Congratulations on Navy Day - Russian Navy Day. Happy Navy Day! Congratulations poems, SMS! Congratulations on Navy Day

Navy Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of July on the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 “On holidays and memorial days.” This is one of the most beloved holidays in the USSR and then in Russia, which has the unofficial name of Neptune Day.

The Navy has a truly heroic biography and glorious maritime and military traditions. He is rightfully a source of pride and love for Russian citizens. Its history is one of persistent military work, great discoveries and achievements, feats accomplished for the glory of the Fatherland. With the active participation of many generations of military sailors, during the harsh years of trials, our country defended its right to independence, sovereignty and prosperity.

Russia is a great maritime power. The right to be considered it has been won by generations of our compatriots, whose courage and dedication, brilliant victories in naval battles have gained unfading glory for the country and its navy.

So, so, gentlemen, sailors
And the midshipmen who joined!
I answer all questions:
We need to have a full day off!
Taking a break from work -
Today our holiday has come!
Happy Navy Day!
Stop the cars! And everyone is at the table! ©

Congratulations on Navy Day

Those who have ever looked at the shore
On the reverse, wet side,
In your special faith
As if dedicated.

After all, if the sea is knee-deep,
Waist-deep mountains, forest carpet,
Everything has a different price
And everything is achievable.

Let people in any age
Everyone submits to the path
And ahead in the rays of sunrise
Luck flies like a seagull! ©

Your heart is given to the sea,
Without him it languishes very much,
And soaked in sea salt,
And at night you only dream of the sea.
You are sons of Russia and joy,
You don't need ranks and recognition,
And for you there is no reward in the world,
Better than a date with the blue sea.
We wish you a fair wind,
And a calm, peaceful sea,
Hundreds of thousands of kilometers to go,
And you will not encounter grief on your way! ©

Water for hundreds of miles around,
The team is with you, a friend is nearby.
Your cruiser is serving here,
Guards the country's borders.
Admirals, midshipmen, captains, sailors,
The Navy's own sons!
We congratulate you and wish you success,
May peace and victory be with you! ©

Let the guns roar in your honor, Navy!
After all, this holiday day is significant for everyone!
Our fleet, from sailor to admiral,
We congratulate you! Honor and glory to you!
Seven feet under the keel, friends, to you and faith,
May fair winds blow on your hikes!
Happiness as boundless as the ocean,
Success will come like the ninth wave! ©

The ship glides across the water surface,
And the waves cut in half.
Those who get along with the sea elements,
We have the honor to congratulate you!
On Navy Day I wish you:
Let it be like a beacon for your soul,
Meets you on the shore
Your beloved family! ©

Brave brave sailors!
A brave captain is at the helm!
You defend the country in the naval fleet,
Serve as an example to us in everything.
We appreciate and respect your heroism,
We honor your courage and courage.
We wish you happiness and success!
Thank you for peace in the country! ©

Navy Day has arrived today.
We want to congratulate the sailors
Who serve faithfully and steadfastly
For the benefit of simple truths.
We wish the person
What serves in the Navy units,
Let there be a lot of light in life,
And so that there is calm in the waves. ©

True story, 100%

It's hot in July in Sevastopol.
The cruisers were heating up like irons,
And other poor ships
At the admiral's hour they were completely exhausted.

There's an iron ladder going overboard,
Swimming is allowed, yay.
We bought, returned to checkout,
Everything is in order, but one thing is missing...

And the Komflot issued an order on the same day,
For there to be a doctor and for a diver
Ablution will continue to be provided
There should be no drowning in teams.

Well, of course, throughout the area
They worked exactly like that.
However, the sailor was unlucky again
Or he himself drowned out of spite.

The admiral went into great excitement:
From now on the bastards will be taken to the beach,
The same doctor and the same diver!..
The third disappeared, ignoring the order.

And then it was strictly decided:
Emergency service to stop swimming!
The crew is going on leave,
Everyone scattered, everyone had their own beach.
And patrols drift along the beaches,
To steer the sailor away from the shore.

