Why do couples separate? The psychology of separation and the whole truth about breakups. Psychology of men in relationships and after separation Denial: “It’s not true”

Unless you are one of those people who marry their classmates and live a long and happy life together (for which we congratulate you!), then you have probably at least once experienced the pain of a broken heart. Breaking up is a process that most people have gone through once or more. This is a terrible period when you have to pull yourself together and look for reasons to enjoy life again. Of course, you shouldn’t immediately pretend that everything is fine, no. Your heart will suffer for a while.

Parting is a period of disintegration and gathering of oneself into a new one. whole personality who survived the pain and became stronger. Don't forget Nietzsche's phrase: "That which does not kill us makes us stronger."

There are several stages that a person goes through after a breakup. We have prepared a list of them for you, as well as ways to cope with these periods.

1. Shock: “What happened?!”

Shock is a protective reaction of the body. He allows himself to feel nothing for a while before completely immersing himself in his grief. The shock can last from a minute to a month, it all depends on the person. In any case, at this stage you are not yet fully aware of the gap.


  • Arrange for yourself walks in the air, meditation.
  • Don't go crazy. Everything will be fine!

2. Denial: "It's not true"

Just because you don't agree that you need to break up doesn't mean it didn't happen. This period is built on attempts to justify what happened and restore relationships.


  • Start personal diary or spend time with a close friend to whom you will tell about all your experiences.
  • Don’t minimize the situation, don’t try to convince yourself that you will make peace.

3. Isolation: “I just want to be alone with myself.”

This is the stage at which you have already begun to realize what happened. Now you will try with all your might to analyze the course of the relationship again and again. This is a period of analysis and reflection, which is why you don’t want to go out or interact with people. You have gone into yourself, but the main thing is to come back.


  • Take refreshing showers regularly and find reasons to move on with your life (work, friends, hobbies).
  • Don't feel sorry for yourself and don't give up on ever starting another relationship again.

4. Anger: “I hate you for breaking your heart.”

Now you are already negative. At this stage, letters are often burned, photographs are torn, and the belongings of the person who initiated the breakup are damaged. If you are angry with yourself, then you often talk out loud, express your grievances, or speak badly to your friends about your ex-partner.


  • Don't hold back your desire to talk about your feelings with your friends. If you don't want to talk, then keep a diary.
  • Don't do anything rash.

5. Negotiations: “How to get everything back?”

At this stage, you are trying to make peace with your partner. If the fault lies with him, then you try in every possible way to find a compromise, and if it lies with you, then ask for forgiveness and try to rehabilitate yourself in the eyes of the one you want to return. This cannot be said that this stage is always unsuccessful, because people are different. And yet, if you don’t make peace, then the next period begins.


  • Create a list of things you love and want to do in life.
  • Don't add your ex to this list!

6. Depression: "I'll never get over this"

At this stage, you have already realized that nothing can be returned. This makes you feel broken both physically and spiritually. You don’t want to get out of bed, you don’t want to go outside, you don’t want to do anything... This period is very difficult and decisive, because once you cope with depression, you will move on.


7. Acceptance: “I understand why we were together, why we broke up, and I know that everything will work out!”

You are healed. Now you know that sometimes life teaches painful lessons, but not ones that you cannot cope with. You breathe deeply again, you see the sun again, you look forward again. Having survived 6 painful stages of development, you know your worth and are confident that only the best awaits you ahead!


  • Celebrate the breakup!
  • Don't be surprised if you feel sad sometimes. This will pass with time!

Do you recognize yourself in these stages? It's sad that almost everyone has to experience this pain of separation and betrayal at least once in their life. The main thing is to always remember that this is not the end, but only the beginning of something new and exciting!

Life is a game. Playing with yourself. Give yourself permission to win. Become a queen.

When do you decide to break up? Or does the initiative come from the man? As a rule, relationships end in separation when the relationship with your man does not have clear boundaries. This can happen at the very beginning and at the end of a relationship, and

Now I want to talk about what strategy of behavior is better to choose if you want to return your loved one, and if after breaking up you realized that you still love him. And also how you need to communicate in order to attract the attention of a man, if at first he does not show anything and does not take any action.

Parting. Some serious mistakes women make when breaking up

The first serious mistake is putting in too much effort. You need to understand that if you go too far, you can change the situation not in a positive way, but in negative side. Many people simply step over themselves and sacrifice everything. A man will be repulsed by such behavior, he will see that you extol him and try to satisfy all his needs, as a result, such a relationship will not be interesting for him. Try to understand for yourself that you are also a person, an individual and a person, then why exactly do you need to follow the lead?

