Swimming for boys 5 years old. Swimming pool with mineral water almost in the city center

Has your baby grown up and wants to swim on his own? If you want to give it to free swimming, then this can be done with us!

OUR CONDITIONS: Your child must be at least 4 years old (in the same group on Mondays at 18.30 - from 3.5 years old). An accompanying adult helps you undress, take a shower, put on a cap, and takes you to the side of the pool for the start of the session. After class, parents help the child shower and get dressed. You will need: a certificate, swimming trunks, a hat, goggles and swimwear; an adult must have replacement shoes, not shoe covers. Parents wait for their children in the pool hall or in the locker room.

Open classes, when you can admire the successes of your children and attend the lesson, are the third Monday, third Wednesday, third Thursday, third Friday and third Sunday of every month.

Coach Yulia, Ph.D. in swimming, secondary medical education, bachelor's degree in psychology, certified infant swimming instructor.

The cost of a monthly subscription varies slightly from month to month and is announced when registration for the next month begins. The sauna is included in the price of the classes. The lesson lasts 40 minutes, after which the children, accompanied by an instructor, go to the sauna for the remaining 5 minutes of the session. If the instructor does not go to the sauna for any reason, parents are obliged to supervise the children themselves and under no circumstances leave their children alone in the sauna unattended.

Classes missed through no fault of the Center will not be reinstated or rescheduled.

Dear moms and dads! If it turns out that your baby is not ready for independent swimming and he feels uncomfortable, then we reserve the right to transfer you to another swimming group with parents at an additional cost.


Rules for visiting the pool:

Visiting the pool with a subscription is made by prior appointment and prepayment for the entire calendar month. To purchase a subscription, we ask you: 1. Sign up by phone or through the website from the 11th day of each month for the next month for the selected sessions 2. Pay for the appropriate number of classes before the 25th day of the previous month or within the period specified when registering 3. Provide the number receipts by phone or through the website by the 25th day of the previous month or within the deadline set when registering. If you paid but did not notify the payment on time, the seat reserved for you may be sold to other clients. In this case, the schedule of your visit to the pool this month will be separately agreed upon with the administrator by phone. The administration reserves the right to replace the instructor at any day without warning. When you come to the pool for a session, do not forget to go to our administrator and show your membership. Subscriptions are valid for 1 calendar month.

GROUPS 3.5-6 YEARS OLD WITHOUT PARENTS. Maximum group size is 12 children. The sauna must be accompanied by an adult; if violated, the subscription will be cancelled. Open classes for groups without parents are held every third week of the month. Adults are required to wear replacement shoes and a hat. Children are required to wear a hat, except for infants with short hair. Our youngest guests from 2 months to 1.5 years swim STRICTLY in disposable diapers and panties for the pool. The following medical certificates are required: for a child - results of tests for worms and enterobiasis and a certificate from a pediatrician, for an adult - results of tests for worms and enterobiasis and a certificate from a therapist. The validity period of tests and certificates for both adults and children is 3 months. One adult can be in the water with one child. When sailing with two adults, the cost of the lesson doubles.

Never leave children unattended either in the water or in the pool areas; this can cause injury. We ask you to carefully monitor your children while swimming and take them to the toilet or potty on time; for the little ones, check their diapers. We monitor the purity of the water, so if the water is contaminated by your baby’s feces, be prepared to reimburse the costs of replacing the water and canceling other sessions. The amount of the fine is determined individually depending on the amount of the invoice issued by FOC Torpedo, approximately from 6 to 10 thousand rubles. According to sanitary rules, only swimwear and a change of shoes are allowed in the pool area. There can be 6 spectators in the paddling pool at a time. The duration of the lesson, including the sauna, is 45 minutes.

The cost of subscriptions is indicated in the schedule for each month; it may vary from month to month depending on the number of days of the week.

By purchasing a subscription, you agree to our rules.

What to take with you to the pool in groups without parents 3.5-6 years old:

  • Certificate (permission from the pediatrician and test results for worm eggs and enterobiasis; all certificates and tests are valid for 3 months);
  • cap;
  • Swimming trunks/swimsuit;
  • Spanking;
  • Towel;
  • Glasses;
  • Adults have replacement shoes (not shoe covers);

What to take with you to the pool in groups with parents:

  • Certificates for everyone who enters the water (for an adult, permission from a therapist and test results for worm eggs and enterobiasis, for a child, permission from a pediatrician and results of tests for worm eggs and enterobiasis, the validity period for all certificates and tests is 3 (three) months);
  • Receipt of payment (for the first lesson);
  • Hats (except for babies with short hair);
  • Swimming trunks/swimsuit/diaper-panties for swimming for babies;
  • Spanking;
  • Towels;

Each model is special in its own way, but they have one thing in common - bright colors, shapes and sizes to suit every taste, both for the smallest and older children. Our children's inflatable pools can be in the form of the simplest small pools, or in the form of various animals, with or without awnings, as well as in the form of entire mini-water parks with slides, balls, rings and more. Inflatable pools for children are a great solution for your family.

