Proper nutrition for children. Why should a child eat meat? Should I give my child meat? Why should you not give your child meat?

Dear parents, perhaps some of you have already encountered a situation where a child refuses to eat meat. In this article we will look in more detail at the reasons why this can happen and what to do in this situation.

Meat value

Why is it so important to introduce meat dishes into your toddler’s diet?

  1. It has a high content of proteins, amino acids, iron, zinc, vitamin D and B12, calcium, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  2. The energy value of meat allows you to replenish the body's energy costs, and also provides substances necessary for the growth and development of the body.
  3. Meat allows you to cleanse the body, it helps improve digestion, and also removes possible toxins.
  4. Contains valuable fats that are not able to be synthesized independently in the body. If they are absent, the baby's growth may slow down.
  5. A large number of different dishes can be prepared from this product.

Vegetarianism is harmful to baby's health

Strict vegetarianism is harmful to the health of a growing body

If the child’s parents are vegetarians and want their baby to be the same, then it is necessary to understand that with strict vegetarianism, health problems may arise; the toddler will have a lack of essential amino acids, a lack of zinc and iron, a lack of calcium, and a deficiency of vitamin B12 and D.

You must understand that there are five reasons that indicate that such a diet is completely contraindicated for a growing body:

  • in a baby who is on a plant-based diet, protein metabolism is disrupted, in children preschool age such a violation can lead to a complete stop of growth;
  • a strong decrease in hemoglobin in the blood leads to the development of anemia;
  • immunity decreases due to the lack of sufficient amounts of proteins, the complement system, immunoglobulins and interferon;
  • there is a clear deterioration in vision due to pigmentary degeneration of the retina and clouding of the lens;
  • Do not forget that hormones are of a protein nature, in particular somatotropin, which is responsible for the growth of the baby.

If the baby completely refuses to eat meat, and his diet is not promptly replenished with other iron-containing products, then the development of a deficiency of this microelement is possible. The following signs will indicate that your little one has a serious iron deficiency:

  • lethargy;
  • pale skin;
  • increased fatigue;
  • the child has frequent colds;
  • dry skin, peeling;
  • the baby has a desire to eat inedible things;
  • the structure of hair and nails is disrupted.

Reasons for giving up meat

Meat begins to be introduced into complementary foods at approximately seven months. At the first stages it is half a teaspoon, then a teaspoon, after a month this portion can be increased to 30 grams, for a child they give about 70 grams per year.

  1. If a baby in his first year of life does not want to eat meat, then in most cases this means that he simply did not like it.
  2. The toddler may refuse such food if he is too hot or feels unwell.
  3. Children may refuse meat products if available or for a specific type of meat.
  4. A child does not eat meat for a year, most likely due to difficulty in chewing; the baby does not yet have enough teeth - it is difficult to cope with such food.
  5. Older toddlers may refuse to eat meat because they realize where it came from, and they feel sorry for the poor animals.
  6. Poorly prepared or stale, low-quality food can cause not only reluctance to eat it, but also serious poisoning.

My son has been eating meat since he was introduced to complementary foods to this day. However, he will not eat pieces that are too stringy or with skin. In addition, sometimes his preferences change, and he begins to refuse chicken or veal, but can also happily eat any type of meat.

How to help a child

Involve your child in the process of preparing meat dishes

  1. You shouldn’t create a whole problem out of a child’s refusal. You must understand that there are products that can replace meat dishes, offer your baby fish, eggs, cottage cheese, so he can replenish the supply of amino acids in his body, offer buckwheat, pomegranate, green apples, nuts - they will replenish iron reserves, and for purchasing it is necessary the amount of vitamin B12 - you can eat products of animal origin; as for vitamin D, it is enough to be in the sun for 20 minutes.
  2. Do not force your child to eat, do not yell at him. This way you can achieve an exceptionally neurotic reaction at the sight of meat products.
  3. Try serving meat as an unusual dish, beautifully decorated.
  4. If a negative reaction towards meat products occurred during the introduction of complementary foods, then it is better to postpone it for a while and try again in a few months.
  5. Experiment, perhaps your reluctance to eat meat dishes is due to a dislike for a specific type of meat.
  6. Don't forget about the harshness of the product. Cook it until completely soft; for the little ones, grind it to a puree.
  7. You can try to hide the meat in the salad, maybe the baby won’t notice and will be able to eat.
  8. You can try cooking a meat dish together with an older child. Like a true chef, he will want to try what he gets.
  9. Set an example for your child. It is very important that those around him like to eat meat. So, finding himself at a common table, he will notice this and change his mind.

