Positive and negative character traits. Bad character traits. Negative types of people

List of advantages and benefits

You will need:

– a sheet of paper and a pencil;

– time for reflection.

Be prepared for:

– the fact that it will be difficult to find advantages and benefits;

– the fact that the list will have to be reviewed regularly.

This may not be useful if:

– you have already compiled a similar list during psychological training or in preparation for another interview.

There is a very reliable way to confirm your decision to find a job and be confident at an interview - this is to make a list of your advantages and advantages over your competitors. Compose it not in your head, but on a piece of paper. This is simply necessary so that you can clearly see their presence. You need to take a comfortable place (for some it is more comfortable at a table, for others in a cozy chair), take a piece of paper and divide it in half with a line. At the top, write the “Advantages” and “Benefits” sections. In the “Advantages” column, make a list that includes personal character traits and personality traits. The “Advantages” column contains your features that distinguish you as a professional and a self-confident person. Perhaps some points will overlap with each other, do not make any special distinctions where exactly one of the points should be included. Theoretically, there should be fewer advantages, since they are built on the basis of advantages, but not every advantage can become an advantage. For example, speaking English is definitely an asset. But, if you are hoping to get a position where English is a mandatory requirement, this advantage will not be an advantage, since all candidates will have it. In this case, any additional foreign language can be an advantage.

You don’t have to show this list to anyone, it’s only needed to raise your self-esteem and self-esteem. Next, we will go over the most common and important character traits and professional skills. All you have to do is think about whether you have them and add them to the list of your advantages and advantages.

1. Sociability – readiness for interpersonal communication, to take initiative in conversation with any social categories of people. If you are not intimidated by the prospect of meeting, talking and establishing friendships and business relationships with many strangers, you love to chat and enjoy participating in conversations, then you definitely have this quality.

2. Openness is a state of your psyche in which you can calmly and even willingly accept words and actions in your direction from other people. Openness to communication, self-criticism and, as a result, the ability to perceive any words painlessly, readiness for personal questions and sincerity in answers are all signs of this quality.

3. Balance is also a mental state in which you are not influenced by external stimuli. This is the ability not only to control oneself, but also to prevent excessive emotions from appearing at all. This character trait implies the absence of special outbursts of both positive and negative emotions.

4. Contact – readiness to cooperate with people, implies both initiative and acceptance of other people’s initiatives. If you quickly find topics for conversation that will interest both you and your interlocutor, if business relationships are quickly established, this is your plus.

5. Friendliness - the ability to add a shade of personal sympathy to personal communication. If, in addition to communication, you know how to sympathize with people regardless of their social status And appearance, if you treat them with warmth and understanding, then feel free to add this item to your list.

6. Politeness - maintaining etiquette interpersonal relationships. Even in the most stressful situations, maintaining polite behavior and not resorting to insults and personalities is an absolute plus to your polite words.

7. Non-conflict – the ability not to succumb to other people’s provocations, to restrain oneself and direct positivity towards this situation. Note these advantages in your own sense if you have not noticed yourself being excessively picky towards people and the desire to annoy them, and if you know that any problem can be solved not by shouting, but by simple negotiations.

8. Responsibility is a quality due to which you clearly understand what and why you need to do, and do it without fail, realizing that this is your job, and only you can finish what you started.

9. Composure - readiness to use all the necessary resources of your mind and body: a state in which you keep yourself in good shape and concentrate your strength. A collected person does the necessary work without hesitation; he does not need to take a long time to tune in to the atmosphere, tone and type of activity.

10. Initiative - promoting your ideas, views, opinions, actions independently. You are the owner of this quality if you are able to start and complete a task without constant outside advice, adding your own personal ideas to it.

11. Intelligence – this refers to the level of your intelligence, your horizons of knowledge. The higher your knowledge, the better you understand all manifestations of the outside world, the more you understand people and know how not to look at them through the prism of your own emotions, the faster you think, the higher your level of intelligence.