The second thing you definitely shouldn’t do is impose yourself. Remember, very often men, when in relationships, say that they lack freedom, and excessive control leads to nothing. The situation is exactly the same here. If you want him to like you, don’t sit by the phone all night and don’t write odes of praise to him, don’t call him all day long, citing the fact that you dialed your mother’s number and accidentally mixed up the numbers. Men understand this immediately; it seems to them that even before the start of a relationship, their lives are completely under control.

I believe that it is best not to remind yourself of yourself for a while, to lie low. Of course, when there is sympathy, a person tries not to miss any opportunity to see each other or talk. It's about self-esteem. A woman should not fall at her feet and fulfill any whim. No, she should think about herself first. Remember, in the Stone Age a man was considered a hunter, breadwinner and conqueror. Nothing has changed since then. Only now, instead of food, a self-respecting man must win the girl’s heart himself. This is how man is made, this is how nature created us. If the object of your dreams likes you, then rest assured that he himself will achieve you.

My goal is not to scare or say that until a man deigns to look at you, nothing will happen. Of course this is not true. I'm saying that everything should be in moderation: calls, meetings, hints, and even compliments. I would like my advice to help women understand a little about the psychology of a man in order to better understand relationships.

How to avoid a breakup

Many male representatives are put off by overly emotional ladies who cannot pacify their feelings and desires. As a result, the relationship between a man and a woman becomes painful, she is left alone, with a broken heart and psychological trauma, and he goes in search of a new chosen one. It is necessary to adequately assess the capabilities of each, and understand that both can maintain and improve relationships. After all, a woman should be a woman, with all her weakness and meekness, and a man should be a man, a brave warrior and protector. The main thing for yourself is not to confuse this.

In order not to fall flat on your face, and to show that you value yourself and don’t just enter into any relationship, stop and think. Don't rush full speed into his arms. Show that you are worth something and your sense of dignity is at a very decent level. Just move away from him, don’t go to the same places he does, don’t call, don’t write, answer without much enthusiasm, but, of course, don’t cross the boundaries so as not to push the man away even more. The main thing is to understand that this seems unnoticeable and not so important, but a person is designed in such a way that he is attracted to everything forbidden, and you in this case You will turn out to be a forbidden fruit for a man, for the sake of which he will turn the world upside down.

If you are already in a relationship, but feel that your partner’s interest has begun to disappear, you need to move away from him. I talk and write a lot about symbolic separation, which is also real. What does it mean?

Just live his life if he doesn't have the resource to solve the problem and figure out what's going on. At this moment, try not to live up to his expectations and do not go where he is used to seeing you, do not do what he expects from you. Remove yourself completely from his life for a while. If there are situations where it is impossible to create such conditions, for example, joint work, then it’s worth cheating a little and going on sick leave. This will take your man by surprise and he will do his best to find out where you are and what happened.

Many women choose behavioral tactics in which every problem, every little thing is discussed and sometimes more than once. I have already said that the special psychological characteristics of men are distinguished in a certain way from women. Therefore, excessive sociability, vulnerability and emotionality are not a man’s prerogative. Of course he has feelings. But that's the question. If he feels these feelings towards you, then conversations are most likely not needed, discussion of the problem will fade into the background, the man will take the blame and try to correct the situation. If there are no feelings, then there will be no point in talking either. That's why once again, try not to put the situation into pieces, but simply understand each other’s feelings. This approach will be much more effective for your relationship.

I can’t help but consider another mistake in the relationship between a man and a woman. In fact, it is very common and many people have probably done it. This is shifting responsibility onto your partner, or using pity to elicit compassion. This doesn't make any sense. A priori, we will all be disgusted by people who often complain about their lives and walk around as if the whole world is painted only in black and gray tones. Also in relationships.

A man will run away from you if you walk around looking like someone who has been depressed for several years.

His new idea of ​​you will replace all your advantages and external attractiveness in his memory. Therefore, this behavior that you have chosen literally for a while can turn a man away forever. The opposite situation will also not lead to anything good and will only worsen the situation.
I’m talking about what some will think, since I don’t have to pretend to be offended and unhappy, I’ll be too happy. Girls, it doesn't work like that. At the very least it will look unnatural. This may also be regarded by a man as a reason for separation. Do you need it? During periods of quarrels, you don’t need to pretend to be anyone, be who you are, value yourself in any situation.