Possible alternative

If you have not been able to instill in your child a love for meat, then there is an opportunity to obtain valuable biologically active substances that it contains by consuming other products. Let's look at what can be replaced and with what.

  1. Vitamin B12 supplies can be obtained from animal products, such as eggs or dairy.
  2. Zinc will come from:
  • eggs;
  • rice;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • dairy products;
  • wheat flour.
  1. Calcium is found in:
  • dairy products;
  • cabbage;
  • spinach;
  • in Iceberg salad.
  1. Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids can be obtained from:
  • vegetable oil;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • grain sprouts.
  1. Protein can be obtained by consuming:
  • fermented milk products;
  • rice;
  • apples;
  • dairy products;
  • cereals;
  • egg whites;
  • legumes
  1. The following foods are rich in iron:
  • buckwheat;
  • lentils;
  • whole grain bread (wheat);

Children's dislike for meat is a sign of our days. I don’t remember that during my childhood anyone had an aversion to him. There was a terrible shortage of meat back then, making it an expensive and desirable product. Now the situation has changed: everything larger number parents complain that their children refuse it or eat it extremely reluctantly...

The child does not like meat
I’ll quote one of the mothers who consulted with me on this burning issue: “Do children have to eat meat? Is it possible to replace it with something? What to do if a child categorically refuses to eat meat?” And one more thing: “My youngest schoolgirl is an active and mobile child, the results of a recent medical examination showed that she is healthy, her height and weight are also appropriate for her age. He readily eats only vegetables and fruits, white bread, pasta, chocolate, cookies, and nuts. Everything else is under pressure or at times, i.e. It happens that you can eat for a week and ask for fish, chicken, etc. But this is so rare!”
Let's listen to the children's motivation: “When I was little, I refused to eat meat because I was too lazy to chew it for so long.” The girl is not alone in this; often children do not like the form, not the content, of food.

The benefits of animal food
Meat contains complete protein, which is easily digested and is the main building material of cells, iron in an optimal form for absorption and zinc. It is with proteins that growth and development are associated, they work as enzymes and hormones, special proteins - immunoglobulins - provide an immune response, that is, they recognize and neutralize objects foreign to us. Iron is necessary for hematopoiesis, it is an essential component of hemoglobin (the carrier of oxygen to cells), zinc is necessary for the formation and development of intellectual abilities.
Many of us know about these beneficial properties of animal foods, so the main reason for concern of parents whose children rarely or little, in their opinion, eat meat, is that the child will not receive something valuable and important.

I always say that if a child doesn’t eat something, don’t force it, don’t persuade it, don’t push it. And even more so, do not replace meat with surrogates, as long as the child eats at least something. I remember one mother of a one-and-a-half-year-old boy who, with tears in her eyes, complained that when it came to meat, her son only ate sausages and only while watching TV. It’s amazing that such a small person not only knows how to turn on the TV, but also buys sausages in the store himself.
A child who is reluctant to eat meat may like other animal products, such as milk and its derivatives, eggs, and occasionally consume small amounts of meat, poultry or fish. In this case, no problems with protein and iron should arise. Even if a child does not eat meat (fish, poultry) every day, but only from time to time or periodically, this does not mean that there is something wrong with him. Iron in the body accumulates in depots, and it takes several months for these reserves to be depleted. If your child is healthy and active, there is nothing to worry about.

Vegetarian child
Children who completely abstain from meat, fish and poultry should be offered other foods to make their diet more balanced:

  • milk, dairy products and eggs;
  • a wide selection of plant proteins from legumes, nuts and grain products, combinations and combinations of them in one dish or one meal, as is customary in traditional meat-free cuisines;
  • Plant sources of iron (the same grains, legumes and nuts) should be eaten along with foods containing vitamin C for better absorption of iron.