12. Not talkative - this means the ability not to interfere in other people's affairs and not to gossip. If you like to discuss someone with someone, you do not have this quality.

13. Originality is a quality that distinguishes your mental and behavioral reactions from the standards of others. If you are not subject to the “herd instinct”, are not afraid to defend your opinion, which is different from others, your reactions to stimuli are sometimes directly opposite to those of others - then you are an extraordinary person.

14. Sociability – having a broad horizon of knowledge and positive personal qualities. The ability to adapt to any communication style, to any person and situation, qualifications in all areas of knowledge required by your profession. Put this item on the list if you think you can find common language with all social strata.

15. Diplomacy – the ability to maneuver in a conversation, avoiding pitfalls and negative aspects. A diplomatic person does not go towards his goal abruptly and directly, but studies the situation and chooses the least emotional option for developing and conducting the conversation.

16. Persistence – the ability to achieve what you need. This is a good quality that helps you not to shy away from difficulties, but to overcome them, achieving positive or negative results, and trying to get to your goal over and over again.

17. Learning ability – the ability to quickly perceive and process new information. If you quickly grasp new concepts on the fly, delve into the essence of issues, strive to expand your horizons and do not give in to difficult problems, but learn from the experience of solving them, you have a high level of learning ability.

18. Originality - the ability to find several ways to approach situations and people. Mark this quality if you can find several solutions to the same problem depending on changing circumstances.

19. Loyalty - recognition of the authority of a higher-ranking employee, the absence of pronounced rebellion. If you realize that your immediate superior will have more developed professional qualities, and you do not openly compete with him, even if this is not the case, then you will make a good subordinate.

20. Activity – physical and mental, the speed of metabolic processes in the brain and between the head and body. An active employee reacts quickly to changes, has defensive reactions against difficulties, is proactive and efficient, and overcomes internal and external restrictions in all areas of life.

21. Punctuality – adherence to strict time frames. Implies responsibility and composure in the performance of official duties.

22. Creative thinking - creating projects and thought processes that go beyond standard thinking. If you know how to think about professional problems, then the solution approaches will be unusual and effective.

23. Equanimity is the ability to restrain one’s emotions in an unfavorable atmosphere. If you maintain your integrity in any situation and don't let irritation ruin your mood, this will add an item to your list.

24. Determination – the desire to reach the intended height at any cost. What is your favorite saying: “The ends justify the means”? You are a very purposeful person.

25. Optimism – the ability to see the positive in all events. There is a saying: “For optimists, the glass is always half full, and for pessimists, it is always half empty.” Choose for yourself how you feel about it, and draw a conclusion accordingly.

26. Qualification – sufficient education for work. The higher the level of training specific to your job profile, the more qualified employee you are.

27. Imagination – the ability to “dream”, fantasize, and invent situations. People with the gift of imagination are a boon for an enterprise, as they can think through all the logical chains of events.

28. Experience – having work experience in exactly the position (and in the field) for which you are going. This can be an important advantage over candidates.

29. Composure is the ability not to react to any physical actions of other people. If you look at open wounds without shuddering and stand boldly on your feet, even if the whole world around you is collapsing, this is a huge plus. You will be able to evaluate actions from the outside and act with a cool mind.

30. Spontaneity is a mental state in which a person does not adhere to the strict framework of conservative behavior, but shows liveliness and varied interests. Of course it's not much childish behavior, but a lot of sincerity and friendliness are always liked by colleagues.

31. Adequacy – understanding and perception of reality as it is. If you understand exactly how to determine the degree of complexity of a situation and select the necessary reaction, you are an adequate person.

32. Spirituality – the presence of a rich spiritual world. If you try to understand your existence, where, why, why and how you live, believe in God and recognize the divine essence of human existence, you will be a very interesting person to communicate with.

33. Integrity - exposure to certain postulates of behavior. If, in spite of everything, you do not betray your inner principles, but live guided by them, then you are an integral person, non-capricious and consistent.