It is important to remember that everyone has their own roles. A woman must be a woman and look for a strong male shoulder, and a man must be a warrior-conqueror. And the main thing here is not to confuse anything. If you force a man into the role of a woman without realizing it, it will cause him such discomfort that he will not need any communication, much less a relationship. Don't push, step back and wait.

If you broke up

If events unfolded in such a way that you had to break up, then you don’t have to run to him the next day and say: “Let’s return everything, we were made for each other.” It is likely that the man will simply turn around and leave. You won’t be nice by force, and that’s a fact. Just give your relationship some time. Usually during a period when people do not communicate, they understand a lot for themselves and then it becomes clear whether you need a person or not. If he really loves you, then during the “pause” he will begin to do something, but if there are no feelings and desires, then there is no other option except for the final separation. Even your constant calls and attention will not change him.

Every person needs time to think. Spontaneous decisions do not lead to anything good. Moreover, if you are also putting pressure on this decision, then rest assured that a sad end is inevitable. You will simply become uninteresting, and for a man, interest is everything. I hope these tips will help you strengthen your relationship with your loved one. Remember that giving yourself completely to another, without taking into account your desires, is a doomed position that will ultimately bring you nothing but negative emotions. Maybe you will also find one for yourself useful information in the article "" and "".

It's a complex thing that takes a lot of time to understand. But don't be afraid to start learning it now.

With love,
Irina Gavrilova Dempsey

One of the basic human needs is the need for affection and love. But when a relationship with a loved one breaks down for any reason, life begins to be perceived in a black light, and depression sets in. It becomes impossible to simply continue living as the brain is consumed by memories of the past. The question arises of how to psychologically restructure, how to cope with parting with a loved one. If you are a man and your girlfriend recently left you, or you are a girl and just broke up with your boyfriend, a psychologist will tell you how to survive the pain of loss.

The psychologist's first advice on how to survive a breakup is to give yourself time to grieve, to internalize a kind of mourning for lost relationships and broken hopes for a future together. After all, the rupture of a significant relationship is archetypally experienced as the experience of death. An individual has to come to terms with irreversible changes in his life, learn to live on new energy, without the love and support of a partner, which he is accustomed to counting on.

After parting with their loved ones, people suffer not because of the person themselves, but because of the emotions that they experienced in the relationship. Recognize that you are addicted to the feeling of loving euphoria caused by the release of neuropeptides and compounds chemically similar to amphetamines, a class of recreational drugs. Suffering after the departure of a loved one is in many ways similar to the pathological state of drug withdrawal.

For one category of individuals, the most pleasant thing in a relationship is to feel like an object close attention another person, his care, support. For another - to experience the very feeling of falling in love, elation, and idealize a partner. In both cases, suffering due to the departure of a loved one is a consequence of selfishness.

The good news is that you can learn to create all the good feelings you experienced in a relationship on your own. And no longer depend emotionally on having your loved one nearby.

You need to grow, develop, and strengthen your parental subpersonality, which accepts, loves, and protects you under any circumstances. Make sure that your inner voice always sounds approving and affectionate. And try to trust the pleasant emotions that arise in response to good thoughts about yourself and your life. Treat yourself with paternal (maternal for men) care, and the need for a codependent relationship with fixation on a partner will significantly decrease.

The second step - again As a rule, we admire certain qualities in a partner that, as it seems to us, we ourselves lack. Was he the smartest, the most gentle, the most purposeful? Cultivate these qualities in yourself! Don't wait for someone from outside to come and complete you.

There is no need to hope that you can still get together. At least until you find a sense of peace of mind on your own. If you try to get your loved one back before you have freed yourself from relationship addiction, you risk repeating the same negative scenario.

Replace the need to make your loved one your property with the desire to make him happy. You need to find the strength to give him freedom. And do it with peace of mind. Recognize that everyone has their own path. And be grateful that your loved one chose to go through some part of it with you.

How to behave correctly if a man leaves you: advice from a psychologist

When a relationship breaks down, not only feelings, but also worldview become vulnerable. often undermines a woman’s deepest beliefs about love, devotion, justice, and men. A rejected woman experiences a feeling of humiliation and loss of self-worth.

A huge amount of energy is spent on introspection and giving yourself bad marks. Conclusions are drawn that it was necessary to behave differently, dress differently, have sex. “Now it’s even embarrassing to remember what I thought about myself after my husband left me,” shares Veronica (31 years old). When the level of self-flagellation reached the point where I considered the reason for his departure to be the lack of smoothness of my legs, it was as if a stop signal went off inside me. I realized that even women with ideal appearance from the modeling industry are abandoned by men. It’s funny, but this thought made me feel relieved.”