When extra iron is needed
The absorption of iron, like other nutrients, is a purely individual matter. Some children, especially when it comes to younger schoolchildren, adolescents during a period of intensive growth, girls with heavy menstruation, child athletes, it is better to do a blood test and consult with a doctor regarding additional iron in the form of supplements.
Parents should be wary if the child looks pale, lethargic, gets tired quickly, often gets colds, has a desire to eat something inedible, his skin looks dry and flaky, and the condition of his nails and hair worsens. Urgently see the doctor! A blood test will show whether the child is anemic. There are also indicators of the transport stock of iron, which reveal its hidden deficiency, i.e. depletion of stocks in the depot.
Nothing can be done about this; the child will have to take iron supplements, since it is impossible to restore it to its normal state with food alone.

Vegan child
In the practice of pediatricians in Western countries, where children with early age are brought up in the principles of vegetarianism and even veganism (strict vegetarianism, excluding any products of animal origin), the deficiency of iron, vitamins and microelements is compensated by their preparations.

Possible problem areas with veganism:

  • low intake of iron and zinc;
  • insufficient amounts of individual essential (not synthesized in the body) amino acids;
  • calcium deficiency due to exclusion of dairy products;
  • lack of vitamin B12, which is found only in products of animal origin;
  • vitamin D deficiency in conditions of insufficient insolation (lack of sunlight).

A doctor cannot recommend a vegan diet for a child because excluding one or more food groups from the diet can lead to deficiencies in a number of important nutrients. However, if the family has chosen such a nutrition system for themselves, the child needs the supervision of a pediatric nutritionist, special nutrition planning and, as a rule, the addition of vitamins and minerals to food.

Since man is an omnivorous creature, his body is structured in such a way that food must be varied and nutritious. This is especially important for a child whose growing body requires building material. It is up to the parents to decide whether or not to feed their child food of animal origin, but this should be done consciously.

Proteins and amino acids

Proteins are complex substances that are the main building material of our body. It is from proteins that all tissues are composed - muscle, bone, they provide the protective functions of the body, promoting the formation of antibodies, based on proteins, the production of red blood cells - red blood cells, hemoglobin, which transports oxygen to all organs, hormones and enzymes. Proteins are also important for the digestion process and energy metabolism.

Squirrels consist of organic compounds - amino acids, and in nature there are two types of proteins, depending on which amino acids (essential and essential) they contain. Most of these substances are synthesized in our body and are replenished with food, however, not all. Scientists have identified 8 amino acids that come exclusively from the outside, they are called “essential”, and children need two additional essential amino acids - histidine and arginine, which are produced in sufficient quantities by the adult body, and in childhood it is not synthesized.

Histidine important for the growth and restoration of body tissues, is the basis for the biosynthesis of histamine. Contained in beef, chicken breasts, pork tenderloin, salmon, tuna, and also in much smaller quantities in soybeans and peanuts.
Flaw arginine causes vascular diseases, weakened immunity, inhibition of puberty. Contained in pork, salmon, yolk chicken egg, milk, nuts, pumpkin seeds

Proteins of plant origin do not contain the full range of essential amino acids that are found in proteins of animal origin. The absorption of proteins and amino acids from animal foods is about 90%, from plant foods – about 60%.

Vitamins and minerals

Cyanocobalamin, or as it is also called vitamin B12, is not really a vitamin, but rather a microbacterium that is synthesized and multiplies in the intestines of animals and humans. To date, information about the synthesis and use of vitamin B12 is contradictory - some scientists believe that since it is synthesized in the lower part of the human intestine and consumed in the upper, its own cyanocobalamin is not available, but is simply removed with waste. Others argue that some of your own B12 still gets to the right place and performs its functions, although they admit that this amount is not enough.

Vitamin B12 is necessary for the formation of red blood cells (erythrocytes), hemoglobin, development and function nervous system. With vitamin B12 deficiency, megaloblastic anemia develops. All this is especially true for a growing child’s body.

Which is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, intracellular metabolism, for the growth and development of the body and performs many more functions, from meat, it is absorbed by the child’s body by approximately 22% (heme), and from plant foods - 1-3% maximum.