34. Positivity – non-aggressive perception of the world around us, good deeds and sublime thoughts. This is a defensive reaction of the psyche, a person with positive thinking life is much easier.

35. Tactfulness – understanding the boundaries of the interlocutor’s personal zone. If you understand that some things simply cannot be asked of people, since they are painful for them, if you know how to stop in time at the barrier of separating general topics from intimate ones, you have a sense of tact.

36. Delicacy - a gentle approach to the problems of the interlocutor. Delicate people are valued for their ability not to open the complexes in the personalities and lives of other people.

37. Objectivity – the ability to concentrate on one object, realistically assessing all the pros and cons of a situation, and not imposing one’s own feelings on the assessment of the situation. This can also include self-criticism, since such a person will definitely not allow emotions to prevail over reason and is aware of the state of things based on the standards of thinking.

38. Impulsivity is the tendency to act on the first impulse, spontaneously. Sometimes this quality helps in solving production problems.

39. Flexibility is a person’s ability to adapt to changing conditions.

40. Ability to speak foreign languages. If you have linguistic abilities, this is a definite item on the list of advantages.

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Hello, dear readers! Ideal people doesn't exist and it's no secret. Such a person can only appear in our imagination. This helps you strive for better, grow and develop yourself. But the ideal image also has reverse side- searching for minuses in a person, deviations from ideality. Today I will answer the question - what are the shortcomings of a person? Where do they come from and what to do with them.

What are disadvantages?

By Ozhegov a flaw is a flaw or irregularity in something. All people have flaws. And if you and I start compiling a list, it will not be possible to finish it. After all, for each person everything is very subjective and individual.

The problem with imperfections is that they are not objective. I agree, a group of people may consider too cheeky behavior a disadvantage, but there will definitely be a person to whom this will seem like a highlight and peculiarity of a person, he will not see anything bad in this quality.

Only you decide which qualities in a person are worthy of being called his minuses and which are his advantages. Only you decide which quality in yourself can be considered a minus and which a plus. The main thing is to have adequate self-esteem and not put yourself on a pedestal or push yourself under the baseboard.

You can find a lot about self-esteem useful information in the article "".

The only thing we can say for sure is that imperfections can manifest themselves on a physical and psychological level. Let's take a closer look at each.


Here we talk to you about everything related to appearance. For many short women, it is a huge disadvantage when men are too tall. But for tall young ladies, on the contrary, this will be an advantage.

For most, snoring is a terrible thing. For example, I cannot sleep if someone snores loudly next to me. And my friend calmly tolerates such noise. Her husband snores horribly loudly and so does her dog. Now she can’t even sleep without this snoring.

Too many moles, crooked nose, bulging eyes, crooked legs, small breasts on a girl, big ears and so on. This list can be continued indefinitely. Any flaw in appearance can be equated to a human defect.

But there are people who know how to present their external imperfections as the most outstanding advantages. For example, Marilyn Monroe, who elevated a mole on her face to wild popularity. Many young ladies still deliberately draw a spot on their face, but this was considered a drawback.

Many external disadvantages can be corrected without even resorting to surgery. For young ladies, of course, it’s much easier to do this. The cosmetics industry today is at such a high level that you can make a princess out of any frog.

Men have a more difficult time here. But they can also overshadow their imperfections with an excellent sense of humor and charisma. One of my friends is very fat. But when you meet him, you don’t notice the completeness. He is so charming that everything else fades and disappears from view.


If everything is extremely simple with physical disabilities, then what can be called psychological defects of a person?

Lack of a sense of humor, arrogance, tediousness? This is where there is definitely no room for objectivity. For each person, certain qualities of other people are disadvantages.

One of my friends couldn't stand it sociable people, always tried to keep a great distance from the interlocutor, hated when people touched her during a conversation and considered her sociability to be a terrible flaw. On the contrary, I consider this a huge advantage.