Understand that if your man truly valued your union and treated you as an equal partner, he would have made you aware of his dissatisfaction with some aspects of your relationship in advance. I would give you a chance to find a way out of the situation together. Analyzing your mistakes is a useful activity. But only on condition that you know how to forgive yourself for your mistakes. Accept what you did due to inexperience and promise yourself not to repeat the same mistakes in the future.

Every woman dreams of being adored. A common mistake is to immediately rush into a new relationship in the hope of feeling needed, desired, and loved again. However, the psychologist’s advice on how to survive if a man leaves you is not to rush. Wait until your self-confidence is restored. Otherwise, you risk creating a relationship that matches your poor sense of self. If you are cheated on, you will only attract people who will treat you like your ex-partner.

It is generally accepted that the stronger sex is much less emotional than the female. However, men are capable of experiencing the same strong feelings as women. They are simply taught from childhood to maintain the image strong man, and they get used to hiding their pain. As a result, separation is even more traumatic for them than for women.

A woman can openly sob on her friend’s shoulder for more than one evening. A man, even in the presence of his closest friend, may be hesitant to admit how depressed he is. And male friends are usually frightened by the expression of strong feelings of another representative of the stronger sex. They have no idea how to provide proper psychological support in such cases. Therefore, the way out would be to apply for

Everyone had to go through painful moments of separation. Coping with the feeling of inner emptiness is difficult for both. A man sometimes suffers even more. And soon he returns. But what motivates him? Are there feelings? The desire to regain lost comfort, the desire to be significant again? Let's try to understand the psychology of the relationship between a man and a woman after a breakup.

Men returning to their former lover occurs for several reasons.

Old memories

The psychology of men during separation is such that at first the man feels a dizzying freedom. He starts going to parties again, drinking beer, surrounding himself with friends. But soon a painful melancholy comes. Random short-lived meetings with women bring little relief and seem meaningless. It turns out that the beloved always remained conscious.

Gradually, pleasant moments from the past become intrusive and deprive you of peace. The gentleman begins to think: it’s hard for the girl he loves without a strong male shoulder. The ex is jealous of potential new gentlemen and feels remorse for his own mistakes. After three weeks, the gentleman is overcome by real nostalgia, a great desire to renew the relationship. And he returns.

Longing for lost relationships is often an explanation of why ex-wife reminds me of myself. According to a psychologist, it is more difficult for women

Remember! Men perceive information with their eyes. Therefore, social networks (especially Instagram with a bunch of photos) greatly enhance old memories. As soon as a man looks at a VKontakte page, pictures of a girl, strong memories suddenly awaken, a great desire appears to start dating again, living together, making plans. That's why ex-boyfriend begins to remind itself. The psychology of men is structured this way.

After a long period of stability, it is psychologically extremely difficult for a man to find a partner. He actually formed a certain stereotype about the ideal lover. Finding a woman who meets the necessary requirements becomes very difficult. In the new lady, the gentleman subconsciously tries to see his former beloved, and constantly stumbles upon inconsistencies.

In general, looking for a new partner after many years of relationship is difficult. Representatives of the stronger sex quickly get used to the comfortable position when the woman is “already here, conquered.” That's why ex-lover first reminds of himself, then returns to his beloved. gives rise to fairly predictable actions.

The guy often constantly visits and corresponds. Going through all the stages of a relationship again, getting used to a girl and new requirements is not an easy task. Men quickly get used to good things; the stronger half of humanity is attracted by the lost “comfort zone”, the former lover. By the way, this also explains why the ex-wife reminds of herself. The psychology of both sexes is very similar regarding relationships after a breakup.


Even changing the VKontakte status from “single” to “dating” causes terrible jealousy. Your loved one will get incredibly angry when he realizes that his ex has started dating someone else. Men's pride will be greatly wounded. The representative of the stronger sex will have a great desire to “defeat” his opponent and return his beloved. Jealousy is an important factor that explains why Psychology records a lot of such facts.

Breaking up is a mistake

The gentleman begins to realize how beloved the road is, how much he has lost. The man suddenly realizes: he was constantly fixated on negative things and stopped noticing the positive qualities of his beloved.

Why does a man remind himself of himself: the psychology of men

According to psychologists, a former beloved man or husband sometimes imposes his own person for the following reasons.