Meat is also a source of ready-made vitamin A, which is several times more active than provitamin A (carotene) found in plants.

So, meat is one of the most available ways provide the growing body with the necessary substances. If the child is categorically, or the parents are ideological vegetarians, you should think very carefully about his diet and in any case do not exclude dairy products, eggs and fish.

As children, we were told by our mothers and grandmothers that in order to be healthy we need to eat meat. But is this so and how is meat good for a child?

Meat for children

If the child is already one year old, you can put almost anything on his plate. meat. The main condition is that it is fresh. Most often, chicken and turkey meat are recommended for babies. And although the benefits of this meat for the child’s body undeniable, there is no need to give up other types of meat either. After all, the proteins found in meat are the main building material for a baby’s growth.

The benefits of meat

Generally speaking, we can say something like this valuable property of meat, like its nutritional value. After a child eats meat, he will not be hungry for quite a long time. In addition, meat has preventive properties in case of anemia and other diseases. Therefore, if a child eats less meat than necessary, he may have problems with normal physical development. Meat is also a source of iron, which protects the body from many diseases and helps get rid of constant weakness and fatigue. Meat contains a lot of microelements that will provide normal development baby’s body: phosphorus, zinc, cobalt, calcium, etc.

Who's against it?

Today, many mothers and families in general try to limit meat consumption not only for themselves, but also for their baby, justifying their choice by the fact that meat is too poorly digested by the body. In addition, many are convinced that meat gives the body a boost negative energy, which is of no use to the child. There are even beliefs that this product can cause cardiovascular and intestinal diseases. But this fact can be refuted by the fact that meat itself does not cause such diseases (unless there are specific doctor’s orders not to eat it). And if you don’t like the idea of ​​giving your child meat and you don’t mind adhering to certain vegetarian “customs” in some things, remember that the baby still needs meat in small doses, no matter how you justify your refusal. And if a healthy body can feel good without meat, if there are certain “substitutes” for this product, children are not yet ready for such a refusal.

Rules of use

The fact that meat is poorly digested by the body can be refuted by substituting concepts. Not bad, but slower than other products. Therefore, if your baby is healthy, and the meat is fresh and not greasy, the child’s body will digest the meat very well and the baby will feel great. But it should be remembered that the child’s main diet should still consist of cereals, vegetables and fruits, so meat is an additional, although very important, product. And if most often it is better for your child to offer light turkey or chicken meat for lunch, do not rule out eating pork and beef. The baby will be able to develop normally and physically only if you provide him with normal, nutritious nutrition. And it’s impossible to do this without meat. So, bon appetit!

I didn’t think that there would be a need to talk about what it means for children, but after discussing it, I realized that such a need exists. A huge amount of debate is currently being conducted on the topic of the harm and benefits of meat in general for humans. I take a neutral position. Every adult is free to decide for himself whether to eat meat or not. My body does not accept meat products well in the hot season, especially since there is such a huge amount of vegetables and fruits in the summer that it is impossible to deny yourself. In the cold season, I eat meat, but in rather small quantities, supplementing it with available vegetables. I used to eat a lot more meat than I do now. I am an adult, I know my body, and I can make the right decision for myself.

But when it comes to children, this is not the case at all! A child's growing body simply needs animal proteins and the amino acids contained in meat! This is a building material for the baby’s body; it is something that is laid in early childhood and remains for life. And no parents’ beliefs can argue with this statement! The baby cannot make a conscious decision whether to be a meat eater or a vegetarian! A baby cannot fully grow and develop without eating animal proteins. Even for children with animal allergies, there are various ways to get the portion they need for health. Although this is not always the case with meat, most often it is a reaction to the chemical that the meat was fed with. Many will agree that it is obvious for a child. Unfortunately, the quality of meat products has changed a lot and is not better side, and we began to cook meat in less healthy ways. There is a lot of controversy now about what people originally ate at the dawn of their history. Some argue that man is a predator by nature, others say that he became a predator against his will during the Ice Age, when there was no plant food. Yes, all this is not important at all now! We know for sure that it is unacceptable for a child to completely exclude animal proteins from the diet. And in order to reduce the intake of fat and cholesterol into the body, you need to choose dietary, low-fat meat, and cook it correctly.

