on the site cannot be used as a basis for making a diagnosis or starting self-medication! No website can replace a visit to a doctor. Do not self-medicate based on information on the Internet, it is dangerous!

Expert cosmetologists remind women that facial skin care after 25 years should be performed systematically.

If during previous periods it was considered acceptable to use the cosmetics that came to hand, then after this milestone this approach is no longer suitable.

By this age, the female part of the population already knows the characteristics of their skin quite well and has the skills to care for their face.

Age-related changes and skin characteristics after 25 years in the vast majority do not yet have obvious manifestations.

You can take care of your facial skin from time to time, especially if your health is normal and there are no serious pathologies in the body.

However, by this time one can already notice the following results of the past years:

  • traces of improper facial care;
  • consequences of various abuses;
  • genetic background is revealed.

It is very important to understand that skin care should improve its condition and slow down the aging process. Momentary interests and the use of aggressive cosmetics lead to the opposite results.

After 25 years, the skin remains almost the same as at 20 - provided that the woman leads a healthy lifestyle, does not smoke and always gets enough sleep.

Facial care in general is performed taking into account known cosmetological rules. At the same time, by this age, the conditions for the formation of facial wrinkles have already been formed.

The first, barely noticeable folds appear around the eyes. Practice shows that the skin on the face has been repeatedly exposed to the destructive effects of ultraviolet radiation.

You can “burn” not only on the beach, but also when visiting a solarium. It is no longer advisable to allow such excesses.

When performing daily facial skin care after 25 years, you need to use an already tested cosmetic line.

The variety of medications on your dressing table should be left in the past and you should clearly know the purpose of each tube or bottle.

All actions, medications and procedures should be aimed at preventing the expected changes. The stages of natural skin aging are well known to everyone.

The time will come when age spots, deep wrinkles and spider veins will appear on the face. To imagine your perspective, just look at what older relatives look like.

General approach

Many years of experience show that after 25 years, facial care is most often performed at home - there is simply not enough time to visit beauty salons.

In the case when a woman underwent pregnancy and childbirth, the hormonal levels stabilized and the skin returned to its natural state.

To maintain the elasticity and natural complexion, you need to regularly perform the following care steps:

  • cleansing;
  • toning;
  • hydration.

With age, the lipid component of the stratum corneum begins to degrade and break down. As a result, the skin simply dries out. This process can be slowed down.

Skin care after 25 involves a complete abandonment of hard soap. There is no need to make sudden movements, but within two to three months it is quite possible to choose the appropriate type of liquid soap.

At the same time, you need to know that the liquid substance also contains a high concentration of alkali, which destroys the protective layer.

When caring for your face after 25 years, you can use tonic from the store or prepare it at home. It is advisable to gradually abandon medications that contain alcohol.

You can take care of oily skin using alcohol for a long time - until signs of drying appear. You need to carefully choose products for toning dry skin.

A mask made from yogurt has a good tonic effect. There are other recipes using kefir, vinegar, and mineral water. If you choose a drug at a pharmacy, you need to carefully study the instructions for use and only then buy it.

Dehydration of facial skin after 25 years manifests itself differently for each type. Sensitive or dry skin becomes flaky and dull.

Oily skin takes on a gray tint and becomes shiny as the sebaceous glands continue to act more intensely.

To promptly and sufficiently nourish the skin with moisture, you can use special lotions, masks and tonics.

Depending on your skin type, masks may contain extracts of marine plants, jojoba oil, and grape seeds. It is advisable that moisturizers contain vitamins.

Selection of cosmetics

To effectively care for your face after 25 years, you need to have an idea of ​​what properties certain cosmetic preparations have.

Many years of practice have shown that it is most convenient to perform facial care using cream. It is easy to apply to any area of ​​the skin and remove when completing the procedure.

Various creams contain the following vitamins:

  • A – promotes the formation of new cells;
  • C – improves metabolism;
  • E – slows down the process of skin aging;
  • P – stimulates the body to produce antidepressants.

Residents of large cities where the environmental situation is difficult should pay special attention to the vitamin composition.

The environment has a depressing effect on the human body. Facial skin care after 25 years must be performed in such a way as to neutralize the negative impact.

In this context, it is very important to prevent the premature formation of wrinkles. It is known that the skin around the eyes is more sensitive and thin, and it is in this area that the first folds form.

To smooth the skin and consolidate the result, nourishing creams with vitamin E and floral acids are used. Before applying the cream, it is advisable to treat the area around the eyes with serum.

Home Remedies

When caring for facial skin after 25 years, you need to use it at night. During sleep, the body functions in a relaxed state, metabolism slows down, but all metabolic processes do not stop.

Cosmetologists advise using cream with geranium extract as a stimulator of blood circulation in the epidermis.

It is applied to the skin half an hour before bedtime. In the morning, no special removal actions are required.

All water care procedures are performed in the usual manner.

The summer period must be used for high-quality skin health. Facial care after 25 years involves generous use of vitamin masks.

You can choose any berry or fruit as the basis for the mask. Preparing the mask is very simple: just mash the berries until mushy and add a little sour cream. This mixture cannot be stored; it is used immediately for its intended purpose.