The sailor will approach the girl,
Making a graceful turn with your body:
"I ask you kindly, mademoiselle,
Moor aground in your harbor!"

And the girl understands what's what,
Covers his naval uniform
With your sarafan...
And that's the point!
Under cover, the sailor did not drown.

Here autumn appeared in plain sight.
The admiral was given a new star.
St. Petersburg


There are many beautiful women, each with their own beauty.
The steamship is beautiful not with its bow or stern, but with its funnel.
To an outsider's eye, a pipe is like a log,
But how much science and love is contained in it!
According to the calculated dynamics, the vent is equipped,
So that gases are pacified by turbulence out of spite.
It has the impressiveness and strength and frivolity of a ship,
Floating past, a cloud of gray haze.

And here in this perfection is your anti-aircraft machine gun
Missed two shells in a row during a training exercise!
How did the anti-aircraft crew manage to be so quick -
Turn the corner of the firing sector and block it?

“Commander Sardinashvili, what have you done, katso?”
"Wah, I don't know!" – the Transcaucasian person answers.

Two holes of forty millimeters each on the pipe,
But inside, as they say, it became - no damn thing!
There the shells tore the reinforcement to pieces...
During the emergency, the sailors knocked day and night.

In general, it’s a sad picture, no matter how you look at it.
On command they reported: a crossbow had occurred.
The flagship commander arrived and calmly said,
Looking from the deck: “Two holes? Fill it up and that’s all!”
He sat with the commander for three half liters of cognac
And he sent a report in code that the trouble was minor.

Less than three weeks have passed since the renovation was completed,
Once again the chimney pollinated the horizon with streams of smoke.
Fireman Nechipurenko, who was sleeping in the chimney during the explosion
And he barely remained alive; he was out of his mind for six months.
Commander Sardinashvili may be proud in reserve:
No other anti-aircraft gunner has ever broken his record.

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Life in the navy didn’t seem like a fairy tale to you,
The salty wind blew the dust off my face,
You remained faithful to the Fatherland,
Ready to fight to the end.
The crew became family during their service,
The navy has become your second family,
You know how friendship is known,
And how sometimes the path home is difficult.
So let the seagulls fly above the waves,
On Navy Day, we congratulate you.
We honor, respect and are proud of you.
And may the Lord protect you in difficult times!


The wave is raging overboard,
And the sun is reflected in the water,
And we congratulate you on your day,
What is called Navy Day.
We wish you courage, strength,
We wish you success and faith,
May each of you always be
A worthy example for the boys.
Success for the glory of the Fatherland,
In naval service!
Health and happiness to you in life,
And be protected by fate!


You have chosen a path worthy of a patriot,
And you serve your Motherland with honor
And the ships of the entire navy
They have become family to you now.
On Navy Day, we cordially congratulate you,
We wish you endurance and courage,
We wish you health, happiness, joy,
And always be confident in yourself.


Everyone who is in service today in the ranks
Anyone who does not know the concept of fear,
But he knows the price of honor.
All those who have served for a long time,
But he’s unlikely to forget
Sea waves during storms
And endless distances.
May you guys always be lucky,
May grief not meet you,
May happiness find its way to you
On land, and maybe at sea.


All around there is water, salt water,
The endless exciting distance
And it remains in your heart forever
Longing for the sea, sadness for friends.
In the ranks of the armed Navy
In the seas and oceans of turbulence
In battles for the Motherland, for glory and honor
You have always performed faithful service with dignity.
We sincerely wish you health,
So that it is strong, like the keel of a ship,
Endless hope, like the sea,
And always be at the helm in life.


You have seen many countries,
I walked across the expanses of the sea.
You are a great captain
The sea has become your home
The crew is like family,
And the ship is part of life,
You will sacrifice yourself
Defending the honor of the Fatherland.
Let them never break
There are adversities on your way,
And always keeps you from troubles
St. Andrew's flag on campaigns.