What are the benefits of meat?

Of course, the crumbs are huge for the body and completely obvious to sensible parents! Protein is a building material for the cells of a small organism, for all tissues, but the formation is very active up to 2 years and continues less actively until 25. Meat contains a huge amount of important substances: amino acids, which are in an easily digestible form, phosphorus, groups B. All this is necessary for the formation of a reliable musculoskeletal system, for the stability of the nervous system, for hematopoietic processes, for visual acuity, brain development for all processes occurring in the human body. Each baby is individual and decides when and what meat to offer the child first.

A lot can be said about the benefits of meat and its harm, but much, of course, depends on its type. A person eats various types meat, including veal, beef, pork, lamb, rabbit, turkey, chicken, goose, duck, quail, horse meat and game. Different peoples have their own taste preferences. Each type of meat has its own beneficial properties, its taste and cooking characteristics. Let's briefly look at the benefits of the main, most popular types.


The benefit of beef lies in its high content of: A, B, C, PP, E, microelements: iron, copper, cobalt, magnesium, zinc, sodium, potassium. For normal hematopoiesis, beef is indispensable! It perfectly increases hemoglobin and is very useful for anemia.

Chicken meat

The benefits of chicken meat lie in its protein content in an easily digestible form, low fat and calorie content, and the absence of carbohydrates in its composition. It contains a lot of potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium. This is an excellent dietary meat, the consumption of which helps to normalize blood pressure, blood sugar levels, it normalizes lipid metabolism, kidney function, and cholesterol levels. But all this applies to homemade chicken meat that was fed normal food. Chicken sold in stores does not have these properties, as it is fed with feed to which hormones and antibiotics are added. Dear parents! Don't feed your kids store-bought chicken! It is affordable and prepares very quickly, I even admit that some people like the taste, but there is absolutely nothing healthy or dietary in it! Store-bought chicken is not suitable for baby food.


Pork contains not only a lot of protein, but also vitamin B12, D, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium, sulfur, magnesium, manganese. Pig meat is beneficial for the nervous system and bones.

Turkey meat

Turkey meat contains large amounts of vitamins E and A, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, and magnesium. Turkey contains 2 times more sodium than beef, so turkey can be cooked without any salt at all. Turkey meat contains even more iron than beef, chicken and pork combined. Turkey contains a lot of calcium, which is very beneficial for bones and joints.

Duck meat

Rabbit meat

Rabbit meat is considered the safest meat for feeding a child. In composition it is superior to all other types, while it is the least fatty, and its protein content is higher. Rabbit meat has a large supply of vitamins. These are vitamins C, PP, B12, B6, as well as microelements: iron, phosphorus, fluorine, cadmium, manganese, cobalt. Rabbit meat even removes radionuclides from the body. It is rabbit meat that is recommended to be introduced as complementary meat. Due to its high biological value, rabbit meat is an excellent choice for feeding children of any age, expectant and nursing mothers, the elderly, for allergy sufferers, people with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, diabetics, hypertensive patients, and so on. Eating rabbit meat is useful for people who have suffered injuries, serious infectious diseases, when it is necessary to restore strength.

Based on the above facts, I will summarize: a child needs meat for full development, it is huge, and all types of it can be consumed, but it is necessary to take into account the characteristics for children of different ages!

The benefits of meat. How to choose and prepare?

A very important period in a child’s life. Parents should be extremely careful and try to follow the rules for introducing complementary foods. We talked in detail in the previous article.

How to choose meat for a children's menu? How to buy meat that will benefit your baby and not harm it. It is no secret that the feed that is fed to animals on farms and poultry farms is aimed at quickly increasing the weight of the animal and reducing morbidity. These are growth hormones, antibiotics, and so on, so it is recommended to buy homemade meat for baby food. This is not always possible, especially for residents of megacities, but you need to strive for it. Choose fresh meat with a minimum amount of fat for the children's menu.

For people of any age, boiled or baked meat is most beneficial; fried meat has much less benefit, and the same applies to barbecue. You can cook stewed meat in your own juices for children. As for smoked meat, it is better not to eat it even for adults, absolutely healthy people, there can be no mention of smoked meats for children. During smoking, meat is impregnated with various chemical flavors and carcinogens.

