Congratulations on Diplomatic Worker's Day postcard. Congratulations on Diplomatic Worker's Day in verse and prose

Long negotiations
You can forget for a while.
International disputes
At least put it off for a day.

It's a holiday for you, diplomats!
Consul, ambassador, attache.
Automata are silent in the world
And visas have already been issued.

Be lucky in life
And your home is full of joy.
Let people not be capricious
Coming to your appointment.

Be strong, be rich,
Let the river of your life flow.
After all, it’s your holiday, diplomats!
And the cognac has already been poured into glasses.

Diplomat! You deserve a reward
Your functions are very complex:
It is necessary to represent, and with dignity
Interests of the native country.

It is impossible to learn, without a doubt,
Diplomacy is a talent.
You have it since birth,
And in your profession you are a diamond!

Dear employees of consulates, embassies and other diplomatic organizations! Today is your professional holiday. Take care of your health, moral and physical strength, you will still find all this very useful. Who should we turn to if not you in a strange, unfamiliar country? Let all negotiations be only warm and friendly, so that you always have the final say. Happy holiday to you!!!

IN bright holiday diplomat
We wish you to live richly,
Days of responsibility, success,
Serious and transparent cases

Transactions that are profitable and fair,
Popular, interesting.
May luck be near you
Life will become a continuous parade,

Let everything be harmonious
Light, joyful, great!

To the owners “yes” and “no” in a single word,
Craftsmen turn all disputes into joy
The country sends simple congratulations
For your subtle and complex work. And from now on

Let there be only long-awaited meetings,
Let your speeches have good meaning,
May all your wishes be fulfilled,
And your souls are kept by the Lord!

In today's international environment, your role is especially valuable. Always be purposeful and persistent in achieving your goal, which is necessary not only for the country, but also for the people. Don’t forget about your health, get more rest, and especially today on your holiday. Happy day diplomatic worker you dear friends!!!

We celebrate your day in winter.
Diplomacy is a strong point.
Today we wish each other -
Everyone could master it.
Sometimes we can discuss everything.
But not to negotiate.
We wish you words of freedom.
We want to demolish all the litigation.

They are tactful and intelligent.
The word is an important tool.
You entered our house unnoticed,
They asked: “What’s for lunch?”
That's why we love you very much,
You are always sweet and kind.
You will come to the rescue urgently
and resolve all disputes.
Of course it's very difficult
But it seems that everything is wrong.
When you're very careful
Make everything seem trivial.

"Poems for Diplomatic Worker's Day"

Cordially with a professional date
I congratulate you, diplomat!
Everything I once dreamed about has come true!
And I am glad to congratulate you on this!
Let your dreams continue to come true!
Let your health not be naughty!
Let there be less falsehood on the way!
And more of those who value honor!

You always have
Important diplomat traits:
Patience, persistence...
And you are known for your hard work!
Erudite, savvy
In foreign matters,
Don't you let it suddenly arise
Unexpected confrontation!
We really believe in you,
Of course, we wish you
Easy negotiations
Good luck, good luck everywhere!!!

Please accept congratulations,
The best MGIMO graduate!
Wisdom, endurance, patience -
It won't come on its own;
You went through such a school
You were able to learn so much!..
Well, according to protocol
Congratulations, diplomat!

"Poems for Diplomat's Day"

Who needs a lengthy speech today?
To whom does the world sing glory today?
To those who, mired in foreign affairs,
The success of our Motherland is forged!
It is not for nothing that the international arena
It's called the circle of your interests!
It is only in your honor that I say today:
Happy Diplomat's Day! Happy holiday, my friend!

Congratulations on Diplomatic Worker's Day


The life of a diplomat is not easy! The honor of the country and matters of national importance are at stake, and all around are the intricacies of political games, secrets, intrigues... Such work can only be entrusted to special person, someone like you! Happy Diplomat's Day!

To a born diplomat, who can be entrusted with national secrets and matters of any complexity, on Diplomat's Day I send respectful and solemn congratulations, as well as yours Best wishes, as a citizen, admired by your work and grateful to you for your work for the good of the Motherland!

Diplomacy is a delicate science; just anyone will not be allowed in. You are an educated, responsible, patriotic and generous person, where else could you go to work if not at the embassy? Happy Diplomatic Worker's Day! Conquer the heights of your profession and live with dignity and a smile!