All products that we offer to buy in the online store “Pools Intex” have the necessary certificates and comply with regulatory standards. Intex are the safest inflatable children's pools. During their manufacturing process, only environmentally friendly dyes are used, so if you decide to order a pool from us, you can not doubt for a second that it is safe. We also offer fast and convenient delivery, which delivers orders at a time convenient for you. The cost of products depends on the chosen model, but in general our prices are the lowest in Moscow. We cooperate with both retail and wholesale customers on mutually beneficial terms.

Sports activities are beneficial for everyone, especially young children. Sport strengthens the young body, making it stronger and more resilient. Children's doctors consider 4-5 years to be the most optimal age for constant training. If you can’t make up your mind and decide where it’s best to send your baby, then start introducing your child to sports with swimming. Many swimming pools and fitness clubs in Moscow recruit groups for children from 5 years old.

The benefits of swimming and pool activities for children 5 years old.

4-5 years is the age when children are especially susceptible to colds. It is at this age that parents, tired of the constant illnesses of their children, begin to think about strengthening the immune system. Swimming and regular exercise in the pool are one of the best ways to influence a fragile child’s body. Moreover, it is useful for both boys and girls aged 5 years.

Here are some benefits of pool activities for children.

  1. There is a general strengthening of the body and, as a result, the child gets sick less often during the cold season.
  2. Swimming has a positive effect on posture and children's spine. The appearance of flat feet is prevented.
  3. Almost all muscle groups are strengthened and developed.
  4. It has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and lungs.
  5. Improves sleep, appetite, and mood.
  6. Like any type of regular activity, it develops a sense of responsibility and discipline in children 4-5 years old.

Little Republicans.

Fitness clubs in Moscow are a place for the whole family. We have something for everyone. Our clubs have special groups where experienced instructors will teach children from 5 years of age to swim.

Children are trained both on land and in the pool. Small Republicans require a special approach. To make it interesting for them, classes are held for 3 ages. The first group trains very young children. Their age is 3 - 5 years. The second group is for those aged 6 to 9 years. The oldest group includes children from 10 to 14 years old.

Classes in the pool are not only learning to swim, but also fun games in warm water. Children will learn different swimming styles, learn how to float perfectly on the water, and also learn the exciting game of water polo.

Swimming pool and sauna.

Each of our fitness clubs in Moscow has not only a swimming pool, but also a sauna. In small doses, the sauna will have a positive effect on the child's body. The time allowed by pediatricians for children aged 5-6 years to stay in it is 2-3 minutes. Less is possible, more is not advisable! Warm air will warm up the baby after the pool. The sauna is a good workout for the cardiovascular system, and being together with your child will have a positive effect on the formation of your relationship. Children aged 4-5 years tend to imitate everything, so the baby, being in the sauna with his parents, will feel like an adult and independent.

The combination of classes in the pool with a visit to the sauna in a fitness club in Moscow will have a beneficial effect on the ability of a 5-year-old child’s body to resist viruses and colds.

You can sign up for a 4-5 year old child’s swimming pool at fitness clubs in Moscow at the following addresses:

- St. Valovaya, 26, metro station PAVELETSKAYA/DOBRYNINSKAYA;

We also opened a fitness club in the city of Khimki, Moscow region, in the Novogorsk microdistrict on Olimpiyskaya Street, building 28.

Swimming as a sports discipline appeared in Ancient Greece - this activity was part of the physical education program for young Hellenes. Before this, people moved by swimming during military operations, hunting, fishing, and not for pleasure or sports. The first official sports organization opened only in the second half of the 19th century in England. After this, swimmers' associations appeared in many other European countries. In the Russian Empire this happened in 1894. Two years later, swimming was included in the program of the Olympic Games (by the way, the first in modern history). In the same century, artificial swimming pools began to be built.

The rapid growth in the popularity of swimming began in the 20th century and continues in the 21st: in almost all cities, including, of course, ours, there are sections of this sport, taught by qualified and experienced leaders. You can take up swimming from an early age. It’s better not to delay: the physical education program in schools often involves visiting the pool and passing standards, so it is advisable for parents to think ahead of time about making their child feel literally like a fish in water.