On the day of the native Navy,
On the holiday of courage and glory,
Let success follow
Captains of the entire country.
Let the whole country be proud
Your valor, courage,
And may he always protect you
Cross of the St. Andrew's flag.


The waves play behind the stern,
And the lighthouse is visible in the distance.
This is not the first time in your service
Celebrate your holiday, sailor.
So let the luck not pass,
A friend will not betray, an enemy will not break,
And about our native navy
You will sing with pride, sailor.


Happy Navy Day, I congratulate you,
I wish you good spirits and health,
Happiness, good luck, reliable friends,
Service to your worthy Fatherland.


We wish you happiness and health,
Reliable loyal friends
And let the sea be protection
In the service of his Motherland.


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I congratulate you
Happy Sea Neptune Day!
If you are a worthy sailor,
Then behave yourself decently!
Don't drink a lot of vodka
And share your share with your friends!
If not, then be prepared.
Catch different “Neptunes”!
Happy Morflot holiday to you!
Your job is not easy!

On the Day Navy
I wish you
Good job
Yes, there is endless money.

So that love is like the sea,
Not without storms, of course
But it was seething in my veins
Long, endless.

And also, my friend,
Great happiness,
Like at the bottom of grains of sand,
Good luck, good luck!

On the day of the Navy
We will set the festive table,
Marine friends will come
They'll talk about the past.

We hold our breath
Let's dive into those days
When they served
And they were so important!

On the day of the sailor
I wish you:
Health for centuries
And the powers of the Samurai,
Glorify the Russian fleet
And tame the wave
Don't drink too much water
And don't go under.
And if it drowns
Your faithful ship
Find a chest of diamonds
At the bottom in the distance of the sea.
Be bold and fearless
You're not just a talker
Serve your country bravely -
Neptune bless you!

Ships are built at shipyards
Fought brilliantly in battles
Led by Peter,
Desired power for the state.

And the shores grew,
And the glory of the fleet grew stronger
So that the enemy does not have thoughts
Get closer to Russian crossings.

On the day of honoring the strength of the sailor's spirit
Bow to the ground for valor and courage
And the wave of the canvas rushing into the sky
The purest St. Andrew's flag.

The sea is agitated, the waves are raging,
The tsunami rises up.
Cheerful guys on Neptune's holiday
We got a little drunk again.

Let's congratulate them and shake hands
We wish you love and strength.
Let the storm and storm rage in bed,
And my head is completely calm!

Neptune's day has come,
It felt good right away
We have been waiting for this day for a long time,
Everyone wrote congratulations.

And we definitely decided
Let's keep it short and funny.
We have a problem with the second one,
But with the first one - certainly.

Long may you live and be,
Save a lot of money
So that everyone you love is nearby,
They hugged you tenderly with their eyes.

We wish that under the keel
There were feet of blue water
To be calm, clear and beautiful
There was a sea of ​​chosen fate!

So that you are always on the desired shore
The beautiful Assol was waiting for you,
And far from home, in distant countries
Her love warmed you!

Let them announce a promotion on the holiday,
Let the admiral personally congratulate you,
And there will be so much money in the salary,
So that the ninth shaft could compare!

Sailor, I wish you in the blue sea
So that only from love there will be a storm!
And loyalty from a beautiful wife!
So that the children don’t forget dad!

So that he always celebrates with his wife
You are this holiday every year!
And so that she doesn’t have to be alone
Carrying the entire load of “earthly” worries!

So that there is no sadness in your chest!
May the pitching bring joy!
For this, find a wife
A sailor just like you!

Congratulations on professional holiday those who are at sea in the most terrible storm and are always ready to defend people on land. Let there be less rocking and danger in your swimming, let your eyes be sharp and your gait confident. Happy Navy Day!

Navy Day, like many different professional and simply memorable holidays, is one of those that do not have one fixed date on the calendar. In accordance with the presidential decree, this holiday is always celebrated in July - on the last weekend of this month. By opening the calendar, we can see what date the last Sunday of July falls on.