You are tall and slender, well aware of the needs of the country and the world political situation... In a word, you are a real diplomat and today, on Diplomatic Worker’s Day, I congratulate you, I wish you to successfully conduct any negotiations and raise the prestige of Russia on the world stage!

What a talent it takes to work with different cultures, to inspire confidence in people and help bring the most important national hopes to life! Happy Diplomat's Day! Let me wish you the fulfillment of all your dreams, both personal and professional!

Happy Diplomatic Worker's Day! He will establish contact, resolve the conflict, not lose the honor of his homeland and help it keep its place in the sun! Today I sincerely wish you, the employees of the Russian embassies, successful working days and happiness in your personal life!

The country cannot stand gloomily, aloof from the vibrant international life. You need to be on top, defend your interests... All the most important international missions are entrusted to you - diplomatic workers! Congratulations on your professional holiday and wish you all the best!

You walk with a diplomat, in a formal suit, proudly raising your head and thinking about the most important... You are well-read, a brilliant speaker, a subtle strategist... Happy Diplomat's Day! Perhaps your family, friends and even the whole country can be proud of you!

Diplomacy is called upon to determine the international image of a country, to protect it, and not allow it to vegetate in the shadows, especially in today’s difficult conditions. Today we congratulate and duly praise our diplomatic workers! May our embassies operate in every corner of the globe, and may their employees be efficient, successful and personally happy!

Happy Diplomatic Worker's Day! You give all your strength to the service home country, I work tirelessly in the field entrusted to me, day after day you help Russia to be a strong country recognized by the whole world! And you rightfully deserve to be in the forefront of Fate’s favorites!


Diplomats are responsible and serious people; they bear the difficult burden of establishing relationships and negotiating. Therefore on their day professional holiday It is especially important to find the right words coming from the heart, which will melt the ice of constant composure and severity, help you relax and enjoy life. To find such congratulations, you don’t need to come up with something for a long time and painfully compose it. Our website contains all the wishes appropriate for such an occasion. With their help, your goal will be achieved, the right words will be found, and the person dear to you will appreciate your efforts and the feelings that you convey.

Congratulations to friends and relatives

Search and find ways to solve the problem,
not everyone can do it, what is needed here is skill, strength, nerves!
Find consensus and decide on the situation,
only a true diplomat is capable of
ultimately lead to the desired solution!
Therefore, today we congratulate the diplomat,
May experience, knowledge and intelligence not let his guys down! ©

We are on the Day of Diplomatic Front Workers,
congratulations to everyone,
who, with a word, a thought, changes the world hopelessly!
Without resorting to tanks, excavators, or, of course, pressure,
who makes the revolution, with one diplomatic decision! ©

One wants, the other wants,
Their mood is not good
After all, everyone thinks that he is right,
Here the feelings and desires of all are an enclave!
If only they could find a way out, freedom,
So that people suffer less,
This is all effort,
You dedicate on earth!
After all, you are a diplomat and a savior,
Who is our relationship warrior?
You always transform the world
So that war does not come to our house!
And on your Day we truly congratulate you,
We are diplomats invariably,
Be happy, always be healthy,
Solve problems with the power of words! ©

Congratulations to colleagues

I've known you as great diplomats for too long,
but I’m in no hurry to congratulate you “loudly” on the holiday,
All because I've already learned my lesson in diplomacy
That the holiday is on time then,
when the mood and time come.
I would also like to point out,
That you are able to convince anyone is true,
find solutions to any situation,
At the same time, be natural - yourself!
I congratulate you on your holiday and wish you,
What everyone would wish for themselves! ©

Cool congratulations on Diplomatic Worker's Day

To decide the fate of the worlds not by hearsay,
At the same time, do not stick out too much,
Do not use weapons at all,
This is how you can distinguish a diplomat!
All this makes him special from others,
Which means on his day this verse,
Advice from troubles and failures,
So that chance even helps! ©

Congratulations on Diplomat's Day in prose

One of the most responsible government positions is undoubtedly diplomacy. To work in this area gently to be a truly unique person, combining a sharp mind, clarity of views, wisdom, insight and foresight. And most importantly, it is necessary to understand the essence and power of spoken words. It is your thoughtful speeches that sound louder than the volleys of several guns and save many more lives than dozens of hospitals. Remember this! We wish you that the battles you wage on the political field will always end in your unconditional victory, which means that all wars and conflicts will subside at the negotiation stage! ©

Happy Diplomatic Worker's Day,
I wish you goodness and happiness in life,
May you have no troubles along the way,
And every day brings you many victories!