Swimming is one of the most beneficial sports. During classes, many muscle groups are trained, the condition of the spine improves (which is why doctors advise many children suffering from scoliosis to swim) and the respiratory system. With the help of swimming, it is excellent to fight excess weight and fears; it increases flexibility, dexterity and accuracy of movements, and coordination. In a word, this is an almost ideal sports discipline, useful for everyone.

How to breathe properly while swimming

Swimming is not just, roughly speaking, the use of arms and legs: it is the synchronization of many body processes, and proper breathing plays a big role in this. A person who does not know exactly how to breathe while in water loses more strength and may begin to panic and stop staying on the surface. One of the simplest but most useful rules, which is taught to everyone, young and old, is this: you need to inhale with your mouth above the surface of the water, and exhale - also with your mouth - already in the water. There is also an interesting dependence: the deeper you inhale, the longer you can stay on the surface of the water. But it is important not to fill your lungs as much as possible: excess air will create discomfort. While swimming, you should turn your head to have time to take a breath above the water. But of course, it’s better to do all this in practice under the guidance of a trainer, who will show by example how to control your breathing.

How to overcome your fear of water

Not only children, but also adults (the latter even more often) experience fear of being in water. It would seem: there is a desire to learn to swim, but panic fetters further actions... What to do? There are some tips that may be helpful. First: just be free from fear, not think that it exists at all. Second: don’t listen to those who scare you. Of course, it is not easy for sensitive children to “filter out” what adults or peers might have short-sightedly told them... Third: master exercises that help to stay on the water, for example, “Float”. The fact is that it is not the person himself who can drown: it is all because of the fear that this will happen. Panic paralyzes thoughts, a person can swallow water, and... Professionals also recommend learning to dive, and after that - swimming underwater with held breath. This is not so simple, but it helps greatly in reducing all worries to zero.

How to outfit your little swimmer

To practice in the pool, a child needs the necessary minimum of things: a silicone swimming cap, special swimming goggles, rubber shoes (to go from the locker room to the shower and the pool itself), a one-piece swimsuit for girls and swimming trunks for boys. In addition, you need to remember a change of dry clothes, which the children will put on after classes. It’s a good idea to carry a terry robe with you, which quickly warms and dries the body, but you can get by with a towel. The pools have a shower: after class, the child can wash himself in it, so it is better to stock up on a washcloth and soap in a soap dish. Even for the first visit to the pool, a certificate of no contraindications from a doctor and, in some cases, sports insurance are often required.

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Olympic Avenue, 16

One of the largest swimming pools in the city

One of the largest pools in the city offers swimming lessons for children from 7 years old. At Olimpiyskiy, professional athletes and masters of sports work with the children. If you want to teach your child swimming techniques, you can definitely do it here. During group lessons they will teach you how to float, breathe and move correctly, and also show you the basics of all swimming techniques. There are 3 swimming pools open at the Olimpiyskiy: two swimming pools 50 m long and one jumping pool 25 m long and 6 m deep. Competitions and even theatrical performances are constantly held in the pool.

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Talalikhina, 28

Swimming pool with mineral water almost in the city center

This pool is worth going to for the water. In Atlanta it is mineral, with properties as close as possible to sea water. This is the only swimming pool in Moscow where the water is renewed in three stages: first it is passed through a filter system, then through a disinfecting unit that purifies the water by electrolysis, then brine - concentrated sea water - is added to the water. The pool offers classes for babies 2 weeks and older. In addition to the swimming pool, Atlanta has a sauna, solarium and massage rooms.

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Ibragimova, 32

Swimming school with history

This is the largest water sports center in Moscow. The pool is divided into 2 parts - for swimming and for diving. For children, classes are held in swimming techniques, aqua aerobics and water polo. Children over 7 years old can swim in the adult pool. For children from 3 to 7 years old there are two swimming baths (3-5 and 5-7 years old). If your child is under 3 years old, you can choose family swimming with a coach. The advantage of the pool is the qualifications of the coaches; they can not only teach a child to swim, but also prepare him for victories in sports competitions.

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Staromonetny lane, 18

Activities for the little ones

The center operates according to the “birthlight” system, the main idea of ​​which is to support the physical and mental well-being of families during pregnancy and after childbirth. Much attention is paid to communication and teamwork between children and parents in the water. This is the optimal solution for those who want to start swimming with their child from infancy. Swimming lessons are held for babies from 1.5 months to school age. You can go to classes with your child or send him to a mini-group and watch the lesson “on land”. The center's specialists also offer baby yoga and developmental massages.