  1. He wants to figure out whether the lady’s feelings have faded.

Wants to find out if you are yearning for lost love. That’s why he writes messages and congratulates him on the holidays. The guy does this in order to restore his shaky self-esteem, to feel that his beloved is nearby. Or the partner still has feelings, the man wants to renew the relationship.

  1. Banal sexual dissatisfaction.

Why does your ex-boyfriend remind you of himself? The psychologist's answer is simple: one of the reasons is a lack of sex. The desire to meet only sometimes is often prosaic. The gentleman simply lacks his previous sexual activity. The stronger sex quickly gets used to a certain “sexual rhythm”. If your husband or lover has had sex for several years in a row at least a couple of times a week, it’s difficult to readjust. Banal sexual hunger will make you call and invite you to a “conciliatory” date.

Why do exes remind you of themselves? With a man who “comes back” simply to satisfy his libido, it is very difficult to build a normal relationship. Be smart. When your ex-lover pesters you with calls in the evenings wanting to come over to satisfy your “basic instinct,” keep your cool. Yes, sex brings you closer, but this is a different case. Therefore, agree to meet only during your lunch break. Such a date excludes sex. This way you will quickly understand the true intentions of a man: does he just want to satisfy his sexual instinct, or does he really want to return to you.

What to pay attention to when a man shows up after a breakup?

The following things will help you make sure: your beloved or husband returned because he loves you. Selfishness, the desire to improve shaky self-esteem, to feel more psychologically comfortable have nothing to do with it.

  1. The returning man is actively making plans.

He talks about a future together, hints: he’s ready to start a family. This is a serious sign: the gentleman has firmly decided to throw in his lot with you.

  1. The gentleman has changed.

A man truly loves if he has rethought the reasons for the breakup, admitted his own mistakes, and sincerely strives to improve.

If a couple does not want to renew their relationship, but the separation has somehow affected their mental state - fears, panic attacks, bouts of depression or terrible self-doubt have appeared - we recommend contacting a psychologist - hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

What should a woman do to get her man to come back?

Women are emotional, men are concrete. Scandals often arise out of nowhere: a girl can lose her temper, throw a tantrum, a gentleman can tell the truth, offend with too harsh an answer. And the lovers part. Psychologists advise: if you want to return your gentleman, do this.

  1. Avoid infantile tricks, “punishments”.

Immature, ridiculous actions will only further alienate your loved one or husband. He will understand that his wife, his beloved, reminds him of himself, wants to return. It is wrong to casually post links to your own “beach” photos with friends on VKontakte. Just cause irritation. Moreover, avoid childish “punishment” of your loved one for misdeeds. It's stupid to start dating guys and report it ex-lover to make you jealous. So you can finally lose your gentleman.

  1. Give the opportunity to think things over.

For a couple of weeks, try not to annoy your lover with calls or text messages. Give the gentleman time to cool down, think everything over carefully, realize how important you are, and begin to feel sad. Bad memories fade from memory much faster than good ones. Two or three weeks will pass, the beloved will simply be tormented by pleasant

  1. Return gradually. Avoid drama and persuasion to return.

Just invite them to have a cup of coffee and chat a little. Avoid immediately starting to tell how much you miss you. Do everything more subtly, resort to hints. No stories about “hard life”, no attempts to make people feel sorry for you. Behave with your gentleman as confidently and positively as possible. Share good news, avoid negativity.

No persuasion to return, no accusations. Don’t say: “ready to forgive.” This will immediately show that you consider the gentleman to be the culprit of the breakup. Just push it away. On the contrary, admit your own mistakes, agree: you made mistakes. Then the man will be more willing to listen and admit his own mistakes. You say: the past is the past, we must live for today, without looking back. Let's understand: we are ready to start the relationship from scratch.

Remember! No preening. Dress normally as if you were going out with a friend. Otherwise, the guy may think: you are trying to please, please. The stronger sex hates women's cunning, tricks, and manipulation. Preening will only be harmful.

  1. Change yourself, return to your old self.

During the period of separation, try to become better and correct mistakes. The young man will definitely appreciate it; the desire to return will become much stronger. Try to become the person your lover remembered when you first met. Behave more cheerfully, more casually. Let the guy remember why he fell in love. Dramatically increase nostalgia and the desire to return. After all, a breakup, as psychology claims, is painful for both parties.

  1. Pull up physical fitness.

A positive-minded person always attracts people. To have more good thoughts, fewer bad emotions, get in better physical shape. Start running in the morning and doing some light exercise. Increase the amount of endorphin, serotonin, dopamine - substances that increase vitality, make you more optimistic and cheerful.