On this day I send you my congratulations,
I wish that work does not bring worries,
But there are only a lot of successful contracts,
And more generous, healthy places!


It's hard to imagine that once upon a time
Society lived without diplomats!
And deep conflicts developed,
And cruel wars broke out!
Today we celebrate Diplomats Day,
We are sincerely happy to congratulate them on their holiday!
Diplomats will settle all politics,
Roughnesses will be smoothed out instantly,
We dedicate a poem to them today,
Let them read our congratulations!


The work of a diplomat is a risk,
After all, a diplomat, like a chess player,
He must count in advance
So that the honor of the country can be defended,
Be smart and calm
And maybe even beautiful.
After all, along it, there in the distance,
They'll think about the whole country!
We present congratulations to diplomats,
And we sincerely congratulate you on the holiday,
And we understand: you should be Don Quixote,
What remains a patriot in a foreign land!


“Diplomat” certainly sounds proud.
He is respectable, competent and strict.
Must remain solid throughout.
Today we send congratulations to the diplomats.
We wish you wisdom and skill
Controversial conversations
Let him have enough inspiration
To always go forward.
And we also wish you respect,
Many years to come and rare luck!


Let there be no need on this day
Bored by the pile of notes and visas,
I think your rest is deserved,
So let him bring a surprise.

Let you, serious diplomats,
Well, let's say... Santa Claus will come!
Will give you a diplomat
And a bouquet of red roses...


Congratulations to the diplomats,
On this holiday on a winter day!
Postpone negotiations
You can, if you're not too lazy!

You make connections
So that the country can be proud again!
And in Embassies, in states,
Has been reintroduced!

Let luck not give up,
There will be a lot of life and strength!
And health flourishes,
The world will become sweet with a smile!


Diplomatic front workers
We send you congratulations from our native land,
And we certainly want to wish you,
Your work is difficult, not easy.

No matter how difficult the negotiations may be,
But they were drawn to a peaceful conclusion,
After all, PEACE is the most important thing in the world,
We must save it at all costs!


They are tactful and intelligent.
The word is an important tool.
You entered our house unnoticed,
They asked: “What’s for lunch?”
This is why we love you very much,
You are always sweet and kind.
You will come to the rescue urgently
and resolve all disputes.
Of course it's very difficult
But it seems that everything is wrong.
When you're very careful
Make everything seem trivial.


Be nice, diplomat,
Almost omnipotent!
Like from ancient times
You are important for Russia!

From Byzantium to the present day
In matters with foreign countries, everyone is more important!

Sometimes in distant countries and embassies
There is no hospitality and no hospitality,
But you must stand behind us as a wall
And it’s an honor to take care of your native country.

We wish diplomats prosperity,
Health, understanding of relatives,
May you always be met with understanding
And welcome lights to the Motherland!


On this holiday we send to the diplomat
Such a beautiful greeting:
He is unusual and winged,
Like a southern bright moth!
Let him succeed
Let there be victories without a score!
And let him break through with ease
Up the ladder of life forward!
May it be as hard as ice
And he will gain glory in life!


On Diplomatic Worker's Day,
I want to give a philosophical speech
That you are sending good things,
You solve conflicts with diplomacy!

I send you congratulations on this day,
I wish you less worries
In your work and in your life,
Be happy at this moment!


Diplomat - key phrase
To solve different problems.
Strictly following the orders of the authorities,
You are trying to recreate the world.

All the key questions are in your mouth
About the structure of our country.
And taking into account popular requests,
Conquer the world's minds!


For diplomatic workers
Life is very difficult:
You need to work like carpenters,
A bridge erected over the river.

You need a very dexterous skill,
To create such a bridge -
International. For their dexterity
Today we give congratulations.

We wish you valor and courage
In difficult, everyday work,
Professionalism, maturity,
Always good health!