In the behavioral aspect, it is impossible to draw a clear line between disadvantage and advantage. After all, for some people a bore seems to be an unbearable interlocutor from whom they want to run away as quickly as possible, while others find in him an interesting interlocutor who knows how to carry on a conversation on any topic.

Some people cannot stand lies, while others call it resourcefulness and resourcefulness. Different look for the same quality. Only you can tell whether this will be a disadvantage or advantage of the person or yourself.

A man finds what he is looking for

One of my clients constantly complains about people: about colleagues, about children at her son’s school and their parents, about her husband and his family, about her own girlfriends. She sees the same problems and imperfections in everyone, constantly discusses them and cannot establish normal communication.

The problem is that a woman is fixated on those qualities that she cannot afford. The friend is too frank in her communication, the colleagues have a million hobbies, the husband relaxes with friends on weekends.

An acquaintance has been friends with a young man for a long time. All her friends consider him an ideal prince: he does not smoke or drink, he is gallant and courteous, with a wonderful sense of humor, wealthy, hard-working, and so on. But she doesn’t want to connect her fate with him. And when asked why, he answers: him the only drawback is that it has no flaws.

Do you understand the absurdity of the situation? Imperfection can be found even where it would seem that it cannot exist. We ourselves look for cons in people.

Look for virtues. Notice the benefits, focus on the positive qualities.

If you don’t know how to start seeing the good in people, then I recommend that you read the article “”. After all, what kind of people surround us depends only on our views. Start with yourself.

What would you say are the main shortcomings of any person? Do you know about your pros and cons? How do you work on your imperfections?

Look for only the good in everything!

The appearance of a person consists of a variety of advantages and disadvantages. In accordance with personal qualities, behavioral characteristics are formed by which others evaluate the inner world of the interlocutor. A proverb has long appeared in the Russian language, testifying to the importance of intellectual and spiritual components - “They are greeted by their clothes, but they are seen off by their minds.”

A person’s shortcomings, reflected in personal qualities and behavioral characteristics, are not a death sentence, but an opportunity to improve throughout life.

It is not surprising, because behind a well-groomed appearance, complemented by exquisite wardrobe elements, even a skillful flatterer and deceitful hypocrite will not be able to hide his own shortcomings. The shortcomings and advantages of a person are numbered in hundreds of names, so it is almost impossible to mention every character trait. However, there are typical images of people endowed with the most common qualities that are quite easy to recognize.

Common Benefits: Social Benefits

It is impossible without learning to harmoniously combine the strengths and weaknesses of character. Successful marriages are characterized by the compatibility of partners who have successfully accepted each other's strengths and weaknesses. The search for a “golden” mean that allows you to remain yourself and evoke sympathy from others is a life goal that appears on a subconscious level since childhood. The first step towards personal improvement can be taken by adding positive qualities to your image:

  • Mercy and compassion allow you to support in difficult times loved one, offering his “shoulder” in a comradely manner. Such qualities reflect the breadth of the soul, ready to share someone else’s grief.
  • Sociability – the ability to find a common language even with a stranger. It is easy to build a constructive dialogue with him, because he is ready to have a lively conversation about abstract things and share specialized knowledge on familiar topics.
  • Nobility, especially in demand in the Middle Ages, today becomes a rare artifact that complements the personal appearance. This quality embodies honesty and courage, selflessness and high moral concepts.
  • Loyalty is a thinning component of a person’s image, because the importance of the institution of family in the 21st century is decreasing every second. The number of divorces, which have become the logical conclusion of the breakup of couples, is growing exponentially. Loyalty to friend, parent, job, and romantic partner falls into a certain category of disappearing qualities.
  • Attention to current situations and unnoticed details is a useful trait that allows you to easily navigate the fast pace of life. People do not notice trivial things, missing important acquaintances and fateful events.
  • Foresight and insight become another virtue of personal appearance, allowing a stranger to prevent the betrayal of a loved one. This quality helps to timely identify the thoughts of the interlocutor, which he does not dare to say out loud.