Before cooking, the meat must be washed thoroughly and excess fat and films removed. If you are going to cook boiled meat, it is recommended to drain the first cooking water immediately after boiling. This removes various dirt and foam. The meat is washed well again and then boiled over low heat. The broth turns out transparent after this washing procedure. For children with allergies, drain the water two or three times. It is not recommended to offer meat broth to children under one year old, and to children prone to allergic reactions - up to three years.

Minced meat is perfect for first feeding. The meat is passed through a meat grinder twice, this allows for a more uniform consistency. You can make a lot of meatballs, freeze them and use as needed. They can be steamed or boiled with vegetables.

Baked meat is offered to children who are already familiar with meat. But the golden brown crust is not suitable for the children's menu; it needs to be cut off.

Meat is usually added to vegetables or cereals that the child is already eating. Start with a very small amount and gradually increase the dose.

The benefits of meat and canned meat for children

Is it possible to give a child canned baby meat? Can. But it is necessary to take into account some nuances. Of course, meat that a mother has prepared with love is healthier than canned meat for children, but a mother cannot always prepare meat for the baby. There can be a lot of reasons, for example, while traveling or when access to the stove is not possible for some reason, or there are two kids, or the mother simply does not have time. Baby food from jars will help you! Selection of canned baby food various manufacturers huge. What to look for when choosing canned baby food?

- choose homogenized canned meat for the period of introducing complementary foods;
— meat should be without flavoring additives and aromas;
- canned baby food for the first meat feeding should contain one type of meat;
— when choosing canned food for children, take into account the presence of allergic reactions in the baby;
— canned meat is best added to your usual vegetable or porridge;
— over time, the baby can be offered pureed meat and vegetables, but it is necessary to carefully study the composition in order to exclude products that cause allergies;
— canned food can be stored unopened for no more than 1 day;
— before use, canned food must be heated in a water bath;
— it’s convenient to add the required amount of canned meat to vegetable soup.

As a rule, manufacturers use selected meat for baby food, carefully check it, and prepare it in a special way.

Remember the rules for introducing complementary foods. Introduce new foods when your baby is healthy, in minimal quantities, and never introduce two new foods at the same time. We start with the amount at the tip of a spoon and increase it to 80-85 grams within a year.

The child does not eat meat. What to do?

Sometimes a situation arises when... What to do in this case? Definitely, you should not try to force your baby to eat meat. If the baby refuses a new meat supplement, then you should postpone its introduction for a couple of weeks, and then make a new attempt. If the situation repeats, you can try adding a small dose of meat to the vegetable complementary foods, perhaps the child will like it, then gradually increase the amount of meat. If an older child refuses meat, then imagination is required. Sometimes beautiful and original design works wonders, beautifully presented meat dishes are simply impossible to refuse.

It happens that a child does not like a particular dish or method of cooking meat. For example, a baby can’t stand cutlets, but he eats dumplings with pleasure. Homemade dumplings are no less healthy than cutlets. Don't forget about casseroles, empanadas, meat pies and so on. You can also grind the meat to a very fine consistency and add it to the soup. WITH different types You can also experiment with meat. Perhaps, instead of veal, the child will be happy to eat rabbit meat or turkey instead of chicken.

Even if your baby doesn’t want to eat meat in any form, don’t panic. Animal protein is present in dairy products, fish, eggs. If a child eats enough dairy products, then this is already good. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the composition of the blood and monitor the level of hemoglobin, regulating the intake of iron-containing drugs. But this is an extreme case. Sometimes babies just need time to get used to new foods.

I hope this is obvious to most parents for their child! But when to start introducing meat into the baby’s diet, the mother herself decides, based on the need and expediency for her baby. On any issue regarding complementary feeding, your local pediatrician should consult you. Do not hesitate to ask questions, consult with specialists on any controversial issues!

The health of your child is in your hands!

To conclude the topic, I suggest watching video material from Dr. Komarovsky about complementary feeding and the rules for its introduction.

And in this video, Dr. Komarovsky gives quite correct advice on what to do if.

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