Navy Day, which we will celebrate once again in 2018, is a fairly young holiday - in its current form it arose only 12 years ago - in 2006, the Ros-Register website informs. By presidential decree of May 31, 2006, the last Sunday in July was set as the date for this holiday.

Birth of the Russian Navy

In Russia, Navy Day is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of July. The need for a fleet appeared in Russia back in the 17th century. To avoid total cultural and political isolation, the empire needed the development of sea routes. The lack of a fleet hampered the country's development.

“There will be sea-going vessels” - these words of Peter I predetermined the appearance of the birthday of the Russian Navy. At the insistence of the emperor, the Boyar Duma on October 20, 1696 decided to create a regular fleet in the state.

Peter’s persistence could be understood - just a year earlier, the siege of the Russian army of the Turkish fortress of Azov ended in failure. And all because of the lack of a fleet in the Russians, because the Turkish fleet freely supplied the besieged from the sea with ammunition and food.

Military shipbuilding began in Voronezh, then in St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk and Ladoga. The Baltic and Azov fleets were quickly created, followed by the Pacific and Northern.

At the shipyards of the Voronezh Admiralty in 1696-1711, about 215 ships were built for the first Russian regular navy. As a result, the Azov fortress was conquered, and subsequently a sign was signed with Turkey. necessary for Russia peace treaty.

Russian Navy today

The Russian Navy has a history of just over three hundred years, and at the moment it consists of the following operational-strategic formations:

  • Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy with headquarters in Vladivostok;
  • Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy with headquarters in Severomorsk;
  • Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy with headquarters in Astrakhan;
  • Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy with headquarters in Kaliningrad;
  • Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy with headquarters in Sevastopol.

The structure of the Russian Navy consists of surface and submarine forces, naval aviation (tactical, strategic, deck and coastal), coast guard troops, marines and centrally subordinate units, as well as rear units and units.

Congratulations on Navy Day in verse

On Navy Day
I wish for something for the soul,
Patience to the navigator,
Respect to the authorities,
Captain of joy,
In the profession of stubbornness!
So that you are drawn to heroic deeds,
A blizzard passed by,
There was no hurricane encountered.
A peregrine falcon flew past
Dolphins swam along the way
Avoiding sea mines.
In general, good luck to you, friends,
We are a friendly family together!

On Navy Day,
There are countless wishes, and the hunt...
Give congratulations, warmth,
So that the road is bright...

May there always be happiness, love,
So that the blood boils in the veins!
To have a huge glass of happiness
Only sparkled with the blessings of everyone!

There is water all around... a harsh landscape...
Sometimes it’s beautiful to the point of exhaustion...
And let sometimes whim play,
You won't trade these wonderful moments!

The country is famous for its sailors,
You take pride in hard work!
So let your dream come true,
You will be surrounded by care!

Life in the navy didn’t seem like a fairy tale to you,
The salty wind blew the dust off my face,
You remained faithful to the Fatherland,
Ready to fight to the end.
The crew became family during their service,
The navy has become your second family,
You know how friendship is known,
And how sometimes the path home is difficult.
So let the seagulls fly above the waves,
On Navy Day, we congratulate you.
We honor, respect and are proud of you.
And may the Lord protect you in difficult times!

Military sailors
Young and venerable -
We want to congratulate everyone
Happy Navy Day.

Sons of the Glorious Motherland
We walked under the pressure of the wave,
The oceans roamed
There were storms, there were calms.

Honor of St. Andrew's flag -
Your valor and courage.
We decided to wish you
Happiness in life, peace in the world.

The sea winds blow in your face,
The sea is testing your spirit with a storm,
But you can't find braver men
With such inflexibility in his gaze.
And your fleet is strong, like a monolith,
That I even partly feel sorry for the enemy,
May fate reward you for your perseverance,
Don't skimp on love and happiness!