To achieve the desired result, complementing your inner world with the above qualities, you need to work hard. Main principle, on which training programs for self-improvement are based - control of one’s own emotions, which provoke people to crazy and senseless actions.

ABOUT own merits It is not customary to speak in society; it is more rational to show your personal qualities in dialogue so that the interlocutor notices them independently

Typical deficiencies: chronic problems

Having identified common advantages, it is impossible not to mention the typical shortcomings inherent in the moral character of people in the 21st century. Only after eliminating the following qualities from your own image can you count on a successful result, reaching a new stage in the process of personal self-development:

Disadvantages and advantages are a complex of human qualities that create individuality. It is not surprising that some people easily find a common language, while others cannot tolerate their interlocutor at the genetic level

In the first stages of self-development, try to succumb less to emotional impulses, subjecting your own thoughts to careful analysis. Do not be afraid to listen to, but remember the advisability of an objective assessment of the upcoming action. After a short period of time, certain “barriers” will be developed on a subconscious level that do not allow shortcomings to break out without your permission. Only after reaching such a stage can the procedure for improving personal appearance be considered a successful “event”.

If you do not learn to accept your shortcomings and appreciate your strengths, then there is a risk of occurrence. A person who is not ready for who he is is doomed to mental imbalance and mental instability. Having taken this fact for granted, it is easier to take the path of correction, improving and transforming your own disadvantages into advantages.

Therefore, everyone has a certain list of certain advantages and disadvantages. What could all this depend on? Upbringing, attitude and even belonging to a certain sector of the zodiac circle.

About the concept

What does this concept mean? Is it possible to make a list of a person’s shortcomings? What imperfections exist? It could be cowardice, laziness, lies, etc. However, you should not be too categorical, because sometimes various flaws can be turned into positive aspects and make good use of it.

The shortcomings of people

It is worth noting that the list of human shortcomings can be divided into several categories. Thus, there are universal human character flaws that are purely feminine and purely masculine. As for the general negative aspects of a personality, it can be rudeness towards others, the inability to keep secrets, constant lies, the desire to stand out from others, while humiliating people. However, such a character trait as the desire to tell the truth about a person to his face may be considered correct by some people, and condemned by others, it all depends on how much the interlocutor liked the information received. Here we can draw a definite conclusion that there are no absolutely objective shortcomings, it all depends on the person’s point of view. Thus, people manage to justify even white lies, placing them closer to the positive side.

About women

The list of shortcomings of a person of the fairer sex may seem interesting and even somewhat useful, i.e. women. After all, a modern lady is a person with a special set of shortcomings, including not necessarily negative ones. So, today women are often double-minded, this is necessary in order to reach a fairly high level in certain circles. And at the same time callous and wooden, so as not to waste your emotions in vain. Negative qualities are also supplemented by tactlessness (granny syndrome), greed, and excessive consumerism. Most girls today are capricious, mannered and overly confident in their own irresistibility. List of human shortcomings (in in this case- women) can be supplemented with modesty (oddly enough, in modern world this is more a disadvantage than an advantage), as well as talkativeness, which can be attributed to both good and not very pleasant aspects of character.

About men

It is also worth considering the advantages and disadvantages of gender - men. Thus, the negative aspects of a guy’s character include untidiness (unwashed and unironed clothes, dirty shoes, unclean hair, nails, etc.), greed, stinginess, and pettiness. It is also not good if a man is jealous or rude (especially with ladies). Not in better side for a representative of the stronger sex, tediousness, unpunctuality, and stupidity will play a role. It is worth noting that patriarchal views are also a man’s flaw, because he believes that in addition to work, a woman should also take care of the house, because this is not the work of a representative of the stronger sex (and there are still quite a lot of such nuances).


We looked at the person, this list is far from complete. It can be replenished day after day. However, as was said above, it will most likely be individual, subjective, because in such a matter the personal attitude to Pure objectivity is important, truth simply does not exist in the world, everything is the work of one person or group of people.