Out of spite bad mood Do more of your favorite activities that bring life satisfaction. Visit the theater, draw, listen to your favorite songs. By all means, distract yourself from dark thoughts about separation. Then it will be much easier to get your partner back.

Also inspire yourself: everything will be fine. Repeat: your loved one will definitely return and become better.

Building relationships, let alone rebuilding them, is not easy. This requires great emotional and volitional efforts. resume if the man and woman still love, know how to admit their own mistakes, are ready to forgive and move on.

You broke up with a man and you are very interested in how he feels, what he thinks about and what to expect from him? I must admit honestly, there are as many reaction options as there are gaps. However, there are some schematic patterns that can be divided into 3 groups. The first is that you broke up on your own initiative. Second, the breakup occurred by mutual consent. Third - he abandoned you. In each of these cases, the psychology of a man’s behavior after a breakup is almost radically different.

Your initiative

According to statistics, men suffer from depression due to a breakup three times as often

Psychology of a man after a breakup

more often than women, but the algorithm of their behavior depends on what they can afford. If a guy was taught from childhood that he is a man and should not cry, he will grieve in silence, but alone with a bottle. The period of binge drinking after a breakup is most common among men.

Some daredevils escape from grief by extreme sports. The adrenaline rush is provided by driving at breakneck speed, exhausting workouts, and original sports. Another common stereotype of behavior is to urgently find ex-girlfriend replacement. This can either be a relationship with the first girl you come across, or promiscuity. It all depends on what the sufferer needs more - reckless oblivion or female care and care.

It should be noted here that for the most part, men do not know how to break up and rarely break up on their own. This decisive step is often the prerogative of the weaker sex. Either the partner leaves the man herself, or another woman - a mistress or mother - pushes him to take this decisive step. Keep this in mind.

How else do guys break up? The most unpleasant, but not uncommon, reaction of a man to a breakup is tears, snot and drool. He will whine, ask for a return, promise mountains of gold and new life and, what is especially disgusting, blackmail you with suicide. “If you don’t come back, I’ll hang myself, drown myself, throw myself out of the window.”

You must be prepared for all this. Of course, sometimes in life there are men who behave with dignity, but women usually do not leave such people.

General solution

If the decision to break up was common and did not happen suddenly, but was discussed for a long time, then the man will experience it more easily, but all of the above types of behavior are not excluded. Often a quiet separation rarely leads to a permanent break in the relationship.

If you are like-minded people, you can probably remain, if not friends, then “sort of” relatives or friends. This is especially facilitated by having children together and common interests. However, this type of rupture is very rare. Usually separation by mutual consent occurs in a state of passion.


After such a skirmish, a man needs to let off steam, and if he loves you, then after a while, most likely, he will try to improve the relationship. If he doesn’t love you, he will use this quarrel as a reason to break off the relationship.

He left you himself

If your loved one left you, then in 95% of 100% he has another woman. Guys rarely go nowhere. How does such a man behave after a breakup? More often than not, nothing. His current passion will do everything possible to ensure that you meet as rarely as possible and under her control.

In such situations, abandoned ladies often have questions: “Why does a man insult a woman when breaking up?” or “Why doesn’t a man want to communicate after a breakup?” It's very simple - he is ashamed. In the first case, he cannot say to himself: “I am a scoundrel, I betrayed such a good woman.”

He will look for the reason not in himself, but in you. Go over your shortcomings, slander you or even insult you. This will make it easier for him. There is a similar reason in the second situation. Not only does he not want to communicate with you, he cannot see you. Because you are living proof of his betrayal.

He would like to think well of himself, to completely dissolve in the happiness of a new relationship, but here you appear, like a shadow from the past, reminding him that the price of his well-being is your grief and pain. So if a man insults you or avoids you, don’t take it personally. You have nothing to do with it.

Late reaction

By the way, psychologists have noticed that sometimes men begin to react to a breakup not immediately, but after a year or two. This phenomenon even has a medical term “delayed depression.” Even those men who broke up with a woman on their own initiative are susceptible to it. The norms of behavior can be the same as in point one, just with a time delay.

A man's reaction to a breakup can be anything. There are as many options as there are individuals of the stronger sex. Don't pay attention to these pirouettes. Just think carefully about what happened. If a breakup was inevitable, tell yourself: “Everything that happens is for the better.” If you regret breaking up, your phrase is: “I will get you back.”